Police and Society Final Exam

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Graham v. Connor (1989)

"Force must be objectively reasonable in view of all the facts and circumstances of each case


# and functions of police women increased

Male officers cost the city of Las Vegas ______________ and female officers cost it __________ in citizen complaints

$64 million and $3 million

Tennessee v. Garner

- Outlawed fleeing felon practice - "Defense of life" standard - Led to 50% reduction in people killed by police

African Americans in 2007

-12% of police force -result of pressure from black community -1960s riots

Force is improper when:

-PO physically assaults citizen and doesn't make arrrest -Citizen does not resist officer -Large number of police present and could have assisted in subduing suspect -Citizen resisted but use of force continued after subdued -Methods other than force could be used to subdue suspect

Departments have discriminated against women/minorities in

-assignments -employment -promotions -social acceptance

Racial/ethnic officers

-better able to relate to citizens -reduce discrimination and police/community tensions

Sexual Harassment

-common -duty assignment based on gender -avoid men because it might be viewed as having a sexual connotation -significant source of stress for female officers

Community Policing

-improve police/community relations -women, minorities, and LGBTQ embrace community policing

LGBTQ Officers

-lesbians treated better than gays -believe they don't receive equal credit -harassed by coworkers -lack political backing

African Americans in 1940

-less than 1% of police force

Female activity

-make fewer arrests -write less tickets -use less force

Development of women in policing

-moral basis -importance of volunteers -specialist work -gender control -strongest opposition came from rank and file officers

Predictors of police force

-presence of bystanders -suspect/officer gender -increased number of police -previous arrest for a violent offense -suspect use of force -gang involvement -drug/alcohol impairment -suspect carrying a weapon


-specific recruitment strategies -equal plan for selection, assignment, promotions

Percent of citizens that had force used against them in most recent traffic stop


Life expectancy of officers

10 years less than average American citizen (66 years old)

during the ____________, there were five years of riots that involved African American and the police


Lola Baldwin

1st female officer (1905)

Alice Stebbins Wells

1st social worker (1910)

Percent of officers that may have serious drinking problems


_________ officers commit suicide a year


overall, roughly ___ in 10 blacks and 3 in 10 Hispanics believe they have been unfairly stopped by the police simply because of their race and ethnicity


Percent that said force used was improper


the Asian population grew from about 4% in 2000, to about ________ in 2014.


the percentage of non-Hispanic Whites was:

62% in 2014

Number of police contacts with public in 2011

63 million

Percent of officers who believe their work is stressful


Percent of officers that are white


Percent of police marriages that end in divorce


Percent of officers that are male



Accept female officers on case by case basis


Accept female officers rather easily (younger, more educated)

Threat Assessment Characteristics

Age Size Strength Weapon Availability of backup

Criminal Justice Practices and Characteristics (stressors)

Court appearances Dismissed charges Lenient sentences

1968- first women on patrol

Elizabeth Coffal and Betty Blankenship

Officers rank at the top of professions in rates of:

Gastrointestinal problems Hypertension Cardiovascular problems Heart disease Immunology problems Psychiatric problems Diabetes

Organizational Practices and Characteristics (stressors)

Lack of recognition Poor training Poor policies and procedures

Barriers to help

Machismo "stuffing it" distrust of department provided assistance

Public Practices and Characteristics (stressors)

Negative or distorted media image Lack of support

Importance of representativeness

Police should represent all interests Improve public opinion about police (less brutality, less fear of police, more trust)

Variations in Police Stressors

Position Age Gender Race


Resistant to female officers (older)

Job related issues contributing to family dysfunction:

Rotating shifts Unpredictable work environment Job-related personal change Community expectations and demands Intrusion into family life

Police Work (stressors)

Shift work Boredom Fear/danger Work overload

Death by _____________ is at least 2x as common as death in line of duty



a category of deadly force where the police use a deadly weapon and the person is wounded but do not die.


a category of deadly force where the police use a deadly weapon and, as a result, the person dies.


a category of deadly force where the police use a deadly weapon but the person against who it is directed is not injured.

legal cynicism

a cultural orientation in which the law and the agents of its enforcement are viewed as illegitimate, unresponsive, and ill equipped to ensure public safety


a feeling about a person or persons based on faulty generalizations

Acute Stress

a form of high level distress caused by sudden emergencies.

Chronic Stress

a form of low level distress (accumulative) that includes the day to day routine of the job.


a form of psychological coercion to secure information.

Situational Danger

a particular problem on the job.

Peer Counseling Program

a program in which officers who are specially trained to recognize problems associated with stress from critical incidents provide support to colleagues and make referrals as necessary.

Reengineering Training

a program that includes when to use force, emphasis on deescalation and crisis intervention training (CIT).

Post traumatic Stress Disorder

a psychological disorder/ state caused by frequent or prolonged exposure to crises or trauma.

