Practice - Part 4

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4: Which is the correct way to write a blood pressure reading? A: ~ 120/75 B: ~ 120+75 C: ~ 120-75 D: ~ 120*75

A: ~ 120/75 The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Please use a dash when recording blood pressure readings. The other ways are inappropriate when recording blood pressure readings.

52: Difficult behavior may be the result of: A: ~ A need of comfort and understanding B: ~ Old age C: ~ Stubbornness D: ~ Bad manners

A: ~ A need of comfort and understanding The answer is A. EXPLANATION: When addressing difficult behavior, we need to remember the client could simply want to be understood and feel supported by their care staff. We need to remember to not take it personally and remain calm when addressing difficult behavior. The other choices are not reasons for challenging behavior.

96: The term edema means: A: ~ Abnormal swelling in the tissues. B: ~ Loss of fluid from the tissues. C: ~ Instilling fluid into the rectum. D: ~ The same as dehydration

A: ~ Abnormal swelling in the tissues. The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Edema means unusual swelling that occurs in the tissues. It is a gaining of fluid not a loss of fluid, it is not instilling fluid into the rectum, and it is not dehydration.

34: What is a spokesperson or representative? A: ~ Advocate B: ~ Clergy C: ~ Philanthropist D: ~ Care giver

A: ~ Advocate The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Advocates make sure the resident needs are happening and can also be known as a spokesperson or representative. The other options are not spokespeople or representatives.

30: Oral care should be performed: A: ~ At least twice a day B: ~ At least once a day C: ~ When the nurse tells you to D: ~ When the resident requests it

A: ~ At least twice a day The answer is A. EXPLANATION: The other options could be too much or not enough. Oral care unless otherwise specified should be completed twice a day.

12: Whenever you feel angry or frustrated: A: ~ Try to understand your feeling B: ~ Stomp out of the room C: ~ Tell the resident it is their fault D: ~ Let the resident know you are angry

A: ~ Try to understand your feeling The answer is A. EXPLANATION: When we feel upset, we need to take a break and attempt to understand our reasoning behind our feelings. We do not want to demonstrate our anger to our residents as they are depending on us to take care of them and showing anger to them could make them afraid of us. We want them to feel confident in their caregivers. The other options are incorrect when you feel angry or frustrated.

2: What is one way that a caregiver can care for himself while caring for a client with dementia? A: ~ Be aware of your body's signals to slow down, rest, or eat better. B: ~ Interact with the client as little as possible. C: ~ Try to get other care team members to do as much of the care giving as possible. D: ~ Avoid building relationships with the client's family members and friends.

A: ~ Be aware of your body's signals to slow down, rest, or eat better. The answer is A. EXPLANATION: As caregivers we need to be aware of our needs as well. Taking the time to get the sleep we need, consume adequate foods, and taking the moments we need to get our work done can help prevent burnout. We need to interact with the client and build relationships with the client's family and friends. These interactions help us better care for the clients. We all need to do our part in providing care so our co-workers do not become burnt out as well. We cannot rely on them to do more of the work.

72: Grains are found in which of the following foods? A: ~ Bran cereals and brown rice B: ~ Cottage cheese C: ~ Shellfish D: ~ Citrus fruits

A: ~ Bran cereals and brown rice The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Brans and brown rice are grain foods. Cottage cheese is a dairy product. Shellfish are fish. Citrus fruits are fruits.

91: A client complains that arthritis is causing pain when he cuts his food. What should the nurse aide do to encourage independence in eating? A: ~ Cut the food and feed the client. B: ~ Insist that the client eat the meal without help. C: ~ Cut the food and urge the client to use the special eating utensils D: ~ Ask dietary department to puree the client's food.

A: ~ Cut the food and feed the client. The answer is A. EXPLANATION: The best way to help the client is to cut up the food and feed it to them. The other ways do not help the client eat properly.

70: Which of the following is an example of a professional relationship with an employer? A: ~ Documenting carefully B: ~ Never bothering the nurses with questions C: ~ Trying not to be late more than twice a week D: ~ Talking about the management behind their backs

A: ~ Documenting carefully The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Careful documentation is part of NA's professional responsibility and the employer expects that from the NA.

29: For a nursing assistant, confidentiality means: A: ~ Keeping private things private B: ~ Not telling the nurse about possible abuse of a resident C: ~ Never documenting a resident's problems D: ~ Sharing information with the nursing assistant's own family

A: ~ Keeping private things private The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Confidentiality requires the NA to keep private things private. Reporting possible abuse of a resident to the nurse is not violating confidentiality. Never documenting a resident's problems is unethical and could expose the NA to legal action and sharing information with NA's own family is violation of confidentiality.

99: If the client expresses his fear to you, you should: A: ~ Let him talk about his fear B: ~ Tell him that his fear his unimportant C: ~ Tell him that the caregiver can't discuss these matters D: ~ Change the subject

A: ~ Let him talk about his fear The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Allowing the client to discuss his fear provides support for the client. Talking about the fear can help reduce it or shows you care about the client's concerns. We do not want to tell him that the fear is unimportant as it is real for the client. The caregiver can discuss fears. Changing the subject would be inappropriate as we need to discuss the fear with the client.

66: Normal changes of aging for the female reproductive system include: A: ~ Menstruation ends B: ~ Thickening of vaginal walls C: ~ Buildup of calcium in the body D: ~ Loss of sexual desire

A: ~ Menstruation ends The answer is A. EXPLANATION: As women age, menstruation stops as they go through menopause. The other items are not normal changes during aging of the female reproductive system.

8: How often should a patient's intake and output records be totaled? A: ~ Once each shift B: ~ Twice a day C: ~ Every four hours D: ~ Every 14 hours.

