Planets and space

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1. body in the solar system. 2. gravity is very strong gravity helps hold objects in solar system 3. star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system. It is 93,000,000 miles from the Earth. 4. huge ball of gas

why do we need the sun?

1. keeps planets in orbit 2. gives is light 3. gives us heat


1. the 3rd planet from Sun. 2. has water . has oxygen. 3.. Has one moon, 4. orbits the sun in 365 days and one rotation in 24 hours 3. life exists on Planet Earth.

how long does i take for earth to spin on axis?

24 hours or 1 day

how long does it take for earth to orbit around the sun?

365 1/4 days 1 year

describe the robot Curiosity

7 feet tall and has a drill, 6 wheels, cameras and battery may be able to prove life is on mars


Celestial body of hot gases


Huge group of single stars, star systems, star clusters, dust, & gas bound together by gravity

Outer Planets

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, & Neptune. Called Gas Giants.


Since 2006, no longer termed planet, but now called "Dwarf Planet"

Inner Planets. terrestrial

Small, rocky planets that orbit closest to the sun including Mercury, Venus, Earth, & Mars


a large body of rock and gas that orbits the sun


a star that revolves around a planet

when would there be no seasons?

if earths axis was not tilted


imaginary line that goes through north and south pole


movement of one object around another.

what sentence helps remember the planets?

my very excellent mother just served us nachos


part of solar system chunk of rock that orbits sun astroid belt is between mars and jupiter


part of solar system chunks of rocks goes through the earth. does not orbit sun


part of solar system ice and dust that orbits the sun only visible when it is closè to the sun


path aobject takes as it moves around another object in space


spinning of object on axis

besides the planets what is part of the solar system

sun, stars, meteors, comets and asteroids


the 2nd planet from Sun no moon, rotates very slowly and backwards. yellow clouds. brightest planet. thunder and lightening but no rain


the 4th planet from Sun. Called Red planet because red color caused by iron in the crust that has rusted, largest volcanoe- rocky surface, canyons 2 moons.


the 5th planet from Sun. 16 known moons, largest planet no so,id surface gas giant and has a large red spot. covered with clouds. very cold no rocks. makes some of its own heat,


the 6th planet from Sun. 7 rings made mostly of ice and frosted rock and gas giant made mostly of hydrogen gas. cold planet. pretty 20 moons


the 7th planet from Sun . rotates on its side as it orbits sun blue green color and frozen gas giant. 15 moons. 9 rings. covered in clouds


the 8th planet from Sun farthest from sun only seen through telescope Another gas giant and blue color due to Methane gas, has the highest winds in solar system, rotates counterclockwise. several moons great dark spot- hutricane


the closest planet to the Sun, very hot smallest planet, and no moons. speedy palnet. craters and rocky surface

solar system

the sun and objects that orbit around it

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