PRAXIS 5081 - Study Guide 2

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Every person is entitled to an equal share of goods and services, simply because they are a human being.

Equality Standard

The majority of the populace of Latin America follows which of the following religions?

Catholicism Catholicism is the dominant religion in Latin America due to the history of Spanish, Portuguese, and French colonialism, although certain Protestant and Pentecostal denominations have been growing in popularity in recent decades.

Leader of Spanish expedition into northern frontier region of New Spain; entered what is now United States in search of 7 mythical cities of gold.

Francisco de Coronado

Economic system in which individuals and businesses are allowed to compete for profit with a minimum of government interference

Free Enterprise

Which of the following were the primary commanders of the armies fighting at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781?

George Washington and Charles Cornwallis

Byzantine Culture

Greco-Roman culture continued to flourish, language was Greek, Orthodox Christianity, Greek and Roman knowledge was perserved in libraries

A renewal and flourishing of black literary and musical culture during the years after World War I in the Harlem section of New York City.

Harlem Rennaisance

Which of the following was a major contribution by Martin Luther to the religious reformation movements in Europe?

He denounced rituals and sacraments as a means of ensuring salvation.

In 1920 women won an important victory when the 19th Amendment was ratified. What did the amendment accomplish?

It granted women the right to vote.

Which best describes the colonial economy?

It was based on trade in agricultural products.

Which of the following did NOT influence Enlightenment thinking?

The Cultural Revolution

Which power did the central government not have under the Articles of Confederation?

The power to tax

Reuptake is

the reabsorption of the neurotransmitter back into the axon terminals of the sending neuron

Rights of all citizens - due process, equal protection

14th Amendment

90 Latitude

90 degrees of latitude is either the North Pole or the South Pole. Each pole, representing Earth's rotational axis, stands at a 90-degree angle relative to the plane of the equator.


An officer of ancient Rome elected by the plebeians to protect their rights from arbitrary acts of the patrician magistrates.

a Flemish surgeon who is considered the father of modern anatomy (1514-1564)

Andreas Vesalius

North America: Pre - colonial Urban Life

Before colonization urban life was centered in Mesoamerica (central) and Peru.

What is Divine Right?

Belief that the right to rule comes directly from god, not from the consent of the people.

American seamstress said to have made the first American flag at the request of George Washington (1752-1836)

Betsy Ross

A measure of the dollar value of final goods and services produced by the economy over a given period time.

Gross National Product (GNP)

Which TWO of the following constitutional amendments expanded the right to vote?

15th (blacks) and 19th (women)

How was the fate of Giovanni da Verrazzano similar to that of John Cabot?

Both went exploring for the Northwest Passage and failed to find it.

The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 declared illegal "any restraint of trade or commerce." What combination was it originally intended to prevent?

Business mergers

The Ganges River is located

In the central eastern part of the map

Signed by President Andrew Jackson, the law permitted the negotiation of treaties to obtain the Indians' lands in exchange for their relocation to what would become Oklahoma. 1830

Indian Removal Act

What is the significance of the first Thanksgiving?

It symbolized the friendship between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag, and allowed the Pilgrims to show their gratitude for the Indians and their first successful harvest.

What best describes how the Scientific Revolution affected 17th century Europe?

It underminded religious teachings about the nature of the universe and physical matter

Native American

North America's first immigrant, who probably moved into the region from Asia thousands of years ago


Roman statesman who established the Roman Empire and became emperor in 27 BC. First Roman Emperor.

Jean Baptiste Colbert

Served as the French minister of finance from 1665 to 1683 under the rule of King Louis XIV. He achieved a reputation for his work of improving the state of French manufacturing and bringing the economy back from the brink of bankruptcy.

(1967) Short conflict between Egypt and her allies against Israel won by Israel; Israel took over the Golan Heights , The West Bank of the Jordan River; and the Sinai Peninsula.

Six Day War

United States abolitionist and feminist who was freed from slavery and became a leading advocate of the abolition of slavery and for the rights of women (1797-1883)

Sojourner Truth


Term that entered the language in the 1820s to describe the increasing emphasis on the pursuit of personal advancement and private fulfillment free of outside interference.

An imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole between Russia and Alaska which separates 2 consecutive calander days.

The International Dateline

European immigrants

This group came to the United States between 1815 and 1860 because it was attracted to the availability of inexpensive land and higher wages.

Which of the following is FALSE of the legacy of Awakening?

Americans believe that faith is a matter of tradition.


An intellectual movement concentrated in France during the 1700's developed rational laws to describe social behavior and applied their findings in support of human rights and liberal economic theories.

Which of the following best summarizes Thomas Hobbes' argument in favor of a strong central government?

Anarchy can only be avoided by entering into a social contract enforced by a sovereign. In Leviathan, Hobbes argued that human beings can only leave the state of nature by entering into a social contract and ceding their natural rights to a powerful sovereign.


Ancient Athenian philosopher who helped bring about Greece's Golden Age

Which of the following is the world's longest mountain range?

Andes The Andes is the world's longest mountain range.

The first company to begin actual road operations, which opened a thirteen mile stretch of track in 1830.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad

Portuguese explorer who in 1488 was the first European to get round the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa (thus establishing a sea route from the Atlantic to Asia) (1450-1500)

Bartholomeu Dias

What embroidered tapestry depicts the Norman invasion of Britain?

Bayeaux Tapestry This tapestry was commissioned by Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, brother of William I the Conqueror. The tapestry depicts many scenes of the fighting, including Halley's comet. It now stands in a museum located in the same place where it stood for centuries.

Bodies of water, smaller than a gulf and nearly surrounded by land.


Which of the following is an opinion about the Constitution?

Because of the Constitution, the United States has a better democracy than other countries.

(1965) This law made it easier for entire families to migrate and established "special categories" for political refugees. This act increased the amount of immigration.

Immigration Act of 1965

How did the Northwest Ordinance affect the treatment of Native Americans?

It said they were to be treated 'decently', but in reality, even this minimal protection was not honored.

In The Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton argued in favor of a lifetime tenure for federal judges on the basis of

Keeping the judiciary independent from political pressure

What is to be Done?

Lenin's pamphlet in 20th century Russia that argued for the vanguard of the revolution.

U.S. government made promises in the form of many treaties which were broken and Native American lands were taken.

Native Americans

An electoral system in which the winner is the person who gets the most votes, even if he or she does not receive a majority; used in almost all American elections

Plurality system

The amount a bank is legally obligated to hold

Required Reserves

Miranda v. Arizona

Required officers to inform persons of their constitutional rights when conducting an interrogation, The accused must be notified of their rights before being questioned by police.

Participants int he counterculture demanded more lifestyle freedom; their new views of sexual conduct, which rejected many traditional behavioral restrictions, were labeled this. Based in part on the availability of birth control pill.

Sexual Revolution

Former slaves who could not afford to buy land during Reconstruction often turned to


Japanese polytheistic religion whose followers believe that all things in the natural world are filled with divine spirits, kami.


Which of the following was NOT accomplished by the creation of the Dominion of New England?

The Dominion of New England had the most impact on day-to-day affairs in New York since it was a symbol of colonial culture.

What was an immediate cause of the sale of the Louisiana Territory to the United States in 1803?

The French could no longer afford the territory after the loss of its sugar colonies in the Caribbean.

Which of the following was an immediate cause of the sale of the Louisiana Territory to the United States in 1803?

The French could no longer afford the territory after the loss of its sugar colonies in the Caribbean.

Today, Mayan people can be found all over Southern Mexico. So why did so many people think that the Mayans disappeared?

The Maya left their cities due to overpopulation, famine and disease

How did the original indentured servants of Plymouth escape their service to the London Company?

The Mayflower landed outside London Company's charter.

What was important about the Middle Kingdom?

The Middle Kingdom was a stable period of expansion, and the pharoahs funded public projects like draining swampland and digging canals.

The people known for leaving amazing lines in the deserts of Peru are called:

The Nazca People

Which official is most likely to have the greatest access to the president?

The White House chief of staff

Where were the first civilizations mostly found?

The first civilization were mostly found around Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, China, and Central America.


There should be legal barriers to control trade and cultural exchange with people in other states.

British Colony of Virginia

This colony was distinctive because it had a popularly elected legislature.

English statesman who opposed Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded. Wrote the book "Utopia"

Thomas More

1871, unified under Bismarck uses spirit of nationalism provoked by the Napoleonic wars; nationalist based on language and religion and culture (not civic nationalism like the French); what we get is "the worship of the state"; state not just agency that regulates relationships but a spiritual corporation

Unification of Germany

School of Mahayana Buddhism asserting that enlightenment can come through meditation and intuition rather than faith


What is a Nomad?

person who has no permanent home and travels to find food.

North America Mountain

the Rocky Mountains the Appalachians

Accounting Profit

total revenue minus total explicit cost


year Sputnik launched

Agricultural products such as coffee, tea, and sugar that are grown for consumers outside of the farmer's local area are considered

Cash Crops

Economic assumption which means all other factors held constant.

Ceteris Paribus

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

Checks and Balances

1990s Underwater (English Channel) tunnel that links Great Britain and France


Which of the following is true about the early colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth?

Food shortages caused loss of life in both colonies.

The colonial frontiersman who in 1778-1779 captured important British forts at Vincennes, Cahokia, and Kaskaskia.

George Roger Clark

What was Edwin Sandys' legacy in Virginia?

His headright system created class divisions between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots.'

A methodical plan orchestrated by Hitler to ensure German supremacy. It called for the elimination of Jews, non-conformists, homosexuals, non-Aryans, and mentally and physically disabled. Related to WWII.


Most conscious aspect of personality


Self is a reflection of others.

Erving Goffman

South Carolina militia leader nicknamed the "Swamp Fox" for his hit-and-run attacks on the British during the American Revolution.

Francis Marion

Golden Age of Greeks

Greatest period of achievements in arts, philosophy and science 477 - 431 B.C. began with Minoans and Mycenaeans and spread through much of the Middle East. When taken over in 300 B.C. by Alexander the Great (Macedonian) Greek culture was spread further through Middle East and northern Africa.

The Gangas River is located

In the central eastern part of the map

German printer; in 1446 he invented a printing press that used movable type. This eventually led to written information including scripture being available to the general population causing a greater need for literacy.

Johannes Gutenburg

Chinese communist leader (1893-1976), gained power through the Chinese civil war; defeated US backed Chiang Kai Shek

Mao Tse-Tung

An investment fund managed by a private financial company.

Mutual Funds

What is crucial to children becoming socialized?

Regular social interaction with adults

The Eisenhower administration worked to achieve all of the following EXCEPT:

Repealing right-to-work laws

What were the British motives for protecting Latin American states?

The British wanted to trade with Latin America

Which TWO of the following most directly caused the schism between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches in 1054 C.E.?

- Disagreements over the use of icons in churches - Competing claims over church jurisdiction and papal supremacy

Common Sense

A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that claimed the colonies had a right to be an independent nation


A political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided).

The language family to which Arabic belongs is


1770 The first bloodshed of the Amercan Revolution, as British guards at the Boston Customs House opened fire on a crowd killing five Americans

Boston Massacre

What did the Awakening share with the Enlightenment?

Both valued freedom of conscience.

Greenville Acts 1764-65

Britain was facing serious debt issues, and was in danger of a destabilzed economy. These were a series of acts designe to tax the colonies, which included the Stamp Act (1765), Quartering Act (1765), currency act (1764), Declatory Act (1766), and Revenue act (1764).

How was 90% of the native populations destroyed?

By disease

Which of the following best describes a major effect of plantation agriculture in the Americas during the period 1500 to 1700?

C. Africans involuntarily migrated to South America.

The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty focusing on the issue of

CLIMATE CHANGE Countries that have signed the Kyoto Protocol agree to lower their greenhouse gas emissions.


City in Egypt founded by Alexander the Great, center of commerce and Hellenistic civilization

Command economies rely on a central authority to make decisions. Can be a dictator or democratically constituted government.

Command Economic System

The purpose of the War Powers Act was to ensure that the president would

Consult Congress before committing troops to extended conflicts

The fall in total surplus that results from a market distortion, such as a tax.

Deadweight Loss

Federal System

A government that divides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments

Senators were once chosen by state legislatures. When were they first elected by popular vote?


No lodging of troops in private homes

3rd Amendment

How many intermediate directions are there?


Price Level

An index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time

A record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples.


Friction between English settlers and Native Americans

Bacon's Rebellion

Statement issued by Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in 1917 favoring the establishment of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine.

Balfour Declaration

Alternating periods of prosperity and recession that seem to characterize all market based economies.

Business Cycle

What describes a situation where economic efficiency is achieved?

An economy can only produce more goods and services when more resources are available. (An economy cannot do better with its current resources and technology)

The Golden Age

Is the term used to denote the historical period in Classical Greece lasting roughly from the end of the Persian Wars in 448 BCE to either the death of Pericles 429 BCE or the end of the Peloponnesian War in 404 BCE.

In both the House of Representatives and the Senate, which of the following is a key advantage of the majority party?

It selects the chairpersons of all committees

V.I. Lenin

Led the communist revolution, was the leader of the Bolsheviks, ruled Russia (wrote What is to Be Done?)

A West African nation founded in 1822 by the American Colonization Society to serve as a homeland for free blacks to settle


People make choices by weighing the costs and benefits of particular actions.

Marginal Analysis

The holiest city of Hinduism that is found on the Ganges River


According to the law of demand, an increase in the price of a good causes

a decrease in the quantity demanded of that good and vice versa.


before the Christian era or before Christ many have moved to using B,C.E. or before common er

Under the Needs Standard, a persons contribution to society is irrelevant.

Needs Standard

Trade Deficit

when a country imports more than it exports

In general, women in ancient India

Could not get an education or inherit property

Students with disabilities may have their needs met through which department?

Department of Education

The one being influenced.

Dependent Variable

A large, dry, barren region.


Negotioations between the US and the Soviet Union during the 1960s and 1970s most often dealt with which of the following issues

Reducing the production of nuclear arms in both countries

House Representative

Serves a 2 year term

Intangible items, ex. education, health care, and lesiure.


Roman society in the Republican period is most closely assiciated with

Struggles between patricians and plebs for social and political rights

Economies of Scale

The increase in efficiency of production as the number of goods being produced increases.

Why were mulattos considered to be above the lowest societal group?

They were mixed with Spanish and African blood but were not slaves

Which of the following has been a primary cause of soil depletion in deforested rain forest environments?

The introduction of cash-crop agriculture


A member of the working class (not necessarily employed)

Proportional Represenation

An election system in which each party running receives the proportion of legislative seats corresponding to its proportion of the vote.

What are the 4 types of anthropology?

Biological, archaeological, linguistic, and cultural

1122-256 BC AKA Middle KingdomChinese longest ruling dynasty; used iron implements and metal coins

Chou Dynasty

Eastern Orthodox Church

Christian followers in the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire); split from Roman Catholic Church and shaped life in eastern Europe and western Asia

What is true about monopoly and perfect competition?

Monopoly produces smaller output and charges a higher price than perfect competition does.

Statistical and mathematical techniques for measurements of data in interpreting their observations.

Quantitative Methods

Image of a larger region on earth taken by a satellite orbiting in space.

Satellite image

Human needs are limitless, but resources to satisfy needs are limited. Consequently, society is never able to produce enough goods and services to satisfy everybody.


Immigrants who settled in large cities in the United States between 1890 and 1914 primarily came from

Southern and Eastern Europe

Immigrants who settled in large cities in the United States between 1890 and 1914 primarily came from which of the following regions?

Southern and eastern Europe

Strategy of producing goods and services. Different members of a team given different goals in production plan. Specialization means that producers become apt at those aspects of production they concentrate on. These lead to efficiency which facilitates economic growth and development.

Specialization and Division of Labor

In the United States House of Representatives, the tenacious task of overt partisan advocacy falls to:

The Majority Leader


The doctrine that nations should cooperate because their common interests are more important than their differences

What caused both the Whig and Democratic Parties to split internally in the 1850s along sectional lines?

The extension of slavery to newly acquired territories

Appeals Process

The process for seeking protection from the court for violations of constitutional protections.

The conquets of Alexander of Madecon most directly resulted in

The spread of Greek culture to the Middle East, Central Asia, and India

Miranda Rule

the rule that police (when interrogating you after an arrest) are obliged to warn you that anything you say may be used as evidence and to read you your constitutional rights (the right to a lawyer and the right to remain silent until advised by a lawyer)


A form of government in which the rule is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)

A principal reason for the demise of the Whig Party in the early 1850s eighteen fifties was

Conflict within the party over whether to permit slavery in new western territories

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 did which of the following?

Limited the power of the President to declare war without the aid of Congress. As a result of conflicts in Korea and Vietnam without the actual declaration of war, Congress achieved the two-thirds vote required to pass this joint resolution over President Nixon's veto.

Are large, natural streams of fresh water.



This group in medieval Europe helped loosen feudal ties.

