Practice Questions Part A

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A palliative care nurse is teaching a client who has cancer about the services that are available for the client. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client understands the teaching? A. "This type of care can help me with pain control" B. "If I begin palliative care, I will have to stop my chemotherapy." C."I can begin palliative care when I have less than 6 months to live." D. "My family will not be involved with this type of care program."


A public health nurse is providing information to a client who has alcohol use disorder and its asking about treatment. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as as indication that the client understands the information? A. "I am not eligible for an outpatient program until I have completed an inpatient program first." B. "Once I make it through detoxification, I will be free of my addiction." C. "I can expect to get help with other aspects of my life while in treatment." D. "I will not have to completely stop drinking alcohol if I go into an inpatient treatment program."


A nurse is conducting a home visit with a client who reports a history of partner violence. The nurse should identify that which of the following findings places the client at greatest risk for partner violence? A. The client is at 13 weeks of gestation B. The client recently started a new job. C. The client states they are leaving their partner. D. The client visits friends without the partner's knowledge


A nurse is performing a home visit for a client who has TB. As the nurse is leaving the client's house, a neighbor asks, "Is it true that my neighbor has TB?" Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A. "You should take precautions againist this infection. B. "Have you ever been tested for tb?" C. "Do you have questions about tb? D. "You should ask the public health department."


A community health nurse is teaching a group of clients about environmental health hazards. Which of the following examples should the nurse include as a possible source of carbon monoxide exposure? A. Washing machines B. Air conditioners C. Gas ranges D. Electric space heaters


A community health nurse is planning an educational program for farmers about occupational health risk. Which of the following risks should the nurse include? A. Cardiomyopathy B. Respiratory disorders C. Hypertension D. Diabetes Mellitus


A nurse in a clinic is caring for a client who reports taking ginkgo bilobas for several weeks after seeing a neuropathic healer. The nurse should instruct the client that ginkgo biloba can alter the effects of which of the following medications? A. Metoprolol B. Warfarin C. Digoxin D. Diltiazem


A nurse in a clinic is planning for a client who has a newly diagnosed with hepatitis C. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A. Consume a low-carbohydrate diet until symptoms resolve B. Abstain from sexual intercourse until antibody tests are negative C. Schedule an appointment for an immunoglobulin injection D. Wear a mask in public places while receiving treatment


A nurse in an emergency department is triaging clients following an explosion at a local factory. Which of the following clients should the nurse identify as the priority? A. A client who has superficial burns to 10% of the abdomen B. A client who has tracheal deviation and shortness of breath C. A client who has agonal respirations and an open head injury D. A client who has a fracture of the humerus and a bleeding foot laceration


A nurse is developing a genogram for a client to determine education needs. Which of the following health risk information should the nurse expect to obtain with this tool? A. Economic B. Social C.Behavioral D. Biological


A public health nurse is developing a presentation for local day care providers about infectious childhood diseases. Which of the following statements should the nurse include? A. "Antiviral medications shorten the duration of a shigella infection." B. "Rotavirus infections in children peak during the summer months." C."Children who have fifth disease will exhibit bloody diarrhea." D. "Respiratory syncytial virus is spread through contact with respiratory secretions from an infected person."


A home health nurse is visiting with an older client. Which of the following observations indicates the need for a home modification? A. there are 2 rocking chairs in the living room B. The home has power strips that have breakers C. Client uses an electric toaster oven D.The bathtub has a seat and a hand-held shower head


A community health nurse is assessing a group of clients for risk factors of violent behavior. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a risk factor for developing violent behavior? A. A client says they were spanked as a child B. Client reports getting a new job C. Client has a history of participating in volunteer activities D. A client lives in the rural community where they grew up


A community health nurse is conducting a vision screening at a health fair for an older adult client who has age related macular degeneration. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client is adapting to the changes? A. I have a prescription bottle magnifier to help me read my pill bottle labels B. I canceled all of my magazine subscriptions since I can't read them C. I purchased green towels to use in my bathroom D. I have learned that I cannot to go outside when the sun is bright


A home health nurse is caring for a client who has breast cancer. Which of the following assessment should the nurse identify as an indication that the client is coping effectively? A. Makes eye contact B. Exhibits anhedonia C. Sleeps 13-14 hours a day D.Laughs inappropriately


A home health nurse is conducting a follow-up visit for a client who was recently discharged from an acute rehabilitation program for alcohol use disorder. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A. Tell the client to take naltrexone daily. B. Instruct the client to take buprenorphine for the next 9 to 12 months. C. Teach the client to avoid foods that contain tyramine. D. Schedule transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) biweekly.


