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"What is painting going to get you, in the long run?," asked Brian, interrogating his fiancé, Erica, about the amount of time she has been spending on painting, lately. "Brian, I'm not trying to 'get something' out of painting. I just like painting." Painting is ________ valuable to Erica.

(1) Epistemology (2) Logic

(1) _______is the branch of philosophy that studies knowledge, while (2) ________ is the branch that studies good reasoning.

-criticized the diminishment of values in objective analysis including scientific research, educational institutions, and the broader society • Values and ethical ideas have long been associated with religion "Value-Free Education," pp.48-53, Religions, Values, and Peak -Experiences (New York: Penguin Compass, 1994) • So as religion exerts less influence in society and we turn to secularized science, technology and economy, our emphasis on values and ethical ideas has also diminished

Abraham Maslow believes a complete education cannot be "value- free"

Set of values and beliefs of the dominant culture, supported by appeals to tradition, popularity, and power

According to Antoni Gramsci and most philosophers, commonsense is a ________________________.

Helps us understand ourselves and others. Have a direct experience with art, architecture, literature, history, philosophy, religion, etc. We develop our ability to logically and cogently. stimulates our imagination, foster our creative and critical abilities, Engage with others. *Celebrating and critiquing of aspects of culture * Identifying problems and challenges in society and the human condition *Asking Questions about human existence

According to Benton and DiYanni, the humanities

Look at Broader connections to human beings

According to Dr. Nall, the humanities can be studied to________________.

-Liberation from outside forces of domination -Liberation from inner force including greed, illusions and irrational places

According to Erich Fromm, human freedom requires _______________

-Articulation -Synthesis -Argument -Analysis

According to Solomon and Higgins, the primary features of philosophy include_____________. Select all that apply.


According to cultural theorist, Stuart Hall, human beings use cultural representations of the world to make sense of the world and give or assign meaning/significance to things in it.


According to philosopher, Elliot D. Cohen, philosophy is only a body of ideas of a given a philosopher or thinker, not a "thinking activity."


According to philosopher, Elliot D. Cohen, philosophy is only a body of ideas of a given philosopher or thinker, not a "thinking activity".


Advocates of the humanities contend that students who majored in the humanities would be attractive to potential employers because the humanities taught them valuable skills such as critical and creative thinking skills, knowledge of other cultures, self-awareness, confidence in their writing and speaking abilities, and problem-solving.

-Jamal believes that his son Jason is prioritizing the wrong things in his life - money and working out- over family and friendship. To remedy what he perceives as the problem, Jamal asks his son to articulate his vison of a good life, and then, through give and take discussion, attempts to help him recognize that money and muscles are just means to an end -- they help us get what we need or want-- whereas family and friendship and ends in themselves they are what we want and need the most for happiness

After presenting the "allegory of the cave," Socrates states: "Education isn't what some people declare it to be, namely, putting knowledge into souls that lack it, like putting sight into blind eyes....Education takes for granted that sight is there but that it isn't turned the right way or looking where it ought to look, and it tries to redirect it appropriately." Socratic dialogue embodies and acts as an example of this philosophy of education. Which of the following approaches to education is consistent with Socrates' vision of and approach to education?

Background Belief

A ____________ is a hidden aspect of our belief systems.


A conceptual framework is a network of interrelated concepts; it functions as a frame of reference.

- Viewers become increasingly comfortable with the violent content of the films, eventually considering it less offensive and degrading to the victim and the films less violent than they had initially thought -The children most heavily exposed to such violence are at greatest risk when they are deprived of adequate parental empathy, nurturance, and guidance. - There are no watertight barriers between the real world and fake when it comes to the imagination -High risk of suppressing empathy

The effect of media Violence , according to Bok


The prisoners in Plato's "allegory of the cave" are constrained only by the physical chains that bind them.

sensation or perception

The term "Aesthetics" is derived from the Greek word for __________________________.

lover of wisdom

The word "philosopher," originating from the Greek language, translates to_________.


This philosopher contends that the truth or falsity of an idea is dependent upon whether or not it is "life-furthering."

Human , Nature , Biology , Human Excellence

Though the term "culture" has a few closely related but distinct meanings, the term, at its core, refers to that which is___________ made.