Peloponnesian War

A war fought between Athens and Sparta; won by Sparta because it was able to cut off Athen's grain supply.

An English pirate who operated in the Caribbean and off the Atlantic coast of North America (died in 1718) aka Blackbeard

Edward Teach

The legislative branch of the American government is based upon which of the following?

English Parliament Ironically, although the ultimate goal of the Revolutionary War was freedom from the British, the legislative branch of American government is strongly based on the English Parliament.

Manifest Destiny

Phrase first used in 1845 to urge annexation of Texas used thereafter to encourage American settlement of European colonial and Indian lands in the Great Plains and the West and, more generally, as a justification for American empire.

Contains labels for countries and capital cities, as well as major physical features like plains, rivers,

Physical map

An extensive area of level and rolling, treeless country, often covered by rich, fertile soil.


According to B. F. Skinner's theories, which of the following should be used to increase the frequency of a behavior?

Positive reinforcement

Which of the following statements about the period of Reconstruction after the Civil War is NOT true?

President Johnson was eager to punish the South and insisted on strict control of the region through the Military Reconstruction Act.

The percentage of income paid in taxes will increase as income increases.

Progressive Income Tax

What area remained free of invasion?


If a state chooses to go against the federal government and breaks away from it, what is this called?

Secession A state secedes form the federal government when it feels that its interests would be better served by being its own independent nation. A good example of this was when the Southern states seceded from the Northern states during the Civil War.

Which of the following was NOT a role Pocahontas played in the Jamestown colony?

She warned them of an impending attack by the Spanish.

Third Party Candidate

Sometimes force one or both of the two dominant parties to shift their political platforms.

Consists of the African countries located south of the Sahara desert.

Sub-Saharan Africa

Mao Zedong

Successfully implemented communism in China because he had the support of the Chinese peasantry.

An enclosed armored military vehicle used by British in WWI. Helped end the war.


How did the Aztecs react to the arrival of the Spanish?

They welcomed the Spanish with gold and food.

New France did NOT have _____.

Tight regulation by the French government

Which of the following was a major goal of the Congress of Vienna (1814-to-1815)?

To create a new balance of power in Europe following the defeat of Napoleon

Sacred writings of Hinduism interpreted by priests called Brahman.

Vedas and Upanishads

1587-?: 1st child of British parents born in US. Part of "Lost Colony of Roanoke Island"

Virginia Dare

The most influential factor in the fall of the Aztecs was:

Vulnerability to European disease

Which of the following is the largest component of national income in the United States?


Otto von Bismarck

Was a Prussian/German statesman of the late 19th century, and a dominant figure in world affairs. Helped Germany expand, went to war against Denmark, won war, turned against Austria, gained control of North German Confederation.

Written by Adam Smith, he is considered to be the founder of Economics.

Wealth of Nations

Depicts the meteorological conditions over a specific geographic area at a specific time.

Weather map


Were opposed to the ratification of the Constitution because it lacked a bill of rights. Opponents of the Constitution who saw it as a limitation on individual and states' rights, their demands led to the addition of the Bill of Rights to the document.


year of Flight of Muhammad to Medina (considered the beginning of Islam)

In a proportional representation system, a party that wins 20 percent of the vote will receive how many seats in a 100-member parliament?

20 seats

Presidential terms; Sessions of Congress

20th Amendment

All but one amendment has been passed through the majority of the Senate. What amendment was not?

21st Amendement The second way in which amendments can be passed is through state ratifying conventions. In 1933, states quickly passed the 21st amendment. This amendment repealed the 18th amendment which mandated prohibition.

Korematsu vs US was brought forth to say that the United States had violated which amendment?

5th Amendment Korematsu vs US was brought forth to say that the United States had violated which amendment?

Direct Democracy

A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives

The people of Massachusetts rejected the constitution that was proposed by the state legislature in favor of one written by _____.

A specially elected committee

Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Roe v. Wade

Abortion rights fall within the privacy implied in the 14th amendment 1973.

A society achieves this if it produces the types and quantities of goods and services that most satisfies its people. Failure to do so wastes resources.

Allocative Efficiency

Council of Trent

an ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church convened in Trento in three sessions between 1545 and 1563 in response to the Reformation


exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices

Ruled Russia from 1762 to 1796, added new lands to Russia, encouraged science, art, lierature, Russia became one of Europe's most powerful nations

Catherine the Great

In North Africa and the Middle East, population distribution is most often limited by

the availability of freshwater for human consumption and home use.

The Great Migration (1915 - 1970) of African Americans from the rural southern US to cities in the North and West was partly a result of

the lack of opportunities in the South and opportunities for work in factories and manufacturing plants in more industrialized regions.

Aggregate Supply

the total amount of goods and services in the economy available at all possible price levels

Views society as being characterized by conflict and inequality. Who benefits and who suffered within social arrangements.

Conflict Paradigm

Trade Surplus

when a country exports more than it imports

The foreign policy of President William Howard Taft's administration (1909-to 1913) became known as "dollar diplomacy" because it

Encouraged overseas business investments to promote United States interests

Why did England need colonies to succeed under mercantilism?

England needed more raw materials without having to buy them with hard currency.

Which of the following best describes a system in which powers are distributed between the national and subnational governments?

Federalism Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between central and regional governments.

The President

Formal responsibilities include acting as chief executive and commander in chief of the armed forces, as well as the ability to make treaties. In addition, has the power to grant pardons for offenses against the United States.

Vice President under Reagan and 41st President of the United States (born in 1924) aka the education president. Responsible for NCLB a renewal of ESEA.

George Bush

Evolutionary Social Theory, a single act can be best understood as a segment of a larger act.

George Herbert Mead

The economic crisis and period of low business activity in the U.S. and other countries, roughly beginning with the stock-market crash in October, 1929, and continuing through most of the 1930s.

Great Depression

Which of the following were the two major ethnic groups involved in the Rwanda Genocide of 1994?

Hutu and Tutsi

Political Party Leadership

In each house, they decide the committee assignments of members of Congress.

The Indus River is located

In the northwestern part of the map

All of the following were effects of rulings by the Warren Court EXCEPT:

Increased state authority at the expense of federal authority

Why was the border between Pennsylvania and Maryland significant?

It came to represent the cultural divide between north and south

Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Bill of Rights?

It contains the only rights afforded to United States citizens The Bill of Rights specifically states that there are other rights afforded to the people other than those mentioned in the Constitution.

German astronomer; assistant to Tycho Brahe; used Brahe's data to prove that the earth moved in an elliptical, not circular, orbit; Wrote 3 laws of planetary motion based on mechanical relationships and accurately predicted movements of planets in a sun-centered universe; Demolished old systems of Aristotle and Ptolemy

Johannes Kepler

King George

Leader of England during the American revolutionary war and was blamed for the loss of the 13 colonies.

United States: Missouri River

Longest in the U.S.

What can serve as a limit on a president's foreign policy-making power?

Low public-approval ratings can undermine a president's foreign policy agenda.

The smaller marginal propensity to save, the larger the multiplier; the larger the marginal propensity to consume, the larger the multiplier

Marginal Propensity

Which of the following regions was the first to develop settled agriculture?

Middle east Settled agriculture and animal domestication first developed in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley circa 8,000 B.C.E

What major economic transformation took place in the US during the Gilded Age?

Military service during the Civil War

1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country; US, England, France, Canada, Western European countries


In the study of political geography, which of the following terms best describes political units where a single sovereign governments represents a singular ethnic group?

Nation-states (ex: Iceland, Japan, Hungary, Lesotho, and Mongolia)

Balance of Payments Account

National account of international payments and receipts, devided into current account, and capital and financial account

The historic period (1933-1940) in the U.S. during which President Franklin Roosevelt's economic policies were social services implemented

New Deal Plan

Was an Italian philosopher/writer, and is considered one of the main founders of modern political science. Wrote,The Prince, which examines the acquisition, perpetuation, and use of political power in the western world. He justified rule by force.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Which country has the largest population in Africa and is the continent's largest producer of oil?

Nigeria Nigeria has the largest human population of any country in Africa, atover 180 million people (2016), and has a large oil production region around the Niger delta.

Third largest continent, comprising Mexico, the United States, Canada and Central America:

North America

Attempts made to reduce nuclear weapons on both sides of the Cold War Divide included

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty of 1968SALT Agreements (Strategic Arms Limitations Talk)

The most common mistake made by students when defining the culture region of Latin America is referring to

Only the Spanish-speaking population areas

In late 1989, President George H.W. Bush launched an invasion of which country in order to depose its president


In late 1989, President George H.W. Bush launched an invasion of which country in order to depose its president?


Peace conference run by the allied powers to discuss terms of the Treaty of Versailles at end of WW1

Paris Peace Conference of 1919

Which of the following is a primate city?

Paris, France Paris, France, has more than twice the population of Marseille, France's next-large

Taft-Hartley Act

Passed over President Harry Truman's veto, the law contained a number of provisions to weaken labor unions, including the banning of closed shops. It imposed a federally mandated "cooling-off period" on strikes judged to endanger national security.

American silversmith remembered for his midnight ride (celebrated in a poem by Longfellow) to warn the colonists in Lexington and Concord that British troops were coming (1735-1818)

Paul Revere

The high point of business activity.


Which of the following illustrates how people were part of the Columbian Exchange process?

People were removed from their homes in the west of Africa.

The Meiji Restoration

Period of time where the shoguns were abolished as military leaders of the government and all control was given to the government and Japan was modernized.

(1672-1725) Russian Czar (r. 1689-1725). He enthusiastically introduced Western languages and technologies to the Russian elite, moving the capital from Moscow to the new city of St. Petersburg which he founded.

Peter the Great

(1304-1374)The father of humanism, he wrote that literature should not be subordinate to religion. He studied ancient texts like Cicero, and wrote his poetry in Italian vernacular, which unified the Italian language. He became a symbol of a new type of writer, he didn't use language merely as a practical tool but instead for expression.


Which of the following is the central idea of environmental determinism?

Physical geography factors dictate human capacities and behavior. The central idea behind the concept of environmental determinism is that physical geographic factors, such as climate, water sources, and soils, determine the behavioral aspects of the human cultures who inhabited certain environments. This concept has been shown to be inappropriate as a means of cultural understanding.

The rights to vote or run for office, which give you control over your government i.e. rights of political participation.

Political Rights

The concept of popular sovereignty is most accurately described by which of the following ideas?

Political power is held by the people.

The price at which demand and supply are equal.

Price Equilibrium

Fourth Amendment

Protects Americans against unreasonable searches and seizures. No soldier, Government agent, or police can search your home without a search warrant.

Corrected for the effects of inflation.

Real Interest Rate

Value in current dollars after adjusting for inflation.

Real Value

During the British colonization of North America, Quakers differed from other settler groups in their advocacy of which of the following?

Religious and ethnic tolerance

Called "roaring" because of the exuberant, freewheeling popular culture of the decade. The Roaring Twenties was a time when many people defied Prohibition, indulged in new styles of dancing and dressing, and rejected many traditional moral standards. Included American expatriate movement in France mostly made up of artists and authors.

Roaring Twenties

What item was NOT imported from China by the British?


How did New Netherland and New France make attempts to increase their population?

Single Frenchmen were encouraged to marry Native American women while Dutch immigration was encouraged by recruiting patroons.

US v. Nixon

The 1974 case in which the Supreme Court unanimously held that the doctrine of executive privilege was implicit in the Constitution but could not be extended to protect documents relevant to criminal prosecutions. It limited the President's executive privilege.

The greatest trading society of West Africa

The Kingdom of Mali (which took the place of Ghana), which became rich from salt and gold.

Who signs bills into law?

The President While the House and the Senate largely create the laws, and the President's Cabinet provides advice and guidance regarding the laws, the President's signature is what changes a bill into a law.

The US political system differs from parliamentary democrcies in which of the following way?

The US has fixed terms of office for the president and legislature, while most parliamentary democracies have variable terms.

Which of the following did NOT make it easier for settlers to live and farm on the Great Plains?

The absence of land speculators

Explicit Costs

The actual payments a firm makes to its factors of production and other suppliers.

Why was the Connecticut colony started?

The leader disagreed with the limited voting rights in Massachusetts.

How did the middle colonies differ from the others regarding the ancestry of its settlers ?

The middle colonies were diverse while the others were settled mainly by Englishmen

Which of the following best describes the purpose of a cloture vote in the United States Senate?

To end debate on a piece of legislation

Which of the following was the goal of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs of the mid 1960s?

To fight poverty and racial inequality

Influenced by Copernicus; Built observatory and collected data on the locations of stars and planets for over 20 years; His limited knowledge of mathematics prevented him from making much sense out of the data.

Tycho Brahe

Which of the following describes an application of the Global Positioning System (GPS) ?

Using a voice-activated device and a visual display to access driving directions

Russian communist, founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924)

Vladimir Lenin

Which TWO of the following were major motivations for the outbreak of the French Revolution?

- The growing popularity of Enlightenment philosophy - The political and social inequality of the three estates

The sources of productivity gains are

1 - improved technology 2 - increase in physical capital 3 - increase in human capital

Abolition of slavery

13th Amendment

Prohibition of alcoholic beverages

18th Amendment

Congress may override a presidential veto if

2/3 majorities in both chambers of Congress vote to override

Abolition of poll tax

24th Amendment

No illegal search and seizure

4th Amendment

1. Pacific 2. Atlantic 3. Indian 4. Artic 5. Antarctic (Southern). The largest is the Pacific.

5 Oceans

No excessive bail or punishment

8th Amendment


A ceremony in which a person formally recieves the authority and symbols of an office.


A chief of a North American tribe or confederation (especially an Algonquian chief)


A person who advocates democratic principles; A politician who advocates specific policies just because they are popular. A political party formed in 1891 mostly by farmers & members of labor unions who demanded government help with falling farm prices, regulation of railroad rates, and the free coinage of silver (more money to be put in circulation)

Which TWO of the following were direct causes of the Great Depression in the United States?

A rise in loan defaults because of high interest rates A decline in agricultural prices


A strand of American foreign policy that was visible by the end of the 19th century; it included "gunboat diplomacy" and other forms of military involvement by the United States in various parts of the world.

King Pachacutec of the Inca was:

All of the answers are correct.

Europe Mountains

Alps Caucasus Carpathians Pyrenees Urals

Italian cartographer commissioned by Portugal and sailed along the coast of South America concluding that it could not be Asia; his discoveries were published and the new continent was named after him

Amerigo Vespucci

White men of middle income

An ethnic group that gained the most political power as a result of the American Revolution.

A devoted Puritan, started to hold prayer meetings where they discussed sermons and compared ministers. this created a problem for Puritan leaders; in 1637, the General Court called her to trial to answer to charges of heresy, and was banished. Help found Rhode Island after exile.

Anne Hutchison

Price Floor

Are minimum prices set by the government for certain commodities and services that it believes are being sold in an unfair market, with too low of a price and thus their producers deserve some assistance.

A statement of fundamental rights and privileges ( the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution) added in 1791.

Bill of Rights


Was a movement in western Europe and the Americas to end the slave trade and set slaves free. The slave system aroused little protest until the 18th century,

Tradition, Command, Market, Mixed, Capitalism, and Socialism

Economic Systems

3300-3200 BCE:

Egyptians develop hieroglyphics to communicate through writing.

A large, thick growth of trees and underbrush.


A war fought between a coalition led by the United States and Iraq to free Kuwait from Iraqi invaders.(1990-1991)

Gulf War

Individual action. "typical" individuals acting in a certain way, represents and ideal.


The current era, characterized by the shift from an industrial economy to an information economy and the convergence of computer and communication technology.

Information Age

"[I]t seems to be quite remarkable ...that in a kingdom of almost limitless expanse and innumerable population . . . [that has] a well-equipped army and navy . . . neither the King or his people ever think of waging a war or aggression." The author suggests that people in the Ming Dynasty

Were prosperous but focused inward


Is a foreign policy which combines a non-interventionist military policy and a political policy of economic nationalism (protectionism). In other words, it asserts both of the following: Non-interventionism & Protectionism.

What is true regarding neural action of reuptake?

It takes place in the axon terminals by the sending neuron

How does a map key help the user of the map?

It tells him which symbols are used to represent places on the map. The legend or symbols are sometimes referred to as the map key. These help the user locate positions on the map.

Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilian Robespierre from 1793 to 1794.


The Dutch established Batavia as a fort in 1619 to help them edge the Portuguese traders out of the area now called Indonesia. Today, which city is located where Batavia was established?


The easternmost region of the East Asian realm, consisting of Japan, (South) Korea, and Taiwan. This region consists of large cities, numerous exports, and increasing consumption of raw materials.

Jakota Triangle

French explorer, found the St. Lawrence River and laid claim to Canada as a French possesion (1534)

Jaques Cartier

French priest and missioanry 1673 - He and a fur trader named Louis Joliet explored the Mississippi. They traveled 700 miles before returning back

Jaques Marquette

1944 Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japaneese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay $20,000 to each survivor.

