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7) Which of these fungal features supports the phylogenetic conclusion that fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants?

A) Fungi are able to change their body shape continuously throughout their life. B) Zygomycetes have flagellated gametes. C) Fungi store polysaccharides as starch. D) The cell walls of fungi are made of chitin. d

2) Which of the following is an important role for fungi in the carbon cycle?

A) Fungi release fixed carbon back to the environment for other plants and photosynthetic organisms to utilize. B) Fungi provide fixed carbon to plants for the production of plant cellular tissues. C) Fungi fix carbon by undergoing photosynthesis. D) Fungi reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide. a

18. Liverworts, hornworts, and mosses are grouped together as Bryophytes. Besides not having vascular tissue, what do they all have in common?

A) They are all wind pollinated. B) They are heterosporous. C) They can reproduce asexually by producing gemmae. D) They require water for reproduction. d

5) What is the major distinguishing characteristic of fungi?

A) acquiring nutrition through ingestion B) sedentary lifestyle C) prokaryotic cells D) nutrient acquisition via external digestion E) decomposition of dead organisms D

Chemicals, secreted by soil fungi, which inhibit the growth of bacteria, are known as ________.

A) antibodies B) aflatoxins C) hallucinogens D) antigens E) antibiotics e


A) are sites where male gametes are produced B) may contain sporophyte embryos C) have the same function as sporangia D) are ancestral versions of animal gonads E) make asexual reproductive structures A

4. Which of the lists of plant features are not found in green algae?

A) chlorophyll a B) thylakoid membranes C) protected gametangia D) -carotene C

10) Some fungi have been instrumental in the development of human culture, including __________ in the Phylum ________ as they have been in use for hundreds of years in producing beer and bread.

A) chytrids; Chytridiomycota B) yeasts; Ascomycota C) puffballs; Basidiomycota D) bread molds; Zygomycota E) arbuscular mycorhizae; Glomeromycota b

16. Which of the following is a land plant that has flagellated sperm and a gametophyte-dominated life cycle?

A) fern B) moss C) liverwort D) charophyte (stoneworts) E) hornwort B

The most direct ancestors of land plants were probably?

A) kelp (brown alga) that formed large beds near the shorelines B) green algae C) photosynthesizing prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) D) liverworts and mosses B

15. A botanist discovers a new species of plant in a tropical rain forest. After observing its anatomy and life cycle, he notes the following characteristics: flagellated sperm, vascular tissue, separate gametophyte and sporophyte generations with the sporophyte dominant, and no seeds. This plant is probably most closely related to ________.

A) mosses B) charophytes (stoneworts) C) ferns D) gymnosperms E) flowering plants C

9) Lichens are symbiotic associations of fungi and ________.

A) mosses or algae B) cyanobacteria or algae C) green algae or liverworts D) mosses or cyanobacteria E) mosses or sponges b

8) In septate fungi, what structures allow cytoplasmic streaming to distribute needed nutrients, synthesized compounds, and organelles throughout the hyphae?

A) multiple chitinous layers in cross-walls B) pores in septa C) complex microtubular cytoskeletons D) two nuclei E) tight junctions that form in cross-walls between cells b

6) Long, branching fungal filaments are called ________.

A) roots B) ascus C) septa D) mycelia E) hyphae e

3) Fungi that absorb nutrients from decaying plant matter are called ________.

A) saprobes B) mycorrhizae C) mushrooms D) yeasts E) molds a

12. Which of these are spore-producing structures?

A) sporophyte (capsule) of a moss B) antheridium of a moss or fern C) archegonium of a moss or fern D) gametophyte of a moss A

11. In the process of alternation of generations, the

A) sporophyte is haploid and produces gametes B) sporophyte is diploid and produces spores C) gametophyte is haploid and produces spores D) gametophyte is diploid and produces gametes E) spores unite to form a zygote b

4) All fungi are ________.

A) symbiotic B) heterotrophic C) flagellated D) pathogenic E) decomposers b

2. Molecular phylogenies show all land plants are a monophyletic group. This suggests ________.

A) there were many different transitions from aquatic to terrestrial habitats B) wind-pollinated plants arose first C) land plants have undergone a diversification since they first colonized terrestrial habitats D) there was a single transition from aquatic to terrestrial habitats D

13. Which of the following was a challenge to the survival of the first land plants?

A) too much sunlight B) a shortage of carbon dioxide C) desiccation D) animal predation C

5. Which of the following demonstrate the steps in the evolution of land plants (first to most recent)?

A) vascular tissue, waxy cuticle, seed, flower B) waxy cuticle, seed, vascular tissue, flower C) waxy cuticle, vascular tissue, seed, flower D) seed, vascular tissue, flower, seed C

3. What evidence do paleobotanists look for that indicates the movement of plants from water to land?

A) waxy cuticle to decrease evaporation from leaves B) loss of structures that produce spores C) sporopollenin to inhibit evaporation from leaves D) remnants of chloroplasts from photosynthesizing cells A

17. Angiosperms are the most successful terrestrial plants. Which of the following features is unique to them and helps account for their success?

A) wind pollination B) dominant gametophytes C) fruits enclosing seeds D) embryos enclosed within seed coats E) sperm cells without flagella c

6. A fringe species can be described as

a. a population living on the extreme edge of the species' geographic range of distribution b. a species that lives only in the extreme environments of the world c. a species that lives in the transition from one environment to another d. a population that is on the verge of becoming a new species C

9. Changes in the diversity of flowering plants coincides with changes in the diversity of some groups of insects that function as pollinators. Evidence in changes in the appearance of organisms that exhibit a close relationship is an example of

a. coevolution b. convergent evolution c. allopatric evolution d. paraevolution a

19. Plant seeds are capable of remaining dormant for extended periods while still retaining a viable embryo because of the protection afforded by the

a. embryo b. seed leaves c. seed coat d. meristem C

8. A significant step in the evolution of plants was the evolution of vascular tissue, which allowed tracheophytes, to achieve greater body size relative to mosses because vascular tissues functions as a transport system carrying water and photosynthetic products through the body and because of the provided by the structure of vascular tissue.

a. reproduction b. respiration c. protection d. support d

12. Spores of fungi are produced

a. sexually b. asexually c. parthenogenically d. a and b e. all of the above d

7. Which of the following is a condition/attribute for which plants would have to adapt when living on land?

a. water uptake and retention b. support of the body c. protection of gametes d. gas exchange e. all of the above E

10. True (A)/False (B): Mosses and other nontracheophytes do not posses any kind of tubular system for conducting water through the body.


11. True (A)/False (B): All members of Kingdom Fungi share the common feature that their body is composed of string-like structures called hyphae and these are arranged in a mycelium.


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