PowerPoint 1, buad 1305

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Text Box:

An object that provides space for text anywhere on a slide ; it can be formatted with a border shading and other characters

Outline View

Collapsed Outline, Expanded Outline


Creating Shapes, Shape Styles, Customizing Shapes, Shape fills, Shape effects,


Defines containers, positioning, and formatting for all of the content that appears on a slide

Slide Sorter view

Displays thumbnails of your presentation slides, allowing you to view multiple slides simultaneously

Drawing Mode

Drawing mode allows you to draw inside of or behind existing shapes or to draw in the default Normal mode.Enables the creation of multiple shape of the same type

Text Guidelines

-Do not use underline text -Do not use all caps -Use bold and italics sparingly -avoid text that leaves one word on a line on its -avoid using multiple spaces after puntion

How is formatting affected when reusing slides from an existing presentation?

-The slide being reused takes on the formatting of the open presentation - You can click Clear All Formatting to format slides using the active theme. - The original presentation's formatting can be retained by clicking Keep Source Formatting.

Which of the following may be use to precisely align object

-gridlines -smart guides -ruler

A widescreen template that can be used for display on most screens and televisions is found in the category:



A WRITTEN note or drawing on a slide for additional commentary or explanation


A collection of formatting choices that includes colors, fonts, and special effects


A container that holds content


A container that holds text, image, graphs , or other objects to be used in a presentation

Smart Art:

A diagram that presents information's visually to effectively communicate a message

Rich Text Format (.rtf):

A file format that retain structure and most text formatting when transferred document between applications of platforms

Slide show

A method to deliver your message in a variety of ways using multiple slides


A motion applied to text and objects


A note or drawing added to a slide during a presentation

Text Pane

A pane for text entry used for a smart art diagram

PowerPoint presentation

A presentation saved with a .pptx extension


A shape that be can used to ad notes often used in cartooning


A slide miniature

Which of the following is not true of sections?

A slide show can be divided into only six logical section

Presenter view

A specialty view that delivers a presentation on two monitors simultaneously


A specific animation that is applied when a previous slide is replaced by a new slide


A variation of the theme you have chosen, using different color palettes and font families


A visual plan of a presentation that display the content of each slide in the slide show

Adjustment Handle:

A yellow circle on a shape that is used to change the shape

Data Imports

Import an Outline, Reuse Slides

which of the following is not a layout available from the smart art gallery

Information table

Apply Quick Styles

Is a combination of different format that can be selected from the quick style would look when applied position your pointer over the quick style thumbnail. When you identify the style you want click to apply the style to a selected object..


Is a visual effect that takes place when one slide is replaced by another slide while the presentation is displayed in slide show view or reading view

Categories of Smart Art

List, Process, Cycle, Hierarchy, Relationship, Matrix, Pyramid

Status bar

Located at the bottom of the screen, this contains the slide number, a spell check button, an options that control the view of your presentation

Saving as a Slideshow

Make a slide show that starts automatically when opened. Select File > Save as (or Save a Copy). Browse to the folder where you want to save your presentation. In the File name box, type a name for your presentation

What is the advantage to collapsing the outline, so only the slide titles are visible?

More slide titles are displayed at one time, making it easier to rearrange the slides in the presentation

PowerPoint Views

Normal View, Notes Pages View, Slide Sorter View, Reading View, Slide Show View

Slide Layouts:

Power point provides a set of predefined slide layouts that determine the position of placeholders in various locations.

In Outline view, levels of indentation showing the hierarchy of information cannot be create by:

Pressing ALT+TAB to demote a bullet point from the first level to the second level

You own a small business & decide to institute an Employee of the Month award program. Which of the following would be the fastest way to create the award certificate with a professional look?

Search for online templates and themes and download an Award certificate template .

Print with PowerPoint

Slides, Handouts, Note Pages, Outline

Presenters View:

Specialty view that delivers a presentation on two monitors simultaneously

An object that provides space for text anywhere on a slider:

Text Box

Normal view

The default PowerPoint view, containing two panes that provide maximum flexibility in working with the presentation


The most basic element of PowerPoint, analogous to a page in a Word document


The most basic element of power point, similar to a page in word


The movement applied to an object on a slide

Design Principles

The rules that describe how designers might put together various design elements to create an aesthetically finished product.Arrangements or patterns for design elements to follow.