Korematsu vs. United States

Asia (Himalayas)

Largest mountain range on earth

States that as more of a good or service is produced, its opportunity cost will rise.

Law of Increasing Cost

All of the following are limits on presidential power EXCEPT:

Limitations by the vice president

The red dots on this world map represent what?

M These are very high populated cities. Those cities are also considered hubs for their areas.

Mutually Assured Destruction: double deterance, on the parts of both the Soviets and the US having enough nukes to discourage both countries from attacking, for both nations would perish.


The Supreme Court asserted its authority to declare laws unconstitutional in the case of

Marbury v. Madison

The Supreme Court's power of judicial review was established under

Marbury v. Madison

(1846-1848) The war between the United States and Mexico in which the United States acquired one half of the Mexican territory. Ended with Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago

Mexican American War

Contains combination of Market, Command and Traditional economy.

Mixed Economy

An increase in the expected rate of inflation will result in

a higher nominal interest rate

Juan Ponce de Leon was the first European explorer to _____ in 1513.

arrive in what is now Florida

Which of the following philosophers argued that the protection of private property is a central function of governments?

John Locke John Locke famously argued that rights to property are natural rights which governments should protect.

Was an American stage actor who, as part of a conspiracy plot, assassinated Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. on April 14, 1865.

John Wilkes Booth

Benefit is outweighed by costs. Example: The 15th candy bar is not as desirable as the 1st three or the 5th pet may not bring as much pleasure as the 1st.

Natural Law of Diminishing Returns

Identifies continents and countries according to their political ideals.

Political map

Stamp Act

Primarily intended on paying for the military defense of the colonies. Parlianment required that all revenue stamps be affixed to all colonial printed matter.

Loyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole.


Trade Restrictions

Tariffs and quotas restrict the amount of a good imported and supply will decrease

What was the significance of King Philip's War?

The Northern colonists defeated King Philip and ended Native American influence.


an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy

The elections of Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter as president in the 1960s and 1970s provide evidence for

the growing electoral power of Sun Belt states

What is Archeology?

the study of human history and prehistory through the things people made, used, and left behind.

The Republic

A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them


A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and has no tolerance for opposition.


A tribe of Native Americans who inhabited Florida. Lost war and were removed to west of the Mississippi in 1840s.

First major battle of the Revolution. It showed that the Americans could hold their own, but the British were also not easy to defeat. Ultimately, the Americans were forced to withdraw after running out of ammunition, and Bunker Hill was in British hands. However, the British suffered more deaths.

Battle of Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill)

Russian landholding aristocrats; possessed less political power than their western European counterparts


How did the Aztecs become a wealthy and glorious empire?

By conquering other tribes and collecting tributes

In 1663 gave charter for Carolina to a group of noblemen and the northern part of colony was settled by Virginian farmers.

Charles II

Lead the Nez Perce during the hostilities between the tribe and the U.S. Army in 1877. His speech "I Will Fight No More Forever" mourned the young Indian men killed in the fighting.

Chief Joseph

Derived Demand

Demand for business or organizational products (tires) caused by demand for consumer goods of services (autos).

The dispersed migration pattern of ethnic Chinese to separate parts of the world is best described as a


The interest rate the Fed charges on loans.

Discount Rate

Division of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers individually

Division of Labor

What was the approximate modern-day extent of New France at its height?

Eastern Canada and the Central United States

The former Eastern Bloc, or Communist Europe.

Eastern Europe

Guild System

Eliminated competition, set regulations for size, price, standard, etc...and created a training program for people to become members (apprentice, journey man, master).

Around 2575-2465 BCE:

Eqyptians build the great pyramid and the Sphinx.

The Constitution

Established a bicameral legislature Gave Congress the power to establish interstate trade.

The Monroe Doctrine, articulated by President James Monroe in 1823, declared that

European powers were obligated to accept that the Western HEmisphere was a US sphere of interest. It threatened military action if European powers attempted to establish additional colonies in the Americas.

What important event occurred between the first and second meetings of the Continental Congress?

Fighting broke out at Lexington and Concord

The end of the Cold Was most strongly accelerated which economic features of globalization?

Free-market reforms in countries with state-controlled economies


French, perhaps greatest Enlightenment thinker. Deist. Mixed glorification and reason with an appeal for better individuals and institutions. Wrote Candide. Believed enlightened despot best form of government.

Medium of exchange(facilitates exchange of goods and services), unit of value (we say 25.00 not 14 chickens), Store of value (forms money can be stored in, bonds, stocks, gold etc.) , Standard of deferred payment(transactions).

Functions of Money


General U.S. strategy in the Cold War that called for containing Soviet expansion; originally devised by U.S. diplomat George F. Kennan.

British-American explorer of Africa, famous for his expeditions in search of Dr. David Livingston. He helped King Leopold II of Belgium establish the Congo Free State.

Henry Stanley

An increase in the aggregate price level results in

Inflation is defined as an increase in an economy's aggregate price level.

Recall Referendum

Is a procedure that allows citizens to remove and replace a public official before the end of a term of office. It is a political device while impeachment is a legal process.

Why did the Glorious Revolution impact the colonies?

It forced James II to flee the country and Mary and William to take the throne with a looser policy toward the colonies, causing the deposal of many royal governors.

How was the Virginia Company important to Jamestown?

It was a joint-stock company that paid to settle Jamestown.

Which of the following resulted from Japanese expansion?

Japan became an important military force

Emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties welcomed Jesuit missionaries to China because

Jesuits had useful knowledge of astronomy and geography Jesuits actively transmitted the advances of the scientific revolution toChina as a core function of their religious mission.

35th President. President during Bay of Pigs, and Cuban Missile Crisis. Strong image icon. Creator of Civil Rights Act. Assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

John F. Kennedy

One of the most famous Elizabethan Sea Dogs; deeply involved in slave trade and transported people from West Africa to the New World; eventually overshadowed by his partner Francis Drake, though he was highly successful too

John Hawkins

Jon earned $600 working at a bike shop last month. He spent $320 on a new cell phone and put the remainder in his college savings account. Which of the following is true?

Jon sells his labor in the factor market and buys goods and services in the product market.

Emerged in 14th century along the mouth of the Congo River. Had a & centralized government allowed empire to grow. Traded with Portuguese.

Kongo Empire

Marcus Aurelius

Last of the "Good Emperors", Wrote "Meditations" personal reflections of his beliefs, End of the Pax Romana


Movement of people from rural areas to cities. Refers to a process in which an increasing proportion of an entire population lives in cities and the suburbs of cities. Historically, it has been closely connected with industrialization.


Native American people that formerly inhabited the northwestern coastal region of North America

When the Federal Reserve increases the purchase of government bonds in the open market, which of the following will decrease?

Nominal interest rates

North America: Pre - colonial Non - urban Agricultural Life

Non- urban agriculture life dominated what is now southeast Canada, eastern and southern U.S., and Chile. Settlements did not grow large enough to be considered cities.

All of the following are examples of strong community life in New England colonies EXCEPT:


Northern and Western Europeans

Pre-Civil War Immigrants to USA

Northwest tribes including Chinook, Tinglit, and Haida created the only "highly stratified" hunter gatherer society.

Pre-colonial NW Coast Cultures

President of the United States from 1969 to 1974 who followed a foreign policy marked by détente with the Soviet Union and by the opening of diplomatic relations with China. In the face of likely impeachment for the Watergate scandal, he resigned.

Richard Nixon

Which of the following contributed most significantly to the structure of the United States government?

Roman Republic The concept of "checks and balances" in the U.S. government was adopted from the Roman Republic.

1904 corollary to Monroe Doctrine in which US would mediate between Europeans and Latin America.

Roosevelt Corollary

The long run direction of movement of a variab

Secular Trend

1950s; Wisconsin senator claimed to have list of communists in American gov't, but no credible evidence; took advantage of fears of communism post WWII to become incredibly influential; "McCarthyism" was the fearful accusation of any dissenters of being communists

Senator Joseph McCarthy

1821-1890 Explorer risked his life to find source of the Nile River: natural talent for languages/disguised himself as an Indian with friend John Speke faced obstacles from malaria to steep hills

Sir Richard Burton

One of the effects of World War I on the American economy was

Stronger government control over industry

Communities of Hasidic Jews living in New York City and Mennonites living in rural Ohio are examples of


Current Account

That part of the balance of payments recording a nation's exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments

What impact did the neighboring tribal leader Powhatan have on the Jamestown colony?

The Powhatan occasionally provided protection and trade with the colonists.

During George Washington's administration, which of the following was a major challenge to the new powers granted to the federal government under the Constitution?

The Whiskey Rebellion The refusal of citizens in western Pennsylvania to pay a federal excise tax on alcohol resulted in resistance against federal tax collectors in 1794 that came to be known as the Whiskey Rebellion. President George Washington sought to assert the authority of the new federal government by directing local militias under federal command to quell the rebellion. The rebels soon dispersed after the army reached western Pennsylvania.

What is Polytheism?

The belief in many gods; from POLY (more than one) and THEISM (belief in a god or gods).

Which of the following is the best example of an application of the full faith and credit clause?

The state of Connecticut recognizes marriage licenses from all other states. Article IV, Section I of the United States Constitution, the full faith and credit clause establishes that states have to respect the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state."

McCulloch v. Maryland

The state of Maryland taxed banknotes produced by the Bank of the United States, claiming that the Bank was unconstitutional. Using implied powers, Marshall countered that the Bank was constitutional and ruled that Maryland was forbidden from taxing the Bank.

Started in 1860s unofficial in 1870 because the Patrimony of St. Peter was not included; complete in 1871 included all Italian states and the Patrimony of St. Peter

Unified Italy

Appalachian Plateau

Was one of the regions of the South that had the strongest pro-Union sentiments at the outbreak of the Civil War.

American patriot( leader in Sons of Patriots) who rode with Paul Revere to warn that the British were advancing on Lexington and Concord (1745-1799)

William Dawes


years of The First Crusade


years of the Mongol Domination of Asia

What were 2 direct causes of the Great Depression in the US?

1. A rise in loan defaults becasue of high interest rates. 2. A decline in agricultural prices.

Which two campaign strategies is a candidate running for public office most likely to use to attract younger voters?

1. Create and use a hashtag slogan 2. Support reducing education costs and incresing minimum wage

Powers reserved to the state

10th Amendment

Peace plan presented by President Woodrow Wilson. Fourteenth points called for the League of Nations. Others were: no secret treaties, seas are free, lower tariffs, lower arms, colonial policies should consider all powers.

14 Points

Voting rights for African-Americans

15th Amendment

Income tax

16th Amendment

Delegates met in Philedplhia, Pennsylvania to revise the Articles of Confederation; instead they wrote a new constitution and formed a federal system of government

1787 Constitutional Convention

The flight of Muhammad to Medina is also considered to be the beginning of Islam. When did this take place?

622 C.E. After 13 years of preaching amidst much persecution, Muhammad and his followers emigrated from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 C.E.

Which of the following was one of the primary causes of World War I?

A complex set of alliances among European nations

The mean December-February temperature in Mowcow is significantly lower than that in Copenhagen, even though both cities are located the same distance from the equator, because Moscow's temperature reflects its location in

A continenetal climate region

How did a hacienda differ from an encomienda?

A hacienda was a land grant from the Spanish crown while an encomienda was a system of labor for Spanish colonies

An increase in the expected rate of inflation will result in which of the following?

A higher nominal interest rateThe nominal interest rate equals the sum of the real interest rate and the expected inflation rate, so if the expected inflation rate increases so does the nominal interest rate.

Which of the following acts as a push factor for Mexican immigrants to the United States?

A lack of employment opportunities in Mexico A push factor is a situation that drives migrants away from their place of origin. Especially in rural areas of Mexico, there are few employment opportunities for a significant portion of the Mexican workforce, which may motivate some workers to seek employment in other countries.

All of the following are Miranda rules EXCEPT:

A person cannot be tried for the same crimt twice

Mohandas Gandhi

A philosopher from India, this man was a spiritual and moral leader favoring India's independence from Great Britain. He practiced passive resistance, civil disobedience and boycotts to generate social and political change.


A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically, a policy of extending your rule over foreign countries.

People use different representations to convey power, wealth or status. Which would an early Native American living in western Canada use to display these?

A totem pole A crest has symbols of power or family rank emblazoned on it. It was used in Europe. A totem pole has symbols of families power or rank painted or carved in it. Native Americans uses totem poles, particularly in the Pacific northwest.

What is papyrus?

A type of paper made from the papyrus plant.

What type of data is produced when using a GPS (Global Positioning System) to find the coordinates of a particular place?

Absolute loacation

Wrote The Wealth of Nations. founder of the field of economics.

Adam Smith 1723-1790

German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945)

Adolf Hitler

A Dutch trader who was the first European to sail up to the East River into the Long Island Sound and the first European to realize that Long Island was an island. Block Island, to the east of Long Island, is named after him.

Adriaen Block

Period of political upheaval beginning roughly with the American Revolution in 1775 and continuing through the French Revolution of 1789 and other movements for change up to 1848 1775-1783 American Revolution 1820's Revolutions: Greece, Spain, and the Italian and German States of Austrian Empire 1830's Revolutions: France, Italy, Belgium, and Poland 1848 Revolutions: France, Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, and small Italian and German states 1871 Revolution: France

Age of Revolution

Under Pennsylvania's radical new constitution, which group of people had voting rights?

All adult males who paid taxes

Suez Crisis (1956)

Also referred to as the Tripartite Aggression, was a military attack on Egypt by Britain, France, and Israel beginning on 29 October 1956. A consequence from this crisis was, that president Nasser of Egypt gained prestige as the leader of Arab opposition to Western Colonialism.

How were the Ottoman and the Mogul rulers similar?

Although Muslims, they tolerated other religions

Contains supremacy clause; establishes the constitution as "supreme law of the land"

Article VI

Requirments to raitfy constitution

Article VII

The giant Mekong catfish is endemic to which of the following continents?

Asia The giant Mekong catfish can grow up to ten feet long and weigh almost 700 pounds. They are found only in the Mekong River and its tributaries, and thus are endemic to Asia.

Total variable costs divided by the number of units of output.

Average Variable Cost

To exchange goods or services without the use of money


In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed on the southern coast of Cuba in an effort to overthrow Fidel Castro. When the invasion ended in disaster, President Kennedy took full responsibility for the failure.

Bay of Pigs

For which of the following is Ulysses S. Grant MOST celebrated?

Being the General-in-Chief in the Civil War Although Grant is known for all of the choices, he achieved international fame as the General-in-Chief in the American Civil War.

African-American scientist who taught himself calculus and trigonometry. He also helped design the capitol in Washington D.C.

Benjamin Banneker

Nelson Mandela

Born 1918, 11th President of South Africa. Spent 27 years in prison after conviction of charges while he helped spearhead the struggle against apartheid. Received Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.

How do banks create money?

By loaning it out

The southernmost part of the North American continent, lying between Mexico and South America including Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica

Central America

Carolingian monarch of Franks; responsible for defeating Muslims in battle of Tours in 732; ended Muslim threat to western Europe.

Charles Martel

All of the following forces led to Europe's economic growth during the Middle Ages EXCEPT:

Classical texts that were translated and reintroduced into Europe

Famous early pioneer who cleared Wilderness Road, a new route to the west. Wilderness Road became the main route used to cross the Appalachian Mountains 1734- 1820

Daniel Boone

Firms in imperfectly competitive markets engage in advertising to

Differentiate their products to attract customers and increase demand

Susan is a first-year student in college. She has not thought about what she wants to major in or what she wants to do after college. James Marcia would most likely characterize Susan's identity status as which of the following?


What was the most significant cause of death among Native Americans following contact with Europeans?


What outlines the basic structure of the 3-tiered federal court system from lowest to highest tier?

District Court Circuit Court US Supreme Court

The United States government imposes tariffs on imported sugar. What would be the effect on the United States sugar market if the tariffs were eliminated?

Domestic sugar prices would decrease because of an increase in the supply of sugar.

Greeks - Philosophy, drama, Olympics, democracy (city-state), complex polytheistic religion based on myth, forms of mathematics, architectural styles, and many other contributions.Important Greek scholars: Archimedes, Euclid, Eratosthenes, and Aristarchus. Poets: Homer, Sappho. Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Politics: Pericles. Dramatists: Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes. Mathematician: Pythagoras. Medicine: Hippocrates.Romans- administrative system, military, arch, dome, waterworks

Early European Civilization

United States Senator

Elected to the Legisilative Branch of the U.S. government for a term on 6 years to represent a state; 2 per state, 100 total.

Immigration processing center that open in New York Harbor in 1892

Ellis Island

Issued by Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free

Emancipation Proclamation

Prohibit trade with other nations. They bar a foreign nation's imports or ban exports to that nation or both.



Emperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337). Roman Emperor who founded Constantinople as the new eastern capital of the Roman Empire; reunited the Roman Empire.

