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What don't liberals Frick with subsidies and tariffs?

- Liberals say to keep the government out because subsides and tariffs make economies less efficient and more expensive. - It is done because the cost is dispersed over the entire economy and we spend. little more but the benefits garner the sector and benefits.

How does comparative advantage relate to marxism? Binder

1. Capital/ labor mobility, disagree with the Liberal view and believe that corporation can and do blackmail other corporations to move their factorites to exploit cheap labor, low ret less taxes, polluted as a cost of doing business (mason threatening to leave)( BOEING leaving and reacting) - Basically demand a tax cut, or a relocation. 2. Imperialism of free trade: wealth countries create the things therefore free trade benefits the most. The north is best at making higher end goods and say that comparative advantage is the best way reproduce heiracrhing creating divisions of labor, and corporates maximize their values 3. Outsourcing and development: when on country relies on another country to produce a good or service more efficiently than they do themselves which is cheaper so liberals like it and its cheaper so it promotes liberalism. - Marxists argue that this will ensure the spread of capitalism because its the necessary evil that will cause a revolution. - ppl are losing their jobs.

How do marxists view free trade(can b related to g)

1. Economics determines politics (protect corporate interests) 2. relative gains (focus on how wealth is distributed between states so its zero sum) 3. Winners should compensate the losers but it never happens. ex)TAA, Netherlands gives you healthcare and salary if you lose your job but US doesn't.

How do realists see free trade? (can be related to g)

1. Politics DETERMINE economics. Must preserve the autonomy of the state (requires a strong military to secure wealth and you need wealth to maintain military power) 2. Relative gains since wealth is power and power is relative, what I have depends on what you have. someone has to win and someone has to lose, it is zero sum. 3. Trade can lead to conflict! Liberals would welcome a rising china because it is positive sum BUT REALISTS SEE IT AS AN ECONOMIC CHALLENGE !

How do realists see comparative advantage? BINDER

1. They are scared of relying on other people. There is extra emphasis on self help and relative gains. They don't want to be reliant on another country for something important if they end up going to war. - THEY CARe about national autonomy first meaning subsidizing inefficient industries to protect them.

According to Gilpin What does interdependence lead to, conflict or harmony? Link this to Gaddis's argument and current U.S.-China economic disputes.

Conflict, realist perspective and marxist Everything is about to go downhill because we are hella dependent on China, they are dependent on us for their security stuff, so being dependent worked at the beginning but not in the long haul L:interdependent reduces conflict, leads to peace. Critique: take for granted the existing social order and given institutions. Change is assumed to be gradual and adaptive, going towards equilibrium M: dynamics is central, "theory of social change" that emphasizes the tendency towards disequilibrating to changes in means of production and the consequent effects on the class conflict ! when it can't be maintained we get a revolution !

According to binder, Who are the winners and losers in the free trade? Why does the U.S. fail to compensate for the losers in free trade?

Consumers in both countries are going to benefit from free trade since it's more efficient and you have access to lower prices, consumers pay less, and variety of goods Exporters benefit from free trade, but the ones who work in the importer industries dont benefit since they're coming in from foreign produced imports. People who are supposed to benefit from the TAA, don't they're losing because the US fails to adequately compensate losers since its underfunded and doesn't provide useful help in most cases. They fail to compensate for the losers because of its poorly funded, hard to access, and reaches few displaced workers. "Will get nowhere politically" Winner: in free trade are those who have the better product. Comparative advantage: Gains of the whole exceed the losses

According to appiah, can cosmopolitans co-exist with cosmopolitans? Is compromise possible?

Cosmopolitans are rhizomes, taproots, delving deep and not rootless. Cosmopolitans have favor over their own group but don't hate their own group Is it possible?Appiah is more optimistic, it's possible to have compromises that allow people to have regional identity with having globalization Pro gmo protection Less people continue their own domestic practices while being people free trade They exist.

What were the British corn laws and how do they relate to protectionism?

French corn is cheaper than British corn so it would suck for the British producers if it got there. They wouldn't be able to compete SO, they should TAX the French corn to make it more expensive (protectionism)

According to Gilpin,Why is power relative according to Gilpin? What does it imply in the political Economy?

Gilpin believes that one's state gain in power is another ones loss, which focuses on relative gains and zero sum Liberals: absolute gains, everyone gains, it doesn't matter how much One states gain is one state's loss, even though 2 states may be gaining absolutely in wealth, in political terms it is the effect of these gains on relative power positions which is the primary importance. Power is zero sum

According to Gilpin, Why does a liberal international economy require a (hegemony) power to manage and stabilize the System

Hegemon: to prevent short range pursuits, so it doesn't only benefit one country, gilpin doesn't believe its natural so you need a hegemon to endorse things, cheating in free trade world, how to prevent cheating? Gilpin is exaggerating the cheating portion, states can punish each other through cheating G.A.D replaced by W.T.O: if you cheat on the trade agreement, I can cheat right back and levy fines on you L: there are other ways of enforcement M:not hegemony just elites enforcing things.

According to Gilpin To paraphrase Carr: "Is the current economic system, which is based on free trade, natural and inevitable or does it reflect the economic and political interests of the United States?" Any challenges to this system?

L: natural R&M: restrictions on freer trade make it driven by relations

What is the strategic trade theory and how do liberals and realists see it?

Liberals say: keep the government out of trade and let the market work, while realists say intervention manages trade. They believe in the infant industry hypothesis, picking an industry that can be more successful if subsidized. We can create comparative advantage.

According to Gilpin,. ". . . international economic relations are in reality political relations." (p.280) Means What?

Marxist: the most powerful state determines politics This is a realist view meaning that the politics of the state are getting involved.

According to binder,does Binder support free trade?

No, he supports comparative advantage and mentions how bad politics need to be fixed in order to make free trade work, he thinks that the problems aren't a quick fix but that economics and policy makers can do a few things to ease a transition into free trade, he's no supporter or denyer. Comparative advantage: One country is less efficient at producing both goods, both are better off even if they aren't the best at it Poor countries better off?

According to Schwartz, What's the problem with American exceptionalism?

People think they are above average, the united Americans think they're better than everyone else because they are more reasonable more generous and more concerned with justice but they need to realize that there is no justification for having an awful ecological footprint compared to other developed countries

What is the self-fulfilling prophecy and self denying policy?

Self fulfilling prophecy in the united states Huntington: self denying prophecy when something becomes more likely because you expect it. When awareness of the prophecy makes it less likely to happen, people can learn about the future and keep that from happening. "Im gonna fail the exam so i won't study is a self fulfilling prophecy"

What is Globalization?gdmn

The neutrally dependent movement around the world of goods, equal capital, ideas, not just about material crossing the border but mutual dependence of people goods and capital. People neglect the ideas part but it is spreading rapidly.

What are non tariff barriers to trade?

This is another form of protectionism. Japan has a high standard for pests and disease, and these 'one types of apples has them' and that's why they kept them out. PROTECTS JAPANESE FARMERS -BUT: Hurts Japanese consumers to pay for the apples - Environmental regulation hiding as protections, - We won't put a tariff but... you have to (make it non gmo, not chlorine the chicken) - Helps farmers who are non gmo

What is the protectionism story behind cotton?

US imposed mastic cotton subsides and since there was a worldwide depression price of cotton farmers, no none could compete because the us produced all of this without the price of production. Brazil took it to the WTO and won, said the subsides were illegal, and the US had to pay Brazil back for their money lost.

