Physical Education FTCE

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The government organization that provides a web site for the most current statistics data on health the in the US is called


Items on a teacher observation check list such as assisting peer providing positive feedback to classmates, and involving less skilled students in team activities are used to assess students in the

Affective Domain

Students who can follow games rules and etiquette outside of class time, are demonstrating the positive influence physical activity can have on

Affective Skills

Which statement is the most accurate concerning students positive affective development?

Affective development is primarily the concern of physical educators

In the performance of a motor task, the ability to maintain control of the body while changing direction is termed


When the body is placed in a stressful situation, what are the three stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

Alarm, sight, and flight

Which skill-related fitness component does a proficient golfer demonstrate?

Balance, power, and coordination.

In running lay up shot a student is not getting enough height. What suggestion would be most helpful

Bend knees more

Exercise can help students deal with stress because it

Burns off biomechemical by-I products of strees

cross-curricular SOCIAL STUDIES and PE orienteering

Compass, maps

8-The curriculum model that spouses the development of competence, literate, and enthusiastic sport person through authentic game the experiences is ...

Developmental Physical Education

Which of the following items of a unit plan presents learning topics and experience in an organized manner?

Scope and Sequence

A sixth- grade class continues working on manipulative skills. The students abilities range from low to highly skilled. How should the teacher organize the group to maximize practice time?

Select station using. Task cards to describe different activities

Fitness scores should be used primarily

To show fitness improvement

A tennis ball hit from the back court across the net, parallels with the side line, is called


Which set of loco-motor skills is developed first?

Walking, running, and jumping

3-Which combination of events has contributed negatively toward PE by promoting s sedentary life style?

-Accessibility to television and computer technology

Which sequence of strategy is most appropriate for teaching the overhand throw?

Which Review base of support, lead food, trunk rotation, and follow through

A midlle school class of 30 boys and girls is practicing basket ball shooting skills, the students are to work in groups and practice shooting from varying distance at spot marked on the court. Which equipment is most appropriate?

-Balls of varying size and weigth selected by each student.. -mens and womens regulation size balls for each students..

A physical education teacher would like to create an introductory activity for a kindergarten class. Which of the following is the first activity that the students should practice to learn spatial awareness?

balancing on body parts

A teacher who is not a skilled player is introducing the lay up in basket ball . to. Facilitate the students learning. The teacher should ...

demonstrate the skill to the best of her ability.

The most appropriate way to teach striking skills in the initial stages of developments would be to use


To provide a safe learning environment. Which strategy for distributing equipment should an elementary education teacher use?

have multiple access points for students to obtain equipment

When a baseball or tennis player swings a bat or racket, the greatest amount of force will be delivered to the ball at impact when:

the angular velocity of the swinging implement is as fast as possible.`

13-The goals of a PE program...

-can be the same at all grade levels when using appropriate developmental activities

14-Which of the following do the Florida sunshine state standard include...

-goals and objectives for PE programs at each grade level

1-Which of the factors is decisive in initiating the establishment of the president on physical fitness and sport?

-performance score and the AAHPERD youth fitness test.

A teacher has 24 minutes of playing time remaining in the period. The most efficient way to conduct two volley ball ball games consecutively is to set the length of each game at..

10 minutes, with 2 minutes allowed for starting each game

Minimum daily calorie intake should be

1500 calories in men. -1200 calories in women

Choose the minimum frequency of exercises recommended by the surgeon general's plan of maintaining life long heath benefits

20 minutes of low-intensity exercise two day a week

A recommend diet for physically active. Children should include the necessary calories intake of food and..

A balance of food from the basic food pyramid

Which of the following statements accurately reflects the nature of offensive and defensive strategies?

A knowledge of game strategies develops progressively

Which of the following cases best outlines the steps of inclusion?

A staffing is held with the appropriate staff, the student's needs are discussed, goals are set, and the student is placed in a general education setting

A teacher is training the loco-motor skills portion of a primary grade curriculum using a movement analysis chart. Which type of activity should be included?

A variety of tag games

Marketing a comprehensive quality physical education curriculum to the community is valuable because

A visible program generated spot

A physical education teacher is working with first-grade students on fundamental movement concepts and skills. Which of the following movement challenges would best promote students' understanding of the concept of personal space

"Use an imaginary paintbrush to paint a bubble around yourself. Remember that your bubble will burst if it touches anything. Move your bubble around the room without allowing it to burst."

The Physical Education teacher notices that students are using more force than necessary while dribbling soccer balls. Which is the best feedback statement to improve performance in the future?

"Use less force on the ball"

The organization in Florida that provides the most instructional assistance for the physical educator is


What two factors should be included in a skills test used to evaluate students' abilities to perform the forearm pass in volley ball?

