Physics Midterm Part 2

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I take 1.0 kg of ice and dump it into 1.0 kg of water and, when equilibrium is reached, I have 2.0 kg of ice at 0°C. The water was originally at 0°C. The specific heat of water = 1.00 kcal/kg×°C, the specific heat of ice = 0.50 kcal/kg×°C, and the latent heat of fusion of water is 80 kcal/kg. The original temperature of the ice was:

-160 C

A ceiling fan is turned on and reaches an angular speed of 120 rev/min in 20 s. It is then turned off and coasts to a stop in 40 s. The ratio of the average angular acceleration for the first 20 s to that for the last 40 s is which of the following?


The pressure in a constant-volume gas thermometer extrapolates to zero at what temperature?

0 K

A point on the rim of a 0.25-m-radius fan blade has centripetal acceleration of 0.20 m/s^2. Find the centripetal acceleration of a point 0.05 m from the center of the same wheel.

0.04 m/s^2

A silver bar of length 30 cm and cross-sectional area 1.0 cm2 is used to transfer heat from a 100°C reservoir to a 0°C block of ice. How much ice is melted per second? (For silver, k = 427 J/s×m×°C. For ice, Lf = 334 000 J/kg.)

0.043 g/s

A 2.00-kg copper rod is 50.00 cm long at 23°C. If 40 000 J are transferred to the rod by heat, what is its change in length? ccopper = 387 J/kg·°C and acopper = 17 x 10-6/°C.

0.044 cm

A fluid has a density of 1040 kg/m3. If it rises to a heigh of 1.8 cm in a 1.0-mm diameter capillary tube, what is the surface tension of the liquid? Assume a contact angle of zero.

0.046 N/m

A cylindrical space colony 8 km in diameter and 30 km long has been proposed as living quarters for future space explorers. Such a habitat would have cities, land, and lakes on the inside surface and air and clouds in the center. All of this would be held in place by a rotation of the cylinder about the long axis. How fast would such a cylinder have to rotate to produce a 1-g gravitational field at the walls of the cylinder?

0.05 rad/s

A ferris wheel starts at rest and builds up to a final angular speed of 0.70 rad/s while rotating through an angular displacement of 4.9 rad. What is its average angular acceleration?

0.05 rad/s^2

In order to overcome a surface tension of a fluid, a force of 1.32x1o^-2 N is required to lift a wire ring of circumference 12.0 cm. What is the surface tension of the fluid?

0.055 N/m

A waterfall is 145 m high. What is the increase in water temperature at the bottom of the falls if all the initial potential energy goes into heating the water? (g= 9.8 m/s2, cw = 4 186 J/kg×°C)


Two loudspeakers are placed next to each other and driven by the same source at 500 Hz. A listener is positioned in front of the two speakers and on the line separating them, thus creating a constructive interference at the listener's ear. What minimum distance would one of the speakers be moved back away from the listener to produce destructive interference at the listener's ear? (The speed of sound = 340 m/s.)

0.34 m

A 0.15 m radius grinding wheel starts at rest and develops an angular speed of 12.0 rad/s in 4.0 s. What is the average tangential acceleration of a point on the wheel's edge?

0.45 m/s^2

a fan blade, initially at rest, rotates with a constant acceleration of 0.025 rad/s^2. What is the angular speed at the instant it goes through an angular displacement of 4.2 rad?

0.46 rad/s

Starting from rest, a wheel undergoes constant angular acceleration for a period of time T. At what time after the start of rotation does the wheel reach an angular speed equal to its average angular speed for this interval?

0.50 T

A ventilation fan has blades 0.25 m in radius rotating at 20 rpm. What is the tangential velocity of each blade tip?

0.523 m/s

A 0.30-m-radius automobile tire accelerates from rest at a constant 2.0 rad/s2 over a 5.0-s interval. What is the tangential component of acceleration for a point on the outer edge of the tire during the 5-s interval?