Thomas Hobbes

English materialist and political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings (1588-1679), wrote "Leviathan" and believed people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish; he also believed only a powerful government could keep an orderly society.

Which of the following is BEST defined by the idea that each individual is subject to the same laws, with no individual or group having special privileges?

Equality Equality is generally considered the state in which all individuals and groups have the same rights and privileges under the law.

(1466?-1536) Dutch Humanist and friend of Sir Thomas More. Perhaps the most intellectual man in Europe and widely respected. Believed the problems in the Catholic Church could be fixed; did not suport the idea of a Reformation. Wrote Praise of Folly.


A soldier of the American Revolution whose troops, "Green Mountain Boys", helped capture Fort Ticonderoga from the British (1738-1789)

Ethan Allen

What was an effect of the collapse of centralized communist governments on Eastern Europe in 1989?

Ethnic conflict as a result of deep historical tensions

Europeans in Africa

Europeans and Africans clashed over control of territory. Dutch (Boers) - Khosian and Zulu French- Algerian and Mandingo British - Sudanese, Matabele, and Ashanti German - Tanzanians Italians - Ethiopians, Italians were defeated British ended up controlling from South Africa to Egypt while most of north and west Africa were controlled by French while Portuguese, Spanish, and Germans were left with the remainders. After WWII most African countries became independent.

The commercial banking system creates money when

Excess reserves are loaned out which creates new demand deposits

Equilibrium Exchange Rate

Exchange rate at which demand for a currency is equal to the supply of the currency in the economy.

The four distinct phases of a business cycle are

Expansion - real GDP is rising Peak - real GDP reaches its highest value during a particular period of time Recession - real GDP declines Trough - GDP reaches its lowest value during the time period

Grants that earmark the funds for specific uses and oten require that the states meet a number of other requirements to receive and used these funds.

Federal Categorial Grants

Who had the responsibility to oversee the implementation of school desegregation after the Brown v. BOE of Topeka ruling?

Federal district courts

Federal grants influence the states in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

Federal grants establish different types of local government

The supremacy clause found in Article VI6, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution established that

Federal law triumphs when federal law and state law conflict

The First Great Awakening

Fervent religious revival movement in the 1720s through the 40s that was spread throughout the colonies by ministers like New England Congregationalist Jonathan Edwards and English revivalist George Whitefield. Was a period of heightened religious activity in the British North American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s.

The political system that dominated western Europe in the period between 800 and 1300 C.E. is known as


Cuban socialist leader who overthrew a dictator in 1959 and established a Marxist socialist state in Cuba

Fidel Castro

What term is used for an extended debate for the purpose of delaying or preventing a vote on an issue?

Filibuster A filibuster is a procedure that allows debate over a proposed piece of legislation that is extended, allowing one or more members to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a proposal.

Kingdom of Ghana

First of the great medieval trading empires of western Africa (7th - 13th century). Located in what is now southeastern Mauritania and part of Mali, it acted as intermediary between Arab and Berber salt traders to the north and gold and ivory producers to the south.

Mr. Zhao, a sixth-grade teacher, has had a difficult time managing his class this year. His students constantly speak among themselves and leave their seats to wander about the room. Mr. Zhao has decided to implement a new strategy. For every 30 minutes the students sit quietly in their seats, they will receive one homework pass. Mr. Zhao plans to reward his students on which type of reinforcement schedule?

Fixed-interval Mr. Zhao plans to reward his students after each 30-minute period during which they sit quietly in their seats. This is a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement because the reward comes after a fixed period of time.

Where is most of the United States gold kept?

Fort Knox This armored base holds all of the United States gold and is constantly watched over by military personnel. Many people who have tried to rob the compound have not been successful.

Four Noble Truths

Foundation of Buddhism 1) All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow. 2) The cause of suffering is nonvirtue, or negative deeds and mindsets such as hated and desire. 3) The only cure for suffering is to overcome nonvirture. 4) The way to overcome nonvirtue is to follow the Eightfold Path

Spanish explorer who conquered the Incas in what is now Peru and founded the city of Lima (1475-1541).

Francisco Pizarro

A conflict between Britain and France for control of territory in North America, lasting from 1754 to 1763 named by the British because they fought against French and most Indian tribes. French were defeated. Caused most North America to be English Speaking.

French Indian War

The cephalocaudal principle describes developmental progression as moving from

From head to toes The cephalocaudal principle refers to the head-to-toe progression of physical and motoric development followed from infancy into toddlerhood or early childhood.

Which of the following is correct about George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards?

George Whitefield started preaching outside after being denied a pulpit, while Jonathan Edwards is said to have started the first Great Awakening.

Inflation has what effects?

Harms some members of an economy, helps others.

Who were the powerful women in Eqyptian society?

Hatshepsut and Cleopatra ruled Eqypt, and many Eqyptian gods were female.

What led Columbus to find the 'New World'?

He was in search of a faster and easier way to Asia

1863-1947. American businessman, founder of Ford Motor Company, father of modern assembly lines, and inventor credited with 161 patents.

Henry Ford

Spanish Conquistador; explored in 1540's from Florida west to the Mississippi with six hundred men in search of gold; discovered the Mississippi, a vital North American river.

Hernando de Soto

Clothing manufacturers discover that the availability of a mineral necessary to produce red dyes is going to be very limited due to flooding in the area where it is normally mined. Which of the following will most likely occur?

Higher production costs will cause a decrease in the supply of red clothing produced. The supply of a good is affected by the cost of production. The supply of red dyes decreases and the price of red dyes increases. The increase in the price of red dyes increases the cost of producing red clothing, causing the supply of red clothing to decrease.

Causes of WW2

Hitler violating Treaty of Versailles, Great Depression, Munich appeasement policy, annexation of Austria, rise of dictatorship, non-aggression pact.

What is outlined in the US Constitution as ratified in the 1788?

How many members of the House of Representatives are chosen.

Charity wants to open a bakery. She buys a shop. She purchases equipment and supplies. She hires clerks and delivery people. She still needs a pastry chef. What aspect of production is she missing?

Human Capital In order to run a business, you need knowledgeable workers, people with the skills you need to produce output. A pastry chef is necessary for a bakery. Utility is the amount of happiness the shop gives Charity, or the amount of happiness her customers receive. Rational expectations is the theory that people change their behavior in response to policy changes.

Represents unconscious strivings w/o direction or purpose.


According to psychologists, the most important developmental task during adolescence is

Identity formation This question asks you to recognize and understand a significant aspect of an important stage of human psychological development. One of the most serious challenges for an individual passing through adolescence is the development of a coherent, realistic sense of self. This sense of self must be integrated with accepted societal standards in order for the individual to function productively in society. The correct answer, therefore, is (C).

Neolithic Period

In the Middle East, the sedentary agriculture was based on barley, wheat, and pigs. New Stone Age (following the mesolithic)

The ancient civilization of Sumer was known for the ziggurats it constructed. Where is Sumer located today?

Iraq Iraq The ancient civilization of Sumer gave the world many great things including the first code of law. It was one of the first civilizations to be created in the area known as Mesopotamia.

Reinforces and punishers influence the probability that a given behavior will be repeated in the future. What impact does a negative reinforce have on a future behavior?

It increases the probability of reoccurrence (All reinforcers increase behavior. A negative reinforce is when something unpleasant is taken away, therefore increasing the likelihood that the behavior will reoccur to avoid the aversive stimulus)

You travel to Munich, Germany to study the Gutenberg Bible. Why are you interested in this particular Bible?

It is one of the first Bibles printed using movable type Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type in 1456. Gutenberg made printing presses more efficient. His invention of letters that could be used repeatedly revolutionized the printing industry. The Chinese had been using this for centuries, but Gutenberg made it feasible for Europe. Before 1456, woodblock presses had been used.

American Dawes Commission

Its purpose was to convince the Five Civilized Tribes to agree to cede tribal title of Indian lands, and adopt the policy of dividing tribal lands into individual allotments. During this process, the Indian nations were stripped of their communally held national lands, which was divided into single lots and allotted to individual members of the nation.

During the Heian Period, diaries such as the Pillow Book and novels such as the Tale of Genji were written by:

Japanese noblewomen

Czechoslovakian religious reformer who anticipated the Reformation and attacked the corruption of clergy. Was excommunicated in 1409 and later was burned at the stake for heresy.

John Huss

This was the man who dominated the reform movement in Scotland and Switzerland. He established the Presbyterian Church of Scotland so that ministers ran the church, not bishops (1514-1572)

John Knox

A descendant of a wealthy Spanish family who, in 1598, took control of the Rio Grande region and the Pueblo region of what is now New Mexico for Spain.

Juan de Onate

1950-1953 Conflict that began with North Korea's invasion of South Korea and came to involve the United Nations (primarily the United States) allying with South Korea and the People's Republic of China allying with North Korea.

Korean War

Economists divide factors of production into three classes. They are:

Land, labor and capital Land is real estate and the resources therein that can be used to produce things people want. Land includes weather, life, energy and the electromagnetic spectrum. Labor is the work people must do. Capital is the machines, tools and structures used to produce which are not directly consumed, for example, the bowl a baker mixes batter in. Capital also includes roads, buildings, sewers, the Internet and connecting hardware.

All of the following were causes of civil unrest leading up to the Mexican Revolution, EXCEPT:

Leon Trotsky spread the influence of Marxist ideology. This question tests your knowledge of the precipitating factors of the Mexican Revolution. After defeating forces loyal to then President Lerdo in 1876, General Porfirio Díaz was elected President of Mexico. He ruled the country essentially as a military dictator until 1911 when he was replaced by Francisco Madero. During his rule, Díaz employed election fraud to have himself re-elected as President six or seven times. He also employed more violent tactics, such as assassinating his political opponents. Díaz encouraged foreign investment in Mexico to such an extent that "gringos" controlled more than half of Mexican companies, and owned at least one-fifth of its land. Such foreign control and ownership embittered the working class—deprived of opportunities for advancement—and peasants—who were deprived of land. \Trotsky did not go to Mexico until the 1930's, long after the Revolution.

1694- He was the founder of Maryland, a colony which offered religious freedom, and a refuge for the persecuted Roman Catholics.

Lord Baltimore

Daughter of an Aztec leader that was given to the Mayans as a slave and Cortes main translator.


Last imperial dynasty began in 1644 which greatly expanded China's control in Asia. Overthrown in 1911 by nationalists.

Manchu Dynasty

The group of African people that formed Mali. Converted to Muslim. In 1300s capital was Timbuktu which had a palace, mosque, and university.


Ruler of Mali (r. 1312-1337). His pilgrimage through Egypt to Mecca in 1324-1325 established the empire's reputation for wealth in the Mediterranean world.

Mansa Musa

Which of the following factors prompted the drastic increase in America's colonial population from 1690 to 1754?

Migration of different European ethnic groups.

Why did the European revolutions of 1848 fail in the years immediately following the uprisings?

Military repression and the splitting of labor and the middle class by elites restored authoritarian regimes. The violent rebellions of 1848 were crushed by the existing governments in Europe, which initiated reforms that enfranchised middle-class males.

Which of the following characteristics was most common among United States presidents during Reconstruction?

Military service during the Civil War

The supreme court case in which the court held that criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination prior to questioning by police. Decision-based on rights given in 5th Amendment.

Miranda VS. Arizona

What was the role of monarchs in these new societies?

Monarchs were the new leaders of towns and cities. They used laws to keep order, and many claimed to have power based on "divine right."

Anything that is generally acceptable in exchange for goods and services and in payment of debts.


Reform group used journalism to draw public attention to social problems such as child labor and poor working conditions during the Progressive Era


Preserved ancient discoveries and added to their own

Muslim Scholars contributions to science circa 700 to 1400 C.E.

National Association for Advancement of Colored People formed in 1909 by W.E.B. Du Bois. Played substantial role in Civil Rights movement of 1960s. Still active today.


A trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that encourages free trade between these North American countries.


Overthrew French Directory in 1799 and became emperor of the French in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814 and was exiled to the island of Elba. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile on the island of St. Helena.

Napolean Bonaparte

When people come together to form a psychological and political bond, it creates what?

Nation Nation It is possible to have a nation and not an organized state such as the Kurds. They are connected to each other although they do not have an official state to call their own.

If a government chooses to take over an entire industry, what is this called?

Nationalize Nationalize Many times the government may find a monopoly has a hold on something and not be able to force the company to sell for cheaper. In this case, the government would be able to step in and take over the business since people would depend upon the good.

Which of the following statements best describes the environmental consequences of the Columbian Exchange?

Native American populations were decimated by diseases spread through contact with Europeans.

A process of acculturation or cultural imperialism through which forms of industrial, political and economic organization are often imposed on other cultures under the guise of getting aid in the form of technological and industrial "progress," but it can still lead to good things, like bringing needed infrastructure

Neo Colonialism

Which of the following marked the end of the Crusades in the Middle East?

Ninth Crusade After Louis IX of France failed to capture Tunis in the Eighth Crusade, Prince Edward of England attempted to do the same. However, this final (Ninth) Crusade failed.

For a school to run smoothly as an organization, both students and teachers are required to follow certain established guidelines. Students are expected to carefully listen to lectures, actively participate in discussions, complete homework by the deadline, and take exams after thorough preparation. Teachers are expected to be enthusiastic during the lectures and class discussions, grade students' work fairly, and turn in the grades on time. These rules, which are used to guide students' and teachers' behavior in the school environment, are best described as which of the following?


Nathan enjoys playing peek-a-boo with his mother. He believes that when she covers her face with her hands, she disappears, only to reappear when she opens her hands. Nathan is experiencing a lack of

Object Permanence (Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development - this is the term for awareness that specific objects are real and exist all by themselves. This occurs between 9-12 months)

Refers to the Fed's buying or selling of U.S government bonds in the open market. Influences amount of reserves in the banking system.

Open Market Operations

Reality of scarcity implies that individuals, businesses and governments must make choices, selecting some opportunities while foregoing others. EX: buying a car may mean forgoing a vacation. Buying a copy machine may mean canceling the company picnic.

Opportunity Cost

Formed a close alliance with the Church. Built power by gaining support of clergy. Invaded Italy on pope's behalf. Rewarded by being crowned emperor 912-973. Created the Holy Roman Empire which was the strongest in Europe until the 12 century.

Otto the Great

The attempted application of popular sovereignty to the issue of slavery in Kansas and Nebraska in the 1850s eighteen fifties directly resulted in the

Outbreak of violence between proslavery and antislavery settler


Policy of openness initiated by Gorbachev in the 1980s that provided increased opportunities for freedom of speech, association and the press in the Soviet Union.

What Roman city was buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted?

Pompeii This city was completely buried under a city of ash which helped to preserve the bodies. People can still tour the site and see how life was back during the time of the eruption.

What best describes selective incorporation?

Portions of the Bill of Rights are applied to states on a case-by-case approach.

Vasco da Gama

Portuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route.

Robespierre was the leader of the French during what time period?

Reign of Terror Reign of Terror During this time period, Robespierre along with the Committee of Public Safety would round up people that they believed were dangerous to the French people. He was eventually overthrown and guillotined as well.


Republican term for northerners opposed to the Civil War; it derived from the name of a poisonous snake.

Sherman Antitrust Act

Requires the United States Federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies and organizations suspected of violating the Act. It was the first Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies, and today still forms the basis for most antitrust litigation by the United States federal government. However, for the most part, politicians were unwilling to use the law until Theodore Roosevelt's Presidency (1901-1908). The purpose of the act was to oppose the combination of entities that coult potentially harm competition, such as monopolies or cartels.

Refers to anything that can be used to produce goods and services.


Which of the following pairs show cause and effect?

Salutary Neglect - colonial prosperity

Leading figure of the french in Qubec in 1608 also founded Montreal; an intrepid soldier whose energy and leadership earned him the title "father of new France".

Samuel Chaplain

Which of the following was the White daughter of a plantation owner who became an abolitionist?

Sarah Grimke

Human wants and needs for goods and services EXCEED the ability of the economy to satisfy those wants and needs. There is never enough to go around.


What are examples of government intervention in a command economy where the government owns the resources?

Setting prices Allocating scarce resources Setting production goals

The Caribbean

The Caribbean Sea is in the Atlantic Ocean, bordered by the West Indies to the north and east, South America to the south, and Central America to the west. popular vacation spots

The Vietnam War

The Communist forces of North Vietnam supported by China and the Soviet Union and the non-Communist forces of South Vietnam supported by the United States resulted in war.

What was a Progressive Era response to the threat of environmental degradation?

The creation of the National Park System

What political development most immediately allowed for the emergence of Turkic empires and states across the Middle East and Central Asia shortly after circa 1000 C.E.?

The decline of the Abbasid caliphate's power becasue of frequent revolts and political instability.

The Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac represented:

The first use of ironclad ships in naval warfare The Confederate ironclad, Virginia, was the refurbished and renamed ship Merrimac, and was for a while invincible against the Union Navy off the coast of Virginia. Until, that is-- the Union assembled its own ironclad, Monitor, to serve as foil against the devastating onslaught of the Virginia.