Accuracy and height

Which of the following learning setting is most effective for a child who is a kinesthetic learners?

Active Learning Games

The best strategy for a teacher to use in responding to a student's initial inappropriate behavior is to

Advise the student that the behavior is unacceptable

Which cardiovascular activity provides the maximum benefit to measure muscle groups

Aerobic dancing

16-Which organization authored the definition of a physically educated students?

Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance.

To test cardiovascular endurance of students with physical disabilities, is best to

Allow for various traveling methods that may include crutches, wheel chairs and guidance.

Which of the following adaptations to net/wall activities such as paddle ball, table tennis, and tennis would be most appropriate for promoting the inclusion and enjoyment of students with physical and motor coordination challenges?

Allowing the ball to bounce twice.

The source that provides the greatest variety and quality of materials specific to physical education and coaching is the...

American Alliance For Health, Phisical Education, Recreation, and Dance AAHPERD

Opportunities to service, channels of communication and promote fitness is sponsored by which organization?

American Heart Association

The United States' involvement in the war within the last 100 years has had which of the following effects on the Physical Education profession?

An Increased emphasis on physical fitness.

A student in a personal fitness class is designing a personal wellness program. Which of the following sources will provide the most current information?

An internet side

Which method will best measure the effective behavior of students during a unit on volleyball?

An observation check list during the game

18-When planning lesson, before identifying what skills are to be observed, teachers, should...

Analyze the movement to be taught

A teacher observes a class of middle school students playing a soccer game and determines they need work in offensive strategies?

Anticipate where the offensive player will be to receive a pass and send the ball in that direction

What is the best sequence for all suspected finger dislocation or fracture?

Apply ice and seek medical help immediately

What is the best treatment sequence for a suspected finger dislocation or fracture?

Apply ice, compress, and elevate, seek medical help

Which set of behavior is measured by tests in the affective domain?

Appreciating, motivation, valuing, and structuring

A middle school class is learning to play racquetball using regulation equipment. The teacher observed that students cannot keep a rally going because the ball is moving too fast. What is the best modification to increase the length of the rallies?

Asking students to hit the racquetball more softly

Which of the following provide internal feedback about body position during performance?

Augmented feedback

Which physical education assessment is defined as a form of performance structured around real life situations?


Which stage of motor learning indicated when a motor skill is relegated to a lower brain center, thus enabling concentration. On other things?

Automatic phase

The most effective teacher strategy to foster students' support of their classmates during class games is to?

Award team points when students make positive comments to their classmates.

In a team hand ball game, the ball is intercepted by the goalie, who immediately sees a team mate braking at mid-court for the opponent's goal. The best teams for the goalie to get the ball to the player quickly is to use a


Tue cue watch the hips is helpful when teaching


Student develop the individual fitness program themselves because they will

Be more likely to follow to program

Pre-assessment result for a basket ball layup indicate that many students can not dribble and perform a layup with a smooth transition or without traveling. What should the teacher consider when planning lessons for the layup?

Begin the practice sequence to progress from low dribbling to one more dribbling

Gross motor skills

Big movements such as rolling over and sitting that use large muscles in arms, legs, torso and feet

Which action is an appropriate example of overcoming inertia in basketball?

Blocking out an opponent

Which group pf symptoms constitutes a heat stroke medical emergency?

Body tempersture over 105° Fahrenheit, cessation of sweating, partial or complete unconsciousness

Which characteristic most accurately describes the mature stage of running ?

Can increase in the upward movement of each stride

A variation in time is an important effort qualifier for most gymnastic skills. In which pair of skills is the contrast between quick and slow most evident?

Cart wheel and back walk over

Which of the following instructional sequences for catching a football is most appropriate?

Catching in a stationary position, catching from varied directions, levels, path ways, speeds, and ranges, traveling to catch.

Tag involve useful beginning strategies for team sports that require

Changing directions and speed quickly

" Everyone, try to use your finger pads instead of your palms" is an example of which of the following types of feedback?

Class and Corrective

A previously well behaved 1 st grade student had begun acting out in the physical education class. With whom should the teacher discuss the problem first?

Classroom teachers.

In a archery class, a student complains that the bow string repeatedly hits the inside of the elbow. This error can be corrected by having the student

Cock the wrist of the bow arm

A middle school physical education coach overheard several of his male 8 grade students make fun of a recent performance by a professional ballet company. He used the example of the FNL in using ballet teacher to train the players and them brought in one of the professional dancers to lead his class through a typical dance work out. Most of the boys found it difficult to do All the exercises and to complete the full work out. The coach then had a discussion about the concept of beauty and strength. This scenario illustrates how physical activity can play a roll in developing students

Cognitive skills

According to Mosston's spectrum of teaching style, a strategy in which the teacher makes all decision in teaching instruction is


During a fitness unit, a teacher should recommend students do all the following EXCEPT.