0.60 m/s^2

An ideal fluid, of density 0.9x10^3 kg/m3, flows at 6.0 m/s through a level pipe with radius of 0.50 cm. The pressure in the fluid is 1.3x10^5 N/m2. This pipe connects to a second level pipe, with radius of 1.5 cm. Find the speed of flow in the second pipe.

0.67 m/s

A spherical air bubble originating from a scuba diver at a depth of 18.0 m has a diameter of 1.0 cm. What will the bubble's diameter be when it reaches the surface? (Assume constant temperature.

0.7 cm

A 100-m-long high-voltage cable is suspended between two towers. The mass of the 100-m cable is 150 kg. If the tension in the cable is 30 000 N, what is the lowest frequency at which this cable can oscillate?

0.71 Hz

An object when orbiting the Earth at a height of three earth radii from the center of the earth has a weight of 1.00 N. What is the object's mass?

0.92 kg

An ideal fluid, of density 0.85x10^3 kg/m3, flows at 0.25 kg/s through a pipe of radius 0.010 m. What is the fluid speed?

0.94 m/s

If the column of mercury in a barometer stands at 72.6 cm, what is the atmospheric pressure? (density of mercury is 13.6x10^3 kg/m3 and g= 9.80 m/s2)

0.968x10^5 N/m2

A track star in the long jump goes into the jump at 12 m/s and launches herself at 20.0 degrees above the horizontal. How long is she in the air before returning to Earth?

1.25 s

Doubling the tension in a guitar string will change its natural frequency by what factor?


The Doppler shift of ultrasonic waves can measure the speed of blood in an artery. If the frequency of the stationary source is 100 kHz and the reflected sound has a Doppler shift of 200 Hz, what is the blood flow speed? (The speed of sound inside the body is 1 500 m/s.)

1.5 m/s

If one-third of the members of a symphony orchestra are absent because of head colds, thus reducing the overall intensity of sound by 33%, what will be the reduction in the decibel level?

1.7 dB

A baseball is released at rest from the top of the Washington Monument. It hits the ground after falling for 6.00 s. What was the height from which the ball was dropped? (disregard air resistance. g = 9.81 m/s^2.)

1.8x10^2 m

A hole is poked through the metal slide of a drum holding water. The hole is 18 cm below the water surface. What is the initial speed of outflow?

1.9 m/s

An ideal gas is confined to a container with adjustable volume. The number of moles, n, and temperature, T, are constant. By what factor will the volume change if pressure triples?


A unit for viscosity, the centipoise, is equal to which of the following?

10^-3 Ns/m2

Water is sent from a fire hose at 30 m/s at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal. What is the maximum height reached by the water?

11 m

an object moves at a constant velocity of 11 m/s to the southwest for an interval of 20 s. Halfway through this interval, what is the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity?

11 m/s

A European sports car dealer claims that his product will accelerate at a constant rate from rest to a speed of 100 km/hr in 8.00 s. What distance will the sports car travel during the 8 s acceleration period?

111 m

A 3.00-g lead bullet is traveling at a speed of 240 m/s when it embeds in a wood post. If we assume that half of the resultant heat energy generated remains with the bullet, what is the increase in temperature of the embedded bullet? (specific heat of lead = 0.030 5 kcal/kg×°C, 1 kcal = 4 186 J)

113 C

A metal bar is used to conduct heat. When the temperature at one end is 100°C and at the other is 20°C, heat is transferred at a rate of 16 J/s. If the temperature of the hotter end is reduced to 80°C, what will be the rate of heat transfer?

12 J/s

Tricia puts 44 g of dry ice (solid CO2) into a 2.0-L container and seals the top. The dry ice turns to gas at room temperature (20°C). Find the pressure increase in the 2.0-L container. (One mole of CO2 has a mass of 44 g, R = 0.082 1 L·atm/mol·K. Ignore the initial volume of the dry ice.)

12 atm

Norma releases a bowling ball from rest; it rolls down a ramp with constant acceleration. After half a second it has traveled 0.75 m. How far has it traveled after two seconds?

