Political Parties, Interest Groups, Media and Mexico Test Review

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Which of the following are differences between parties and interest groups? I. Parties run candidates for office, interest groups do not. II. Parties usually address a broader range of political issues than do interest groups. III. PACs are political arms of interest groups, but are not formally tied to parties. IV. Interest groups are more likely to be concerned about non-political interests in common than are political parties. Select one: a. I, II, and III only b. I and III only c. I, II, III, and IV d. II, III, and IV only e. I and II only

I, II, III, and IV

Which of the following are examples of linkage institutions? I. Political Parties II. Interest Groups III. The media IV. The Supreme Court Select one: a. I, II, III, and IV b. I, II, and III only c. II and III only d. IV only e. I and II only

I, II, and III only

Which of the following eras in American political history were dominated by the Democratic Party? I. 1789-1829 II. 1829-1861 III. 1861-1933 IV. 1933-1969 Select one: a. III and IV only b. II and IV only c. II and III only d. I and III only e. I, II, and III only

II and IV only

Divided government has characterized American government Select one: a. during most of the 20th century b. only during the 19th century c. since its beginnings d. primarily during times of war and economic depression e. since the late 1960s

since the late 1960s

A caudillo is a leader who provides Select one: a. democracy, but not stability b. little for the people and takes resource wealth for himself c. stability, but not individual freedoms d. military protection at the cost of economic advancement e. economic advancement at the cost of individuality

stability, but not individual freedoms

Over the past 30 years per capita income and levels of development have increased significantly in Select one: a. the states of the former Soviet Union in central Asia b. the Asian Tigers c. Sub-Saharan Africa d. Scandinavia e. Central America

the Asian Tigers

The 2006 presidential election challenged the legitimacy of the political system because Select one: a. most observers believed there was a great deal of fraud b. no other party seriously challenged PRI for the presidency c. very few people actually voted in the election d. the PRD candidate refused to concede defeat e. it was controlled by the military

the PRD candidate refused to concede defeat

Historically the involvement of the military in the patron-client system served as a precedent for the miltary's modern day involvement in Select one: a. election campaigns b. the drug trade c. para-statal control d. cabinet and bureaucracy appointments and policy e. immigration restrictions

the drug trade

One reason for the persistance of a two-party system in the United States is Select one: a. the separation of powers b. the single-member district electoral system c. the lack of a strong labor movement d. low voter turnout in most elections e. the lack of divisive issues in United States politics

the single-member district electoral system

Which of the following demographic groups has voted most consistently for the Democratic Party in national elections over the last three decades? Select one: a. African Americans b. Wealthy White males c. Southern White males d. Protestants e. Hispanics

African Americans

The main ethnic cleavage in Mexico today is between Select one: a. Amerindians and mulattoes b. Europeans and mulattoes c. mestizos and mulattoes d. Amerindians and mestizos e. Amerindians and Europeans

Amerindians and mestizos

Which of the following is the best general description of the founders' attitudes toward political parties? Select one: a. A two-party system is best suited to the American political culture. b. A multi-party system is preferable to a two-party system. c. Parties are a necessary component within a democratic political system. d. Parties should not just be tolerated but should be encouraged to grow through government financial support. e. At best, parties are a necessary evil and should be avoided if at all possible.

At best, parties are a necessary evil and should be avoided if at all possible.

Which of the following accurately compares the Mexican and British political systems? Select one: a. Britain is a federalist system; Mexico is a unitary system. b. Britain has a parliamentary system; Mexico has a presidential-parliamentary system. c. Para-statals are important in the British system, but they are not very important in Mexico. d. Britain is a corporatist state; Mexico is not. e. Britain has a parliamentary system; Mexico has a presidential system.

Britain has a parliamentary system; Mexico has a presidential system.

Which of the following best describes the media's influence in shaping what people believe about the American political system? Select one: a. By increasing public attention to specific problems, the media affects the issues that the public thinks are important. b. Local media are more likely to shape political attitudes than are national media sources. c. The media is primarily responsible for the recent liberalizing trend in American political attitudes. d. All major research has shown that the media has only a marginal effect on public opinion. e. Media information is probably the most important factor in determining how citizens vote in popular elections.

