PR Test 3

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Why is copyright law important for a practitioner to know? Which side has recent court decisions generally favored—the source or the user?

The source

How can a trademark become a generic name for something?

Trademarks can become household names Public education campaigns sometimes used to warn public

Employee profiles and/or biographical sketches for some employees should be maintained and updated.


Employees have privacy rights.


True or false: The status of LGBT consumers in the marketplace is improving as evidenced by more campaigns aimed at this important group and an increasing presence of LGBT characters in mainstream commercials and programming.


True or false: when conflict erupts, PR's success in building and maintain relationships becomes evident.

True, if your coworkers don't trust you they will be suspicious of things that you say.

What is the best defense in a libel case?


What are two key variables in reputation management?

Truth and Credibility

Why should PR practitioners be concerned about opinion versus facts when constructing messages?

Truth, fair comment, privilege


When two or more organizations direct their efforts against each other


When two or more organizations vie for the same reason

When constructing persuasive messages is it important to offer audiences a way to act on the message?


Predisposing Variables

always present Set the tone for a response More influential than situational variables

Environmental Scanning

constant monitoring of internal and external public's to gauge awareness, attitudes and behavioral intentions Proactive Stage

Crisis planning begins with what?

environmental scanning and issues management

Situational Variables

responsive to specific circumstances and settings More dynamic and subject to rapid change than predisposing variables


spoken defamation


written defamation

hat are the three facts a practitioner may divulge about an employee when handling news inquiries?

- Employment dates - Title/position - Current employment status

What does privilege mean in a libel case?

- You can make comments that are defamatory - Truth fair comment and privilege are the best defenses for Libel

Why does persuasion fail at times?

-A lack of message penetration -Competing messages -Self-selection -Self-perception

What are three strategies for persuasion?

-Change or neutralize hostile opinions -Crystallize latent opinions -Conserve favorable opinions

Explain why clarity, timing and context are important when constructing persuasive messages.

-Clarity of Message: Should be direct, simply expressed, and include only one primary idea -Timing and Context: Environment conditions should support the message; messages must have value and meaning to the audience

What are the three kinds of source credibility we discussed in class?

-Expertise; the audience should perceive the person as an expert on the subject -Sincerity; the person giving the message should come across as believable -Charisma; the individual must be attractive, self-assured, and articulate, to project an image of competence and leadership

How is Maslow's hierarchy of needs related to persuasion?`

-It's used to appeal to the audiences most deeply held needs -Physiological -Safety -Love -Esteem -Self-Actualization

What are ways to build audience participation into a persuasive strategy?

-Samples -Special Events -Rallies and demonstrations

Where does conflict in an organization come from?

-Stockholders, consumers, employees, regulators, activists, competitors, etc

What is propaganda?

-The deliberate and systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandists

What are some techniques one might use in persuasive speaking?

-Yes-yes -Offer structured choice -Seek partial commitment -Ask for more, settle for less

The life cycle of public opinion

1. Definition of the issue 2. Opinion leader involvement 3. Public awareness 4. Government regulatory involvement 5. Resolution

Two factors influence public opinion

1. Self-interest is a prime motivating factor in public opinion formation 2. Triggering events create media attention

Whistle Blower

A person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public

What is a trademark?

A word, symbol, or slogan, used singly or in combination, that identifies a product's origin

How long does a copyright last?

Age of the consumer plus 70 years

What does ATF stand for and what is its responsibilities in the federal government?

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, they make sure that these things are being used for the task they were designed to fulfill.

Fair Use

Allows partial use of material with source attribution

Risk Communication

Any verbal or written exchange that attempts to communicate information regarding risk to public health and safety and the environment.

Do employees have freedom of speech in an organization?

Avoid retribution against employees who express opinions Encourage opinions in employee newsletter

What is misappropriation of personality?

Celebrity holds right to celebrity status Right of publicity Includes still or video images, voice and likeness

What does fair comment and criticism mean in a libel case?

Common law defense that guarantees the freedom of the press to express statements on matters of public interest, as long as the statements are not made with ill will, spite, or with the intent to harm the plaintiff

What is environmental scanning and why is it important?

