philosophy final 2010

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True or False? Aristotle says that virtue is a mean lying between two vices. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Cultural relativism eliminates the possibility of moral disagreement. TRUE FALSE


Mackie says that religious experiences are a. generally indistinguishable from experiences with a known psychological or physical cause. b. exactly what they seem to be. c. due to chance. d. generally recognizable from sensory cues.

a. generally indistinguishable from experiences with a known psychological or physical cause.

Utilitarianism says that right actions are those that produce the greatest happiness for a. each individual. b. one's own family. c. all concerned. d. those who deserve it.

all concerned.

According to Socrates, a clear sign that a person has __________ is her exclusive pursuit of social status, wealth, power, and pleasure. a. philosophical ambition b. worldly wisdom c. exceptional desires d. an unhealthy soul

an unhealthy soul

Arguments intended to give logically conclusive support to their conclusions so that if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true are a. deductive. b. inductive. c. explanatory. d. cogent.


the notion that mental properties do not cause anything, but merely accompany physical processes


True or False? On Smart's view, there are sensations. TRUE FALSE


Regarding mind and body, most contemporary philosophers are a. logical behaviorists. b. substance dualists. c. eliminative materialists. d. materialists.


the issue of what mental phenomena are and how they relate to the physical world

mind-body problem

Virtues are a. emotions. b. moral states. c. faculties. d. physical conditions.

moral states.

the capacity to be realized or instantiated in a variety of forms and materials

multiple realizability

According to d'Holbach, people always act according to _____.

necessary natural laws.

According to Paley, we must conclude that a watch had an intelligent designer if the watch a. runs well. b. has a structure. c. shows purposefulness. d. is engraved.

shows purposefulness.

Act-utilitarianism is the view that the rightness of actions depends a. solely on the character of the agent. b. on both the relative good produced by individual actions and the c. conformity to rules. d. solely on the relative good produced by individual actions. on a good will.

solely on the relative good produced by individual actions.

Descartes believed that interaction between body and mind took place in a. ectoplasm. b. the brain stem. c. the pineal gland. d. the nervous system.

the pineal gland.

Mill argues that the Greatest Happiness Principle is a. one of several principles of morality. b. the standard of morality. c. endorsed by all the major religions. d. embodied in the Ten Commandments.

the standard of morality.

Soft determinism entails that _____.

the thesis of determinism is true.

D'Holbach says that man's life is a course that nature compels him to take without deviation. a. True b. False


Sartre says forlornness comes from the realization that God does not exist and we must face all the consequences of this. a. True b. False


Sartre says that man is condemned to be free. a. True b. False


True or False? Chalmers's theory is compatible with all the results of contemporary science. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Empedocles articulated the basic outlines of natural selection twenty-five centuries ago. True False


True or False? Qualitative content is a problem for functionalism. TRUE FALSE


True or False? This classic argument, "The Bible says that God exists; the Bible is true because God wrote it; therefore, God exists" is an example of begging the question. True False


True or False? Traditional philosophies of mind can be divided into dualist theories and materialist theories. TRUE FALSE


Kant says that when trying to decide whether an action is morally permissible, we must ask if we can consistently will that the maxim of our action should become a a. rule for maximizing happiness. b. contingent law. c. universal law. d. rule of thumb.

universal law.

Held says that the ethics of care a. rejects emotion. b. redefines emotion. c. values emotion. d. is neutral regarding emotions.

values emotion.

To Kant, making a lying promise would be wrong because a. lying to people can cause them harm. b. lying to people harms society. c. you could not consistently will that everyone should make lying promises. d. most people condemn the practice.

you could not consistently will that everyone should make lying promises.

For the soft determinist, to say that you could have done otherwise is to say that you would have done otherwise if _____.

your desires had been different.

True or False? By the lights of cultural relativism, cross-cultural moral disagreement is possible. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Held favors the liberal individualist concept of a person. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Held thinks that virtue ethics is a failed moral theory. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Kant argues that the moral law is conditional. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Kant asserts that happiness is the sole end of human action. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Kant believes that we should not treat persons merely as a means except when society's welfare is at stake. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Kant declares that we should never in any circumstances treat people as a means. TRUE FALSE


True or False? According to Rowe, if we grant to Anselm the premise that God is a possible being, the argument is sound.


