Physical Science Final

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The work done in holding a 50 kg object at a height of 2 m above the floor for 10 s is A. 0 B. 250 J C. 1000 J D. 98,000 J

A. 0

The object in the sky that apparently moves least in the course of time is A. Polaris B. Venus C. the sun D. the moon

A. Polaris

When a magnetized bar of iron is strongly heated, its magnetization A. becomes weaker B. becomes stronger C. reverses its direction D. is unchanged

A. becomes weaker

Buoyancy occurs because, as the depth in a fluid increases, the fluid's A. pressure increases B. pressure decreases C. density increases D. density decreases

A. pressure increases

The image formed by a diverging lens of a real object is never which one or more of the following? A. real B. virtual C. erect D. smaller than the object

A. real

A wooden plank 200 cm long, 30 cm wide, and 40 mm thick floats in water with 10 mm of its thickness above the surface. The mass of the board is A. 1.8 kg B. 18 kg C. 24 kg D. 176 kg

B. 18 kg

A transformer whose primary winding has twice as many turns as its secondary winding is used to convert 240-V ac to 120-V ac. If the current in the secondary circuit is 4 A, the primary current is A. 1 A B. 2 A C. 4 A D. 8 A

B. 2 A

In a drawing of magnetic field lines, the weaker the field is, the A. closer together the field lines are B. farther apart the field lines are C. more nearly parallel the field lines are D. more divergent the field lines are

B. farther apart the field lines are

At a given temperature A. the molecules in a gas all have the same average speed B. the molecules in a gas all have the same average energy C. light gas molecules have lower average energies than heavy gas molecules D. heavy gas molecules have lower average energies than light has molecules

B. the molecules in a gas all have the same average energy

The narrower the wave packet of a particle is, A. the shorter its wavelength B. the more precisely its position can be established C. the more precisely its momentum can be established D. the more precisely its energy can be estblised

B. the more precisely its position can be established

The speed of sound waves having a frequency of 256 Hz compared with the speed of sound waves having a frequency of 512 Hz is A. half as great B. the same C. twice as great D. 4 times as great

B. the same

When light is directed at a metal surface, the energies of the emitted electrons A. vary with the intensity of the light B. vary with the frequency of the light C. vary with the speed of the light D. are random

B. vary with the frequency of the light

A bicycle travels 12 km in 40 min. Its average speed is A. 0.3 km/h B. 8 km/h C 18 km/h D. 48 km/h

C 18 km/h

A 1-kg object has kinetic energy of 1 J when ts speed is A. 0.45 m/s B 1 m/s C. 1.4 m/s D. 4.4 m/s

C. 1.4 m/s

A 2-kg brick has the dimensions 7.5 cm X 15 cm X 30 cm. The pressure the brick exerts when standing on its smallest face is A. 0.0178 Pa B. 0.0225 C. 178 Pa D. 225 Pa

C. 178 Pa

A medal in a plastic cube appears to be 12 mm below the top of the cube. If n=1.5 for the plastic, the depth of the medal is actually A. 6 mm B. 8 mm C. 18 mm D. 24 mm

C. 18 mm

The speed of light in diamond is 1.24 X 10^8 m/s. The index of refraction of diamond is A. 1.24 B. 2.31 C. 2.42 D. 3.72

C. 2.42

If the pressure on 10 m^3 of air is increased from 200 kPa to 800 kPa, the new volume of air will be A. 1.25 m^3 B. 1.67 m^3 C. 2.5 m^3 D. 40 m^3

C. 2.5 m^3

How many quantum numbers are needed to determine the size and shape of an atomic orbital A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

C. 3

A person is 180 cm tall. This is equivalent to A. 4 ft 6 in. B. 5 ft 9 in. C. 5 ft 11 in D. 7 ft 1 in.

C. 5 ft 11 in

A car's storage battery is being charged at a rate of 75 W. If the potential difference across the battery's terminals is 13.6 V, charge is being transferred between its plates at A. 0.18 C/s B. 2.8 C/s C. 5.5 C/s D. 1020 C/s

C. 5.5 C/s

The resistance of a light bulb that draws a current of 2 A when connected to a 12-V battery A. 1.67 ohm B. 2 ohm C. 6 ohm D. 24 ohm

C. 6 ohm

A woman whose mass is 60 kg on the earth's surface is in a spacecraft at an altitude of one earth's radius above the surface. Her mass there is A. 15 kg B. 30 kg C. 60 kg D. 120 kg A man whose weight is 800 N on the earth's surface is also in the spacecraft. His weight there is A. 200 N B. 400 N C. 800 N D. 1600 N

C. 60 kg A. 200 N

A lamp emits light of frequency 5 X 10^15 Hz at a power of 25 W. The number of photons given off per second is A. 1.3 X 10^-19 B. 8.3 X 10^-17 C. 7.6 X 10^18 D. 1.9 X 10^50

C. 7.6 X 10^18

A person uses a force of 300 N to pry up one end of a 120-kg box using a lever 2.4 m long. The distance from the end of the box to the fulcrum is A. 40 cm B. 49 cm C. 81 cm D. 171 cm

C. 81 cm

Coulomb's law for the force between electric charges belongs in the same general category as A. the law of conservation of energy B. Newton's second law of motion C. Newton's law of gravitation D. the second law of thermodyncamics

C. Newton's law of gravitation

A spinning skater whose arms are at her sides then stretches out her arms horizontally. A. she continues to spin at the same rate B. She spins more rapidly C. She spins more slowly D. Any of the choices could be correct, depending on how heavy her arms are

C. She spins more slowly

In order to cause something to move in a circular path, it is necessary to provide A. a reaction force B. an inertial force C. a centripetal force D. a gravitational force

C. a centripetal force

The magnetic filed of a bar magnet resembles most closely the magnetic field of A. a straight wire carrying a direct current B. a straight wire carrying an alternating current C. a wire loop carrying a direct current D. a wire loop carrying an alternating curent

C. a wire loop carrying a direct current

If we know the magnitude and direction of the net force on an object of known mass, Newton's second law of motion lets us find its A. position B. speed C. acceleration D. weight

C. acceleration

Tides are caused A. only by the sun B. only by the moon C. by both the sun and the moon D. sometimes by the sun and sometimes by the moon

C. by both the sun and the moon

The earth and the moon exert equal and opposite forces on each other. The force the earth exerts on the moon A. is the action force B. is the reaction force C. can be considered either as the action or as the reaction force D. cannot be considered as part of an action-reaction pair because the forces act in opposite directions

C. can be considered either as the action or as the reaction force

According to the theories of modern physics, light A. is exclusively a wave phenomenon B. is exclusively a particle phenomenon C. combines wave and particle properties D. has neither wave nor particle properites