Constant monitoring of internal and external public's to gauge awareness, attitudes and behavioral intentions. It is important because it is a proactive way to anticipate conflict and be ready to move forward with strategic responses

What percentage of crises are caused by mismanagement and what percentage by employees?

Crisis more likely caused by mismanagement than an employee error

List and explain at least four characteristics of public's segmented by age

Current employment status, hire/fire dates, title as well as position

What are two guidelines a practitioner must consider when releasing information about benefits, health and safety policies/guidelines and plant closings.

Disclosure required by law Use language that can be easily understood

Three foundations makeup reputation management, but PR can impact only two. Which are they?

Economic performance Social responsiveness The ability to deliver a favorable outcome

How does crisis planning begin?

Environmental scanning, get a grip on what could become crisis within your organization

What are the four elements of proactive stage of conflict management?

Environmental scanning- Constantly reading, listening and watching to pick up on problems and opportunities Issues tracking- After an issue is detected it is monitored through news clippings & other sources Issues management- Assessing an issue's impact on the organization and moving the organization toward decisions that may deflate/neutralize/exploit the issue Crisis planning- Preparing for the worst, making sure the organization responds effectively

True or false: A photograph of an employee may be used for any purpose deemed appropriate by a practitioner


True or false: The availability of new media is pretty much constant across rural, urban and suburban areas of the U.S.


True or false: Members of cultural groups are pretty much to same and can be approached with common message and media strategies?


What does FTC stand for and what is its responsibilities in the federal government?

Federal Trade Commission Jurisdiction over advertisements and product news releases Commercial speech is not protected by the FTC

What does FDA stand for and what is its responsibilities in the federal government?

Food and Drug Administration FDA covers drugs, cosmetics and over-the-counter medicines

How does image restoration and reputation management differ?

Image restoration is usually imperative once an issue or incident has already occured to damage a reputation. Reputation management on the other hand tends to focus more on continuously building your reputation in your field and preserving its integrity

How does a crisis differ from a risk management situation?

In a risk management situation you genuinely know what the danger is, and you are controlling the outbreak of emotions and feelings among the public based on the present hazard. In a crisis it is more of a spur of the moment concept in which you are reacting as the story is developing

Issues management consists of five steps. What are they?

Issue identification Issue analysis Strategy options Action plan Evaluation

Briefly describe how the use of employees in advertising might violate privacy.

Misappropriation of personality Compensation legally binds agreement

Are opinions stable or are they short-lived?

Opinions are short-lived

How does copyright influence freelancers?

Ownership is retained by source of work (photographer or writer) Contract should stipulate usage of work

What happens in regard to information seeking when a crisis occurs?

People are constantly trying to learn more about the subject, media reports often hype up the content to increase readership


People whose lives are influenced in some way by an organization's decisions

Why is knowledge of the audience important in constructing persuasion messages?

Persuasion is easier when the message is compatible with the audience's disposition toward the issue

Is persuasion a one-way or two-way form of communication?

Persuasion is often thought of as a one-way communication


Pertinent or energized stakeholders who share a commonality that may or may not be recognized among them

Briefly describe how employee newsletters might violate an employee's privacy.

Photographs must be used with permission Information must be related to organizational activities

Formal Leaders

President, CEO, Manager. Implies people have power or influence

What are the four stages to conflict management?

Proactive Strategic Reactive Recovery

What rights do whistle blowers have?

Protect you from retaliation. An employer cannot retaliate by taking "adverse action" against workers who report injuries, safety concerns, or other protected activity


Publics who watch, read, view or otherwise pay attention to particular media

What are the two anchoring variables for contingency theory?

Pure advocacy Pure accommodation

What are the two elements of the recovery stage of conflict management?

Reputation management- Systematic research to learn the state of the organization's reputation and taking steps to improve it. Image restoration- When damage to reputation is extreme, image restoration strategies must be employed.

What does SEC stand for and what is its responsibilities in the federal government?

Securities and Exchange Commission- Monitors financial matters of publicly-held companies

What are the two main variables when responding to a conflict?

Situational demands Organizational resources

Informal Leaders

Social Media(bloggers)- no special title/role but are influencer's based on their following

What are the three elements of a good photo release?

Source and date Copyright Signed releases

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