True or False? An argument is not synonymous with causes. True False


True or False? An argument is synonymous with persuasion. True False


True or False? Any type of declarative statement is an argument. True False


True or False? Believing that God exists increases the probability that God does in fact exist.


True or False? Hick concludes that this world is not well adapted to the purpose of soul-making.


True or False? Hick says that it is possible to show that each item of human pain serves the divine purpose.


True or False? If sound, Aquinas's arguments prove that the God of traditional religion (an all-knowing, all-good, all-powerful being) exists.


True or False? Paley says that the anthropic principle does not support the idea of intelligent design of the universe.


True or False? Paley's argument, if cogent, proves that the designer of the world was a single being.


True or False? Philo declares that this world is the perfect product of a perfect deity.


True or False? In the argument form known as inference to the best explanation, we reason in this fashion: Two or more things are similar in several ways; therefore, they are probably similar in one further way. True False

False (composition)

True or False? A deductive argument is an argument intended to give probable support to its conclusion. True False

False (inductive)

True or False? Aristotle said, "An unexamined life is not worth living" True False

False (socrates)

True or False? If inductive arguments succeed in lending very probable support to their conclusions, they are said to be weak. True False

False (strong)

True or False? From the fact that cultures have divergent moral beliefs on an issue, it does not logically follow that there is no objective moral truth. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the great forebears of feminist thought. TRUE FALSE


True or False? For Hick, soul-making is an essential part of a plausible theodicy.


True or False? Modus tollens is a valid argument form. True False


True or False? Paley says that if we found a watch and examined it closely, we would naturally infer that it had a maker, even if we had never seen a watch made.


True or False? Pascal believes that belief in God is a rational act.


True or False? Rowe believes that Anselm's argument fails as a proof of the existence of God.


Cartesian dualism posits a. a soul and a spirit. b. a body and a mind. c. two minds. d. a body and a brain.

a body and a mind.

According to Kant, nothing can be called "good" without qualification except a. right action. b. a good will. c. happiness. d. good consequences.

a good will.

According to Descartes, the mind, or soul, is a. a thinking and extended thing. b. an unthinking and unextended thing. c. identical to the body. d. a thinking and unextended thing.

a thinking and unextended thing.

The renowned philosopher who lived and worked in the Greek city of Alexandria in the fifth century was a. Hypatia. b. Philippa. c. Avicenna. d. Anselm.

a. Hypatia.

Rowe argues that we can allow someone to define God anyway she wants, yet it will not follow from that definition that such a being a. actually exists. b. can be defined. c. exists in our understanding. d. exists in our minds.

a. actually exists.

Anselm assumes that a being that exists in reality is greater than a being that a. exists only in the understanding. b. is embodied. c. is worshipped. d. exists without flaws.

a. exists only in the understanding.

The fallacy of arguing that a claim must be true simply because many people believe it is known as a. the appeal to popularity. b. the fallacy of equivocation. c. the genetic fallacy. d. begging the question.

a. the appeal to popularity.

According to James, indeterminism allows that the world has _____.

ambiguous possibilities.

According to Sartre, if God does not exist, _____.

anything is permissible.

Critics of the divine command theory have argued that the theory implies that God's commands are a. well supported. b. unclear. c. unknowable. d. arbitrary.


Words such as consequently, therefore, and as a result are a. premise indicator words. b. conclusion indicator words. c. statements. d.persuaders.

b. conclusion indicator words.

According to Swinburne, the simplicity of a scientific theory is a matter of its having a. a network of many laws. b. few component laws. c. no laws. d. many new objects.

b. few component laws.

According to Kant, to say that something exists is to a. add an additional property to it. b. not add any additional property to it. c. postulate a change in the thing's essence. d. add a concept to the concept of the thing.

b. not add any additional property to it.

A question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover the truth is known as a. an argument. b. the Socratic method. c. the Socratic jest. d. a debate.

b. the Socratic method.