C. combines wave and particle properties

The magnetic field lines around a long, straight current are A. straight lines parallel to the current B. straight lines that radiate from the current like spokes of a wheel C. concentric circles around the current D. concentric helixes around the current

C. concentric circles around the current

According to Kepler's third law, the time needed for a planet to complete an orbit around the sun A. is the same for all the planets B. depends on the planet's size C. depends on the planet's distance from the sun D. depends on how fast the planet spins on its axis

C. depends on the planet's distance from the sun

A car rounds a curve on a level road. The centripetal force on the car is provided by A. inertia B. gravity C. friction between the tires and the road D. the force applied to the steering wheel

C. friction between the tires and the road

The index of refraction of a transparent substance is always A. less than 1 B. 1 C. greater than 1 D. any of the above

C. greater than 1

Sound travels slowest in A. air B. water C. iron D. a vacuum

C. iron

When a net force of 1 N acts on a 1 kg-body, the body receives A. a speed of 1 m/s B. an acceleration of 0.1 m/s^2 C. an acceleration of 1 m/s^2 D. an acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2

D. an acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2

A 120-V, 1-kW electric heater is mistakenly connected to a 240-V power line that has a 14-A fuse. The heater will A. give off less than 1 kW of heat B.give off 1 kW of heat C. give off more than one 1 Kw of heat D. blow the fuse

D. blow the fuse

Molecular motion is not responsible for A. the pressure exerted by a gas B. Boyle's law C. evaporation D. buoyancy

D. buoyancy

According to the Bohr model of the atom, an electron in the ground state A. radiates electromagnetic energy continuously B. emits only spectral lines C. remains there forever D. can jump to another orit if given enough energy

D. can jump to another orbit if given enough energy

Light waves A. require air or another gas to travel through B. require some kind of matter to travel through C. require electric and magnetic fields to travel through D. can travel through a perfect vacuum

D. can travel through a perfect vacuum

One gram of steam at 100C causes a more serious burn than 1 g of water at 100C because the steam A. is less dense B. strikes the skin with greater force C. has a higher specific heat D. contains more energy

D. contains more energy

The greater the amplitude of a wave, the greater its A. frequency B. wavelength C. speed D. energy

D. energy

The Doppler effect occurs A. only in sound waves B. only in logitudinal waves C. only in transverse waves D. in all types of waves

D. in all types of waves

A real image formed by any lens is always which one or more of the following? A. smaller than the object B. larger than the object C. erect D. inverted

D. inverted

The charge on an electron A. is 1 C B. depends on he electron's mass C. depends on the electron's size D. is always the same

D. is always the same

Two thermometers, one calibrated in F and the other in C, are used to measure the same temperature. The numerical reading on the F thermometer A. is less than that on the Celsius thermometer B. is equal to that on the Celsius thermometer C. is greater than that on the Celsius thermometer D. may be any of these, depending on the temperature

D. may be any of these, depending on the temperature

Absolute zero may be regarded as that temperature at which A. water freezes B. all gases become liquids C. all substances become solids D. molecular motion in a gas would be the minimum possible

D. molecular motion in a gas would be the minimum possible

It is not true that A. light is affected by gravity B. the mass of a moving object depends upon its speed C. the maximum speed anything can have is the speed of light D. momentum is a form of energy

D. momentum is a form of energy

All magnetic fields originate in A. iron atoms B. permanent magnets C. stationary electric charges D. moving electric charges

D. moving electric charges

A phenomenon that cannot be understood with the help of the quantum theory of light is A. the photoelectric effect B. x-ray production C. the spectrum of an element D. nterference of light

D. nterference of light

The quality in sound that corresponds to color in light is A. amplitude B. resonance C. waveform D. pitch

D. pitch

Electric power is equal to A. (current)(voltage) B. current/voltage C. voltage/current D. (resistance)(voltage)

A. (current)(voltage)

A 1-kg object has a potential energy of 1 J relative to the ground when it is at a height of A. 0.102 m B. 1m C. 9.8 m D. 98 m

A. 0.102 m

A boat at anchor is rocked by waves whose crests are 20 m apart and whose speed is 5 m/s. These waves reach the boat with a frequency of A. 0.25 Hz B. 4 Hz C. 20 Hz D. 100 Hz

A. 0.25 Hz

Five joules of work are needed to shift 10 C of charge from one place to another. The potential difference between the places is A. 0.5 V B. 2 V C. 5 V D. 10 V

A. 0.5 V

A 10,000-kg freight car moving at 2 m/s collides with a stationary 15,000-kg freight car. The two cars couple together and move off at A. 0.8 m/s B.. 1 m/s C. 1.3 m/s D. 2 m/s

A. 0.8 m/s

An object has a rest energy of 1 J when its mass is A. 1.1 X 10^-17 kg B. 3.3 X 10^-9 kg C. 1 kg D. 9 X 10^16 kg

A. 1.1 X 10^-17 kg

The current in a 40-W, 120-V electric lightbulb is A. 1/3 A B. 3 A C. 80 A D. 4800 A

A. 1/3 A

A total of 4900 J is used to lift a 50-kg mass. The mass is raised to a height of A. 10 m B. 98 m C. 960 m D. 245 km

A. 10 m

How long does a car whose acceleration is 2 m/s^2 need to go from 10 m/s to 30 m/s A. 10 s B. 20 s C. 40 s D. 400s

A. 10 s

A car whose mass is 1600 kg (including the driver) has a maximum acceleration of 1.20 m/s^2. When a certain passenger is also in the car, its maximum acceleration becomes 1.13 m/s^2. The mass of the passenger is A. 100 kg B. 108 kg C. 112 kg D. 134 kg

A. 100 kg

The lightest particle in an atom is an electron, whose rest mass is 9.1 X 10^-31 kg. The energy equivalent of this mass is approximately A. 10^-13 J B. 10^-15 J C. 3 X 10^-23 J D. 10^-47 J

A. 10^-13 J

The measurements of a room are given length = 5.28 m and width = 3.1 m. Since (5.28)(3.1) = 16.368, the room's area is correctly expressed as A. 16 m^2 B. 16.0 m^2 C. 16.4 m^2 D. 16.368 m^2

A. 16 m^2

An ideal frictionless engine absorbs heat at 400 K and exhausts at 300 K. Its efficient is A. 25 percent B. 33 percent C. 75 percent D. 133 percent

A. 25 percent

If a heat engine that exhausts heat at 400 K is to have an efficiency of 33 percent, it must take in heat at a minimum of A. 133 K A. 25 percent C. 532 K D. 600 D

A. 25 percent

The de Broglie wavelength of an electron whose speed is 2.0 X 10^7 m/s is A. 3.6 X 10^-11 m B. 2.8 X 10^-10 m C. 3.6 X 10^-10 m D. 2.8 X 10^10 m

