Physics Chapter 8 & 9 Test

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69. The regions of a longitudinal wave where particles are rarefied have a pressure that is higher than ambient pressure. ____________________


63. The ratio of the airspeed to the local speed of sound is called the linear density. ____________________

mach number

77. The transfer of energy through a material by particle vibration is called a(n) ____________________ wave.


79. The location where two media meet is called a(n) ____________________.

media boundary

46. The material through which a mechanical wave travels is called a vibration. ____________________


68. Rigid materials generally transfer mechanical waves less efficiently than less rigid materials. ____________________


47. Translational molecular motion is defined as the displacement of a particle over a certain time interval. ____________________

net motion

49. In a standing wave, the location where the particles of the medium are at rest is called the antinode. ____________________


86. A musical ____________________ refers to the specific frequency produced by a musical instrument.


66. A decibel is the unit of sound level used to describe sound intensity level. ____________________


67. A mechanical wave is one of the most efficient forms of energy transmission in nature. ____________________


67. A wave travelling through two media will move faster in the denser medium. ____________________


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 92. the process of generating a new wave when two or more waves meet


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 105. the location where two or more media meet


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 99. the motion of a wave through a medium


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 100. an interference pattern produced when incoming and reflected waves interfere with each other


Matching Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 112. in a standing wave, the location where the particles of the medium are at rest


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 98. in a standing wave, the location where the particles of the medium are moving with greatest speed


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 106. whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequency


Matching Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 91. a sound resulting from a string that vibrates with more than one frequency


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 97. periodic change in sound intensity caused by the interference between two nearly identical sound waves


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 107. the frequency of beats produced by the interference of two waves with slightly different frequencies


Matching Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 111. a reduction in the amplitude of a wave as a result of energy absorption or destructive interference


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 95. the frequency at which a medium vibrates most easily


Matching Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 109. the condition in which the frequency of a wave equals the resonant frequency of the wave's medium


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 103. When a source of sound approaches an observer, the observed frequency of sound increases; when the source moves away from an observer, the observed frequency of the sound decreases.


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 108. At any point, the amplitude of two interfering waves is the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves.


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 102. the process of forming a wave with a larger amplitude when two or more waves combine


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 96. the process of forming a wave with a smaller amplitude when two or more waves combine


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 94. a reflection that occurs at a media boundary where the second medium is less dense than the first medium


Matching Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 110. a reflection that occurs at a media boundary where one end of the medium is unable to vibrate


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 93. the lowest frequency that can produce a standing wave in a given medium


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 104. a wave that is 50 % to 100 % greater in height than typical for the given sea conditions


Match each definition to the related term. Answer choices may be used only once. a. interference b. media boundary c. transmission d. standing wave e. node f. antinode g. harmonics h. overtone i. beat j. beat frequency k. damping l. resonant frequency m. resonance n. Doppler effect o. principle of superposition p. constructive interference q. destructive interference r. free-end reflection s. fixed-end reflection t. fundamental frequency u. rogue wave v. noise-cancelling headphones ____ 101. an example of a technology that makes use of destructive interference


25. Which term describes the maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium point? a. amplitude b. period c. wavelength d. frequency


13. Which term describes the cyclical motion of an object about an equilibrium point? a. vibration b. amplitude c. phase shift d. phase


15. Which term describes the displacement of a particle over a certain time interval? a. net motion b. phase shift c. amplitude d. frequency


17. Two speakers are playing the same music but you are standing between them so that the waves produced are completely out of phase (they differ by half a wavelength). What is the resulting sound? a. The sound waves will cancel out and there will be no sound where you are standing. b. The sound waves will add and the music will be twice as loud. c. The sound waves will differ by a time lag and it will sound like an echo. d. You will hear the music as you normally would.