A: ~ Once each shift The answer is A. EXPLANATION: When we complete intake and output, we do this once a shift. The other times are incorrect.

18: Which range of motion exercises are used for residents who cannot move on their own? A: ~ Passive range of motion B: ~ Active range of motion C: ~ Active assisted range of motion D: ~ Any of the above

A: ~ Passive range of motion The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Passive range of motion exercises help the client maintain their level of flexibility and strength. As a caregiver you will help the client perform these exercises as they cannot do them on their own.

17: Postmortem care includes: A: ~ Placing drainage pads where needed B: ~ Removing tubes C: ~ Taking the body to the morgue D: ~ Removing equipment

A: ~ Placing drainage pads where needed The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Taking the body to the morgue, removing equipment and tubes are not a nurse assistant's responsibilities. The only responsibility for a nurse assistant during postmortem care is placing drainage pads where they are needed.

24: A nursing assistant should encourage a resident's independence and self-care because they: A: ~ Promote body function B: ~ Decrease blood flow C: ~ Lower self esteem D: ~ Decrease the ability to sleep and rest

A: ~ Promote body function The answer is A. EXPLANATION: The resident will retain independence if they are able to utilize their body functions as much as possible on their own. It will increase blood flow, self esteem, and the ability to sleep and rest.

65: Which of the following statements is true of Alzheimer's disease (AD)? A: ~ Skills a person has used over a lifetime are usually kept longer. B: ~ Residents with AD will show the same signs at the same times. C: ~ Nursing assistants should do everything for residents with AD. D: ~ Alzheimer's disease is a normal part of aging.

A: ~ Skills a person has used over a lifetime are usually kept longer. The answer is A. EXPLANATION: Finding out what activities and jobs the person did before the disease can help you properly care for the client. Performing these activities as the disease progresses can help the person feel a sense of importance and independence. The other statements are not true regarding this disease.

1: When assisting a resident in learning to use a walker, it is important to: A: ~ Stand behind him and use a transfer belt. B: ~ Put padding all the way around the top rim C: ~ Let him walk by himself so he gains independence. D: ~ Let him practice using the walker on the day he is discharged.

A: ~ Stand behind him and use a transfer belt. The answer is A. EXPLANATION: The best way to help someone that is using a walker is to stand slightly behind and to the side of the person with a transfer belt. The other items would be incorrect in helping someone use a walker.

25: Who is the psychologist who identified the steps for meeting people's needs in the 'hierarchy of human needs'? A: ~ William B: ~ Abraham Maslow C: ~ Robertson D: ~ None of the above

B: ~ Abraham Maslow The answer is B. EXPLANATION: Maslow has created these hierarchy of needs. The other options are not the people who made this system.

93: To avoid falls caused by spilled liquids, the nurse aide's first response for safety should be to: A: ~ Walk carefully around the spill B: ~ Talk to the person who caused the spill C: ~ Clean up the spill D: ~ Tell people to be careful.

C: ~ Clean up the spill The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Clean up all spills immediately to avoid falls. The other items do not help prevent falls.

23: What can be done to help a client who has gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? A: ~ Serve spicy foods. B: ~ Ask the client not to lie down for at least 2-3 hours after eating. C: ~ Serve the largest meal of the day at dinner. D: ~ Serve fatty foods to encourage weight gain

B: ~ Ask the client not to lie down for at least 2-3 hours after eating. The answer is B. EXPLANATION: Those with GERD must stay upright for 2-3 hours after eating to help reduce the chance of reflux from happening. If they lie down too soon, the food will create pressure in the gastrointestinal tract and gastric juices will flow into the esophagus. This fluid damages the esophagus so we need to keep them upright to avoid that. People with GERD should avoid spicy and fatty foods as these can increase reflux. The largest meal of the day needs to be breakfast as dinner time is close to going to sleep which can increase the risk of lying down too soon. Our digestive system needs time to break down and process foods so eating earlier helps prevent reflux as well.

32: If you don't understand something the client is tells you to do, you should: A: ~ Pretend to understand B: ~ Ask the client to repeat the statement C: ~ Smile D: ~ All of the above

B: ~ Ask the client to repeat the statement The answer is B. EXPLANATION: As caregivers, we need to do everything we can to meet a client's needs. We do not want to pretend to understand or only smile. We want the client to repeat the statement. This allows us to have another chance to understand and achieve clarification. If you still do not understand, you can get another care staff or a nurse to help you.

49: The nurse aide finds a conscious client lying on the bathroom floor, The FIRST thing the nurse aide should do is: A: ~ Help the client into a sitting position B: ~ Call for assistance from the nurse in charge C: ~ Offer the client a drink of water. D: ~ Check for signs of injury.

B: ~ Call for assistance from the nurse in charge The answer is B. EXPLANATION: The nurse aide will need help from the nurse in charge immediately. The nurse must assess the client for injuries to determine if the client can be moved at all. While checking for injury is a good thing to do, the nurse is responsible for this task. The other options would be inappropriate in this case.

67: Which of the following terms apply to body mechanics? A: ~ Confidentiality B: ~ Center of gravity C: ~ Disinfection D: ~ Documentation

B: ~ Center of gravity The answer is B. EXPLANATION: One's center of gravity has to be used when doing proper body mechanics. We have to place objects close to our center of gravity before lifting to ensure we do not injure ourselves. The other items do not apply to the concept of body mechanics.