According to Gilpin What is power as defined by political scientists? Why can't it be quantified as wealth? How are both terms changing through the time?

Wealth is anything that can produce future income composed of physical assets and human capital. Power is the basic concept of political science. The most fundamental in the whole. The political process is the shaping, distribution and exercise of power(influence in general) Power is more well defined. And is not the principal goal of state behavior. Power is the means to achieve welfare, security and prestige in the form of military, economic and psychological. For this reason nation states are jealous of and sensitive to their relative power position. The dist of power is important because it profoundly affects the ability of states to achieve what they perceive to be their interests Power: mans control over the minds and actions of other men Wealth-> Power and vise versa, they're not meaningful on their own Force is the ultimate form of power, security dilemma

What does "comparative advantage" look like in U.S farm subsidies? BINDER

the cost of production are lower so they can sell that good and sell that product. - US can pay farmers not to grow crops in order to keep the supply down and cost of what's available will go up and the farmers can continue to sell at the same price - OR buy the over supply of a good

What are the consequences of genuine group identity?

*creating categories demands comparisons It does foster trust and cooperation with the people in our group, this genuine identity can produce, love music art, pride can be great BUT creating these categories of ingroup and outgroup is a source of conflict and a source of competition, because there needs to be an out group. The stronger the sense of group identity necessarily means you are not iterating eight others, your group is different.

How do marxists, liberals and realists see human rights?

. R: strategic/econ interests govern What's appropriate in one might not in the other, strategic interests and economic interests always come first Trump in SA: we are not here to tell others to live- same time- 2. L: universal values, identity drives interest: There is a world community, international and domestic politics should not be seen so differently, liberals will say we can live together by making the system better by advancing human rights Who you are and what you believe determines how you understand your interests, our identity drives how we understand out interest. 3. M: more expansive view fails bc economics dives politics If wealthy states cared about human rights there is nothing preventing the gov from preventing extreme poverty like cholera too. Access to clean water and sanitation. But they are not free or costly, marxists will say these countries don't want to spend the money, bc economics drives politics Economics drives definition, nothing intrinsic about human rights and only things that are free,

What is the realist solution to free trade and capitalism?

1. "Malawi Miracle": malawi is a small sub saharan african country who couldn't feed itself, in 2005, 5m of its 13m citizens needed food. Problem: small country, farming every inch of their soil, every year they got less and less, too poor for fertilizer, really stuck. The world bank and the international monetary fund and the US, said let the markets work. Let the private market do what it needs to. Malawi's president decided to start a massive government intervention into the agriculture sector. Subsidized fertilizer and seeds, farmer education, and provided cheap lawns to farmers. The US objected to it. Result: 2005 couldn't feed- 2006; they doubled the amount of corn, tripled the amount and then became a net exporter of food, Not a miracle, int orgs were blinded by the idea of private markets and forgot the crucial role they can play State intervention works sometimes UN concluded: this sector grew 10% a year 2019:tons of corn, lots of problems here, but good economically in defiance of liberal 2. "Made in Rwanda":potential of protectionist policies Make money by making clothing, but the consequences is it decimates the clothing industry in these countries, its so cheap no one can make it there they can't refuse this clothing Liberal policies killed them. Ghana has 25k textile jobs, down to 5k in 2000 Kenya had 200k jobs now only 10k, textiles crushed by these cheap exports In 2015, kenya uganda tanzania and rwanda raised tariffs on clothing imports To shelter and protect infant industries, their naissant garment industries against the flood of super cheap imports, protectionist barriers to protect their industry. Use clothing lobby hated it and told trump to stop the protectionism and then threatened to put massive tariffs if they didn't stop, worked all but rwanda. Rwanda has banned import of used clothing 2015: president of rwanda's hope was by protecting the industry he would create 20k jobs, it took off, especially high fashion, Moses knew it wouldn't be easy to start high fashion in rwanda, they have the perception that something local cannot be lxury and has to be cheap Did it work: we don't know its too soon to say because there are trade offs with protectionism. When he put tariffs on the imports it costs jobs in rwanda 18k ppl lost their jobs, clothing is now more expensive in rwanda, he's making a bet that it'll workout.

how does globalization influence countries in terms of undermining democracy? gdmn

1. It can make it difficulty for countries themselves. Genetically modifies organisms cause lefts and rights to fire the two as an international organization that subversive the democratic will - There us no evidence that the us increased yields of planting and decreased the use of poison by using gmos, and the corporation that sells the gmo seeds is benefitting. - It got rid of the disease in bananas in the developing world - Gmos might be worse for their health, keeping gmo out is about safety and sovereign in Europe but the WTO says no

Whose rights? What rights?

1. Liberal view: civil, political, personal INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS >GROUP RIGHTS Freedom of speech religion, conscience. Obama views the individual rights as universal rights, and they're free, require absence of state intervention everywhere. *Univ. Declaration of Human Rights (1948) 2. Marxist view: economic and social matter most: GROUP RIGHTS > INDIVIDUAL What good is democracy if your kids are starving to death. a. Cholera: u just need clean water and cheap vaccines. Access to cl b. access to clean water is a human right! Chinese don't have the same western rights but the government has brought millions out of poverty, c. liberal response? LDCs will justify their human rights abuses in the name of not being developed enough, political repression does not help economic oppression and free speech is free Political experidance in the chinese political policy ,

African situation at independence?

1. Weak sense of national identity: what united them was the struggle to outs the imperialist, so they had this unity and common sense of purpose but it fades once they're out. Strong national identity is important for having a common natural purpose. Somalis and libyans identified in clans, some with their identity Colonialism explains lack of strong national identity. 2. neglect of intellectual capital: once the imperial powers have been kicked out, as a matter of policy under the imperial powers, no one was given education, no significant role in government, this was not an oversight it was policy. Eu exploited their resources but did nothing for them on an intellectual level. Posed intractable problems for africa's new states. ex) ALL sub saharan africa had no more than 1200 college graduates in 60s Zambia had 108 graduates at independence When portugal left, they had 3 doctors and 1 lawyer, 90% of the pop was deliberate, how do you take off from this ? AK47 on this Mozambique flag. High ass illiterate rates

What aspects contribute to identity?

1. common territory (regionalism): you share territory is a source of identity 2. common economic activity: marxist: sense of engagement in the same economic activity are more likely to develop class consciousness 3. common language/ethnicity/religion: huntington, 4. common historical experiences: americans struggle to overthrow the imperialists, glue that held together african societies. The memory fades tho 5. interdependence of fate: when everyone feels like they are on the same boat, same things at stake they come together Subject to discrimination, source of identity. If people think about climate change where they are all on the same boat, it might generate identity we've never seen before

What is the difference between instrumental and nonintrumental view of identity?

1. instrumental view: use your identity as a means to an end. You join a group to advance your interests since identity does not have intrinsic value. A tool for your advantage 2. non-instrumental or genuine: constitutive view: Identity is an ends in itself, intrinsic value, you care about the identity, sense of loyalty to your group and you activate the groups for their own survival, maybe even at the expense in your life, it has meaning to you 3. must they be competing? The views, no they don't have to be competing, you can start off to do things for your instrumental view but everytime you come to identify and believe in the group and that identity is more genuine. Foot in the door phenomenon: more like you keep adding things that seem minor in order to get the ultimate goal

What does the rise of china and its foreign economic policy look like?