2. When a wave encounters a media boundary that is not a free-end or fixed-end boundary, the wave splits into two and what occurs? a. One wave is reflected, and the other is transmitted. b. Both waves are transmitted. c. Both waves are reflected. d. none of the above


2. Which statement(s) about mechanical waves is (are) true? a. Mechanical waves in rigid materials go farther than in less rigid media. b. Mechanical waves in less rigid materials last longer than in rigid materials. c. Mechanical waves in rigid materials are slower than in less rigid materials. d. all of the above


22. A doubling of sound energy is equivalent to an increase of how many decibels? a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 1


24. A sound at 85 decibels will likely damage your hearing after being exposed to it for how long? a. 8 h b. 15 min c. 30 min d. 1 h


24. A wave travels from a medium that has a very slow wave speed and hits a medium that has a very high wave speed. Which of the following will happen? a. The wave will experience a fixed-end reflection. b. The wave will experience a free-end reflection c. The wave will continue to pass through the second media at the same speed. d. none of the above


28. Which of the following is an example of a transverse wave only? a. wave produced by strumming the strings of a guitar b. wave motion in a slinky c. waves produced by striking a piece of wood with a hammer d. sound waves in fluids


29. Which of the following is an example of a longitudinal wave only? a. wave motion in a slinky b. waves produced by striking a piece of wood with a hammer c. wave produced by strumming the strings of a guitar d. wind blowing over the surface of a lake, causing water molecules to move in an oval shape


30. Which of the following is an example of a complex wave? a. waves produced by striking a piece of solid wood with a hammer b. sound waves in fluids c. wave produced by strumming the strings of a harp d. wave motion in a slinky


36. Which of the following statements best describes the behavior of mechanical waves in fluid media? a. Denser fluids such as liquids and compressed gases are more efficient at transmitting mechanical waves because the molecules are closer and transmit energy more easily. b. Liquids are less efficient at transmitting mechanical waves because they are denser and dampen the effects. c. Gases that are the least dense are able to transmit mechanical waves more efficiently because of the free range of motion of the molecules. d. Mechanical waves cannot travel through fluid media.


37. How do the values for frequency, period, and wave speed compare? a. The frequency is the inverse of the period, and the velocity is equal to the wavelength divided by the period. b. The speed of a wave is equal to the frequency times the period. The frequency measures the distance a wave travels, and the period is the inverse of the time taken for a cycle. c. Frequency and period are equivalent, and the speed of the wave is determined by the wavelength times the period. d. The velocity of a wave is equal to the frequency divided by the period.


42. Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between the harmonics of a standing wave and the length of the involved media with one fixed end and one free end? a. The harmonics can only occur such that an odd multiple of a quarter wavelength is equal to the length of the media b. The harmonics can only occur such that an even multiple of a quarter wavelength is equal to the length of the media. c. The harmonics can only occur such that the length of half of a wave is equal to the length of the media divided by an integer. d. The harmonics can only occur such that an integer multiple of a quarter wavelength is equal to the length of the media


44. Which of the following is a possible reason for the controlled damping of a wave? a. Damping reduces the resonant frequencies in structures, which if left unchecked can create a standing wave and damage the structure. b. Damping has a stronger effect on non-resonant frequencies and allows for more efficient transmission of resonant waves. c. A media can only come into resonance if there is a strong damping force. d. Damping the external motion of a media allows for the media to transmit the wave more efficiently.


6. A wave moves from one medium into a less dense medium. How will it be reflected? a. in the same orientation and with the same amplitude as the incoming wave b. with the same amplitude but in an inverted orientation from the incoming wave c. in the same orientation but with a greater amplitude than the incoming wave d. in the same orientation but with a lesser amplitude than the incoming wave


9. A wave moves from one medium into another, splits into two waves, and the reflected wave is inverted. Which of the following must be true? a. The wave passed from a slower medium into a faster medium. b. The wave passed from a faster medium into a slower medium. c. The speeds of the two mediums are equivalent. d. none of the above


Classify each description or example as a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or complex wave. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. complex wave ____ 91. particles of a medium moving perpendicular to the direction of the flow of energy


Classify each description or example as a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or complex wave. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. complex wave ____ 92. a boat bobbing on water waves