A. 3.6 X 10^-11 m

Which one or more of the following sets of displacements might be able to return a car to its starting point? A. 5, 5, and 5, km B. 5, 5, and 10 km C. 5, 10, and 10 km D. 5, 5, and 20 km

A. 5, 5, and 5, km B. 5, 5, and 10 km C. 5, 10, and 10 km

The "scientific method" is A. a continuing process B. a way to arrive at ultimate truth C. a laboratory technique D. based on accepted laws and theories

A. a continuing process

The physics of a refrigerator most closely resembles the physics of A. a heat engine B. the melting of ice C. the freezing of water D. the evaporation of water

A. a heat engine

A hypothesis is A. a new scientific idea B. a scientific idea that has been confirmed by further experiment and observation C. a scientific idea that has been discarded because it disagrees with further experiment and observation D. a group of linked scientific ideas

A. a new scientific idea

The danish flag is red and white. When viewed with red light it appears A. all red B. all white C. red and white D. red and black

A. all red

The classical model of the hydrogen atom fails because A. an accelerated electron radiates electromagnetic waves B. a moving electron has more mass than an electron at rest C. a moving electron has more charge than an electron at rest D. the attractive force of the nucleus is not enough to keep an electron in orbit around it

A. an accelerated electron radiates electromagnetic waves

The total amount of energy (including the rest energy of matter) in the universe A. cannot changed B. can decrease but not increase C. can increase but not decrease D. can either increase or decrease

A. cannot changed

The particle easiest to remove from an atom is a(n) A. electron B. proton C. neutron D. nucleus

A. electron

Kepler modified the Copernican system by showing that the planetary orbits are A. ellipses B. circles C. combinations of circles forming looped orbits D. the same distance apart from one another

A. ellipses

A car that is towing a trailer is accelerating on a level road. The magnitude of the force the car exerts on the trailer is A. equal to the force the trailer exerts on the car B. greater than the force the trailer exerts on the car C. equal to the force the trailer exerts on the road D. equal to the force the road exerts on the trailer

A. equal to the force the trailer exerts on the car

The working substance ( or refrigerant ) used in most refrigerators is a A. gas that is easy to liquefy B. gas that is hard to liquefy C. liquid that is easy to solidify D. liquid that is hard to solidfy

A. gas that is easy to liquefy

A 240-V, 1-kW electric heater is mistakenly connected to a 120-V power line that has a 14-A fuse. The heater will A. give off less than 1 kW of heat B.give off 1 kW of heat C. give off more than one 1 Kw of heat D. blow the fuse

A. give off less than 1 kW of heat

Superconductors A. have no electrical resistance B. have very little electrical resistance C. are used in making transistors D. have no practical applications

A. have no electrical resistance

The mass of a photon A. is 0 b. is the same as that of an electron C. depends on its frequency D. is the size of the x-rays emitted

A. is 0

The ongoing evolution of living things A. is one of the basic concepts of biology B. is one of the basic concepts of "intelligent design" C. has no basis in observation D. is in conflict with all religions

A. is one of the basic concepts of biology

An s orbital A. is spherical in shape B. is shaped like a doughnut C. has two lobes D. has six lobes

A. is spherical in shape

The earth bulges slightly at the equator and is flattened at the poles because A. it spins on its axis B. it revolves around the sun C. of the sun's gravitational pull D. of the moon's gravitational pull

A. it spins on its axis

A bomb dropped from an airplane explodes in midair A. its total kinetic energy decreases B. its total kinetic energy decreases C. its total momentum increases D. its total momentum decreaes

A. its total kinetic energy decreases

An atom emits a photon when one of its orbital electrons A. jumps from a higher to a lower energy level B. jumps from a lower to a higher energy level C. is removed by the photoelectric effect D. is struck by an x-ray

A. jumps from a higher to a lower energy level

On the molecular level, heat is A. kinetic energy B. potential energy C. rest energy D. all of these, in proportions that depend on the circumstances

A. kinetic energy

The volume of a gas sample is increased while its temperature is held constant. The gas exerts a lower pressure on the walls of its container because its molecules strike the walls A. less often B. with lower velocities C. with less energy D. with less foce

A. less often

A converging lens of focal length f is being used as a magnifying glass. The distance of an object from the lens must be A. less than f B. f C. between f and 2f D. more than f

A. less than f

Sound waves are A. longitudinal B. transverse C. a mixture of longitudinal and transverse D. sometimes longitudinal and sometimes transverse

A. longitudinal

Water waves are A. longitudinal B. transverse C. a mixture of longitudinal and transverse D. sometimes longitudinal and sometimes transverse

A. longitudinal B. transverse C. a mixture of longitudinal and transverse D. sometimes longitudinal and sometimes transverse

An object is moving in a circle with a constant speed. Its acceleration is constant in A. magnitude only B. direction only C. both magnitude and direction D. neither magnitude nor directon

A. magnitude only

A quantum number is not associated with an atomic electron's A. mass B. energy C. spin D. orbital angular momentum

A. mass

When the momentum of a moving object is increased, there must also be an increase in which one or more of the following of the object's properties A. speed B. acceleration C. kinetic energy D. potential energy

A. speed C. kinetic energy

Which of the following is no longer considered valid? A. the Ptolemaic system B. the Copernican system C. Kepler's laws of planetary motion D. Newton's law of gravity

A. the Ptolemaic system

The pressure of the earth's atmosphere at sea level is due to A. the gravitational attraction of the earth for the atmosphere B. the heating of the atmosphere by the sun C. the fact that most living things constantly breathe air D. evaporation of water from the seas and oceans

A. the gravitational attraction of the earth for the atmosphere

The speed needed to put a satellite in orbit does not depend on A. the mass of the satellite B. the radius of the orbit C. the shape of the orbit D. the value of g at the orbit

A. the mass of the satellite

A transformer can change A. the voltage of an alternating current B. the power of an alternating current C. alternating current to direct current D. direct current to alternating current

A. the voltage of an alternating current

An electromagnet A. uses an electric current to produce a magnetic field B. uses a magnetic field to produce an electric current a magnet that has an electric charge D. operates only on alternating current

A. uses an electric current to produce a magnetic field

Match each of the electrical qualities listed below with the appropriate unit from the list on the right A. resistance volt B. current ampre C. potential difference ohm D. power watt

A.. resistance- ohm B. current- ampre C. potential difference- volt D. power- watt

When 20 kJ of heat are removed from 1.2 kg of ice originally at -5C, its new temperature is A. -18C B. -23C C. -26C D. -35C

B. -23C

Oxygen boils at -183C. The Fahrenheit equivalent of this temperature is A. -215F B. -297F C. -329F D. -361F

