POST TEST 3- Introduction to Joint Multi-TDL Network Operations

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Who is responsible for activating the RELGRID?

(Correct) NC

What is the purpose of the Network Initialization step in the Network Management System?

(Correct) Set-up and initialization of Link 16 terminals and host systems to establish the network

What is required for a Link 16 terminal to ACTIVELY obtain fine synchronization?

(Correct) Successful exchange of three Round Trip Timing (RTT) messages

What are the two types of Link 16 networks called?

(Correct) System Time Reference Network and External Time Reference Network

What is the purpose of the Network Information Exchange Requirements (IER) Definition step in the Network Management System?

(Correct) To define the sets needed in the OPTASK LINK message

What is the output of the Network Planning step in the Network Management System?

(Correct) OPTASK LINK message

What OPTASK LINK set will identify the U.S. Navy network design identifying information?

(Correct) NATJNL

Which document will the JICO use to provide instructions on settings and procedures about operational network entry and exit?


Which of the following is true about a network design with the name USFU0019B? Select all that apply.

(Check) 19th "USFU" design (characters 7-8) (Check) Originated by the United States (characters 1-2) (Uncheck) Created by a Foreign NDF (character 3) (Uncheck) Original version of USFU0020

Which of the following is true about an NTRE in an External Time Reference Network (ETRN)? Select all that apply.

(Check) Required to establish an ETRN (Check) Not necessary in an ETRN to provide network stability (Uncheck) Will always have a time quality (QT) of 15 (Check) Behaves identically to a JUE once the network is established

What is required of all participants to initialize a single, synchronized network? Select all that apply.

(Check) Same network time (Check) Proper net assignments (Uncheck) All units must maintain line-of-sight with the Network Time Reference (NTR) (Check) Correct crypto loaded

What is the legal Link 16 surveillance track number value range?

(Correct) 00001 - ZZ777

Each word in a J-Series message is made up of a combination of _____________ that represent(s) specific information such as track number.

(Correct) Data elements

What information is meant by platform unique data?

(Correct) Geodetic data (position), antenna height, cable length, and delay

Which statement/statements regarding PPLI processing is accurate?

(Correct) Geometry and time within the link will improve position quality

Which of the following IS NOT responsible for the Link 16 network maintenance functions?

(Correct) Grid Reference Unit

Which of the following OPTASK LINK sets IS NOT part of the LNKXVI (Link 16 Segment)?

(Correct) LNKPROT

What document defines Link 16 NPGs and J-Series messages?

(Correct) MIL-STD-6016 DoD Interface Standard Tactical Data Link (TDL) 16 Message Standard

Subscriber functions are the actions, other than maintenance, that are required to maintain Link 16 network operations and include net number selection, ________________, and Network Participation Status, or NPS.

(Correct) Platform indicators

A ____________ will use RTT exchanges to maintain and improve synchronization.

(Correct) Primary User (PRU)

Which of the following IS NOT a consideration in the selection of a Link 16 network design?

(Correct) Provides Satellite Access Authorization

What is required for a Link 16 terminal to obtain coarse synchronization?

(Correct) Reception of one error free J0.0 Initial Entry Message (IEM)

Which of the following IS NOT a terminal interrupt?

(Correct) Relay Delay

What is the purpose of the Network Design step in the Network Management System?

(Correct) Selection, modification, or creation of the network design

Where will the operator find the Initialization Data Load (IDL) file assignment for their platform?

(Wrong) Air Tasking Order (ATO) (?) Special Instructions (SPINS) (?) Network Description Document (NDD) (?) OPTASK LINK

What are the three types of words that make up a J-Series message?

(Wrong) Entry, Extension and Continuation (?) Entry, Extended and Critical (?) Initial, Extension and Continuation (?) Initial, Extended and Critical

Which of the following IS NOT a characteristic of the Network Time Reference (NTR)?

(Wrong) Establishes network time (?) Will always have a time quality (QT) of 15 (?) Automatically obtains coarse synchronization (?) Transmits an Initial Entry Message (IEM)

Which statement/statements regarding PPLIs is accurate?

(Wrong) In RELNAV operations, a position quality of 0 is the most accurate (?) As the position qualities get lower, the error estimates get lower (?) In RELNAV operations, a position quality of 15 is the most accurate (?) The Navigational Controller always reports a position quality of 0

How does the U.S. Navy identify network designs?

(Wrong) JTIDS Library Number (JNL) and Version Number (?) JTIDS Library Number (JNL) and Network Number (?) Network Number and Series Identifier (?) Originating NDF and Network Numbers

What is the output of the Network Information Exchange Requirements (IER) Definition step in the Network Management System?

(Wrong) Network Description Document (NDD) and Initialization Data Load (IDL) files (?) Operations Order (OPORD) (?) Link 16 Network Request Form sent to the Network Design Facility (NDF) (?) OPTASK LINK message

Which type of Link 16 network is based off GPS time corrected to UTC?

(Wrong) Network Time Reference (NTR) (?) External Time Reference Network (ETRN) (?) Relative Time Referenced Network (Wrong) System Time Reference Network (STRN)

A ____________ will use PPLI receptions to maintain and improve synchronization.

(Wrong) Network Time Reference (NTR) (?) Secondary User (SU) (?) Active unit (Wrong) Primary User (PRU)

Which statement/statements is true regarding GEOGRID and RELGRID operations?

(Wrong) RELGRID was specifically designed for sea based units (Wrong) RELGRID operations can be activated by the Positional Reference (PR) (Wrong) GEOGRID and RELGRID is always present (?) GEOGRID is always present and is based on the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84)

Which of the following IS NOT true about an NTRE in an External Time Reference Network (ETRN)?

(Wrong) Required to establish an ETRN (?) Will always have a time quality (QT) of 15 (Wrong) Behaves identically to a JUE once the network is established (?) Not necessary in an ETRN to provide network stability

Where can the network time base for a Link 16 network be found?

(Wrong) Special Instructions (SPINS) (?) Air Tasking Order (ATO) (?) OPTASK LINK (?) Network Description Document (NDD)

What is required for a Link 16 terminal to PASSIVELY obtain fine synchronization?

(Wrong) Successful exchange of three Round Trip Timing (RTT) messages (?) Reception of three PPLI messages from the same source (?) Reception of three PPLI messages from the three different source (?) Successful exchange of one Round Trip Timing (RTT) messages

Subscriber functions are the actions, other than maintenance, that are required to maintain Link 16 network operations and include _______________, platform indicators, and Network Participation Status, or NPS.

(Wrong) Timeslot Reuse (?) Synchronization (?) Connectivity (?) Net number selection

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