Why do so few bills actually become laws?

The process provides opportunities to kill a bill


This physicist developed the law of universal gravitation and further caused the decline of the old system of science

One difference between the stratefies of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and some later civil rights groups was that King was committed to

Using only nonviolent forms of protest

1914-1918; Began after the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a group of Serbian radicals; Germany, Austria-Hungary (aka central powers) v. Britain, France, Russia (aka allied powers); America is neutral. Over 10,000,000 people died mostly in battle.


War between the U.S. and Great Britain which lasted until 1814, ending with the Treaty of Ghent and a renewed sense of American nationalism

War of 1812

The Five Civilized Tribes

Were the five Native American nations: the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole, which were considered civilized by white settlers during that time period because they adopted many of the colonists' customs and had generally good relations with their neighbors. Lived in the Southeastern United States before their relocation to other parts of the country, especially the future state of Oklahoma.

Lenin's pamphlet in 20th century Russia that argued for the vanguard of the revolution.

What Is to Be Done

What rebellion was stopped by Washington during his term in office?

Whiskey Rebellion Some farmers were mad at the tax which was being charged on their locally made liquor. They tried to rebel to force the government to do away with these taxes. Washington sent in forces and stopped the rebellion quickly.

South Carolina's Constitution established that the following people could vote:

White males who owned enough property

Penn, an English Quaker, founded Pennsylvania in 1682, after receiving a charter from King Charles II the year before. He launched the colony as a "holy experiment" based on religious tolerance. Was later given Delaware by charter to give the colony coastline.

William Penn

Condemned by Catholic church for translating Bible to English from Latin and Greek in late 1300s.

William Wycliff


Writers who exposed corruption and abuses in politics, business, meatpacking, child labor, and more. Primarily in the 20th century, their popular books and magazine articles spurred public interest in reform.

Democracy in America

Written by Alexis de Tocqueville, French man who observed democracy in govt and society, book that discusses the advantages of democracy and consequences of the majority's unlimited power.


the middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people


year the Scramble for Africa begins

In what year was the White House officially named?

1901 T. Roosevelt announced that the White House was going to forever be known by that name. Before then, it had a wide range of different names such as the President's Palace and the Executive Estate.

Congo River

5th longest

Decision saying, segregation in schools is a violation of the 14th amendment, 1954, stated that it was unconstitutional to maintain separate black and white schools, overturned Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). Ruled that segregated schools are not acceptable because of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Brown vs. Board of Education

Minoan Age 2100-1600 BC

Bronze Age civilization, centering on the island of Crete. Built huge palaces, writing, artisans, traded w/Egypt, Phoenicia and Mesopotamia.

Helladic Period

Bronze age Greece, started around 2800 BC and lasted till 1050 BC in Crete while in the Aegean islands it started in 3000 BC. The economy of the villages depended on production of tools, weapons, agriculture and art and architecture.The need for more metals and goods lead to introduction of different colonies and barter creating set-up for trade.

In which of the following decisions did the United States Supreme Court rule that racial segregation of public schools was unconstitutional?

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

How does the fate of Popham and Roanoke compare to that of Jamestown?

The fate of Popham and Roanoke are both abandoned colonies, while England's first permanent American colony was Jamestown.

Why is the finding of the Kennewick Man considered evidence for the Oceania Theory?

The features of the Kennewick Man remains are in line with the Ainu, a native people of Hokkaido, Japan.

The enactment of the New Deal programs in the 1930s could best be characterized as reflecting a popular belief that

The federal government should provide assistance to people in times of economic distress The New Deal provided federal assistance to those in need and was popular largely because of the very high rates of unemployment during the Depression.

Followed death of Ivan IV without heir early in 17th century; boyars attempted to use vacuum of power to reestablish their authority; ended with selection of Michael Romanov as Czar in 1613.

Time of Troubles

The colonists complained about having to pay British taxes while not being allowed to vote for members of the British Parliament. Which of the following quotations best expresses their complaint?

"Taxation without representation is tyranny"

Women's suffrage

19th Amendment

The period following the fall of the Han dynasty when China was beset by warfare and political unrest which lasted until 589 A.D.

Age of Disunity

The Articles of Confederation established a central government that was too weak. Which of the following describes the effect of a weak central government?

All of these.

The Northwest Ordinance:

All of these.

Implicit Costs

All the firm's opportunity costs of the resources supplied by the firm's owners for which the owners do not make an explicit charge

The Judicial Branch

Article III

At the Battle of Little Bighorn: Custer and men defeated by 2500 Sioux warriors

Custer's Last Stand

Why did Deism play a large role in the principles of American Government?

Deism encourages reason and human action, but still allows for a belief in God

They were predominantly taken to Arabia and India.

East African Slaves

Countries include Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, North Korea, China, and Mongolia.

East Asia

English company originally seeking trade in the East Indies before seeing their chance and taking over the Indian government.

East India Trading Company

Son of runaway slave, invented lubricating cup that oiled running machines

Elijah McCoy

Another name for the indus valley civilization that arose along the indus river, possibly as early as 7000 BC; characterized by sophisticated city planning

Harappan Civilization

Which of the following significantly contributed to the decline of both the Western Roman Empire and the Han dynasty?

Nomadic invasions and internal unrest

Farming system where animals (cattle, goats, camels) are taken to different locations in order to find fresh pastures.

Nomadic pastoralism

A large, flat area that rises above the surrounding land; at least one side has a steep slope.


The activities of the government.

Public Sector

The amount of money a bank is legally obligated to hold.

Required Reserves

A useful overall picture of the world; keeps correct size and shape of most continents and oceans,

Robinson map

A free black man who was honored for his bravery during the American Revolution and fought in the war.

Salem Poor

United States portrait painter who patented the telegraph and developed the Morse code (1791-1872)

Samuel Morse

Which best describes the task system?

Slaves were assigned a task to complete and had free time when they were done.

Annual summer monsoon rains have the greatest effect on which of the following regions?

South Asia

The money supply is primarily made up of

The currency in circulation and demand deposits

One factor that enabled the transition from feudalism to market economies in Europe was:

The three-field system of farming.

1834- 1908 Dowager empress of China who failed to recognize foreign threat.


It banned "soft money" contributions to National Political Parties, regulates the financing of political campaigns.

U.S. Bipartism Campaign Reform Act of 2002

An elongated depression in the earth's surface, usually between ranges of hills or mountains.


Spanish explorer who became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean in 1510 while exploring Panama

Vasco de Balboa

Amerigo Vespucci's biggest legacy was _____.

having the new world named after him in 1507

What are expansionary fiscal policy actions?

increasing government spending decrease in taxes

The main goal of interest groups is to

influence public policy by lobbying government

The Emancipation Proclamation hurt Southern chances for victory by

making a British-Confederate alliance less likely

Monopolistic Competition

market or industry characterized by numerous buyers and relatively numerous sellers trying to differentiate their products from those of competitors


one who favors a free market economy and no governmental interference in personal liberties, strong support for civil and political liberties but reject governemtn regulation of the economy.

Absolute Advantage

the ability of an individual, a firm, or a country to produce more of a good or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources

Executive Branch

the division of the federal government that includes the president and the administrative departments; enforces the nation's laws

Escobedo v. Illinois

was a United States Supreme Court case holding that criminal suspects have a right to counsel during police interrogations under the Sixth Amendment. (1964)

Which TWO of the following are found in the executive branch of the United States government?

- FBI - Department of Agriculture The Department of Agriculture and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are both found in the executive branch of the United States government.

Which TWO of the following are examples of intergovernmental organizations?

- The United Nations - North Atlantic Treaty Organization Intergovernmental organizations are groups where only states can be members. Only countries recognized as states can be members of the United Nations or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Causes of WWI

1. A system of alliances divide Europe into two parts 2. Nationalism was very prevalent in the countries of Europe 3. Militarism or reliance on military strength 4. Imperialism and the conquering of countries in Asia, South America, and Africa 5. The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by the Black Hand The immediate cause was the claiming of territory and power in the Balkans.

Ending the French and Indian War. British get new land (no more next-door foreign enemies for Colonists). To pay for their new land and war/debt costs, the British tax the Colonists. This fuels the beginning of the American Revolution.

1763 Treaty of Paris

The Compromise of 1850 was an intricate package of five bills, passed on September 4, 1850, defusing a four-year confrontation between the slave states of the South and the free states of the North

1850 Compromise

Freedom of religion, speech, press assembly, and petition

1st Amendment

18 year voting age

26th Amendment

What is the range of latitude from the equator to the North Pole?

90 degrees Lines of latitude are also called parallels and run east-west. They are parallel to the equator. Lines of longitude are called meridians and run north-south. The equator is 0 degrees latitude. The prime meridian is 0 degrees longitude. It runs through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. The poles, North and South, are located 90 degrees from the equator.

A paper company decides to hire a full-time temp for one month at $3000. Which of the following represents the opportunity cost of this decision?

A $3000 health coverage policy for the company's existing part-time workers. Opportunity cost measures the relative economic merits of two alternatives of equal value. For any given amount of spending, it represents the second-best option, or the option not taken in order to take the best option.


A Native American who lived in what is now southern Colorado and Utah and northern Arizona and New Mexico and who built cliff dwellings

What is Patriarchy?

A form of social organization in which the father is the supreme authority.

Iroquois Confederation

A league of Indian tribes in the Northeast that fought with the English in the French-Indian War and supported the Loyalists in the American Revolution. The nations who joined the League were the Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, and Mohawk. Once they ceased most of their infighting, the Iroquois rapidly became one of the strongest forces in seventeenth-and-eighteenth-century northeastern North America.

Which of the following best explains why a monopolist is able to set a higher price and produce a lower quantity than a perfectly competitive firm?

A monopolist operates in a market in which other firms are not allowed to enter.

Anthropologists know that religion has caused many wars and atrocities, as well as causing a spread of knowledge and ideas. Heretics, pagans and freethinkers have been persecuted for their beliefs. What is a heretic?

A person who publicly opposes the accepted religion A heretic publicly opposes the church, like Martin Luther. A freethinker believes that there are flaws in the accepted religion and prefers to determine his own beliefs. A pagan does not believe the same as the accepted religion or has no belief. This is subject to the determination of the accepted religion.


A political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and protection of the people who live on the land. Socioeconomics predominated in both Europe and Japan between 700 and 1300 BCE.


A political theory advocating state ownership of industry. A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production.

The controversy that led to the English "Glorious Revolution" was

A power struggle between Parliament and the king


A process of acculturation or cultural imperialism through which forms of industrial, political and economic organization are often imposed on other cultures under the guise of getting aid in the form of technological and industrial "progress," but it can still lead to good things, like bringing needed infrastructure

Your government is overcome by a group of religious leaders who establish a new government in which they will rule by religious right. What type of government will this be?

A theocracy An autocrat is a one-man ruler. A monarch is a hereditary ruler. An oligarchy is a group of people who rule. An aristocrat is someone who inherits power and social standing. A theocracy is ruled by religious leaders who claim they have a right to rule given to them by their religion.

Africa Mountains

Abyssinian Atlas Ruwenzori Kilimanjaro (inactive volcano)

Interest groups in the US are groups that

Advanc policy goals through lobbying and other activities

Describes the Eastern Woodland peoples, such as the Iroquois and Algonquin, before European colonization

Agriculturalists who supplemented their diet with hunting and gathering

Which of the following best describes the Eastern Woodland peoples, such as the Iroquois and Algonquin, before European colonization?

Agriculturalists who supplemented their diet with hunting and gathering Native American groups living in North America east of the Mississippi generally lived in small settlements dispersed throughout the region. Tribes, such as the Algonquin and Iroquois, hunted game while also growing crops such as squash and legumes.

Dates from 10,000 years ago. Prior to agriculture humans were hunters and gatherers.


Also known as "the Great" and "Dr. Universalis", he was the first scholar to attempt to integrate Aristotle's philosophy into Christian theology. He used Aristotelian language to talk about God. Ex. God is the "prime mover" of all things. He was also the teacher of Thomas Aquinas.

Albert Magnus

United States inventor (born in Scotland) of the telephone in 1876 (1847-1922)

Alexander Graham Bell

How did most states determine how to rule themselves according to the idea that the people are the highest authority (popular sovereignty) when drafting their state constitutions?

All of these are correct

Mixed Government

Also known as a mixed constitution, is a form of government that integrated facets of government by democracy, oligarchy, and monarchy. It means there are some issues (often defined in a constitution) where the state is governed by the majority of the people, in some other issues the state is governed by few, in some other issues by a single person (also often defined in a constitution). The idea is commonly treated as an antecedent of separation of powers.


Also known as political realism, is a school of international relations that prioritizes national interest and security over ideology, moral concerns and social reconstructions. This term is often synonymous with power politics.

Which of the following is an example of the effects of deindustrialization and the rise of service- and technology-based economy?

An electrician is laid off from an auto assembly plant in Ohio and moves to California to begin teaching electronics at a community college The closure of automobile assembly plants and the increased need for trained electronics technicians exemplify the effects of deindustrialization and the rise of a service- and technology-based economy.


An ideology that cherishes individual liberty and insists on minimal government, promoting a free market economy, a noninterventionist foreign policy, and an absence of regulation in moral, economic, and social life.

A Southerner form Tennessee, as V.P. when Lincoln was killed, he became president. He opposed radical Republicans who passed Reconstruction Acts over his veto. The first U.S. president to be impeached, he survived the Senate removal by only one vote. He was a very weak president.

Andrew Johnson

Opponents of a strong central government who campaigned against the ratification of the Constitution in favor of a confederation of independant states.


Interest Groups

Are aggregates of individuals based on a limited range of shared concerns. They promote their policy agenda, in large part by providing legislators and policy makers with specialized information in issues.

The Legislative Branch

Article I

How to amend the Constitution

Article V

The relationship between prejudice and discrimination is best characterized by which of the following?

Attitude and action This question asks you to recognize two important concepts concerning social justice and the relationship between them. Prejudice is a bias or hostility toward members of a certain group; discrimination is the carrying out of that belief through deeds. Thus, prejudice is an attitude and discrimination is an action. The correct answer, therefore

In what country is the world's longest national highway found?

Australia Australia's Highway 1, which circumnavigates the country, is the longest highway in the world.

The Oceania Theory is based on the notion that cultural and linguistic similarities exist between native South American peoples and those from:

Australia and Polynesia

After the defeat of the Turks in 1687 Austria took control of all of Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia, and Slovenia, thus establishing the Austrian Empire in southeastern Europe. It remained a collection of territories held together by the Habsburg emperor, who was archduke of Austria, king of Bohemia, and king of Hungary.

Austrian Empire

A town of northern Ethiopia. From the first to the eighth century A.D. it was the capital of an empire that controlled much of northern Ethiopia. Was the first state in the world to adopt Christianity as its official religion.


Iranian religious leader of the Shiites; when Shah Pahlavi's regime fell Khomeini established a new constitution giving himself supreme powers (1900-1989)

Ayatollah Khomeini

September 1914, Britain joins France at Marne river (the Western Front), pushed back Germany's offense and destroyed German hope for a quick victory.

Battle of Marne

October 1813 at Leipzig in eastern Germany. The decisive defeat of the army of Napoleon by combined forces of Prussia, Austria, and Russia.

Battle of Nations

First Japanese Home island (only 340 miles from mainland Japan) to be invaded. Island of immense strategic value. Involving over 500,000 troops and over 1,200 ships. Battle showed Japanese determination to resist invasion.

Battle of Okinawa

Why were the tribes that included the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole considered to be civilized?

Because they adopted customs of the colonists.

(1400 B.C.E. to 500 B.C.E.) earliest known Mexican civilization,lived in rain forests along the Gulf of Mexico, developed calendar and constructed public buildings and temples (flat topped pyramids), carried on trade with other groups. They had hieroglyphs and number system. Had a ceremonial ball game that ended with some players being sacrificed.

Berlin Conference

42nd President advocated economic and healthcare reform; second president to be impeached because of sex scandal. Carried on education reforms began with Republican President George Bush.

Bill Clinton

The Federal Reserve's recently initiated program of purchasing mortgage-backed securities is intended to have which of the following consequences?

Boost the economy by increasing bank to bank lending. Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) essentially represent pools of mortgages, or loans to property-owners. Banks and investment firms trade MBS's on the open market. Since there has been an increase on the number of property-owners defaulting on their mortgages, the value of MBS's has dropped drastically, effectively stalling the MBS market, because very few investors want to buy them, and owners of low-value MBS's—called toxic assets—do not want to sell at a loss. This stalled MBS market freezes the amount of loans that banks make to each other. By buying MBS's, the Federal Reserve hopes to remove most of the toxic assets from the MBS market, thereby getting it going again. This will have the effect of boosting bank to bank lending, which will boost the economy, because bank to bank lending is one of the primary ways to increase the supply of money in the economy.