12 m

The water behind Grand Coulee Dam is 1200 m wide and 150 m deep. Find the hydrostatic force on the back of the dam

13.2x10^10 N

a 50 g ball traveling at 25 m/s is bounced off a brick wall and rebounds at 22.0 m/s. a high-speed camera records this event. If the ball is in contact with the wall for 3.50 ms, what is the average acceleration of the ball during the time interval?

13400 m/s^2

a 0.150-m-radius grinding wheel, starting at rest, develops an angular speed of 12.o rad/s in a time interval of 4.00 s. What is the centripetal acceleration of a point of 0.100 m from the center when the wheel is moving at an angular speed of 12.0 rad/s?

14.4 m/s^2

If a guitar string has a fundamental frequency of 500 Hz, what is the frequency of its second overtone?

1500 Hz

At what angle (relative to the horizontal) should a curbe 52 m in radius be banked if no friction is required to prevent the car from slipping when traveling at 12 m/s? (g = 9.8 m/s^2)

16 degrees

An 80.0-g piece of copper, initially at 295°C, is dropped into 250 g of water contained in a 300-g aluminum calorimeter; the water and calorimeter are initially at 10.0°C. What is the final temperature of the system? (Specific heats of copper and aluminum are 0.092 0 and 0.215 cal/g×°C, respectively. cw = 1.00 cal/g×°C)

16.5 C

An inventor develops a stationary cycling device by which an individual, while pedaling, can convert all of the energy expended into heat for warming water. What minimum power must be generated if 300 g water (enough for 1 cup of coffee) is to be heated in 10 min from 20°C to 95°C? (1 cal = 4.186 J, the specific heat of water is 4 186 J/kg×°C)

160 W

An object of mass 0.50 kg is transported to the surface of Planet X where the object's weight is measured to be 20 N. The radius of the planet is 4.0x10^6 m. What free fall acceleration will the 0.50-kg object experience when transported to a distance of 2.0x10^6 m from the surface of this planet?

18 m/s

The distance from the Earth to the sun is 93000000 miles. If there are 3.15x10^7 s in one year, find the speed of the Earth in its orbit around the sun.

18.6 miles

The end of the cutting cord on a gas‑powered weed cutter is 0.15 m in length. If the motor rotates at the rate of 20 rev/s, what is the tangential speed of the end of the cord?

18.85 m/s

A Boeing-737 airliner has a mass of 20000 kg. The total area of the wings is 100 m2. What must be the pressure difference between the top and bottom of the wings to keep the airplane up?

1960 Pa

Different units can be used for length: m and cm, and of these two, m is the larger by a factor of 100. Different units can also be used for R: (1) J/mol×K, (2) L×atm/mol×K, and (3) (N/m2)×m3/mol×K. Which of these units for R is the largest? Hint: When expressingR in each of these units, which expression has the lowest numerical factor? (1L = 10-3m3, 1 atm = 1.01 x 105 Pa


The first displacement is 6 m and the second displacement is 3 m. They cannot add together to give a total displacement of:

2 m

A cube of wood of density 0.78 g/cm3 is 10 cm on a side. When placed in water, what height of the block will float above the surface? (water density = 1.00 g/cm3)

2.2 cm

a cessna aircraft has a lift off speed of 120 km/hr. What minimum constant acceleration does this require if the aircraft is to be airborne after a take-off run of 240 m?

2.31 m/s^2

The escape speed from teh surface of the Earth is 11.2 km/s. Estimate the escape speed for a spacecraft from the surface of the moon. The moon has a mass 1/81 that of the Earth and a radius of 0.25 that of Earth.