Compare scores among themselves for better motivation

Middle school school students are playing game in which several skills are being emphasized. The objective of the lesson is to improve skill development. In this situation the rules should be...


Which of the following strategies would best help the teacher obtain the most accurate assessment of students's improvement in kicking ?

Conducting a formal test in which the students make as many kicks as possible in a set time period

Which of the following skills will be measured by tests in the psychomotor domain?

Controlling, moving, and selecting

Which of the following types of cooperative learning projects would be most appropriate for fostering secondary physical education students' ability to advocate for increased physical activity in their own lives and in the lives of family members?

Creating social media campaigns to highlight physical activity opportunities at local or state parks and recreation areas and health benefits derived from those activities

Children who find new and different way to move are satisfying the need for ...

Creative Expression

Which instrument is used to evaluate a student's performance based on external variable such as a grade or level?

Criterion reference

Which is the most important safety consideration to include in class instruction?

Dangers and risks of the activity

On a computer, students' names, locker number and locker combinations are stored most efficiently in

Data base

An incomplete trunk rotation on an overhead throw will most likely result in

Decreased throwing distance

Some children in grade in grade six through eight may display a lack. Of coordination or insufficient body management in various physical activities. This difficulty is most likely related to

Delayed development of motor skills

A young person begins a weight training program during the middle school years. This students applies good training principles and can be continued trough out life. One can predict the student will

Develop and maintain greater muscle mass

A young person begins a weight training program during middle school years. This student applies good training principles that can be continued throughout life. One can predict the student will be...

Develop and maintain greater muscle mass.

The role of cognitive development in physical education is best reflected in activities that

Develop physical fitness, good health, and and an appropriate hygiene routine

Children with cardiovascular disorders will be restricted regarding physical activities. the physical educator should help the child by...

Developing an individualized program that is approved by the attending physician.

Which important complex carbohydrate is made up of plant material that he human body can not digest?

Dextrin molecules

Fifth grade students rotate through a series of fitness stations. The class includes two mildly mentally disabled students. Which adaptations are most appropriate for these mildly mentally disabled students?

Directions should be kept simple: tasks with a range of varying difficulty should be made available.

6-Which PE Curriculum value most emphasizes the importance of knowledge, skills, and proficiency in PE?

Disciplinary mastery

In a 4 grade class, the students are working to improve kicking accuracy with a soccer ball. One student kicks the ball while the others observe. Their observes should focus their attention on

Distance the ball travels after the kick

Which style of teaching should a teacher employ if the objective of the lesson is to generate many alternatives that solve cognitive or motor problems?

Divergent problem solving

Physical activities that provide students with opportunities to develop interpersonal sensitivity and awareness of other help students gain a better understanding of...


Physical activities that provide students with opportunities to develop interpersonal sensitivity and awareness of the others of students behavior at the star of


In square dance, the movement in which partners face each other, pass each other right shoulder to right shoulder, move around each other back to back, and return to their original position facing each other is called the


To demonstrate the effort quality of movement. Which activity would be most appropriate?

Dribbling soccer ball between cone

Which statement is correct concerning drinking water and/or eating and their relationship to exercise?

Drinking water after aerobic exercise is beneficial

When physical education teachers select activities according to the developing maturity level and interests of children, they are exhibiting a philosophical view that is


A student who claps twice in an even rhythm to each beat of a four-beat measure of music is marking the:

Eight Note

A teacher who wants to provide an example of his technology skills while documenting his growth in Florida professional Accomplished practice would most likely use

Electronic reflection journal.

The role of cognitive development in physical education is best reflected in activities that

Encouraging questioning, integrating, analyzing, and communicating

In a attempt to perform a head stand, an elementary school student consistently overbalances and falls over. Which of the following adjustments should the teacher suggest to help the student maintain a balanced head start position?

Enlarge Base

A middle school physical education teacher meets the students at the door of the gymnasium at the beginning of class. Which of the following should the teacher's first priority before starting class?

Ensuring that the environment is safe.

Three primary categories of casual factors that are at the roof of most preventable accidents are

Environmental conditions, supervision, and instruction.

An authentic method of assessing a middle grade student's ability to perform a forehand and backhand in tennis is to

Evaluate the student on forehand techniques during play

Middle school physical education students are inventing new games. The rules must ensure that all players have the opportunity to participate fully in that all are safe. A social study teacher might because this lesson as an analogy when discussing

Family Groups

An elementary physical education teacher realizes that his students have not had enough practice using a new movement concept. Which instrument would be most appropriate for collecting data?

Feedback analysis chart

During a soccer game, confrontation occurred because one student pushed another. The teacher should

Find an opportunity for teaching appropriate games behavior.