Classify each description or example as a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or complex wave. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. complex wave ____ 97. wave produced by strumming the strings of a guitar


Classify each example of sound waves as audible, infrasonic, or ultrasonic. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. audible sound waves b. infrasonic waves c. ultrasonic waves ____ 111. waves with a frequency between 20 Hz and 20 kHz


Classify each wave characteristic as geometric-based or time-based. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. geometric-based b. time-based ____ 100. wavelength


Classify each wave characteristic as geometric-based or time-based. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. geometric-based b. time-based ____ 101. phase


Classify each wave characteristic as geometric-based or time-based. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. geometric-based b. time-based ____ 104. phase shift


Classify each wave characteristic as geometric-based or time-based. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. geometric-based b. time-based ____ 105. amplitude


8. Which term describes the maximum point of a transverse wave? a. wavelength b. trough c. amplitude d. crest


71. When the frequencies of interfering waves are very close in value, rhythmic beats are formed. ____________________


66. The effect of sound produced in enclosed or restricted spaces is called interference. ____________________


57. When two waves meet, the forces on their particles are multiplied together. ____________________


81. The maximum displacement of a vibrating particle in a wave from its equilibrium point is called the ____________________.


82. In a standing wave, the location where the particles of the medium are moving with greatest speed is called the ____________________.


90. A sound wave in the range of human hearing is referred to as a(n) ____________________ sound wave.


11. A wave moves from one medium into another and splits into two waves, one of which is reflected and the other is transmitted. Which statement is true if the difference between the wave speeds in the two media is small? a. The amplitude of the reflected wave is closer to the amplitude of the original wave than is the amplitude of the transmitted wave. b. Transmission is preferred. c. Reflection is preferred. d. The amplitude of the reflected wave is much greater than the amplitude of the original wave.


15. A police cruiser is moving toward a stationary observer at 22.0 m/s. The frequency of the siren on the car is 750.0 Hz. What is the frequency detected by the observer as the police cruiser approaches? Assume the speed of sound to be 342 m/s. a. about 1020 Hz b. about 802 Hz c. about 705 Hz d. about 750 Hz


16. A wave has a speed of 1200 m/s and a wavelength of 3.3 m. What is its approximate frequency? a. 3.64 103 Hz b. 3.64 102 Hz c. 4.6 102 Hz d. 2.4 103 Hz


19. Which term refers to the property of a medium that returns to its original shape after being disturbed? a. rarefaction b. elastic c. waveform d. compression


23. Normal breathing has a sound level of how many decibels? a. 0 b. 10 c. 30 d. 20


28. Which of the following instruments will have harmonics that correspond to a standing wave between two free ends? a. clarinet b. trumpet c. guitar d. harp


29. A clarinet is an example of an instrument that will have harmonics similar to which of the following? a. a standing wave between two fixed ends b. a standing wave between a fixed and a free end c. a standing wave between two free ends d. none of the above


39. Which of the following mechanical waves would have the greatest intensity? a. A wave with a large amplitude but with a low amount of pressure in the air. b. A wave with a large amplitude but with a large amount of pressure in the air. c. A wave with a small amplitude but with a low amount of pressure in the air. d. A wave with a small amplitude but with a small amount of pressure in the air.


4. Which term refers to the material that permits the transmission of energy through vibrations? a. elastic b. medium c. linear density d. compression


43. The standard tuning for musical instruments is the note A at 440 Hz. If the speed of sound in a concert hall is 344 m/s, what is the wavelength for the note A? a. 0.72 m b. 0.78 m c. 0.82 m d. 0.68 m


Classify each description or example as a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or complex wave. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. complex wave ____ 95. wave motion in a Slinky


Classify each description or example as a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or complex wave. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. complex wave ____ 96. sound waves in fluids


Classify each description or example as a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or complex wave. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. complex wave ____ 98. particles of a medium moving parallel to the direction of the flow of energy


Classify each example of sound waves as audible, infrasonic, or ultrasonic. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. audible sound waves b. infrasonic waves c. ultrasonic waves ____ 107. waves with a frequency less than 20 Hz


