Polity-CGL '23

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parliamentry democracy India


Committe of Constituent Assembly

Drafting Committe- Ambedkar Union Power committe-JL Nehru Provincial Constitution Committee-Sardar Patel Rules of Procedure Committe-Rajendra Prasad States Committe- JL Nehru

29 August 1947

Drafting Committee- Ambedkar

social equality

Equal opportunities for all sections of the society

Preamble of the constitution is the keynote of the Constitution

Ernst Barker

Prerogative Writs

special common law remedies for administrative infractions. British Constitution

procedure established by law

the Japanese constitution

Cabinet Mission 1946

Cripps+AV Alexander+ Pethic Lawrance. -Formation of constituent Assembly -C.A election 1946 and had partly elected and partly nominated delegates (Total-389)

Emergency Provisions


Rule of Law

No one is above the law British Governmwnt

Ideals of Liberty, equality, fraternity are borrowed from

US constitution

Fundamental Rights


Source of FD

USSR constitution

Charter Act of 1833

- ended the Company's remaining trade monopolies - renewed Company's control of political and administrative power in India for 20 years Governor General of Bengal-William Bentick became Gov Gen of India

Pakistan formed

14 August 1947

Objective Resolution moved by JL Nehru


Objective Resolution adopted in

22 January 1947

Indian Flag accepted

22 July 1947

came into force

26 Jan 1950

Preamble adoption date

26 Nov 1949

How many types of Justice, Liberty, equality, Fraternity has been mentioned in preamble of Constitution

3,5,2,1 *Justice(Social, Economic, Political) *Liberty (Thought, expression, belief, faith and worship) *Equality (Of status and Oppurtunity) *Fraternity (Assuring dignity of the individual and unity and integrity to the nation

GOI act 1935

321 sections, 10 schedules Tried to bring all India federation by dividing powers in lists Federal list Provincial list Concurrent list Dyarchy to provincial autonomy Bicameralism at central CR extended to women and labour Currency and credit under RBI Federal public service and federal court 1937

Total members of Constituent Assbly


At formation of constitution

395 Articles 22 parts 8 Schedule

Preamble has been amended only once so far which added 3 new words Socialist,Secular, Integrity

42nd CAA 1976

Cripps Mission, 1942

A failed attempt in late March 1942 by the British government to secure full Indian cooperation and support for their efforts in World War II

26 Nov 1949

Adopted constitution

Whole pramble is borrowed from

American Constitution

Charter Act of 1813

An act of the British Parliament that ordered the British East Indian Company to allow missionaries to enter its possessions in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Myanmar -Trade monopoly ended

Cabinet Mission of March 1946

An attempt to create a free an liberated india. It worked with four Major groups: the Congress Party, the Muslim League, the Unionist Party, and the Sikhs. They all wished for an end to british rule but they disagreed over what independent India would look like. This mission preferred that India become part of the Commonwealth and cooperate with India in defending South Asia against soviets encroachment. it believed partition and the creation of Pakistan would be unwise. They planned to stay in India until an agreement is reached.

concurrent List


concurrent powers


Language of preamble is taken from

Australia constitution

Sati Slavery abolished by


In which case, did the supreme court pass the judgment that preamble is not a part of constitution

Berubari Case 1960

Citizenship Act of 1955 prescribes five ways of acquiring citizenship

Birth,Descent,Registration,Naturalisation,Incorporation of territory



Parliamentry Government, Bicameralism,Single citizenship

British Constitution

parliamentry privilege

British Constitution

single citizenship

British Constitution

Legislative Process

British Government

Federation with a strong centre

Canadian Constitution

Charters Act 1853

Civil Services Exam


Concurrent list Freedom of trade, commerce and intercourse Joint-sitting of the two Houses of Parliament


Federation with a strong Centre Vesting of residuary powers in the Centre Appointment of state governors by the Centre Advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

Quasi federal country

Fedration with unitary bias

Republic source

French constitution

Features borrowed from US Constitution

Fundamental rights Independence of judiciary Judicial review Impeachment of the president Removal of Supreme Court and High Court judges Post of vice-president

Source Federal Scheme and Emergency provision

GOI Act 1935

Simon Commission

In 1927 considered future Indian colonial government responses to nationalist demands; served to unify nationalist politicians on both right and left of independence movement and also to heal rift between Muslims and Hindus

GOI Act 1919

Monte Chemsford Reform -Dyarchy- Two form of gov center and province -Bicamerelism- Upper and lower house

Democratic Socialism (Blend of Marxism and Gandhism)


15th August 1947

India becomes independent

India is a union of states

India is a federal country because its constitution provides for sharing power b/w states and center

Constituent Assembly members

Indirect election Multi party body It worked through several Committees


Irish Constitution

DPSP + Method of Election of p52 + Nomination of members to RS

Irish Constitution

DPSP and Method of election of p52

Irish Constitution

Charter of Slavery---Simon Commission

JL Nehru

3rd meeting

JL Nehru- Objective Resolution 22 Jan OR Passed

Committe of Constituent Assembly Trick

Jis bhi committee ke naam me union hai, Uske chairman JL Nehru hain.

Objectives of constitution as per preamble

Justice, Liberty, equality & Fraternity


Magna Carta of India Justiciable to maintain political democracy Aim at establishing a gov of law and not of men

Indian Councils Act of 1909

Marley Minto Reform -Communal Electorate

preamble as ID card of constitution

NA Palkhivala

24 Jan 1950

National Anthem + 1st P52

legal nature of Preamble

Not enforceable by courts

26 Jan 1950 (395 A + 22 P + 8 Schedule)

Now (460 A+ 25 P +12 S)

Preamble contains tenets highlited in

O.R 1946

Union and It's Territory

Part 1 (Article 1-4)

Union and it's territory

Part 1- Describes India as a union of states rather than federation of states. 2 name India and Bharat -Indestructible Union of Destructible states


Part 2 (Article 5-11)


Part 3 (Article- 12-35)


Part 4 (Article 36-51)

F.D added in 42nd CAA 1976

Part 4A (Article 51A)

GoI Act, 1858

Power-British Crown


Preface/Summary/Introduction to the Constitution

2nd Meeting 11 Dec

Rajendra Prasad - President

Three ways of losing citizenship

Renunciation, Termination, Deprivation

Election of Rajya Sabha+ Procedure of Amendment


Nature of Indian State as per preamble


Keyword in Preamble

SSSDR (Sovereign, Secular, democratic Republic)

1st meeting 9th Dec 1946

Sachidanand Sinha President senior most

Pitt's India Act of 1784

Set up of Supreme Court in Kolkata

Regulating Act 1773

Setup of Parliament ​


South Africa

Procedure for amendment of the constitution

South African constitution

Ideals of Justice in preamble are borrowed from

Soviet Union Constitution

Suspension of FR during Emergency

Weimar Constitution of Germany

Cabinet Mission plan 1946 plan for a

Union of states

The constitution of India is republican

because it provides for an elected parliament

Source of Authority of constitution

The people of India

Judicial Review


F.R, Independent Judiciary,Judicial Review, Impeachment of th P52 and Vice P52

US constitution

Preamble is a part of Constitution and can be amended under Article 368 subject to the condition that no amendment is done to Basic feature

as per kesvanand Bharti case and

August Offer 1940

made by lord linlithgow and included following: 1.dominion status to india 2.formation of constituent assembly after WW2 3.any constitution prepared by constituent assembly will be rejected if it don't have minority support

Council of India Act 1861


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