By increasing public attention to specific problems, the media affects the issues that the public thinks are important.

Which president was known for nationalizing the banks and setting the exchange rate? Select one: a. Salinas b. Calderon c. Cardenas d. Zedillo e. Madrid


Which of the following is the best indication that Mexico's government still tends to be authoritarian? Select one: a. Democratic reforms have not been in place for very many years. b. The country has experienced little economic liberalization. c. The country's elections are still as corrupt as they ever were. d. The Mexican press is still controlled almost completely by the government. e. There is still not much competition among the major political parties.

Democratic reforms have not been in place for very many years.

A repealed law that required the media to provide all views of public issues was called the Select one: a. Reasonable Access Rule. b. Prior Restraint Doctrine. c. Fairness Doctrine. d. Equal Opportunities Rule. e. Sunshine Laws.

Fairness Doctrine.

The first president after the dominance of the PRI faded was Select one: a. Calderon b. Salinas c. Zedillo d. Fox e. Madrid


Which of the following statements best compares ethnic protests in Mexico with those in China? Select one: a. Both countries tend to have the most probelms with protests in their capital cities. b. In Mexico most protests have happened in the north; in China most protests have happened in the south. c. Neither country has had any significant protest movements during the last few decades. d. In Mexico most protests have happened in the south; in China most protests have happened in the west. e. Both countries have had the most protests in rural areas with jungle environments.

In Mexico most protests have happened in the south; in China most protests have happened in the west.

In order to build a modern state in Mexico in the early 20th century, PRI politicians had to contend with the power of all the following EXCEPT Select one: a. monarchists b. hacienda landowners c. the religious hierarchy d. Indian farmers e. foreign investors

Indian farmers

Which of the following statements about a social movement is true? Select one: a. It refers specifically to the political order. b. It is a twentieth-century phenomenon. c. It is a widely shared demand for change. d. It is a small group seeking minor changes. e. It must have liberal goals.

It is a widely shared demand for change.

Mexico faced an uncharacteristically unstable year in 1994. Which of the following events did NOT occur during that turbulent year? Select one: a. The US Congress placed trade sanctions on Mexico following its annual drug certification process. b. NAFTA was initiated, spurring an armed uprising in Chiapas. c. The presumed incoming President was assassinated while campaigning in Tijuana. d. The peso crashed and many Mexicans lost their accumulated savings. e. Raul Salinas, the President's brother, was charged with killing a top PRI official.

The US Congress placed trade sanctions on Mexico following its annual drug certification process

Which of the following most accurately describes media coverage of elections? Select one: a. Reporters who use secret sources in their campaign coverage are shielded by federal law from having to reveal those sources. b. Network news coverage is usually dominated by reporters who offer relatively short sound bites from the candidates. c. Radio and television stations must provide on their news broadcasts equal time for and equal coverage of major party candidates. d. Coverage of presidential primaries gives relatively equal power to states regardless of when they hold their primaries. e. Coverage tends to focus on issues rather than on which candidate is ahead in public opinion polls.

Network news coverage is usually dominated by reporters who offer relatively short sound bites from the candidates.

Which political party in Mexico is most closely linked to the right ideologically? Select one: a. Socialist b. Communist c. PRI d. PAN e. PRD


Which of the following best describes PAN's representation in the Mexican legislature after the elections of 2009? Select one: a. PAN had a majority in the Senate, but not in the Chamber of Deputies. b. PAN had a majority in the Chamber of Deputies, but not in the Senate. c. PAN had majorities in both houses of the legislature. d. PAN had a plurality in the Senate, but not in the Chamber of Deputies. e. PAN had insignificant numbers in both houses of the legislature.

PAN had a plurality in the Senate, but not in the Chamber of Deputies.