2000, 5 counties counted China as their largest trading partner 2018, more than 100. Breathtaking increase in overseas trade and investment. 1. What are the Chinese doing?\ Engaged in massive investment projects in the developing world. 260 mile railroad from laos to china and across 6 countries costs 6B 46B on pakistan power plants Train from budapest to china 2. Why are they doing it? a. good global citizen: " a new silk road, stepping up to be responsible stakeholders in the world, investing where no one else will. New model of development of what is failed liberal western economic model b. advancing security interests: just imperialism :P, no different than any other great power. In sri lanka, they let China build infrastructure there and they now owe china 8B that they don't have, they leased their ports to the chinese for 99 years, people focus on this bc the british made the chinese to lease a hong kong port for 99 years. Economic interests at the expense of others C. domestic political and econ reasons: take care of unemployment problems, investing abroad to keep their economy strong. China has to make 1.1m of steel and only use less, the road is a way to use their surplus production

What are the commodity based economy problems with Africa?

3. commodity based economy, problems: if you base the economy on a couple of commodities you are completely dependent. More money at the end of of supply chain than the beginning, with the exception of oil you make more money selling watches than zinc or coal. Countries are dependent on it. Commodities are just raw materials a. terms of trade favor finished goods; don't make as much money to begin b. need a diversified economy: need multiple communities not just one, not entirely dependent on one thing. Africans didn't understand that so they did just this, and it's not like they can just turn the economy around, venezuela complete dependence on oil and it can be completely destroyed. C. Mismanagement, Corruption, War; obama spoke about this in 2009 "west is not responsible for the decline of economies in other countries, africa doesn't need strong men, needs strong institutions,: most corrupt countries are in africa Least corrupt: Denmark, US: "276th", 18 in 2017, 22 now War has devastating effects on economies. When the us goes to war it doesn't hurt the economy because they fight in other people's countries but when you fight inside your own your destroy that economy. Econ development relies on peace, or you won't have econ development

What is the less abstract view of identity?

; to view a groups interests as the same as your own interests. When u totally identify with a group, you lose yourself to that group To some extent we can pick our identity, we can emphasize certain parts of our identity but sometimes it is chosen for us "Everyone must have a country to which they belong", forced to take a side because of war

According to Appiah, what does Theresa May think about cosmopolitanism?

A citizen of the world is a citizen of nowhere. You don't really understand the majority of the people, it's an outside in approach rather than an inside out. These are the ones who tend to be more elite than common. Not committing to the people who live around you, work for you and who buy the goods and services you sell.

What does chinas growth have to do with environmental distruction?

A. China's growth and pollution Capitalism lifts people out of poverty since 1980. Since 1980 China has lifted millions out of poverty. Has also resulted in massive environmental destruction in china. Air is not safe. Only 1% of the city breathes good air. Cancer is the leading cause of death in china. Chinese in the north part die faster because of pollution. Lack of clean drinking water. More developed, more pollution. B. Plastic is forever 1.plastic in the oceans: when you're poor you throw nothing away, as you develop you become a part of a throw away society. Chinese are economically prosperous and began to take out lunches, large increase in plastic being dumped directly into the sea. Food delivery apps lead to this massive increase of orders, scientists estimate that it created 1.6m tons of waste in 2017 thats 9% increase over 2 years ago. If nothing is done, by 2025, there will be the equivalent of 10 bags of plastic per foot By 2050, more bags than people Why should we care? Animals are dying 2.When plastic breaks down:it'll never go away, smaller and smaller but gets ingested by smaller and smaller people. Its at the very beginning of the food chain. Microbeads *microbeads, BeatTheMicrobead.org *microfibers Britain banned microbeads Microfibers: synthetic material, shed micro plastic when they're washed, washing machines don't filter it out so it goes right into the sea, microfibers in oysters 3. Solutions? Ban microbeads Microfibers? Patagonia wants a solution Visible plastic? Get it out of the ocean Boyan Slat Ocean Cleanup **TheOceanCleanUp.com

What is a free ride?

A. China, Senegal, and fish (free ride) Un said in 2017 that 90% of the world's fisheries are fully exploited or facing collapse, a result of overfishing. Lots of countries are overfished, China especially, they have to go further and further for fish, have made it to the coast of africa to fish, they can only do this because China gives large subsidies to the fishermen. Because it's expensive. China provided billions to the fishing industry including subsidizing fuel so its cost effective to travel long ways to get fish. China's gov is worried about unemployment, this helps They DONt want to rely on others for fish, chinese have hundreds of fishing vessels off west africa and they're big, they scoop up as many fish in a week than senegalese boats catch in a year, they're losing their economy Chinese and europeans are just stealing the fish that belongs to senegalese, taking millions worth, its illegal but senegal is too poor to do anything about it. They have no speed boats.

How much moral choice do people have?

A. Leaders & individs have diff obligations Leaders have responsibilities not just to their constituents but to people who have not been born yet. The american revolution hero: alexander hamilton (infant industry) he said the rule of morality is not precisely the same between nations as between individuals, existing millions and existing generations are...terminate within himself" Complicating factors: complicates choices, not an individual making a choice B. Anarchy complicates moral choice Absence of a sovereign, no common cakes, no common identity means no authority to police disputes, complicates things a little, maybe YOU want to be just, and be exploited by others, they might free ride if we go carbon neutral C. Anarchy increases opportunity for immortal choice Without a world sovereign states can do what they want and they do. Liberal democracies, issue on torture Poll 2017: found that 71% of re[publicasn belive there are circumstances wher it is appropriate that the US use torture, did a poll of us soliers in iraq and only 33% supported the use of torture in intell of insurgene D. Who decides what's moral? What we have are rival philosophical tradition and clashing conceptions of morality. HUNTINGTON, there's a quote from huntington "human rights imperialism" Wester concepts differ fundamentally from other civilisations, western ideas about all these things, often have little resonance elsewhere and that is why other countries say its human rights imperialism

How do realists, marxists and liberals view identity?

A. R: interests ->identity (materialist argument) Instrumental view about identity, identity is a strategy and a tool. B. M: econ interests (class)->identity also materialists, class leads to identity, more genuine, "being creates consciousness, not a choice, you ARE a worker you have class consciousness its genuine, it is important" C. L: identity->interests: for them identity comes first, identity explains interests, very ideational, What you believe, who you are, determines your interests. For a liberal interest does not drive identity because what you believe depends on who you are ! D. So What? A BETTER SENSE OF IDENTITY CAN HELP SOLVE THE COMMONS PROBLEM, CLIMATE CHANGE, WHY PEOPLE JOIN INSURGENCIES, NOT ALWAYS ABOUT ECONOMY

What does intergroup conflict look like?

A. Real Conflict of Interest (Carolyn & Muzafer Sherif) Interested to see if trivial things caused conflict, conducted an experiment where they took 2 groups of boys and took them to camp were created hierarchy and norms, as soon as they found out about the other group, they got competitive, ties became tighter begin the group, out group hostility emerged, their interactions became Zero Sum SCHWARTZ The outgroup was seen in negative stereotypical terms B. Mere Group Perception (Henri Tajfel) A group: under estimators or over estimators, minimal in identification as one could imagine. Expected liberal absolute gains People easily discriminate against people, how ingrained ingroup favoritism is and how beating the other group is more important than sheer profit Identity is double-edged.: identity in a tajfel view, it's a good thing cooperation and trust what we value but there is an irreducible dark side that leads to competition and sescrimination, Appiah balances this view

How much should a country give?