Exercising influence through culture by shaping the beliefs and behaviors deemed " normal", " natural" , or "commonsense" and thus beyond questioning

To say that a group of people are exerting power or influence in society through "cultural hegemony," as Gramsci meant it, means that the group is ____________

- "interdisciplinary study of cultures and meanings. Included is studying how human cultures have produced meaning in the past and continue to do so, reflecting critically on these productions, and learning relevant perspectives and meaningful interpretations that contribute to responsible engagement with the many different cultural expressions we encounter today.

UFC cultural studies

- "Cultural studies is an innovative interdisciplinary field of research and teaching that investigates the ways in which 'culture' creates and transforms individual experiences, everyday life, social relations and power. Research and teaching in the field explores the relations between culture understood as human expressive and symbolic activities, and cultures understood as distinctive ways of life. - "Combining the strengths of the social sciences and the humanities, cultural studies draws on methods and theories from literary studies, sociology, communications studies, history, cultural anthropology, and economics. By working across the boundaries among these fields, cultural studies addresses new questions and problems of today's world. Rather than seeking answers that will hold for all time, cultural studies develops flexible tools that adapt to this rapidly changing world."

UNC cultural studies

-living in the 20th centuries - women have had less intellectual - status of women because they did not control their income - women needed equal rights

Virginia Woolf's work teaches us

We are all molded by others, made through the interactions of people around us, we are shaped in the social environments, our interactions with media, religious institutes, or our general social environment. No one is self made. We are fingerprints of these influences that shaped our parents and their teachers.

What Gramsci means when he writes that self-knowledge--"knowing thyself"--requires knowing ourselves "as a product of the historical process to date which has deposited in you an infinity of traces, without leaving an inventory"

Philosophy- intellectual questions ( what is love, what is justice, what is truth ) Applied Philosophy - how do we make sense of what is true in a judicial setting, or how do we apply one theory to solve a problem society is facing Applied philosophy- application of philosophical thinking or philosophical ideas into the world

What is applied philosophy? How do we apply philosophy itself as a way of thinking, how do we apply philosophy itself & how do we apply philosophical ideas to solve problems in the world


What ways of presenting lethal violence can, according to Bok, lower people's natural, intuitive resistance to doing such violence?

A political scientist expert testimony , based on scholarly analysis of primary source documents, about how the war unfolded

Which of the examples is not an example of a primary source for information on the 2003 invasion of Iraq?

-The humanities are academic disciplines that seek to understand and interpret human experience, from individuals to entire cultures, engaging in the discovery, preservation, and communication of the past and present record to enable a deeper understanding. - Philosophy, Religion, History, Language Arts, Performing Arts, Visual Arts

Which set below most accurately and comprehensively depicts the family of disciplines that comprise the humanities?


While copying an entire essay is plagiarism, just copying a sentence or two is not.

-Alex writes, The effect of the black scars and wounds experienced in a white-dominated society is a deep-seated frustration, a growing rage, and a pessimism regarding America's will to justice. Alex does not reference Cornel West. -Alex writes, The effect of the black scars and wounds experienced in a white-dominated society is a deep-seated frustration, a growing rage, and a pessimism regarding America's will to justice. Alex does not reference Cornel West.

Alex is writing a term paper on race and the United States. Alex reads this excerpt from Cornel West's book, Race Matters (1993): "The accumulated effect of the black wounds and scars suffered in a white-dominated society is a deep-seated anger, a boiling sense of rage, and a passionate pessimism regarding America's will to justice. Under conditions of slavery and Jim Crow segregation, this anger, rage, and pessimism remained relatively muted because of a well-justified fear of brutal white retaliation. The major breakthroughs of the sixties—more psychically than politically—swept this fear away. Sadly, the combination of the market way of life, poverty-ridden conditions, black existential angst , and the lessening of fear of white authorities has directed most of the anger, rage, and despair toward fellow black citizens, especially toward black women who are the most vulnerable in our society an din black communities. Only recently has this nihilistic threat—and its ugly inhumane outlook and actions—surfaced in the larger American society. And its appearance surely reveals one of the many instances of cultural decay in a declining empire." Which of the following would count as examples of plagiarism? Select all that apply.

-Reflection -Articulation -Argument (justification) -Analysis -Synthesis

Aspects of doing philosophy per Robert Solomon

Money (Reproach" means "express disapproval of.)

At the end of "The Apology," Socrates asks the jury to "reproach" his sons if they care for _____ more than they care for virtue.

is the theory of value, and broadly interpreted, includes such areas as ethical theory, social and political philosophy and aesthetics.