What economic event precipitated the American Revolution?

Britain taxed colonists

This colony was distinctive because it had a popularly elected legislature.

British Colony of Virginia

What is now the United Kingdom and all the territories and colonies under its control; this empire consisted of Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and vast portions of Africa

British Empire

Influx of bands and musicians from Britain during the 60's. Huge influence on the American music scene.

British Invasion

Productive implements made by human beings, e.g., factories, machinery, and tools.


The productive resources are owned by private individuals.


A consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service. ex/ OPEC


A set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society.

Caste System

"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounce the very definition of tyranny." What constitutional principle best reflects the concerns expressed in this quotation?

Checks and Balances

What is most common in states that use proportional representation electoral systems?

Coalition governments Each party gets the % of seats equal to the % of votes in receives in the election, making it more likely for smaller parties to win seats partly because people will be more likely to vote for smaller parties, which would not have much of a chance of winning in a majoritarian voting system, such as a single-member district plurality.

The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.

Columbian Exchange

Rely on a central authority to make economic decesions.

Command Economy

Consumers determine what is produced in the economy.

Consumer Sovereignty

A North American Indian confederacy organized by the Muskogee that dominated the southeastern part of the United States before being removed to Oklahoma.

Creek Confederacy

The engraving of a Jesuit missionary in 17th Century China best represents what historical process?

Cultural Exchange

Which of the following best describes the movement of a concept, innovation, or discovery from its area of origin to new areas?

Cultural diffusion This question tests your knowledge of the means by which discoveries, innovations, and other achievements of individual cultures are transmitted to neighboring societies. The process of spreading those ideas to other locations and societies is an example of cultural diffusion.

What is cuneiform, and why was it important to Sumeirian society?

Cuneiform is a form of writing created by the Sumerans using reeds on clay tablets. It was important becaue Sumerians used it to keep records and write down stories and poems.

What is the M1 measure of the money supply?

Currency in circulation (not held in banks) and demand deposit balances

Rises during economic downturns and falls when the economy improves. Getting laid off due to a recession is the classic case of this.

Cyclical Unemployment

John Maynard Keynes advocated what?

Demand-side economics

American insurrectionist. A freed slave in South Carolina, he was implicated in the planning of a large uprising of slaves and was hanged. The event led to more stringent slave codes in many Southern states.

Denmark Vesey

The farther it is from the source of its invention, the less likely an innovation is to be adopted, and the weaker its impact is likely to be. This geographic effect is known as

Distance Decay (Tobler's law - everything is related to everything else but closer things are more related than distant things)

Different members of a team of producers are given responsibility for different aspects of a production plan.

Division of Labor

What do we mean when we say "division of labor?"

Division of labor means that tasks in a society are performed by separate groups.

An African-American Civil Right's Activist who was peaceful. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his cause. He was assasinated in 1968 in Tennesee. Famous for "I have a dream" speech.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The 1857 ruling of the Supreme Court in the case Scot v. Sandford that legalized slavery in the territories and declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. Also, declared Scot as a slave did not have the right to sue because he was not a citizen.

Dred Scot Decision

The branch of social science that deals with financial resources and the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and their management. Generally divided into macroeconomics and microeconomics.


Photographers such as Jacob Riis and Lewis Hine worked during the late 1800s eighteen hundreds and early 1900s nineteen hundreds to expose the

Effects of rapid industrialization and the use of child labor on city dwellers Jacob Riis worked during the late 1800s as a photojournalist to document the impoverished working-class families of New York City. Lewis Hine worked during the early 1900s as a social reformer, documenting the use of child labor and dangerous working conditions in factories where children were employed. Both photographers worked toward improving the living and working conditions of the people they documented.

30 BCE:

Egypt alls to the Roman Empire after Queen Cleopatra dies.

What most strongly inspired the French Revolution?

Enlightenment philosophies

The price at which the amount producers are willing to supply is equal to the amount consumers are willing to buy

Equilibrium price

Which was NOT a motivation for French and English voyages to the Americas in the 16th century?

Escaping religious persecution

The necessary and proper clause in Article I1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution gives Congress the ability to

Establish a military draft While the ability of Congress to establish a military draft is not written in the Constitution, it is implied by their Constitutional power to raise and maintain an army.

In the late 1800s eighteen hundreds, immigrants to the United States were most likely to

Establish close-knit ethnic communities in urban areas

Articles of Confederation

Established a unicameral legislature Expanding territory through the northwest territory

Moscow lies inland within the

Eurasian continental landmass and far from oceans and seas, which would mediate winter temperatures at a similar longitude as they do in the marine climate of Copenhagen.

The basic monetary unit of most members of the European Union (introduced in 1999)in 2002 twelve European nations (Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Austria, Finland) adopted the euro as their currency


Which of the following was the main cause of rapid European colonial expansion in Africa after 1880?

European capitalists sought new raw materials for their industrializing economies

The difference between the amount of reserves a bank holds and what it is required to hold.

Excess reserves

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of executive agreements and treaties in the United States government?

Executive agreements are not ratified by the Senate, whereas treaties are The Constitution gives the Senate the power to ratify all treaties by a two-thirds vote, do presidents use executive agreements to escape the ratification process of the Senate.

Assume the United States has a zero balance of trade with Canada. If the United States dollar appreciated relative to the Canadian dollar, how would United States exports to Canada change and what would be the status of the balance of trade?

Export- Decrease Balance of Trade- Deficit

Nomadic Pastoralism

Farming system where animals (cattle, goats, camels) are taken to different locations in order to find fresh pastures.

Shifting Cultivation

Farming system where farmers move on from one place to another when the land becomes exhausted. The most common form is slash-and-burn agriculture: land is cleared by burning, so that crops can be grown. Slash-and-burn is practised in many tropical forest areas, such as the Amazon region, where yams, cassava, and sweet potatoes can be grown


Favors the interests of certain established inhabitants of an area or nation as compared to claims of newcomers or immigrants. Typically means opposition to immigration or efforts to lower the political or legal status of specific ethnic or cultural groups because the groups are considered hostile or alien to the natural culture, and it is assumed that they cannot be assimilated.

To oversee the stability of the banking system and conduct monetary policy to the end of fighting inflation and unemployment and stimulating economic growth.

Federal Reserve System

Supporters of the Constitution that were led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. They firmly believed the national government should be strong. They didn't want the Bill of Rights because they felt citizens' rights were already well protected by the Constitution.


Portuguese navigator who led the Spanish expedition of 1519-1522 that was the first to sail around the world showing the oceans were connected. Also, giving valuable information about winds and currents.

Ferdinand Magellan

Seneca Falls Convention

First women's rights convention in US held in Seneca Falls, NY spanned 2 days in 1848 Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton drafted and signed the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments, which laid out a list of grievances and resolutions, including an endorsement of women suffrage

Senate Majority Leader

First-ranking party position, held by a distinguished senior member of the majority party in the Senate. The Senate majority leader schedules floor actions on bills, and helps guide the majority party's legislative program through the Senate.

Projection - A Freudian concept that occurs when people have feelings that make them anxious. They project the feelings onto someone else.

Fixed interval - the first response is rewarded only after a specified amount of time has passed


Founded the Communist Party in Russia and set up the world's first Communist Party dictatorship. He led the October Revolution of 1917, in which the Communists seized power in Russia. He then ruled the country until his death in 1924.

Kwame Nkrumah

Founder of Ghana's independence movement and Ghana's first president.


French thinkers who popularized Enlightenment ideas through their writings were known as this. Social critics of the eighteenth century who subjected social institutions and practices to the test of reason.

Comes from people moving between jobs, careers, and locations

Frictional Unemployment

What accusations did colonists make against King George III and the British Parliament in the Declaration of Independence?

Frustrating the working of representative government and the law in the colonies

(1850) a law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders

Fugitive Slave Act

Medium of Exchange, Unit of Value, Store of Value, and Standard of Deferred Payment.

Functions of Money

Christopher Columbus

Genoese mariner who in the service of Spain led expeditions across the Atlantic, reestablishing contact between the peoples of the Americas and the Old World and opening the way to Spanish conquest and colonization.

First President of the United States, was commander of the Continental Army who accepted surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781.Served two terms

George Washington

The US shared control of the city of Berlin with all of these other nations EXCEPT

Germany Even though the city was located in Germany, it was controlled by the forces which had won the war. Each participating country was given a small portion of the city in which they had control. The US, Great Britain, and France formed West Germany while the U.S.S.R. kept East Germany communistic.

The title of Temujin when he ruled the Mongols (1206-1227). It means the 'universal' leader. He was the founder of the Mongol Empire.

Ghengis Khan

What is Deity?

God, Goddess, or Divine Being.

Gupta Empire

Golden Age of India; ruled through central government but allowed village power; restored Hinduism

The rapid economic growth of Japan in the 1970s and 1980s and, slightly later, of the group of countries that were known as the Asian Tigers (South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan) was largely a result of

Government-backed industrialization, high tariffs on imported goods, and export of manufactured goods After the Second World War, and partly because it was restrained from military spending, the Japanese government invested heavily in the development of industry. Until a dramatic recession in the 1990s, the Japanese also deployed an export-led trade policy that generated huge trade surpluses and stoked its economy. The Asian Tigers, observing this success, strove to imitate the Japanese economic model with similar results (rapid growth followed by sustained recession).

A large area of land covered with grasses.


It was a revival of religious importance in the 17th century. It undermined older clergy, created schisms, increased composite-ness of churches, and encouraged missionary work, led to the founding new schools. It was first spontaneous movement of the American people (broke sectional boundaries and denominational lines).

Great Awakening


Greek historian. Considered the greatest historian of antiquity, he wrote a critical history of the Peloponnesian War that contains the funeral oration of Pericles


Greek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, he profoundly influenced Western thought. In his philosophical system, which led him to criticize what he saw as Plato's metaphysical excesses, theory follows empirical observation and logic, based on the syllogism, is the essential method of rational inquiry.


Greek word for city-state. Is a city, a city-state and also citizenship and body of citizens. When used to describe Classical Athens and its contempraries, it is often translated as "city-state."

Britain was facing serious debt issues, and was in danger of a destabilized economy. These were a series of acts designed to tax the colonies, which included the Stamp Act (1765), Quartering Act (1765), currency act (1764), Declatory Act (1766), and Revenue act (1764).

Greenville Acts

The solar calendar now in general use, introduced by Gregory XIII in 1582 to correct an error in the Julian calendar by suppressing 10 days, making Oct 5 be called Oct 15, and providing that only centenary years divisible by 400 should be leap years. Britain and British colonies moved from using the Julian calendar to Gregorian

Gregorian Calendar

The intensification of the trans-Atlantic slave trade between 1600 and 1750 C.E. was most directly the result of the

Growing global demand for sugar

Is the percentage increase or decrease of GDP from the previous measurement cycle. It is annualized so it can be compared to the previous year.

Growth Rate

Russo-Turkish War 1877-1878

Had its origin in a rise in nationalism in the Balkans as well as in the Russian goal of recovering territorial losses it had suffered during the Crimean War. As a result of the war, the principalities of Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro, formally proclaimed independence from the Ottoman Empire.

Christopher Columbus wanted to sail to the Orient. He landed on the island of Hispaniola and named its inhabitants Indians. He thought he was in India but he was wrong. Where is Hispaniola?

Haiti and the Dominican Republic Hispaniola is the island on which Haiti and the Dominican Replica are located today. It is in the Caribbean.

Who was Hammurabi, and what was his contribution to the Babylonian Empire?

Hammurabi was the leader of Babylon who conquered northern Sumerian cities to create the Babylonian Empire. He is most famous for hsi list of 282 laws, called Hammurabi's Code. This was the first time laws were written down.

A sample consisting of 1,500 individuals can be reliably used to represent the population of the entire United States if everyone in the sample

Has an equal probability of being selected Reliable social science surveys require that all respondents have an equal probability of being selected for the survey.


Has the power to ratify treaties and delcare war, and the power to make laws.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding Sir Francis Drake?

He financed a group of settlers to a small island called Roanoke.

Logan's Lament

He was a leader of the Mingo Indians. He was a war leader but often urged his fellow natives not to attack whites settling in the Ohio Country. His attitude changed on May 3, 1774, when a group of Virginia settlers murdered approximately one dozen Mingos. Among them were his mother and sister. He demanded that the Mingos and their allies, principally the Shawnee Indians, take revenge for the deaths of his loved ones. He wrote a famous speech and sent it to the English, refusing to come to negotiate peace.

Which of the following statements best describes an achievement of César Chávez for Hispanic Americans?

He was a union leader who helped to organize Latino agricultural workers in the 1960s, nineteen sixties and 1970s nineteen seventies


He was the first to prove that the new world really was a distinct landmass, separate from Asia. After sailing around the southern tip of South America he sailed westward acrosst he Pacific and reached the Philippine Islands, claiming them for Spain., Portuguese navigator in the service of Spain

The Portuguese made effective use of naval technology for transportation. Which of the following was NOT helpful to the Portuguese?

Heavy cannons

When Roosevelt signed the Lend-Lease Act in 1941, he said that the United States must become the "arsenal of democracy" in order to

Help Great Britain

Discovered what today is known as the Hudson River. Sailed for the Dutch even though he was originally from England. He was looking for a northwest passage through North America. 1565-1611

Henry Hudson

Political leader of the Huguenots and a member of the Bourbon dynasty, succeeded to the throne as Henry IV. He realized that as a Protestant he would never be accepted by Catholic France, so he converted to Catholicism. When he became king in 1594, the fighting in France finally came to an end.

Henry of Navarre

As part of the Columbian Exchange, Spanish explorers brought such things as chocolate and tobacco from the Americas to Europe. What is one thing they brought from Europe to the Americas?


How did the reintroduction of horses affect the lives of American tribes?

Horses were used for war and hunting.

An equatorial rain forest is associated with which of the following climatic conditions?

Hot and wet conditions year-round

The Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes on the island of Hawaii were formed as the result of a

Hot spot

Members of the Protestand Reformed church of France which were persecuted by French Catholics


The knowledge, skills, and experience necessary for a person to perform a specific task is known as

Human capital Human capital, by definition, refers to the knowledge, skills, and experience acquired by workers. Human capital is produced through education and training.

Sedition Act

Imposed harsh punishments for expressing ideas disloyal to the United States.

The Articles of Confederation were ratified:

In 1781, after territorial disputes had been solved

The Korean War

In June 1950 the N. Korean army invaded S. Korea, quickly taking Seoul. The UN Security Council met in emergency session and declared the invasion an unwarranted aggression. After three years of fighting, the war ended in stalemate.

All of the following represent differences between Sparta and Athens, EXCEPT:

In Sparta, men had to serve in the military in order to be full citizens, while in Athens they did not. This question asks you to compare the social structures of two city-states of ancient Greece: Sparta and Athens. Statements A thru C are true: Spartan women had greater rights than Athenian women, including the right to own property; murdering, or physically harming slaves in Athens were punishable crimes, while in Sparta, physical cruelty to slaves was commonplace, and murder was an annual ritual event. Sparta was an oligarchy, while Athens was a direct democracy. Only statement D, which is the correct answer, is false: In both city-states, full rights of citizenship were granted only to adult men who had fulfilled their obligations of military training.

Increased access to higher education may lead to productivity gains because of which of the following?

Increase in human capital

The system of temporary servitude, where a person bound themselves to masters for fixed terms of servitude, in exchange for passage to America, food and shelter. This method of labor was one of the largest elements of colonial population in America.

Indentured Servitude

US Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002

It banned "soft money" contributions to National Political Parties, regulates the financing of political campaigns.

What was William Penn's legacy as the founder of Pennsylvania?

It became one of the most democratic societies in the world

How did the first Great Awakening help pave the way for the American Revolution?

It encouraged colonists to oppose establishment thinking.

What can you infer about triangular trade?

It enriched England regardless of its effect on other nations.

Why was the colony of Delaware founded?

It was culturally and linguistically different from the rest of Pennsylvania so it was given its own assembly


Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries (1564-1642).

The equator does NOT pass through the territory of which of the following countries?

Italy The equator passes through the territories of 14 countries, including Colombia, Uganda, and Kenya, but does not pass through Italian territory.

Prince of the duchy of Moscow who responsible for freeing Russia from the Mongols in the 1400s; took the title of Czar.

Ivan the Great

Ruled from 1533-1584; Was responsible for the death of thousands, including his own son; Created the Oprichnina in order to destroy the Boyars; Believed in a Strong Centralized Government; expanded mostly south.

Ivan the Terrible

Founded the colony of Georgia as a haven for debtors; Georgia Served as a buffer zone with Spanish Florida. Georgia was the last of the English colonies founded.

Jame Oglethorpe

The first successful English settlement in the Virginia colony founded in May, 1607. Harsh conditions nearly destroyed the colony but in 1610 supplies arrived with a new wave of settlers. The settlement became part of the Virginia Company of London in 1620. The population remained low due to lack of supplies until agriculture was solidly established. Jamestown grew to be a prosperous shipping port when John Rolfe introduced tobacco as a major export and cash crop.


