physical science test review

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The second most penetrating form of radioactive particle.

beta particle

What is the atomic number of this element?"17p,35n"


The specific heat of aluminum is 0.9 J/goC. How many joules of heat are needed to raise the temperatureof 10g of aluminum by 20°C?

180 joules

Tungsten, W-181, is a radioactive isotope with a half life of 121 days. If a medical lab purchases 24 kg of W-181, how much will be left after 1 year?

3 kg

Photovoltaic energy is the conversion of _________ into electricity through a photovoltaic cell.


Based on its location in the periodic table, we know that ALL BUT one property applies to the element radon. Which property does not apply to radon?


The energy that is produced by the Sun is made by


Patients with brain tumors may elect to have a procedure known as Gamma Knife. In a typical Gamma Knife procedure gamma rays are directed toward a tumor with contact to surrounding tissues.

gamma rays are high energy and may cause damage to healthy cells.

When heat is added to a liquid at the boiling temperature, it converts the liquid into a gas at the same temperature because

he heat added is used to break the bonds between the liquid molecules.

When a television is turned on it converts electrical energy into many other forms of energy. Which set of words correctly lists MOST of these forms?

light, sound, and heat

Five metal samples, with equal masses, are heated to 200oC. Each solid is dropped into a beaker containing 200 ml 15oC water. Which metal will raise the temperature of the water the most?


An exothermic reaction, at equilibrium, will proceed at lower temperatures

at a slower rate while its Kc increases.

What is one way that fission and fusion are similar?

Both processes produce energy from mass.

Whenever there is a change of state, such as a solid to liquid or liquid to gas, heat energy can be added without a temperature change because

the change of state requires energy.

One of the negative aspects of using nuclear power as an alternative energy source is

the disposal of byproducts.

A reaction takes place, with the release of billions of joules of energy. Which of these might have participated in the reaction?

the nucleus

Over the last several decades, scientists have addressed the problem of nonrenewable natural resources such as fossil fuels. Humans are using fossil fuels at a rapid rate and scientists believe that one day we will run out of them. To solve this problem, research has been conducted on alternative energy sources. One alternative energy source is nuclear energy. Although nuclear energy is a good solution to this problem, there are concerns. Which of these is NOT a benefit of nuclear energy?

presence of hazardous radioactive materials

Before there was central heating, hot water bottles were used to keep people warm at night. These flat containers were filled with hot water and placed at the foot of the bed, under the blankets. How was the heat energy transferred from the hot water bottle into the space under the blankets?


Heat from the sun moves through space by the process of


Which diagram BEST represents a convection heating current?

"circle surroundings of arrows"

Heat transfer by electromagnetic waves.


The waste products of a nuclear fission powerplant can best be described as

Small in quantity and very dangerously radioactive.

Which is an example of electrical energy being converted into light energy?

a light bulb

Used in commercial nuclear power plants Results in highly radioactive waste Which location would the selected items BEST fit on the nuclear energy diagram?


All of the noble gases, Group 18, have eight valence electrons in its outer shell (excluding helium which only has two). Which of these would represent the oxidation number of the noble gases such as xenon and argon?


A copper ball and an aluminum ball of mass 150 g each are heated to 100°C and then cooled to a temperature of 20°C. The heat lost by the copper ball is 4.6 kJ. The heat lost by the aluminum ball is 10.8 kJ. What is the specific heat of copper, if the specific heat of aluminum is 0.90 J/g°C?

0.38 J/g°C

Calculate the specific heat capacity of an unknown metal if a 12.3 g sample absorbs 230 J of heat when warmed from 34°C to 67°C.

0.54 J/g×°C

Americium-241 is a radioactive substance used in smoke detectors. The half life of americium is 432 years. If a smoke detector initially contains 1 gram of Americium 241, how much will remain in 432 years?


It takes 4 hr 39 min for a 2.00-mg sample of radium-230 to decay to 0.25 mg. What is the half-life of radium-230?

1 hr 33 min

Consider the element sodium. It's atomic number is __________ and equals ___________.

11; the number of protons

Starting with 100 grams of uranium-238, after one half life has gone by, how many grams of uranium-238 will remain?

50 grams

As you move from row ______ to row ______ in the periodic table, the atomic radius of the elements DECREASES.

7 to 1

Which of these is true for a fission reaction?

A heavy nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei.