Continuum of Force

a range of possible responses police officers use from mere presence to deadly force according to the intensity of resistance of suspects.

Physiological Stress

a state resulting from physical, chemical, or emotional factors that can cause biological diseases such as high blood pressure and ulcers.

Extralegal Police Aggression

acts committed by an officer that are intended to injure someone physical or psychologically with no legitimate police function.

60% of suicides due to


New York Police Departments policies related to stop and frisk:

allow the police to target racial and ethnic minorities - "the policy is either accidentally, incidentally, or purposely racist, however you slice it" according to Councilman Jumanne Williams.


an aggressive intervention of the state into the affairs of citizens.

Stressor Outcome Model

an approach to police stress based on the premise that circumstance of strain or tension lead to psychological or physiological.

Social Supports Model

an approach to police stress based on the premise that individuals are insulated against stressors when they have a support network of friends, family, and coworkers.

Person Initiated Danger

an attack against a police officer by another person.

Psychological Stress

anxiety, which may challenge the individual's ability to handle or cope with the situation.

Unequal Treatment

assignments (high crime for minority officers) arrest powers evaluations (negative towards women because it is based on numerical arrests) promotions hiring (hired at lower rates than men) assignments for women (clerical, juveniles, domestic violence, sex offenses)

Character Flaw Theory

calls for the denunciation and dismissal of officers with and alcohol problem because they reflect badly on the department's reputation and legitimacy.

Anabolic Steriods

can cause more aggression, can lead to severe psychological and physical problems.

Fleeing Felon Rule

common law doctrine authorizing the use of deadly force to capture an escaped felon or someone hastening from the scene of a suspected grave crime.

verbal abuse by police officers remains to be one of the most prevalent _________.

complaints - racial or ethnic slurs not only demean citizens but also deny them equal treatment.

Processing Stage

concerned with decisions made during the interaction between contact and exit.

police-community relations

consists of both human and public relations. There is not a single large homogenous group that is "the public", but many diverse publics, groups that are identifiable by geography, race, gender, age, social class, respect for law and order, and degree of law-abiding behavior.

Critical Incident Debriefing

counseling services provided to officers after an extremely stressful event.

In major US cities such as NY, Chicago, and Los Angeles, jails have become ____________ mental institutions, because there are so many mentally ill on the streets.

de facto


decisions, statements, and plns made by managment in an attempt to influence public opinion

occupational discrimination

discrimination that results, in part at least, from being a meber of a particular work group

Police Brutality

excessive force including violence that do not support a legitimate police function.

Command Voice

firmly spoken order.

legislations such as the mandatory data collection may cause officers to:

focus on exactly the characteristics they should ignore as a basis for mkaing stops or arrests. Such reporting clearly causes officers to focus on racial and ethnic characteristics precisely because they have to record them. Officers must learn to note the racial and ethnic data once the stop has occurred, not as a reason for the stop.

Legal Use of Force

force that occurs within legal guidelines to effect an arrest, in self-defense, and to prevent an escape

public relations

from the police perspective, they include all of the activities in which police engage while attempting to develop or maintain a favorable public image

Perceived Danger

harm that an officer of the public believes to be potential in a situation.

Potential Danger

harm that could exist in a situation.

Environmental Factors

having to do with the community and neighborhood where the police do their work.

Third Degree

historical term for coercive police methods used to obtain confessions.

Hawaii, New Mexico, California, Texas, and Washington DC have high levels of:

immigration and have more than 50% racial and ethnic minority

Compressed Workweek Shifts (CWW)

implementing 10-12 hour shifts instead of 8.

Rodney King

in the 1990s, was beaten by Los Angeles police officers.

More than half of the ten year growth in the total US population was due to:

increase in the Hispanic population. There were 57.7 million US Hispanic projected in 2015 compared to 49.7 million in 2000. if present trends continue, estimates are that non-Hispanic Whites will account for no more than half of the population by 2044.

The minority population:

increased from 86.9 million to 111.9 million between 2000 and 2010, representing a 29% increase. Asians and Hispanics continued to be the two fastest-growing minorities. In 2010, California had the largest minority population in the nation with 22.3 million, followed by Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinoiss. Time will tell if these trends continue.

Sensitization Training

instructing of an officer to be aware of the problems of victims as well as their own victimization. should be conducted early in their careers.

Suicide Prevention Training

instruction aimed at reducing police suicides by recognizing depression, developing communication skills, resolving conflicts, and maintaining close relationships.


involves behavior that, in its negative form, excludes all members of a certain group from some rights, opportunities, or privileges

Felonious Killings

killings most often committed with a gun.

Accidental Deaths

killings that occur most often due to car accidents.

Conflicts with the Community

law and departmental policy may consider police use of force appropriate but the majority of the community does not.

Deadly Force

level of force capable of killing a person, used to incapacitate a suspect who presents an immediate and potentially deadly threat to an officer or other person.