15-Which PE Curriculum model is criticized for an excessive emphasis on testing and award?

Fitness Education

A type of software how to set goals using technology, physical education teacher should use

Fitness Software

Which example best represents the skill theme approach for instructional unit in a physical education curriculum?

Fitness, body management, striking with objects, and throwing and catching

An 8th grade. Is small for his age, had average physical ability, and surfs from social anxiety. Which activity will best promote life long fitness, self confidence and social contact?

Flag Football

Which of the following would be the most useful set of journals for physical education teacher in Florida to improve the instructional design of course ?

Florida AAHPERD Journals; Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports; Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

Which of the following is the best professional organization for teachers to use as a resource for enriching their physical education programs in order to serve diverse populations engaged in activity?

Florida Society of Health and Physical Educators

A teacher tells students that if they complete a one-page assignment that is cross-curricular is can be about any sport, they will earn extra credit. Which one of the following topics would earn the extra credit?

Football and how to keep score

What concept is defined as "anything needed to produce or change the motion of an object"?


When a heavier bat is swung at the same speed as a lighter bar, Which factor will change?


Select the test that ensures content validity and minimizes external factors


Which of the following teacher strategies would be most appropriate to incorporate regularly into middle school classes in order to foster positive social behaviors and respect for diversity in physical education students?

Forming teams using random selection procedures and engaging students in small-sided games and group challenges.

The best example pf a propioceptive sense receptor. That permits movement error detention is a

Golgi tendon organ

DHL is also known as

Good cholesterol

The most appropriate use of assessment data in the affective domain is to

Group students for class activities.

Which defensive strategy is the key to becoming a good player of an invasion game such as soccer or basket ball?

Guarding opponents to interfere with their movement

During gymnastic lesson, a teacher arranges activities for students to practice at their own pace in lead ing centers. This is an example of...

Guided Discovery

Which type of instruction will lead students through a series of experienced with the hope that they will arrive at one solution?

Guided discovery

The most appropriate lesson for a middle school PE class during an interdisciplinary activity on the laws of motion and air resistance would be..

Guided discovery lessons using various projectiles

A tripod is most commonly used as a lead up activity for which of the following skills in stunts and tumbling?


Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act stipulates that services must be provided to students who

Have a physical or mental impairment

The most effective way for a teacher to formally asses a group's ability to perform a dance sequence is to

Have all of the groups perform at the same time

To motivate middle school students to improve their fitness score, a teacher should

Have students review their scores and set personal goals.

To assist fifth-grade students practicing lay-up shooting , the teacher should use which set of activities to apply the part to whole method of teaching?

Have the students practice the virtual jump: the jump and the shot, and then the approach, jump and shot.

In soft ball , the term backing up means

Having all of the outfielders move away from the infield

What is the most appropriate method of grouping students for instructions?

Having studentes count off(1-2-3, 1-2-3----)

Identify an appropriate intrinsic motivational strategy

Having students. Set goals through self-assessments

Closed skill

Hitting off Tee, Catching Football or dribbling basketball

Which loco-motor skill is a component of skipping?


Which indicator from the video tapped lesson. Will best asses a teacher's role in students learning.

How many students are actively involved during the class.

4-A curriculum that is designed around the subject matter rather than around the students reflects the philosophy of


In tennis, the term half-volley means hitting the ball

Immediately after it bounces

Which action should be taken immediately for spinal injury?

Immobilize the student, monitor the vital signs, and Summon medical helps

A teacher is working on fundamental movement patterns with a group of children at the mature stage of development.the most challenging task to set for these children will be to have them travel..

In varying stages using a variety of loco-motor skills

A teacher repeatedly demonstrates a kicking skill to a 5 grade student. No matter how precise the demonstration the student does not understand. Most likely this. Student is

Incapable of learning the skill

A training device that assist the momentum of students in performing a forward or backward roll is known as

Inclined Mat

The most important consideration when planning daily lesson is to

Include motor skill development in every lesson

The term for developing and prescribing an educational planning for students with varying exceptionalities in the least restrictive environment is..


When students are asked how they would adapt softball for students with special needs, they come up with a concept of batting of a tee while sitting in a wheel chair. Then all the students attempt the new skill. This situation represents an example of


On the AAHPERD health-related fitness test, a student has the following scores: -Cardio cascular endurance-15th percentil -Body composition-25th What is. The best recommendation based on data?

Increase aerobic activity and monitor dietary intake

Which of the following best illustrates a benefit that physical education students receive from cross-curricular links?

Increased awareness by students of the relevance of all subjects.

Which strategy is most appropriate to help a fourth grade student who has difficulty striking a moving ball?