Certain nuclear radiation that is passed through the electric field (above) is deflected towards the red plate. In what way is the nucleus changed by this type of decay?

A neutron is converted to a proton.

This is the basic building block of all matter.


Which statement BEST explains why the specific heat of water is higher than the specific heat of most other substances?

Due to its polarity and hydrogen bonding water can absorb heat without a significant temperature change.

Fission and fusion are alike in many ways. However, one difference is

Fission is a controllable chain reaction and fusion is not.

Which process is the primary source for energy used by living organisms on Earth?

Fusion in the Sun.

Alpha Particles Beta Particles Gamma Radiation Put these different types of radiation in order from FASTEST to SLOWEST.

Gamma > Beta > Alpha

Substance Specific Heat (J kg-1 K-1) Aluminum 900 Copper 390 Brass 380 Silver 230 Platinum 130. Explain why a Chef in a very busy restaurant would prefer a copper pot over an aluminum pot.

The copper pot would heat faster because it has a lower specific heat value

Atoms of the same element with varying number of neutrons.


As we move from left to right across the periodic table, what trend is evident in every period?

Metallic character decreases.

This is a subatomic particle with a positive charge and a mass of 1 amu.


If a balloon filled with air and sealed is kept in a deep freezer for a period of time, it will shrink in size. Determine the the best reasoning for this outcome.

The air particles inside the balloon slow down due to lower thermal energy. As a result, fewer collisions take place per second and this leads to a lower pressure inside the balloon. The pressure on the outside of the balloon pushes the balloon to a smaller volume.

Many of the technological advances over the last 50 - 75 years have been in the area of weaponry and warfare, such as atomic/nuclear weapons, radar, biological weapons, etc. These advances have both positive and negative aspects. Which statement describes a negative aspect of these advances?

The lingering radiation after detonation of atomic weapons destroys the land and continues to harm people and animals long after the blast.

The development of nuclear power has provided electricity for less money, but at a cost. What may be considered a "cost" of nuclear power?

The radioactive waste is unsafe and hard to store safely.

An iron ball and an aluminum ball of mass 100 g each are heated to the same temperature and then cooled to a temperature of 20°C. The heat lost by the iron ball is 3.6 kJ. The heat lost by the aluminum ball is 7.2 kJ. What does this imply?

The specific heat of aluminum is greater.

A 2-kg sample of a metal increases in temperature by 20°C when heated on a stove for 3 minutes. Can you predict what will happens to the temperature rise of a 4-kg sample of the same material when heat on the same stove for 6 minutes.

The temperature change will be approximately 20°C.

Jenna made an electric circuit as seen in the picture. She placed a thermometer near her light bulb. After the light bulb was turned on for an hour, what did she MOST LIKELY observe?

The temperature in the thermometer went up.

This is one of the four fundamental forces in nature. It occurs within the nucleus and is responsible for producing beta radiation.

Weak Force

This radioactive particle, emitted from carbon-14, has a negative charge. It contains sufficient energy to burn human skin and can pass through paper. It is a(n) ___________ particle.


Electrons emitted by the nucleus when a neutron is changed to a proton during radioactive decay.

beta particle

Electrical energy can be transformed into other types of energy. We often experience this transformation of energy in our everyday lives. In one example the intended energy transformation produces thermal energy. That is the

blue pot

Electrical energy can be transformed into other types of energy. We often experience this transformation of energy in our everyday lives. The example that represents a transformation from electrical to sound energy is

blue tv

Dmitri Mendeleev organized his periodic table by atomic weight, causing him to compromise on the placement of Tellerium in his periodic table. Henry Moseley built upon the work of others to refine the structure of the periodic table. How is the modern periodic table organized as one goes across a row from left to right?

by increasing atomic number

What is the energy transformation taking place, from the batteries to the flashlight when it is on?

chemical to electrical to light

A battery uses _________________ energy to generate _______________ energy.

chemical, electrical

A new type of oven that cooks food quickly and more completely is the convection oven. The key difference in this type of oven and a regular oven is that it

circulates the hot air.

