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A patient is scheduled for laser removal of condyloma acuminata. As a safety precaution, the surgical technologist should have which of the following special equipment open and available? A. smoke evacuator B. suction tip C. pulse lavage D. endocatch bag


During a craniotomy, removal of the bone flap is followed by A. incision of the dura mater. B. opening the galea aponeurotica. C. application of the Raney clips. D. repairing the dura mater.


During a laparoscopic appendectomy, the appendix is perforated, and contents begin spilling into the abdomen. Which of the following should the surgical technologist anticipate as the NEXT step? A. Suction the fluid from the abdomen. B. Continue removing the appendix as planned. C. Place a Kelly clamp over the perforation. D. Close the wound and terminate the procedure.


During ophthalmic procedures, the surgeon will use which of the following paralytic agents to dilate the pupil? A. cycloplegics B. miotics C. viscoelastic D. BSS


Herniation of the rectum through a weakened posterior vaginal wall is known as A. a rectocele. B. a cystocele. C. a varicocele. D. an enterocele.


How many lobes do the right and left lungs have, respectively? A. three, two B. two, three C. three, three D. two, two


Which of the following conditions should be treated FIRST? A. obstructed airway B. closed cerebral injury C. shock due to hemorrhage D. sucking chest wound


Which of the following hormones regulates urine concentration based on reabsorption? A. ADH B. PTH C. ANP D. GFR


Which of the following instruments is used to grasp the base of the hemorrhoid during a hemorrhoidectomy? A. Allis B. Pennington C. Kocher D. mosquito


Which of the following is a heavy, curved, tapered needle? A. Mayo B. Keith C. Ferguson D. Arterial


Which of the following is the MOST effective mechanical method of controlling bleeding occurring from needle holes in vessel anastomoses? A. pledget B. suction C. ligature D. clamp


Which of the following is used to crossclamp the intestine during a bowel resection? A. Allen B. Lahey C. Heaney D. Duval


A patient is in the supine position for a procedure. After the arms are placed on arm boards, padding is placed under the elbows to decrease pressure on which of the following nerves? A. brachial B. ulnar C. axillary D. median


A surgeon received a report from PACU that a patient is bleeding at the surgical site after a lumbar laminectomy procedure. Upon inspection, the surgeon deems it necessary to return the patient to the OR to correct the issue. Which of the following should the surgeon suspect to occur if the issue is not resolved immediately? A. dehiscence B. hematoma C. evisceration D. adhesion


A surgical "time out" must be performed prior to A. leaving the pre-op holding area. B. making the initial incision. C. placing the grounding pad. D. intubating the patient.


A thyroidectomy that was done earlier in the day is being brought back for excessive bleeding from the incision. Which of the following items are needed for this case? A. Monocryl suture and harmonic scalpel B. laps, silk ties, and hemoclips C. Vicryl ties, pledgets, and Alexis D. nylon suture, Raytec, and Geralds


After gowning and gloving, a surgeon activates the DuraPrep applicator and performs the initial skin prep for surgery. Which of the following is the BEST action to take at this time? A. Assist the surgeon in draping the patient. B. Regown and reglove the surgeon. C. Pass off Bovie and suction. D. Inform the supervisor.


During a procedure, a major piece of equipment malfunctions and causes a patient's death. Which of the following is this situation MOST likely to be classified as? A. defamation B. sentinel event C. malpractice D. abandonment


Which of the following instruments may be used to extend the arteriotomy during carotid endarterectomy? A. Mayo B. Potts C. Jorgenson D. Stevens


Which of the following is the MOST common palpable mass in women of reproductive age? A. sentinel lymph nodes B. fibrocystic breast change C. malignant neoplasm of the breast D. adenocarcinoma


Which of the following is the name of the avascular strip of tissue at the midline which runs from the xiphoid process to the pubis? A. linea semilunaris B. linea alba C. arcuate line D. midaxillary line


Which of the following is the name of the biological indicator used for hydrogen peroxide gas plasma? A. Geobacillus stearothermophilus B. Bacillus atrophaeus C. Staphylococcus aureus D. Escherichia coli


Which of the following is the receiving nerve end of all transmission? A. cell body B. dendrite C. axon D. trigger zone