Americans say: 26%, Should the us give 1% of their budget?: yes The US actually gives 0.17% to foreign aid, all developed countries should give 0.7%... *1970 UN established 0.7% GNP: benchmark set, is not being met, send a lil more than greece, this is relative to the size of the economy. Absolute amount: 34B in relation to others.

According to Goodman, What is the anti-trade backlash? Why is this sentiment more commonly found than support of trade?

Anti trade backlash: trump denouncing trade with China and Mexico because it is a moral threat to american prosperity. The vote was to abandon trade with the eurpoean union as a rebuke to the establishment, from laborers who blame trade for the declining trade. It's becoming more explosive because the global economy has arrived at a soering period of reckoning, the job market has lost potency (downside of trade) Overall lower wages People against free trade c they lose their jobs as their country imports foreign goods and no longer needs to produce them, impacts the middle class. Values that people carry

According to Appiah Must a cosmopolitan identity be in conflict with a national or local identity?

Appaiah says no, "that one must weigh the relative importance of global and local alliances" is wrong. "Are you committed to new york, new york state, or the united states it's hard to answer because citizenship is identity that varies in context. Rise of german nationalism was cosmopolitanism Think globally, act globally.

According to Schwartz, how can you appeal the commons problem?

Appeal to the moral side of people and states Need to educate about the costs and damages of pollution and moderation as citizens Present the population the right behaviors and actions; rely on them to act morally improvement to the world Appeal to our self-interested side Offer incentives for good behavior; punishments for bad Privatize the commons Nonpolluters and energy conservers get tax breaks Polluters pay fees for the privilege

According to davenport, What are some of the consequences of climate change that IPCC believes could occur as soon as 2040

Atmosphere will warm up by 2.7 degrees fahrenheit Intensified drought and poverty. Food shortages and wildfires Mass die off of coral reefs Inundating coast lines

According to Huntington, Why hasn't Turkey been admitted to the EU? Is it because it's a Muslim country?

Because culture and religion form the basis of the eco Turkey is muslim so they woul not fit into the EU Differences in culture and religion create differences over political issues from human rights to immigtation to trade and commerce to the environment. Turkey is becoming more authoritarian- making more democratic reforms, economic reforms, rural business men who are upper middle class and go to college, looks very vestern, Would be good if they join, they have comparative advantage, lots of opportunity for relative gain Liberals would be excited but the EU says no Wouldn't want 80M muslims to roam eu freely.

How Important is trade to Washington State?

Business is booming, more than any other state in the union, 2x national rate, in 2018, washington state was in the top 10 largest economies in the union. Trade is very dependent on trade, no stare is more dependent than washington state, 40% of jobs here depend on trade in some way and China plays a big role in that Washington exported 16B to china which is less that 2014, still hugely dependent on China, among states in the union, What is the largest exporter per capita Wa was 3rd, after California, Texas (oil)264B, New York (4th), Exports to China,Canada, japan, Korea,

According to Wallace Wells, Why are the "intuitive terms" of a carbon tax backwards?

Carbon pricing: legislate a high enough cost on the stuff and the market will respond by producing less and eventually none. Protects the economy. Backward because: faster action on climate will save or gain the world massive amounts of money in the future but the labor involved makes it seem burdensome and the hope of the market solving the problem on its own has prevailed

According to Goodman, . How do we assess China's effect on U.S. trade sector?

China targeted crucial industries for domination, concentrated chinese exports that eliminated millions of american manufacturing jobs i It makes the united states nervous, if they were to tariff chinese goods, they would lose production to Vietnam and mexico robots would take more jobs,

According to Schwartz,What does it mean to "start out nice"?

Clear costs and incentives are the most successful because it affects the group and makes individuals cooperate. Make the future matter Commons problem is a prisoners dilemma: stay in jail or rat someone out to cut a deal or cooperate and stay silent (better off) START OUT NICE: cooperating, open the possibility of a virtuous cycle of mutual cooperation. (defectors are doomed to a vicious cycle of defection ®) eventually people will begin to follow what the neighbor does, starts here and can lead to be incentivised which then becomes a preferable strategy Then punish defection A skill in negotiation to backtrack naive realism so that they are assuming the best rather than the worst so their offers won't fall victim to bias.

According to binder, Why is comparative advantage a counterintuitive concept? How do politicians like Trump, economic scholars and the public view it?

Comparative advantage: holds that two countries can both benefit from trade when one can produce everything more cheaply than the other- is counter intuitive because convincing people the value of free trade is losing a fight. If a country is super good at producing everything why would they trade? (answer: they will both benefit from international trade) (ricardo) Comparative advantage can be described as not buying more than we sell or we will impoverish ourselves while they profit :mercantilism DT believes that the US loses when other states make more in trade and americans agree Economists are against mercantilism and free trade (liberal), say trade has little or no effect on the number of jobs.

According to Appiah, what is cosmopolitanism?

Cosmopolitan elite: is an expansive act of the moral imagination. Sees human beings as shaping their lives within nesting memberships: a family, a neighborhood, a plurality of overlapping identity groups spiraling out to encompass all humanity. It asks us to be many things and if its critics have seldom been more clamorous the creed that's never been so necessary. Belonging to a wider global community It started as an act of defiance. Village=small, globe=large. It takes something small and familiar and projects it onto a whole world of strangers. It should be okay to talk of an allegiance to the wider world.

who will pay for climate change?

Developing world's view (schwartz naive realism: tendency to believe that our own views are objective and true and everyone else is wrong) 1 way is to imagine how others see the world, whats the developing world perspective. 1. Historically US biggest polluter 2. US remains per capita biggest polluter 3. The US is rich, developing world isn't: 2017 ppp (CIA World Factbook, 2019) *US GDP per capita: $59,800 *China GDP per cap: $16,700 *India GDP per cap: $7,200 IV. Solar Power Kerosene kills: OneMillionLights.org Hospitals need light: Solar Suitcase WeCareSolar.org

According to Goodman, Why might the backlash against trade be difficult to reverse?

Difficult to reverse because they have built this frustration for years. The global economy has been invested in the job market has lost its potency exposing the downsides of free trade that was hidden by the prosperity behind it. Can be reversed because of technological advancement and economic upheaval in the industry. Nations are weakly growing.

How does globalization influence countries in terms of supporting US Jobs? gdmn

Do real Americans buy American? Globalization complicates this because they want to support US jobs but everything is not made here. - there is no substitution for some things - its hard to find things that are made in America Patriot puck: based in New York, said its American made but they were made in china, things entirely in the US are uncommon. - same with American cars, max 70% of parts are here

According to Cole,What was the role of photography during the Algerian war? Does it remind you of anything we discussed earlier in the course?

During the algerian war, they photographed the people for IDs and women were exposed. Subjects also adopted photography. Elites posed for it. It made sure that every aspect of imperialism would be shown, seen and cataloged which photography allowed for. It was a way of identifying people and exposing people like the women forced to take their scarves off. Photography records the injustice and occasions of the acts.

According to binder, Why is it possible that economists could get central goal of economic system wrong?