Classify each example of sound waves as audible, infrasonic, or ultrasonic. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. audible sound waves b. infrasonic waves c. ultrasonic waves ____ 110. earthquake waves


Classify each wave characteristic as geometric-based or time-based. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. geometric-based b. time-based ____ 102. period


Classify each wave characteristic as geometric-based or time-based. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. geometric-based b. time-based ____ 103. frequency


Classify each wave characteristic as geometric-based or time-based. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. geometric-based b. time-based ____ 106. wave speed


____ 26. Any motion that repeats itself at regular intervals is referred to as which type of motion? a. translational molecular motion b. simple harmonic motion c. net motion d. none of the above


52. Resonant frequency is the frequency of beats produced by the interference of two waves with slightly different frequencies. ____________________


84. An acoustical ____________________ is a periodic change in sound intensity caused by the interference between two nearly identical sound waves.


1. Which statement is true about wave reflections? a. If a wave travels from a medium in which its speed is slower to a medium in which its speed is faster, the reflected wave has the same orientation as the original. b. If a wave travels from a medium in which its speed is faster to a medium in which its speed is slower, the reflected wave is inverted. c. With a fixed-end reflection, the reflected wave is inverted. d. With a free-end reflection, the reflected wave is inverted.


10. A wave moves from one medium into another, splits into two waves, and the reflected wave is upright. Which of the following must be true? a. The wave passed from a slower medium into a faster medium. b. The speeds of the two mediums are equivalent. c. The wave passed from a faster medium into a slower medium. d. none of the above


12. A wave has a frequency of 355 Hz and a wavelength of 4.0 m. What is its speed? a. 359 m/s b. 89 m/s c. 1420 m/s d. 351 m/s


13. The speed of a wave on a string with a fixed end and a free end is 292.5 m/s. The frequency of the wave is 225.0 Hz. What length of string is necessary to produce a standing wave with the first harmonic? a. 0.356 m b. 0.22 m c. 0.325 m d. 0.14 m


14. A wave has a speed of 2100 m/s and a frequency of 55 Hz. What is its approximate wavelength? a. 2155 m b. 115 500 m c. 38 m d. 2045 m


14. How do you hear acoustical beats? a. as a change in speed, from fast to slow b. as a change in speed, from slow to fast c. as a change in loudness, from soft to loud d. as a change in loudness, from loud to soft


18. The speed of sound is measured to be 343.52 m/s. What is the current air temperature? a. 30 C b. 25 C c. 20 C d. 22 C


18. Two boats of equal mass and power are travelling side by side at the same speed. Half way between them the waves that are produced have the same phase and wavelength. What is the result of the waves? a. The combination will cause a reversal of the wave phase and they will be opposite of that created from each individual boat. b. The combination of waves will cancel out and the water will be completely calm. c. The combination of waves will add together and be twice as large as the individual waves from each boat. d. The combination of waves will be the same as the individual waves from the boat.


21. In which of the following media is the speed of sound the greatest? a. water b. steel c. glass d. maple wood


22. Which of the following is an example of a media boundary that is neither fixed- end nor free-end? a. the boundary between a flag and the air b. the boundary between water and the sink wall c. the boundary between air and a tree d. the boundary between a flag and the pole


23. Which of the following describes an event where the wave will encounter a free- end reflection? a. when a wave travels from a medium where the wave speed is slow to a medium where the wave speed is fast b. when a wave travels between two media where the wave speed is roughly the same c. when a wave travels from a medium where the wave speed is fast to a medium where the wave speed is slow d. none of the above


27. Which term refers to the distance between two similar points in successive identical cycles in a wave? a. period b. frequency c. wavelength d. amplitude


31. Which term refers to the time for a vibrating particle to complete one cycle? a. phase b. frequency c. period d. amplitude


34. Which of the following statements accurately describes how mechanical waves are able to transmit energy efficiently? a. Mechanical waves displace each particle of the medium by the same distance so that energy is distributed throughout. b. Mechanical waves are able to absorb the thermal energy from the random motion of the particles in the medium. c. After a wave has passed through a medium, the particles return to their original location, so no energy is lost by the wave. d. Mechanical waves are able to act at a distance and don't require a medium where energy is lost.