Which of the following items should be disposed of in an appropriate sharps container? A. skin rake B. drill pin C. damaged instrument D. arthroscopy trocar


Which of the following should be the MINIMUM exposure time in an immediate use sterilizer for unwrapped instruments? A. 1 minute B. 3 minutes C. 5 minutes D. 7 minutes


Which of the following situations would present a problem when preparing instruments for sterilization using a paper-plastic peel pack? A. The open end of the paperplastic peel pack has been sealed with tape. B. The instruments within the paper-plastic peel pack have been held together with tape to avoid shifting. C. The instruments should be placed in the paper-plastic peel pack with the rings at the end that was sealed by the manufacturer. D. A felt-tip marker was used to label the plastic on the paperplastic peel pack prior to sterilization.


The FIRST sign of malignant hyperthermia is A. muscle twitching. B. change in blood pressure. C. unexplained tachycardia. D. hemorrhage.


The FIRST step in instrument cleaning and decontamination begins at the A. decontamination area. B. ultrasonic washer. C. sterile field. D. sub sterile room.


The anesthesia care provider (ACP) is gathering supplies to initiate a Bier block for the surgical patient. Which of the following items does the surgical technologist give to the ACP to assist in displacing the blood? A. pneumatic tourniquet B. stockinette C. Esmarch bandage D. Coban


The surgical incision that allows for the BEST visualization for a Billroth I procedure is A. McBurney's. B. Pfannenstiel. C. midline. D. subcostal.


When a cholecystectomy is performed, which of the following anatomical structures must be preserved? A. cystic duct B. cystic vein C. common duct D. cystic artery


When opening for a procedure, a surgical technologist notices the tray wrapper is wet. Which of the following should the surgical technologist do FIRST? A. Open the wrapper using aseptic technique and check the inside of the tray for wetness. B. Set the tray on the case cart and wait for it to dry. C. Call the sterile supply department for a new tray. D. Check the indicator tape on the outside of the wrapper for sterilization.


When performing a dilation and curettage, which of the following instruments is used to grasp the cervix? A. Sims B. Auvard C. Schroeder D. Bozeman


Which of the following must be done before sterilizing an instrument with a lumen? A. Allow the instrument to dry completely. B. Ensure the stylet is still within the lumen. C. Inject a small amount of distilled water into the lumen. D. Wrap the instrument separately in a peel pack pouch and place in the tray.


Which of the following should be prepared for a mastoid dressing? A. several squared gauze sponges B. rolled gauze and an abdominal pad C. several fluffed sponges and rolled gauze D. gauze sponges and a Velcro strap


Which of the following surgical instruments will a surgeon use in dissection of a breast tumor? A. Potts scissors B. electrosurgical unit C. Metzenbaum scissors D. #11 blade


The anterior chamber of the eye is located between the cornea and the A. posterior chamber. B. lens. C. pupil. D. iris.


The kidneys help regulate the blood levels of several ions, including A. bicarbonate, water, and protein. B. protein, sodium, and bicarbonate. C. potassium, protein, and sodium. D. sodium, potassium, and calcium.


To maintain ergonomic positioning while completing continuing education credits at a computer, the surgical technologist should A. elevate feet in a chair. B. cross legs. C. extend elbows from the midline. D. maintain wrists and hands in line with forearms.


When holding a suction wand 1 cm from the surgical site, what is the approximate percentage of surgical plume is effectively evacuated? A. 68% B. 78% C. 88% D. 98%


When using a laparoscopic setup, potential hazards associated with the equipment include A. non-ionizing radiation. B. nitrogen embolus. C. pneumoperitoneum. D. fiberoptic beam fire.


Which of the following is considered a contaminated area when evaluating a patient's skin for the preoperative prep? A. groin B. toes C. body hair D. draining sinus


Which of the following positions is used for a total hip arthroplasty? A. Fowler B. lithotomy C. Kraske D. lateral


Which of the following should occur after a Veress needle is inserted? A. Place a trocar in the umbilical area. B. Provide the camera to the surgeon. C. Verify the white balance of the camera. D. Connect the insufflation tubing.