80: The caregiver's IMMEDIATE supervisor is the: A: ~ Doctor B: ~ Charge nurse C: ~ Director of nursing D: ~ Corporate nurse

B: ~ Charge nurse The answer is B. EXPLANATION: Caregivers are managed by the charge nurse first. The Charge Nurse will give your assignment and instructions for the day. The Director of Nursing is responsible for all nursing and care staff. The Corporate Nurse is responsible for helping the Director of Nursing at several facilities. The Doctor is consulted for changes of condition with the clients to obtain orders. The Doctor makes the decisions on medications and other treatments for the clients.

14: Melinda's grandmother, to whom she was very close, died of a long illness on Sunday afternoon. On Monday morning, Melinda's mother is astonished to find Melinda getting ready for school as she does on every Monday morning. Which stage of grief is Melinda in? A: ~ Loneliness B: ~ Denial C: ~ Anger D: ~ Guilt

B: ~ Denial The answer is B. EXPLANATION: She is in the denial stage as she is acting as if nothing has changed. She is not acknowledging that her grandmother has passed away. The other stages are not the correct stage she is demonstrating.

54: As a nurse aide, it is your responsibility to: A: ~ Plan the client's care B: ~ Do the tasks the supervisor assigns to you C: ~ Do the best you can without asking for help D: ~ Compare the assignments with your workers.

B: ~ Do the tasks the supervisor assigns to you The answer is B. EXPLANATION: The job of a nurse aide is to do the tasks given to you that match your scope of practice. You can decline a task if you have not had the proper training to do it but you must inform your nurse so it can be reassigned.

87: A caregiver MUST wear gloves when: A: ~ Feeding a client B: ~ Doing peri-care C: ~ Giving a back rub D: ~ Doing range of motion

B: ~ Doing peri-care The answer is B. EXPLANATION: When a caregiver does peri-care, they must wear gloves as urine or feces in the incorrect location can spread disease. Wearing gloves protects the caregiver as well as the clients from the spread of infection. The other tasks do not typically require gloves. Your supervisor will inform you when there are exceptions.

47: Which of the following statements is true of gloves? A: ~ After giving care, gloves are not contaminated. B: ~ Gloves should be worn when performing care on a resident who has broken skin. C: ~ Disposable gloves can be washed and reused. D: ~ Gloves do not need to be worn when shaving a resident.

B: ~ Gloves should be worn when performing care on a resident who has broken skin. The answer is B. EXPLANATION: Disposable gloves cannot be washed or reused and are contaminated after use. Gloves should be worn when performing care on a resident who has broken skin to act as a barrier to spread of infection.

88: All of the following are ways to prevent weight loss EXCEPT: A: ~ Helping residents who have trouble feeding themselves B: ~ Hurrying residents through meals C: ~ Providing oral care before and after meals D: ~ Honoring food likes and dislikes

B: ~ Hurrying residents through meals The answer is B. EXPLANATION: We do not want to hurry residents through their meals as they could need more time to properly chew and swallow their food. All the other items can help prevent weight loss in residents.

76: When the client has a left-sided weakness, what part of the sweater is put on first? A: ~ Both sleeves B: ~ Left sleeve C: ~ Client's choice D: ~ Right sleeve

B: ~ Left sleeve The answer is B. EXPLANATION: It would be the left sleeve because you always start with the affected arm. Starting with the affected arm makes it easier to put on the sweater. The caregiver has more material to use to put it on. It is impossible to put both sleeves on at the same time. We cannot allow the client to choose because the affected arm is the best arm to put it on. The right side is not the affected side so we would not use the right side.

61: Families help residents by: A: ~ Telling them what to do B: ~ Creating the care plan for them C: ~ Supporting and encouraging them D: ~ Making decisions for them

C: ~ Supporting and encouraging them The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Families form the support network of a resident by supporting and encouraging her.

20: What is the proper way for a nursing assistant to help care for a diabetic resident? The nursing assistant should: A: ~ Clip the resident's toenails B: ~ Make sure that the resident eats all that he is served C: ~ Encourage the resident not to exercise or have any physical activity D: ~ Make sure the resident goes barefoot

B: ~ Make sure that the resident eats all that he is served The answer is B. EXPLANATION: Clipping the client's toenails for diabetic clients should only be performed by a nurse. Diabetic clients should exercise as it helps with glycemic control. Diabetic clients should not be barefoot as it increases their risk of injury. They must eat all that is served as most get insulin ahead of their meal. If they do not eat it can drop their blood sugar significantly. Report to the nurse immediately if they do not eat all or any of their meal.

9: Which if the following statements is true? A: ~ People with mental illness can control their symptoms. B: ~ Mental illness is a disease like any physical illness. C: ~ Mentally ill persons could choose to be well if they wanted to. D: ~ Mental illness does not respond to treatment.

B: ~ Mental illness is a disease like any physical illness. The answer is B. EXPLANATION: People with mental illness cannot control their symptoms or choose to be well without medical assistance. People with mental illness need help to manage their disease just like those with diabetes. Diabetics need insulin and those with mental illness sometimes need medications, therapy, or a combination of these items. People with mental illness do respond well to treatment though sometimes medications or a different therapy to achieve disease management.

48: An infection of the lungs usually treated with antibiotics to reduce congestion and inflammation is: A: ~ Heart attack B: ~ Pneumonia C: ~ Urinary tract infection D: ~ High blood pressure

B: ~ Pneumonia The answer is B. EXPLANATION: Pneumonia is a disease that affects the lungs. Please report any difficulty breathing to your nurse. The rest do not describe an infection in the lungs.

84: Decubitus ulcers are: A: ~ Digestive problems B: ~ Pressure sores C: ~ Hiccups D: ~ A contagious disease

B: ~ Pressure sores The answer is B. EXPLANATION: Decubitus ulcers are another name for pressure sores. Turning clients every two hours helps prevent pressure sores. The other items are not the correct terms for a decubitus ulcer.