The fallacy of __________ is trying to prove a conclusion by using that very same conclusion as support. a. equivocation b. composition c. false dilemma d. begging the question

begging the question

The famous statement "An unexamined life is not worth living" is attributed to a. Aristotle. b. John Locke. c. Socrates. d. Plato.

c. Socrates.

According to Hick, a certain amount of evil in the world is a. illusory. b. caused by a finite God. c. necessary. d. contrary to divinity.

c. necessary.

Descartes says that the mind is distinct from the body and a. cannot exist without it. b. is unknowable. c. is dependent on material substance. d. can exist without the body.

can exist without the body.

According to Searle, the appropriately programmed computer a. has cognitive states. b. can achieve strong AI. c. explains human cognition. d. cannot have cognitive states.

cannot have cognitive states.

our mind and body are completely independent of one another and interact causally

cartesian dualism

the principle that the world is a closed system of physical causes and effects

casual closure of the physical

Logical behaviorism is at odds with our commonsense intuition that mental states a. do not exist. b. never cause behavior. c. exist. d. cause behavior.

cause behavior.

When Descartes reasons that it is conceivable that he could exist without his body and that whatever is conceivable is logically possible he is offering a __________ argument. a. possibility b. conceivability c. divisibility d. probability


Chalmers argues that his zombie is a. not conceivable. b. impossible. c. actual. d. conceivable.


An important moral criterion of adequacy is known as a. simplicity. b. fallibility. c. fruitfulness. d. consistency with our considered moral judgments.

consistency with our considered moral judgments.

Behe says that an irreducibly complex biological system would be a powerful challenge to a. theism. b. direct creation. c. non-Darwinian evolution. d. Darwinian evolution.

d. Darwinian evolution.

The fallacy of rejecting a statement on the grounds that it comes from a particular person is known as a. appeal to ignorance. b. equivocation. c. false dilemma. d. appeal to the person.

d. appeal to the person.

The study of value in the broadest sense (moral, aesthetic, etc.) is known as a. metaphysics. b. epistemology. c. quantum physics. d. axiology.

d. axiology

According to Behe, the gradual accumulation of mutations a. can evolve a biological system. b. produces higher life forms. c. is the way that irreducibly complex systems evolve. d. cannot evolve a biological system.

d. cannot evolve a biological system.

James says that a genuine option is a. true. b. momentous but not forced. c. live but not momentous. d. forced, live, and momentous.

d. forced, live, and momentous.

Pascal believes that when it comes to the question of God's existence a. reason can lead us to faith. b. faith depends on reason. c. reason can decide the question. d. reason can decide nothing.

d. reason can decide nothing.

If you assume that a set of statements is true, and yet you can deduce a false or absurd statement from it, then the original set of statements as a whole must be false. This kind of argument is known as a. modus tollens. b. modus ponens. c. hypothetical syllogism. d. reductio ad absurdum.

d. reductio ad absurdum.

Hick says the idea of a person who can be infallibly guaranteed always to act rightly is a. coherent. b. necessary. c. biblical. d. self-contradictory.

d. self-contradictory.

The fallacy of misrepresenting a person's views so they can be more easily attacked or dismissed is called the a. appeal to popularity. b. fallacy of equivocation. c. genetic fallacy. d. straw man fallacy.

d. straw man fallacy.

Pascal says that if you bet that God exists, and he does in fact exist, you a. gain a viable faith. b. win nothing and lose everything. c. lose because you abandon reason. d. win infinite happiness and lose nothing.

d. win infinite happiness and lose nothing.

The contention that bodies and minds must be different things because bodies can be divided into parts but minds cannot is known as a __________ argument. a. divisibility b. unitary c. conceivability d. divisive


For subjectivists, everyone's moral views are a. false. b. unwise. c. equally plausible. d. not equally plausible.

equally plausible.

