PR Test 1

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The polypeptide +NH3-Asp-Lys-Leu-Val-Arg-Glu-Val-Lys-COO- is digested by trypsin. The products will be:

+NH3-Asp-Lys-COO-, +NH3-Leu-Val-Arg-COO-, +NH3-Glu-Val-Lys-COO- Trypsin and other serine proteases hydrolyze the peptide bond to the right (toward the COOH-terminus) of basic amino acid residues including lysine and arginine. The two sites of hydrolysis are between Lys and Leu and between Arg and Glu to make three fragments

If a silent mutation occurs at position 6 in the β chain of hemoglobin, what will be the overall charge of the resulting tryptic peptide in a solution buffered to pH 5?

0 By determining the charge states on each individual amino acid in the tryptic peptide at pH 5, the overall charge on the peptide can be calculated. Recall that when the pH of a solution exceeds the pKa of a functional group, that group is deprotonated. This applies only to the acidic residues in the peptide. So, from left-to-right: the N-terminal Val bears a +1 charge on its α-amino group; His bears a +1 charge on its side chain; Leu, Thr, and Pro are uncharged; each Glu bears a -1 charge on its side chain; and the C-terminal Lys is neutral overall (+1 on its side chain and -1 on its α-carboxyl group). The sum total of these charges [(+1) + (+1) + (-1) + (-1) + (0)] is 0

Methyl orange is an indicator that is red in its undissociated form and yellow in its dissociated form. If the Ka for methyl orange is 1.6 × 10-4, which of the following gives the best pH range for the solution that appears neither red nor yellow?

2.8-4.8 The passage states that the pH range for which the eye cannot discern one of the pure-compound colors to be pKa - 1 < pH < pKa + 1. Since the Ka of methyl orange is 1.6 × 10-4, its pKa = -log Ka = -log(1.6 × 10-4) ≈ 4. Thus, the appropriate pH range is given approximately by the inequalities 3 < pH < 5

If the front mirror in Figure 1, which is made of glass of refractive index 3/2, were repositioned so that the laser beam strikes at an angle of 30° to its normal, what would be the angle of reflection?

30 degrees If the laser beam strikes the mirror at an angle of 30° relative to the normal, then this is the angle of incidence, and, by the Law of Reflection, it is also the angle of reflection. The refractive index of the mirror is irrelevant.

If the absolute pressure of a gas is increased from 3 atm to 4 atm at constant volume, then the absolute temperature of the gas will increase by:

33% Assuming the validity of the Ideal-Gas law, PV = nRT, an increase in pressure by a factor of 4/3 at constant volume will result in an increase in temperature by the same factor (since P is proportional to T if V and n are constant). Multiplying the temperature by 4/3 = 133% implies an increase by 33%.

Which of the following is the anticodon sequence on the tRNA for the start codon?

5'-CAU-3' The start codon on the mRNA would be 5'-AUG-3', therefore, the anticodon on the tRNA would be the complementary sequence: 3'-UAC-5' (or alternatively written, 5'-CAU-3').

If bromothymol blue changes from yellow to blue as the pH of the solution increases, at what value of pOH will a solution containing this indicator just begin to turn from blue to green?

6.4 Since bromothymol blue changes from yellow to blue over the range of pH 6.0-7.6 (while the pH increases, or the [H+] decreases), at a pH below 6.0 the solution will be yellow, above 7.6 it will be blue, and between 6.0-7.6 it will be green. Therefore, the transition point in question occurs at a pH of 7.6. Since pH + pOH = 14, that means the pOH of the solution should be 7.6 + pOH = 14, or 6.4

Two nuclides with the same excess number of neutrons over protons (that is, the same value of N-Z) are called isodiapheres. Which of the following is an isodiaphere of ?

78/35 Br 68 Zn has 30 protons and 38 neutrons, so the excess number of neutrons over protons is N-Z = 38 - 30 = 8. Of the given choices, only choice D, , shares this property; it has 35 protons and 43 neutrons, giving N-Z = 8.

A cyclist collides with a tree, and the collision creates an intense compressive stress on the cyclist's left humerus (upper arm bone), causing a fracture. Which of the following changes in the initial conditions most likely could have prevented the fracture?

A decrease in his velocity by a factor of two Because KE = (1/2)mv2, a decrease in the cyclist's velocity would have the greatest effect (since v is squared) in lowering his KE.