Excessive Force

more violence than is needed to carry out a legitimate police task.


negative stress.


occurs anytime the police require citizens to act in a particular way.

Excessive Force

occurs when an officer uses force in an amount or frequency greater than necessary to gain compliance from a subject

Risk factors

older alcoholic troubled relationships impending retirement physical illness

Mere Presence

operates on the assumption that the visible authority of the state is sufficient to determine wrongdoing.


persuasive use of words to control a situation.

Impact Techniques

physical contact between the suspect and an officer's body or less-lethal device intended to knock down or incapacitate a dangerous suspect.

Firm Grip

physical grasps of the body to direct a suspect when and where to move.


placed powerful administrative and ethical controls on the behavior of line officers.

racial profiling was defined in the Gallup poll as:

police officers stop motorists of certain racial or ethnic groups because the officers believe that these groups are more likely than others to commit certain types of crimes - 59% of all of the adults surveyed believed this practice to be widespread, regardless of the respondents race or ethnicity. in addition, 81% of the respondents disapproved of this practice

Defense of Life

policies that restrict the use of deadly force to those situations in which the officer's life or that of another person is in jeopardy or to prevent the escape of a person who is extremely dangerous.


positive stress.


preconceived notions based on prior encounters, word of mouth/rumor/gossip, and information provided by the media. Stereotypes influence the nature of interaction.

Firearms Training Systems and Professional Range Instruction

presents trainees with scenarios whose outcomes are uncertain and typically call for the unholstering of a weapon or to not call for discharge of a weapon and do not shoot training.

mandatory data collection:

primarily in response to the racial profiling issues associated with the late 1990s and early 2000s, the federal government and each individual state mandated that law enforcement agencies maintain data regarding various demographic issues during police stops of vehicles

Due Process

provides legalized means that police are permitted to use the pursue suspected criminals and to deal with citizens and suspects.

failure to respond _____ to calls in ghetto or barrio areas has also been an issue


successful community relations depend on



refers to the fact that the police are public employees and are therefore accountable to the public for their actions


refers to the provision of appropriate police services promplty and competently, with appropriate referrals in cases not within agency jurisdiction

two key terms related to police success in multicultural relations are:

responsiveness and accountability

10x greater risk if


90% of suicides involve

service weapons

Police Stressors

sources of stress for police, including department practices and the inherent nature of police work.

Working Notions of Normal Force

standards of acceptable force learned on the streets.

Exit Stage

strategies used to end contact with the citizen.

Actual Danger

strong likelihood of harm in a situation based on the actual numbers and rates of deaths and injuries that resulted from similar situations.

The Police Public Contact Survey (PPCS)

surveys a nationally representative sample of 16 years or older asking about their contacts with the police during 12 months prior to the interview.

Contact Stage

tactical choices made when officers first approach citizens.


techniques that involve the use of communication and tactics designed to provide officers with time when dealing with combative suspects, the mentally ill, or distraught persons.

Organizational Culture

the assumptions police have developed in learning to cope with the problems they confront.

the national population is aging:

the elderly constitute an increasing proportion of our population. A new type of generation gap is arising with most people over the age of 60 being non-Hispanic Whites.

Use of Force

the legal authority to maintain order, demand compliance, detain individuals, use weapons and if necessary inflict violence. police are granted this authority to shield victims from dangerous felons to control unruly, hostile, or physically abusive citizens and to protect immediate threats to human life.

psychological harassment

the most common form of harassment. Harassment based on the use of racial slurs and other attempts to embarrass or humiliate members of the minority group.

Danger Ratio

the number of harmful encounters divided by total number of activities.


the process of putting the policies into action

Psychological Force

the use of nonphysical methods of coercion, particularly to obtain an admission of guilt from a suspect.

according to the US census Bureau in 2010, slightly more than one-third of the population reported:

their race and ethnicity as something other than non-Hispanic White

some facilities for the mentally ill will only accept someone if they are willing to receive treatment


Departmental Factors

values, practices, and policies of political leaders and police managers that influence the frequency of deadly force.

Pain Compliance

various techniques are taught that enable officers to cause pain without lasting injury.

Conducted Energy Devices (CED)

weapons designed to disrupt a subject's central nervous system through the use of electrical energy.

Less Lethal Weapons

weapons that are intended to knock down or incapacitate a dangerous suspect who has not responded to other techniques.

Conflicts Between Norms

when an officer's behavior meets the expectations of some segments of the community, but is inconsistent with law and departmental policy.


when officers learn from other officers on the job the accepted methods and ways of thinking about their safety and use of force.

Definitional Regulation

when the officer asks questions or make accusations. defines the situation as an officer chooses, or diverts attention.

Imperative Regulation

when the officer gives orders. officer acts in a commanding way and uses force through grammatical form, tone of voice, etc.

Coercive Regulation

when the officer threatens or uses force.


when the police are given direction by the department including training.

Conflicts Over Policy

when there are differences between law and departmental policy

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