40. A pendulum moves so that a swing in one direction corresponds with one second. What is the frequency of the pendulum? a. 2 Hz b. 1 Hz c. 0.5 Hz d. 0.25 Hz


42. The average distance from the centre of Earth to the centre of the Moon is about 384 000 km. The Moon revolves around Earth with a period of about 29.5 days. Calculate the average velocity of the Moon. a. 4000 km/h b. 4200 km/h c. 3400 km/h d. 3800 km/h


43. Which of the following accurately describes how acoustical beats can be used for tuning an instrument? a. When the note played by an instrument matches the note of a tuner, the frequency of beats should be a harmonic of the note played. b. When the note played by an instrument matches the note of a tuner, the frequency of beats heard should align with a harmonic of the instrument. c. When the note played by an instrument matches the note of a tuner, no beats should be heard. d. When the note played by an instrument matches the note of a tuner, the frequency of beats heard should match the frequency of the note.


45. The strings of a guitar have a length of 0.627 m. The lowest E string has a mass of 3.32 g and has a tension of 226 N. What is the speed of waves on this string? a. 209 m/s b. 203 m/s c. 207 m/s d. 205 m/s


45. Which of the following accurately describes the Doppler effect? a. As an object emitting a sound approaches an observer, the sound waves become compressed, so that the observer hears a lower frequency. b. As an object emitting a sound approaches an observer, the sound waves expand, which reduces their energy and dampens the noise. c. As an object emitting a sound approaches an observer, the sound waves become compressed, so that the observer hears a higher frequency. d. As an object emitting a sound approaches an observer, the sound waves expand, so that the observer hears a higher frequency.


9. Which statement about wave characteristics is true? a. Frequency refers to the amount that one waveform is displaced along the x-axis from an otherwise identical waveform. b. Wavelength is the maximum distance a vibrating particle moves from its equilibrium point. c. Wave characteristics are based on both wave shape and the behaviour of a wave in time. d. The phase shift is the distance between two similar points in successive identical cycles in a wave.


Classify each description or example as a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or complex wave. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. complex wave ____ 93. waves produced by wind blowing over the surface of a lake, causing water molecules to move in an oval shape


Classify each description or example as a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or complex wave. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. complex wave ____ 94. a combination of longitudinal and transverse motion


Classify each description or example as a transverse wave, longitudinal wave, or complex wave. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. transverse wave b. longitudinal wave c. complex wave ____ 99. waves produced by striking a piece of wood with a hammer


Classify each example of sound waves as audible, infrasonic, or ultrasonic. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. audible sound waves b. infrasonic waves c. ultrasonic waves ____ 108. waves applied in a technique used by physicians to view fetuses


Classify each example of sound waves as audible, infrasonic, or ultrasonic. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. audible sound waves b. infrasonic waves c. ultrasonic waves ____ 109. waves used by the ranging unit in some cameras


Classify each example of sound waves as audible, infrasonic, or ultrasonic. Answer choices may be used more than once. a. audible sound waves b. infrasonic waves c. ultrasonic waves ____ 112. waves with a frequency greater than 20 kHz


51. The region in a longitudinal wave in which the medium's particles are closer together is called rarefaction. ____________________


46. Destructive interference refers to the process of forming a wave with a larger amplitude when two or more waves combine. ____________________


87. The process of forming a wave with a larger amplitude when two or more waves combine is called ____________________ interference.