Why does the solubility of AgI decrease in an aqueous solution when NaI is added?

A higher [I-] shifts Reaction 1 to the left.

Retention time in gas chromatography is the time it takes a compound to be eluted and detected after injection into the system. Of the following compounds, which will display both a short retention time and a high Rf in analysis by thin-layer chromatography?

A low retention time in gas chromatography is associated with a volatile (low boiling point) compound, while a high Rf in thin-layer chromatography is associated with a nonpolar compound. Thus, the best answer for this question is a nonpolar compound with a low boiling point. Choices A and B, being alcohols, will have high boiling points due to their ability to hydrogen bond, so are incorrect answers. Choices C and D are both nonpolar compounds, but they differ in size by one carbon. The compound with more carbons (and less branching) in choice D, 2,3-dimethylpentane, will have a higher boiling point because it has greater London dispersion forces, so is also incorrect.

Complete understanding of object permanence occurs during which of Freud's psychosexual stages?

Anal stage According to the first paragraph, object permanence is attained by roughly 18-24 months. This most closely aligns with Freud's anal stage of psychosexual development, which he postulated to span from roughly 1-3 years of age, when young children are learning how to control bowel elimination

Which of the following is expected to be true of children with Down syndrome?

Aortic arterial blood oxygen saturation is lower than normal.

cap-independent translation

Cap-independent translation uses internal ribosomal entry sites (IRESs) and allows a cell to translate proteins during sub-optimal growth conditions (because less regulation is necessary). Since tumors typically grow quickly, they are often short of oxygen and nutrients and must deal with acidic and CO2-rich growth conditions. Activating cap-independent translation would allow the tumor cells to continue proliferating even under these less-than-optimal conditions

Which portion of the central nervous system confers balance by coordinating the activity of various motor units?


A converging glass lens forms a real image of a red object at a distance equal to twice its focal length. If a blue object is placed adjacent to the red object, will its image form closer to the lens or farther from the lens than the image of the red object?

Closer, because blue light is refracted more due to its shorter wavelength The refractive index of a transparent medium increases with increasing frequency of the transmitted light. Thus, the refractive index of the lens for blue light would be slightly higher than for red light. This would imply that blue light experiences more refraction than red light. Since the lens is a converging one (because diverging lenses cannot form real images), the blue light would be bent more sharply toward the axis than the red light, so the image of the blue object would be formed closer to the lens.

How could the James-Lange theory of emotion best be explained by the dynamical systems theory concept of emergence?

Different collections of physiological markers combine to represent distinct emotions

The rules that govern appropriate emotional responses vary from culture to culture. These social mores are called:

Display rules

The HCO3-/Cl- exchange is an example of:

Facilitated diffusion Facilitated diffusion involves movement of molecules down a gradient with the involvement of a protein. The passage states that both bicarbonate and chloride ions are moving down a gradient, making this a case of facilitated transport

Which Eriksonian stage have those bicultural individuals who are able to successfully integrate both cultures into their personality successfully navigated?

Fidelity the bicultural individuals who are able to successfully integrate both aspects of their identity probably do so because they have successfully resolved the crisis in the Fidelity stage, which involves the crisis of Identity vs. Identity Confusion

Which one of the following compounds would be most soluble in ethanol?

Formic acid Formic acid is a highly polar molecule, making it soluble in the polar alcoholic solvent.

A researcher has discovered a novel frameshift mutation in pyruvate carboxylase and hypothesizes that this could affect tumor metabolism. Which of the following would be the best experiment to perform to either confirm or disprove her hypothesis?

Generate a cell line that expresses the mutant form of pyruvate carboxylase and measure lactate secretion, and glucose and glutamine uptake compared to control cells that express the normal form of pyruvate carboxylase.

It has been suggested that one reason tumor cells have novel metabolism is to generate the additional biomolecules required to increase biomass, which is needed to support high rate of proliferation. Which is the best explanation of how this could occur?

Glutamate can be used to produce Krebs cycle intermediates such as oxaloacetate and citrate and these molecules can be used to generate lipids, amino acids and nucleotides.

Which of the following best explains why the isoelectric point of HbS is higher than that of HbA?