2.5 km/s

A 0.003 0-kg lead bullet is traveling at a speed of 240 m/s when it embeds in a block of ice at 0°C. If all the heat generated goes into melting ice, what quantity of ice is melted? (Lf = 80 kcal/kg, the specific heat of lead = 0.03 kcal/kg×°C, and 1 kcal = 4 186 J)

2.6x10^-4. kg

If I0 = 10-12 W/m2 is the threshold of hearing, a sound with intensity I1 = 10-11W/m2 will give a certain decibel level. Suppose a new sound has an intensity I2 =I12/I0. What is the new decibel level?


A block of wood has specific gravity 0.80. When placed in water, what percent of the volume of the wood is above the surface?


A block of wood has density 0.50 g/cm3 and mass 1500 g. It floats in a container of oil (Density is 0.75 g/cm3). What volume of oil does the wood displace?

2000 cm3

a boat moves at 10.0 m/s relative to the water. If the boat is in a river where the current is 2.00 m/s, how long does it take the boat to make a complete round trip of 1000 m upstream followed by a 1000 m trip downstream?

208 s

Wiley Coyote has missed the elusive road runner once again. This time, he leaves the edge of the cliff at 50.0 m/s horizontal velocity. If the canyon is 100 m deep, how far from his starting point at the edge of the cliff does the coyote land?

226 m

At what speed will a car round a 52-m-radius cruve, banked at a 45 degree angle, if no friction is required between the road and tires to prevent the car from slipping? (g = 9.8 m/s^2)

23 m/s

At what speed will a car round a 52-m-radius curve, banked at a 45 degree angle, if no friction is required between the road and tires to prevent the car from slipping? (g= 9.8 m/s^2)

23 m/s

An airplane is a wide seeping "outside" loop can create zero gees inside the aircraft cabin. What must the radius of curvature for the flight path for an aircraft moving at 150 m/s to create a condition of "weightlessness" inside the aircraft?

2300 m

A windowpane is half a centimeter thick and has an area of 1.0 m2. The temperature difference between the inside and outside surfaces of the pane is 15 C°. What is the rate of heat flow through this window? (Thermal conductivity for glass is 0.84 J/s×m×°C.)

2500 J/s

A flute behaves like a tube open at both ends. If its length is 65.3 cm, and the speed of sound is 340 m/s, what is its fundamental frequency in Hz?

260 Hz

2600 rev/min is equivalent to which of the follwing?

273 rad/s

What is the temperature increase of 4.0 kg of water when heated by an 800-W immersion heater for 10 min? (cw = 4 186 J/kg×°C)

29 C

Arvin the Ant travels 30 cm eastward, then 25 cm northward, and finally 15 cm westward. What is Arvin's direction of displacement with respect to his original position?

29 cm

The flow rate of blood through the average human aorta, of radius 1.0 cm, is about 90 cm3/s. What is the speed of the blood flow through the aorta?

29 cm/s

A 0.40-kg mass, attached to the end of a 0.75-m string, is whirled around in a circular horizontal path. If the maximum tension that the string can withstand is 450 N, then what maximum speed can the mass have if the string is not to break?

29 m/s

Doubling the mean distance from the Sun results in changing the orbital period of revolution by what factor?


The density of a certain metal solid is 7.2 ´ 103 kg/m3, and its Young's modulus is 10 ´ 1010 N/m2. What is the speed of sound in this metal?

3 700 m/s

Dmitri places one end of a copper rod in a heat reservoir and the other end in a heat sink. By what factor is the rate of heat flow changed when tterm-132he temperature difference between the reservoir and sink is tripled?


The distance from the center of a Ferris wheel to a passenger seat is 12 m. What centripetal acceleration does a passenger experience when the wheel's angular speed is 0.50 rad/s?

3.0 m/s^2

How many atoms are present in a sample of pure iron with a mass of 300 g? (The atomic mass of iron = 56 and NA = 6.02 ´ 1023)


A pressure of 1.0 ´ 10-7 mm of Hg is achieved in a vacuum system. How many gas molecules are present per liter volume if the temperature is 293 K? (760 mm of Hg = 1 atm, R = 0.082 1 L×atm/mol×K, and NA = 6.02 ´ 1023)


a European sports car dealer claims that his car will accelerate at a constant rate from rest to 100 km/hr in 8.00 s. If so, what is the acceleration?

