Policing in Free Society CJUS 203 Exam 1 T/F

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Unlike the Americans who lived in the colonial era, today's American citizens are not concerned with protecting their individual rights; they prioritize public safety above all else.


A major criticism of police unions is that they have a tendency to solely focus on seniority as opposed to performance and are reluctant to implement change within organizations.


Currently, most police academies offer training in community policing.


Early police preparation programs included coursework on topics such as the natural sciences, psychology, and chemistry.


From the late 1800s into the early 1900s, virtually no training was provided to new police officers.


Hiring more female officers reduces a department's risk for excessive use of force by officers.


If an officer were to move from a very rural area where very little money is invested in policing to an area that is more populated and has more money invested in police, the officer will likely find himself or herself having to learn how to use newer equipment and technology.


If major errors are made in a police report such that charges must be dropped against an offender, it may be attributed to the fact that recruits receive the least amount of training on writing reports.


In general, task forces are temporary and not intended to be a long-term organizational structure.


In recent years, public-sector workers typically have higher union membership rates than private-sector workers.


In some areas, it is possible that a police department consists of only one person.


In some police departments, there is no maximum age limit to apply to become a police officer.


It is more difficult to retain well-qualified female employees in the workforce than it is to hire them.


It is possible for the actions of a single police officer to negatively reflect on all police officers.


It is the responsibility of the responding officer to quickly and accurately determine when a citizen is suffering from some sort of mental or behavioral disorder.


Lack of trust in police may lead to decreased police legitimacy and greater challenges for police to retain order in the community.


Mainstream media and pop culture tend to focus on the law enforcement aspects of policing, whereas the majority of officers' time is actually spent on order maintenance and service to the public.


Many police departments have eliminated the use of physical agility tests in the hiring process.


Officers of color often have concerns about their job being accepted both in the police force and in their families and community.


Patrol is typically the largest component of any police department.


Police departments participate in accreditation evaluation by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) on a voluntary basis.


Police officers with a college education are more ethical than officers without the same education.


Rank structure is another term for the phrase "chain of command."


Recruitment, hiring, and training a new police officer costs an agency as much as $100,000.


Sir Robert Peel established in his principles of policing that the public's cooperation diminishes greatly with the increase in need to use physical force.


The process of using tests that deliberately disadvantage one group of applicants is a sign that a greater issue known as institutional discrimination is present within an agency.


When supervisors do not attend the same training as lower-ranking officers, conflict can occur.


A police agency may spend as much as $500,000 on the process of recruiting, hiring, and training a single officer.


Basic-recruit training typically lasts about 2 years.


Changes in political climate or public opinion do not affect how police departments function.


Height requirements were one of the few requirements that typically operated as an advantage to minority and female applicants in policing.


If a new officer is performing poorly during training but before the probationary period has ended, it is difficult to terminate the employee.


In 2020, the majority of police officers will be from Generation X.


In general, a benefit to bringing more women into policing is that they are more socially skilled, emotionally sensitive, and people focused than male officers traditionally have been.


In the majority of fatal police-involved shootings of citizens, the deceased citizen was unarmed.


It can be expected that state police will be equally as involved in the day-to-day lives of citizens as municipal police officers or county sheriff's deputies are.


It is against federal antidiscrimination guidelines to use findings from the medical examination of a police officer applicant as a means of disqualifying their application from proceeding further through the hiring process.


It is illegal to offer incentive pay for the successful recruitment and hiring of minorities into police departments.


It is in the best interest of police departments to offer training courses to senior-level personnel as a reward for longevity.


It is unnecessary for police in small cities to establish a plan to respond to potential terrorist attacks.


Law enforcement officer is an accurate and comprehensive term that describes the day-to-day duties of police officers.


Multiple-hurdle tests are the most challenging component of the physical strength and endurance test of a police officer candidate.


One major piece of legislation intended to remove government interference and regulation from the process of policing was the Pendleton Act.


Police chiefs are hired based on performance alone.


Police officers without a college education are more likely to make an arrest in citizen interactions than their college-educated counterparts.


Presently, the Uniform Crime Reports has a subsection dedicated to collecting data on fatal police shootings.


Sheriffs, like members of municipal and state-level law enforcement agencies, are persons who have voluntarily placed themselves in a position of service to their community in the capacity of sheriff.


The Reconstruction era after the Civil War was a pivotal event that marked the beginning of modern police militarization.


The higher one rises on the policing pyramid structure, the more he or she is exposed to actual police work.


The majority of federal law enforcement agencies require only a high school diploma to be considered for employment.


The notion that a national police force would allow too much power to be held by the government dates back to the ancient Greeks.


The origin of police militarization dates back to medieval times.


The original purpose of the U.S. Secret Service was to protect the president.


The skills required of a police chief are identical to those required of new recruits and lower-ranking supervisors.


There is a strong correlation between a college education and formal policies for consideration of promotion in police agencies.


To date, the chief of police is typically the chief law enforcement officer and an elected official in the county in which he or she serves.


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