A Javid shunt is used for which of the following procedures? A. carotid endarterectomy B. femoral-popliteal bypass C. abdominal aneurysmectomy D. saphenous vein ligation


A patient having recently undergone a laparoscopic cholecystectomy has been transferred to the PACU. The patient becomes tachycardic and the nurse reports a rise in core body temperature. The nurse attempts to communicate with the patient and notices that the patient's muscles are very rigid. The nurse notifies the surgical team. The surgical technologist should recognize these as signs of A. malignant hyperthermia. B. cardiac arrest. C. pulmonary embolism. D. hypokalemia.


A proper informed consent should include the A. surgeon's name. B. patient's blood type. C. known allergies. D. next of kin information.


A surgeon has just completed an incisional biopsy and would like to have an immediate diagnosis. The MOST appropriate NEXT step is to send the specimen to pathology in a A. dry specimen container so that a frozen section can be completed. B. container containing normal saline so that a frozen section can be completed. C. dry specimen container so that a permanent section can be completed. D. specimen container containing normal saline so that a permanent section can be completed.


A surgeon is preparing to close the abdomen. Which of the following closing supplies should the surgical technologist have ready for closing the fascial layer? A. 0 suture and toothed tissue forceps B. 7-0 Vicryl and toothed tissue forceps C. retention sutures and toothed tissue forceps D. staples and Adson with teet


A surgeon requests a patient to be placed into the lithotomy position for the surgical procedure. Which of the following positioning devices must be obtained? A. leg stirrups B. chest rolls C. bean bags D. axillary rolls


A threeway Foley catheter is inserted following a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) in order to A. irrigate and aid in hemostasis. B. prevent the patient from getting out of bed. C. maintain accurate input and output records. D. keep the perineal area dry.


After completion of a procedure, the nurse notices that the arms were extended beyond 90 degrees. This may have caused injury to the A. brachial plexus. B. humeral head. C. femoral nerve. D. supraspinatus.


An effective packaging material used for steam sterilization of a Balfour retractor A. permits penetration by the sterilant. B. allows for condensation that produces wet packs. C. allows for exposure to peracetic acid. D. is dictated by the surgeon's preference.


At the conclusion of a surgical case, how should the surgical technologist aid in reducing bioburden on instruments as the FIRST step in the sterilization cycle? A. hand cleaning B. disinfection C. sorting D. sterilization


During a Nissen fundoplication, after the pneumoperitoneum is established and trocars are placed, which of the following is the NEXT step? A. The stomach is mobilized and divided from the omentum. B. The upper portion of the fundus is wrapped around the esophagus. C. The phrenoesophageal membrane is dissected free. D. The surgeon performs a saline drop test.


During a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the surgeon determines that the procedure will convert to an open case. Which of the following incisions is preferred for access? A. subcostal B. vertical C. transverse D. thoracoabdominal


During a laser laryngoscopy, which of the following supplies must be available? A. wet sponges and towels B. microscope and bronchoscope C. thyroid tray and methylene blue D. bronchoscope and tracheotomy tray and tube


During the intraoperative phase, which of the following activities can be completed by both sterile and nonsterile members of the surgical team? A. handling of the specimen B. maintaining the patient's operative record C. clearing residual blood from the surgical field D. maintaining the sterile field and neutral zone


If unexpected heavy blood loss occurs during an abdominal procedure, a surgical technologist should request additional A. lap sponges. B. Raytec sponges. C. Kitners. D. cottonoids.


In which of the following situations can a DNR order be continued in an unconscious patient for a surgical procedure? A. The patient's durable POA requests it be continued. B. The patient's family requests it be continued. C. The surgeon requests its be continued. D. The CRNA requests it be continued.


Preparing instrument sets and packages for sterilization requires a label indicating the A. sterilization date, sterilizer ID, load number, and preparer's initials. B. preparation date, preparer's initials, and department to which the package belongs. C. preparer's initials, manufacturer ID, and cycle number. D. department code, date of expiration, and sterilizer time parameters.


The vermiform appendix originates from the A. cecum. B. ileum. C. sigmoid colon. D. ascending colon.


What does the acronym TM stand for in otorhinolaryngology surgery? A. tympanic membrane B. transurethral meatus C. total myomectomy D. total metastasis


When loading items in a gravitydisplaced steam sterilizer, heavy packs should be placed A. at the periphery of the load. B. on their sides. C. on the top rack. D. centered on the middle rack.