21: The nurse aide finds a client's medication on the floor of the client's room. The nurse aide should: A: ~ Throw the medication in the wastebasket B: ~ Return the medication to the nurse or supervisor. C: ~ Flush the medication down the toilet D: ~ Make sure the client takes the medication

B: ~ Return the medication to the nurse or supervisor. The answer is B. EXPLANATION: The best thing to do if you find medication is to bring it to the nurse or supervisor. They can identify the medication and determine next steps. The other items are not appropriate to do when you find a medication.

7: When approaching a client with Alzheimer's disease, the nurse aide should: A: ~ Speak quickly and loudly B: ~ Speak calmly and use simple words C: ~ Speak with angry tones D: ~ Correct the client if he talks nonsense.

B: ~ Speak calmly and use simple words The answer is B. EXPLANATION: The nurse aide needs to speak calmly and use simple words when interacting with Alzheimer's clients. Using a one step at a time approach works best such as saying Come this way, sit down here, helps those with Alzheimer's participate in their care. The other choices could cause agitation in the client so we must avoid interacting with them in that way.

40: Mr. Charlie has aphasia and tracheostomy. You have entered his room to help him get ready for bed. When giving him instructions: A: ~ Speak softly. B: ~ Speak normally. C: ~ Speak loudly. D: ~ Whisper.

B: ~ Speak normally. The answer is B. EXPLANATION: For those with tracheostomies speak to them at a normal volume. The tracheostomy does not affect the person's ability to hear. For some it does affect their ability to speak.

26: You entered Mr. Site's room and found him on the floor by the bathroom. You should: A: ~ Go and find the charge nurse immediately. B: ~ Stay with him and call for help. C: ~ Assist him to get up and back into bed. D: ~ Clean up the urine on the floor using bleach and towels.

B: ~ Stay with him and call for help. The answer is B. EXPLANATION: The best thing to do is to call for help while staying with the client. This makes sure they do not hurt themselves further.

3: The nurse aide is in the employee dining room. A group of nurse aides are eating lunch together and begin discussing how rude a certain client was acting. The nurse aide SHOULD: A: ~ Join in the conversation B: ~ Suggest that this is not the place to discuss the client C: ~ Be quiet and not say anything to the other nurse aides. D: ~ Return to the unit and tell the client what was said.

B: ~ Suggest that this is not the place to discuss the client The answer is B. EXPLANATION: The best thing the nurse aide can do is to remind the other nurse aides not to discuss client information in places other than the nurse station. The other responses would be inappropriate.

58: A sign that a stroke is occurring is: A: ~ Rapid pulse rate B: ~ Weakness on one side of the body C: ~ Low blood pressure D: ~ Pale skin

B: ~ Weakness on one side of the body The answer is B. EXPLANATION: A sign of a stroke is experiencing weakness on one side of the body, usually the left side. These other signs do not show that a stroke is happening.

42: When is a straight cane used? A: ~ When the resident cannot bear any weight on both legs B: ~ When the resident cannot bear weight on one leg C: ~ When the resident can bear weight on both legs D: ~ When crutches are not available

B: ~ When the resident cannot bear weight on one leg The answer is B. EXPLANATION: Canes are used for those that need additional assistance for one leg. The other choices would be inappropriate uses for a cane.

13: Which of the following is NOT true of nail care? A: ~ In a diabetic resident, an accidental cut can lead to a severe wound or even amputation. B: ~ Nail care should only be provided if it has been assigned. C: ~ A diabetic's toenails can be cut if the resident requests it. D: ~ The same nail equipment cannot be used on more than one resident.

C: ~ A diabetic's toenails can be cut if the resident requests it. The answer is C. EXPLANATION: A diabetic's toenails must only be cut by the nurse as it can cause amputation or a severe wound. Refer the request to the nurse when a diabetic client requests it.

16: When preparing a resident before meals you would NOT: A: ~ Assist them to the toilet. B: ~ Assist them to wash hands. C: ~ Assist them to remove their dentures. D: ~ Help them to the dining room.

C: ~ Assist them to remove their dentures. The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Clients need their dentures to eat so please make sure they are in before bringing them to the dining room

86: ADLs include: A: ~ Reading B: ~ Taking part in facility activities C: ~ Brushing teeth D: ~ Taking part in worship services

C: ~ Brushing teeth The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Activities of daily living include feeding, toileting, bathing, grooming and dressing, and ambulating. Brushing teeth is one among many of the grooming activities.

60: What is perennial care? A: ~ Washing the face, back, and armpits B: ~ Preventing the pressure sores C: ~ Cleaning the genitalia and rectum D: ~ Promoting relaxation

C: ~ Cleaning the genitalia and rectum The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Perennial care is assisting a client with cleansing of the genitals and rectum. Washing the face, back, and armpits is known as bathing or showering. Caregivers turn a client every two hours to prevent pressure ulcers. Staff can assist clients with relaxation through massage. It is not the definition of perennial care however.

63: ________ is maintaining equal intake and output. A: ~ Dehydration B: ~ Input C: ~ Fluid balance D: ~ Restrict fluids

C: ~ Fluid balance The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Fluid balance involves maintaining equal intake and output. Dehydration is not having enough fluids in the body and giving fluids helps prevent this from occurring. Restricting fluids happens in certain heart conditions or other medical conditions. Doctors order fluid restrictions.

68: Which of these are Nursing Assistants not allowed to do? A: ~ Charting B: ~ Feeding residents C: ~ Giving medication D: ~ Personal care

C: ~ Giving medication The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Nurses give medication and nursing assistants are not allowed to give medications. The other activities are things a nursing assistant can do.