Axiology Branch of Philosophy

-Aesthetics -Epistemology -Axiology -Anthropology -Ethics -Logic

Branches of philosophy include___________________. Select all that apply.

-A social group's dominance in determining the beliefs, values, assumptions and practices rendered "ordinary," "normal," "unquestionable" or "commonsensical" in the culture -Dominance projection and then normalization and naturalization of the beliefs and values of those with the greatest power to influence and shape culture to advance their interests

Common Sense According to Gramsci

Invisible network of ideas, values, attitudes, consciously or unconsciously build an interpretive lenses to make sense of the world Rubric, guideline we evaluate the world, Schema

Conceptual Frameworks

Cosmological Argument- Claims God must exist because - he is the Greatest Conceivable Being. - • Proves God from logic alone - a priori argument, requires no experience but uses only reason • The definition of "God" requires God's existence

Cosmological Argument

"'Hegemony' in this case means the success of the dominant classes in presenting their definition of reality, their view of the world, in such a way that it is accepted by other classes as 'common sense'. The general 'consensus' is that it is the only sensible way of seeing the world. Any groups who present an alternative view are therefore marginalized..." - Dominance in the shaping, propagating, and maintaining of beliefs and practices rendered natural, obvious, normal or commonsensical and thus "beyond questioning."

Cultural Hegemony

Ends- Self justified, valued for it's sake - last goal actually striving to experience -- Spiritual ends (ultimate aims, values, purpose); the reason(s) you live for -own purpose Means- how to get there - only has value as it gets it -Objects, things in the world you use to live

Difference between ends and means

• But valuing freedom doesn't require absolute complacency—doing nothing about evil -"Yet no one would accuse the person who intervened to save the innocent of not loving freedom; indeed we believe a genuine love of freedom requires precisely such action—intervention. Yet when we evaluate God's goodness and inaction in the face of evil, we seem to abandon this intuitively clear sense of freedom for one that contradicts it, believing inaction to be clear evidence God loves freedom"

Dr. Nall's complacency critique

- Violence presented for the sake of the audience's enjoyment, not to promote empathy or edification (moral improvement) - most families provide authorization to enjoy entertainment violence and that the story lines themselves in violent shows- by seeing scenes of torture and murder recur innumerable times on the screen and being able to record and replay them at will in ways not remotely possible in real life even for the most obsessive killer -BOK " It is when the harm done to the victim is to be enjoyed for it's own sake that the paradox of entertainment violence is most striking to the uninitiated".

Environmental Violence

- we think happiness needs sexual relationships - we need friendships * - when we can work in small groups helping other, and improving the world making a difference own business owners* - we want to feel pure, calm , finding calm in their minds, meditating, and taking time to their selves*

Epicurean (Epicurus) thinkers idea about the good life

Theory of Knowledge , standards, truths, and falsehood

Epistemology Branch of Philosophy

Having mode- memorizing details temporarily, superficial, sifting through a junk drawer Being mode- Idea, which relates to our life's, we take time to reflect Relating to a deeper level, easier to grasp

Erich Fromm having and being mode

HOW TO LIVE WELL : Developing oneself in such a way to come closest to the model of human existence and thus to become fully what ones potential is, to let reason or experience guide us to the understanding of what norms are conductive to well-being HUMAN LIBERATION : A goal that may be radical or revolutionary humanism

Erich Fromm understanding of "total" human liberation and his recommendation for how to live well.


Erich Fromm would label the passive reading Noam Chomsky criticizes as reading in the __________ mode

right from wrong

Ethics Branch of Philosophy

• To value something is to deem it important, significant, meaningful • We value some things— determine them to be important—as means to an end -Extrinsic or instrumental value - a steppingstone or a step on a staircase - Money is a means to buy things we want

Extrinsic Value

Assumes that suffering and/or adversity can build character • Yet indications are that suffering can have the opposite affect: - making us miserable, bitter, and possibly less virtuous • Through the concept of "Learned Helplessness," psychology teaches us that - evil—suffering—often produces the effect of making people less likely to improve their situation

Hick's Idea on soul building


I do not need to cite my instructor if I am referring to an idea from their PowerPoint or video lecture.


In "Four Approaches to Studying the Humanities," Dr. Nall argues that studying culture by exclusively focusing on great works and thinkers is like studying the development of a building by focusing entirely on the work of an architect and not the people who put the blueprint into action. Nall's point is that culture is not something that just "happens" or just something "important people" make. Rather, culture is something ______________.

