Positive Psychology Exam 1

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Why seek treatment?

1. Comorbidity of depression- you're likely to be experiencing one or more physical/emotional issues 2. Depression is far-reaching- can impact major life transitions (college, starting a career, etc. since average time for depression to hit is 20s) takes 9 years on average for people to seek treatment

"The 6 Myths of Creativity in business"

1. Creativity comes from creative types 2. Money is a creative motivator 3. Time pressure fuels creativity 4. Fear forces breakthroughs 5. Competition beats collaboration 6. A streamlines organization is a creative organization

Causes of Depression

1. Heritability- 20-45% of milder forms of depression are hereditary, higher for severe, needs a "trigger"- college tends to be that 2. Cognitive Vulnerability- dysfunctional way of thinking about negative life events that makes it likely that a person will become depressed; danger- perfectionism (basing self-worth on external events or on the acceptance/approval of others) 3. Cognitive Theory of Depression- Aaron Beck's (if dysfunctional cognitive attitudes, then we develop and focus on negative thoughts about ourselves, our present experiences, and our future), CBT (cognitive, behavioral, physiological; involves self talk)

Kim's myths of creativity

1. People love creativity- disruptive innovation (starts off with small market, poor performance, then comes from outside and takes over); Christensen is clearly inferior (mini computer) 2. Creativity is for the arts and artists (business leaders, etc. are also creative) 3. Creativity is for crazy people 4. Only new things are creative (divergent thinking- essential capacity for creativity; ability to see many answers for a question) 5. Creativity comes in flashes of inspiration (sometimes a slow process) 6. I am not creative

mindlessness attributes

1. categorical thinking -can be helpful when there are so many choices/info to deal with, but can lead to stereotyping or mislabeling -snap judgments are sometimes necessary/harmful 2. zoning out/not thinking/not paying attention -don't shift perspectives or weight their options -can be problem when new situations arise, but good to save energy in familiar spaces 3. performing routine tasks automatically -using automatic actions can make tasks faster -but problems arise- is there a better alternative to habitual action? -must realize when they are on autopilot, shift attention when they read

9 elements of flow

1. clear goals every step of the way 2. immediate feedback to one's actions 3. balance between challenge and skill 4. action and awareness are merged 5. irrelevant stimuli are excluded from consciousness 6. no worry of failure 7. self consciousness disappears (replaced by sense of growth and being a part of greater entity) 8. sense of time becomes distorted 9. activity becomes autotelic (worth doing for its' own sake)

4 ways to increase luck

1. create and notice chance opportunities 2. listen to intuition when making decisions 3. create self-fulfilling prophecies via positive expectations 4. adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good luck

are you my mindset????

1. parental mindset- foundation and reinforcement 2. educational systems (teachers) and society reinforce fixed mindset


1. self esteem/confidence 2. belief in one's own self-efficacy and ability to deal with change 3. social problem-solving approaches

virtues in religion, etc.

10 Commandments 7 Heavenly Virtues (courage/fortitude, justice, temperance, wisdom, faith, hope, charity) Confucian Teachings (strive to achieve 5 main virtues in order to achieve the good life) Buddhism (nirvana- freedom from desire; brahma viranas/universal virtues are love, compassion, joy, and equanimity) Hinduism (focus to live virtuous life in order to not repeat life again, karma as corrective device) American Society (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; Franklin trying to live his best life)

Bhutan's GNH

1st country to take stand in spirit of RFK's quote about 750k people, between India and China GNH- development must serve a process, human-centered and must create conditions to enable human achievement of happiness

Seligman dog learned helplessness study

3 groups of dogs- control (no shock), group with shocks and could stop them by pressing a lever, group with shocks and were stopped by another dog dogs placed in shuttlebox (able to jump over window) control and 1st shock group jumped over wall immediately 2nd shock group laid down dogs developed a cognitive expectation and negative attributional style "cure" was directive therapy (helped them over the window)