B. -297F

A centimeter is A. 0.001 m B. 0.01 m C. 0.1 m D. 10 m

B. 0.01 m

An electron in a p state of an atom has an angular momentum quantum number l of A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

B. 1

A ball is thrown upward at a speed of 12 m/s. It will reach the top of its path in about A. 0.6 s B. 1.2 s C. 1.8 s D. 2.4 s

B. 1.2 s

A salami weighs 3 lb. Its mass is A. 0.31 kg B. 1.36 kg C. 6.6 kg D. 29.4 kg

B. 1.36 kg

An upward force of 600 N acts on a 50-kg dumbwaiter. The dumbwaiter's acceleration is A. 0.82 m/s^2 B. 2.2 m/s^2 C. 11 m/s^2 D. 12 m/s^2

B. 2.2 m/s^2

The highest MA that can be obtained by a system of two pulleys is A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

B. 3

A 40-kg boy runs up a flight of stairs 4 m high in 4 s. His power output is A. 160 W B. 392 W C. 40 W D. 1568 W

B. 392 W

When the voltage across a certain resistance is V, the power delivered is P. If the voltage is doubled to 2 V, the power delivered becomes A. 2 P B. 4 P C.p^2 D. 4p^2

B. 4 P

Waves in a lake are observed to be 5 m in length and to pass an anchored boat 1.25 s apart. The speed of the waves is A. 0.25 m/s B. 4 m/s C. 6.25 m/s D. impossible to find from the information given

B. 4 m/s

A 150-kg yak has an average power output of 120 W. The yak can climb a mountain 1.2 km high in A. 25 min B. 4.1 h C. 13.3 h D. 14.7 h

B. 4.1 h

One kHz (kilohertz) is equal to 10^3 Hz. What is the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves sent out by a radio station whose frequency is 660 kHz? The speed of light is 3 X 10^8 m/s A. 2.2 X 10^-3 m B. 4.55 X 10^2 m C. 4.55 X 10^3 m D. 1.98 X 10^14 m

B. 4.55 X 10^2 m

The celsius equivalent of a temperature of 120F is A. 35C B. 49C C. 67C D.88C

B. 49C

Six flutes playing together produce a 60-dB sound. The number of flutes needed to produce a 70-dB sound is A. 7 B.60 C. 70 D. 120

B. 60

A spacecraft has left the earth and is moving toward Mars. An observer on the earth finds that, relative to measurements made when the spacecraft was at rest, its A. length is shorter B. KE is less than 1/2mv^2 C. clocks tick faster D. rest energy is greater

B. KE is less than 1/2mv^2

Magnetic field lines provide a convenient way to visualize a magnetic field. Which of the following statements is not true? A. The path followed by an iron particle released near a magnet corresponds to a field line. B. The path followed by an electric charge released near a magnet corresponds to a field line. C. A compass needle in a magnetic field turns until it is parallel to the field lines around it D. Magnetic field lines do not actually exist.

B. The path followed by an electric charge released near a magnet corresponds to a field line.

A spacecraft is approaching the earth. Relative to the radio signals it sends out, the signals recieved on the earth have A. a lower frequency B. a shorter wavelength C. a higher speed D. all of the above

B. a shorter wavelength

The quantum-mechanical theory of the atom is A. based upon a mechanical model of the atom B. a theory that restricts itself to physical quantities that can be measured directly C. less accurate than the Bohr theory of the atom D. impossible to reconcile with Newton's laws of motion

B. a theory that restricts itself to physical quantities that can be measured directly

A constellation is A. an especially bright star B. an apparent pattern of stars in the sky C. a group of stars close together in space D. a group of planets close together in space

B. an apparent pattern of stars in the sky

Light of which color has the shortest wavelength A. red B. blue C. yellow D. green

B. blue

The emission spectrum produced by the excited atoms of an element contains frequencies that are A. the same for all elements B. characteristic of the particular element C. evenly distributed throughout the entire visible spectrum D. different from the frequencies in its absorption spectrum

B. characteristic of the particular element

In any process, the maximum amount of heat that can be converted to mechanical energy A. depends on the amount of friction present B. depends on the intake and exhaust temperature C. depends on whether kinetic or potential energy is involved D. is 100 percent

B. depends on the intake and exhaust temperature

The speed of the wave packet that corresponds to a moving particle is A. less than the particle's speed B. equal to the particle's speed C. more than the particle's speed D. any of these, depending on the circumstances

B. equal to the particle's speed

Which one or more of the following will improve the resolving power of a lens? A. increase the wavelength of light used B. increase the frequency of the light used C. decrease the diameter of the lens used D. Increase the diameter of the lens used

B. increase the frequency of the light used D. Increase the diameter of the lens used

Thin films of oil and soapy water owe their brilliant colors to a combination of reflection, refraction, and A. scattering B. interference C. diffraction D. doppler effect

B. interference

The speed of a planet is its orbit around the sun A. is constant B. is highest when the planet is closest to the sun C. is lowest when the planet is closest to the sun D. varies, but not with respect to the planet's distance from the sun

B. is highest when the planet is closest to the sun

The weight of an object A. is the quantity of matter it contains B. is the force with which it is attracted to the earth C. is basically the same quantity as its mass but is expressed in different units D. refers to its inertia

B. is the force with which it is attracted to the earth

The gravitational force with which the earth attracts the moon A. is less than the force with which the moon attracts the earth B. is the same as the force with which the moon attracts the earth C. is more than the force with which the moon attracts the earth D. varies with the phase of the moon

B. is the same as the force with which the moon attracts the earth

Protons and electrons have different masses. When they are the same distance apart, the electric force between two electrons A. is less than the force between two protons B. is the same as the magnitude of the force between two protons greater than the force between two protons D. any of these choices could be correct, depending on the distance between each pair of particles

B. is the same as the magnitude of the force between two protons

An object has a positive electric charge whenever A. it has an excess of electrons B. it has a deficiency of electrons C. the nuclei of its atoms are positively charged D. the electrons of its atoms are positively charged

B. it has a deficiency of electrons

An object at rest may not have A. potential energy B. kinetic energy C. rest energy D. momentum

B. kinetic energy C. rest energy D. momentum

The density of freshwater is 1.00 g/cm^3 and that of seawater is 1.03 g/cm^3. A ship will float A. higher in freshwater than in seawater B. lower in freshwater than in seawater C. at the same level in freshwater and seawater D. any of the above, depending on the shape of the hull

B. lower in freshwater than in seawater

The nature of the force that is responsible for the operation of an electric motor is A. electric B. magnetic C. a combination of electric and magnetic D. either electric or magnetic, depending on the design of the motor

B. magnetic

The rate at which an object emits electromagnetic energy does not depend on its A. surface area B. mass C. temperature D. ability to absorb radiation

