PRACTICE MANAGEMENT: delivery of services (3)probe

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construction manager as constructor (CMc)

2 phases (reconstruction & construction) - CM advises on constructibility, cost estimates, scheduling, negotiations, & early material purchasing - 2 pricing methods (cost of work + fee w/ or w/out a GMP)

C-series contract documents

other agreements


owner contracts with one person/firm to provide both design & construction services, that entity subcontracts work to others as needed - owner is responsible or developing performance requirements for designers/constructors

B-series contract documents

owner-architect agreements

A-series contract documents

owner-contractor agreements

conceptualization (IPD)


criteria design (IPD)

schematic design

project delivery

the entire sequence of events that is needed to provide an owner with a completed building

practice methodologies

the various approaches that an architectural firm may use to complete various aspects of a project, including design, documentation, and coordination

design-bid-build (DBB)

traditional method - architect designs project / prepares CDs, contractors bid, contractor buildings the project while architect provides CA services - separate owner/architect & owner/contractor contracts


variation of DB approach in which the owner hires an architect or engineer (AE/criteria architect) to be the project manager - relieves owner of responsibility to develop project criteria

IDP - methods to establish contractual relationships between participants

w/ transitional forms, w/ a multi-party agreement, w/ a single purpose entity

multi-party agreements

a single agreement executed by the owner, architect, contractor, and other key project participants for the design, construction, and commissioning of a project - outlines a collaborative working relationship that encourages the parties to meet jointly established cost/performance goals

IPD advantages

better design, shorter project delivery time, lower project cost, quality construction, fewer problems during construction

buyout (IPD)

bidding from participants not included in the integrated team

generalist firm

completes a variety of project types, has principals/staff w/ a broad range of experience - typically uses studio organization

design-based firms

concentrate on developing solutions to problems that are unique and easily identifiable within the firm

IPD phases

conceptualization, criteria design, detailed design, implementation documents, agency review, buyout, construction, closeout

construction (IPD)

construction administration

implementation documents (IPD)

construction documents


construction process is allowed to begin before the design process is completed using bid package drawings - requires many contracts/coordination but can reduce time/cost

G-series contract documents

contract administration and project management forms

detailed design (IPD)

design development

MacLeamy Curve

diagram that shows how IPD places more design effort earlier in project development when there is a greater ability to affect costs and the functional aspects of the building (traditional delivery method vs IPD method)

E-series contract documents


selecting a project delivery method

factors: cost, schedule, project scope, building quality, & risk

single purpose entity (SPE)

independent limited liability company newly create for the sole purpose of planning, designing, and constructing a particular project - provides for a complete sharing of risk/reward in a full integrated collaborative process

specialized firm

may pursue projects on its own or team up w/ another generalist architectural firm that can provide the work force needs for full development of a design concept - typically using studio organization or departmental organization

integrated project delivery (IPD)

method in which all participants collaborate closely from the project's earliest conceptualization to move-in - different from DB in that the owner often has multiple agreements with independent design and construction firms (instead of just one)

design-assist contracting

method in which specialty subcontractors or trades are included early in the design and construction document phases to help with the development of complex or unique portions of the building - owner must develop a clear statement and scope of work, budget, and schedule

fixed priced method

method of establishing construction cost - owner knows final cost before construction begins and isn't responsible for overruns, but doesn't get any cost savings later on

cost-plus-fee method w/out a GMP

method of establishing construction cost - owner pays actual construction cost + agreed upon fee

cost-plus-fee method w/ a guaranteed maximum price (GMP)

method of establishing construction cost - owner pays actual construction cost + agreed upon fee, CM guarantees a max price, client can get cost savings if project is completed for cheaper

D-series contract documents

miscellaneous documents

transitional forms

modeled after CM agreements

construction manager as adviser (CMa)

CM is hired during design phase (no bidding - possible higher costs) - CM advises on constructibility, gives early cost estimates, does project scheduling, assists w/ contract negotiations, manages construction contracts & fast-track construction, makes early material purchases, & sometimes gives a guaranteed price/completion date - three methods for establishing cost

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