Phil 101 Final Yenter

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According to Socrates in the "Apology"

a good man cannot be harmed either in life or in death

According to bell hooks, "We cannot effectively resist domination if our efforts to create meaningful, lasting personal and social change are not grounded in..

a love ethic

Trying to strong arm an opponent into accepting a conclusion by open or veiled threat

appeal to force

A thing exists by being wholly present whenever it exists

endurance theory

the meaning of a term shifts during the argument


presenting only two options when in fact there are more

false alternative (false dilemma)

Which of these correctly describes a valid, deductive argument?

if the premises are true, then the conclusion must be true

When two sentences necessarily have the same truth value, we say that we are

logically equivalent

take away one element, hold everything else constant, and see whether the effect still occurs

method of difference

A thing exists by having temporal parts that exist at one or more times. Just like a 3D physical object exists by having parts in multiple places, a 4D object exists by having parts in space and time.

perdurance theory

Which of these best describes the problem that L.A. Paul identities in her essay on transformative experiences?

phenomenal knowledge ("what it is like") can only be gained through experience. Having a child is too different of an experience for us to make a rational choice about phenomenal outcomes. Whether it is rational for someone to have children depends on what they deeply desire.

A occurred before B. Therefore, A caused B.

post hoc ergo propter hoc

a skeptic who believes that not only do you not know but you should not assent to any proposition


What does Socrates think makes a person wise?

recognizing our human limitations; as much as we know, we still know very little

Which of these best describes the following argument? The court should decide for the plaintiff in this case because this case is just like the Jones case, and this court decided the Jones case was a plaintiff.

valid deductive*

When evaluating consequences, what do utilitarians care about as the only intrinsic good(s)?

well-being only

Which of these properly belongs to metaphysics?

what is a cause?

What prevents a person from becoming a true individual, according to Kierkegaard?

"no one is prevented from being a single individual, no one, unless he prevents himself.."

One issue with objective list theories is that


Which of these is a problem that consequentialists must address?

Because all the consequences matter, there will be consequences far into the future, so how will we ever know what is right or wrong

What is the difference between a deductive argument and an inductive argument, according to our class discussion?

Deductive arguments aim to guarantee the truth of their conclusions, while inductive arguments seek only to show their conclusions are probable

What is Elisabeth's objection to Descartes' theory of bodies and minds (souls)?

Descartes cannot explain how bodies and minds interact, given that they are different kinds of things (souls are unextended and thinking, while bodies are extended and unthinking)

What is Descartes view of what a person is?

I am a thinking thing (soul) and I have an extended body, but I don't need my body

How does David Lewis describe time travel?

It is the discrepancy between personal time and external time

In our class discussion, we distinguished instrumental and intrinsic value. What is instrumental value?

It is useful for bringing about something else that is intrinsically valuable

Should we fear death, according to Epicurus?

Properly understood, death is nothing to us because we no longer exist

In our discussion of human rights, we talked about Onora O'Neill's distinction between "liberty rights" and "welfare rights." What is the key difference between them?

Rights to liberty create obligations not to interfere with others; welfare rights create positive obligations to help others

What conditions must be in place for Enlightenment to happen, according to Immanuel Kant?

There must be freedom, by which he means public use of reason (scholars before the reading public) but not private use of one's reason (like a soldier being allowed to disobey orders)

What is the difference between vague and ambiguous?

Vague terms have borderline cases, while ambiguous terms have multiple meanings

Which of these is a question that properly belongs to value theory?

What is the best form of govt?

According to Aristotle, does a happy person need friends?

Yes, because a happy person lives with others, because living in community is by nature good. And it is better to spend time with good friends that strangers.

In La Jetee, a time-traveler receives valuable technology from the future that is used to help humanity survive and therefore have the technology that will go back, creating a causal loop. Does Lewis think causal loops are possible?

Yes, there can be a cause-effect loop that is isolated from the rest of the causal story.