Increasing the size of the ball

A student wants to improve her jumping ability for basketball. She is currently doing three sets of 15 rapidly executed veetical jumps, with a 5 minutes recovery period between sets. If the set is increased to 20 jumps. What overload variable will be changed.?


A student who started on a program of walking one mile in 14 minutes, 4 days a week, within 2 weeks, the student hoped to walking one and half miles in 20 minutes.6 days a week. To accomplish this, which overload variable must be modified?

Intensity, time(duration), and frequency

A physical education teacher teaches a group of high school students a 32-beat dance- movement sequence and has them practice it to a popular song until they have learned the sequence. Next, the students dance the sequence a few times to a country-western song, then to a salsa song, and, finally, to a piece of classical music written in 4/4 time. This activity could most effectively be used to encourage students' development of the ability to:

Interpret music by varying personal movement style.

To introduce students to the rhythmic use of locomotor skills it would be more appropriate to design patters that include hopping rather than patterns that include skipping because hopping:

Involves one count and skipping involves two counts.

A beginning physical education teacher of an elementary school is planning a physical education exercise a parent meeting. Which of the following strategies. Would best ensure alert audience?

Involving the highly skilled students in a demonstration of excellence

A sixteen year old male's present exercise program focuses primarily on weight training. In addition, he jogs occasionally, stretching briefly before jogging. On a health related test, he scored at the 25th percentile on cardiovascular endurance. Which will be minimum amount of exercising to improve his cardiovascular endurance.?

Jogging further every day, increasing intensity as able.

A teacher is designing activities to teach 5 grade students defensive strategies. Which of the following practice conditions will be the least complex for beginning to develop the content?

Keep away games played in general space with more defensive players

A beginning gymnastic student has difficulty maintaining balance and control while executing simple balance beam routine. To correct this problem by

Keeping the head up and looking directly ahead

A student who walks with a bobbi, bo Of exaggerated vertical push from the feel will alleviate the problem by

Keeping the head up and looking directly ahead

To follow the best sequence for practicing close-to-open motor skills, a student should

Kick a stationary ball, kick a ball moving toward the body, kick a ball while moving across a play area...

The cue under the ball that encourages a learner to make contact with the ball below center is important for

Kicking for distance

When teaching elementary students to jump fro. A balanced position, the teacher should instruct student to have their...

Knees slightly bent at take off

To help all children develop desirable social standards and ethics, the teacher should structure the physical education environment so that students

Know astablished limitis of acceptable behavior

To help all children develop desirable social standards and ethics, the teacher should structure the physical education environment so that students

Know established limit of acceptable behavior

21-Which activity would be best for an 8 grade interdisciplinary unit on Native Americans from the Northeast ern United States?...


Is swimming, students who experience difficult in executing the crawl stroke equally on both sides of the body probably need additional movement experiences to develop


For students who are slow in their ability to use both sides of the body simple motor tasks should be provided to develop


The structure and function of the body can best be taught to a five-year-old child by having the child

Learn about the function of body parts skipping, running, climbing, and striking

Which of the following strategies would most benefit a student who has a dominant auditory learning style?

Learning centers

On a first serve in tennis, the ball hits the top of the net but lands in the proper court

Let ball, second serve

A teacher is supervising a first grade class on an out door Field and notices lightning and an approaching thunderstorm. What should the teacher do?

Line up and go inside

Which is the safest and most effective means to line up line up students while maintaining each child's social and emotional well being

Line up from the shortest to the tallest

A teacher is planning a lesson on developing 1 grader in creative dance. At the initial stage of development. Which instructional strategy should be followed?

Locomotor and nonlocomotor movement in folk and square dance

In a middle school PE class several students with learning disabilities are considered obese. Have below average score on health-related fitness measures and appear to have awkward clumsy movements. The physical education programs for these students should should emphasize...

Low-organization games, dance and flexibility activities

Which mechanical principle is expanded in part by the fact that linear motion of an object results when force us applied through the center of gravity of that object?

Magnitude of Force

In addition to incorporating health- related components, the individual program to improve for all fitness should

Maintain strength and endurance while promoting body flexibility

An elementary physical education teacher learns that a student with Asperger syndrome is enrolled in one of the teacher's classes for the new school year. The teacher would like to make preliminary plans for establishing an appropriate learning environment for this student. Which of the following approaches would be most appropriate for the teacher to consider implementing?

Maintaining consistent class procedures and activity schedules and discussing variations and adjustments with the student before they happen

What type of skill is properling and receiving objects?


Initial strength-training program in which children develop basic motor skills in good postured and avoid injuries should include

Manual resistence, rubber tubing and isometies

At the end of the year , general students' performance scores were low. What should the teacher do to better prepare for the future?

Match curriculum content with student interest

17-The first component of along-term plan for a physical education program is a...