B. mass

You are riding a bicycle at constant speed when you throw a ball vertically upward. It will land A. in front of you B. on your head C. behind you D. any of the above, depending on the ball's speed

B. on your head

The radius of the circle in which an object is moving at constant speed is doubled. The required centripetal force is A. one-quarter as great as before B. one-half as great as before C. twice as great as before D. 4 times as great as before

B. one-half as great as before

According to the theories of modern physics, A. only stationary particles exhibit wave behavior B. only moving particles exhibit wave behavior C. only charged particles exhibit wave behavior D. all particles exhibit wave behavior

B. only moving particles exhibit wave behavior

According to the uncertainty principle, it is impossible to precisely determine at the same time a particle's A. position and charge B. position and momentum C. momentum and energy D. charge and mass

B. position and momentum

de Broglie waves can be regarded as waves of A. pressure B. probability C. electric charge D. momentum

B. probability

A pencil in a glass of water appears bent. This is an example of A. reflection B. refraction C. diffraction D. interference

B. refraction

An ice cube whose center consists of liquid water is floating in a glass of water. When the ice melts, the level of water in the glass A. rises B. remains the same C. falls D. any of the above, depending on the relative volume of water inside the ice cube

B. remains the same

A positive electric charge A. attracts other positive charges B. repels other positive charges C. does not interact with other positive charges but only with negative ones D. consists of an excess of electrons

B. repels other positive charges

A heat engine takes in heat at one temperature and turns A. all of it into work B. some of it into work and rejects the rest at a lower temperature C. some of it into work and rejects the rest at the same temperature D. some of it into work and rejects the rest at a higher temperature

B. some of it into work and rejects the rest at a lower temperature

The electrons in an atom all have the same A. speed B. spin magnitude C. orbit D. principle quantum number

B. spin magnitude

Albert Einstein did not discover that A. the length of a moving object is less than its length at rest B. the acceleration of gravity g is a universal constant C. light is affected by gravity D. gravity is a warping of spacetime

B. the acceleration of gravity g is a universal constant

When the speed of the electrons that strike a metal surface is increased, the result is an increase in A. the number of x-rays emitted B. the frequency of the x-rays emitted C. the speed of the x-rays emitted D. the size of the x-rays emitted

B. the frequency of the x-rays emitted

The acceleration of a stone thrown upward is A. greater than that of a stone thrown downward B. the same as that of a stone thrown downward C. less than that of a stone thrown downward D. zero until it reaches the highest point in its path

B. the same as that of a stone thrown downward

An astronaut inside an orbiting satellite feels weightless because A. he or she is wearing a space suit B. the satellite is falling toward the earth just as fast as the astronaut is, so there is not upward reaction force on him or her C. there is no gravitational pull from the earth so far away D. the sun's gravitational pull balances out the earth's gravitational pull

B. the satellite is falling toward the earth just as fast as the astronaut is, so there is not upward reaction force on him or her

The alternating current in the secondary coil of a transformer is induced by A. the varying electric field of the primary coil B. the varying magnetic field of the primary coil C. the varying magnetic field of the secondary coil D. the iron core of the transformer

B. the varying magnetic field of the primary coil

Heat is absorbed by the refrigerant in a refrigerator when it A. melts B. vaporizes C. condenses D. is compressed

B. vaporizes

When 1 kg of steam at 200C loses 3 MJ of heat, the result is A. ice B. water and ice C. water D. water and steam

B. water and ice

The distance from crest to crest of any wave is called its A. frequency B. wavelength C. speed D. amplitude

B. wavelength

A solid conductor is one A. whose electrons are firmly bound in place B. whose electrons are free to move about C. that has no electrons D. that has too many electrons

B. whose electrons are free to move about

A 30-kg girl and a 25-kg boy are standing on friction-less roller skates. The girl pushes the boy, who moves off at 1.0 m/s. The girl's speed is A. 0.45 m/s B. 0.55 m/s C. 0.83 m/s D. 1.2 m/s

C. 0.83 m/s

A machine has a MA of 6.0. The work input needed by the machine to raise a 40-kg load by 3.0 m is A. 0.12 kJ B. 0.20 kJ C. 1.2 kJ D. 7.1 kJ

C. 1.2 kJ

The energy of a photon of light whose frequency is 3 X 10^14 Hz is A. 2.2 X 10^-48 J B. 1.98 X 10^-47 J C. 1.98 X 10^-19 J D. 4.5 X 10^19 J

C. 1.98 X 10^-19 J

A bicycle and its rider together have a mass of 80 kg. If the bicycle's speed is 6 m/s, the force needed to bring it to a stop in 4 s is A. 12 N B. 53 N C. 120 N D. 1176 N

C. 120 N

A bottle falls from a blimp whose altitude is 1200 m. If there was no air resistance, the bottle would reach the ground i A. 5 s B. 11 s C. 16 s D. 245 s

C. 16 s

An x-ray photon has an energy of 3.3 X 10^1 J. The frequency that corresponds to this energy is A. 3.3 X 10^-50 Hz B. 3 X 10^-19 Hz C. 3.3 X 10^18 Hz D. 3.3 X 10^20 Hz

C. 3.3 X 10^18 Hz

The weight of 400 g of onions is A. 0.041 N B. 0.4 N C. 3.9 N D. 3920 N

C. 3.9 N

At which of the following temperatures would the molecules of a gas have twice the average kinetic energy they have at room temperature, 20C? A. 40C B. 80C C. 313C D. 586C

C. 313C

A car with its brakes applied has an acceleration of -1.2 m/s^2. If its initial speed is 10 m/s, the distance the car covers in the first 5 s after the acceleration begins is A. 15 m B. 32 m C. 35 m D. 47 m The distance before it comes to a stop is A. 6.5 m B. 8.3 m C. 21 m D. 42 m

C. 35 m D. 42 m

A 3-kg pine board is 20 cm wide, 2 cm thick, and 2 m long. The density of the board is A. 240 kg/m^3 B. 267 kg/m^3 C. 375 kg/ m^3 D. 469 kg/m^3

C. 375 kg/ m^3

A ship travels 200 km to the south and then 400 km to the west. The ship's displacement from its starting point is A. 200 km B. 400 km C. 450 km D. 600 km

C. 450 km

In which of the following examples is the motion of the car not accelerated? A. a car turns a corner at the constant speed of 20km/h B. a car climbs a steep hill with its speed dropping from 60 km/h at the bottom to 15 km/h at the top C. a car climbs a steep hill at the constant speed of 40km/h D. a car climbs a steep hill and goes over the crest and down on the other side, all at the same speed of 40 km/h