According to Sartre, what existentialists have in common is that they think that _____.

existence precedes essence

D'Holbach asserts that when we deliberate about a choice, our decision is free and undetermined. a. True b. False


Sartre advocates withdrawing from human endeavors. a. True b. False


Sartre thinks that man's future is predestined. a. True b. False


Taylor accepts soft determinism. a. True b. False


Taylor believes that simple determinism allows us to have a plausible form of free will. a. True b. False


Taylor thinks that soft determinism is true to our moral intuitions. a. True b. False


True or False? Block says that the Chinese brain has a functional organization that brings a mind into existence. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Nagel declares that the objective perspective is the true perspective. TRUE FALSE


True or False? Philosophy, being an ancient art, cannot be applied to modern social problems such as racism. True False


True or False? Searle believes that knowledge of what it is like to be a bat can be acquired through scientific investigation. TRUE FALSE


True or False? The key to identifying an argument in context is to first identify the author. True False


True or False? When you read a philosophical essay, you are simply trying to glean some facts from it as you might if you were reading a science text or technical report. True False


True or False? An argument of this form "If p, then q; p; therefore, q" is called modus tollens. True False

false- modus pollens

According to Aristotle, we always desire happiness a. as a means to something else. b. for the sake of pleasure. c. for the sake of honor. d. for its own sake.

for its own sake.

the view that the mind is the functions that the brain performs


Chalmers's zombie twin is identical to him a. psychically. b. functionally and psychologically. c. functionally but not psychologically. d. psychologically only.

functionally and psychologically.

the view that mental states are identical to physical brain states

identity theory

Some design arguments are framed as a. deductive inferences. b. ontological theories. c. inferences to the best explanation. d. inferences to complexity.

inferences to the best explanation.

Searle asserts that no computer program by itself, however sophisticated, is sufficient for a. computation. b. symbol manipulation. c. syntax. d. intentionality.


the idea that mental states are dispositions to behave in a particular way in certain circumstances

logical behaviorism

The idea that mental states are dispositions to behave in particular ways in certain circumstances is known as a. logical nominalism. b. logical behaviorism. c. methodological behaviorism. d. eliminative materialism.

logical behaviorism.

According to Sartre, the first principle of existentialism is that _____.

man is nothing else but what he makes of himself.

According to Sartre, there is at least one being in whom existence precedes essence, and this being is _____.


the doctrine that every object and event in the world is physical


According to Block, the Chinese brain system has a. minimal awareness. b. no mental states. c. minimal consciousness. d. mental states.

no mental states.

According to Held, virtue ethics emphasizes the character of individuals, but the ethics of care focuses more on a. nurturing connectedness among people. b. an ethic of justice. c. Kantian values. d. utilitarian concerns.

nurturing connectedness among people.

According to Held, care is both a a. practice and a value. b. theory and a rule. c. sense of justice and a mode of deliberation. d. moral law and a virtue.

practice and a value.

In an argument, the statement being supported is the conclusion, and the statements supporting the conclusion are the a. middle statement. b. premises. c. persuaders. d. substatements.


the view that mental properties are nonphysical prop. arising from. but not reducible to, physical properties

property dualism

According to d'Holbach, all the mental and moral attributes that people think are evidence for an immaterial soul are in fact _____.

purely physical and natural.

the notion that mind and body consists of two fundamentally different kinds of substances

substance dualism

Substance dualism is said to violate the scientific principle of a. dualistic action. b. behaviorism. c. action at a distance. d. the causal closure of the physical.

the causal closure of the physical.

Searle argues that the Chinese room thought experiment shows that a. the claims of strong AI are not plausible. b. the claims of strong AI are plausible. c. computers can understand stories. d. computers can understand Chinese.

the claims of strong AI are not plausible.

According to Taylor, hard determinism conflicts with _____.

the fact of deliberation and our sense that some actions are up to us.

The existence of a form of mental illness known as multiple personality disorder seems to suggest that a. the existence of the mind is a delusion. b. the mind is indivisible. c. the mind is divisible. d. mental illness is incurable.

the mind is divisible.

Descartes says that the chief characteristic of physical things is a. they cannot be measured. b. science can study them. c. they do not have extension. d. they have extension.

they have extension.

Descartes asserts that he knows that he is a substance the whole essence of which is to a. breathe. b. be extended in space. c. think. d. require a body.


D'Holbach's view is that science precludes the notion of free will. a. True b. False


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