Matrix indicating the curriculum

2-The ancient Greeks had a lasting impact on PE programs ...the belief in importance of...

Mind,Body and Spirit

20-After a teacher plans the yearly physical education program, she should then

Modify her plans based upon student's learning gains and needs.

Which statement best describes motor development?

Motor development keeps are with maturation

Where should teachers position themselves on a field to supervise a large group of game?

Move along sideline

7-Which curriculum model es based on the. Qualities of space, ralationships, and efforts?

Movement Education.

Which teacher behavior should be most emphasized by a teacher with a quiet voice who is concerned that students practicing on the far side of the court are not hearing his instructions?

Movement Patterns

Which document best assist a middle school staff in planning their school's yearly physical education curriculum?

Moving into the Future: National standards for Physical education

The teacher has been asked to recommend facilities to be included in play ground renovation. What combination of facilities would be the most appropriate for use by the primary grade ?

Multi purpose hard-to area, an apparatus, and a large field

What happens to the composition of the body as a result of muscular strength and endurance training?

Muscle mass increases with possible fat reduction

Which organization's website would a physical education teacher consult to find out what 4 grade students should know and be able to do based on the national list physical education?

National Association for Sorts and Physical Education

Which statement best indicates the provisions of title IX of the education amendments of 1972?

No person on the basis of sex shall be excluded from participation and or denied the benefits of any educational program

Which legal term is defined as failure to perform an official duty or legal requirement?


What type of body management skill is static balance?


The most valid technique for deciding what the objective should be for the 3rd lesson in a six lesson skills learning sequence is to

Observe students' progress toward achieving the objectives of the second lesson.

Where should a portable balanced beam be placed when used in an outdoor area?

On a level surface with sufficient number of mats

Which CD Rom source provides the best information on life long fitness programs and activities?

P.E 4 Life

Which is the best method of Informing the public about a school's physical education program?

Parents' back-to-school nights with student-demonstrated class activity

A student performing push-ups is using which extensor muscles?

Pectoralis and triceps mucles

Instructional feedback received during physical activity is known as knowledge of


IDEA requires that students with disabilities be

Placed in adapted physical education

Which of the following activities would be most appropriate for a physically impaired students to perform in a physical education class?

Playing a game with adaptations

The most effective method of supervision of students in the locker room is to

Position a teacher in the area at all times

When changing position , what type of equilibrium is most needed?


Which of the following practice strategies is most likely to result in improved game performance of open motor skills?

Practicing skills in different situations and under a variety of different conditions

Which of the following is a valid application of part-whole learning?

Practicing the toss of the tennis serve before practicing the entire serve

5.John Dewey's educational belief That one " learns by doing" is applicable to PE and is closely aliened with the philosophy..


What type of software would students use to enter their fitness score and set new goals?


Which assessment would be most effective for inclusionary intermediate physical education class which contains several students with moderate mental disabilities

Program that gathers baseline data and monitors improvement.

Section 504 of 1973

Prohibits the discrimination of any individual w/disability

Team activities in the middle school

Promote cooperative behavior

The Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) physical education model is characterized by which of the following approaches?

Promoting students' decision-making, problem-solving, and tactical awareness and skills in the context of games and sports that share similar objectives

For a class of 3 graded, which introductory teaching strategy would facilitate a safe class activity?

Provide a brief, dynamic description on the class activities

Placing equipment to maximize safe participation of all students is an example of...

Providing an area free of hazards.

11-Matching activities to the physical facility is an example of..

Providing for a safe enviromemt

When teaching students with disabilities, a physical education teacher should do which of the following?

Raise expectations based on approval standards for the students.

Which of the following is the safest and most effective means to line up students while maintaining each child's social and emotional well-being

Randomly selecting students by colors they are wearing.

Identify the AAHPERD publication that provides information on teaching and coaching techniques

Realsearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sport.

Offering a broad spectrum of activities provide the setting for social skills enhancement by

Recognizing individual differences

Which best measure form and Technique in executing basket ball lay up shot?

Recording the number of successful lay up made in 30 seconds

A first grade class is working on the development of rhythmic awareness. For students in the initial stage of learning. Which materials are most useful?

Records with voice instructions and use it for loco-motor skills.

What set of muscles do twisting sit-ups develop?

Rectus abdominis and abdominal oblique

Which method of discipline will be used first to primary student who is off task?

Redirect the student to the activity

A teacher who keeps a daily journal about the positive and negative feeling of the day's lesson is practicing

Reflective teaching

Which Physical activity is activity is developmentally appropriate for primary students?

Relay races using a variety of loco-motor skills.