3.47 m/s^2

What is the total force on the bottom of a 2.0-m-diameter by 2.0-m-deep round wading pool due to the weight of the air and the weight of the water? (Note the pressure contribution from the atmosphere is 1.0 × 10^5 N/m2, the density of water is 1 000 kg/m^3, and g = 9.8 m/s^2.)

3.4x10^5 N

The Earth is 93 million miles (mi) from the Sun and its period of revolution is 1 year = 3.15x10^7 s. What is the acceleration of the Earth in its orbit about the Sun?

3.7x10^-6 mi/s^2

A solid object is made of two materials, one material having density of 2000 kg/m3 and the other having density of 6000 kg/m3. If the object contains equal masses of the materials what is its average density?

3000 kg/m3

A piece of copper of mass 100 g is being drilled through with a 1/2" electric drill. The drill operates at 40.0 W and takes 30.0 s to bore through the copper. If all the energy from the drill heats the copper, find the copper's increase in temperature.ccopper = 387 J/kg×°C.

31.0 C

A geosynchronous satellite orbits the Earth at a distance of 42000 km from the Earth's center. Their angular speed at this height is the same as the rotation rate of the Earth, so they appear stationary at certain locations in the sky. What is the force acting on a 1500-kg satellite at this height?

333 N

A hot (70°C) lump of metal has a mass of 250 g and a specific heat of 0.25 cal/g×°C. John drops the metal into a 500-g calorimeter containing 75 g of water at 20°C. The calorimeter is constructed of a material that has a specific heat of 0.10 cal/ g×°C. When equilibrium is reached, what will be the final temperature? cwater = 1.00 cal/g×°C.

37 C

A stone is thrown with an initial speed of 15 m/s at an angle of 53 degrees above the horizontal from the top of a 35 m building. If g is normal and air resistance is negligible, what is the magnitude of the horizontal displacement at rest?

38 m

A machine gear consists of 0.10 kg of iron and 0.16 kg of copper. How much total heat is generated in the part if its temperature increases by 35 C°? (Specific heats of iron and copper are 450 and 390 J/kg×°C, respectively.)

3800 J

A metal bar is used to conduct heat. When the temperature at one end is 100°C and at the other is 20°C, heat is transferred at a rate of 16 J/s. The bar is then stretched uniformly to twice its original length. If again it has ends at 100°C and 20°C, at what rate will heat be transferred between it ends?

4 J/s

A fluid is drawn up through a tube as shown below. The atmospheric pressure is the same of both ends. Use Bernoulli's equation to determine the speed of fluid flow out of the tank. If the heigh difference from the top of the tank to the bottom of the siphon is 1.0 m, then the speed of outflow is:

4.4 m/s

Spherical particles of density 2.0 g/cm^3 are shaken in a container of water (viscosity=1.0x10^-3 Ns/m3). The water is 8.0 cm deep and is allowed to stand for 30 minutes. What is the radius of the largest particles still in suspension at that time?

4.5x10^-6 m

An object of mass 0.50 kg is transported to the surface of Planet X where he object's weight is measured to be 20 N. The radius of the planet is 4.0x10^6 m. What free fall acceleration will the 0.50-kg object experience when at the surface of planet X?

40 m/s^2

a material has a coefficient of volume expansion of 60x10^-6/C. What is its area coefficient of expansion?


Calories of the food type are equal to which of the following?