A home health nurse is planning care for the day. Which of the following clients should the nurse visit 1st? A. A school-age child who was treated in the emergency department last night for status asthmatics B. An older adult client who was treated in the emergency department last night for a stage 3 pressure injury C. An older adult client who has a newly prescribed antihypertensive medication and needs a BP check D. A school-age child whose percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube needs changing


A case manager is developing a discharge plan for a client who has a spinal cord injury and is in a rehabilitation facility. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A. Hold a care conference with the client to discuss treatment options B.Determine the client's ability to perform self-care. C. Contact service providers to determine the availability of services offered D. Evaluate the client's satisfaction with the case manager's services.


A community health nurse has been contacted regarding a client diagnosis of influenza type A in an adult day care. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to assist in the prevention of an outbreak? A. Schedule immunizations for clients at the facility. B. Administer antiviral medication to clients at the facility. C. Recommend that the day care center close for 2 weeks D. Give immune globulin to clients at the facility who have early manifestations of influenza.


A community health nurse is teaching a client who was newly diagnosed with active pulmonary tuberculosis about disease transmission. Which of the following should the nurse include? A. Household members should be placed in respiratory isolation. B. Household members should take isoniazid for at least 6 months C. Wear a mask in the home D. Have a repeat Mantoux test in 3 months


A nurse is teaching a client who has a new diagnosis of hepatitis A about how to prevent the spread of the virus. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? A. Double-bag tissues used for coughing or blowing the nose B. Clean your bathroom fixtures with a chlorine bleach solution C. Use shared hand towels to dry your hands after washing D. Use barrier contraceptives during sexual contact for 2 weeks after beginning treatment


A school nurse is reviewing the records of four students who are returning to school after being diagnosed with MRSA. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A. Report the cases of MRSA to child protective services. B. Provide education about MRSA throughout the school system C. Recommend prophylactic treatment for classmates D. Coordinate an immunization clinic at the school


An occupational health nurse is assessing a client who reports taking ibuprofen daily. The nurse should counsel the client about the risk for which of the following adverse effect? A. Hypokalemia B. Gastric ulcerations C. Polycythemia D. Urinary retention


A nurse in a pediatric clinic is providing care to several clients. The nurse should recognize that which of the following conditions is included on the Nationally Notifiable Infectious Conditions list? A. Erythema Infectiousum B. Rotavirus C. Scarlett Fever D. Varicella


A case manager is planning an educational program fro a client who had DM. Which of the following activities should the nurse include when using the psychomotor domain of learning? A. Review a color diagram of the food pyramid with the client B. Show the client a video about how to monitor blood glucose levels C. Encourage the client to discuss their feelings of self-worth D. Observe the client's technique for drawing up insulin


A community health nurse identifies an increase in the occurrence of osteoporosis-related fracture in female clients who are experiencing menopause. Which of the following primary prevention strategies should the nurse implement? A. Instruct at-risk clients to increase their intake of foods high in vitamin E B. Educate the clients about the importance of avoiding sun exposure. C. Advise the clients to avoid live-virus vaccines D. Encourage the clients to participate in weight-bearing activities


A community health nurse is creating a program to reduce violence in the community. Which of the following interventions should the nurse identify as secondary prevention? A. Creating a public service announcement about the warning signs of partner abuse B. Collaborating with support agencies to ensure the ongoing treatment for abuse C. Educating individuals and groups about preventing domestic and community abuse D. Recognizing and reporting suspected abuse to the appropriate protective services


A community health nurse is planning to develop a community health program. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A. Obtain resources B. Develop a budget C. Review the literature D.Determine the need


A community health nurse is working with a group of clients in a rural community who are unable to afford health insurance. Which of the following actions is the best for the nurse to take to advocate for these clients? A. Provide for guaiac stool testing for clients who have a family history of colon cancer B. Perform weekly blood pressure screenings at the community center. C. Encourage the clients to form various exercise groups based on community interest. D. Work with local health care practitioners to establish a free clinic


A home health nurse is caring for a client who is immunocompromised due to chemotherapy. Which of the following statements should the nurse make regarding food safety? A. Beef is the only meat that is acceptable to eat with a pink center B. Keep the inside of your refrigerator at 47 degrees Fahrenheit or below C. Eat any leftovers within one week of preparation D. Frozen food should be cooked immediately after it is thawed.