C. a car climbs a steep hill at the constant speed of 40km/h

Maxwell based his theory of electromagnetic waves on the hypothesis that a changing electric field gives rise to A. an electric current B. a stream of electrons C. a magnetic field D. longitudinal waves

C. a magnetic field

Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. all vector quantities have directions B. all vector quantities have magnitudes C. all scalar quantities have directions D. all scalar quantities have magnitudes

C. all scalar quantities have directions

A neon sign does not produce A. a line spectrum B. an emission spectrum C. an absorption spectrum D. photons

C. an absorption spectrum

When an atom absorbs a photon of light, which one or more of the following can happen? A. an electron shifts to a state of smaller quantum number B. an electron shifts to a state of higher quantum number C. an electron leaves the atom D. an x-ray photon is emitted

C. an electron leaves the atom

Most stars are hot objects surrounded by cooler atmospheres. The spectrum of such a star is a line A. continuous band of light B. band of light crossed by brighter lines C. band of light crossed by dark lines D. series of bright lines

C. band of light crossed by dark lines

The electric energy lost when a current passes through a resistance A. becomes magnetic energy B. becomes potential energy C. becomes heat D. disappears completely

C. becomes heat

A moving electric charge produces A. only a electric field B. only a magnetic field C. both an electric and a magnetic field D. any of these, depending on its speed

C. both an electric and a magnetic field

High tide occurs at a given place A. only when the moon faces the place B. only when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the place C. both when the moon faces the place and when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the place D. when the place is halfway between facing the moon and being on the opposite side of the earth from the moon

C. both when the moon faces the place and when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the place

The operation of a rocket is based upon A. pushing against a launching pad B. pushing against the air C. conservation of linear momentum D. conservation of angular momentum

C. conservation of linear momentum

An electron can revolve in an orbit around an atomic nucleus without radiating energy provided that the orbit A. is far enough away from the nucleus B. is less than a de Broglie wavelength in circumference C. is a whole number of de Broglie wavelengths in circumference D. is a perfect circle

C. is a whole number of de Broglie wavelengths in circumference

A box suspended by a rope is pulled to one side by a horizontal force. The tension in the rope A. is less than before B. is unchanged C. is greater than before D. may be any of the above, depending on how strong the force is

C. is greater than before

A hydrogen atom is said to be in its ground state when its electron A. is at rest B. is inside the nucleus C. is in its lowest energy level D. has escaped from the atom

C. is in its lowest energy level

The energy difference between adjacent energy levels in the hydrogen atom A. is smaller for small quantum numbers B. is the same for all quantum numbers C. is larger for small quantum numbers D. has no regularity

C. is larger for small quantum numbers

A fish that you are looking at from a boat seems to be 60 cm below the water surface. The actual depth of the fish A. is less than 60 cm B. is 60 cm C. is more than 60 cm D. may be any of these, depending on the angle of view

C. is more than 60 cm

The electric force between a proton and an electron A. is weaker than the gravitational force between them B. is equal in strength to the gravitational force between them C. is stronger than the gravitational force between them D. is any of these, depending on the distance between the proton and the electron

C. is stronger than the gravitational force between them

The formula 1/2mv^2 for kinetic energy A. is the correct formula if v is properly interpreted B. always gives too high a value C. is the low-speed approximation to the correct formula D. is the high-speed approximation of the correct forumal

C. is the low-speed approximation to the correct formula

The orbital of an atomic electron is A. its orbit around the atom's nucleus B. its de Broglie wave C. its probability cloud D. one of its quantum numbers

C. its probability cloud

Which of the following is not a unit of work? A. newton-meter B. joule C. kilogram-meter D. watt-hour

C. kilogram-meter

The ionosphere is a region of ionized gas in the upper atmosphere. The ionosphere is responsible for A. the blue color of the sky B. rainbows C. long-distance radio communication D. the ability of satellites to orbit the earth

C. long-distance radio communication

Which of the following quantities is not a vector quantity? A. velocity B. acceleration C. mass D. force

C. mass

A refrigerator gives off A. less heat than it absorbs from its contents B. the same amount of heat it absorbs from its contents C. more heat than it absorbs from its contents D. any of these choices could be correct, depending on the circumstances

C. more heat than it absorbs from its contents

A 1-kg ball is thrown in the air. When it is 10 m above the ground, its speed is 3 m/s. At this time most of the ball's total energy is in the form of A. kinetic energy B. potential energy relative to the ground C. rest energy D. momentum The smallest part of the total energy is A. kinetic energy B. potential energy relative to the ground C. rest energy D. momentum

C. rest energy A. kinetic energy

Which of the following do(es) not consist of electromagnetic waves? A. x-rays B. radar waves C. sound waves D. infrared wavs

C. sound waves

A magnetic field does not interact with a A. stationary electric charge B. moving electric charge C. stationary magnet D. moving magnet

C. stationary magnet

The operation of the laser is based upon A. the uncertainty principle B. the interference of de Broglie waves C. stimulated emission of radiation D. stimulated absorption of radiation

C. stimulated emission of radiation

Diffraction refers to A. The splitting of a beam of white light into its component colors B. the interference of light that produces bright colors in thing oil films C. the bending of waves around the edge of an obstacle in their path D. the increase in frequency due to motion of a wave source toward an observer

C. the bending of waves around the edge of an obstacle in their path

Food cooks more rapidly in a pressure cooker than in an ordinary pot with a loose lid because A. the pressure forces heat into the food B. the high pressure lowers the boiling point of the water C. the high pressure raises the boiling point of water D. the tight lid keeps the heat inside the cooker

C. the high pressure raises the boiling point of water

The greater the entropy of a system of particles, A. the less the energy of the system B. the more the energy of the system C. the less the order of the system D. the more the order of the system

C. the less the order of the system

The sky is blue because A. air molecules are blue B. the lens of the eye is blue C. the scattering of light is more efficient the shorter its wavelength D. the scattering of light is more efficient the longer its wavelength

C. the scattering of light is more efficient the shorter its wavelength

When evaporation occurs, the liquid that remains is cooler because A. the pressure on the liquid decreases B. the volume of the liquid decreases C. the slowest molecules remain behind D. the fastest molecules remain behind

C. the slowest molecules remain behind

Two objects have the same size and shape but one of them is twice as heavy as the other. They are dropped simultaneously from a tower. If air resistance is negigible A. the heavy object strikes the ground before the light one B. they strike the ground at the same time, but the heavy object has the higher speed C. they strike the ground at the same time and have the same speed D. they strike the ground at the same time, but the heavy object has the lower acceleration because it has more mass

C. they strike the ground at the same time and have the same speed

The wavelength of sound waves having a frequency of 256 Hz compared with the wavelength of sound waves having a frequency of 512 Hz is A. half as great B. the same C. twice as great D. 4 times as great