Glutamic acid is isoelectric at a lower pH than is valine The isoelectric point is the solution pH at which an amphoteric molecule (a molecule that can act either as an acid or a base) has a net electric charge of zero. The negative charge of glutamic acid would require a more acidic pH to neutralize, making the isoelectric point of HbA (with glutamic acid) lower than that of HbS (with valine).

After an adult with cystic fibrosis ingests a carbohydrate-rich meal, which of the following would you expect to occur?

High extracellular concentration of glucose

Perceiving the color of a pH indicator requires what type of visual processing?

Hyperpolarization of cone cells to trigger depolarization of bipolar neurons. When cone cells are not exposed to light and are thus not processing the visual stimuli of color, they are depolarized. Since the question is asking about perceiving color, the cone cells need to be hyperpolarized. When cone cells hyperpolarize, the bipolar neurons are no longer being inhibited and can then depolarize in order to transmit signal to the ganglion and eventually the optic nerve.

The change in Q, the magnitude of charge on each surface of the axon membrane could be produced by which of the following?

Inactivity of the Na+/K+ pump

Which of the following would be expected in an individual with ketoacidosis?

Increased respiratory rate

Which of the following statements best describes pyruvate kinase?

It catalyzes the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate and uses one ADP molecule.

Which of the following best describes the role of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate?

It exerts reciprocal control on glycolysis and gluconeogenesis by stimulating phosphofructokinase and inhibiting fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase.

Which one of the following statements concerning the SN2 reaction mechanism is true?

It proceeds best with primary substrates and is a one-step reaction.

If pirenzepine is administered to a Zollinger-Ellison syndrome patient, which of the following will occur?

Luminal H+ secretion will decrease, because low intracellular Ca2+ will lead to lowered protein kinase activity. If acetylcholine is blocked, calcium levels will be low, protein kinase activity low, and H+ secretion low

Socialized medicine is a term used to describe governmental regulation of health care, with this public administration of health services being funded through taxation. This is also often referred to as universal health care. In the United States, there are some socialized insurance programs, such as military medicine. However, despite the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, private companies continue to provide most of the nation's health care. Public opinion has been slow to accept the notion of universal health care, as evidenced by the opposition to presidential reform efforts during the Truman, Clinton, and Obama administrations. This hesitation could be attributed to several factors, such as the public's agreement with conservative critics. and best matches the approach to inequalities described in the theories of:

Max Weber The persistent opposition to forms of socialized medicine best reflects the theories of Max Weber. Unlike the other theorists, Weber argued that the presence of inequalities would not necessitate the collapse of capitalism. He suggested that responses to inequalities are moderated through additional social factors, such as agreement with authority figures (e.g., public political figures

Which of the following could explain the Warburg effect?

Metabolic differences allow cancer cells to adapt to hypoxic (oxygen-deficient) conditions inside solid tumors AND Some oncogenic changes shut down the mitochondria because these organelles are involved in apoptosis, which would result in cell death

Which of the following are products of the pentose phosphate pathway?

NADPH Ribose-5-phosphate

If a patient with cystic fibrosis receives a double-lung transplant from a non-cystic fibrosis donor, would the new lungs be expected to develop cystic fibrosis?

No, since cystic fibrosis is due to a gene defect, the cells of the new lungs will have the normal CFTR gene.

A tall plant with curly leaves (TT/CC ) was crossed with a dwarf plant with straight leaves (tt/cc). Two of the resulting F1s were crossed with each other and produced F2s as follows: 34 tall plants with curly leaves4 dwarf plants with straight leaves11 tall plants with straight leaves12 dwarf plants with curly leaves. Based on these results, are the genes for plant height and leaf shape linked?

No, since the phenotype ratio is close to the expected ratio for this cross. The cross between the parental plants produced an F1 generation that all have the genotype Tt/Cc (double heterozygotes). These plants were then crossed to produce the F2 generation. The expected unlinked phenotype ratio from a cross between two double heterozygotes is 9:3:3:1, with 9/16 of the offspring double-dominant, 3/16 dominant/recessive, 3/16 recessive/dominant, and 1/16 double-recessive. Based on the numbers given in the question, the actual ratio (34:11:12:4) is very close to this, so these genes are not linked.

A bacteriologist initiated an E. coli culture from one E. coli cell and hypothesized that some of the progeny in the culture would be genetically different from the original parent cell. Is this hypothesis true?

No; bacteria are asexual organisms, and in the absence of mutation, all progeny of any one cell are genetically identical to the parent cell.