4186 J

At 20°C an aluminum ring has an inner diameter of 5.000 cm, and a brass rod has a diameter of 5.050 cm. Keeping the brass rod at 20°C, which of the following temperatures of the ring will allow the ring to just slip over the brass rod?(aAl = 2.4 ´ 10-5 /C°, abrass = 1.9 ´ 10-5/C° )

437 C

A copper wire of length 2.0 m, cross sectional area 7.1x10^-6 m2 and Young's modulus 11x10^10 N/m2 has a 200-kg load hung on it. What is its increase in length? (g= 9.8 m/s^2)

5.0 mm

A 120-g block of copper is taken from a kiln and quickly placed into a beaker of negligible heat capacity containing 300 g of water. The water temperature rises from 15°C to 35°C. Given cCu = 0.10 cal/g×°C, and cwater = 1.00 cal/g×°C, what was the temperature of the kiln?

535 C

By what amount does the sound intensity decrease when the distance to the source doubles?

6.0 dB

The flow rate of a liquid through a 2.0-cm-radius pipe is 0.008 0 m3/s. The average fluid speed in the pipe is:

6.4 m/s

If a planet has a radius 20% greater than that of the Earth, but has the same mass as the Earth, what is the acceleration due to gravity at its surface?

6.8 m/s^2

A ceiling fan is turned on and reaches an angular speed of 120 rev/min in 20 s. It is then turned off and coasts to a stop in 40 s. In the one minute of rotation, through how many revolutions did the fan turn?


a helicopter is traveling at 40 m/s at a constant altitude of 100 m over a level field. If a wheel falls off the helicopter, with what speed will it hit the ground?

60 m/s

A 15,000 N car on a hydraulic lift rests on a cylinder with a piston of radius 0.20 m. If a connecting cylinder with a piston of radius 0.08 m radius is driven by compressed air, what force must be applied to this smaller piston in order to lift the car?

600 N

a jet airliner moving at 500 mph due east moves into a region where the wind is blowing at 120 mph in a direction 30.0 degrees north of east. What is the new velocity and direction of the aircraft?

607 mph 5.67 degrees N of E

A 2.00-L container holds half a mole of an ideal gas at a pressure of 12.5 atm. What is the gas temperature? (R=0.082 1 Latm/molK)

609 K

A solar heated house loses about 5.4 ´ 107 cal through its outer surfaces on a typical 24-h winter day. What mass of storage rock is needed to provide this amount of heat if it is brought up to initial temperature of 62°C by the solar collectors and the house is maintained at 20°C? (Specific heat of rock is 0.21 cal/g×°C.)

6100 kg

A C note (f = 256 Hz) is sounded on a piano. If the length of the piano wire is 1.00 m and its mass density is 2.50 g/m, what is the tension in the wire?

655 N

a rifle is aimed horizontally toward the center of a target 100 m away. If the bullet strikes 10 cm below the center, what was the velocity of the bullet?

700 m/s

I walk six miles in a straight line in a direction north of east, and I end up two miles east and several miles north. How many degrees north of east have I walked?

71 degrees

a room has a volume of 60m3 and is filled with air of an average molecular mass of 29u. what is the mass of the air in the room at a pressure of 1.0 atm and temperature of 22C?

72 kg

How much heat energy is required to vaporize a 1.0-g ice cube at 0°C? The heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/g. The heat of vaporization of water is 540 cal/g, andcwater = 1.00 cal/g×°C

720 cal

How much heat energy is required to vaporize a 1.0-g ice cube at 0°C? The heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/g. The heat of vaporization of water is 540 cal/g, andcwater = 1.00 cal/g×°C.

720 cal

John throws a baseball from the outfield from shoulder height, at an initial velocity of 29.4 m/s at an initial angle of 30.0° with respect to the horizontal. The ball is in its trajectory for a total interval of 3.00 s before the third baseman catches it at an equal shoulder-height level. (Assume air resistance negligible.) What is the ball's horizontal displacement?

76.4 m

Dams at two different locations are needed to form a lake. When the lake is filled, the water level will be at the top of both dams. The Dam #2 is twice as high as twice as wides as Dam #1. How much greater is the force of the water on Dam #2 that the force on Dam #1?


an asteroid is in orbit at 4 times the earth's distance from the sun. What is its period of revolution?