1860-1935. Prominent social reformer and founder of Settlement House Movement. First American Woman to earn Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 as president of Women's Intenational League for Peace and Freedom.

Jane Addams

Which of the following was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931?

Jane Addams In 1931, Jane Addams received half the money allotted for the Nobel Peace Prize for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (the other half going to Nicholas M. Butler), for her work with the organization she had founded. Jane Addams also founded Hull House in Chicago.

A string of more than 3,000 islands east of Asia extending 1,300 miles between the Sea of Japan and the western Pacific Ocean. Japanese first migrated to islands from mainland Asia in 300 A.D. Though nominally led by a Shogun, Japan fell to the feudal systems under warlords called Samurai and Daimyo.


Served as the French minister of finance from 1665 to 1683 under the rule of King Louis XIV. He achieved a reputation for his work of improving the state of French manufacturing and bringing the economy back from the brink of bankruptcy.

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

Supported the unequal treatment of African Americans in the United States throughout the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century

Jim Crow laws

English philosopher who advocated the idea of a "social contract" in which government powers are derived from the consent of the governed and in which the government serves the people; also said people have natural rights to life, liberty and property. Also, an English empiricist philosopher who believed that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience (1632-1704)

John Locke

United States naturalist (born in Scotland) who advocated the creation of national parks (1838-1914) , founded Sierra Club in 1892; fought unsuccessfully to prevent the damming of the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park.

John Muir

6th President of the United States, Secretary of State. In 1819, he drew up the Adams-Onis Treaty in which Spain gave the United States Florida in exchange for the United States dropping its claims to Texas. The Monroe Doctrine was mostly Adams' work.

John Quincy Adams

On Liberty

John Stuart Mill, essay, plead for the pratical and moral value inherent in safe guarding individual differences and popular opinion.

As governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, Winthrop (1588-1649) was instrumental in forming the colony's government and shaping its legislative policy. He envisioned the colony, centered in present-day Boston, as a "city upon a hill" from which Puritans would spread religious righteousness throughout the world.

John Winthrop

South American general and statesman, born in Argentina: leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile; protector of Peru

Jose de San Martin

Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition (1879-1953)

Joseph Stalin

Which of the following leaders initiated the widespread policy of collectivizing the agricultural industry in the Soviet Union?

Joseph Stalin Under Lenin's New Economic Policy, farms were still large privately-owned. With Stalin's first Five -Year Plan, however, all the nation's farmlands were placed under the control of the state. This led to widespread famine in the agriculture-based regions of the nation, as grain and produce were confiscated by the state to feed the military and other government employees.

German philosopher, economist, and revolutionary. With the help and support of Friedrich Engels he wrote The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital (1867-1894). aka father of modern communism

Karl Marx

All of the following cities are located in the taiga/boreal forest ecosystem, EXCEPT:

Kiev The taiga/boreal forest ecosystem or biome is characterized by coniferous forests in its southern areas and more tundra-like grasslands to the north. The climate tends to be between the subarctic and the continental. Kiev lies further south, in the temperate forest ecosystem and continental humid climate zone.

1505 Christian African ruler of Congo decided slavery harmed his nation and opposed it but failed to bring it to an end. Other rulers openly supported and dealt in slaves to gain power over enemies and to buy firearms from Europeans.

King Affonso

Who was King Sargon I of Akkadia, and why was he so important?

King Sargon I was the leader of Akkadia for over 50 years and united the Sumerian city-states.

Alexander the Great

King of Macedonia who conquered Greece, Persia, Egypt and the Indus Valley; spread Greek culture across three continents.

Australia Mountains Range


Mongolian emperor of China and grandson of Genghis Khan who completed his grandfather's conquest of China he establish the Yuan dynasty and built a great capital on the site of modern Beijing where he received Marco Polo (1216-1294)

Kublai Khan

An ancient African kingdom situated at the confluence of the White Nile, Blue Nile, and Atbara. Had farming, iron works, temples, art, and trade at its height in 200 B.C.. Ruled as pharaohs in Egypt for a time but was eventually conquered by Axum in 300 A.D.


Which of the following terms applies to the group of indigenous people of British Columbia, Canada?

Kwakiutl The Kwakiutl, today called the Kwakwaka'wakw, are indigenous to northern Vancouver Island, Queen Charlotte Strait and the Johnstone Strait in British Columbia, Canada.

Six Categories of Resources

Land Labor Capital Entrepreneurship Technology Scarcity

What development contributed to the Industrial Revolution in 18th century Great Britain?

Land reforms and increases in agricultural production

270 BCE Founder of Daoism (Taoism), the "Old Master" who encouraged people to give up worldly desires in favor of nature; stressed that people should live in harmony with nature.


Battle of Yorktown (1781)

Last major battle of the Revolutionary War. Cornwallis and his troops were trapped in the Chesapeake Bay by the French fleet. He was sandwiched between the French navy and the American army. He surrendered on October 19, 1781.

Mycenaean Age

Lasted from about 2000 B.C.E to the conquest of the Greek peninsula by invaders in the 1100s. Were bold traders and maintained contact with other countries from the Mediterranean and Europe. They were excellent engineers and built outstanding bridges, tombs, residences and palaces. Civilization is dedicated to King Agamemnon who led the Greeks in the Trojan War.


Late-eighteenth-century liberal offshoot of the New England Congregationalist Church; rejecting the Trinity, It professed the oneness of God and the goodness of rational man.

Spanish or Portuguese-speaking nations south of the U.S. chili, peru, brazil, mexico, bolivia, argentina, central america, carribean

Latin America

A measurement, in degrees, of a location's distance north or south of the equator.


African american inventor who played a key role in improving practical electrical lighting and invented other electronic gadgets

Lewis Latimer

The U.S., under Jefferson, bought the Louisiana territory from France, under the rule of Napoleon, in 1803. The U.S. paid $15 million for the Louisiana Purchase, and Napoleon gave up his empire in North America. The U.S. gained control of Mississippi trade route and doubled its size.

Louisiana Purchase


Love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it, the doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals, the aspiration for national independence felt by people under foreign domination.

The population statistics of Sweden, Japan, Canada, and other more-developed countries are characterized by

Low birth rates Low death rates

Around 700 A.D. developed a group of loosely associated states in modern day Democratic Republic of Congo


The study of the economy as a whole, considers inflation, unemployment and economic growth.


What is the name of the large island nation located southeast of Africa?

Madagascar Madagascar is one of the largest islands in the world. Mozambique, Namibia and Sierra Leone are nations on the continent of Africa.

Julius Caesar

Made dictator for life in 45 BCE, after conquering Gaul, assassinated in 44 BCE by the Senate because they were afraid of his power. Roman general who became the republic's dictator; created the basis for the calendar.

The royal charter of political rights given to rebellious English barons by King John in 1215. Rights given limited monarch's power, right to trial by peer jury for barons, and representation for taxation.

Magna Carta

-Hindu leader who protested with non violent acts and civil disobedience -Was able to: 1. Pull India out of British rule 2. Heal the clash between Hindus and Muslims 3. Gave rights to Outcastes, calling them "God's Children"

Mahatma Ghandi

Which of the following was a major purpose of the formation of the United Nations in 1945?

Maintaining worldwide peace and security

A poet and humorist who was Benedict Arnold's co-conspirator to betray West Point to the English. Hung by the Americans fro spying.

Major John Andre

1. Africa: Nile (world's longest) 2. Congo (5th longest) 3. Niger (largest delta in Africa) 4. Zambezi (famous for the Victoria Falls, one of the "Seven Natural Wonders of the World") 5. South America: Amazon (worlds 2nd longest river) 6. United States: Missouri (longest in the U.S.) 7. Mississippi (2nd longest in the US) 8. Colorado (famous for the grand canyon) 9. Niagara (famous for its falls) 10. Rio Grande (between US and Mexico) 11. St. Lawrence (links Great Lakes and Atlantic ocean)

Major Rivers

Which of the following is the most common psychological disorder in the United States?

Major depressive disorder This question asks you to recognize an important issue in psychological adjustment in the United States. While there are a number of different types of psychological disorders, the most common of the four choices listed is depression, which, according to a recent survey, occurs in approximately five percent of the population of the United States.

Which of the following powers does the Constitution grant to the president?

Making appointmentsThe Constitution grants the president the power to make appointments.

One advantage the Southern states held during the Civil War was that

Many battles occurred on lands with which Southerners were more familiar

Individuals make their own decisions about what to produce, how to produce it, and for whom to produce it.

Market Economies

No central authority. Every consumer makes buying decisions based off of own needs and desires. Every producers decides what to supply, what to charge and what methods to use.

Market Economy

The intersection of the demand and supply curv

Market Equilibrium

A product is selling at the exact price a seller wants and the exact price consumers are willing to pay. Economists call this what?

Market equilibrium When the price a seller wants and a consumer is willing to pay matches, this is called Market equilibrium. The market price is the price asked. Market quantity is the supply available.

In the model presented in The Isolated State, von Thunen argued that agricultural land-use types would develop in rings around a town or village. The innermost ring of von Thunen's model, closest to the center, was characterized by

Market gardens and dairying

The objects that distinguish a group of people, such as their art, buildings, and tools are known as

Material culture (defined as the physical objects, resources, and spaces that people use to define their culture)

Ostend Manifesto

Memorandum written in 1854 from Ostend, Belgium, by the U.S. ministers to England, France, and Spain recommending purchase or seizure of Cuba in order to increase the United States' slaveholding territory.

(371?-289 BCE), Chinese philosopher, who studied Confucianism. He later refined many of the ideas and spread them across China. Also known as Mengzi, or Meng-tzu.


What type of map projection shows lines of longitude as straight, parallel lines but shows the shortest land distance between 2 points on such a map as a great circle route?


Accurately shows shape and direction, but distorts distance and size of land masses.

Mercator map projection

Middle part of the Stone Age beginning about 15,000 years ago

Mesolithic Period

Was sparked by the factor of a continuing dispute over the southern boundary of Texas.

Mexican American War


Mexico's northern border is the United States, to the west, the Pacific Ocean and to the east, the Gulf of Mexico and the caribbean sea.

The study of individual parts that make up the economy. Includes household, business firms, government agencies. Big focus on how these units make decisions and the consequences of these decisions.


The historical period from around 500 A.D. up to around 1450 A.D. between the fall of Rome and the birth of the Renaissance. Robin Hood and King Arthur are set in these years as well as the building of the Gothic Cathedrals. The Catholic church was the only institution of religion and learning. The Pope and church were very powerful from about 800 A.D. when it crowned Charlemagne emperor. Conflict between monarchs and church marked this era.

Middle Ages

Geo-Political designation of the area stretching from the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the western side of the Indian subcontinent. Consists of countries such as Israel, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.

Middle East

Mesolithic Period (Middle Stone Age)

Middle part of the Stone Age beginning about 15,000 years ago, humans developed more advanced tools, transition period that lead to the changes in how humans produce food, slow moving from forager to (eventually) farmers, nomadic to semi-nomadic, nomadic to temporary settlements

Bronze Age civilization, centering on the island of Crete. Built huge palaces, writing, artisans, traded w/Egypt, Phoenicia and Mesopotamia

Minoan Age

An agreement in 1820 between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States concerning the extension of slavery into new territories

Missouri Compromise

Also known as a mixed constitution, is a form of government that integrated facets of government by democracy, oligarchy, and monarchy. It means there are some issues (often defined in a constitution) where the state is governed by the majority of the people, in some other issues the state is governed by few, in some other issues by a single person (also often defined in a constitution). The idea is commonly treated as an antecedent of separation of powers.

Mixed government

The main goal of the Meiji leaders of Japan in the late nineteenth century was to

Modernize Japan to allow it to compete with Western nations

An empire established by the Mongol conquerors of India that reigned from 1526 to 1857

Mogul Empire

What type of leader claimed to have power based on "divine right"?


Hard Money

Money given directly to a party candidate is hard money. The Federal Election Commission monitors hard money because of limitations on the amount and the money's source.

An empire founded in the 12th century by Genghis Khan, which reached its greatest territorial extent in the 13th century, encompassing the larger part of Asia and extending westward to the Dnieper River in eastern Europe making it the largest land empire in the world.

Mongol Empire

In 1591, what group of Northern African people conquered the Songhai with the use of guns.


Recently in Barcelona, Spain, a Bolivian immigrant was convicted of sexually abusing an 11-year-old girl. At his trial, the man said that in his country of origin, it was standard practice for a grown man to adopt a young girl and have sexual relations with her, so long as he promises the girl's family, as he had, that he will eventually marry her. The Bolivian immigrant to Spain is using which of the following as the basis of his legal defense?

Multiculturalism The man is claiming that even though he is legally bound by the laws of Spain while in Spain, his actions should be judged on the basis of a different culture--the culture of Bolivia, where his actions would supposedly be considered part of the norm, and not criminal.

Which of the following sequence of events is in chronological order?

Navigation Acts, Molasses Act, Currency Acts and Salutary neglect

Plain Indians

Nomadic and warlike, depended on buffalo and horse, hunted, fierce warriors, large tribes made up of smaller independent bands, rule by chief and elders, gender roles, communicated with other tribes through sign language

The value of something in current dollars without taking into account the effects of inflation.

Nominal Value

The Islamic states of North Africa became free during the 1950's and the 1960's. Algeria, egypt, libya, morocco, sudan, tunisia and western sahara

North Africa

What type of learning takes place through imitating others?

Observational (Albert Bandura - this is how we develop most of our behavior)

Are the largest bodies of salt water between the continents; there are 5 oceans


Which of the following uses curriculum design to promote an adolescent's motivation to read?

Offering students a choice of supplemental reading materials

A major reason for the collapse of the American economy after 1929 was

Overproduction of consumer goods

Which check is an implied power Congress has over the executive branch?

Oversight of executive agencies

Which of the following potential hazards has seen coordinated international efforts to prevent further damage to the environment?

Ozone depletion Ozone depletion, caused by chlorofluorocarbons, is expected to taper off over time, largely because of international agreements beginning with the Montreal Protocol of 1987 that limited the use and production of ozone-depleting chemicals.

What sorts of objects did Paleolithic people make?

Paleolithic people made simple tools, such as hand axes, stone spearheads, bows, arrows, harpoons, bone fishhooks, baskets, rape, statues, and flutes.

Townsend Acts 1767

Parliamentary measures (named for the chancellor of the Exchequer) that taxed tea and other commodities, and established a Board of Custom Commissioners and colonial vice-admiralty courts.

"You may well ask: 'Why direct action? Why sit ins, marches and so forth? Isn't negotiation a better path?' You are quite right in calling for negotiation. Indeed, this is the very purpose of direct action. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored." Martin Luther King, Jr., "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" (1963) Question: Of the following, which is a strategy reflected in the passage above that the Civil Rights movement used to obtain racial equality?

Peaceful civil disobedience to obtain social change

"You may well ask: 'Why direct action? Why sit-ins, marches, and so forth? Isn't negotiation a better path?' You are quite right in calling for negotiation. Indeed, this is the very purpose of direct action. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored."Martin Luther King, Jr., "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" (1963)Question: What is a strategy reflected in the passage above that the Civil Rights movement used to obtain racial equality?

Peaceful civil disobedience to obtain social change

A city in Pennsylvania, on the Delaware River. Established as a Quaker colony by William Penn and others in 1681, it was the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the adoption of the Constitution in 1787. First capital of the U.S. until moved to Washington D.C. in 1800.


'Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand That there's a God, that there's a Saviour too: Once I redemption neither sought nor knew. Some view our sable race with scornful eye, 'Their colour is a diabolic die.' Remember, Christians, Negros, black as Cain, Maybe refin'd and join th'angelic train. Who most likely wrote this poem?

Phillis Wheatley


Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543).

On which type of map are different countries represented in different colors, with no two adjacent countries sharing a color?

Political Map


Political rulers should avoid entangling alliances with other nations and avoid all wars not related to direct territorial self-defense.

Discovered and claimed Florida (Land of the Flowers) for Spain while looking for the Fountain of Youth 1513 and St. Augustine the first permanent European colony was established in 1565 to keep the French out.

Ponce De Leon

Which of the following was a direct consequence of the development of agriculture in the Middle East circa 10,000 B.C.E.?

Population density in settlements increased. The development of agriculture in what is called the Neolithic Revolution caused a transition in early human cultures from nomadic hunter-gatherer societies to large, settled agricultural societies. The domestication of plants allowed for crop surpluses and increasingly large populations.

Apache, Navajo, and Pueblo were cultures of the now southwest U.S. and thrived in river communities despite the deserts they lived in.

Pre - colonial Southwest Cultures

Tribes such as Wappo and Pomo were hunter gatherers in the forests, deserts, and grasslands of CA. Acorn bread was a common staple food after the poison was extracted from ground acorn pulp.