15: _______ is the special care that focuses on the dignity and comfort of a dying person. A: ~ Terminal B: ~ Cheyne-Stokes C: ~ Hospice D: ~ Postmortem

C: ~ Hospice The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Hospice care is the type of care that focuses on the dignity and comfort of a dying person.

35: Which of the following statements shows how a nursing assistant can promote dignity and independence during mealtime? A: ~ The nursing assistant should make the choice about which food the resident should eat first. B: ~ The nursing assistant should talk to other staff members while assisting residents with eating. C: ~ If the resident requests a different food from what is being served, the nursing assistant should honor this request. D: ~ The nursing assistant should mix a resident's foods together without discussing it with the resident.

C: ~ If the resident requests a different food from what is being served, the nursing assistant should honor this request. The answer is C. EXPLANATION: The nursing assistant should alert the kitchen staff if the client has a request for a different meal. The kitchen will then do their best to accommodate this request. The other items do not promote dignity and independence during meal times.

22: Which of the following statements is true of incontinence? A: ~ Incontinence is a normal part of aging B: ~ Incontinence does not need to be reported if it is just a small amount of urine C: ~ Incontinent residents need good skin care and understanding D: ~ Urine is not irritating to the skin

C: ~ Incontinent residents need good skin care and understanding The answer is C. EXPLANATION: The other options are incorrect when it comes to incontinence. We must report for any amount of urine. It is not a normal part of aging. Urine is very irritating to the skin. We must provide good peri-care and remain nonjudgmental when assisting those with incontinence.

69: The nurse can help prevent pressure sores in the clients by: A: ~ Repositioning the client every 4 hours. B: ~ Massaging reddened areas on the client's skin C: ~ Keeping linens clean, dry and wrinkle free. D: ~ Using perfumed soap to clean the client's skin.

C: ~ Keeping linens clean, dry and wrinkle free. The answer is C. EXPLANATION: We must reposition clients every 2 hours. Massaging reddened areas could damage the skin. Do not use perfumed soap as that can irritate the skin. The best thing to do is keep linens dry, clean, and wrinkle free.

73: The nurse aide is asked by a confused client what day it is. The nurse aide should: A: ~ Explain that memory loss is natural and the date is not important.. B: ~ Ignore the request C: ~ Point to the date on a calendar D: ~ Provide the date and the test the client.

C: ~ Point to the date on a calendar The answer is C. EXPLANATION: The best way to explain the date is to point to it on a calendar. Saying the date could confuse the client more. They often do not know what year it is and stating the date with the year could agitate the client. The rest of the options would be inappropriate for a confused client and could lead to agitation.

95: A nurse aide who is active in her church is assigned to care for a client who is not a member of any religious group. The nurse aide SHOULD: A: ~ Help the client understand the nurse aide's faith B: ~ Tell the client that it is important for the client to join some church, even if it is not the nurse aide's church. C: ~ Respect the client's beliefs and avoid starting religious discussions. D: ~ Arrange to have the nurse aide's clergyman visit the client.

C: ~ Respect the client's beliefs and avoid starting religious discussions. The answer is C. EXPLANATION: As caregivers, we need to respect the client's beliefs and not pressure them to join a religious affiliation. The other responses would not be respectful of the client's beliefs.

56: Which of the following is a function of the nervous system? A: ~ Protects the vital organs of the body B: ~ Protects the body against bacteria or germs C: ~ Senses and interprets information from outside the body D: ~ Carries food and oxygen to the cells

C: ~ Senses and interprets information from outside the body The answer is C. EXPLANATION: The nervous system takes impulses from outside of the body (like feeling something touch the skin) and making sense of that occurrence. The nervous system figures out that a touch was felt and where it was felt. The nervous system is not any of these other choices.

5: Stress reactions occur when defense mechanisms no longer work for us. Which is NOT an example of a stress reaction? A: ~ Withdrawal. B: ~ Depression. C: ~ Sleeping well. D: ~ Agitation.

C: ~ Sleeping well. The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Sleeping well is not a sign of a stress reaction. When you can sleep well, you do not have stress. The other options are signs of a stress reaction.

57: While giving a tub bath to a client, the nurse aide is asked to help for a minute in the next room. The nurse aide should: A: ~ Leave the client and go help B: ~ Rush the client through the bath C: ~ Stay with the client and finish the bath D: ~ Complain to the client.

C: ~ Stay with the client and finish the bath The answer is C. EXPLANATION: The nurse aide asking for assistance will have to wait until you are done with the bath or find someone else. It is not safe to leave a client during a bath.

100: The resident's environment must be: A: ~ Clean B: ~ Safe C: ~ Comfortable D: ~ All of the above

D: ~ All of the above The answer is D. EXPLANATION: All of these elements must be in place for the resident's environment to be effective for care.

82: A confused client begins to cry out suddenly. What should the nurse aide do FIRST? A: ~ Restrain the client B: ~ Ask the client's doctor for medicine to calm the client C: ~ Talk to the client in a soothing voice about familiar things. D: ~ Leave the client alone.

C: ~ Talk to the client in a soothing voice about familiar things. The answer is C. EXPLANATION: Helping a confused client feel calmer is the first approach when they cry out suddenly. The other options do not help the confused client when they cry out. Restrains are only used with a doctor's order and we only use medicine when absolutely necessary. Leaving the client alone does not provide reassurance for the client.

94: Why is it a bad idea to wear rings or false nails to work? A: ~ Residents may not like them. B: ~ They may be lost. C: ~ They increase the risk of contamination. D: ~ They may be damaged by frequent hand washing.