8 years

A taxicab moves five blocks due north, five blocks due east, and another two blocks due north. Assume all blocks are of equal size. What is the magnitude of the taxi's displacement, start to finish?

8.4 blocks

Find the final equilibrium temperature when 10.0 g of milk at 10.0°C is added to 160 g of coffee at 90.0°C. (Assume the specific heats of coffee and milk are the same as water and neglect the heat capacity of the container.) cwater = 1.00 cal/g·ºC = 4186 J/kg·ºC

85.3 C

a ball is launched from the ground level at 30 m/s at an angle 35 degrees above the horizontal. How far does it go before it is at ground level again?

86 m/

A drag racer starts from rest and accelerates at 10 m/s^2 for the entire distance of 400 m (1/4 mile). What is the velocity of the race car at the end of the run?

89 m/s

A 50-g cube of ice, initially at 0.0°C, is dropped into 200 g of water in an 80-g aluminum container, both initially at 30°C. What is the final equilibrium temperature? (Specific heat for aluminum is 900 J/kg×°C, the specific heat of water is 4 186 J/kg×°C, and Lf = 3.33 x 105 J/kg.)

9.5 C

A fountain sends water to a height of 100 meters. What must be the pressurization (above atmospheric) of the water system? 1 ATM = 10^5 Nt/m^2

9.8 atm

Somewhere between Earth and the Moon is a point where the gravitational attraction of the Earth is canceled by the gravitational pull of the moon. The mass of the moon is 1/81 that of the earth. How far from the center of the earth is this point?

9/10 the way to the moon.

Jack pulls a sled across a level field by exerting a force of 110 N at an angle of 30 degrees with the ground. What are the parallel and perpendicular components of this force?

95 N, 55 N

Jack pulls a sled across a level field by exerting a force of 110 N at an angle of 30° with the ground. What are the parallel and perpendicular components, respectively, of this force with respect to the ground?

95 N, 55 N

Two one-liter containers each contain 10 moles of a gas. The temperature is the same in both containers. Container A holds helium (molecular mass = 4 u), and Container B holds oxygen (molecular mass = 16 u). Which container has the higher pressure and by what factor?

Both containers have the same pressure

What happens to a volume of water when its temperature is reduced from 8°C to 4°C?

Density Increases

Arrange from smallest to largest: the BTU, the joule, and the calorie.

J, cal, BTU

Who demonstrated that when heat is gained or lost by a system during some process, the gain or loss can be accounted for by an equivalent quantity of mechanical work done on the system?


The quantity "pressure" expressed in terms of the fundamental quantities (mass, length, time) is equivalent to:


The quantity "stress" expressed in terms of the fundamental quantities (mass, length, time) is equivalent to:


The acceleration due to gravity at the surface of Planet X is 10 m/s^2. What is the acceleration due to gravity at an altitude of 3000 km above the surface of this planet?

More information is needed.

boltzmann's constant, Kb, may be derived as a function of R, the universal gas constant, and Na, Avogadro's number. Which expresses the value of Kb?


John rapidly pulls a plunger out of a cylinder. As the plunger moves away, the gas molecules bouncing elastically off the plunger are:

Rebounding at a lower speed than they would have if the plunger weren't removed

Which of the following best describes a substance in which the temperature remains constant while at the same time it is experiencing an inward heat flow?

Substance undergoing a change of state

The term "timbre" refers to which of the following?

The quality of sound from instruments due to the mixture of harmonics.

Of the planets with atmospheres, which is the warmest?


What temperature increase is necessary to increase the power radiated from an object by a factor of 8?

about 68%

When we add a displacement vector to another displacement vector, the result is:

another displacement

When we subtract a velocity vector from another velocity vector, the result is:

another velocity

For an ideal gas of a given mass, if the pressure remains the same and the volume increases: the average kinetic energy of the molecules

average kinetic energy of molecules decreases

*Which best expresses the value for the co-effecient of volume expansion, β, for given material as a function of its corresponding coefficient of linear expansion, α?

b= 3a

What phenomenon is created by two tuning forks, side by side, emitting frequencies, which differ by only a small amount?