This process of heat transfer is BEST described as"circle"


X-rays, gamma rays, and particle bombardment such as neutron beam, electron beam, protons, and mesons, all give off ionizing radiation. This type of radiation can be used for medical testing and treatment, industrial purposes, and weapons. Prolonged exposure to ionization radiation can result in radiation sickness, which includes ALL BUT one of these symptoms. That is


Cell phones contain rechargeable batteries that transform chemical energy into electrical energy. When using your cell phone, electrical energy is first transformed into ________________ that are transmitted through the air.

electromagnetic waves

Consider the chart describing the element. According to the chart, the element is _______ with an atomic number of ___________.

lithium; 3

This is the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of any atom. Example: For the most common isotope of hydrogen, this is 1; for sodium, 23.

mass number

The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy within a system is called

mechanical energy.

Most radiation is released as particles. Identify the type radiation that is not a particle.


All the heavy elements in the universe are created by supernova through the process of


Isotope parent Isotope daughter Half life of parent (years) Useful range (years) Carbon 14 Nitrogen 14 5,730 100 - 30,000 Potassium 40 Argon 40 1.3 billion 100,000 - 4.5 billion Rubidium 87 Strontium 87 47 billion 10 million - 4.5 billion Uranium 238 Uranium 235 Lead 206 Lead 207 4.5 billion 710 million 10 million - 4.6 billion A sample of ancient granite crust is dated using potassium-40. Scientists find that 50% of the potassium-40 has decayed to form argon-40. Approximately how old is this rock?

1.3 billion years old

A 2,000g of C-14 is left to decay radioactively. The half-life of Carbon-14 is approximately 5,700 years. What fraction of the sample will remain after 17,100 years?


750 million years ago, there was enough Uranium-235 present in Oklo, Gabon to have a natural fission reactor occur and generate a chain reaction. If there is currently 50kg of U-235 present in Oklo, how much must have been present 750 million years ago when the reaction took place?

100 kg

A hot iron ball of mass 200 g is cooled to a temperature of 22°C. 6.9 kJ of heat is lost to the surroundings during the process. What was the initial temperature of the ball? (ciron = 0.444 J/g°C)


In 1787 Jacques Charles determined the relationship between the temperature and the volume of a gas in a closed container. A quantity of gas was trapped in a J-shaped glass tube that was sealed at one end, and this tube was immersed in a water bath. By changing the temperature of the water, Charles was able to change the temperature of the gas. The pressure was held constant by adjusting the height of mercury so that the two columns of mercury had equal height, and thus the pressure was always equal to the atmospheric pressure. Charles stated that gases expand linearly with an increase in temperature, and contract linearly as temperature is decreased, as long as the pressure remains constant. As we might expect, the graph of temperature versus the volume of a gas produces a straight line. When describing the behavior of gases in the lab, we use the Kelvin temperature scale. To convert degrees Celsius to Kelvin we use the formula: K = C° + 273°. Mathematically then, Charles' law is expressed as: V1/T1 = V2/T2 where V = volume; T = Kelvin temperature; sub-1 indicates initial conditions; sub-2 indicates final conditions. Students in a physics class were challenged to support Charles' experiments with gases at various temperatures. They were also challenged to use their data to predict the volume of a gas at temperatures beyond their original data. An empty bottle is placed into a boiling water bath and heated to increase the temperature of the gas (air) inside the container. Closing the bottle then traps the gas. The trapped gas is cooled in a cold (or ice) water bath for 5 minutes. After cooling the gas, the bottle is reopened underneath the water. Water rushes into the cooled bottle. The amount of water taken in by the cooled bottle represents the difference in volume of the cool gas versus the hot gas. Their data can be seen here: Part 1 Part 2 Room temperature °C 20°C 20°C Temperature of boiling water °C 100°C 100°C Temperature of boiling water K 373 K 373 K Final temperature of cooling water °C 15°C 0°C Final temperature of cooling water K 288 K 273 K Volume of air in bottle at higher temperature (Va1) mL 140 mL 140 mL Volume of air in bottle at lower temperature (V2) mL 138 mL 130 mL Change of volume of air in bottle mL 2 mL 10 mL Assuming the measured volume of the bottle, 140 mL, is correct, what volume does Charles's Law predict the air in the bottle should occupy after cooling to 15oC?

108 mL

The specific heat of iron is 0.11 cal (g°C) . A cafeteria fork made of iron has a mass of 20 grams. How much heat energy is needed to raise the temperature of this fork from 25°C to 75°C?

110 calories

Determine the half-life of uranium-238 based on the graph.

4.5 billion years

If 200 grams of water is to be heated from 24.0° C to 100.0° C to make a cup of tea, how much heat must be added?