Seligman's ABCD and E's

A= adverse event or situation (identify them and write down objective descriptions of them) B= beliefs about that event (take note of your beliefs, hear your self talk narration on it) C= consequences of beliefs (how did your interpretation impact your feelings and behavior?) D= disputation and distraction (dispute- is there evidence of this belief? change your thought process to optimist, decatastrophize; distraction- "snap out of it" with distractions) E= energization (notice effects of new positive behavior; goal= automatic positive explanatory style)

"Positive Psychology Progress"

CSV (character strengths and virtues)- traits that enable human thriving; wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence youths and adults have different focuses (youth- hope, teamwork, zest; adults- beauty, authenticity, leadership, and openmindedness) strengths of the heart (zest, gratitude, hope and love) are more associated with life satisfaction ways to make people happier- using signature strengths, 3 good things each day; gratitude visit led to large positive changes for a month

"The Creativity Crisis: the decrease in creative thinking scores on the Torrence Tests of Creative Thinking"

Flynn effect- IQs in the US increased over the last century due to reduced inbreeding, nutrition, and affluence TTCT- used to asses gifted children, but originally to individualize instruction for students of any level; can predict creative achievement mostly decreased kindergarten to 3rd grade 3 internal conditions required for creativity: 1) internal locus of evaluation, 2) openness to experiences, 3) ability to toy with elements and concepts 2 external conditions: psychological safety and freedom reflective abstraction- free, uninterrupted time free time for kids has reduced -> decrease in creativity

the happiness formula

H= S+C+V H- happiness you actually experience S- biological setpoint (50%) C- conditions of your life (10%) V- voluntary activities (40%)

"Mindsets and human nature: promoting change in the middle east, the schoolyard, the racial divide, and willpower"

Israel/Palestine conflict- assessed people's attitudes and willingness to compromise, fixed= negative attitudes and less peace focused; experiment- articles identical but one allowed group to change, other doesn't, reading compromise article lead to favorable attitudes towards Palestineans, 70% more likely to agree to meet with other side if read compromise article Bullies and Victims- interventions to decrease aggression are successful with preadolescents, but not with adolescents (desire for aggressive revenge increases with fixed mindset); hot sauce experiment, growth- less likely to retaliate, 3x as prosocial, teacher noticed significantly more growth in students that took growth and not control or coping skills class Race relations- fear of being prejudiced -> decrease in interacting cross-racially; fixed mindset people put chairs further apart and decreased speaking time with other group Willpower- easy or hard 1st task, then difficult 2nd; limited willpower believers had depletion effect after the first task; followed Stanford students and asked self-regulation w unhealthy eating and procrastination, important personal goal and how well they self-regulated to that goal (in periods with high demand for self-regulation this matters more)

the wellness model for subjective well-being

PERMA P- positive affect E- engagement R- relationships M- meaning A- accomplishments

pleasant/good/meaningful life longer definition

Pleasant Life- positive emotions about the past, present, and future; contentment/hedonism, having as many pleasures as possible Good Life- positive traits and signature strengths to find gratification, connection, and flow; engagement with self and others Meaningful Life- positive institutions and the search for something larger than oneself; engagement with a higher purpose

Rosenthal's Pygmalion study

Pygmalion in the classroom; students get aptitude test, teachers informed of "scores", who will be growth student or not, asked to keep results confidential and teach as normal, but self-fulfilling prophecy -> students who were randomly chosen as growth learners became growth learners implicit and explicit expectations

"What (and why) is positive psychology"

RFK quote- GNP does not include health, courage, compassion, etc. pos psych- study of conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions 3 reasons people focus on failures and not strengths: 1. compassion (help the suffering first; fake bc understanding strengths -> prevent/lessen disease) 2. Pragmatism (helps people like veterans, but not good at prevention) 3. Negative things have stronger psychological impact than positive (however if + is more often, the impact long term may increase) criticisms of pos psych -treats normal psych as negative and not useful (untrue interpretation) -failure to recognize negative sides of life (Pollyanna view); but aim is not to erase other work but to build up resilience -"a cult"; but we're not we promise!!! -defining/describing something as "good" v. prescribing it is harder to label original 3 pillars of positive psych 1. positive subjective experience 2. positive individual characteristics (strengths and virtues) 3. positive institutions and communities