Four patients complained of different memory problems at a clinic. Whose symptoms most closely resemble those of the famous patient H.M., who suffered from anterograde amnesia?

Patient 1 Patient 1 demonstrates severe anterograde amnesia, such as H.M. showed following the surgery that removed much of both of his temporal lobes and hippocampi. In general, H.M. was able to remember people and events from before his surgery, but he was not able to create new memories other than procedural memories (learning non-verbal tasks), which he was not able to state that he had learned. He was also able to explain the function of everyday objects so long as he had known them before his surgery

A mixture of aspartate and phenylalanine is separated into its component molecules by thin layer chromatography on a silica plate eluted with benzene. Why does the separation occur?

Phenylalanine will move farther with the mobile phase, because it has a nonpolar side chain.

Arachidonic acid is a fatty acid contained in cell membranes. In which component of the cell membrane would arachidonic acid most likely be found?

Phospholipids Phospholipids are abundant components of the plasma membrane and contain esters of many different fatty acids

Studies have shown that the right hemisphere is often critical for the processing of pitch and melody. Based on the passage, which of the following offers a possible evolutionary explanation for right hemispheric processing of music?

Prosody (or rhythm, stress, and intonation in speech) is also processed in the right hemisphere.

An activated aldosterone receptor most directly regulates activity of which of the following enzymes?

RNA polymerase II Aldosterone binds to aldosterone receptors to regulate transcription of a specific set of genes. The enzyme that synthesizes mRNA is RNA polymerase II, so it is this enzyme that would be most directly affected by the activated aldosterone receptor

Which of the following statements regarding RNA molecules is NOT true?

RNAs are insusceptible to alkaline hydrolysis.

A researcher attempts to explain the phenomenon, as described in the passage, that couples who reported greater relationship satisfaction had greater physiological co-regulation. The researcher concludes that the cognitive interpretation of the physiological state of both partners led to their reported feelings of satisfaction. This is most similar to which of the following?

Schachter-Singer theory The Schachter-Singer theory posits that emotional experience is determined by one's physiological state and the cognitive interpretation of that state. This is most similar to the description in the question stem in which couples experience physiological co-regulation and cognitive interpretation

Suppose it were shown that when the students were given solvable puzzles by the experimenter who had previously given them unsolvable ones, both experimenters were noticeably paying more attention to the students' responses. Under these circumstances, which of the following might confound the results?

Social facilitation

Which of the following concepts is most closely related to the rationale behind the study's method of measuring automatic association?

Social schemas Social schemas are cognitive structures that guide the information processing of ideas about categories of social events and people. When a social schema is made more accessible through priming,

Milgram's experiment was designed to test the conditions under which a person's morality could be overridden by an authority figure who asked the person to carry out an action contradictory to his or her moral beliefs. A person's morality develops through:


In which organ are sickled red blood cells most likely to be hemolyzed?


Which of the following best theorizes how verbal insight problems most likely activate the wrong set of internal representations?

Spreading activation model The spreading activation model posits that the mind maintains networks of words that are associated with each other to varying degrees. When one word is activated, those words with the strongest associations to the activated word are also activated. The way verbal insight problems use words that lead to incorrect activations is best explained by the spreading activation model

When a person belonging to a minority group is primed to recall his or her minority status while engaged in a task that is traditionally thought of as not typical for that group, the individual tends to perform worse than if he or she had not been reminded of the prejudice associated with that status. What is this phenomenon called?

Stereotype threat

Aldosterone's mechanism of action on its target cell is most similar to that of which of the following hormones?

Testosterone Two general classes of hormones are those that are small hydrophobic molecules like steroid hormones and those that are peptides. The steroid hormones, which include aldosterone and testosterone, diffuse through the plasma membrane to bind to a receptor which enters the nucleus to regulate transcription of a specific set of genes. Peptide hormones, such as glucagon, insulin, and ACTH, cannot diffuse into the cell since they are large and hydrophilic, so they bind to cell-surface receptors to transduce a signal into cells.

Hardy-Weinberg equation

The Hardy-Weinberg equation can only be used to describe the frequencies of autosomal recessive or dominant traits or conditions, not changes in chromosome number.

If a fully saturated solution of AgI, with precipitate present, were treated with NaCl instead of NaI, which of the following observations is likely?