15200 calories

Radioactive Decay of Carbon 14 Years since death C14 atoms remaining per 1.0 x 108 C12 atoms 0 10,000 5,700 5,000 11,400 2,500 17,100 1,250 22,800 625 28,500 312 34,200 156 39,900 78 45,600 30 51,300 20 57,000 10 62,700 5 68,400 2 How old is a bone in which the Carbon-14 in it has undergone 3 half-lives?

17,100 years old

Using the chart, determine the amount of Co-57 present on January 21 if you had a sample of 8g on January 1st.

2 g

If there are 50 grams of U-238 on day zero of radioactive decay, how much will there be after 4.5 billion years?

25 grams

A radioactive isotope has a half-life of ten days. How much of a 100 gram sample will be left after 20 days?

25.0 grams

The specific heat of CO2(g) is 0.840 J/g °C and the specific heat of CaCO3(g) is 0.820 J/g °C. If 1.00 gram of each substance starts at the same temperature and absorbs 1.00 x 102 J of heat. What would be the difference between their final temperatures?

3 °C

Radiocontrast dyes are considered safe because the isotopes have short half-lives and the isotopes coat the gastrointestinal tract and are not absorbed by normal tissue. If a patient ingests 10.0 mg of iodine, how long until the iodine-134 is 99% out of the patient's system if the half-life of iodine-134 is 52.6 minutes?

6.14 hr

What is the half life of U-235 according to the graph?

750 million years

Griffin was walking to school one day and found a old bone. He took it to a scientist friend of his, and after studying the bone, she determined it was approximately 24,000 years old. She also told him that the current amount of carbon-14 in the bone was 5,000 atoms. How many atoms must the bone have had originaly, assuming that the half-life of carbon-14 is approximately 6,000 years.

80,000 atoms

Alpha Particles Beta Particles Gamma Radiation List the types of radiation in order from least to most damaging.

Alpha < Beta < Gamma

If 500 J of energy were added to 1 kg of each of these samples, which would experience the LEAST temperature increase?


You drop the pendulum bob and it swings from point A to point C, and then back again. Eventually it slows down and stops, settling at point B. A similar pendulum can be found in a pendulum clock. However, the clock pendulum does not stop; it continues to swing back and forth, with a tick-tick. Why is there a difference between the lab pendulum and the clock pendulum?

An external energy source, like a battery, is needed to maintain motion.

This is the number of protons.carbon is 6

Atomic Number

This is the weighted average of all of the isotopes of an element.

Average Atomic Mass

E=MC2 Forms of nuclear energy Releases a great amount of energy Which location would the selected items BEST fit on the nuclear energy diagram?


14C → 14N

Beta particles are released during the radioactive decay. These negative particles are attracted to the positive plate in the electric field.

Jane puts some water into an electric kettle and then she connects it to the power source. She observes that after some time the water inside the kettle heats up and begins to boil.

Electrical energy is transforming into heat energy.

This is a subatomic particle with a negative charge and very little mass.


his is a substance that cannot be broken down further by chemical means.


The capacity for doing work. It may be transformed from one form to another. Example: Thermal, Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical


There are many positive and negative aspects associated with nuclear power. Which is a negative aspect associated with nuclear power?

Exposure to radiation can lead to disease or genetic abnormalities.

Based on the principles of convection, conduction and thermal radiation, which scenario below is most similar to the following situation?

Feeling a metal wire get warmer as you roast a marshmallow over a fire.

Which of these alkali metals has the largest atomic radius?


Alpha Particles Beta Particles Gamma Radiation. Put these different types of radiation in order from MOST to LEAST penetrating.

Gamma > Beta > Alpha

While working near a radioactive mine, workers usually wear heavy plastic suits. These suits protect them from all but

gamma radiation.

Elaborate on which graph of counts versus time best represents the process of half-life.

Graph b. The amount of starting material decreases by a fixed amount producing an exponential graph with a negative slope.

This is the period of time it takes for a radioactive sample to decay to half of its original amount. Example: carbon-14 dating to determine fossil ages


A student standing on a roof throws a ball toward the sky. He then tries to make an energy transfer diagram for the ball. What should go in the blank in the diagram?

Heat energy

Under the 1980 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act, each state must take responsibility for its non-defense related, low-level nuclear waste. If nuclear waste was NOT regulated and disposed of properly, which of these could be a possible effect?

Higher incidence of cancers in humans and the contamination of crops and livestock.