A home health nurse is reviewing several client request regarding complementary strategies. The nurse should identify that which of the following alternative therapies is contraindicated for a client? A. Hippotherapy for a school-age child who has cerebral palsy B. Valerian for a client who has anxiety and insomnia C. Acupressure therapy for a client who has back pain D. Kava for a client who has cirrhosis


A community health nurse is planning a health education program for adults. The nurse should plan to take which of the following actions during the program? A. Use medical terminology throughout the presentation B. Extend the presentation to include as much information as possible C. Provide take-home materials written at a 6th grade level D. Avoid the use of technology to display images and videos


A home health nurse is evaluating a partner's understanding of postoperative care for a client who had a total hip arthroplasty. Which of the following statements by the partner indicates an understanding of the prescribed care? A. "I will place a heating pad at the incision site to help manage pain." B. "I will inspect the incision site every other day." C. "I will remind my partner to use a walker when moving around in the house." D. "I will let my partner skip exercises on days when the pain is increased."


A nurse is caring for a client who has stage IV pancreatic cancer and has received information regarding available treatment option. Which of the following is the responsibility of the nurse if the client chooses to forgo treatment and enter hospice care? A. Verify that the client's health insurance pays for hospice service B. Recommend a second opinion from another provider. C. Make the hospice referral in accordance with the client's decision D. Assess whether or not the family agrees with the client's decision


A nurse is collecting demographic data as a part of a community assessment. Which of the following should the nurse include? A. Presence of condemned buildings B. Family genograms C. Racial Distribution D. Number of open water sources


A nurse is assessing a new client. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the cultural portion of the assessment? A. Sexual orientation B. History of Illness C. Employment status D. Food preferences


A nurse is caring for a client who has terminal lung cancer and is receiving hospice care. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client is in the denial stage of the grief process? A. "I'm looking forward to my daughter's wedding next year." B. "I don't deserve to die. This just isn't fair." C. "If I could just make it through this, I'd never smoke again." D. "Im going to plan my memorial service next week."


A public health nurse is developing a visual health program by using a community-oriented approach. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include? A. Consult with the local school nurse to schedule yearly vision screenings for students. B. Develop a plan of care for a client who was newly diagnosed with glaucoma C. Provide genetic counseling to the family of a newborn who has congenital cataracts D. Teach a client who has vision loss about safety in the home environment.


A public health nurse is planning care for four clients. Which of the following interventions should the nurse recognize as tertiary prevention? A. Administering antibiotics to a client who has AIDS and was diagnosed with Pneumocystis jirovecii B. Participating in partner notification for a client who has an STI C. Performing a serological screening for HIV for a client who is pregnant D. Providing chemoprophylaxis for malaria to a client who is traveling to mosquito-infested countries


An occupational health nurse is planning to use an interpret during an educational session with a group of workers who speak a different language than the nurse. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? SATA A. Instruct the interpreter to guide the nurse in providing information in a culturally-sensitive manner B. Ask the interpreter to add information she feels might be necessary C. Choose an interpreter who speaks the workers' language and dialect D. Encourage the interpreter to paraphrase the workers' questions and responses E. Evaluate the interpreter's approach to clients prior to the educational session

A, C, E

A nurse in a rural community is planning education for a young client who is a migrant farm worker. Which of the following actions should the nurse include? SATA A. Refer the client for a tuberculosis screening B. Provide environmental health information C. Recommend a dental health screening D. Provide forms to apply for Medicare


A school nurse is conducting hearing screening procedures in an elementary school. Which of the following instructions should the nurse provide when performing the Rinne test? A.After I place the tuning fork on your scalp, tell me if you hear the sound better in one ear or the same in both ears B. "Use your finger to close one ear while I whisper some numbers into your other ear." C."After I place this tuning fork behind your ear, tell me when you no longer hear the sound." D. "You'll wear headphones and press the button when you hear a sound."


A school nurse is teaching health promotion to a group of staff members who sit at a desk and use a computer for 8 hr at a time. Which of the following information is the priority for the nurse to include? A. Take a walk after work B. Have your visual acuity assessed regularly C. Point and flex your toes periodically D. Adjust your chair so that your elbows are at desk height


A community health nurse is planning to establish a community garden to introduce new nutrition options in the area. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first to initiate the plan? A. Hold a community information session to inform the residents of the plan. B. Select residents to take on leadership roles in the project. C. Monitor the progress of the project to keep the project on course D. Identify community members who demonstrate an interest in the project


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