"The Winning Edge"

Wiles- proved Fermat's Little Theorem, grit is a good gauge; 10 year rule (at least a decade to be successful) 25% difference for job performance and 33% GPA is by IQ; rest is personality, creativity, and luck prodigies are unlikely to succeed (don't develop grit); self-discipline and passion are a part of grit, which also helps marriage praise kids for effort, not intelligence

"The Phenomenon of Quantum Change"

William James wrote "Varieties of Religious Experience" sudden, dramatic, and enduring transformations that affect a broad range of personal emotion, cognition, and behavior interviews of people with 'epiphanies'; main traits were surprise, distinctiveness (knew it was out of the ordinary), benevolence, and permanence 2 types- mystical/epiphany type (dramatic, can't describe them, passive, element of revelation) and Insightful type (sudden realization, break with force and person recognized Truth, reorganization of one's perceptions of self and reality) commons areas of transformation- release from chronic negative affectivity, change in values and priorities (family instead of wealth), relationships (lose tolerance for superficiality, etc.), and IDENTITY

"Immune Neglect: A Source of Durability Bias in Affective Forecasting"

affective forecasting- predicting your future emotions after decisions; not always good at measuring duration of emotion 6 reasons durability bias might arise in affective forecasting: 1. Misconstrual (misconstrue event's circumstances) 2. Inaccurate theories 3. Motivated Distortions (exaggerate consequences of negative actions in order to motivate oneself) 4. Undercorrection 5. Focalism- focusing only on tragedy, not other events in life 6. Immune Neglect!!!- turning adversity into prosperity 6 studies- lovers v. losers (loners were less happy even after lover break up?), tenure study, politics of happiness (happiness after candidate won/lost), the hunting machine (negative feedback -> not feeling as bad as they thought they would), just death (baby death blame v. blameless, more upset when someone is at fault for death) and failure inc. (fair/unfair firing both sad, but after 10 minutes unfair felt better)

Dweck's Hong Kong study

all classes in english, students get English proficiency scores + filled out growth mindset survey will students with bad score sign up for free remedial english classes? results- only those with growth mindset signed up for help fixed view- care about looking smart that they "act dumb" by giving up change to learn something essential for your own success"

depression + symptoms

an illness, syndrome (group of signs/symptoms that form a pattern), not a passing sad mood 1. sad for most of the day 2. less interested and less pleasure in almost all hobbies/activities that you used to enjoy 3. feeling excessively guilty, worthless, or helpless 4. little energy and fatigued much of the time 5. hard to concentrate/remember/decide 6. trouble sleeping 7. trouble eating (under or over) 8. agitated or slowed down 9. thoughts of death or suicide women- reverse vegetative symptoms (weight gain, increase in sleep, increase in appetite) men- angry, discouraged (not helpless) 1 in 20 women have depressive symptoms appearing week before periods 1 in 10 adults have depressed moods that cycle seasonally

Charisse Nixon's Anagrams

anagrams where one side has beginning hard, other side has beginning easy. plot twist!!! end was easy for both however, side with originally hard was unable to get it- learned helplessness!!!

"Can Happiness Be Taught"

article about a class similar to positive psychology capacity for pleasure (positive affectivity)= 50% heritable defined good life and meaningful life pleasure- presence of raw feelings, gratification- their absence (gratification has no 'short cuts' like drugs that make you feel pleasure)

"Why Positive Psychology Is Necessary"

attempt to urge psychologists to adopt a more open and appreciative perspective regarding potentials, motives, and capacities negative bias; psychologists are quick to find selfishness and negativity in the positive traits of people (say partner is better, not helping others, etc.) Broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions; positive emotions facilitate the creation of important skills and resources

very brief history of positive psych

before WWII, psych had 3 missions: 1. curing mental illness 2. making the lives of all people more fulfilling 3. identifying and nurturing high talent after WWII, just focused on curing mental illness pros- greater understanding of mental illness leading to symptom relief for millions of people cons- psychology as a disease model; "victimology"

Danner Nun Study

coded handwritten autobiographies of 180 nuns from 1930s (average age of 22); scored for emotional content and emotional content strongly associated with longevity 60 years later 10 years longer life for overly positive 90% of happiest quartile alive at 85, only 34% least happy quartile still alive

anchors away study

control, neutral-affect induction (read humanistic quotes about medicine), and positive-affect induction (pack of candy) transcripts rated for flexible thinking and speed of diagnosis candy wins!!!

"Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Context: Past, present, and future"

dharma- the way things are; 3 poisons of greed, hate, and ignorance MBSR- meditation that's compelling to participants without denaturing dharma; compliment to medical treatments, mindfulness-based stress reduction challenges of teaching mindfulness-based interventions: 1) work of lifetime (must be continued), 2) need foundation of personal practice and embodying what one is teaching Skin Clearing in Psoriasis study- light treatments with and without meditation tape, meditators cleared 4x as fast conclusions- activity of mind leads to positive influence on healing process in specific diseases, social support was not a major factor measuring brain activity in response to MBSR- increase in left side (where emotion is), rise in antibodies Prostate cancer intervention- MBSR along with vegetarian diet helped people achieve the diet, ongoing research

upward and downward spirals of mindlessness

down- attentional narrowing, stress appraisal, negative emotions and increasing stress, sensitization to the threat, etc. upwards- stress appraisal, decentering, state of mindfulness, attentional broadening, etc.

problems with affective forecasting

durability bias- tendency to overestimate duration of an emotional response to a future bias focalism- tendency to just focus on one negative thing and forget about all of the other things that will also happen immune neglect- state of being unaware of our ability to adapt to change and recover from difficulty psychological immune system- our ability to recover from difficult situations faster than we think we can

pessimists are needed to help identify problems

equal ability to identify problems, but different locus of control; pessimism causes paralysis, irrational optimism causes delusion, but rational optimism allows one to take effective action

self-efficacy in success

explanatory style has a great impact on one's beliefs about success Bandura: "people's beliefs in their capabilities to produce desired effects by their own actions" can be conditional; outcome expectancies (what needs to be done to reach goal) and efficacy expectancies (belief in their ability to meet outcome expectancies) predicts better health (like 7 things) comes from: previous success in similar situations modeling on others in the same situation imaging oneself effectively securing one's goals verbal persuasion from trusted expert/powerful source

optimism in success

explanatory style: CAVE (content analysis of verbatim explanations) could CAVE predict the outcomes of baseball teams? yes! most positive were Mets, they did better than they had

Dweck's growth mindsets

fixed= talent as a gift avoid challenges, give up easily, effort is fruitless, ignore useful feedback, success of others is threatening growth= skill to be cultivated embrace challenges, persist in face of setbacks, effort as a path to mastery, learn from criticism, and success of others as inspirational

things that lead to success

flexibility optimism grit and passion skill right place, right time values in action balance

Ancient Greek view on positive psych

focused on the Good Life Plato- psychic harmony between the 3 parts of the soul (reason, spirit, and appetite); morality is essential for harmony and happiness Aristotle- EUDAIMONIA (human flourishing); disagreed with plato!! happiness is ACTIVE, not a state of being, but an activity/actualization of virtue; living well= living a virtuous life

"Meditate to create: the impact of focused attention and open-monitoring training on convergent and divergent thinking"

focused-attention meditation- individual focuses on particular item/thought/object open-monitoring meditation- individual is open to perceive and observe any sensation or thought without focusing on a concept in the mind or a fixed item divergent thinking- more than one solution is correct convergent thinking- generating one possible solution to a particular problem; emphasis on speed and high accuracy, Remote Associates Task OM meditation- increase in performance in distributed attention task and reinforces view that meditation can have lasting general impact 1. OM induces a control state that promotes divergent thinking 2. FA meditation does not sustain convergent thinking, increase positive mood