In a volleyball game, two opposing players contact the net at the same time. The correct ruling is a


The source of the latest scientific findings in physical educational is

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports

In swimming, students who express difficulty in executing the crawl stroke equally on both side of the body probably need additional movement experiences to develop.

Right Discrimination

In which event will a gymnast who demonstrates high levels of balance, agility and power most excel


In which event would a gymnast who demonstrates high levels of balanced, agility , and power most excel?


The best method for assessing a 4th grade class on the kicking skills they have been practicing is to

Rotate students through various kicking stations and evaluate their skills with a check list

During a nine minute run to test cardiovascular fitness, a student with visual impairment should

Run with partner as a Guide

22-An elementary physical education teacher wishes to incorporate the principle of summation of forces to align a lesson with....


When trying to find information pertaining to physical education on the internet , a teacher would most likely use the program that looks for sites related to subjects. This type of program is a

Search Engine

A teacher moved to a new state and begins teaching physical education. To continue professionals development, the best choice for this teacher is to

Search website for information

Which factor contributes most significantly to loss of flexibility?

Sedentary living

A sixth grade class containing 30 students working in manipulative skills. The students' ability would range from low to highly skilled. How should the class be organized to maximize practice time and skill development?

Select stations using task cards to describe different activities

Which action is the main offensive strategy for net games like volley ball and tennis?

Sending ball in to open spaces

Which defensive strategy is the key to becoming a good player of an invasion game

Sending ball into open spaces

Which action would best give middle school students a feeling of success when they care consistently scoring below the national average for the norm referenced fines test?

Setting individualized goals.

A student achieves a feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment as a result of regular participation in physical activities. This best describes which type of developmental?


Which of the following methods uses the most advanced technology for the body composition?

Skinfold calibration

For 1 grade students. Which loco motor movement is most complex?


In terms of sequential development. Which locomotor skill precedes learning to leap?


Which of the following would best expose students to physical activities representative of a variety of culture


What are three sports that should be taught with the whole-part-whole approach during PE?

Soccer, Volleyball, Badminton

A tumbler can make the transition from explosive movement to sustained-controlled landing by adjusting which aspect of the movement?


Feedback that is directed to one individual so that the entire class benefits from the comments is called

Specific feedback

A volley ball repeated-volley test, in which the student volleys a tossed ball against the target on a wall as many times as possible in 30 seconds, measures what?

Speed and Accuracy

A volley ball hit downward with great force into the opponent's court is called a


An abundance of fast-twitch fiber would be most advantageous in performing a

Sprint Start

A high school student runs four miles at a moderate pace four days a week. Which of the following modifications to this physical activity routine is most likely to improve the student's level of cardio respiratory fitness?

Sprinting several times at maximum speed for short intervals during runs

A right handed student playing softball consistently hits the ball into right field. To help the student hit the ball into the left field, the teacher should suggest that the student

Start Swing Sooner

For the first activity in a striking skills progression, primary students should be

Stationary, striking a foam ball from a tee with the dominant hand

A primary level class is begging work on both angling skills. Which type of class organization will maximize time on task?

Stations with Task Cards

Which set of risk factor s or health condition can be improved by exercise?

Stress, obesity, and high blood pressure.

Which is the most appropriate worm up procedure for jogging?

Stretch the lower body appropriately for 5 to 10 minutes

Which sequential series related to volleying skills is developmentally appropriate from pre-control through proficiency level?

Striking light objects, volleying to a partner, volleying over a net, and modified volley ball.

Which assessment is most appropriate for evaluating the affective domain?

Student Journal

Motivation is enhanced if the

Students have some input in what they do

Title IX of thr education amendment act of 1972 provides that

Students may be grouped by ability without regard to sex

Which of the following situations best illustrates an appropriate application of the physical fitness training principle of specificity in a physical education class?

Students participate in a low-intensity cardiorespiratory warm-up activity that targets the same muscles that will be used in the main class activity

In a running lay up shot, a student is not getting enough height. What suggestion would be more helpful?

Take a short term stride prior to the take off.

The most effective strategy for giving students appropriate practice applying motor skills safely is having

Tasks for. Each member of a small group at a learning station

Students are working on dribbling basketballs. Most students are challenged by traveling while dribbling. A few students are highly skilled so the teacher tells them, "Begin dribbling around the obstacles arranged on the other end of the court. When I stop the rest of the class to talk to them, stand quietly, but begin working again when the rest of the class begins again."

Teach By Invitation

Many students in a 1st grade class are not developmentally ready to skip. Which of the following strategies will facilitate students' readiness to skip

Teach only the step-hop sequence to students.

The most appropriate way to teach striking skills in the initial stage of development would be to use

The Handle

Which of the following characteristics is most important in functioning effectively as a natural leader and positive role model in sports and physical education activities?