54. The maximum point of a transverse wave is called the trough. ____________________


10. Which statement(s) about mechanical waves is (are) true? a. In longitudinal waves, the particles of the medium move parallel to the direction of the flow of energy. b. Many wave motions in nature are a combination of longitudinal and transverse motion. c. In transverse waves, the particles of the medium move perpendicular to the direction of the flow of energy. d. all of the above


12. A wave moves from one medium into another and splits into two waves, one of which is reflected and the other is transmitted. Which statement is true if the difference is great between the wave speeds in the two media? a. Transmission is preferred. b. The amplitude of the reflected wave is much smaller than the amplitude of the original wave. c. The amplitude of the transmitted wave is closer to the amplitude of the original wave than is the amplitude of the reflected wave. d. Reflection is preferred.


16. Which of the following best describes the energy and motion of a particle when two waves interact? a. The particle vibration is such that the energy is preserved for both waves but each wave reverses direction. b. The particle vibration is such that equal amounts of energy from each wave are lost and both waves reverse direction. c. The particle vibration is such that equal amounts of energy from each wave are lost but the direction of both is preserved. d. The particle vibration moves in such a way so that the energy and direction of each wave is preserved.


19. Which of the following is an example of a free-end reflection? a. a dog jumping up and down while his collar is attached to a spike in the ground b. a guitar string c. two students holding the ends of a jump rope while they wiggle it d. the snapping of a towel


20. What is the speed of sound in air at 0 C? a. 5170 m/s b. 319 m/s c. 344 m/s d. 331 m/s


20. Which of the following accurately describes what happens to a wave after a free- end reflection? a. The wave will be reflected in the opposite orientation as the incoming wave but with a smaller amplitude. b. The wave will be reflected in the same orientation as the incoming wave but with a smaller amplitude. c. The wave will be reflected in the opposite orientation as the incoming wave and with the same amplitude. d. The wave will be reflected in the same orientation as the incoming wave and with the same amplitude.


21. Which of the following applications has both a free-end and a fixed-end reflection? a. A string on a harp b. water waving in a bath tub c. two students playing jump rope d. a cowboy twirling a lasso


25. Which of the following accurately describes how a standing wave functions? a. A wave travels between two fixed-ends of a media such that the reflected wave superimposes with the original with the opposite phase creating a wave that looks stationary. b. A wave travels through a media that is capable of slowing down the wave to a stop. c. A wave travels between two ends of a media such that the reflected wave superimposes with the original wave with the opposite phase creating a wave that looks stationary. d. A wave travels between two ends of a media such that the reflected wave superimposes with the original at the same phase creating a wave that looks stationary.


26. How do the crests of a standing wave compare to that of the original wave? a. The crests are equal to that of the standing wave. b. The standing wave is constantly zero at the antinodes. c. The crests are half of those of the standing wave. d. The crests are twice that of the standing wave.


27. Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between the harmonics of a standing wave and the length of the involved media with two fixed ends? a. The harmonics can only occur such that the wavelength is equal to the length of the media divided by a multiple of two. b. The harmonics can only occur such that the length of the wave is equal to the length of the media divided by an integer. c. The harmonics can only occur such that half of the wavelength is equal to the length of the media divided by a multiple of two. d. The harmonics can only occur such that the length of half of a wave is equal to the length of the media divided by an integer.


3. After two waves have met and passed through each other, which of the following characteristics change? a. amplitude b. wavelength c. frequency d. none of the above


3. Which of the following materials is most efficient at transferring vibrations? a. water b. air c. pillow d. steel rod


32. Which of the following is a geometric-based wave characteristic? a. wave speed b. period c. frequency d. amplitude


33. Which of the following is a time-based wave characteristic? a. phase b. wavelength c. phase shift d. frequency


35. Which of the following statements accurately describes the behavior of mechanical waves in solid media? a. A more rigid material will dampen the effects of mechanical waves and are generally inelastic. b. Less rigid materials dampen mechanical waves but are able to transmit them farther and faster. c. Less rigid materials are able to flow much easier and are better at transmitting waves while retaining their elasticity. d. A more rigid material will transfer mechanical waves efficiently and most are elastic.