C: ~ They increase the risk of contamination. The answer is C. EXPLANATION: False nails and rings can carry infectious materials in them so we should not wear them to work.

41: What is the care team's goal? A: ~ To share confidential information B: ~ To inform the nursing assistant what the care team has decided C: ~ To provide physical and emotional support for the resident D: ~ To force to comply with the rules

C: ~ To provide physical and emotional support for the resident The answer is C. EXPLANATION: The best thing a care team can do is provide emotional as well as physical support for the resident. We do not share confidential information unless it is needed to provide care. The nursing assistant is an important member of the care team. It is not only to comply with state regulations.

97: How can a caregiver work with symptoms and behaviors he sees in clients with Alzheimer's Disease? A: ~ Assume that all clients with Alzheimer's Disease are going through the same signs at the same time. B: ~ Take it personally if a client with Alzheimer's Disease forgets who he is. C: ~ Work with the behaviors he sees today. D: ~ Reprimand the resident if he does something unsafe or that is not allowed.

C: ~ Work with the behaviors he sees today. The answer is C. EXPLANATION: When working with those with Alzheimer's, it is best to accept them as they are that day. People go through stages in the disease so they are not doing all the same signs at the same time. We cannot take it personally when they do not remember us as it is part of the disease. People with this disease do not understand their actions so we cannot become upset with them or tell them that they have done something wrong. It is our duty to keep them safe so if we see someone doing something unsafe, we need to act to protect them.

45: If the language a resident speaks is different from yours: A: ~ You will not interact with that resident B: ~ Try to teach her your language C: ~ You may need to use an interpreter D: ~ You will speak only with the resident's family

C: ~ You may need to use an interpreter The answer is C. EXPLANATION: In this case, you may need to use interpreter services to best communicate with the client. Each facility should have an interpreter service available for your use.

19: To convert four ounces of juice to milliliters (ml), the nurse aide should multiply: A: ~ 4 x 5 ml B: ~ 4 x 10 ml C: ~ 4 x 15 ml D: ~ 4 x 30 ml

D: ~ 4 x 30 ml The answer is D. EXPLANATION: In order to convert ounces to milliliters you must multiply by 30. The other answers are incorrect.

90: Which of the following about canes is true? A: ~ Canes cannot help with balance B: ~ Canes are used for a resident who cannot bear any weight C: ~ A straight cane can bear all the resident's weight D: ~ A quad cane has four rubber-tipped feet

D: ~ A quad cane has four rubber-tipped feet The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Quad canes have four tips. Canes do help with balance. A cane would not be used for those that cannot bear any weight. A straight cane is not strong enough to bear all of the client's weight.

62: A terminally ill patient, John Castillo, visits with his family. He discusses his funeral arrangements with them. He lets them know that he is concerned about their well-being after he is gone. He says he wants to spend as much time as possible with them before he dies. Mr. Castillo is going through what stage of dying? A: ~ Denial B: ~ Anger C: ~ Depression D: ~ Acceptance

D: ~ Acceptance The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Mr. Castillo is in the acceptance stage. He acknowledges that he will pass away and is dealing with it as best as can be expected. He is trying to make the most of his time left. The other stages are not the proper description of the current stage for Mr. Castillo. He is not denying he is dying nor is he angry or depressed.

59: When caring for a blind client: A: ~ Tell the client when you enter the room B: ~ Tell the client when you leave the room C: ~ Explain what you are doing D: ~ All of the above

D: ~ All of the above The answer is D. EXPLANATION: A blind client needs to know where you are as they can only hear you. The client has a right to know that someone is in their room or has left so as the caregiver you must tell them. You also have to verbally explain what you are doing as they cannot see what you are doing. All of these activities are good methods to appropriately care for those with blindness.

28: Why is careful and accurate charting important? A: ~ A medical chart is the legal record of a resident's care. B: ~ It allows clear communication among the care team. C: ~ It protects you and your employer from liability by proving what you did. D: ~ All of the above

D: ~ All of the above The answer is D. EXPLANATION: All of these actions demonstrate the importance of accurate and careful charting. It helps the care team know what is currently happening with the client, protects you from liability, and is a legal representation of the person's care.

33: When speaking to a person who does not speak the same language as you do, you should use: A: ~ Non-verbal communication B: ~ Simple words C: ~ Gestures D: ~ All of the above

D: ~ All of the above The answer is D. EXPLANATION: All of these methods help a caregiver communicate with someone that speaks a different language. Non-verbal communication such as smiling helps put the client at ease. Simple words that the person knows assists the client to understand the caregiver. Gestures can help the client know what the caregiver is referring to such as pointing at an object. Using an interpreter when necessary can also help give the best care for the client as well.

75: Confused and demented residents have the right to: A: ~ Privacy and confidentiality B: ~ Be free from abuse or mistreatment C: ~ Keep and use personal possessions D: ~ All of the above

D: ~ All of the above The answer is D. EXPLANATION: All patients/residents have these rights including those with this diagnosis. Caregivers must be alert to any safety issues when the patient/resident is using personal possessions and report it to the nurse.

44: The body is able to fight diseases effectively when you: A: ~ Eat well B: ~ Get enough rest C: ~ Exercise D: ~ All of the above

D: ~ All of the above The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Doing all of these activities assist you in having optimal health and also stops possible diseases from occurring.

83: An attitude that is helpful in hospice work is: A: ~ Be sensitive to individual needs B: ~ Respect privacy and independence C: ~ Be a good listener D: ~ All of the above

D: ~ All of the above The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Doing all of these helps when working with hospice clients.