Which of the following is true

The slide layout can be changed after the template has been chosen.

which of the following features enables you to change the color of objects in your slide show without changing text


Which of the following is a reason for ungrouping a drawn object

To be able to individually change shapes to create the composite image

Align Objects

To position one or more selected objects in relation to each other, in relation to the margins of a document, or in relation to the boundaries of a page or spread.

During a slideshow, which of the following would not focus audience attention on a specific object?

Use the pen tool to circle the object

To add pictures to a presentation, you can

Use your own photos - Search for and insert pictures from Bing Image Search -Use the default images that came with the template

Notes Page view

Used if the speaker needs to enter and edit large amounts of text for reference in the presentation

Slide show view

Used to deliver a completed presentation full screen to an audience, one slide at a time

Reading view

Used to view a slide show full screen, one at a time

PowerPoint show

Uses a .ppsx extension

Convert Text to Smart Art

You can also convert existing text to a smartart diagram by selecting the placeholder containing the text the and clicking convert to smart art graphic in the paragraph group on the home tab.

Create WordArt

You can convert existing text to wordart text, or you can create a wordart object and then type text . the color depend upon the theme you have selected

Order objects

You can layer shapes by placing them under or on top of one another, the order of the layers is called stacking order. Powerpoint adds shapes or other objects in a stacking order as you add them to the slide.The last shape you plae on the slide is on tops and is the highest in the stacking order.

Plain Text Format (.txt)

a file format that retains only text but no formatting when transferring documents between applications or platforms


a file that incorporates a theme, a layout, and content that can be modified.

connector lines

a line shape that is attached to and moves with other shapes


a method of organizing text in a hierarchy to depict relationships


a predesigned file that incorporates formatting element, such as a theme and layout and may includes content that can be modified

Which of the following might be a reason for changing the stacking order of shapes

all of the above

Which of the following is the easiest method for adding existing content to a presentation?

d) Import a document saved in plain text format OR (a) Import an outline using heading styles created in Word

Design Themes

elements you can apply to slides in your presentation

7x7 Guideline

guidelines that suggest you use no more than 7 words per line and 7 lines per slide.

Which print method provides lined space for note taking by the audience?

handout, 3 slides

Which of the following formats cannot be imported to use as an outline for a presentation?


You have items needed for a camping trip in a bullet placeholder. which of the following smart art diagram would you use to display the data as an infographic


which of the following statement is not accurate about placeholders

placeholder positions are determined by the slide layout and may not be changed

which of the following smart art diagram layout is used to illustrate connections


What view is the best choice if you want to reorder the slides in a presentation?

slide sorter view

Which of the following components are contained in normal view?

slides pane and slide pane

Which of the following presents information as a diagram?

smart art

you have inserted a picture of a field with a dog on the right side.If you flip the picture vertically what would the resulting image look like

the image would be upside down with the dogs head pointing down

Arranging objects

the selection pane, found in the arrange group on the format tab, list all objects on the slide and enables you to select multi select show hide or change the order of objects

Which of the following layouts is most commonly used when introducing the topic of the presentation and the speaker

title slide

Which feature will enable you to apply motion as one slide exits and another enters?


What is the term for theme alternatives using different color palettes and font families?


Modify Objects

you can modify existing drawing by breaking them into individuals shapes and removing pieces you do not need, changing or recoloring shapes, rotation shapes , and combining shapes from several objects to create a new object

In reference to content development, which of the following points is not in active voice and is not parallel to the others?

your topic should be researched thoroughly

Fill and Gradient Fill

Gradient fill: A blend of two or more colors, when you select gradient from the shape fill gallery. Fill:to create unusual frames for your pictures

Slide and Outline Tab:

Outline view in PowerPoint displays your presentation as an outline made up of the titles and main text from each slide. Each title appears on the left side of the pane that contains the Outline tab, along with a slide icon and slide number

Run and navigate a slide show

Forward: left click with the mouse Return: right click with Mouse

which of the following breaks all interacting parts of selected shapes into their own separate shapes


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