38. Which of the following explains why sound is quieter from a further distance? a. As you increase the distance from the source of the sound, more of the sound wave ends up being reflected in different directions causing it to lose energy. b. At farther distances sound waves interfere with other mechanical waves and lose energy. c. As the sound travels a longer distance it gets dampened because air does not transmit waves very efficiently. d. As you increase the distance from the source of the sound, the area in which the sound wave covers increases and the energy is spread out more.


4. Two waves meet and form a wave with an amplitude less than one of the initial waves. Which statement must be true? a. The waves were in phase and destructive interference occurred. b. The waves were out of phase and constructive interference occurred. c. The waves were in phase and constructive interference occurred. d. The waves were out of phase and destructive interference occurred.


41. What is the frequency, in Hz, of the rotation of Earth? a. 1.3 Hz b. 1.4 Hz c. 1.5 Hz d. 1.2 Hz


44. Scientists have found that the long slow moan produced by blue whales is almost consistently a B pitch at a frequency of 16.0 Hz. The wavelength of this note is 97.5 m. How long would it take for this sound from a blue whale to travel to a team of scientists that is tracking them from 11 km away? a. 8.6 s b. 7.6 s c. 8.1 s d. 7.1 s


5. Two waves meet and form a wave with an amplitude greater than the amplitudes of the individual waves. Which statement must be true? a. The waves were in phase and destructive interference occurred. b. The waves were out of phase and destructive interference occurred. c. The waves were out of phase and constructive interference occurred. d. The waves were in phase and constructive interference occurred.


6. Which statement(s) about vibrations is (are) true? a. A vibration is a cyclical motion of an object about an equilibrium point. b. The particles of an elastic medium return to their original location after a wave passes through. c. All vibrations need a medium to transfer waves. d. all of the above


____ 1. A medium's effectiveness at transmitting vibrations is dependent upon which of the following? a. molecular and mechanical structure b. density c. temperature d. all of the above


53. Resonance refers to a reduction in the amplitude of a wave as a result of energy absorption or destructive interference. ____________________


90. A reduction in the amplitude of a wave as a result of destructive interference is called ____________________.


58. Noise-cancelling headphones use the concept of constructive interference. ____________________


88. Noise-cancelling headphones use the concept of ____________________ interference.


78. The process of forming a wave with a smaller amplitude when two or more waves combine is called ____________________.

destructive interference

60. The wave speed of a standing wave interference pattern is the sum of the wave speeds of the incoming and reflected waves. ____________________

difference between

85. According to the ____________________ effect, when a source of sound approaches an observer, the observed frequency of the sound increases.


78. If a medium returns to its original shape after being disturbed, the medium is said to be ____________________.


68. Plucking a harp string is an example of a free-end reflection. ____________________


80. A reflection that occurs at a media boundary where one end of the medium is unable to vibrate is called a(n) ____________________ reflection.


47. A fixed-end reflection is a reflection that occurs at a media boundary where the second medium is less dense than the first medium. ____________________


57. The number of complete cycles per unit time is called the period of a wave. ____________________


50. The lowest frequency that can produce a standing wave in a given medium is called a beat frequency. ____________________

fundamental frequency

49. Translational molecular motion is typical of solids. ____________________


87. Simple ____________________ motion is any motion that repeats itself at regular intervals about an equilibrium point.


83. Whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequency are referred to as ____________________.


85. Identical waves are ____________________ if their phase shifts are equal.

in phase

61. An ultrasonic wave is a sound wave with a frequency below the audible range for humans. ____________________


76. When two or more waves meet, a new wave is generated in a process called ____________________.


89. A string's ____________________, or mass per unit distance, determines how much force it will take to make the string vibrate.

linear density

70. Transverse waves are often referred to as pressure waves. ____________________


79. A(n) ____________________ wave is a wave in which particles vibrate parallel to the direction of the flow of energy.


56. Identical waves are in phase if they have different phase shifts. ____________________

out of

86. The time it takes for any of the vibrating particles in a wave to complete one cycle is called the ____________________.


83. In transverse and longitudinal waves, the x-coordinate of a unique point of a wave is called its ____________________.