Economists think the central goal of the econ system is producing goods and services at the lowest cost for consumers, and that the actual people working in the factories play a smaller role however, public wants their jobs more. They don't understand what people value in the economy. Public supports the idea of free trade but not taking jobs or globalization. Economists see technological improvements and freer trade as similar by offering higher living standards to the majority at the expense of job displacement for the minority Support technology and oppose free trade: and better because foreign exporters have no representation in congress like they would. An economist believes: the goal of an econ system is producing goods and services at the lowest possible cost then distributing them to people who want them, (WELL BEING OF CONSUMERS). 2nd. The wellbeing of producers:exist for consumer welfare, not their own interests and consumption Could be wrong because: people care more about their role as producers and their jobs over the goods and services that they consume, people see the role of the the economic system to give good jobs not cheaper goods

According to binder, How does the political side of trade play against the economic side of trade?

Even if trade creates absolute gains, there's backlash to trade, the fact that one state can gain more than another state makes it more political Trump is able to slap tariffs on whatever he wants and start trade wars which affects what consumers have to pay. Political side does not favor free trade because to them the jobs are more worth it than paying less for beats. Free trade serves the broad public interest but there will be more firms and workers hurt by trade and clamor for protection A lot of people can be hurt by free trade and there is no one to blame so putting it up towards the government= political hell to pay, losers know who to blame.

What can individuals do?

Even though structural change is necessary 1. microfinance, such as Kiva.org Can give loans, and outsourced, used to buy fertilizer for whatever they need, they pay it back. 2. cows make a difference,Heifer.org You can buy a cow or part of one, and they'll provide that animal to someone who is in need to pull themselves out of poverty, it works. MIT economists did this study. Found that giving very poor people a beehive/ cow has massive economic returns. 3. $ w/out conditions, GiveDirectly.org It works really well, it has significant impact on pulling people out of poverty: andrew yang is for this. Yang wants to do this for the united states.

What is the Kyoto Protocol and how did it lead to the Paris accords?

First attempt kyoto protocol: legally binding treaty that required countries to cut their carbon pollution. All industrialized countries ratified the treaty except the United States, they refused. Because the US was the biggest polluter it ruined it for everyone else. The US didn't sign because the developing world didn't have to cut their carbon emissions. UN continued to try to improve the kyoto agreement but it went nowhere because the us and china would not budge. 2015 was the paris agreement 195 countries agreed to cut their carbon emissions, not legally binding because the senate would not ratify it. China india and brazil agreed to reduce it, a big deal. Primary goal is to keep it from warming 3.6% fahrenheit, try to cap the wrath of the world to 2 degrees celsius. Locked in to climate catastrophes, more destruction, it's not irreversible. Paris agreement: wanted to legally require the industrialized countries to pay for climate change and they wanted 100B a year to help them address climate change, it was a suggestion not a requirement to help.

According to Wallace Wells,What are the limitations of a carbon tax? How about of the Green New Deal?

For carbon tax, it's not being reduced quickly enough to meet the goal of 2 degrees. Carbon tax is favored by businesses. Green new deal: massive public investment and public works, both directed toward replacing dirty energy sources with clean ones and producing an entirely renewable economy. Decarbonize the ameriacn economy by 2030. And the ultimate goal to virtually eliminate poverty in the US and create prosperity, wealth and economic security to those who participate On their own not enough, necessary but insufficient. Also, it only reduces the US it will give China an upperhand.

According to binder, What measures can governments and scholars take to "sell" free trade?

Framing in the media Devote more money to the TAA program Tie trade closer to technology in people's minds

What is GATT?

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. 1. Smoot-Hawley Tariff 1903, protected over 900 US made goods and blocked imports. It shut down world trade, this is a protectionist icon. 2. GATT was a response to SH. 23 countered signed to lower their tariffs but no one was required to participate - Lead to the WTO

According to Goodman, why did policymakers and economists "fail to plan for the trauma that has accompanied the benefits of trade?"

Global trade expanded national wealth by lowering the price of goods, lifting wages and amplifying growth but the shares go to bigger people, the top class not so much the laborers. Failed to plan because when they lost the competition they did not have government support because they depended on industry for sustenance , exceeding what economists anticipated. Take gains from trade (free trade) and give it to the losers, marxists say its never done because the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

According to davenport, What does it mean to "overshoot the target"? Why is this attractive for some states?

Go over the limit, see what happens and then get technology to lower it, its attractive because they don't have to make any rapid changes they can't wait to see what happens, obviously the disadvantage is global warming.

What does group identification mean?

History, language, culture and tradition and especially religion 1. Huntington's civilizational view of identity: rooted in civilization, this identity is going to become increasingly important. a. Why is civil idnty becoming more important? Through interaction with other civilizations. The more contact you have with other civilizations, the more likely you are to have conflict. Your own identities reaction becomes stronger as you have more contact with others identities. Realist Religion is becoming more important and it's a key part for huntington. Instead of identifying with the state more people are identifying with their religion. So what? It's easy to be half french and half russian but it's harder to be ½ catholic and ½ muslim. People are often now asking the question not what side are you on, but what are you? Liberal (ideational) The more overbearing the west becomes, the stronger the counter reaction is. The more overbearing, the more interventionist the west becomes, the more of a counter balancing reaction we expect REALIST (balance of power type shit) Not possible to be a member of a universal civilization, not a cosmopolitan, between civilizations, the notion is unique to liberals. World community for huntington is not possible, when Americans talk about one, they're talking to an american and european values and beliefs, not chinese african etc beliefs Argues that the 1950s Americans wanted a free world: really about american beliefs and values.

According to Huntington, Hunington's article created a sensation when it was published 25 years ago. It was and still is controversial. Why?

Hunington: one identity that is the most powerful, nation state: citizens infinity with their states first, others say that most of us have these layered identities. Americans don't have a strong identity.

What is a "beggar thy neighbor" policy?

I will benefit from your loss, the heart of protectionism, I am going to protect myself at the expense of my neighbor. Driving up expenses of the neighbor so people can by American therefore American goods could only bemused to buy American goods. Liberals say: short sided and counterproductive because other countries will retaliate and everyone will be poor, you can't just shut down trade

What is the World Trade Organization?

International organization with its own bureaucracy and administrative structure. It is a body of LAW on international trade. WTO has the power to adjudicate disputes and invalidate regulations that competes free trade- Japan apple import -us cotton -anti free trade w unfair advantages.

According to Goodman,Why isn't the benefit of trade equally distributed among different groups of people?

It depends on your place in the hierarchy and how easily you are replaced Trade comes with no assurance that what you gain will be shared equally. Across much of the industrialised world and outsize share of the winnings have been harvested by people with advanced degrees, stock options and the need for accountants. Ordinary labourers have been gotten more economic anxiety because of the joblessness and displacement

According to Cole,.Why is the camera a "dire instrument"?

It was a way of getting the news out fast Played a role in administrative, missionary and scientific commercial activities. To be able to colonize easier, it comes with gun and bible. People were able to profit off of it.

What was Ricardos comparative advantage? BINDER

It was important in driving intellectual justification for free trade and outsourcing. We are better off id we trade for things that we need rather than producing it (the start of CA). Its better to focus on what you make best, and trade for things you need. This will create a productive trade agreement and create interdependence. - Free trade means no tariffs and goods move freely across borders

According to Wallace Wells,What's wrong with the Paris Accords?

It was supposed to mark the end of the long era of technocratic neoliberal globalism but no one 's really on track to keep the warming below the 2 degrees and also, trump wants to pull out. It's not legally binding India is the only one on track.

According to Cole,.What is unusual about the photo that Cole begins his article by describing?