C. twice as great

Car A has a mass of 1000 kg and is moving at 60 km/h. Car B has a mass of 2000 kg and is moving at 30 km/h. The kinetic energy of Car A is A. half that of car B B. equal to that of car B C. twice that of car B D. 4 times that of car B

C. twice that of car B

The usual tidal pattern in most parts of the world consists of A. a high tide one day and a low tide on the next B. one high tide and one low tide daily C. two high tides and two low tides daily D. three high tides and three low tides daily

C. two high tides and two low tides daily

The fluid at the bottom of a container is A. under less pressure than the fluid at the top B. under the same pressure as the fluid at the top C. under more pressure than the fluid at the top D. any of these, depending upon the circumstances

C. under more pressure than the fluid at the top

The image of a real object closer to a converging lens than f is always which one or more of the following? A. smaller than the object B. the same size as the object C. virtual D. inverted

C. virtual

The spanish flag is yellow and red. When viewed with yellow light it appears A. all yellow B. yellow and red C. yellow and black D. white and red

C. yellow and black

A car that starts from rest has a constant acceleration of 4 m/s^2. In the first 3 s the car travels A. 6 m B. 12 m C.18 m D. 172 m

C.18 m

An object suspended from a spring scale is lowered into a pail filled to the brim with water, and 4 N of water overflows. The scale shows that the object weighs 6 N in the water. The weight in air of the object is A. 2 N B. 4 N C. 6 N D. 10 N

D. 10 N

A 300-g ball is struck with a bat with a force of 150 N. If the bat was in contact with the ball for 0.020 s, the ball's speed is A. 0.01 m/s B. 0.1 m/s C. 2.5 m/s D. 10 m/s

D. 10 m/s

An airplane whose airspeed is 200 km/h is flying in a wind of 80 km/h. The airplane's speed relative to the ground is between A. 80 and 200 km/h B. 80 and 280 km/h C. 120 and 200 km/h D. 120 and 280 km/h

D. 120 and 280 km/h

A 1200-kg car whose speed is 6 m/s rounds a turn whose radius is 30 m. The centripetal force on the car is A. 48 N B. 147 N C. 240 N D. 1440 N

D. 1440 N

A positive and a negative charge are initially 4 cm apart. When they are moved closer together so that they are now only 1 cm apart, the force between them is A. 4 times smaller than before B. 4 times larger than before C. 8 times larger than before D. 16 times larger than before

D. 16 times larger than before

The sum of two vectors is a minimum when the angle between them is A. 0 B. 45 C. 90 D. 180

D. 180

The 2-kg blade of an ax is moving at 60 m/s when it strikes a log. If the blade penetrates 2 cm into the log as its KE is turned into work, the average force it exerts is A. 3kN B. 90 kN C. 72 kN D. 180 kN

D. 180 kN

The voltage needed to produce a current of 5 A in a resistance of 40 ohms is A. 0.125 V B. 5 V C. 8 V D. 200 V

D. 200 V

A car traveling at 10 m/s begins to be accelerated at 12 m/s^2. The distance the car covers in the first 5 s after the acceleration begins is A. 60 m B. 80 m C. 150 m D. 200 m

D. 200 m

The force between two charges of -3 X 10^-9 C that are 5 cm apart is A. 1.8 X 10^-16 N B. 3.6 X 10^-15 N C. 1.6 X 10^-6 N D. 3.2 X 10^-5 N

D. 3.2 X 10^-5 N

The upward force the rope of a hoist must exert to raise a 400-kg load of bricks with an acceleration of 0.4 m/s^2 is A. 160 N B. 1568 N C. 3760 N D. 4080 N

D. 4080 N

The work done in lifting 30 kg of bricks to a height of 20 m is A. 61 J B. 600 J C. 2940 J D. 5880 J

D. 5880 J

The work a 300-W electric grinder can do in 5.0 min is A. 1 kJ B. 1.5 kJ C. 25 kJ D. 90 kJ

D. 90 kJ

The planet closest to the sun is A. Earth B. Venus C. Mars D. Mercury

D. Mercury

A planet not visible to the naked eye is A. Mars B. Venus C. Mercury D. Neptune

D. Neptune

A current-carrying wire is in a magnetic field with the direction of the current the same as that of the field. A.The wire tends to move parallel to the field B. The wire tends to move perpendicular to the field. C.The wire tends to turn until it is perpendicular to the field D. The wire has no tendency to move or to turn

D. The wire has no tendency to move or to turn

When an object is accelerated A. its direction never changes B. its speed always increases C. it always falls toward the earth D. a net force always acts on it

D. a net force always acts on it

Sound cannot travel through A. a solid B. a liquid C. a gas D. a vacuum

D. a vacuum

Two balls, one of mass 5 kg and the other mass of 10 kg, are dropped simultaneously from a window. When they are 1 m above the ground, the balls have the same A. kinetic energy B. potential energy C. momentum D. acceleration

D. acceleration

According to the principle of relativity, the laws of physics are the same in all frames of reference A. at rest with respect to one another B. moving toward or away from one another at constant velocity C. moving parallel to one another at constant velocity D. all of these

D. all of these

Of the following properties of a wave, the one that is independent of the others is its A. frequency B. wavelength C. speed D. amplitude

D. amplitude

A person stands on a very sensitive scale and inhales deeply. The reading on the scale A. increases B. does not change C. decreases D. any of the above, depending on how the expansion of the person's chest compares with the volume of air inhaled

D. any of the above, depending on how the expansion of the person's chest compares with the volume of air inhaled

A scientific law or theory is valid A. forever B. for a certain number of years, after which it is restored C. as long as a committee of scientists says so D. as long as it is not contradicted by new experimental findings

D. as long as it is not contradicted by new experimental findings

The useful magnification of a telescope is limited by A. the speed of light B. the doppler effect C. interference D. diffracion

D. diffracion

The energy of an electromagnetic wave resides in its A. frequency B. wavelength C. speed D. electric and magnetic fields

D. electric and magnetic fields

A generator is said to "generate electricity". What it actually does is act as a source of A. electric charge B. electrons C. magnetism D. electric energy

D. electric energy

Electromagnetic waves transport A. frequency B. wavelength C. charge D. energy

D. energy

The centripetal force that keeps the earth in its orbit around the sun ins provided A. by interia B. by the earth's rotation on its axis C. partly by the gravitational pull of the sun D. entirely by the gravitational pull of the sun

D. entirely by the gravitational pull of the sun

Which of the following types of radiation is not emitted by the electronic structures of atoms? A. ultraviolet light B. visible light C. x-rays D. gamma rays

D. gamma rays

The temperature of a has sample in a container of fixed volume is raised. The gas exerts a higher pressure on the walls of its container because its molecules A. lose more PE when they strike the walls B. lose more KE when they strike the walls C. are in contact with the walls for a shorter time D. have higher average velocities and strike the walls more often