In a large tank of liquid, the hydrostatic pressure at a givendepth is a function of

depth and liquid density

A large stone is resting on the bottom of the swimming pool. The normal force of the bottom of the pool on the stone is equal to the:

difference between the weight of the stone and the weight of the displaced water.

The coefficient of area expansion is:

double the coefficient of linear expansion

As I use sandpaper on some rusty metal, the sandpaper gets hot because:

frictional processes increase the internal energy of the sandpaper.

The air in a tube open at both ends is sent into its fundamental resonance. One end of the tube is then closed and the air column is again set into its fundamental resonance. The resonant frequency ____ after the end is closed.


Evaporation cools the liquid that is left behind because the molecules that leave the liquid during evaporation

have kinetic energy

a wheel is rotated about a horizontal axle at a constant angular speed. Next it is rotated in the opposite direction with the same angular speed. The acceleration at a point on the top of the wheel is the second case as compared to the acceleration in the first case:

is in the same directon.

Bar One has a Young's modulus that is bigger than that of Bar Two. This indicates Bar One:

is made of material that is different from Bar Two.

Question 111 / 1 point Twenty grams of a solid at 70°C is placed in 100 grams of a fluid at 20°C. Thermal equilibrium is reached at 30°C. The specific heat of the solid:

is more than that of the fluid

In one dimensional motion, the average speed of an object that moves from one place to another and then back to its original place has which of the following?

it is positive

An object is dropped from a height. Once it is moving, which of the following statements is true, at least at one point?

its velocity is never equal to its acceleration.

The ideal gas law treats gas as consisting of:


a plane is moving due north, directly towards its destination. Its airspeed is 200 mph. A constant breeze is blowing from west to east 40 mph. How long will it take for the plane to travel 200 miles North?

more than one hour

At what location does an artificial Earth satellite in elliptical orbit have its greatest speed?

nearest the Earth

An artificial Earth satellite in an elliptical orbit has its greatest centripetal acceleration when it is at what location?

nearest the earth

100 g of liquid nitrogen at its boiling point of 77 K is stirred into a beaker containing 500 g of 15°C water. If the nitrogen leaves the solution as soon as it turns to gas, how much water freezes? The heat of vaporization of nitrogen is 48 cal/g and that of water is 80 cal/g.


a hiker walks 200 m west and then walks 100 m north. In what direction is her resulting displacement?


At an altitude of 4 times the radius of the earth, the acceleration due to gravity is

not given.

According to Kepler's second law, Halley's Comet circles theSun in an elliptical path with the Sun at one focus of the ellipse.What is at the other focus of the ellipse?


The number of overtones, and their relative intensities, is associated with what property of the tone generated by a musical instrument?


If one's hands are being warmed by holding them to one side of a flame, the predominant form of heat transfer is what process?


The surfaces of a Dewar flask are silvered for the purpose of minimizing heat transfer by what process?


The bulk modulus of a material, as a meaningful physical property, is applicable to which of the following?

solids, liquids, and gases

Sea breezes that occur near the shore are attributed to a difference between land and water with respect to what property?

specific heat

A pipe carrying water has a radius of 1.0 cm. If the flow velocity is 9.0 cm/s, which of the following characterizes the flow? Take the viscosity of water to be 1.0x10^-3 N s/m


In an elastic solid there is a direct proportionality between strain and:


Consider a vibrating string that makes a sound wave that moves through the air. As the guitar string moves up and down, the air molecules that are a certain horizontal distance from the string will move:

toward and away from the guitar string.

If the intensity of a sound is increased by a factor of 100, how is the decibel level changed? The new decibel level will be:

twenty units greater

Consider a point on a bicycle tire that is momentarily in contact with the ground as the bicycle rolls across the ground with accelerated motion. The direction of the total acceleration at that point is?


Which of the following is an example of a vector quantity?


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