Plant Morphology Final Exam

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Phylum Coniferophyta (conifers)

* sporophyte morphology : evergreen trees * monoecious - find female and male cones on the same individual * wind pollinated - w/ sperm that lack flagella * economic uses: timber, pulp,turpentine and rosin from pine resin, taxol -water stress, thick cuticle, resin ducts -ex: Sequoia, redwoods, bristlecone pine

Genus Ephedra

- native to arid SW US - Euphedrine (medicine) -resembles horsetails -jointed stems, reduced leaves that attach at nodes

Genus Acetabularia

-"mermaids wine glass" -one giant multinucleate cell -radially symmetric -calcified -siphonous

Genus Welwitschia

-1 living species -Coastal Namib Desert in SW Africa -Long taproot and 2 very long leaves -Obtains water from coastal fog

Order Coleochaetales

-15 species -epiphytic on fw plants -disk-shaped with erect hairs -parenchymatous

Order Charales

-250 species -resemble plants most strongly -grow in clear lakes with sandy or muddy bottoms -some precipitate calcium carbonate on themselves -fossils to Silurian period (400-500 mya)

Genus Pleodorina

-32 or 64 cells -ball rolling motion due to structural polarity -larger cells on one side of the colony (small or no eyespot) -smaller cells w/ large eyespots cannot become new cells -oogamy

Genus Gonium

-4 or 16 cells -plate-shaped -all cells look the same -jerking motion due to lack of polarity -weak cellular matrix; will break apart during culture/transport -isogamy

Genus Ulva

-A truly multicellular alga with specialized structures. -membranous -Isogamous reproduction -Flagellated gametes -Isomorphic a of g

Phylum Ginkgophyta (Ginkgo)

-Ginkgo Biloba -mesozoic -dioecious -females smell -wind pollination -seeds eaten in asia

homosporous life cycle

-Produces only one type of spore -Bryophytes and Seedless Tracheophytes


-all four whorls present

Phylum Monilophyta

-carboniferous -non-seedbearing vascular plants -shady, moist woodlands, tropical, many epiphytic -true roots leaves and stems -MEGAPHYLLS -compound division of leaves -leaf development circinate vernation -sori

All plants have

-chl a and b, xanthophylls, carotenoids -starch -cellulose in cell walls -a of g, heteromorphic -oogamous -embryo retention

Genus Volvox

-colonial spheres -has many synchronized flagella -asexual repro with specialized cells -oogamous repro -daughter colonies only form from one side of the cell

Genus Fritschiella

-colorless rhizoids holding it in the soil -closer relative to plants than any other green algae

Genus Botrichium

-compound leaves with compound fertile segment -forest floors, shade

Genus Chara

-dioecious or monoecious -reproduce vegetative or sexually -internodes, nodes

Genus Ophioglossum

-entire leaves -one fertile segment, cluster of sporangia -only one vegetative leaf

Class Marattiopsida

-eusporangiate -homosporous -ALL TROPICAL -ancient group carboniferous

Order Ophiloglossales

-eusporangiate -homosporous -old fields, meadows, cedar glades -relic species

Class Andreaeidae (granite mosses)

-exposed rock in mountains and the arctic -have rhizoids -dark red and black pigments

Class Selaginellaceae (spike mosses)

-floor of tropical rainforests -blueish iridescence, low light intensities -michrophylls of different sizes (anisophylly) -strobili -heterosporous SELAGINELLA = RESURRECTIN PLANT

Class Charophyceae

-fw or brackish -heavily calcified cell walls -haplontic -share large central vacuole -phytochrome

Family Marsileaceae Genus Marsilea

-heterosporous -4 leaf clover shape -in water, ponds with fluctuating levels -sporocarps, germinate in water to form chains of sori

Family Salviniaceae (hairy ones)