The ability to influence a group toward a particular goal in a nonjudgmental, collaborative way.

When developing a curriculum to form the foundation of a successful programs, which of the following is the highest priority?

The curriculum, goals, and objectives are appropriate for all students

Which criterion is most appropriate for choosing group size?

The number of students necessary to practice a skill

Which of the following would provide the information about as student's wellness status?

The percentile ranking for the age group

A student is injured during recess. The physical education teacher is called to the scene. The physical education teacher notifies the administrator using a two way radio. Who is responsible for filling out the accident report

The physical education teacher

Lat pull down works what muscles??

The pulldown exercise works the back muscles, especially the latissimus dorsi or the "lats.

Which of the following statements is true with Mastery Learning ?

The teacher makes all designs about the task.

Seven station are available for a sixth-grade activity. Which grouping strategy would best motivate students and enhance their learning?

The teacher selects heterogeneous groups with varying skill level

Third-grade children usually base their choice of physical activities on..

Their fitness level

Which program would be most appropriate to help improve the ability to do push ups for students who can do only one regular push-up?

Three sets of ten modified push-ups, three days a week.

The legislation enacted by the Federal government in the 1970's in an attempt to ensure equal opportunities for both sex was

Title IX

Of the following choices. The best way to increase motivation is

To involve students in setting individual goals

During the volleyball unit, the teacher notices that a majority of the class can not serve over the net. Th modification that will enhance skill development is to allow the student

To move closer to the net for the serve

Research on motor skills acquisition emphasizes that the premier learning retention strategy is

Transfer of learning or transfer of training

Which of the following cues correctly describes a critical element of the two-handed side- arm strike used to bat a ball?

Transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot as your hips and shoulder rotate into the swing."

Stopping a soccer ball with the feet is called


Which of the following is the most appropriate way to motivate students?

Use similar learning activities throughout the unit to provide familiarity.

A middle school teacher observes that students playing basketball are having difficulty moving the ball close enough to the basket so they can score. What would be the most effective way to practice the appropriate offensive strategies?

Use two-on-two activities that focus on picks, screens and cutting.

The recommended amount of fat in the diet of teenagers is

Variable according to stage of development

Some of the children in a physical education class become excited and respond well when they are asked to used to use written tasks card. In which of Gardner's multiple intelligence are these students probably strongest?


A teacher who believes that he is spending more time on classroom management tasks than on instruction would best be able to determine why this is occurring by

Video taping tapping a lesson

The most effective formative assessment to determine students understanding of special team concept is to

Watch the students play in a post test game

Seventh-grade students are practicing the running long jump. To best provide opportunity for feedback and skill improvement the students should...

Work in small Groups to practice skills that were taught

At the beginning of the new unit, the second grade class is practicing skills using a wood. Paddle and tennis ball...Which will be an appropriate initial activity?

Working alone tapping the ball downward..

While developing throwing and catching skills, students self-esteem would most likely be enhanced if they are

Working to achieve personally set goals.

World War I affect on physical education in school

World War 1, which shocked legislators to the point where some 27 states passed laws in the succeeding ten years requiring that physical education be taught in schools as a way of improving the vigor of our youth. World War II brought the third national effort to improve physical fitness of the general as well as the school public.

The type of obstacle course that is the most appropriate for developing physical fitness for middle school students is one that

Would help improve strength, power, endurance, and flexibility

Fitness activities stations, including step-ups, jumping rope, pacer run, and dribbling around cones are designed to improve

aerobic endurance

There a 30 students in class and only one small field available. To maximize students participation and space, the teacher should

divide the class into two teams for a game and rotate players to all positions

12-Middle school PE programs should..

emphasize physical fitness as the strongest point

Student having a hard time bounce ball against wall with Paddle.

give the child Short handle or long handle paddle?

The majority of physical education and. Sport ligigation varies from

inadequate supervision

The difficulty of striking a ball with an implement like a tennis racket, a bat, or golf club

increases with the length of the implement

Cooperative learning is based on all the following concepts EXCEPT

individual accountability

To make feedback more effective, a teacher would

make the feedback personal by using the student's name.

last 100 years army has a big affect on ...........p.E

personal fitness, WW2 soldiers were out of shape

Regular exercise improves one's appearance and ability to perform tasks, which increases self-confidence and self-esteem. This type of benefit would be described as


fine motor skills

small movements such as picking up small objects, holding spoon fingers, toes, wrist,lips and tongue

A student's personal fitness program include jogging 3 days a week for 30-45 minutes, lifting weights 3 days a week, and performing appropriate stretching exercises during warmup and cool-down for both jogging and weight lifting. This fitness program emphasizes which of the following sets of health-related components?

stress and physical inactivity

A physical fitness assessment is be used to compare students' score with

their previous score

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