D. have higher average velocities and strike the walls more often

The law of gravity A. applies only to large bodies such as planets and stars B. accounts for all known forces C. holds only in the solar system D. holds everywhere in the universe

D. holds everywhere in the universe

The image of a real object farther from a converging lens than f is always which one or more of the following? A. smaller than the object B. the same size as the object C. virtual D. inverted

D. inverted

In any process, the maximum amount of mechanical energy that can be converted to mechanical energy A. depends on the amount of friction present B. depends on the intake and exhaust temperature C. depends on whether kinetic or potential energy is involved D. is 100 percent

D. is 100 percent

In a vacuum, the speed of an electromagnetic wave A. depends upon its frequency B. depends upon its wavelength C. depends upon the strength of its electric and magnetic fields D. is a universal constant

D. is a universal constant

The upper limit to the speed of an object with mass A. depends on the mass B. corresponds to a KE equal to its rest energy C. is the speed of sound D. is the speed of light

D. is the speed of light

When a vapor condenses into a liquid, A. its temperature rises B. its temperature falls C. it absorbs heat D. it gives off heat

D. it gives off heat

At constant pressure, the volume of a gas sample is directly proportional to A. the size of its molecules B. its Fahrenheit temperature C. its Celsius temperature D. its absolute temperature

D. its absolute temperature

When the speed of a moving object is halved, A. its KE is halved B. its PE is halved C. its rest energy is halved D. its momentum is halved

D. its momentum is halved

In the Bohr model of the atom, the electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom so as to A. emit spectral lines B. produce x-rays C. form energy levels that depend upon their speeds only D. keep from falling into the nucleus

D. keep from falling into the nucleus

The lower the frequency of a sound wave, the A. higher its speed B. higher its pitch C. louder it is D. longer its wavelenth

D. longer its wavelenth

The photoelectric effect can be understood on the basis of A. the electromagnetic theory of light B. the interference of light waves C. the special theory of relativity D. none of these

D. none of these

The force of an electron that moves in a curved path must be A. gravitational B. electrical C. magnetic D. one ore more of these

D. one ore more of these

If the earth were 3 times as far from the sun as it is now, the gravitational force exerted on it by the sun would be A. 3 times as large as it is now B. 9 times as large as it is now C. one-third as large as it is now D. one-ninth as large as it is now

D. one-ninth as large as it is now

A car rounds a curve at 20 km/h. If it rounds the curve at 40 km/h, its tendency to overturn is A. halved B. doubled C. tripled D. quadrupled

D. quadrupled

Heat transfer in a gas can occur by A. radiation only B. convection only C. radiation and convection only D. radiation, convection, and conduction

D. radiation, convection, and conduction

According to the exclusion principle, no two electrons in an atom can have the same A. spin direction B. speed C. orbit D. set of quantum numbers

D. set of quantum numbers

An atom consists of a A. uniform distribution of positive charge in which electrons are embedded B. uniform distribution of negative charge in which electrons are embedded C. small negative nucleus surrounded at a distance by protons D. small positive nucleus surrounded at a distance by electrons

D. small positive nucleus surrounded at a distance by electrons

In a vacuum, all photons have the same A. frequency B. wavelength C. energy D. speed

D. speed

When a boy pulls a cart, the force that causes him to move forward is A. the force the cart exerts on him B. the force he exerts on the cart C. the force he exerts on the ground with his feet D. the force the ground exerts on his feet

D. the force the ground exerts on his feet

Leap years are needed because A. the Earth's orbit is not a perfect circle B. the length of the day varies C. the length of the year varies D. the length of the year is not a whole number of days

D. the length of the year is not a whole number of days

Compared with her mass and weight on the earth, an astronaut on Venus, where the acceleration of gravity is 8.8 m/s^2, has A. less mass and less weight B. less mass and the same weight C. less mass and more weight D. the same mass and less weight

D. the same mass and less weight

The second law of thermodynamics does not lead to the conclusion that A. on a molecular level, order wil eventually become disorder in the universe B. all the matter in the universe will eventually end up at the same temperature C. no heat engine can convert heat into work with 100 percent efficiency D. the total amount of energy in the universe, including rest energy, is constant

D. the total amount of energy in the universe, including rest energy, is constant

If Planck's constant were larger than it is, A. moving bodies would have shorter wavelengths B. moving bodies would have higher energies C. moving bodies would have greater charges D. the uncertainty principle would be significant on a larger scale of size

D. the uncertainty principle would be significant on a larger scale of size

Which of the following properties is not characteristic of the light waves from a laser? A. the waves all have the same frequency B. the waves are all in step with one another C. the waves form a narrow beam D. the waves have higher photon energies than light waves of the same frequency from an ordinary source

D. the waves have higher photon energies than light waves of the same frequency from an ordinary source

The description of a moving body in terms of matter waves is legitimate because A. it is based upon common sense B. matter waves have actually been seen C. the analogy with electromagnetic waves is plausible D. theory and experiment agree

D. theory and experiment agree

Electrons behave like A. pure charges with no magnetic properties B. tiny bar magnets with different strengths that may change C. tiny bar magnets with strengths that may change D. tiny bar magnets with the same strength that never changes

D. tiny bar magnets with the same strength that never changes

A beam of transverse waves whose variations occur in all directions perpendicular to their direction of motion is A. resolved B. diffracted C. polarized D. unpolarized

D. unpolarized

Energy is carried by which one or more of the following waves? A. sound waves B. light waves C. water waves D. waves in a stretched string

D. waves in a stretched string

Lead melts at 330C. On the absolute scale this temperature corresponds to A. 57 K B. 362 K C. 571 K D. 603 K

D. 603 K

If 10^5 electrons are added to a neural object, its charge will be A. -1.6 X 10^-24 C B. -1.6 X 10^-14 C C. +1.6 X 10^-24 C D. +1.6 X 10^-14 C

B. -1.6 X 10^-14 C

Of the following, the shortest is A. 1 mm B. 0.01 in. C. 0.001 m D. 0.001 ft

B. 0.01 in.

A frictionless heat energy can be 100 percent efficient only if its exhaust temperature is A. equal to its input temperature B. less than its input temperature C. 0C D. 0K

D. 0K

Of the following, the longest is A. 1000 ft B. 500 m C. 1 km D. 1 mi

D. 1 mi

The prefix micro stands for A. 1/10 B. 1/100 C. 1/1,000 D. 1/1,,000,000

D. 1/1,,000,000

When 400 kJ of heat is added to 12 kg of water at 2C, its final temperature is A. 5.9C B. 7.9C C. 11.7C D. 17.9C

D. 17.9C

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