When performing a parotidectomy, which of the following nerves is identified and preserved with the use of a nerve stimulator? A. facial B. recurrent laryngeal C. acoustic D. vagus


When preparing cannulated instruments for steam sterilization, the instrument lumen should be A. dry for dynamic air removal and wet for gravity displacement. B. wet for dynamic air removal and dry for gravity displacement. C. dry for both dynamic air removal and for gravity displacement. D. wet for both dynamic air removal and for gravity displacement.


When using an ultrasonic cleaner, which of the following should be done FIRST? A. Visible debris and biologic matter should be removed. B. Instruments should be closed and assembled. C. All instruments should be checked to be the same metal type. D. Cleaning solution should be changed.


Which of the following combination of medications are commonly used during a MAC? A. nerve conduction blockades with supplemental analgesics, sedatives, or amnesics B. induction agents, anticholinergics, and antiemetics C. hemostatics, ringer's solution, analgesics, amnesics or sedatives D. tranquilizers, gastric acid management, or lubricants


Which of the following examples illustrates unsafe technique for disposing of contaminated sharps? A. Used suture needles and scalpel blades are removed from the needle counter and individually placed in the biohazard sharps container. B. Used suture needles and scalpel blades remain in the needle counter and the closed needle counter is placed in the biohazard sharps container. C. The biohazard sharps container is located as close as possible to the area in which the items were used. D. Disposable surgical blades are removed from knife handles with a needle holder or other instrument.


Which of the following important considerations should be taken by the surgical technologist when it comes to the suture material for third intention closure? A. A low-capillary action suture will not retain moisture. B. Choosing the proper tensile strength of the suture can aid in healing. C. The handling of suture is more important than the suture material. D. The size of the suture is more important than the suture material.


Which of the following is MOST commonly used for wound closure in the presence of infection? A. stainless steel B. polyglactin-910 C. plain gut D. silk


Which of the following is MOST likely to be used when applying a sterile dressing to a skin graft recipient site? A. bolster B. ABD pad C. 4x4s D. SteriStrips


Which of the following is a preferred retractor for a groin incision? A. Weitlaner B. Finochietto C. Charnley D. Balfour


Which of the following is a tonsillolith? A. a stone within the tonsil B. inflammation within the tonsil C. removal of the tonsil D. an abscess of the tonsil


Which of the following pathological conditions may be caused by an excessive production of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain? A. hydrocephalus B. encephalocele C. cranial bifida D. craniosynostosis


Which of the following retractors should the surgical technologist have available to provide exposure to the patellar tendon while harvesting the graft for an ACL repair? A. Senn B. Richardson C. Hayes D. Fukuda


Which of the following should a surgical technologist do to update a surgeon's preference card? A. Consult with the surgeon to determine which supplies should be included. B. Ask other experienced surgical technologists what to include. C. Refer to another surgeon's preference card for the same specialty and procedure. D. Include basic supplies and ask the surgeon before each case.


Which of the following supplies should be pulled by the surgical technologist for a thoracic procedure? A. water-sealed drainage system B. passive drainage system C. Jackson-Pratt drainage system D. Andrews-Pynchon suction


Which of the following test monitors indicate if there is any residual air in the sterilization chamber? A. Bowie-Dick test B. heat-sensitive pellet C. chemical indicator tape D. multi-parameter chemical indicator


A large power saw is not functioning. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause? A. It is not plugged into the electrical outlet. B. The battery has not been adequately charged. C. It has not been joined to the foot pedal. D. The arthroscopy shaver motor is not connected.


A patient's dentures are removed in the operating room. Which of the following is the proper procedure for the care of the dentures? A. Return them to the patient's unit and leave them at the nurses' station. B. Place them in a labeled cup and keep them with the patient's chart. C. Wrap them in a paper towel and give them to the anesthesiologist. D. Ask the circulator to return them to the patient's room.


A specimen obtained for frozen section is generally removed from the sterile field intraoperatively because it A. needs to be labeled by the circulator. B. is sent to pathology immediately. C. will contaminate the sterile field. D. needs to be placed in formalin solution.