Better serve our deepest intellectual aspirations

In "Reclaiming the Intellectual Life for Posterity," Alain de Botton, creator of The School of Life, envisions an ideal humanistic education that would ____________

-Empty praise -Off topic Flatteries

In "Skip the Pleasantries and Give Me a Good Argument," Dr. Nall explains key philosophical concepts and expectations for serious discussion such as the kind you will participate in through Discussion Board Posts and Replies. Philosophy aims to enhance our knowledge rather than protect misguided beliefs. Thus, from the perspective of philosophy, substantive dialogue concerned with knowledge ought to feature respectful questioning and argumentation instead of ______________.

-Articulating the reason that supports the belief being discussed -Explaining the train of thought or chain that are supported to support the claim you're making of belief you hold.

In "Skip the Pleasantries and Give Me a Good Argument," Dr. Nall explains that arguing, in the philosophical sense, means ____________. Select all that apply.

Enhance our understanding even if it means acknowledging our reasoning is flawed and our belief might be wrong

In "Skip the Pleasantries and Give Me a Good Argument," Dr. Nall explains that the aim of Socratic Dialogue is to __________

Was more aware of his ignorance than those who believed they knew more then they actually know

In "The Apology," Socrates says he believes that the Oracle at Delphi proclaimed him wisest of all men because he _______.

-Clearly differentiate between your ideas and others in your papers and notes -Use quotations when directly quoting someone and provide in-text citations -Use your own words and do not simply change around the order of the words when legitimately paraphrasing or summarizing someone else's idea -Do not over-cite; your paper should contribute something original not already contained in a work you are referring to.

In "The Plagiarism Talk" video, Dr. Nall highlights which strategies to avoid committing plagiarism? Select all that apply.


In Plato's "allegory of the cave" Socrates contends that a freed slave would happily and willfully leave the cave to go to the surface for freedom and truth.

-form our own convictions about what to do with our lives -developing oneself in such a way as to come to the model of human nature -to become fully what ones potential is -to let reason or experience guide us to the understanding of what norms are conducive to well being

In The Art of Being Erich Fromm contends that in order to live well we should _______________.

• But we value some things—ideas, experiences, or objects— for themselves, alone: - as ends unto themselves - as the "whole point," for their "own sake" • This is "intrinsic value" - the destination, the end of the staircase; - Being affectionate with those we love

Intrinsic Value


It's impossible to plagiarize yourself when writing a paper for a college course.

Pragmatic Theory of Truth

Jim lost his key to a box containing his keepsakes. After Hurricane Matthew he found a key that was similar in size but looked fairly different than his old key. Nevertheless, Jim decided that the key was in truth the key he had lost. When his friend Lisa visits she questions him: "How do you know it's the actual key to the keepsake box?" In reply he says, "Because it just opened the box." Which of those below best describes Jim's theory of truth?

Hick holds that evil can be justified on grounds that it builds character

John Hicks explanation of why God allows evil

- "People who find life meaningless are not complaining that they cannot tell what kind of stuff their body is made out of, or that they do not know whether they are in a black hole or under the ocean. Men and women whose lives lack meaning in that sense of the word are psychotic, not just down-hearted. They mean, rather, that their lives lack significance. And to lack significance means to lack point, substance, purpose, quality, value, and direction" (37) • My life does not signify, indicate, or relate to something of real importance or value • This allows us to question whether or not it's true that someone's life lacks valuable significance • It further invites us to contemplate what makes a life "significant"? What values can we connect our lives to in order to achieve significance? What are the best aims of life?

Key concepts and questions from Terry Eagleton's treatment of the meaning of life (from reading and lecture) ABSENCE OF SIGNIFICANCE

" To live into the future means to leap into the future means to leap into the unknown, and this requires a degree of courage for which there is no immediate precedent and which few people realize" - Rollo May -courage is vital to the unknown, pursue connection with the world. Genuine courage - Rollo May - "to live in the future we must develop virtue"- Rollo May Faith

Know Erich Fromm and Rollo May's perspective on "courage" and "faith," as outlined in Dr. Nall's opening philosophy of religion lecture ROLLO MAY