Ionic bonds are formed between metal and nonmetal elements. Potassium has only one valence electron and it is stripped away in the process of forming an ionic bond. Nonmetals, such as chlorine, tend to gain valence electrons in the formation of ionic bonds. Determine which element(s) are likely to have their electrons stripped away in the formation of ionic bonds. I) aluminum II) sulfur III) oxygen IV) silver V) neon

I and IV

Plants take up phosphorus-containing compounds from the soil through their roots. Scientists can add a small amount of radioactive phosphorus-32, which emits beta particles, to fertilizer and determine how fast phosphorus is taken up by the roots into the leaves. The results of this experiment can help scientists. From the list below, identify which outcomes can be obtained by applying the results of this experiment. I. Identifying hybrid strains of plants that mature faster. II. Helping farmers achieve better yields per acre. III. Getting more food or fiber at less expense. IV. Identifying different fungi that are affecting the growth of plants.

I, II, and III

Two iron balls of different mass are heated to 100°C and dropped in water. If the same amount of heat is lost by the two balls to water, what can be said about the final temperatures of the two balls? (Heat lost = mCpΔt, where m = mass of the object, Cp = specific heat capacity of the material, and Δt = change in temperature).

The heavier ball will have a higher temperature because the change of temperature is inversely proportional to mass.

What type of heat transfer is used in a restaurant that uses ovens with fans inside? Justify your answer.

It is convection because air is circulated to help cook the food.

You hop on the carousel horse. The attendant flips the switch and you move up and down, around and around. When the ride ends, the attendant again flips the switch. The up and down motion stops, as you continue to move in a circular motion, gradually slowing to a stop. Why?

Mechanical systems need an external energy source to maintain their motion.

What is one reason nuclear fuel is a positive alternative to fossil fuels for the creation of electrical energy?

Nuclear power produces no carbon dioxide emissions unlike coal or oil power production.

This is a group of protons and neutrons in the center of all atoms.


Elaborate on the practicality of radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer.

Modern radiation therapy is effective because the isotopes used have fairly short half-lives and are absorbed by mainly damaged cells.

Radioactive carbon, or C-14, is used to date fossil remains. When C-14 decays, as seen in the nuclear equation, it produces what nuclide of nitrogen?


Because of friction

NOT all potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

This is a subatomic particle with no charge and a mass of 1 amu.


This is a process where two nuclei or particles interact to form different particles.

Nuclear Reaction

________________ is a source of energy that utilizes uranium-235 in a fission reaction to vaporize water. The steam is then used to turn turbines to generate electricity.

Nuclear power

Spontaneous disintegration of a radionuclide accompanied by the emission of alpha or beta particles or gamma rays. It can lead to the mutation of living cells.

Radioactive Decay

he spontaneous emission of energy and/or matter from the nucleus of an unstable atom. As a result of this emission, the atom may be converted into an atom of a different element. Example: Uranium 238


The structure shown in the picture is made of copper. The three thin rods are of equal dimensions. The single main rod is heated to 400 °C and then is brought into contact with the rods P, Q, and R. After several minutes, the temperatures of rods P, Q, and R are recorded. Which option gives the correct values of the final temperatures of rods P, Q, and R?

P = Q = R

If 130 J of energy were added to 1 kg of each of these samples, which would experience the GREATEST temperature increase?


In the process of nuclear fusion, large amounts of energy, at temperatures of approximately 120 million Kelvin, are required to join two nuclei into a single, heavier nucleus. Why does the process of fusion require so much energy in order to take place?

to overcome the electrostatic forces between opposing nuclei

Nuclear Power Plant Hydroelectric Dam Coal-Burning Power Plant A nuclear power plant, a hydroelectric dam, a coal burning power plant have what in common?

They are all sources of electricity.

Identify one similarity between between fission and fusion processes.

They both result in products that have less mass than the reactants.

Predict the classification of silicon and elaborate on the reasoning.

Silicon is a metalloid and has properties of both metals and nonmetals - it appears lustrous, but is brittle and a poor conductor of heat and electricity.

"Spent" nuclear fuel rods come out of a reactor and need to be handled carefully. Why must power plants spend so much money and be so cautious in dealing with these materials?

Spent nuclear fuel is highly radioactive and can damage organisms and the environment.

What element behaves MOST like magnesium?


