Physiology chapter 16 blood

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Antibodies against type A, B, and the Rh factor are found preformed in the _____.


EPO is triggered by low ____ levels

agglutinate, lyse

If a person has antibodies (agglutinins) that react to the glycoproteins (antigens) on the red blood cells of donated blood, the cells will _______ or clump together and eventually _____.


The base molecule for steroid hormones, vitamin D, and bile salts is:

vascular spasm

The first phase in hemostasis is ____ ____, which restricts blood volume to the area of injury


The last step in hemostasis which reinforces the platelet plug with fibrin threads that act as molecular glue for the aggregated platelets

electrolytes, proteins

The most abundant solute in plasma is ____, the most abundant by weight is ____


The transport protein that carries iron in the blood is called


WHat is the term for the process to stop bleeding?


What blood type has antibodies against both type A and B antigens?


What hormone is responsible for stimulating the release of erythropoietin from the kidneys?

rouleaux formation

What is the formation of RBC clotting that increases RBC sedimentation rate in the centrifuge?

platelet derived growth factor

___ ____ ___ ___, released by platelets stimulates smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts to divide and build a vessel wall as the final stage in healing.


___ is the process of removing clots from blood vessels, a process that is important to maintaining open and smooth vessels


a clot that has dislodged and is moving is called:


a clot that has moved and again become lodged is called:


a stationary clot is called a:

clot retraction

after coagulation, the fibrin contracts like a muscle squeezing serum out like water from a sponge, this is called:

enlarge, spicules

after platelets attach to the inner vessel wall, they ____ and grow _____

clotting factor

all hemophilia disease are missing what?

transporters, antibodies

alpha and beta globulins function as _____, gamma globulins function as _____.


another chemical that is released which promotes platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction, heparin blocks this chemicalt


antibodies that react to the glycoproteins on the plasma membranes of red blood cells are called:


antigens that determine a persons blood type are called:

thromboxin A2

aspirin works by blocking:


bilirubin is a byproduct of the breakdown of what molecule in blood

plasmin, plasminogen

clots are digested by an enzyme called ____ which is produced when the plasma protein ___ is activated.

von willebrand factor

damaged collagen fibers in the tunica media release a protein called ___ to which platelets bind

tissue factor

extrinsic pathway is triggered by exposing blood to a factor found in tissues under the endothelium, also known as:


genetically determined glycoproteins in the plasma membrane of RBC's are called:

vitamin K

impaired liver function can cause hemophilia since this specific ion is required for liver cells to manufactor clotting factors:

negatively charged surfaces

intrinsic pathway is triggered by:

clotting, tissue

intrinsic pathways use ____ factor, whereas extrinsic pathways use ____ factors.


men have approximately ____ RBCs per microliter of blood


normal blood pH is:

13-18, 12-16

normal hemoglobin levels in adult males is ______ grams per 100 mL of blood and ____ for females.

47, 42

normal male hematocrit is __-%, normal female is ___%.

osmotic pressure

one of albumins main jobs is to contribute to _____ ____ in the blood stream.


petechiae (purplish spots) on the skin are a sign of:

prothrombin activator

phase 1 of coagulation ends with the formation of a complex substance called

prothrombin, thrombin

phase two of coagulation is converting the plasma protein _____ into the active enzyme _____


plasma is ___% water

tissue plasminogen activator

plasminogen is converted to plasmin (a clot digesting enzyme) by:


prothrombin activator formed is what phase of coagulation?

ferritin, hemosiderin

since iron is toxic, protein-iron complexes such as ___ and ___ hold iron as a "prisoner"


the ____ group of the hemoglobin is a pigment that binds to iron


the condition in which the number of circulating platelets is deficient is called:

fibrin mesh

the end point of phase 3 of coagulation is a ___ ___ that traps blood cells and effectively seals the hole until the blood vessel can be permanently repaired.

alpha, beta

the globin group of hemoglobin is a protein consisting of four polypeptide chains, two are ___ two are ___

prothrombin activator

the goal of both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of clotting factors is the formation of

tunica media

the inner layer of epithelial tissue that lines blood vessels and makes them slippery


the main blood protein involved with clotting is:


the most abundant protein found in the blood is:


the protein package that transports cholesterol through the blood is called:

platelet plug formation

the second step in hemostasis is:


the yellow color of a few days old bruise is caused by build up of ______, secondary to breakdown of the blood in the brouise

vitamin K

warfarin and Coumadin block _____ which is required by the liver for some of the clotting factors

albumins, globulins, fibrinogen

what are the three main plasma proteins?


what is the ion that is used to activate clotting factor 9 and is essential to blood clotting?

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