Mexico's state owned oil industry is Select one: a. PEMEX b. NAFTA c. PRI d. PRD e. PAN


Which of the following is NOT a linkage institution in Mexico? Select one: a. PAN b. The national teachers union c. PRI d. PEMEX e. PRD


Which political party in Mexico is most closely linked to the left ideologically? Select one: a. PAN b. PRD c. Communist d. PRI e. Socialist


Which of the following describes a fundamental difference between political parties and interest groups? Select one: a. Political parties represent broad arrays of issues, whereas interest groups are more likely to focus on narrow sets of issues. b. Political parties tend to have strength in particular regions, whereas the power of interest groups is more consistent across states. c. Political parties are required to disclose their campaign finance activities, whereas interest groups are not. d. Political parties are prohibited from sponsoring campaign advertisements, and interest groups are not. e. Political parties are more likely to focus on national politics, whereas interest groups focus on local politics.

Political parties represent broad arrays of issues, whereas interest groups are more likely to focus on narrow sets of issues.

The electoral system used to fill Mexico's Chamber of Deputies is most similar to that used by the Select one: a. British House of Lords b. Chinese National People's Congress c. Russian Duma d. British House of Commons e. Russian Federation Council

Russian Duma

Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the two major political parties in the United States? Select one: a. Parties are centrally organized to provide a smooth transition from one national campaign to the next. b. Parties are organized much like a large corporation, in that decisions flow from national to state and local levels. c. Parties have no organization except at the national level. d. Local and state parties have virtually no power in the party system. e. Separate and largely independent party organizations exist at national, state, and local levels

Separate and largely independent party organizations exist at national, state, and local levels

Which of the following explanations for the lack of development in a modern country is most likely based on dependency theory? Select one: a. Traditional values hamper development. b. The country has few natural resources, and those that it has are poorly used. c. The political and economic leaders are corrupt. d. The country has been blocked by the greed of more developed countries. e. The country has not enlisted the aid of a more developed country.

The country has been blocked by the greed of more developed countries.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about political parties in the United States? Select one: a. The percentage of voters identifying themselves as either Democrats or Republicans has been declining since the 1970s. b. It is increasingly difficult for third parties to gain more than two percent of the popular vote. c. Most candidates prefer to run as independents rather than as Democrats or Republicans. d. National party organizations are generally the strongest party organizations. e. Parties increasingly identify themselves with coherent ideologies to attract large blocs of voters

The percentage of voters identifying themselves as either Democrats or Republicans has been declining since the 1970s.

Which of the following describes a consequence of the growing concentration of ownership of the news media? Select one: a. Candidates get more free airtime. b. There is increased similarity of network news coverage. c. Newspaper prices have gone down. d. Prices for televised campaign ads have gone down. e. Coverage of political events has gotten more liberal over time.

There is increased similarity of network news coverage.

All of the following are obstacles to the development of an independent judiciary in Mexico EXCEPT: Select one: a. Historically, state courts have not exercised much judicial authority. b. Judges often resign at the beginning of each president's new term, allowing the new president to appoint them all. c. There is no institution in place to exercise judicial review. d. The Mexican Constitution has a relatively low level of legitimacy and is easily amended. e. Judges are perceived by the public as being corrupt.

There is no institution in place to exercise judicial review.

Which of the following best describes the fate of most popular third party movements? Select one: a. They displace one of the two major parties and themselves become major parties. b. Their supporters become frustrated and withdraw from the political process. c. They disintegrate when one or both of the major parties adopt the third party's goals. d. They are ultimately abandoned by the public because their politics are perceived as too radical. e. They remain active participants in the American political system indefinitely.

They disintegrate when one or both of the major parties adopt the third party's goals.

Which of the following is true of political action committees (PACs)? Select one: a. They make campaign contributions to gain access to legislators. b. They are allowed to contribute to only one candidate in a given contest. c. They are a part of political party organizations. d. They effectively control the presidential campaigns. e. They may operate at the state level but not at the national level.

They make campaign contributions to gain access to legislators.

All of the following are indications that more women in Mexico are participating in politics EXCEPT: Select one: a. Two major political parties have sponsored women as presidential candidates. b. A 1997 election law required political parties to sponsor women candidates. c. The number of women in the Chamber of Deputies has risen in recent years. d. PRI has instituted a 50% quota of women for its candidates. e. The number of women senators has risen in recent years.

Two major political parties have sponsored women as presidential candidates.

Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about Mexico's demographic features? Select one: a. Mexico's population is still increasing. b. A large number of people live close to the border between Mexico and the United States. c. A large number of people live along the coasts. d. Very few Mexicans live in large cities. e. Large expanses of land have few inhabitants because of deserts, jungle, and mountains.

Very few Mexicans live in large cities.

Which of the follolwing is the best description of Mexico's system of electing its legislature? Select one: a. strict proportional representation with low minimum winning threshold b. plurality in the upper house and proportional in the lower house c. a combination of first past the post and second past the post in the upper house with a mix of proportional representation and single member district in the lower houseq d. single member district system with runoffs e. strict single member districts, first past the post in both the upper and lower house

a combination of first past the post and second past the post in the upper house with a mix of proportional representation and single member district in the lower houseq

The traditional Mexican rule of the sexenio was instituted to prevent Select one: a. minor parties from winning any elections b. democratic institutions from developing c. PRI from dominating the government d. a dictator from ruling for an indefinite period e. corruption in the political system

a dictator from ruling for an indefinite period

Rapid economic growth in Mexico over the past three decades has led to the issue of Select one: a. a growing gap between the rich and the poor b. sophisticated plans for urban growth and transportation systems c. lack of support for NAFTA d. increasing rates of infant mortality e. a breaking of dependency on the US economy

a growing gap between the rich and the poor

What does the term "divided government" refer to? Select one: a. the contrasting influences of elected vs. non-elected officials on the policymaking process b. a situation in which the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate disagree on major policy issues c. division of power between levels of government d. division of power between the branches e. a legislature controlled by one political party and the executive controlled by the other party

a legislature controlled by one political party and the executive controlled by the other party

The change to an adversarial criminal law system in Mexico means that Select one: a. judges will evaluate evidence produced by prosecutors and convict accused criminals b. police investigators will determine sentences c. prosecutors will have more power to put people behind bars d. accused criminals will now have an active role in their own defense e. jury trials will be nearly eliminated

accused criminals will now have an active role in their own defense

PPP is a statistical tool that estimates the Select one: a. ability of people in a country to afford nonessential goods and services b. amount of inequality that exists among people in the country c. buying power of income across different countries d. total market value of all goods and services produced in the country divided by the population e. total market value of all goods and services produced in the country

buying power of income across different countries

Which of the following definitions is incorrect? Select one: a. capitalinos - residents of Mexico City b. politicos - activists and party officials c. camarillas - female politicians holding important posts in political parties d. tecnicos - weel educated political officials and party leaders e. dinosaurios - experienced political activists who often resist reforms

camarillas - female politicians holding important posts in political parties

The use of the sexenio in Mexican politics was designed to avoid rule by Select one: a. the dedazo b. camarillas c. corporatism d. caudillo e. la mordida


Which of the following best describes the ideology of the PRI? Select one: a. socialist b. center c. communist d. right of center e. left of center


Which of the following best describes the presidential election of 2006? Select one: a. PRD victory b. landslide by the PAN candidate c. close win by the PRI candidate d. landslide for the PRI candidate e. close win by the PAN candidate

close win by the PAN candidate

The PRI traditionally used which strategy to grant an official position within the party to labor, business, and the campesinos, and thus keep them beholden to the party? Select one: a. "electoral alchemy" b. the dedazo c. the pendulum theory d. incremental political reform e. corporatism


The term "horse-race journalism" refers to the tendency of the media to Select one: a. compete to be first with major breaking stories rather than trying to present full, accurate accounts of such stories b. cover policies by concentrating on scandal and corruption rather than on instances for integrity and honorable action c. cover campaigns by emphasizing the relative standings of the candidates in the polls rather than the issues they discuss d. cover Congress by focusing on committee chairs rather than on the work of the committees e. compete for access to sources rather than to cooperate in gathering news

cover campaigns by emphasizing the relative standings of the candidates in the polls rather than the issues they discuss