Its unusual for the kind to wear a crown that made his face visible, it's odd that his face was in the picture, the people in front of him look alarmed and are looking to avoid seeing the king's face This shows a colonial gaze and how the imperial powers are attempting to show everything and make sure it is all cataloged. Nothing is hidden under imperial powers.

What is a liberal solution to free trade and capitalism?

KenCall: Africa's 1st telemarketer, and it captures how comparative advantage can be an advantage to very poor countries. M: CA is just a corp advantage" - no car is an advantage to all countries like kenya. Kencall started in 2005 as a telemarketer trying to sell things, has expanded beyond telemarketing. It became possible because of a democratic election because of kenya. What so great is kenya has a dem election dem government, young kenyan see a life (economic opportunity in kenya) Dem government got rid of the state monopoly control in telecommunications sector. Important because it made it more competitive and prices fell. Kencall is following the steps of outsourcing! Next maybe congo (congo call center). We look at how outsources is a ticket for economic development (power of markets and outsourcing and comparative advantage)

According to Huntington, Are Liberal values universal or is this belief an example of human rights imperialism?

Liberal values are not universal. While liberal and marxists agree that human rights matter, realists believe that strategic and economic interests come first Liberal values: world community, domestic and international politics should live to differently, we can make the intl system, better by advancing human rights.

According to Schwartz, what is the tragedy of the commons.

Self interest> good of the group. Dilemma where multiple individuals act in their own rational self interest to ultimately destroy a shared limited resource even when it is clear that is does not serve anyone good in the long run.

According to GilpinWhat is the relationship between politics and economics for liberals, Marxists, and Mercantilists (and who are the mercantilists?)

Liberalism: politics and economics as separate and autonomous spheres of activity. Economists use this in outlook Positive sum game, no one needs to lose. There is harmony between national interest and cosmopolitan economic interest. Free exchange and commodities, removal of tariffs and restrictions everyone can benefit. Achieves the greatest good for the greatest number in international no less than in the national society Goal of economic activity: most efficient use of resources and maximizing welfare Marxism: a critique of capitalism, economics DETERMINES politics and political structure Mercantilists: realists, support CA, economic nationalism, protectionism Essence of economic relations is conflictual, no harmony, one's gain is panthers loss this is a zero sum game. Stress the distributive effects of economic relations M: distribution of wealth between social classes is central R: distribution of employment, industry and military power among nation states is the most significant. R&M: Redistribution of Wealth and power M: actors in both domestic and international relations are economic classes; the interests of the dominant class determine the foreign policy of the states, class interests. State as simply the executive committee of the ruling class and public policy reflects its interest R; actors in international relations are nation states; national interest determines foreign policy. National interest may at times be influenced by elites, but also classes,. Geography, exterma; configurations of power, and the exigencies of national survival are determining foreign policy, interest of natina states, regard the state as an organic unit in its own right, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. PP therefore embodies national interests L; world welfare, nation state has no meaning as an economic entity. State represents an aggression of private interests: public policy is the outcome of struggles among interest groups. Trade leads to unification and world peace.

According to Vogelstein, .What are some of the barriers to women's economic and professional participation? Can you think of any barriers in the US?

Limitations on property ownership, spousal consent requirements for employment, and laws that prevent them from signing contracts or assessing credit. Barred from traditionally male jobs or face limits on the number of hours they can work Incumbency advantage in the united states, people don't want to vote for them in office. Still a wage gap for women in the united states and less women in lots of sectors

According to Huntington, (and others) predicted a clash of civilizations between Islam and the West. Why did he suspect a clash? Is that what we have today?

Micro Level clash: control of territory over one another. Micro:compete for relative military and economic power, struggle over the control of international institutions and 3rd parties and competitively promote their particular political and religious values Expected to clash because the west's next confrontation is going to come from the muslim world and sweep the islamic nations from the maghreb to pakistan that the trusture for a new world begin There is mood and movement in policies and governments want to pursue them ,it is just a reaction maybe ancient judeo christian heritage and the worldwide expansion of both. THE REAL TEA IS THAT THEIR BELIEFS ARE NOT THE SAME, THE US WANTS TO PUSH THEIR OWN BELIEFS BUT ISLAMIC COUNTRIES ARE INCOMPATIBLE SO THEY WON'T BUDGE.

According to Vogelstein, what might be motivating Saudi Arabia to let women drive?

Money and economics. Women are human capital, a more gender balanced economy could boost GDP by 12%.

Does foreign aid work?

More is better, it depends on who you ask Mouyo: she got her doctorate from oxford from zambia: DEAD AID, why it is not working, why there is a better way. LIBERALISM: free markets, free trade, liberal economic policies, foreign aid undermine foreign policies. India has a per capita income of 7k and that's using a ppp, making comparison among other countries. China 16k per capita, us 59k per capita. Rwanda 2k. Does it work?

How do liberals see free trade?(can be giplin)

More liberals than republicans now. 1. Belief that power and economics should be independent, and to keep politics out of the economy. The goal is to let markets work efficiently in order to produce the greater absolute amount of gains and economic welfare. Let the market work! 2. In the long run, absolute gains guarantee that although some will benefit more than others, everyone is better off with the free market in the long run (POSITIVE SUM) 3. Trade promotes peace by creating interdependence. The economic interest in maintaining peaceful relations with other Staes because it creates mutual interests and dependence on avoiding war drives and unites people. 4. NAFTA, now usmca, is an international organization debated on to reduce tariffs and increase trade between Canada and Mexico, not good or bad didn't make nor lose more jobs. Liberals think they need to focus on long term benefits of creating a more prosperous world, and while president trump disagrees.

According to Huntington, what are civilizations and why might they crash?

Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will be the battle lines of the future. A civilization is a cultural entity (villages, regions, ethnic groups, nationalities and religious groups with different levels of cultural heterogeneity) The highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity distinguishing them from other species. Civilizations disappear and are buried in the sands of time They will clash because civilization identity will be increasingly important and conflicts will occur in terms of cultural fault lines that separate one civilization to the other Their different won't disappear. It's more than ideology and political regime 2nd the world is a smaller place and there is more interaxion and disagreement. 3rd processes of economic modernization and social change throughout the world are separating people from long standing local identity, also weaken the nation state as a source of identity (religion 4)the growth of civilization consciousness is enhanced by the dual role of the west Peak of power and as a result, returns to the roots phenomenon is happening with other countries. 5th) cultural characteristics and differences are less mutable and hence less easily compromised and resolved than political and economic ones 6, economic regionalism is increasing. Reinforces civilization consciousness,

According to Wallace Wells, What are "negative emissions"? How might we achieve them?

Negative emissions: the act of removing carbon from the atmosphere, the use of positive promising technology by using revitalized forests and agriculture to aggressively photosynthesis the carbon in the air. Positive promising: taking out the carbon in the atmosphere Conventional decarbonization alone, immediate ban on all new internal combustion engines and much of the worlds heavy industry bein suddenly shattered It promises global extension on the project of decarbonization, but a moral hazard, negative emissions it the last hope. 2 forms natural/ bio energy with carbon capture and storage:using revitalized forests and new agricultural practices to more aggressively photosynthesis the carbon in the air then using those plants as fuel in processes that immediately capture the carbon release Technologica: deploying machines to remove carbon from the atmosphere which is called carbon capture and storage, already exist but they only reverse the arrow of industrial time

Is there a moral choice in IR?