Which of these best describes a sound argument?

a valid deductive argument with only true premises

A skeptic who believes that you don't know if your impression or beliefs are true, but you should follow the ones that seem the strongest

academic skeptic

instead of objecting to the argument, one attacks the person's character, circumstances, or ability to live up to what they say

ad hominem

If P, then Q. Q. Therefore, P.

affirming the consequent

The following argument has which argument form? If there is a football game today, then the Grove is full of tents. The Grove is full of tents. Therefore, there is a home football game today.

affirming the consequent

using testimonial evidence for a proposition when the conditions for credibility are not satisfied, or the use of such evidence is inappropriate

appeal to inappropriate authority

Trying to support a proposition with an argument in which that proposition is a premise

begging the question (arguing in a circle)

Which fallacy best describes the following argument? Happiness is the highest good for a human being, since all other values are inferior to it

begging the question (arguing in a circle)

agape love

christian love; highest; unmotivated by quality; spontaneous; allows you to love your enemy and all inclusive ; greatest force in all the world

the true account of free will is compatible with determinism


Which of these best describes the following example? A reviewer for a scientific journal reads a report that supports the view that they believe is true , and they unintentionally dismiss evidence that shows the report's findings are not reliable.

confirmation bias

Moral theories that say the right action is the one that brings about the best consequences for everyone are known as

consequentialist theories

Which of these is a key teaching of Buddhism, according to our class discussion?

desire is suffering

the view that there are two kinds of thing that exist, souls (or minds or immaterial things) and bodies (or extended, material objects)


What does Beauvoir think follows from her claim that God does not exist?

each person bears responsibility for a world that he or she creates or takes ownership

Which of these best describes Jane Addams' view of the role of educators in a democratic society?

educators have a "manifest obligation to prepare and nourish the child and citizen for social relations"

In what is known as "the Euthyphro dilemma," what two unacceptable consequences are drawn from the options in the dilemma?

either God (or the gods) could have declared murdering babies (or other bad things) to actually be good, or else there is a standard of good and evil outside of God (or the gods) over which God/gods have no control

Which fallacy best describes the following argument? I suppose philosophy helps you with arguments, but I don't think we should encourage people to have arguments. There's enough hostility in this world.


eros love


the view that you are justified in believing something (including the existence of God) only to extent that you have evidence


humanitarian love

find the divine spark in all human beings and loves every person for their humanity; attempts to love everybody; impersonal bc love is abstract (humanity) rather than a concrete individual

Which of these best describes the following example? Johny expected to get an A, bu the got a B. He is upset about it. Jack got a B, but he expected is C. He is happy about it.

framing effect

Mental statism says well-being is ultimately which of the following?

having positive experiences

If someone does not want to enter the experience machine, this suggests that they should reject

hedonism and mental statism

According to our class discussion, a perfectionist needs to give a plausible account of

human nature (or the ultimate end of human life)

the true account of free will is not compatible with determinism


Which of these is not a common ground for deontological moral theories?

individual preference

Which of these best describes the structure of the following argument? There are 30 people in the room. The 3 people I have met are all lawyers. Everyone in this room except for me is probably a lawyer.

inductive argument (generalization)

incompatibilism is true and determinism is false


Which of these is not one of the possible sources of vagueness, according to our class discussion?

logical ambiguity: vagueness is due to our inferior reasoning ability and to equivocation

What is Kant's answer to the question, "What is enlightenment?"

man's release from self incurred immaturity

Which of these is not one of the three main areas of philosophy?


Read scenario and decide which of Mill's Method is being used? When doctors are confronted with a new disease, they typically try to see whether the people who have the disease at the same food, or have the same virus in their blood, or are similar in some other way.

method of agreement

find a common factor that is present in all cases in which the effect occurs

method of agreement

Which of mills methods is being used? Suppose that the nurse sees five students: the first ate no coleslaw and feels fine; the second had one bite of coleslaw and felt queasy; third had half a dish and is ill; fourth had whole dish and is violently ill; fifth had two servings and is in hospital. Conclusion is coleslaw caused indigestion.