84. A(n) ____________________ is a shift of an entire wave with respect to an identical wave along the x-axis.

phase shift

80. The region in a longitudinal wave in which the medium's particles are farther apart is called ____________________.


54. The frequency at which a medium vibrates most easily is called the fundamental frequency. ____________________


89. The frequency at which a medium vibrates most easily is referred to as the ____________________ frequency.


7. Which of the following is an example of a fixed-end reflection? a. the movement of the loose end of a flag that is attached to a flag pole b. snapping a towel c. holding one end of a rope and sending a pulse through it d. plucking a harp string


8. Which statement is true of the boundary between water and air? a. The type of boundary depends on the temperature. b. It is a free-end boundary. c. It is a fixed-end boundary. d. none of the above


70. The first harmonic is equal to the first overtone. ____________________


72. Damping is never desirable. ____________________


65. The amount of sound energy being transferred per unit area is called the pressure. ____________________

sound intensity

81. A(n) ____________________ wave is an interference pattern produced when incoming and reflected waves interfere with each other.


77. According to the principle of ____________________, at any point the amplitude of two interfering waves is the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves.


48. The straight-line motion of a molecule is referred to as net motion. ____________________

translational molecular motion

50. A longitudinal wave is a wave in which particles vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the flow of energy. ____________________


82. The minimum point of a transverse wave is called the ____________________.


48. Transmission is the motion of a wave from one medium to another medium. ____________________


51. An overtone is a sound resulting from a string that vibrates with more than one frequency. ____________________


52. If the waves produced by a vibrating object have properties that make them detectable to the human ear, they are called sound. ____________________


53. The shape of a wave when graphed is referred to as waveform. ____________________


55. Resonance refers to the condition in which the frequency of a wave equals the resonant frequency of the wave's medium. ____________________


56. The basic motion of a vibrating particle in a travelling wave creates an oval path. ____________________


58. Wave speed refers to how fast the energy in a wave is moving. ____________________


59. If a wave travels from a medium in which its speed is faster to a medium in which its speed is slower, the reflected wave has the same orientation as the original wave. ____________________


59. Linear density is the mass per unit distance of a string. ____________________


60. An infrasonic wave is a sound wave with a frequency below 20 Hz. ____________________


61. Waves that are 50 % to 100 % greater in height than typical for the given sea conditions are referred to as rogue waves. ____________________


62. An echo is the sound that reflects off a surface back to the device that produced the sound. ____________________


62. Longer-wavelength waves travel faster than shorter-wavelength waves. ____________________


63. When waves meet, a new wave is generated in a process called interference. ____________________


64. Pressure is defined as the force per unit area. ____________________


65. The point where air and water meet is an example of a media boundary. ____________________


69. The amplitude of a wave before it encounters a media boundary is closely related to the wave's energy. ____________________


71. The SI unit of frequency is the hertz. ____________________


72. A simple pendulum oscillating with a small amplitude is an example of simple harmonic motion. ____________________


73. Linear density and tension are the only variables that control the speed that waves can travel along a string. ____________________


73. When the following two waves combine, the resulting wave will have an amplitude greater than the amplitudes of each of the individual waves. ____________________


74. The point where a branch of a tree meets air is referred to as a media boundary. ____________________


74. Waves travel more rapidly in hotter gases than in cooler gases. ____________________


75. Snapping a towel and sending a pulse through it is an example of a free-end reflection. ____________________


75. The speed of sound in air at 20 °C is 344 m/s. ____________________


17. What is the approximate speed of sound in air at a temperature of 27 C? a. 315 m/s b. 304 m/s c. 348 m/s d. 358 m/s


76. The cyclical motion of an object about an equilibrium point is called a(n) ____________________.


64. Waves are the result of harmonics. ____________________


88. If you stay in one spot and measure how fast the wave crests are passing by, you will have a measure of the ____________________.

wave speed

55. A period is the distance between two similar points in successive identical cycles in a wave. ____________________


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