PHIL 311 Exam 1

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Quote 6 "The one, that is and that it is not possible for it not to be, is the path of Persuasion (for it attends upon Truth),the other, that it is not and that it is right that it not be, 5 this indeed I declare to you to be a path entirely unable to be investigated:For neither can you know what is not (for it is not to be accomplished)nor can you declare it"

(Parmenides) Genuine thought and knowledge can only be about what it. What is not is unknowable and unthinkable. He says sensory experience is unreal.

Quote 2 " Anaximander,declares that the under- lying nature is one and unlimited [apeiron] but not indeterminate, as Anaximander held, but definite, saying that it is air. It differs in rarity and density according to the substances it becomes"

Anaximenes. Move down the list according to how condensed it gets wind, cloud, water, earth, stone. Air is a god, always in motion. The flatness of the earth keep it at rest. Anaxagoras and Democritus also think this.

Quote 8: "By convention [or, "custom"], sweet; by convention, bitter; by convention, hot; by convention, cold; by convention, color; but in reality, atoms and void"

DemocritusL: Atoms generate everything by means of their size and shape. Epicurus added weight as the 3rd factor

Quote 12: "No one is just willingly but only under compulsion"

Glaucon for Thrasymacus. 3 kinds of good: for good sake, for good sake, and consequences, purely instrumental. Justice is the mean between the best:doing injustice with impunity, and the worst: being treated unjustly and not being able to get revenge".

Quote 5 "We step into and we do not step into the same rivers. We are and we are not"

Hericlitus. All things are one. The river scatters and comes together again all the time. The sign of the logos is fire: always changing yet always the same. Strife is the norm. Unlike Empedocles. The cosmos is directed by the rational, intelligent logos. Disagrees with Xenophanes. Certain Knowledge is possible if the soul knows the logos. Nature loves to hide. Opinions are childrens playthings. Human nature has no insight, but divine nature has it.

Quote 10: "How will you try to find out something, Socrates, when you have no notion at all what it is? Will you lay out before us a thing you don't know, and then try to find it? Or, if at best you meet it by chance, how will you know this is that which you did not know"

Meno is epistemologically skeptical. He describes things that are virtuous and socrates wants virtue itself. Socrates says learning is remembering the contents of the soul, by asking questions.

Quote 13: "The greatest task is to learn the perfect model of the good, the use of which makes all just things and other such become useful and helpful"

Plato. He says that the good is like the sun, allowing for sight, but not sight itself. The form of the good is the ultimate object of knowledge and it allows for knowledge and truth. True knowledge is about the pure patterns which are models after which all created things are formed. It can't be perceived through the physical senses.

Quote 9: "A person is the measure of all things—of things that are, that they are, and of things that are not, that they are not."

Protagoras: No such thing as "reality" as the pythagoreans see it. He determines what is reality by arguing. Plato would disagree- the forms. Turn weak argument into strong by argumentative power. Relativist or turning attention to practical matters.

Quote 3 "Stop, do not beat him, since it is the soul of a man, a friend of mine, which I recognized when I heard it crying"

Pythagoras. Transmigration of souls (ridiculed by xenophiles). The soul is immortal. It never dies, just moves to bodies that suit it.

Quote 7 "these never cease continually interchanging, at one time all coming together into one by Love and at another each being borne apart by the hatred of Strife"

Roots: Earth, water, air, fire. Forces: Love and strife. There is no birth or death, only mixing in the aether producing different mixtures. Nothing can come to be from what in no way is. Nothing perishes absolutely. Declared himself a god.

Quote 11: "True opinions, as long as they stay, are splendid and do all the good in the world; but they will not stay long... so they are not worth much until you fasten them up with reasoning of cause and effect".

Socrates sees true opinions under knowledge. Knowledge is hardened by cause and effect. obtaining knowledge is a matter of remembering what is in the soul. This opposes protagoras and the sophists.

Quote 1 "they do not all agree about how many or what kinds of such principles there are, but Thales, the founder of this kind of philosophy, stated it to be water"

Water is the principle of all things. Nourishment comes from water. Seeds are moist and they bring life. All things are full of gods. The soul produces motion (example of lodestone having a soul because it moves iron, since its a magnet. The earth itself rests on water.

Quote 4: "One god, greatest among gods and men, not at all like mortals in form or thought"

Xenophanes. Rejected Homer and Hesiod's anthropomorphic olympian gods. God directs the world by thinking. Skeptical about sure and certain knowledge. Satisfied with belief or opinion if it has evidence. We obtain knowledge through our perceptual experience. We can never have knowledge of the real, objective nature of things.

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