85: Which is normally true about caregivers and catheters? A: ~ Caregivers remove catheters. B: ~ Caregivers insert catheters. C: ~ Caregivers irrigate catheters. D: ~ Caregivers empty catheter drainage bags

D: ~ Caregivers empty catheter drainage bags The answer is D. EXPLANATION: In most settings, caregivers cannot remove catheters. Nurses insert and irrigate catheters. Caregivers empty catheter drainage bags.

92: What is the nursing assistant's responsibility for IV (Intravenous) care? A: ~ Inserting IV lines B: ~ Removing IV lines C: ~ Care of the IV site D: ~ Documenting and reporting observations of changes or problems

D: ~ Documenting and reporting observations of changes or problems The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Nursing assistants only report if there is an issue with the IV site such as bleeding, pain, or inflammation. They are not responsible for the other actions.

55: You will come into contact with microorganisms: A: ~ Only in public areas of the facility. B: ~ Only during direct contact with residents. C: ~ Only during personal care procedures. D: ~ Every time you touch something.

D: ~ Every time you touch something. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: You come into contact with microorganisms in the public areas of the facility, during direct contact with residents and during personal care procedures. Every time you touch something, you come into contact with microorganisms.

74: What is a proper way for a nursing assistant to respond if a resident does not hear her or does not understand her? A: ~ Turn off the resident's hearing aid. B: ~ Speak more quickly. C: ~ Whisper the words. D: ~ Face the resident and speak clearly.

D: ~ Face the resident and speak clearly. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Communication is both nonverbal and verbal. By turning towards and facing the client and speaking clearly, the caregiver uses both verbal and nonverbal communication. She expresses herself using both her words and her face and body.

71: Which of the following is a violation of Residents' Rights? A: ~ Watching for and reporting signs of abuse B: ~ Calling residents by the names they prefer C: ~ Documenting care truthfully D: ~ Gossiping about residents

D: ~ Gossiping about residents The answer is D. EXPLANATION: To gossip is to discuss rumors that could be untrue regarding a person. Staff only communicate about residents when it pertains to providing them with quality care. Do not talk about residents unless it is necessary to provide care. The others are examples that do not violate Resident Rights.

11: Mr. H. has been sad and depressed since he was admitted to the facility yesterday. What would be the BEST thing for the nurse aide to do for Mr. H? A: ~ Arrange for a minister, priest or rabbi to visit Mr. H. B: ~ Turn on the television in Mr. H's room and leave C: ~ Force Mr. H. to take part in facility activities. D: ~ Introduce Mr. H. to other clients and staff members.

D: ~ Introduce Mr. H. to other clients and staff members. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: When appropriate, introduce Mr. H. to other people in the facility. This can alleviate depression through these social interactions. The other options are not the best in helping Mr. H. with his depression.

98: Keeping information about residents confidential: A: ~ is not important B: ~ is fairly important C: ~ applies only to medical records. D: ~ Is a legal responsibility.

D: ~ Is a legal responsibility. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Due to HIPAA laws, we must keep resident's information confidential. Failure to keep residents information confidential could result in a lawsuit against you as their care provider. The other options do not explain the importance of keeping resident's information confidential.

64: Keeping information about the residents confidential: A: ~ is not important B: ~ is fairly important C: ~ Applies only to medical records. D: ~ Is a legal responsibility.

D: ~ Is a legal responsibility. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: We must keep client information confidential. If you violate confidentiality, you can be sued and so can the facility.

43: Good ways for a nursing assistant to care for a resident with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease include all of the following EXCEPT: A: ~ Being calm and supportive B: ~ Encouraging independence with Activities of Daily Living C: ~ Practicing good infection control D: ~ Keeping the resident flat on his back most of the time

D: ~ Keeping the resident flat on his back most of the time The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Residents with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease need to be kept upright so they breathe easier. We cannot leave residents with this disease flat on their back as they will have a hard time breathing. The others are appropriate ways to support the resident with this disease.

51: If a client is sitting in a chair in his room masturbating, the nurse aide SHOULD: A: ~ Report the incident to the other nurse aide. B: ~ Tell the client to stop C: ~ Laugh and tell the client to go in the bathroom D: ~ Leave the client alone and provide privacy.

D: ~ Leave the client alone and provide privacy. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: The last option provides the client with dignity and respect. The other actions do not acknowledge the client's right to this action and doesn't treat the person respectfully.

38: Which of the following statements is true of the aging process? A: ~ Aging means disease and illness. B: ~ Older people are not able to exercise. C: ~ Most older people cannot live alone. D: ~ Most older people live independent lives.

D: ~ Most older people live independent lives. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Only a small fraction of the elderly reside in skilled nursing facilities or assisted living homes. For most of the elderly, they live independently in their home/community.

79: HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) can be transmitted by: A: ~ Handshakes B: ~ Hugs C: ~ Toilets D: ~ None of the above

D: ~ None of the above The answer is D. EXPLANATION: None of these ways transmit HIV/AIDS. HIV/AIDS can only be transmitted through infected body fluids and contact with open skin or through sexual intercourse.

37: Choose the resident condition that the nursing assistant should NOT report immediately to the supervising nurse: A: ~ Chest pain, high fever B: ~ Family fighting C: ~ Loss of consciousness D: ~ Normal pulse

D: ~ Normal pulse The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Except a normal pulse, all of these instances must be reported to a nurse immediately.

53: When bathing a client, a caregiver should: A: ~ Leave the client alone B: ~ Move bedbound clients to the tub for a bath C: ~ Use bath oils to moisturize skin D: ~ Place all needed items within reach

D: ~ Place all needed items within reach The answer is D. EXPLANATION: You cannot leave clients alone during a bath. Bedbound clients will have a bed bath. Bath oils have to be approved by the doctor before use and aren't able to be used for everyone. Placing all items within reach is the best practice when bathing a client.