-"the meaning of life is not just a matter of discovery ,but also an important act of creation" -"thus, some philosophers who have had a gloomy or pessimistic temperament have willfully formulated rather cheerful and optimistic philosophies, not to deceive themselves but to change themselves, and some f them have succeeded remarkably well" - the images we use to talk about life define the meaning we find, or do not find in it" - We can take possession of our lives by claiming and asserting the right to decide not simply what the facts are, but something more important. -How to evaluate those facts

Know Robert Solomon's explanation of how best to understand the meaning of life question/topic

1. Since God is all-powerful and all-knowing, whatever is, is a result of his will and intent 2. Cruelty is common place and essential to the workings of the natural world 3. Therefore, God-knowingly designed a horrifyingly brutal world Mark Twain, "Passages on God and the Bible," in the Bible According to Mark Twain (1996), H.G. Baetzhold and J.B. McCullough, eds., pp.318-331, New York: Touchstone, p.325-326. And since God intentionally designed such horrors, God is certainly not the loving God he has been portrayed to be

Know Twains critique of gods goodness

- Our fate is no different than any other animal - They are meaningless in the sense they are without greater purpose -Absent Referent (specifically, the absence of a clearly and coherently defined significance toward cosmic sense purpose

Know the key aspects of Ecclesiastes from the Hebrew Bible as identified in Dr. Nall's "meaning of life" lecture

-This experience of catharsis permits a schooling of the emotions and a deepening of one's understanding of human nature and of the paradoxes relating to the role of violence in human life -the release of anxiety through reliving episodes in one's past, or of acting out aggression, contempt, or hatred in imagination. -viewing violence gives people emotional release from negative feelings such as pity, fear, and anger - expressing anger or getting out one's aggression produces a healthy release of emotion and reduces aggression

Know the meaning of catharsis according to Sissela Bok

The study of the methods and principles used to distinguish good from bad reasoning. Inductive reasoning Deductive reasoning

Logic Branch of Philosophy

we are pursuing the possessions that protect, please, and comfort us.... but we seem to be forgetting about the soul, about what it is for thought to open out of the soul and connect person to world in a rich, subtle, and complicated manner; about what it is to approach another person as a soul, rather than as a mere useful instrument or an obstacle to one's own plans; about what it is to talk as someone who has a soul to someone else whom one sees as similarly deep and complex.

Martha Nussbaum argues that too many of fail to honor the soul in preference for the pursuit of "the possessions that protect, please, and comfort us."

interdisciplinary study of cultures and meanings. Included is studying how human cultures have produced meaning in the past and continue to do so, reflecting critically on these productions, and learning relevant perspectives and meaningful interpretations that contribute to responsible engagement with the many different cultural expressions we encounter today."

Meaning of cultural studies as according to UCF

Innovative interdisciplinary fields of research that investigates how culture creates and transforms individual experiences, everyday life, social relations, and power

Meaning of cultural studiess as according to UNC

Problems such as the nature of the mental and the physical and their relationship, the question of of whether human beings have free will, the existence of god, and the nature and origin of cosmos

Metaphysics Branch of Philosophy

That existence recurs in an infinite cycle as energy and matter transform over time

Nietzsche's idea of Eternal Recurrence or eternal return

God is the greatest conceivable being (GCB): "a being greater than which none can be thought" a being who actually exists • Since God is, by definition, the greatest conceivable being, He must exist

Ontological Argument

-we should believe in god to avoid hell - we have the eternal salvation to benefit from it

Pascal's wager critique on "Green critique"

Empty Buzzwords

People often use words like "freedom," "truth," "morality," and "love" in a way that presumes they have obvious and concrete meaning. In The Big Questions, Robert C. Solomon and Kathleen M. Higgins contend that when words are used like this, without clearly articulating their specific meaning, they become __________.

Were the involved officers morally justified in assuming Dylan was a legitimate threat and shooting him before actually witnessing with a gun, in order to ensure their safety?

Read the following scenario and then determine which one of the questions below is an example of a philosophical question. In June 2016 Fresno, California officers pull over Dylan Noble for driving in a suspicious manner. Officers immediately draw their guns and demand Dylan put his hands up. He does not fully comply with officers' instructions, and exits his truck without being asked to do so. Dylan then walks toward officers, ignores commands to get on the ground, and yells out "I f****** hate my life" while reaching for his waistband. One officer shoots Dylan two times. When he falls to the ground they demand that he put his hands "up." When Dylan reaches again for his waistband officers fire two additional bullets into him. Officer headcam video shows that no gun or weapon was ever apparent, and that officers fired before a gun was actually seen. Dylan was not armed; he had a plastic container with molding clay in his pocket.