Martin Seligman

founded positive psychology in 1998 studies on learned helplessness, applied these theories to learned optimism views field as 3 parts: 1. positive subjective experiences 2. positive traits 3. positive institutions

pervasiveness in optimism/pessimism

good events: optimist- good will enhance everything I do pessimist- caused by specific factors and unique to that event bad events: optimist- specific explanations pessimist- universal explanations

"Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals"

grit- perseverance and passion for long-term goals conscientiousness matters more than other big 5 traits does grit grow with age? yes! and also with education! does is still hold when Big 5 traits are controlled? yes! does grit relate to GPA? yes, and grit also relates to lower SAT scores west point study- tried to use grit to predict retention, predicted completion of summer program better than any other indicator; however self-control predicted their GPA best (self-control is more daily, so grades are impacted, but big picture i.e. program is grit-based) Spelling Bee- did grit impact avocational pursuits? yes! and verbal IQ did as well limitations: 1. rely on self-report questionnaire to measure grit 2. require reflection on approach to setbacks, etc. (retrospective reflection- past behavior predicting future) 3. may have underestimated correlations among grit, IQ, and achievement 4. don't shed light on how grit relates to other variables known to predict achievement (self-efficacy, optimistic explanatory style, and locus of control)

hong kong study- grit

grittier students were willing to take the class

"Change and Circumstance"

hard work in circumstance Gates already have 10k hours as a programmer (computer club) random initial advantage can during into a real one

Cornell campus/door study

how aware are people as they walk through campus? 50% of people don't notice the difference between people race and job class are things that we tend to notice change blindness

Abraham Maslow

humanistic psychology focus on goals and a conscious awareness of striving towards them self-actualization Carl Rogers agree Maslow's pyramid physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization sought to demonstrate spiritual life has naturalistic meaning, peak experiences are a basic fact about the human mind education- partially necessary to produce a good human being

Hamburger Model of Happiness

ideal "happy" burger/happiness- future and present benefit Fast Food Burger/hedonism- present benefit, future detriment Unhealthy, awful-tasting burger/resignation- present and future detriment Healthy "cardboard" burger/rat race- present detriment, future benefit

college students and depression

in 2011, 30% of college students felt so depressed that it was difficult to function in the past year 7% considered suicide, 1% reported suicide attempt, 6% self-harmed suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for those 18-24 years old ACHA-NCHA 86% felt overwhelmed by all they had to do in the past 12 months 54% in the last 2 weeks 17% hopeless, 21% overwhelming anxiety, 25% very sad (much higher than average) academics, intimate relationships, appearance, sleep difficulties- difficult to handle 3 or more worries= 48.3%

"When the Antidote is the Poison: Ironic Mental Control Processes"

intentional operating process- conscious, effortful search for mental contents that will produce a desired state of mind, interruptable ironic monitoring process- unconscious, automatic search for mental contents that signal a failure to produce the desired state of mind unconsciously searches for thoughts of unwanted behavior, finds and brings them out treatment: paradoxical therapies, disclosure of hidden thought (secrets trigger thinking about them)

what is mindfulness?

intentional, experiential, and non-judgmental affectionate attention experience the world directly, become more aware of our thoughts and feelings, enjoy the here and now (live in the present moment), and disengage from autopilot

optimist as an insult

irrational optimist is the danger (housing bubbles, impossible loans); refusal to accept reality is irrational optimism, but an acceptance and understanding of reality, coupled with hope and the drive to make changes is rational optimism Pollyanna- traditional optimism Stockdale Paradox- air force pilot in Vietnam, POW, was there for 7+ years, said optimists would die of a broken heart (unrealistic optimists), he is realistic optimist- never lose faith you will prevail, but be able to face brutal facts of your current reality

Hawaii study

kids with deficits in family support/home environments, 2/3 of kids exhibited destructive behavior in later years but 1/3 didn't (resilient kids) "patterns of positive adaptation in the context of significant adversity or risk" these kids grew up, in 30s there was a hurricane, resilient kids had their homes still- make their own luck through active approach to precaution and prevention