A surgical incision that is sutured together so that the wound edges are in direct contact with one another is referred to as which of the following types of closure? A. granulation B. primary intention C. secondary intention D. delayed closure


After a surgical procedure, infectious waste is separated from all other waste and placed in A. yellow plastic bags. B. biohazard bags. C. plastic trash bags. D. an impenetrable hard container.


After receiving a stapler on the sterile field, the surgical technologist determines that the device is not working properly. Which of the following should the surgical technologist do FIRST? A. Report the issue to biomed. B. Ask the circulator for another stapler. C. Tell anesthesia the case will be delayed due to a device malfunction. D. Inform the clinical director of the situation.


Apart from trauma cases, which of the following incisions would be BEST for sigmoid surgery? A. vertical midline B. vertical paramedian C. oblique subcostal D. lower transverse


During a laparoscopic appendectomy, which of the following types of staplers should the surgical technologist have ready on the back table for removing the appendix and ensuring no spillage of bowel content? A. intraluminal B. linear C. skin D. pursestring


During a procedure, a hole is noticed in the surgical technologist's glove. What should the surgical technologist do NEXT? A. Continue the case. B. Change the glove using the open-gloving technique. C. Change the glove using the closed-gloving technique. D. Break scrub, rescrub, gown, and glove.


In metastatic cancer, which of the following systems allows for tumors to extend beyond the regional area? A. skeletal B. lymphatic C. endocrine D. respiratory


The opening in the occipital bone which the spinal cord passes through is the foramen A. of Monro. B. magnum. C. rotundum. D. of Bochdalek.


The rate per hour in air exchanges in a standard OR suite is A. 5-10. B. 15-25. C. 30-35. D. 40-50.


When a break in aseptic technique occurs, the surgical technologist should FIRST notify the A. circulating nurse. B. contaminating team member. C. OR supervisor. D. anesthesia provider.


When exposed to ionizing radiation, staff and patients should wear personal protective equipment containing A. silicone. B. lead. C. steel. D. rubber.


When preparing endoscopic cameras for ethylene oxide sterilization, which of the following monitoring processes is utilized to ensure all parameters of sterilization are met? A. external tape B. biological indicator C. dynamic air removal D. chemical strip


Which of the following instruments is used in otorhinolaryngology surgery? A. Heaney B. Baron C. Doyen D. Poole


Which of the following instruments is used to thread a vascular graft from one incision to another? A. hemostat B. tunneler C. DeBakey vascular forceps D. Randall Stone forceps


Which of the following structures form major parts of the brain? A. pituitary gland, thalamus, cerebrum, cerebellum B. brain stem, cerebellum, diencephalon, cerebrum C. cerebrum, cerebellum, pons, medulla oblongata D. brain stem, midbrain, hypothalamus, thalamus


Which of the following supplies is part of the standard setup for a diagnostic knee arthroscopy? A. Poole suction tip B. inflow tubing C. #20 blade D. 3000 mL bag of glycine


A Stamey needle is used for which of the following types of surgery? A. hysterectomy B. prostatectomy C. bladder suspension D. anterior colporrhaphy


A carotid endarterectomy has just been finished and the dressing is on. The surgical technologist begins removing all sharps and nondisposables from the drapes before pushing everything back. According to best practice, which of the following should be the NEXT step? A. Push the back table, mayo, and basin back and tear it down. B. Pull the drapes off and put them on the back table in case they are needed again. C. Push the back table, mayo, and basin back and keep sterile until the patient is transported to PACU. D. Leave the back table, mayo, and basin close to patient in case they are needed again.


A liver laceration is identified during an emergency exploratory laparotomy. A surgical technologist should prepare a suture attached to which of the following types of needles? A. tapered B. reverse cutting C. blunt D. conventional cutting


A patient is undergoing a laser vocal cord nodule ablation. During the procedure, the anesthetist calls for all action to cease due to an airway fire that has suddenly occurred. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of the fire? A. The draping near the patient's face was compromised. B. Wet sponges were used around the endotracheal tube cuff. C. The laser-specific endotracheal tube was not used. D. The draping was ignited by the heat near the surgical site.


An organization that regulates the production of biological sterilization test packs inhouse is A. CDC. B. ANSI. C. AAMI. D. SDS.