The concentration of [I-] increases. The increased dissolution of AgI will cause the increase in [I-], even as [Ag+] levels remain low.

The phenomenon whereby individuals tend to favor internal attributions in explaining others' behavior is known as:

The fundamental attribution error

In a population of 18,000 Caucasians, how many are expected to be carriers of cystic fibrosis?

The passage states that the frequency of the autosomal recessive condition cystic fibrosis, q2, is 1 in 3600. The frequency of the recessive allele, q, then is 1 in 60. The frequency of the dominant non-disease producing allele, p, is 59 in 60. The carriers of a population are determined by the expression 2pq. In the given population, the number of carriers would be (2)(1/60)(59/60)(18000) or 590

Which one of the following statements is true regarding PCl3?

The phosphorus has sp3 hybridization, and the molecule has a trigonal pyramid shape.

which of the following would create the greatest increase in charge stored per unit voltage on an axon membrane in its rest state?

Thickness of the membrane

According to functionalist theorists, which of the following are manifest functions of the health care system in the United States?

To maintain and improve the health of people so that all citizens are able to fulfill their normal social responsibilities, thus contributing to social continuity To educate patients about the health risks associated with harmful behaviors, such as the use of carcinogenic substances, thus helping to define normal and deviant behaviors

Which of the following is the best explanation for why urea, CO(NH2)2, may be used to study the unfolding of scr SH3?

Urea acts to stabilize the denatured state of scr SH3 by associating with backbone polar groups and charged side chains. Based on its structure, urea, CO(NH2)2, will interact with the polar moieties of a protein via hydrogen bonding, which include the peptide backbone and polar residues (charged or uncharged). By disabling intramolecular hydrogen bonding urea is capable of stabilizing the denatured state of a protein. Only a single unfolding pathway is followed when a chemical denaturant, such as urea, is applied. Thus, there can only be one transition state

The concentration of ketone bodies in the blood is expected to be increased the most in:

a person with untreated type 1 diabetes An individual with untreated type 1 diabetes would have decreased glucose inside of cells, leading to cellular "starvation," even though blood glucose is high. This would cause the breakdown of fats for energy, leading to ketosis, and often dangerous increases in ketosis

A FISH probe should be made of:

a segment of single-stranded DNA which is complementary to the gene being studied, covalently linked to a fluorochrome.

A CO2 laser used as a laser scalpel produces a beam of laser light with a wavelength of 10.6 µm. Compared to the excited electrons in the laser shown in Figure 1, the excited electrons in the CO2 laser most likely have:

a smaller energy difference between their normal state and their excited state. The wavelength of the CO2 laser is 10 times greater than the wavelength of the laser shown in Figure 1. Therefore, the frequency and the energy of the CO2 laser are 10 times lower. Since the laser light is the energy released by transitions of electrons dropping to a lower energy level, less emitted energy implies a smaller difference between the energy levels.

In an experimental setting, an infant is consistently able to locate a toy underneath a red box when she observes a researcher placing the toy underneath this red box. When the researcher, in full view of the infant, places the toy underneath an adjacent blue box, the infant incorrectly looks for the toy underneath the original red box. An adherent to Piaget's theory of cognitive development might state that the infant has made:

an A-not-B error In an A-not-B error, the individual perseveres in looking for an object in a location in which it was previously placed, even with the knowledge that it has been placed elsewhere. This is most common in infants under 12 months of age

The theoretical paradigm LEAST suited to microsociological studies is the:

conflict theory perspective Conflict theory, however, is a macrosociological perspective concerned with social inequalities as a result of the greater social structure, which is of particular concern in capitalistic societies

The diaphragm plays an important role in respiration. During inspiration, the diaphragm:

contracts, causing alveolar pressure to drop below atmospheric pressure.

As an ideal fluid flowing in a narrow pipe passes from a region of cross-sectional diameter d to a region of cross-sectional diameter d / 2, the flow speed of the fluid will:

decrease by a factor of 4 If the diameter of the flow tube decreases by a factor of 2, the cross-sectional area decreases by a factor of 22 = 4. Since the Continuity Equation implies that flow speed is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the flow tube, the flow speed will increase by a factor of 4.

Ouabain irreversibly inhibits the Na+/K+ pump. The effect of this on the equivalent circuit model for the resting axon would be to cause:

decreased potential difference across the resistors and the capacitor.