The largest amount of political coverage in newspapers during presidential campaigns is devoted to Select one: a. day to day campaign activities b. candidates' experience and qualifications c. candidates' policy stands on domestic issues d. the platforms of the major parties e. candidates' stands on foreign policy issues

day to day campaign activities

Vicente Fox's ultimate legacy may be Select one: a. ending the violence in Chiapas b. privatizing PEMEX c. forming the PRD d. defeating the PRI e. instituting IFE

defeating the PRI

Key reforms in opening up the Mexican electoral system included all of the following EXCEPT Select one: a. discontinuing the use of the camarilla political networks b. ending the use of the dedazo in favor of a national party primary c. introducing 200 proportional representation seats to the Chamber of Deputies d. granting the IFE widespread independent monitoring powers over campaign and elections e. doubling the size of the Senate from two members per state to four members per state

discontinuing the use of the camarilla political networks

Mexico's figure in the chart indicates that the country has Select one: a. a large number of workers in the primary sector b. suffered as a result of its years of colonial domination c. employed export oriented industrialization to improve its economy d. employed import substitution to improve its economy e. experienced a good bit of economic liberalization

experienced a good bit of economic liberalization

A major reason for the decline in the power of the PRI has been Select one: a. rapid growth of privatized industry b. a refusal of party leaders to consider political reforms c. economic, social, and educational changes in Mexican society d. the growth of evangelical Protestant religious movements e. increases in oil revenues that PRI leaders controlled

economic, social, and educational changes in Mexican society

The single most important event that stabilized Mexico after the chaos of the early 20th century was the Select one: a. emergence of the tecnicos b. "Mexican Miracle" c. establishment of PRI d. adoption of the Constitution of 1917 e. Cristero Rebellion

establishment of PRI

Since the early 1980s, the Republicans Party platform has been increasingly influenced by Select one: a. evangelical Christians b. labor unions c. environmental activists d. active military officers e. civil libertarians

evangelical Christians

One example of corporatism in Mexico is Select one: a. protesting b. handpicking the presidential successor c. NAFTA d. receiving money for a vote e. striking

receiving money for a vote

Which of the following was NOT a public policy instituted by PRI presidents? Select one: a. privatization b. full employment c. devaluation of the peso d. land redistribution e. bank nationalization

full employment

Which of the following types of interest groups is most likely to have a free rider problem? Select one: a. groups that represent institutions rather than individuals b. groups with broad goals, such as equality or justice c. groups with very large memberships d. a group that does not charge its members' dues e. a small group intensely committed to its causes

groups with very large memberships

The main differences between group and movement politics is that Select one: a. groups work within the system and movements work outside the system. b. groups work outside of the system and movements work with the system. c. groups and movements want the same thing and use the same techniques. d. movements use transformational techniques and groups are completely frustrated with the entire system. e. groups want to completely change the system and movements want minimal, if any change

groups work within the system and movements work outside the system.

The legislative electoral system in Mexico Select one: a. ensures that all viable interest groups are represented b. marginalizes radical parties c. guarantees that legislators are chosen by majorities in their districts d. guarantees that more than one party will be represented in the legislature e. allows parties to choose legislators after the voting

guarantees that more than one party will be represented in the legislature

Mexico is considered to be an NIC, or Newly Industrializing Country, because it Select one: a. lacks any social cleavages that might lead to political turmoil or instability b. has hosted both the Summer Olympics and the World Cup c. has an economy based extensively on tourism from Cancun, Tijuana, and Puerto Vallarta d. exports items such as petroleum and Corona beer for consumption to liberal democracies e. has the infrastructure for export led growth from its maquiladoras

has the infrastructure for export led growth from its maquiladoras

All of the following are important functions that parties play in the American political system EXCEPT: Select one: a. providing organization for the government, particularly the legislative branch b. running candidates for political office c. connecting citizens to their government d. hiring specialists to lobby Congress for party interests e. informing the public

hiring specialists to lobby Congress for party interests

Pragmatism has long been a feature of Mexican political culture. In Mexico, this has meant that Select one: a. PRI platforms have not changed much in the past 50 years b. ideological parties have not been notably successful c. political compromise is not a highly respected behavior d. Obrador's leadership of the PRD s based on doctrinaire socialism e. promises made by political candidates are rarely kept

ideological parties have not been notably successful

The Libertarian and Socialist parties in the United States are examples of Select one: a. ideological parties. b. factional parties. c. economic-protest parties. d. splinter parties. e. one-issue parties.

ideological parties.

