Philosophy Unit 2

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Reinforce : Stronger : : _________ : _________

A) Abound : Lesser B) Dismantle : Longer C) Shirk : Greater D) Erode : Weaker D

Author : Literate : : _________ : _________

A) Cynic : Gullible B) Judge : Impartial C) Hothead : Prudent D) Doctor : Fallible B

Explain the difference between deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning in your own words. Offer an illustration to make your point.

Deductive reasoning is when it is understood that all premises are known to be true. For example, if I were to say that everyone who eats vegetables is healthy, and John eats broccoli, then John is healthy. Inductive reasoning is when the premises may be true but the conclusion will not always be true. An example of this would be, it takes me an hour to drive home, it took me an hour to drive home yesterday, therefore it will take me an hour to drive home today. Abductive reasoning is more like a hypothesis. We try to presume a fact by using supporting facts. An example of this type of reasoning would be like saying when it rains the grass gets wet. The grass is wet, it must have rained.

Melanie is older than John. Clint is older than Melanie. John is older than Clint. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is


Molly runs faster than Gwen. Aisha runs faster than Molly. Gwen runs faster than Aisha. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is


Choose the appropriate fallacy being committed in this argument: The Nazis researched and developed the science and technology of genetic engineering. Therefore, because the Nazis were immoral, the science of genetics cannot be trusted.

Genetic fallacy

Given the following modus ponens, choose the answer that is the modus tollens. If this item is an apple, then it is a piece of fruit. This item is an apple. Therefore, it is a piece of fruit.

If this item is an apple, then it is a piece of fruit. This item is not a piece of fruit. Therefore, it is not an apple.

Choose the type of inference being made in the following argument: Every swan I have ever seen is white. Therefore, all swans are white.


Reductio ad absurdum

Reductio ad absurdum is the act of proving something by assuming the negation of that. In showing that if you had the negation of that, it would result in an absurd conclusion. Reductio ad absurdum can only be valid if the original thesis is true. When proving a thesis with this deductive reasoning tactic you could start with: I want to prove that ice is cold 1) Ice is hot 2) If ice was hot it would just be water 3) Water must be frozen to be ice 4) Therefore, ice IS cold

Choose the appropriate type of condition implied by the statement: Driving north on I-77 from Rock Hill is a ______________ condition for getting to Charlotte.


Which kind of flaw does this argument have? Apples are fruits. My dog likes to eat ham. Therefore, my dog does not like apples.

The conclusion does not follow from the premises.

All the trees in the park are flowering trees. Some of the trees in the park are dogwoods. All dogwoods in the park are flowering trees. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is


All the roses in Jen's garden are white. All the petunias in Jen's garden are yellow. All the flowers in Jen's garden are either white or yellow If the first two statements are true, the third statement is


Choose the type of inference being made in the following argument: Socrates is a man. All men are mortal. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.


Choose the appropriate type of condition implied by the statement: Air is a _____________ condition for human life.


Choose the appropriate type of condition implied by the statement: Having four sides is a ______________ condition for being a square.


Choose the appropriate type of condition implied by the statement: Being divisible by 2 is a ______________ condition for a number to be even.

Necessary and sufficient

Choose the appropriate type of condition implied by the statement: John has a married sister. This fact is a ________________ condition for John's being an uncle.

Neither necessary or sufficient

Finish the analogy, Oceans : Deserts : : Waves : _________

Sand dunes

Oranges cost more than apples. Oranges cost less than raspberries. Raspberries cost more than apples and oranges combined. If the first two statements are true, the third statement is


Consider the following statements: A. Alex is a bachelor. B. Alex is an unmarried male. Choose the best answer describing A and B.

A. A is a necessary condition of B. B. A is a sufficient condition of B. C. If A is true, then B must be true. D. If B is true, then A must be true. E. All of the above.

Choose the type of inference being made in the following argument: Jen has been afraid of spiders as long as she can remember, and yet she cannot remember being bitten by one or even seeing someone bitten by a spider. In studying evolutionary psychology, she learned that her fear stems from an instinctive reaction that made sense for our ancestors who needed to be especially observant of small but poisonous creatures in their environment.


Choose the appropriate fallacy being committed in this argument: He's wrong about his view of Social Security policy because he's a former hippie. (You can't trust them.)

Ad hominem

Choose the appropriate fallacy being committed in the following argument: Skrillex is a genius musician because his music is so genius.

Arguing in a circle (begging the question)

hoose the appropriate fallacy 1. Abortion is unjust murder. 2. Murder is illegal. 3. Therefore, abortion should be made illegal since it is murder.

Arguing in a circle (begging the question)

Choose the appropriate fallacy in this argument: Nothing you say or do can prove that you freely chose to do it. You may claim that you freely acted in this way or that way, but you could not prove your acts or claims about them were not determined in advance. Even your act of supposed proof could be determined. Therefore, all acts are determined.

Argument from ignorance

Which kind of flaw does this argument have? Apples are fruits. All fruits are red. Therefore, all apples are red.

At least one premise is false.

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