method of concomitant variation

see if evidence shows that there is a direct correlation between the degree to which the cause occurred and the degree to which the effect occurred

method of concomitant variation

Which of mills methods is being used? Part of the damage to the aircraft could be attributed to its impact with the ground. Another part was definitely due to the wind shear that the plane experienced as it fell from the sky. However, some of the damage cannot be accounted for by either of these factors. Investigators are examining this evidence closely for evidence of explosives.

method of residues

in cases where many elements of a complex effect are shown to result, by reliable causal beliefs, from several elements fo a complex cause, conclude that whatever remains of the effect must then have been produced by whatever remains of the cause

method of residues

According to the argument fo the Gettier essay, justified true belief

might be necessary conditions for knowledge, but they are not jointly sufficient

The following argument has which argument form? If today is Saturday, then tomorrow is Sunday. Today is Saturday. Therefore, tomorrow is Sunday.

modus ponens

The following argument which argument form? If half the class got an A on the exam, then Prof. Yenter will bring donuts to the class. Half the class got an A on the exam. Therefore, Prof. Yenter will bring donuts to class.

modus ponens

The following argument has which argument form? If pigs are mammals, then pigs can fly. Pigs cannot fly, Therefore, pigs are not mammals.

modus tollens

Being an animal is a _________ condition for being a kangaroo


If the gap between the premises and conclusion is very wide so that the conclusion does not follow from the premises in any discernible way, its called a

non sequitur

utilitarian love

one loves for his usefulness to him (not real love)

One problem with desire satisfaction theory that we discussed is

our desires are uninformed and changing

Philosophy comes from the Greek, and in its original meaning it referred to

people who love wisdom

Which of these best describes Locke's view of what makes a person the same person through time (that is, his theory of personal identity)?

personal identity depends solely on there being the same consciousness through time, no matter whether it is attached to one substance or many

In our class discussion, what are two general answers to the question "what is racism?"

racism is about beliefs and feelings (such as hatred) about another person on the basis of their race, and racism is about power structures that are tied to racialized features

Which of these is an objection that Susan Wolf raises to the "fulfillment view"?

some pursuits do not seem worthwhile (e.g. only doing crossword puzzles)

Ungers argument for skepticism about ordinary objects draws on an ancient argument that is known as

sorites argument*

In responding to the "Moorean gambit," Peter Unger says denying exceptions to the Moore's principle would be dogmatic. what does dogmatic mean in this context?

sticking to one's beliefs even when faced with strong evidence against those beliefs, or otherwise, putting our principles or beliefs forward too strongly than is justified

misrepresenting your opponents position or providing a weak version of it so that it is easier to refute

straw man

Being a kangaroo is a _________ condition for being an animal


A logically true sentence is a


According to John Stuart Mill, "on a question as to which is the better worth having of two pleasures....

the judgment of those who are qualified by knowledge of both [pleasure] must be admitted as final

mothers love

the loving care, tender concern, and the patience of real mother (second lowest); beautiful persistent and not conditioned on worthiness; still a degree of selfishness

philia love

the sort of intimate affection between friends; common interest in something beyond themselves; inclusive; selfish bc you love the people you love; does not provide love for people you hate

According to our class discussion, an agent-relative theory is a theory that states

the well-being of myself and the people I care about matters more than the well-being of other people

a theistic explanation of why there is evil in the world


The P.D. Magnus (forallx) reading listed a few words that indicate a premise will immediately follow. Which of these is not one of the premise indicators?


According to Socrates, in the Apology, the _______ life is not worth living


Which of these describes Hume's view of the standard of taste (i.e. whether something is beautiful)?

"all the general rules of art are founded only on experience and on the observation of the common sentiments of human nature"

given the state of the world at one moment and all the laws of nature, the next state of the world necessarily follows

(scientific) determinism

Hume thinks ________ and _______ makes a good critic

1. good standard of taste due to experience 2. not overtly biased about subject material

argument analogy aspects

1. number of instances 2. instance variation 3. relevance

Which of these is a question that properly belongs to epistemology?

Can I know that I am not dreaming right now?

What is Carrie Jenkins fundamental critique of Helen Fisher's theory of love?

Fishers account of the evolutionary origin of love imports unjustified assumptions about gender, reproduction, heterosexuality, and monogamy.

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