The 2009 mid-term elections changed the composition of the legislature by Select one: a. increasing PRI's representation in the Chamber of Deputies b. returning control of the Senate to PRI c. decreasing the Green Party's representation in the Chamber of Deputies d. increasing the PRD's representation in the Chamber of Deputies e. giving PAN control of both legislative bodies

increasing PRI's representation in the Chamber of Deputies

In the Mexican regime, the executive(head of government) Select one: a. has few patronage opportunities b. is limited to a single term in office c. can do little to directthe country's foreign policy d. is free to choose a successor e. oversees elections

is limited to a single term in office

While Mexico resembles other Third World countries in some ways, it is most UNLIKE many other Third World countries because Select one: a. its rentier economy is so dependent upon oil production b. the political party system has replaced patron-client networks c. it has had nearly 200 years of independence d. of the absence of large scale ethnic competition and conflict e. large numbers of people are subsistence farmers

it has had nearly 200 years of independence

All of the following groups tend to vote Republican EXCEPT Select one: a. suburban living. b. anti-abortion. c. pro-business. d. veterans. e. labor unions.

labor unions.

Under PRI state corporatism, the government accepted feedback from three types of interest groups: Select one: a. labor, peasants, and the middle class b. businesses, labor, and rural landowners c. representatives of PRD, representatives of PAN, and representatives from minor parties d. the oil industry, the tourist industry, and the teachers union e. the oil industry, labor, and peasants

labor, peasants, and the middle class

Which of the following did NOT lead to the decline in power of the PRI? Select one: a. failure to handpick presidential successor b. global pressure for fair elections c. large numbers of PRD victories at all levels d. the economic crisis of the 1980s e. slimmer majorities of the PRI victory in Chamber of Deputies elections

large numbers of PRD victories at all levels

NAFTA has been criticized by many in the United States and Canada for Select one: a. imposing pollution standards that discourage Mexican production b. requiring minimum wages that are too high for most businesses to afford c. leaving US and Canadian workers without jobs d. imposing unnecessary tariffs e. hurting trade with Mexico

leaving US and Canadian workers without jobs

The term "party machine" usually refers to a Select one: a. local party organization that is tightly disciplined and well staffed and relies on patronage to create party loyalty b. party organization in which major platform decisions are made behind closed doors rather than at national conventions c. party organization in which political favors are distributed by national leaders in repayment for large contributions d. local party organization that relies heavily on the voluntary labor of all its members e. large national party organization that is hierarchically structured

local party organization that is tightly disciplined and well staffed and relies on patronage to create party loyalty

Which of the following is an important advantage of US corporations that locate their manufacturing plants in Mexico? Select one: a. lower transportation costs b. lower cost of labor c. more pleasant climate conditions d. greater access to markets e. greater access to raw materials

lower cost of labor

Corporatism in the PRI Select one: a. is reflected in the exclusion of organized religious interest groups b. guaranteed private ownership of public utilities c. meant that social economic groups were represented in the party d. allowed the party to operate many large businesses e. ensured that private businesses controlled policy making

meant that social economic groups were represented in the party

Until the 1940s, all presidents of Mexico were Select one: a. priests b. military generals c. rural landowners d. tecnicos e. businessmen

military generals

Which of the following policy initiatives has greatly been supported by PAN? Select one: a. more autonomy for PEMEX b. resistance to immigration reform in the United States c. nationalization of major inustries d. withdrawal of Mexico from NAFTA e. reliance on state and local governments to fight drug trafficking

more autonomy for PEMEX

Since the 1990s, Mexican national elections have become Select one: a. more corrupt b. less objectively covered by the media c. more competitive d. more dominated by the majority party e. less likely to be monitored by members of various parties

more competitive

Which of the following is the most accurate summary of demographic factgors that predict a voter's choice of PAN candidates for public office? Select one: a. more educated, from cities in the center of the country b. older, from the coastal areas c. rural landowners, younger d. from the south, less educated e. more educated, from the north

more educated, from the north

This person manages the day-to-day work of the party. Select one: a. national leader b. President c. Speaker of the House d. national chairman e. precinct captain