-heterosporous -lepto -floating ferns

Order Filicales

-includes ALL leptosporangiate -homosporous -indusium covers sori

Class Chlorophyceae

-largest class -mostly fw -haplontic -have 2, 4, or more flagella

Phylum Marchantiophyta (liverworts)

-mainly S hemisphere, tropical -Devonian period -in/beside running water, others epiphytic -simplest plants -rhizoids -thalloid (undifferentiated, not complex) - air pores allow constant gas exchange -gemmae splashed out of gemma cups for asexual rep

Class Bacillariophycae (Diatoms)

-marine, fw -leading ps producers in ocean -common in cold waters -pigments = Chl a and c, fucoxanthin, carotenes, xanthophylls -stores food as chrysolaminarin -uc or filamentous chains -most abundant during cretaceous -taxonomy reliant on cell structure -bilateral (vertical, pennate) or radial (centric) symmetry

All seed plants

-monopodial branches -secondary growth -megaphylls -eusporangia -heterosporous -megagametophyte -sperm not reliant on water

Phylum Anthophyta (Angiosperms)

-most successful plant -youngest phylum -jurassic -range in size, habitats, lifestyles

Class Ulvophyceae

-mostly marine -2,4, or + flagella -Alternation of Generations or diplontic -siphonous, membranous, or filamentous


-nontrachephytes = lack xylem and phloem, under developed vascular tissue -limited in height -increase rate of diffusion by having large surface areas -moist envs, water required for reproduction -GAMETOPHYTE (N) DOMINANT GENERATION


-not all four whorls present

Genus Coleochaete

-parenchymatous -sexual and asexual -plasmodesmata -sterile jackets surrounding gametangia and zygotes for protection


-peat bogs and low nutrient waters -uc or filamentous -fancy cell walls -2 semicells with an isthmus

Class Sphagnidae Genus Sphagnum

-peat moss -boggy areas of N hemisphere -used for soil conditioner, fuel, diapers, wound packing -spore ejection by air pressure -NO RHIZOIDS


-produce flowers -ovules are produced in carpel -vessels in xylem and sieve tubes in phloem

Class Bryidae


Genus Salivina

-root structure is a leaf used as weight

Genus Spirogyra

-sex rep by conjugation, one of four products survive and becomes its own filament -asexual rep = fragmentation

Class Lycopodiaceae

-shady, moist deciduous forests, tropical, epiphytic -true roots, leaves and stems -dichotomous branching -micorphylls -homosporous

Phylum Cycadophyta (cycads)

-slow growing -tropics, all endangered -living fossils, neurotoxic and carcinogenic -pinnately compound, short thick trunk -circinate vernation -dioecious, heterosporous, eusporangiate -coralloid roots = grow up into air like coral -nitrogen fixing bacteria

Genus Fontinalis

-streams -have peristome teeth for sport ejection

Phylum Lycopodiophyta- Club Mosses

-tracheophytes have xylem and phloem -spores are agent of dispersal -sporophyte generation dominant -water needed

Genus Gnetum

-tropical -trees, shrubs, vines -asia, africa SA, CA

Genus Chlamydomonas

-unicellular -2 flagella = motile -isogamous repro -usually exists as a haploid, repro by mitosis, will undergo sexual repro under adverse conditions

all 3 share

-vessels in xylem -opposite leaves -tube on micropyle -dioecious -double fertilization

Genus Hydrodictyon

-water net alga. -non-motile colonial -consists of a network of multinucleate cells separated from one another by cross walls -the young cells are uninucleate, but become multinucleate by repeated nuclear divisions as cell enlargement occurs


-wind pollination -monoecious -female gametophyte never free living -sperm non-motile -pollen = immature male gametophyte -several year process -no antheridia -unit of dispersal now seeds

fern life cycle

1). Zygote develops into leafy fern plant. 2) the sporophyte. 3) Spores are released from spore cases and grow into tiny, heart-shaped gametophytes. Each gametophyte has both male and female structures. 4) Sperm swim to another gametophyte to fertilize eggs.