Quoted and provides a reference to the relevant presentation on her works' cited page.

Select each example below that does not count as plagiarism. Select all that apply.

Siduri is counseling Gilgamesh to abandon his futile search for personal immortality and to seek fulfillment in the simple pleasures and responsibilities of life

Siduri's advice and the basics of Gilgamesh as per Dr. Nall

- There is possibility to God, God becomes one in the same with possibility itself -God is less a being but more of an idea - For god everything is possible, God signifying all , that all things are possible is a redeeming way as we can hold onto our humanity

Soren Kierkegaard described God in the sickness unto death

-It is peace of mind, and lasting tranquility. This will be yours if you possess greatness of soul; it will be yours if you possess the steadfastness that resolutely clings to a good judgment just reached. -By gaining a complete view of truth, by maintaining, in all that he does, order, measure, fitness, and a will that is inoffensive and kindly, that is intent upon reason and never departs therefrom, that commands at the same time love and admiration

Stoic (Seneca) thinkers ideas about the good life


Students who intentionally plagiarize an assignment will receive a zero in this class. But students who claim to have "accidentally" plagiarize an assignment will not receive a zero.


Submitting work I completed for a different class or at a different school may in place may be "bad-taste" but it doesn't count as plagiarism.

Teleological Argument - The world itself implies a designer, creator, God. If you need supplies for something it is available, suggesting theirs a purpose for the material available. Things are not random, the apparent design or purpose entails someone gave birth to all of the things created.

Teleological Argument

We accept the truth of a statement because it is consistent with, coheres, or fits into the pattern of truths with which we are already comfortable .

The Coherence Theory

Truth is the conformity of the mind to facts.

The Correspondence Theory

Cultural Studies

The Humanities are the cornerstone in the broader category of education called the ____________.

Is based upon the conviction that true knowledge is action, to know is to do, productively and profitably.

The Pragmatic Theory of truth


The ______ theory of truth holds that a claim is true if it is confirmed by the facts of the actual world.

• The argument from evil, if successful, does prove that God does not exist 1. If there were an all-powerful, all-knowing, all good being (p), there would be no unnecessary evil in the world (q) 2. There is unnecessary evil in the world (not q) 3. Therefore, there is no all-powerful, all knowing, all-good being (not p

The argument from evil


In Plato's "Apology," Socrates says, "the _____ life is not worth living. Fill in the missing term.

culture is a "way in which we make sense of or give meaning to things of one sort or another, if we shared no concepts we would not be able to make sense of the world today, we could not build social bonds together"

Meaning of "culture" as per Stuart Hall

-Coordinate a number of different ideas into a single viewpoint - Defend what you believe in against those who disagree.

Select all that apply. In The Big Questions, Robert C. Solomon and Kathleen M. Higgins write that "philosophy is the attempt to_________.

(1) Distorted by ideologies functioning to undetermined our own interests (2) locate and use better ideas - " lenses" -so we can see the more accurate picture of reality hidden behind the "ordinary"

Contemporary philosopher Slavoj Žižek uses the film They Live to articulate his argument that our ordinary way of "seeing" or making sense of the world is (1) __________. The solution is to (2)______________


According to the syllabus of this course, clear instances of plagiarism result in a zero for the assignment with no opportunity to resubmit a new attempt.

the study of arts and how we value them, such as the way we personalize and feel for our nature around us.


• Moral evil: - Suffering or injustice caused by human beings - Result of human choice - "major scourges as poverty, oppression and persecution, war, and all the injustice, indignity, and inequity that occur even in the most advanced societies" (Hick, PAW, 543). • Natural or non-moral evil: - Evil inflicted upon others by nature

Hicks distinction between more and nonmoral evil

(1)impossible (2) an inevitable part of work

Historian Howard Zinn argues that it is (1) ___________ for historians to represent the past without any external social-cultural influences. The historian's task of selection, simplification, and emphasis on certain events and facts makes "taking sides" or seeing the world through a particular lens--(2) ________.


_____________ is the philosophical study of value.


Aesthetics is the critical study of ______________


According to IRSC's Student Standards of Conduct, students are subject to disciple for "dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the College."

- Creatin our own work of art Attend a concert - exploring another cultural group's religions

According to Richard Jewell, we can each actively engage or participate in the humanities by ______________ .

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