national chairman

A primary reason that Mexican states have little power is that Select one: a. state officials are appointed, not elected b. the constitution gives them little authority c. nearly all state government revenue comes from the national government d. it's inexpensive to bribe state officials e. population is uniformly spread across the country and not concentrated in urban areas

nearly all state government revenue comes from the national government

Camarillas are Select one: a. state owned oil companies b. social networking organizations c. large factories in the northern part of the country d. economic fellowships e. networks of party members that staff the government

networks of party members that staff the government

For most of the 20th century, the government of Mexico was characterized by Select one: a. rule by the Catholic Church b. conservative leaders c. one party rule d. decentralization e. a strong legislature

one party rule

Which of the following is the least likely technique for a lobbyist to use in order to influence votes in Congress? Select one: a. testifying at committee hearings b. organizing a demonstration in front of the Capitol building c. contacting members of Congress by phone or letter d. meeting and socializing with members of Congress at conferences and conventions e. taking officials to lunch or dinner

organizing a demonstration in front of the Capitol building

The caudillos who rose to power in Mexico in the early 20th century organized the political system through the development of a Select one: a. neo-corporatist state b. substantive democracy c. consensual political culture d. patron-client system e. consolidated democracy

patron-client system

The free rider problem occurs when Select one: a. political campaigns manipulate the news media in order to obtain free advertising b. interest groups seek public funding to advance their special interests c. elected officials provide government services for those who have helped their campaigns d. congressional candidates win elections because they belong to the party of a popular president e. people benefit from an interest group's efforts without making any contribution

people benefit from an interest group's efforts without making any contribution

A major difference between political parties and interest groups is that Select one: a. interest groups typically shift their positions on issues over time, while political parties tend to keep the same position on issues over time b. political parties tend to have narrow coalitions of support, and interest groups tend to have broad coalitions of support c. political parties usually focus on one issue, while interest groups focus mainly on many issues d. interest groups usually recruit candidates for office, while political parties usually limit themselves to making campaign contributions to candidates e. political parties seek to gain control of government, while interest groups seek to influence public policy

political parties seek to gain control of government, while interest groups seek to influence public policy

The most important political function of political action committees is to Select one: a. provide workers to help get out the vote for their favored candidates b. raise campaign money for congressional candidates that support their causes c. improve communication between party leaders and government officials d. lobby members of Congress for votes that support their causes e. convince government agencies to set up guidelines that favor their causes

raise campaign money for congressional candidates that support their causes

Which of the following is the most important single factor in the creation and maintenance of a two-party system in the United States? Select one: a. the proportional representation electoral system b. a large core of commonly shared political and social values c. the winner-take-all electoral system d. the established historical tendency toward a two-party system e. strong and consistent leadership within the Democratic and Republican parties

the winner-take-all electoral system

The Revolution of 1917 and the years immediately after ultimately had all of the following impacts in Mexico EXCEPT Select one: a. state control over natural resources b. the women's movement c. the sexenio d. the principle of nonreelection e. the ejidos

the women's movement

How do interest groups most commonly use amicus curiae briefs? Select one: a. to influence the votes of members of Congress b. to build support for their causes among ordinary citizens c. to convince former government officials to work for them as lobbyists d. to support one side or the other in court cases e. to convince agencies in the executive branch to act in their favor

to support one side or the other in court cases

All of the following groups tend to vote Democratic EXCEPT Select one: a. least educated b. African Americans c. most educated d. Urban e. tough on crime

tough on crime

Interest groups engage in all of the following activities EXCEPT Select one: a. lobbying federal agencies b. using the franking privilege c. testifying before congressional committees d. filing federal lawsuits e. sponsoring issue advocacy ads

using the franking privilege

Of the following groups that have traditionally supported the Democratic party, which would LEAST likely be cited by someone arguing that the Democrats represented only liberal constituencies? Select one: a. white Southerners b. Northern ethnic minorities c. African Americans d. environmentalists e. labor union members

white Southerners

A member of which of the following demographic groups is most likely to support a Republican presidential candidate? Select one: a. white male b. African American, male or female c. youths below the age of 25, male or female d. white female e. individuals earning below poverty level wages, male or female

white male

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