Half-life comparison Substance A Substance B Substance C Original amount 200 g 400 g 500 g ½ life 6 days 5 days 3 days From the table of data, substance C will have the least of the original amount remaining after 30 days even though it started with the most. What is the best explanation for this answer?

Substance C goes through a significantly larger amount of half-lives compared to the other substances.

Heat gained or lost is mass times specific heat times change in temperature. The specific heat of Aluminum is 0.9 J/g K. The specific heat of Copper is 0.39 J/g K. If samples of equal mass of both Aluminum and Copper are heated up to 100°C and then dropped in a cold water bath. Compare the heat lost by the two samples.

The Aluminum loses a little more than twice the heat of the Copper.

The picture represents the process that produces most of the energy used by living organisms on Earth. Which process is represented in the picture?

The fusion of hydrogen nuclei to produce a helium nucleus in the core of the Sun.

Which is an accurate description of what occurs when a log burns?

The molecules present in the log are transformed into molecules that contain less energy than the original molecules. The energy difference is the heat of the fire.

When traveling from oxygen to sulfur to selenium, through this group in the periodic table, what is changing?

The number of energy levels increases.

Jaime is picking out a skillet for his mother as a birthday present. He is looking at two skillets, one with a plastic handle and one with a metal handle. Thinking just about safety, which handle would you recommend to Jaime and why?

The plastic handle, because it is a good insulator.

Why is it important to dispose of wastes from nuclear power plants carefully?

The wastes are radioactive and could cause cancer.

There are many positive and negative aspects associated with nuclear power. What is a positive aspect associated with nuclear power?

There is a high ratio of energy to cost.

Uranium-238 goes through at least one alpha decay. Describe the minimum number of radioactive decay process(es) that U-238 must go through to form an isotope of radon.

Three alpha decay processes and zero beta decay processes.

This electromagnetic wave has a very high penetrating power. It is emitted during the decay of many radioactive isotopes, such as U-238 and I-131. It is a __________ wave.


Positively-charged particles consisting of two protons and two neutrons emitted by radioactive materials.

alpha particle

Many smoke detectors use americium-241 to detect very small particulates in the air. This is done by using a stream of radioactive particles that can be stopped by the small smoke particulate. Which type of radiation is MOST LIKELY used in a smoke detector, as it can be stopped by something this small?

alpha particles

Problem: To determine what conditions change the amount of radiation received from a radioactive source. Materials: Geiger counter, radioactive source for both beta particles and gamma waves, aluminum, cardboard, and lead barriers The Geiger counter probe was placed behind a frame that was capable of holding sheets of various materials: cardboard, aluminum, and lead. The beta source and the gamma wave source were placed on one side of the framework and the Geiger counter probe on the other. An initial reading was made and recorded. One sheet of cardboard was placed between the beta source and the probe, and a reading was taken. More sheets were added, as noted in the data table, and radiation readings were taken. The cardboard sheets were then replaced by aluminum, and finally lead, in the same sequence as before. Consider this experiment concerning penetration power of radioactive particles and waves. In order for the data to be reliable and valid, what control(s) should be specified in the experimental procedures?

distance radiation source is placed from barrier and duration of radioactive emissions

During physical science, Ms. Greene challenged her students to produce an energy transformation. James and Jill wrapped a 4-inch nail with a coil of fifty turns of wire. They connected one end of the coil to one terminal of a knife switch. They connected the other terminal of the knife switch to the battery. Finally, they connected the end of the coil to the other terminal of the battery. James held the tip of a 1-inch nail near the flat end of the 4-inch nail. Jill closed the knife switch quickly and then opened it. The 1-inch nail was pulled toward the 4-inch nail. The energy transformation in this case is

electrical to magnetic to mechanical.

Two critical requirements must be met before light elements, like hydrogen or helium, will fuse and form heavier elements. The two requirements for nuclear fusion are

extremely high temperature and density.

In 1938, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman discovered that uranium nuclei could spit and form smaller nuclei, or different elements. What process did Hahn and Strassman discover?


A device contains an electric circuit, powered by a battery, that provides light energy and heat energy. It is a

flash light.

Conduction occurs more easily between solids and liquids. This is because the particles in gases are

further apart and move faster.

At the heart of the sun, the temperature and pressure is enough to drive ___________ reactions. These reactions release energy from the surface of the sun by emitting light or releasing high energy particles.


Large amounts of energy are required in order to join two atom's nuclei into a single nucleus and, in turn, create a new element. What is the name of the process where two nuclei join to create a new element?