"The Measurement of flow in everyday life: toward a theory of emergent motivation"

longitudinal study- ESM, 4 years later measure how committed; spend more time in slow and boredom, less in anxiety and apathy ESM= therapeutic and evaluative tool teens from complex families report optimal experience in home and personality profile suggest they may be flexible in modulating arousal

"The Luck Factor"

luck isn't actually real, thoughts and behavior is responsible for much of their fortune unlucky newspaper people counted pictures, lucky saw the note that said number of photographs miss large dots on screen when anxious about needing to watch the center dot robber shot in arm- lucky, "could have been worse" luck school- works; 80% felt bad luck go away positive skepticism

the science of human potential

man broke the 4 minute mile, and then many more people did too

why be mindful?

may be important in disengaging individuals from automatic thoughts, habits, and unhealthy behavior patterns and could play a key role in fostering informed and self-endorsed behavioral regulation by adding clarity and vividness to experience, mindfulness may also contribute to well-being and happiness in a direct way

A positive thought each day, Cohen and Doyle

measured happiness level, injected with cold virus happier people fought off virus much better mind over matter? no!!! fewer objective symptoms as well

gritty babies

music box study; watch adults be gritty, they will be gritty too

protecting your harbor

not letting in bad thoughts, eat pray love

Ben-Shahar PRP approach

optimalist- do not think everything happens for the best, but will make the best of everything that happens P= permission to be human R= reconstruction P= perspective

"Dispositional Optimism"

optimism- cognitive construct that relates to motivation; optimists exert effort, pessimists disengage optimism -> better health effect, social relations, and connections (work harder at them) 5 factor model of personality structure (neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience); optimism not really fit in, but if had to be it would be agreeableness or conscientousness?? study- no link between first semester grades and optimism, but did with higher salaries a decade later (more persistent) worker harder in relationships- constructive problem solving, less decrease in marital well-being over 1st year of marriage 1. motivational and behavioral- staying healthy=doing right and avoiding wrong, proactive approach to health 2. Better profile of emotional responses to adversity lead to decrease of physiological strain over time adverse effects- gambling and entrepreneurship (over-optimism, not realistic)

optimism v pessimism

optimism- negative events are temporary and/or due to external causes (external, variable, and specific) pessimism- negative events are constant and/or due to personal failure (internal, stable, and global)

Rational optimist; 3 incorrect assumptions

optimist as insult optimists are unrealistic pessimists are needed to identify problems

"The Most Astounding Thing in the Universe"

our understanding of the universe is retreating; you ARE necessary for things like sound (inability to ponder on an event that no one attended), same for all other senses

Dijksterhuis' Professor/Hooligan study

people primed to think about professors performed better on trivia questions than those primed to think of soccer hooligans

Paradox of the Podium

people with bronze medal are happier than silver medal upward v downward comparison Progress Paradox- Easterbrook, people today are not happier than people 50 years ago, young adults are 10x as likely to have depressive episode than grandparents income has very low correlation with happiness and life satisfaction once GDP per capita is above a certain level. Why? ADAPTATION

optimism test

permanence, pervasiveness, hopefulness

Optimists are unrealistic

pessimists see problems are permanent and pervasive, optimists see problems as local and temporary; sometimes pessimists are more unrealistic! optimism bias- tendency to underestimate the chance that something will happen to us; belief that the future will be much better than past and present; 70% thought families in general were less successful than in their parents' day, but 76% were optimistic about the future of their own family

Nursing home study

plant and movie study sense of engagement with life shows mindfulness

Pleasant Life, Good Life, and Meaningful Life brief def

pleasant life- positive emotions good life- positive traits (strengths and virtues, also talents) meaningful life- positive institutions (democracy, families, free inquiry; supportiveness)

Broaden and Build

positive emotions -> novel thoughts, actions, and relationships -> build enduring resources -> positive long-term outcomes positive emotions broaden awareness, broadening builds skills and resources seen often in kids; joy inducing playfulness, leading to acquisition of necessary resources (kids playing develops creativity and brain connections)

empirical science

positive psych is !!!! replicable, generalizable, un-biased, iterative, and cumulative