During a transurethral resection of the prostate, bleeding is controlled by A. Gelfoam. B. irrigation. C. cauterization. D. suture ligature.


During dissection of the cystic duct and artery in an open cholecystectomy, which of the following instruments is necessary? A. Ochsner forceps B. Jennings retractor C. Mixter clamp D. O'Sullivan-O'Connor retractor


Factors that contribute to SSI include A. wearing proper PPE. B. using aseptic technique. C. immunosuppression. D. portal hypertension.


For an open hemicolectomy, a surgical technologist is preparing a second mayo stand for the placement of dirty surgical instruments. Which of the following instruments is MOST likely to be placed on the second mayo stand? A. Penrose drain B. Bakes dilator C. Allis forceps D. Richardson retractor


Growth in the length of a long bone occurs at the A. diaphysis. B. medullary canal. C. epiphyseal plate. D. articular cartilage.


If a surgeon requests Gelfoam soaked with thrombin, the method to maintain hemostasis is A. thermal. B. mechanical. C. chemical. D. electrical.


If there is any question related to handling a specific type of specimen, which of the following departments should be consulted? A. histology B. laboratory C. pathology D. radiology


Immediately before a hemorrhoidectomy, which of the following procedures might be performed on the patient in the OR? A. cystoscopy B. culdoscopy C. proctoscopy D. laparoscopy


In which of the following positions is a patient placed for a right nephrectomy? A. left lateral B. right lateral C. left lateral kidney D. right lateral kidney


Prions are unique from other infectious agents because they lack which of the following? A. cytoplasm B. nucleus C. DNA D. cell membrane


Which of the following devices should the surgical technologist have delivered to the sterile field for a low anterior resection? A. GIA linear stapler B. ligating dividing stapler C. intraluminal stapler D. TA-60 stapler


Which of the following instruments should be included in a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) setup? A. lithotrite B. urethrotome C. resectoscope D. Randall Stone


Which of the following is the name of the incision made in a simple open nephrectomy? A. Gibson B. low transverse C. subcostal flank D. McBurney's


Which of the following rongeurs is used to expand the antrostomy in a Caldwell Luc procedure? A. Cushing B. Bethune C. Kerrison D. Stille-Luer


Which of the following scissors is MOST likely found in a basic hysterectomy set up? A. Potts-Smith B. Stevens C. Jorgenson D. Iris


Which of the following should be included on an orthopedic setup? A. Smith perforator B. Potts scissors C. Key elevator D. Heaney clamp


Which of the following techniques promotes safety and protection of the surgical technologist during the intraoperative phase? A. securing the electrosurgical pencil to the drapes with a Kelly clamp after every use B. recapping hypodermic needle C. establishing a neutral zone D. using PPE, except in endoscopic procedures


Which of the following terms describes airway assessment by listening with a stethoscope? A. observation B. perfusion C. auscultation D. palpation


Which of the following wound classes is assigned to a surgery in which the bowel was accidently perforated during the procedure? A. I B. II C. III D. IV


A plastic surgeon performs surgery PRIMARILY on which of the following anatomical systems? A. vascular B. genitourinary C. endocrine D. integumentary


A stockinette is used in draping for A. an abdominal procedure. B. a cranial procedure. C. a perineal procedure. D. an extremity procedure.


A surgeon asks for warm irrigation after a right hemicolectomy. Which of the following BEST describes the reason for irrigating at this point in the procedure? A. to clean out the area of any loose tissue B. to maintain the core body temperature C. to eliminate any infectioncausing microbes D. to aid visual inspection for leakage


A surgeon is performing a procedure to repair damage from a gunshot wound to the chest. Which of the following types of drains should the surgical technologist have available at the end of the procedure? A. passive B. suction C. gravity D. underwater


A surgeon repeatedly asks the surgical technologist to refill the 10 cc syringe with local anesthetic. If the surgical technologist refilled the syringe three times and there was 5 cc left in the syringe, how much anesthetic was used? A. 15 B. 25 C. 30 D. 35


At the end of a posterior capsulectomy, a surgeon is having difficulty closing the sclerotomies. Which medication should the surgeon request? A. Viscoat B. Hyaluronidase C. Prednisolone D. Mannitol


During a partial nephrectomy, the surgeon asks for a large chromic suture and Gelfoam. The surgeon would like the Gelfoam to be cut into pledget squares and loaded onto the suture. The MAIN purpose for the use of the Gelfoam and suture is to A. cauterize the tissue. B. cause a fibrin clot to form. C. seal or close tissue. D. topically stop bleeding.