Nuclear _________ reactions convert protons into helium; thus, becoming the source of all energy radiated by the sun.


Which process is occurring at the center of all active stars?


Without the sun, life on earth would not exist. There would be no warmth, no plants, no animals, no night and day. To power itself, the sun is constantly generating a nuclear reaction in its core, in which hydrogen nuclei are combined to form helium. This process is known as __________.


This is a high energy photon resulting from the redistribution of the charge within the nucleus.

gamma radiation

All elements in the same group

have similar chemical properties.

Energy is transferred in solids by conduction, which means that

heat travels from the hotter object to the cooler object.

The process that keeps heat from being transferred between two substances is


Colorful wool is being woven into a scarf in cold, damp Ireland. Wool is used for scarves, sweaters, hats, and gloves because it is a good insulator. If wool is a good insulator, what substance would be a good conductor?


Periodic law states that when the elements are arranged according to their atomic numbers, this allows elements with similar properties to appear at regular intervals. Predict the group of elements and their number of valence electrons that will combine in a 3:2 ratio to with calcium.

nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic; 5

The energy stored within the nucleus of an atom; energy released from a fission or fusion reaction.

nuclear energy

The form of energy most responsible for producing sunlight is

nuclear energy.

The picture shown shows a practical application of(smoke tower)

nuclear energy.

The illustration represents one form of _________________, the process that enables all stars, including our sun, to continuously produce huge amounts of energy.

nuclear fusion

Which of these reactions is responsible for energy radiating from stars, including the Sun?

nuclear fusion

The Chernobyl accident, which occurred in the former Soviet Union in April, 1986, caused many problems. Nearly 3 million acres of farmland in the Ukraine were rendered useless for decades. Thirty-one workers died directly from the accident, while another 130 became sick. Many others in neighboring countries, like Switzerland and Poland also became sick. What type of accident was Chernobyl, considered to be one of the worst of its kind?

nuclear meltdown

What structure do all of these elements have in common?"5,6,7,8,9"

number of energy levels

This is the extent up to which radioactive emissions can penetrate a medium. It is dependent on the emission's energy and its interactions with the particles of the medium.

penetration power

Five metal samples, with equal masses, are heated to 200oC. Each solid is dropped into a beaker containing 200 ml 15oC water. Which metal will cool the fastest?


The shiny side of aluminum foil is placed towards your food to prevent heat loss due to


Sodium - Reacts vigorously with water. Magnesium - Shiny, silvery, soft metal. Chlorine - Forms an acid when combined with hydrogen. Xenon - Colorless and odorless gas. Look at the periodic table and the characteristics of the elements given above. Select the group of elements that include only those that are either colorless, odorless gases or shiny, silvery, soft metals.

radon, neon, calcium

The quantity of heat, in joules or calories, required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1°C.

specific heat

A beta and gamma source, Co-60, was placed in a chamber which was first lined with paper and then, after, with copper and lead. A Geiger counter was used in both cases to detect the emission of radiation. You expect

strong emissions when the chamber is paper lined; faint emissions when lead lined.

triple beam balance 1 dry styrofoam cup hooked metal specimen 50 ml of cold water one beaker for boiling water one hot plate string to suspend specimen in hot water _____________ probe The purpose of your physics lab is to determine the specific heat of a small metal cylinder. You and your group will use calorimetry, along with a ___________ probe and the law of heat exchange, to calculate specific heat of the metal. Check the list here. What is the missing piece of equipment?


Which is an example of nuclear energy being converted into heat and light energy?

the sun

Change in Temperature Temperature light on °C Temperature light off °C Time (min) Sand Water Time (min) Sand Water Start 22 22 Start 58 30 1 26 24 1 52 30 5 36 26 5 46 30 10 44 28 10 36 28 15 58 30 15 26 26 Josh did an experiment recording the changes in temperature in sand and water when exposed to a light source, and then when the light source was removed. Josh noticed that the sand heated up faster than the water and then cools faster than the water. Josh concludes that

water is the better insulator.

Doctors use the radioactive isotope chromium-51 to label red blood cells in the human body. Chromium-51 gives off relatively ______ alpha particles that can be stopped by _______ .

weak; a sheet of paper.

The meltdown at the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl released radioactive particles and energy that can damage cells. This damage to cells can be prevented by all but which of these?


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