Gender studies have been of interest to scholars of various academic disciplines, including sociologists. Those sociologists who adhere to the functionalist perspective would note that gender stratification and gender roles:

exist to maximize social coherence; for example, men have instrumental social roles and women have expressive social roles

A highly proliferating cell would most likely:

express high levels of the lactate transporter and the glutamine transporter.

A barometer is made by erecting an evacuated glass tube over a dish filled with mercury. Atmospheric pressure at sea level causes the mercury to rise inside the tube. If this barometer were moved from sea level to a mountain several kilometers in altitude, the mercury column would most likely:

fall due to the decreased atmospheric pressure

During spermatogenesis, spermatids:

have already undergone meiotic recombination Spermatids are the sperm precursors that have completed meiosis but have not yet fully matured. A mature sperm has fully completed meiosis, and this is true of spermatids as well; it is the ova that are frozen in meiosis II until after fertilization

If radiolabeled stilbestrol were administered to the experimental chicks, given its effect on the oviduct, the stilbestrol would be found most heavily concentrated:

in the nuclei of oviduct tissue When stimulated by the addition of a ligand such as stilbestrol, estrogen receptor will localize within the nucleus, where it regulates genes by binding to enhancers and promoters. Radiolabeled stilbestrol would localize with estrogen receptor in the nucleus

Gestalt's Law of Continuity

lines are seen as following the smoothest path According to the Gestalt principle of continuity, we tend to see smooth continuous patterns rather than discontinuous ones; therefore, this law would predict that we will perceive a continuous black circle partially covered by the rectangle, rather than two semi-circles

Gastrin secretion is inhibited by low pH in the stomach. This is an example of:

negative feedback Gastrin stimulates acid production, and its release is inhibited by stomach acid. This is a negative-feedback loop designed to maintain acid within a certain pH range

The fundamental difference between the 34-, 17-, and 14-amino acid forms of gastrin can be attributed to:

primary structure These are very small polypeptides. Since they are single polypeptides, they cannot have quaternary structure, which requires interactions between different polypeptides chains. Tertiary structure and secondary structure are unlikely to be achieved with such short polypeptides. Primary structure is simply the linear amino acid sequence, which certainly will be different since the peptides have different numbers of amino acids.

If researchers wanted to include a participant with severe damage to her lateral geniculate nucleus, they would need to revise the procedure by:

reading the problems aloud rather than providing the participants with the text. The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) is the area behind the retina that serves as an intermediate way station for electrochemical signals passed from the retina to the visual cortex of the brain. Accordingly, the vision of a participant with damage to the LGN would be impaired, requiring that the problems be read aloud rather than presented in text form

A drug is discovered that reduces smooth muscle contraction by inhibiting the muscle's response to acetylcholine. This is likely to:

reduce the hypertensive effect of angiotensin II In the absence of acetylcholine signaling, the overall tone of smooth muscle in artery walls will be reduced, reducing blood pressure

Tryptophan, an essential amino acid found in banana, turkey, and milk proteins, can induce sleep in some people. Warm milk causes greater sleepiness than cold milk because heating the milk

releases free tryptophan from proteins, causing more rapid intestinal absorption.

The removal of the adrenal glands will result in a reduction of all of the following EXCEPT:

renin secretion by juxtaglomerular cells The hormones secreted by the adrenal glands include epinephrine from the medulla, and cortisol, aldosterone, and low levels of sex steroids from the adrenal cortex. As stated in the passage, aldosterone increases potassium secretion and also increases sodium reabsorption. The increased Na+ reabsorption leads to increased water reabsorption, thereby increasing the blood volume. The loss of aldosterone would cause water and sodium loss, decreased blood volume and decreased blood pressure. In response to decreased blood pressure, renin secretion would increase, not decrease.

The Cannon-Bard theory of emotion:

suggests that our physiological arousal and experience of emotion happen simultaneously and independently

Across the membrane of an axon in its rest state:

the potential is higher on the outside of the cell than the inside, and electric field lines run from the outside to the inside.

In split-brain studies such as those mentioned in the passage, researchers presented sensory information to both hemispheres at the same time and the patients did not have difficulty responding to questions about this sensory information. This was because:

unless the sensory information was blocked from one hemisphere both hemispheres could engage in processing, thus mitigating the effects of lateralization.

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