A structure in the chloroplast of some algae that serves as a center for starch production

Genus Azolla

Contains anabaena in pockets for nitrogen fixation

floral morphology

Flowers are important components of most botanical keys and the positive identification of various plants is based on some aspect of floral morphology. This approach is acceptable but only allows for positive ID on a short period time of the year ( the flowering periods of woody plats would average 7 to 14 days).

Volvocine line

Group of modern species of algae that reflects an easily recognized sequence of changes as their common ancestors evolved

Order Volvocales

Includes the following

Heterosporous Alternation of Generation

Two types of spores produced (Microspore and Macrospore)


a specialized cell that engages in nitrogen fixation in some filamentous cyanobacteria

palmellar stage

became fixed at some point in the life cycle to create colonial forms of green algae

Genus Hapalosiphon

branched cyanobacteria

Genus Schistostega

caves, entrances -upper surface of cells are curved to concentrate light into chloroplasts

Genus Merismopedia

colonial ---> cells grow together in mucilaginous sheath; shape of colony determined by plane(s) and cell division

Phylum Cyanophyta

cyanobacteria, reason for O2 in the atmosphere, use photosystem 2, mucilaginous sheath, hormogonia (section of filament between 2 dead cells that breaks off and becomes its own segment)


different flower parts fused to each other (stamen to petal)

Genus Oscillatoria

example of a motile, unbranched filamentous cyanobacteria; can sway back and forth, allowing it to move towards light ---> thylakoids ps

Genus Nostoc

example of unbranched filamentous cyanobacteria, found in 2% of lakes, common name "star jelly" or "witches butter"

Genus Tolypothrix

falsely branched cyanobacteria, "branches" formed from pressure in the sheath, causing a portion to break out


flowering plants

Phylum Chlorophyta

green algae -90 % fw -free floating, free swimming, attached to substrates ---> endozoic -uc, colonies, or mc -motile and non-motile -filamentous (branched and un) -parenchymatous = tissue-like -siphonous (tubular) - large multinucleate cells -flagella of equal length -cell wall = cellulose -pigments = chl a and b, beta-carotene, xanthophylls -storage product = starch

Genus Splachnum

grow in or on dung

Genus Grimmia

grow on bare rock


has either stamen or carpels

Moss life cycle

heteromorphic a of g


large, oval, dense, spore-like cells that allow blue-green bacteria to survive adverse conditions; resistant to cold and desiccation

Genus Anabaena

lives in water, has heterocysts and akinetes


origin of sporogenous tissue in ferns, an external cell gives rise to sporangium and sporangeous tissue


origin of sporogenous tissue in seed plants where internal tissues give rise to sporangium and sporogenous tissue


radial = actinomorphic (daisy) bilaterial = zygomorphic (orchid)

Phylum Gnetophyta

resemblance to flowering plants

Genus Ulothrix

ring like chloroplasts, large nucleus -filamentous


same flower parts fused (petals to petals)

Diatomeceous earth

sediment made of diatom cell wall that is mined for insecticides, filtration and to reinforce rubber and toughen plastics


stamen and carpels

alternation of generations

the alternation between the haploid gametophyte and the diploid sporophyte in a plant's life cycle

haplontic life cycle

the mature organism is haploid and the zygote is the only diploid stage

diplontic life cycle

the organism is diploid and the gametes are the only haploid stage

Phylum Bryophyta

true mosses -10,000 species -moist, fw -mc rhizoids anchoring to substrate -cuticle=waxy layer preventing water loss -stomata, hydroids to transport water, leptoids conduct carbohydrates

epitheca and hypotheca

two overlapping cell walls, pectic material w/ silica, withstand crushing and resistant to decomposition. epitheca splits for reproduction -sex. rep (diplontic) and auxospore formation to keep from getting too small

Genus Gloeocapsa

unicellular, colonial (small groups), binary fission


where the ovules attach to the ovary wall

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