"The Monk in the Lab"

power of meditation/emotional self-control abbot had the highest activity in brain with positive emotions Buddhist monk couldn't get startled by loud noises

Langer's Vision Study

primed to feel/act like a pilot (wearing a flight suit and participate in flight simulation) demonstrated better eye sight than normal eye examination

Bargh's word scramble study

priming; word game of scrambled sentences, one group had words relating to old people after test, participants were times walking down the hallway leaving the room group 2 walked slower

ironic mental processing

produced whenever people try to control their thoughts especially strong when people are under stress

evidence of a focus on the negative

ratio of negative to positive research 14:1

Gilbert's tenure study

result: professors mistakenly believe they will be unhappy for longer periods after not receiving tenure questionnaire before and after tenure results failure of effective forecasting

kyung hee kim's creativity crisis

results- creativity in kids decreased since 1990 elaboration decrease since 1984 fluency and originality decreased since 1990

"Self Help"

risks- lack provisions to monitor compliance with instructions, little to no way to follow up, may be applied inappropriately study on treatment of premature ejaculation- no one successfully completed the program study on toilet training in less than a day, 4/5 therapist administered did it, but only 1 did it on own self help efforts can lead to a worsening of a problem; increase in kids problem behaviors and negative side effects emotionally 1. effectiveness of treatment programs under 1 set of conditions can't generalize all conditions 2. ineffective programs -> worsening of issue 3. well-intentioned instructional changes can lead to ineffective treatments other issues: exaggerated claims of success, ethical standards violated, ratio of studies to books published is decreasing

"The Benefits of Being Present: Mindfulness + Its Role in psychological wellbeing"

self-determination theory- an open awareness may be valuable in facilitating the choice of behaviors that are consistent with one's needs, values, and interests healthy regulatory processes require key components of mindfulness MAAS- Mindful Attention Awareness Scale study 1- correlation with other measures; result- showed similarity enough to be recognizable but different enough to be worth studying study 2- group differences in mindfulness; purpose to make sure test would measure mindfulness, it did! study 3- self-concordance through mindfulness; suggest more mindful individuals may be attuned to implicit emotions and reflect that awareness; impacts psychological well-being study 4- Mindfulness as a predictor of day-to-day self-regulation and well-being; associated with increase autonomy, pleasant affect, and decreased negative affect study 5- effects on mindfulness on well-being in a clinical context; increase in mindfulness is related to decrease in mood disturbance and stress

"Self Efficacy Training to Speed Reemployment: Helping people to Help Themselves"

self-fulfilling prophecy; goal setting and verbal persuasion unemployment- groups of self-efficacy workshop and a control, led to lasting boost in relatively stable, trait-like general self-efficacy anyone with general self efficacy has higher % of getting hired, low GSE only increased if they were in the workshop- this confirms the plasticity hypothesis

convergent measures of well-being

self-reports, experience sampling, informant reports, biological measures, objective measures, memory and RT (reaction time), interview

VIA strengths

strengths of: courage justice wisdom and knowledge temperance transcendence humanity

"Benefit Finding and Physical health: Positive Psychological Changes and Enhancing Allostasis"

stressful events may catalyze positive changes in interpersonal relationships, self-perceptions, priorities, and goals (study on heart attacks; after 1st one, 50% of participants became less likely to have 2nd attack) psychological pathways hypothesis- change in appraisal, coping, interpersonal relationships, goals and priorities serve as psychological pathways linking benefit finding and health positive affect- another psychological pathway of benefit finding and health, benefit finding precedes changes in positive affect McEwen- 4 stress response profiles that lead to allostatic load (damaging body through constant stress) 1. frequent, repeated stressors -> accumulation of 'hits' -> wear and tear 2. failure to adapt to repeated stressors (repeated stress hormones) 3. inefficient recovery of allostatic systems (slow to return to baseline; includes continued thoughts of stressful event) 4. inadequate responses -> counter regulatory is in other systems 4 profiles of enhanced allostasis 1. fewer "hits"- events not appraised as stressful 2. rapid habituation (decrease physiological response over time) 3. rapid recovery 4. lower tonic arousal (baseline conditions) social factors- social support may buffer physiological stress response, people interacting with supportive people show decrease in cortisol reactivity to stressors, self esteem buffers cortisol responses to stress and affirmation of personal values benefit thinking associated with rapid habituation