No moral choice: hard core realists say this. They say there is no moral choice because morality is a function of society and international politics is like the state of nature. (anarchy) Thucydides: athenians were poised to crush the little island of milos Athenias were not being just and fair, athenians responded and said the standard of justice depends on the amount of power to compete Strong do what they want and the weak accept what they want Justice depends on power, those with power-> justice those with no power don't. International politics has competition for survival and it's all consuming so there is no moral choice. B. Yes, moral choice exists, even if you see it as self help and anarchy, competition is never so intense that state survival in jeopardy France in the name of global competition adopting english introducing social welfare policies, adopt british culinary things would it still be france? No it wouldn't State survival is territorial identity, identity might be defined with how it behaves in international politics Scandinavian countries, take enormous pride in being good citizens, Norweigans also punch above their weight in national security Banned cluster bombs Athenians did not have to behave like barbarians, didn't have to kill all the men, sell all the women and children, the balance of power explains why the Athenians won but it doesn't explain why they did it. They had the choice to behave like nazis Easy to argue that there is a moral choice.

According to Schwartz, What is the role of framing in talking about climate change? Which frames does Schwartz believe are most effective?

One person (example) will tip the person's behaviors, some people are almost ready to change so seeing the kid with asthma will push them Focus What will be lost and what will be gained Psychic numbing, people feel powerless when they see millions dying, show the one kid and they want to encourage more, more personal approach. To make the dialogue about welfare not wealth, when money is put into the picture it makes them more individualistic and less likely to help, so highlight human consequences not monetary ones. PROSPECT THEORY

According to davenport, Why did this report pose a "conundrum" for the US delegation?

Refusing to approve document to continue coal use puts us at odds with many nations and show it rejecting established science, but the delegation also represents the president who has rejected the science

According to Schwartz,Describe some of the attitudes and tendencies that can make negotiation hard. Does this seem like a realist point of view or a liberal point of view?

Some people are driven by their interest even if rules are set in place (realist) Avoiding anarchy by imposing treaties that show the future, but realists say that is just the nature. Talking about the dilemma will lead people to work together (liberal) Kyoto shoes that if parties don't consider the future, defection is likely and common terms fail to exist. (liberal to talk about the situation) Cooperation is vulnerable and needs to provide incentive for cooperation and cost for defection. Naive realism: one party is right theother is biased and wrong. So they must see the perspective from the other side because they devalue what the other party offers. Real obstacles for negotiated agreements. They play a zero sum game which is hard so they need to include items that both parties don't care about equally.

According to Wallace Wells,the analogy of World War II mobilization to capture the level of effort required. Extend this analogy. If that's the level of effort required, what might to take to initiate it?

Something crazy like pearl harbor has to happen in order for people to take it seriously. It's a challenge to get everyone on board, everyone has to be on board like they were during ww1. They all turned their minds toward the relevant threat, the two major powers got together and allied. We need that today. An undeniable threat needs to happen so they start to take it seriously.

According to Cole,How would Cole critique the idea that photos are for the "greater good?"

Still, photographic reportage has the power to quicken the conscience and motivate political commitments However, people can lie because in the pictures like the one above, it seems like it's all okay however, it's not and people are suffering it leaves out the question of "good for who: it seems like the pictures become skewed for what they want you to see.

According to Schwartz, What resources is the "commons" a good analogy for? Where does the analogy seem less apt?

TRAGEDY OF THE GLOBAL COMMONS> 6BILLION PEOPLE ARE SHARING THE WATER The wealthy are overgrazing and the poor can't wait to join them, they're overharvesting things and overplanning things, make benefits that come from these resources smaller. It would be best if the villager was free riding while everyone else showed restraint and didn't make him get another cow, but everyone wants to be a free riser so they won't restrain and the common is destroyed. States and individuals benefit from being free riders in the short term: if you do the wrong thing but it keeps you even, at least you aren't doing the right thing and losing. But in the long term if you keep doing the wrong thing everyone loses, can't sustain those who depend on it.

Is failure to stop climate change a crime or tragedy?

The actual science has been around since 1957 saying theoretically how climate change could happen, not a new thing. Fossil fuel companies that their products kill people but doing something about it fights their profit, they fight science and legislation about climate change. People who have the presidents ear are oil refinery owners, gas billionaires, they want to make more money. Maybe its a crime or a tragedy of the commons. The basic thing is that it's in no one's individual short term interest to pay for it. Politics is driven by self interest. Wallace wells: most of the people who interest we are demanding action rent here, they haven't been born yet, bc the areas most affected are the poorest, we need the poorest and least represented. Rise of the populist movements

According to Goodman, Who is receiving the benefits of free trade?

The employers, they're hiring cheap to increase profit. People with advanced degrees and stock options and need for accountants benefit, the ordinary laborers suffer from economic anxiety.

According to Huntington, What's Hunington's argument and who is he arguing against?

The fundamental source of conflict is not ideological or primarily economic in the world. It is the great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict is CULTURAL. Criticizing realism: states aren't the reason, its culture Arguing liberalism: to situate in this time, all of these people were optimistic, the world is going to be perfect You're wrong it's going to be bad Also says countries don't matter, and the political barriers don't matter, what lead to conflict and relative is cultural similarities, refutes the democratic peace theory.

What was the Berlin Conference?

The meeting where European countries gathered to discuss how to colonize Africa, who gets what, marks colonialism. To be a colony, it meant foreigners come in , take over your community by force, create their own government in their national and then make locals adapt to customs bu telling them that they're inferior so that it is appropriate to be ruled by you. (boot) - 1. No indigenous role in government( -2. Don't give the indigenous ppl and education (education leads to trouble) 3. Design economy to fit imperial needs not subject needs (tax, policies, exploit land and labor)

According to Vogelstein, what role should the US play in promoting female participation in the economy? What role is the US currently playing? OR IS IT LIBERAL IMPERIALISM?

The united states needs to use its international clout and foreign aid budget to drive legal reform, not just at home but in other countries where women are inhibited. THE US should start by trying development assistance to progress on women's economic participation(upholds the administration's commitment to efficient public spending) Encourage similar reforms within economic institutions. Washington should draw attention to the persistent legal barriers that continue to impede women's economic opportunity and broader economic growth.

According to appiah, Are cosmopolitans that favor their country or their group over others hypocrites?

They can be both? Do they favorite their own countries over others? No , if you have the choice to feed your child to one you've never met, so there is a difference between giving the one thing to other child then trying to create structures that benefit your family over other people, cosmos build to benefit the whole world.

According to Schwartz,Why does sacrifice need to be "publicly verifiable"?

They care about overall sacrifice but also what OTHER states sacrifice. They don't want to be the only ones losing so they have to see that others have lost something too. A comparative advantage concern and fairness too. People just want to know they're on the same boat. However they are adaptable and will get over it.

According to Goodman,Why might some workers see programs like "Trade Adjustment Assistance" as inadequate? What are the alternatives?

They never get their shit Supposed to support workers whose jobs are casualties of overseas competition. Majority is jobless, its ineffective Alternative is to join something that is your targeted industries. "civilized"

According to Vogelstein, encourages US policymakers to ignore "the naysayers who claim that promoting gender equality constitutes cultural imperialism." Why?

Those assertions ignore the proliferation of domestic groups fighting for women's inclusion around the world, also overlooks the persuasive economic case for female inclusion which is already happening. Women's economic participation improves societies and drives growth., leveling the playing field is not a matter of fairness it's what needs to be done.

according to davenport, What steps does this report suggest?