36: When a client is sleeping in bed, the client's eyeglasses should be: A: ~ Wrapped in a towel B: ~ Left on the top of the bedside table C: ~ Placed in a special cleaning solution. D: ~ Placed in the drawer of the bedside stand.

D: ~ Placed in the drawer of the bedside stand. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: To avoid them falling off a table and breaking, the best place to put eyeglasses are in the drawer of the bedside stand. The other options could damage the eyeglasses.

39: A nurse aide does not close the door during the client's bath. Which client right did the nurse aide violate? A: ~ Choice B: ~ Communication C: ~ Confidentiality D: ~ Privacy

D: ~ Privacy The answer is D. EXPLANATION: The nurse aide violated this client's right to privacy. When we work with clients, we must close the door to provide privacy.

10: When a weak client who is unable to move without help is placed in a chair the nurse aide should: A: ~ Check on the client every 5 minutes B: ~ Make sure the client's water pitcher is full C: ~ Protect the client with a seat belt. D: ~ Put a call signal within reach.

D: ~ Put a call signal within reach. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: We must leave call lights in reach for all clients to avoid falls and injury to our clients. Leaving a full water pitcher is helpful but not as important as having the call light within reach. We do not use seat belts as those are considered restraints and we do not need to check on clients every five minutes.

81: The nurse aide does not like working with another staff member. The BEST thing for the nurse aide to do is: A: ~ Complain about the staff member to other nurse aides. B: ~ Tell clients that staff member is not good worker C: ~ Ignore the problem and hope it goes away D: ~ Talk to the staff member and try to work out the problem.

D: ~ Talk to the staff member and try to work out the problem. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Try to work it out with your coworker. This will make your work environment more pleasant and less stressful. If you cannot fix the problem, discuss it with your supervisor.

27: A mentally challenged male has the behavior of a three to four year old. He Asks, "Can l be your old man and go home with you." You should tell him: A: ~ Absolutely not ---No way! B: ~ To go eat his meal in the dining. C: ~ That you don't need an old man. D: ~ That you can't take him home with you.

D: ~ That you can't take him home with you. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: The best response is to say that you cannot let him go home with you and that he needs to stay here at the facility. The other responses would be inappropriate.

6: Resident rights include all of the following EXCEPT: A: ~ The right to privacy. B: ~ The right to be fully informed of their total health status. C: ~ The right to refuse treatment. D: ~ The right to infringe on other's rights.

D: ~ The right to infringe on other's rights. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: When a client infringes on other client's rights it has to be intervened by the facility. It is not ok for a client to infringe on other's rights.

77: Mrs. Perkins is a visually impaired resident. She is very nearsighted. Many times, she has misplaced her glasses. She gets upset during eye examinations, so the staff at her facility often allow her to go without glasses for a few weeks before having them replaced. Which of the Residents' Rights are violated in this case? A: ~ Services and activities to maintain a high level of wellness B: ~ The right to complain C: ~ The right to make independent choices D: ~ The right to security of possessions

D: ~ The right to security of possessions The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Residents have the right to their possessions and the staff are violating her right to have her glasses. The other items are not the appropriate resident right violation.

31: When moving a wheelchair onto an elevator, you should stay: A: ~ Behind the chair, pulling it towards you B: ~ Behind the chair, pushing it away from you. C: ~ In front of client to observe his or her condition. D: ~ To the side and hold the door open

D: ~ To the side and hold the door open The answer is D. EXPLANATION: The best way to get a wheelchair into the elevator is to hold the door open and stand over to the side of it. This ensures the door does not try to close on the wheelchair. The other ways would not work to get the wheelchair onto the elevator.

46: What is placed around the resident's waist to provide a grip for the nursing assistant in transferring? A: ~ Trapeze bar B: ~ Transfer board C: ~ Draw sheet D: ~ Transfer belt

D: ~ Transfer belt The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Transfer belts help when transferring residents to give you a place to properly hold the resident. It helps prevent falls and secures the resident during a transfer. The other items are not placed around the resident's waist.

50: Using the phone in the nurse's station for personal calls, is: A: ~ Allowed in most facilities. B: ~ O.K. if no one notices. C: ~ Appropriate in most cases. D: ~ Unacceptable.

D: ~ Unacceptable. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: Do not use the phone in the nurse's station for personal reasons. Wait for your break to take personal calls on your own phone.

89: Before assisting a client into a wheelchair, the first action would be to check if the: A: ~ Resident is adequately covered B: ~ Floor is slippery C: ~ Door to the room is closed D: ~ Wheels of the chair are locked.

D: ~ Wheels of the chair are locked. The answer is D. EXPLANATION: We must make sure the wheelchair has locked wheels to prevent falls. If the wheelchair is not locked, the client could push against the chair causing it to move back. When the client sits down, they will miss the chair and land on the floor. The other items are incorrect when it comes to transfer safety.

78: The nurse aide is giving care to Mr. Miles. While the nurse aide performs his care, Mr. Miles calls the nurse aide by the name of his son who died several years ago. The nurse aide's BEST response would be to: A: ~ quickly finish giving care and leave Mr. Miles alone B: ~ pretend to be Mr. Mile's son C: ~ ignore Mr. Miles because he is confused D: ~ ask Mr. Miles about his favorite memories of his son

D: ~ ask Mr. Miles about his favorite memories of his son The answer is D. EXPLANATION: By talking about his favorite memories of his son, Mr. Miles re-orients back to reality with much ease and less confusion.

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