During an open repair of an indirect hernia, which of the following drains should a surgical technologist have available to pass the surgeon once the spermatic cord has been dissected? A. Malecot B. T-tube C. Jackson-Pratt D. Penrose


During surgery, the surgeon intermittently uses a local anesthetic intraoperatively. The surgical technologist should A. keep track of the times. B. ask the circulator to add the amounts. C. ask the anesthesia provider to add the amounts. D. keep track of the amounts.


During which of the following phases of infection do pathogens actively replicate, but the host shows no symptoms? A. convalescence B. prodromal phase C. acute phase D. incubation


For a patient with suspected cancer, the MOST important preoperative plan involves the A. sponges. B. sutures. C. drapes. D. specimens.


For which of the following procedures is Gelfoam MOST commonly used? A. TVH B. cataract extraction C. TURP D. myringotomy


Four people are needed to transfer a patient to the stretcher. Who gives direction for this move? A. surgeon B. surgical technologist C. circulator D. anesthesiologist


In the break room, a precepting surgical technologist is overheard discussing a student's lack of instrument knowledge. The precepting surgical technologist just committed A. tort. B. libel. C. malpractice. D. slander.


Prior to the closure of an arteriotomy, which of the following solutions should the surgical technologist have ready for irrigation of the operative site? A. lactated Ringer's B. protamine sulfate C. sterile water D. heparinized saline


The MINIMUM number of surgical team members required to transfer an anesthetized patient from the OR table to the gurney is A. one. B. two. C. three. D. four.


When infection is present, the MOST commonly used suture is A. braided. B. silk. C. surgical gut. D. monofilament.


When preparing surgical specimens, in addition to the surgical technologist, who else is responsible for accurately labeling the specimen? A. surgeon and anesthesiologist B. circulating nurse and first assistant C. anesthesiologist and first assistant D. surgeon and circulating nurse


When steam comes into an autoclave from an outside source, the steam is heated in the A. vacuum system. B. chamber. C. thermostatic trap. D. jacket.


Which of the following is a benign fluidfilled sac that develops in the anterior testis? A. rectocele B. cystocele C. enterocele D. hydrocele


Which of the following is the FIRST step in applying the pneumatic tourniquet? A. wrapping the limb sequentially with an Esmarch bandage from distal to proximal B. applying the pneumatic tourniquet to the limb and immediately inflating it C. prepping the limb with ChloraPrep, including the determined location of the tourniquet D. padding the limb where the tourniquet is to be wrapped with Webril


Which of the following is the MOST effective method for reprocessing endoscopes used during a colonoscopy? A. gravity displacement sterilizer B. ethylene oxide C. cobalt-60 radiation D. glutaraldehyde


Which of the following items must the surgical technologist have available after a thyroidectomy? A. lap sponges, hemostatic clamps, and electrocautery. B. endotracheal tube, hemostatic clamps, and scalpel. C. knife handle, scalpel blade, and nasogastric tube. D. scalpel, hemostatic clamps, and tracheostomy tube.


Which of the following tags indicates the least critical of patients in a triage situation? A. yellow B. black C. red D. green


Which of the following types of connective tissue fastens muscle to bone? A. cartilage B. ligament C. synovium D. tendon


Which of the following verifies that autoclave sterilization has occurred? A. chemical indicator B. Julian date C. heatsensitive tape D. biological indicator


Which of the following wounds is MOST likely in the inflammatory phase of wound healing? A. a Bankart repair, one week postprocedure B. a laparotomy incision with a cicatrix C. an open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) of a finger, two weeks post procedure D. an abdominal incision, 20 minutes postclosure


While removing the drapes, the surgical technologist recognizes some bleeding through the dressing. Which of the following should be the surgical technologist's FIRST step? A. Notify the nurse and allow PACU to address the bleeding. B. Request the nurse to document and apply a pressure dressing. C. Cover the dressing so the bleeding cannot be seen. D. Apply pressure and notify the surgeon.


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