Transform the world economy but it would cost $54 trillion so its politically unlikely. Higher taxes and prices on carbon dioxide would be required. Us plans to withdraw from the Paris agreement meant to prevent global warming more than 3. 6 degrees. Greenhouse pollution must be reduced by 45% from 2010 by 2030 and 100% by 2050. Must get rid of coal, mostly at fault for it.

According to Goodman, What explains the gap between voter perceptions on trade and reality?

Voting gap is partisan Doubts that free trade creates jobs, raises wages and increased prices. Laborers lose jobs as imported goods arrived. Only 13% of job losses can be accredited to trade

According to Wallace Wells, why are humans like gods?

We are the deciders of whether things will suffer or not, we have the power to change the future. WE hold the fate in our hands. To stay under 2 degrees, we need a comprehensively decarbonized economy with renewable energy, reimagined system of agriculture & no meat.

According to Schwartz,.What is the "tyranny of small decisions"?

When deciding whether to add another cow to your herd, you are choosing to destroy a common resource in order to get a little more milk, if you are faced with this choice you might refrain. The choice you see is a little more milk in exchange for a little less grass (good deal) Commons problems are marked by individual and collective interests between short term and long term interests

According to Cole,Is photography a "force for liberation" or "an obedient appendage of state power"? IS there a responsible way of taking photos of suffering?

With the misconstrued photographs it's a force of liberation. While it's actually an obedient appendage of state power. The pictures should elicit questions like "why have I allowed this to happen" going over the pity and abjection

According to Appiah can one be both cosmopolitan and a patriot?

Yes, managing multiple citizenships is something everyone has to do. A patriot can feel strongly in some moments about the fate of the earth just like how they already care about the prospects of a city For the great liberal nationalists of the 19th century, patriotism was ultimately a vehicle for cosmopolitanism. Ppl claimed that they were rootless: this reflects moral blindness but also intellectual confusion. It's about sharing but you need something to bring into the table. Cosmos also respect the rights of others to be different than themselves, every human being matter, the universalism at the heart of cosmopolitanism is not optional, committed to the idea that individuals and societies have the right to settle for themselves many questions about what it is worthwhile and many features of their social arrangements.

According to Liberals, Marxists and realists, does the WTO work?

Yes. R: US is a hegemony and us wanted democratic free trade and capitalist and they got it because they're a hegemonies and could mandate these things L: they value the important of free trade ideas. Noting natural about the post war system becoming capitalist free traders. It shows a trump of liberal ideas M: Capitalism leads to liberal free trade ideas., not a coincidence that capitalist powers want free trade.

According to Huntington, what separates within state conflict and between state conflict?

conflict with india and muslim is a between country confluct and hunington says that this poves his point that countries dont matter and it will happen regardless, also palestine and israe, their culture is dominant and aligned ith the westn wil palis is aligned with the islamic world Conflict in civilizations Iraq war (9/11 attack) Yugoslavia also goes with conflict between according to huntington, but to bree its within, but he notices the religion part of it But the conflict of the serbs and croats is here too Within: sunni and shi'te conflict: in iraq, also saudi arabia and yemen Iran and saudi Arabia, north and south korean conflict Rwandan genocride is within. Criticism: it doesn't explain the conflict of conflict that we see. Countries not only fight for their beliefs it could be over territory or resources

What is the response to globalization? gdmn

don't exaggerate the mobility of corporation because its not really all bout rent and taxes or everything would be gone. Seattle has a comparative advantage in its natural that gives an incentive to maintain what they have comparative advantage in Over Development and transportation problems, if Seattle can maintain its comparative advantage it'll continue to attract corporation

According to Gilpin, wtf goes on

he's a mercantilist, use trade to make them better off, more and more money . Conflict at hand is powerful economic and technological forces are creating a highly interdependent world economy, diminishing the traditional significance of national boundaries. Conflict of our era is between ethnonationalism and geocentric technology Gilpin: relationship between economics and politics is reciprocal Politics determines framework of economic activity and channels it in directions intended to serve the interests of dominant groups; the exercise of power in all its forms = determinant of the economic system Economic process itself redistributes power and wealth and transforms power relationships among groups.

According to Goodman, How has globalization become problematic over time?

imports = less jobs here china's development of turning farmland into factories in their inclusion of the WTO Wto put us in competition with mexico where wages were lower and labor rights and environmental standards were minimal. Ppl want to set up shop there.

According to Schwartz, what is prospect theory?

losses hurt more than wins help. Whether you participate in further talks depends on how good you feel about the one you just completed. If you feel like you failed you won't come back for more. You have to make it so that everyone "wins." In lecture:Also introduces prospect theory: people are risk acceptant in a domain of loss, i'll take the gamble if i'm losing anyway. Framing also changes the outcome Psychic numbing: facts are so hard to deal with, 1 child being shown would have a larger effect

What is cap and trade?

make people pay for their pollution, no long pollute the commons tax free. American and canadian conservatives came up with it. Used it to address acid rain in the 1980s, came up with this John mccain endorsed the cap and trade,saying that in 2008 was widely accepted, but that's not the world we are in anymore 1. Carbon credits: hypothetical: power plants create 15 tons of carbon and the government capts it to 14tons and gives them carbon credits to cover what they produce, and sell the carbon credits that goes over 2 years later they lower it and give them more credits, incentive to do a different type of energy source Liberals like this because it's a market in carbon, Not the state reaching in saying what needs to be done. 2. Theory: price goes up, emissions down, generates revenue for alt energy 3. EU's attempt (2005). . . mistakes EU created the first one in 2005 and made some mistakes along the way: they asked them how much and they all lied so the economy collapsed Quebec joined california's market, auctioned their carbon credits, sold all their credits at $16, Ontario just joined, want a nafta for climate markets, want to put the chinese and mexico in. One huge carbon parkey there are also 10 small east coast states that are pricing their carbon of $5. 4. California, possible world carbon market that aligns private/national/intrntl interests A tax that EVERYONE will have to pay in the world, no national borders. 5. Carbon tax: Britain, BC and Canada Prices per metric ton of CO2 April 2019 & share of emissions covered Tax on carbon, not a market Britain has done this

What was the struggle for independence in Africa?

some were able to be peacefully free, but there were people like French who didn't want to give up French did not want to give up their colonies so the vietnamese, fought a long bloody war and it wasn't until ho chi minh (din bin fou) that they got independence from french and still didn't have freedom from us 1954-1962 french would not give up algeria, movie focuses on french battle to maintain control over them. Not allowed to be shown in french In 2003 pentagon had a filming of this to see what it's like to see the occupying power.

According to Appiah, "What good are roots if you can't take them with you? "Elsewhere has never been so important." Why?

the solution is to have roots that span from each horizon and this would ensure that wherever one goes and whatever problems one is facing, they would always have roots to support them in the big picture. - Climate change Elsewhere: other spheres of influence are also affected by global issues- need to work together to address them (tragedy of the commons) Huntington: Civilization Appiah: elsewhere

According to Goodman, Why is the impact of trade in Europe uneven among different countries even with social programs?

unemployment benefits, housing subsidies and government-provided health care are far more generous than in the United States. European workers fared better because in wealthy countries like germany, netherlands, sweden, and denmark, unemployment benefits, housing subsidies, and gov provided healthcare are more genergout than the united states. In 5 years the family who has lost a job i the us has 25% of the benefits that an eu worker would receive.

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