nursing home study

study on agency and control in nursing homes; helplessness (given a plant, told nurse will care for it, will tell you when to go to movie) v. self control (given a plant that you care for, you go to which movie day you want) helpless group- less engaged; health got worse self control group- more engaged, health improved; more than 2x as many people showed up to the movie in group 2


tests: fluency (number of ideas) originality (rarity) elaboration (detail) abstractness of titles (beyond concrete labeling) resistance to premature closure (openness)


the belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations one's perception of their own competency and ability to create change strong internality linked to not wearing your helmet; there are limits to self-efficacy

"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Depression: Theory, Treatment, and Empirical Status"

theory hypothesized that negative thinking increases the likelihood of developing and maintaining depression when experiencing stressful life events 2nd cognitive model- hopelessness theory of depression; confronted with negative event -> people with depressogenic inferential thinking style (attribute negative life events to stable and global causes) are vulnerable to depression; think negative consequences will follow them and occurrence of negative event means they are flawed/worthless people CBT- application of strategies focused on depressogenic behavior and thinking; cognitive domain (restructuring, distorted thoughts can be corrected), behavioral domain (activity scheduling, social skills training, and assertiveness training), and physiological domain (taught to use imagery and meditation to relax their bodies) goal- to create a positive emotional spiral more effective than tricyclic anti-depressant therapy, and relapse rates were lower

disease v health model

traditional psychology= disease model health is the absence of illness; just bring people back up to normal -focus on weakness, overcoming deficiencies, avoiding pain, running from unhappiness, neutral state as ceiling, tensionless as ideal health model= focus on going back to wellbeing, satisfaction, joy, excitement, and happiness -focus on strengths, building competencies, seeking pleasure, pursuing happiness, no ceiling for happiness, creative tension as ideal

Hedonic treadmill

want certain level of positivity, fixate on things to make life better, get that thing and then adapt to that situation -> rat race to get more Tenure study Lottery study- 22 winners, rate past, present, and expected future happiness and pleasure from daily activities; lottery winners were barely happier and had less daily pleasure, no different from paraplegic accident victims for pleasure in daily activities and predicted future happiness

happiness and well-being

wellbeing as a subjective evaluation of one's current status in the world happiness= subjective well-being subjective well-being= a person's individual judgment of his/her current status in the world experience of pleasure, appreciation, of life's rewards...our lens + self talk!!

Counterclockwise study- old men in hotel

went to hotel and pretended it was 30 years earlier, by the end of the week physical attributes changes (vision, hearing, cognitive abilities, manual dexterity increased, etc.)

"The value of positive emotions"

why we study negative emotions more: 1. tendency to study something that afflicts well-being of humanity 2. positive emotions are harder to study (few and undifferentiated; facial expressions for positive emotions have no unique signal value just "duchenne smile"; harder to explain evolutionarily than negative/survival) however, positive emotions solve problems concerning personal growth and development Penguin study- people with positive emotions choose global configuration after penguin movie instead of detailed elements; shows broadened pattern of thinking when people feel good, their thinking is creative, integrative, and flexible study- got nervous, then watched positive/neutral/negative film, positive film recovered based cardiovascular activity faster

hope is...

willpower (agency) + waypower (pathways) + goals high hope individuals... have clear goals have a willingness and drive to reach those goals have a clear pathway to goals and alternate routes

Frankling autobiography

wished to live without fault, so he made a list of virtues to follow marked when he failed each virtue satisfaction of seeing faults diminish however, extremely difficult; "I think I like a speckled ax best"

Flexibility in success

your definition of your concept of success may change (child to adult) Field of Dreams- restructure dream Lewis Black's change in success and career goals

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