Pre-colonial CA Cultures

Plains covered the southern Canadian prairie provinces and most the central U.S. Blackfoot, Sioux, and Comanche are plains peoples. There lives changed with the arrival of horses from Spain's colonies as they turned from agriculture to hunting from horseback by following the herds.

Pre-colonial Plains Cultures

A narrow corridor extends the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the Atlantic Ocean, and the Caprivi Strip extends a very slim section of Namibia to the Zambezi River. The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Namibia are examples of

Prorupt states

Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965

Protected and enforced the laws of naturalization, the process by which a foreign-born perdosn becomes a citizen. It also tackled illegal entrance into the United States, preventing receipt of benefits such as social security or unemployment by those ineligible to receive them, and investigated, detained, and deported those illegally living in the United States.

What is an example of government intervention in a mixed economy?

Protecting workers from dangerous working conditions

Which is an example of a good that is "perfectly inelastic?"

Rabies Vaccines Goods that are perfectly inelastic are demanded no matter what the price is. Life-saving drugs, kidnapping ransoms and a drug addict's favored drugs fall into this category. The demand for elastic goods varies with price.

The Panic of 1857 was due to this industry suffering financial difficulties.

Railroad The Panic of 1857 was due to this industry suffering financial difficulties.

The Gilded AGe (1870 - 1900) was marked by

Rapid industrialization concentration of wealth (often at the expense of the working class and farmers)

Individuals are assumed to act rationally. Most misunderstood term. People take action based off of goals and knowledge to achieve goals and avoid actions to detract from goals.

Rational Behavior

That given a person's goals and knowledge, people take actions likely to achieve those goals and avoid actions likely to detract from those goals.

Rational Behavior

The United States dollar depreciates when

Real interest rates in the US lower than real interest rates in the rest of the world. The supply of the US Dollar increases in foreign exchange markets.

If the government imposes new regulations on businesses to increase product safety, how will real output and price level change?

Real output decreases Price level increases This happens because regulations are not free which imposes higher costs on businesses, causing aggregate supply to shift to the left. The shift causes higher price levels and lower outputs.

The period after the Civil War in the United States when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union


Negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1960s and 1970s most often dealt with which of the following issues?

Reducing the production of nuclear arms in both countries

Trail of Tears

Refers to the forced relocation between 1836 to 1839 of the Cherokee Nation from their lands in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and North Carolina to the Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma) in the Western United States, which resulted in the deaths of approximately 4,000 Cherokees.

Singapore has become one of the outstanding centers of manufacturing, finance, and trade along the Pacific Rim. This is due in part to which of the following geographic advantages?

Relative location Singapore's rapid economic growth is primarily due to its location near the rapidly growing economies of Southeast Asia and its position on the Malacca Strait, a major trade route connecting East Asia with South Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. In geographic terms, both of these features are aspects of Singapore's relative location.

Which of the following is a major social institution?

Religion This question asks you to recognize an important general social concept, the social institution. Social institutions are established organizations of positive significance to a society. They are usually dedicated to education, public service, or culture and preserve or propagate customs, practices, or relationships important to the community or society.

During the British colonization of North America, Quakers differed from other settler groups in their advocacy of

Religious and ethnic tolerance

The colony of Massachusetts was formed around the idea that

Religious freedom would be allowed to colonists with Puritan beliefs

Which of the following is one way that the legislative branch of government can check the power of the executive branch?

Remove a president from office using the impeachment process

A bank's monetary holdings.


The fundamental economic problem is described as

Resources are limited (scarcity) and wants and needs are unlimited (not enough to satisfy)

At the most basic level, justice can be considered as the socio-political instantiation of the economic principle of:

Scarcity At the very core of the rhetorical welter orbiting the various moral and philosophical takes on justice, there is some deep psycho-sociological playing out of feelings of what is fair and what is not. That is, what is just and unjust involves the allocation of limited resources, whether they be resources of reward and punishment, of wealth and power, of disease and health, of pain and pleasure, or of truth and untruth. Economics also begins with the problem of how to distribute and utilize a finite well of matter and muscle.

Adam Smith

Scottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade (1723-1790), he wrote the Wealth of Nations and designed modern Capitalism.

What group of law enforcement is responsible for protecting the President?

Secret Service This group was created so that the President would be constantly protected from people who would be willing to assassinate him. Throughout history, they have managed to thwart people who would have tried to kill the President and other high ranking political members.

A mother and her 2-year-old daughter are in an examination room at the pediatrician's office. The child is happily playing with toys on the floor. When the doctor enters, the child quickly drops her toys and moves to her mother's side. The daughter is displaying behavior typical of

Secure attachment The behavior described demonstrates the child using the mother as a safe base which indicates secure attachment.

The Olive Branch Peririon, written at the 2nd Continental Congress in 1775, reflects a colonial desire to

Seek peace with Great Britain despite recent mounting tension

RFK began gaining on Humphrey in the polls. He wanted to negotiate a peaceful end to the war ASAP. He also believed in Civil Rights Reform and assistance to the poor. On June 5, 1968, RFK won the CA primary and then was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan.

Senato Robert Kennedy

Yellow Journalism

Sensationalism in newspaper publishing that reached a peak in the circulation between Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst in 1890. Each newpaper's accounts events in Havana harbor in 1898 that led to the Spanish-American War.

The revolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain British practices that violated religious customs; also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.

Sepoy Rebellion

Why was Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts?

She was using the church's sermons to teach men, which was not seen as appropriate behavior for a woman.

Farming system where farmers move on from one place to another when the land becomes exhausted. The most common form is slash-and-burn agriculture: land is cleared by burning, so that crops can be grown. Slash-and-burn is practised in many tropical forest areas, such as the Amazon region, where yams, cassava, and sweet potatoes can be grown

Shifting cultivation

State for freed black slaves established by freed slave Olaudah Equiano British abolitionists 1787.

Sierra Leone

Explored the Mississippi River to Gulf of Mexico and claimed entire river valley for France (named it Louisiana in honor French Kings)

Sieur de La Salle

Biological drives are primary source of human activity.

Sigmund Freud

"Normally, there is nothing of which we are more certain than the feeling of our self, of our own ego. This ego appears to us as something autonomous and unitary, marked off distinctly from everything else. That such an appearance is deceptive, and that on the contrary the ego is continued inwards, without any sharp delimitation, into an unconscious mental entity which we designate as the id and for which it serves as a kind of façade—this was a discovery first made by psychoanalytic research, which should still have much more to tell us about the relation of the ego to the id." The ideas expressed in the excerpt are most closely associated with which of the following thinkers?

Sigmund Freud This question asks you to recognize the terminology and references in a quotation and assign them to a famous psychological theorist. Sigmund Freud believed that the human mind was composed of functional elements known as the ego, the id, and the superego. The id is composed of primitive desires for pleasure; the superego is composed of the internalization of social moral commands; and the ego is the conscious mediator between an individual and reality.

Indian Removal Act of 1830

Signed by President Andrew Jackson, the law permitted the negotiation of treaties to obtain the Indians' lands in exchange for their relocation to what would become Oklahoma.

Which of the following did NOT shift public opinion within the Colonies toward independence?

Similar revolutions in France and Haiti

What was the main after-effect of the Molasses Act?


Federal programs are designed to provide insurance against such social problems as old age, illness, and unemployment. Those programs are called

Social insurance programs


Social reform movement of the nineteenth century driven by the belief that by establishing small communities based on common ownership of property, a less competitive and individualistic society could be developed.

The Pyrenees Mountain range separates continental Europe from the Iberian Peninsula. What country or countries are located on the Iberian Peninsula?

Spain and Portugal Spain is the larger country. Portugal is surrounded by Spain and the Atlantic Ocean.

1898 War fought between the US and Spain in Cuba and the Philippines. It lasted less than 3 months and resulted in Cuba's independence as well as the US annexing Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

Spanish American War


Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547)

Which of the following changes would have most improved Jamestown's chance for success?

Starting with colonists who possessed the skills needed for survival

In a political cartoon, two young students are looking at a parking meter on a desk. The students are saying, "The state decided to leave per-pupil spending up to the individual." What is the subject of this cartoon?

State funding of education and schools

Max Weber argued that individuals band together based on such factors as race, ethnicity, religion, occupation, and gender to form

Status groups The German sociologist Max Weber believed that people come together to achieve aims based on cultural identities or interests. The existence of these status groups normally leads to the creation of a hierarchical order in the form of social stratification.

Directly allowed early factories in the United States to appear outside the mill towns of New England

Steam power

Occurs when workers' skills do not match the jobs that are available. Changes in technology and tastes can have an impact on this.

Structural Unemployment

Unemployment that occurs as a result of a mismatch between currently available workers and required job skills is

Structural unemployment Structural unemployment happens when there is a mismatch between jobs and skills.

The result of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 reflected the

Support of business interests by the government over the grievances of workers

Korematsu v. United States (1944)

Supreme Court case where the Supreme Court upheld the order providing for the relocation of Japanese Americans. It was not until 1988 that Congress formally apologized and agreed to pay $20,000 to each survivor.

Vodou (voodoo) and Santeria are examples of

Syncretic religions

The most destructive civil war before the twentieth century. A Christian-inspired rural rebellion threatened to topple the Qing Empire.

Taiping Rebellion

Which of the following was suggested by the New Jersey Plan?

That all States should have equal power. The main idea behind the New Jersey Plan was that all States, regardless of population, should have equal political power.

Holding all other factors constant, the high price of healthcare in the United States as compared to other developed countries in the world indicates

That the U.S. healthcare system is less efficient than that of other countries Taking no other factors into account, high healthcare prices in the U.S. as compared to other developed countries show that demand outstrips supply in the U.S. This indicates inefficiency, as healthcare providers have not increased output enough to meet the demand, and thus bring market price closer to the equilibrium price as indicated by lower prices in the healthcare markets in other countries.

The passage of the Quebec Act of 1774 caused which of the following concerns among British North American colonists?

The British government might replace elected assemblies in the colonies with appointed officials The Quebec Act, passed by the British Parliament in 1774, set governing procedures for the creation of the new province of Quebec in Canada and the Ohio Valley, including the reorganization of local governments under royal authority. Colonists feared that Great Britain could impose new governments on other North American colonies, replacing their chartered governments and elected assemblies entirely with direct crown rule through appointed British imperial officials.

Which document suggested the legislative branch have a House of Representatives and a Senate?

The Connecticut Compromise

Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us...protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these States...imposing taxes on us without our consent...transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences. "These grievances listed in the Declaration of Independnce are a direct response to which of the following British actions?

The Intolerable Acts

How did the Navigation Acts impact the governance of the Colonies?

The Navigation Acts attempted to increase the influence of the monarchy there after it was restored in 1660.

James and his family ventured to the New World in search of religious freedom, and upon their arrival they settled close to a water source in a small village. James and other members of his family found jobs working in the fishing and shipbuilding industries, while the younger children attended the village's public school. Based upon the passage above, James most likely lived in _____.

The Northern Colonies

When was the Paleolithic Era?

The Paleolithic era, or the Old Stone Age, spanned about 2,500,000 BCE to around 10,000 BCE.

The Constitution of the United States provides which of the following instructions regarding the selection of the President?

The President shall be elected by an institution whose members are appointed by the states.

Karen and her husband both maintain full-time careers. At home in the evening, Karen finds herself responsible for the majority of the housework. Which concept best describes the pattern that sociologists find when working women perform more domestic labor than their spouses?

The Second Shift

Which of the following is a difference between the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate?

The Senate has the ability to filibuster legislation, but the House does not.

Which of the following is a difference between the Senate and the House of Representatives?

The Senate is governed by fewer formal rules than the House is.

What development best accounts for the first appearance of villages in southwestern North America circa 300 B.C.E.?

The ability to adapt and grow crops such as maize

What was the most important factor in the conduct of long-distance trade in the Indian Ocean region prior to circa 1500 C.E.?

The ability to use monsoon winds

What illustrates the short-run impacts of an increase in government purchases on the price level and real output?

The aggregate demand curve shifts to the right, increasing the price level and real output. (Government purchases are a component of aggregate demand)

Money Multiplier

The amount of money the banking system generates from each dollar of reserves, the multiple by which deposits can increase for every dollar increase in reserves; equal to1 divided by the required reserve ration.

Assume that fish and chicken are substitutes. If chicken farms experience a significant increase in the price of chicken feeds, which of the following will most likely occur?

The demand curve in the fish market will shift to the right. An increase in the cost of chicken feed shifts the supply curve in the chicken market to the left, causing an increase in the price of chicken. Since chicken and fish are substitutes, the demand for fish increases, and the demand curve will shift to the right.

The United States dollar appreciates when

The demand for the US dollar increases in foreign exchange markets. The price level in the US decreases relative t price levels in the rest of the world

Which of the following was the most important contributing factor to the outbreak of the Iranian Revolution in 1979?

The desire to restore Islamic fundamentalist theology as a political force Demonstrations against the United States-supported Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi began in 1977 and the revolution took place in 1979. Under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran became an Islamic republic with a government intent on eliminating secularism.

Battle of Lexington and Concord

The first military engagement of the Revolutionary War. It occurred on April 19, 1775, when British soldiers fired into a much smaller body of minutemen on Lexington green.

Niger River

The longest river in West Africa, and a kind of trading highway in early times

If a country imposes a tariff on imports, which of the following will occur?

The loss in consumer surplus will exceed the gain in producer surplus.

Which of the following is true of the market basket of goods and services used to calculate the consumer price index?

The market basket remains fixed to measure the change in the prices of the same goods. The consumer price index holds the market basket constant so that only changes in price are measured.

Thomas Paine's Common Sense contributed most to what development?

The ratification of the Paris Peace Treaty at the end of the American Revolution


The religious center of Athens in Ancient Greece; meeting place; site of Parthenona. Large hill in ancient Greece where city residents sought shelter and safety in times of war and met to discuss community affairs

Which of the following was an effect of the Mongol conquests under Genghis Khan and his successors during the thirteenth century?

The revival of trade along the Silk Road During the thirteenth century, the Mongol Empire provided protection over much of the Silk Road. This allowed for increased trade and cultural exchange.

French Revolution

The revolution that began in 1789, overthrew the absolute monarchy of the Bourbons and the system of aristocratic privileges, and ended with Napoleon's overthrow of the Directory and seizure of power in 1799.

If a state's population increases, its representation in Congress is most likely to change in which of the following ways?

The state will gain representation in the House only. In the House, representation is based on population, meaning that if a state has an increase in population, it will most likely gain representation in the House

Chinese Revolution

The struggle between Nationalists and Communists forces in China that began in the 1920s and ended in 1949 with a Communist victory.

Which of the following best describes the process of devolution?

The transfer of power or authority from a central government to local governments Devolution is the process by which governmental power or authority is transferred from a higher national or federal level to a lower, more local, or regional level.

Which of the following developments was the most direct effect of the Indian Rebellion of 1857?

The transition from East India Company rule to direct rule by the British Crown

Treaty of Versailles

The treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans. Terms on which the U.S. would mediate would include the retrocession of Alsace-Lorraine to France and the acquistion of Constantinople by Russia.

Which of the following is true of the lifestyle developed by the Hopi tribe?

The tribe depended on agriculture

John Adams once said, "I am Vice President. In this I am nothing, but I may be everything." What did he mean?

The vice president does not have much official power, but should he become president, he will have a great deal of power.

The Great Peloponnesian War from 432 B.C.E. to 405 B.C.E. immediately resulted in

The weakening of the Athenian city-state

Which of the following effects of the Industrial Revolution most likely influenced Karl Marx's development of the Communist Manifesto?

The widening socioeconomic gap between factory owners and factory workers Communist Manifesto was largely influenced by Marx's observations of the poor working conditions of factory workers and the growing wealth and influence of factory owners.

Which of the following is TRUE about secondary groups in a society?

They are usually institutional Secondary groups are large groups in which the relationships are formal and institutional. Members choose to be a part of a secondary group because of common interests or common goal. Secondary groups have limited influence on members' personality.

Why are the Olmecs considered the first complex society in Mesoamerica?

They developed the region's first written language and numbering system.

Which of the following best describes the lifestyle of Native American peoples in Mexico before the arrival of European colonizers?

They farmed diverse crops and engaged in seasonal migration. With the domestication and cultivation of maize, large-scale agriculture was able to support the development of large cities and sophisticated political and social structures in the area that is now Mexico.

How did the Impressionists radically change the art of painting in the 1870s?

They rejected the studios where artists had traditionally worked and went out into the countryside to paint nature directly.

Which of the following can be concluded about most early civilizations from the map above?

They tended to form where irrigation would be unnecessary or easily accomplished. The map shows that most early civilizations were located in river valleys or along coasts. The correct answer, therefore, is (B).

Why did European monarchs of the 15th century sponsor the voyages of many explorers?

They wanted to engage in lucrative trade in Asia.

Born to free black parents in Virginia; as well educated as some white students; free black craftsman and successful businessman of fine furniture; lived in Milton, Caswell County

Thomas Day

Which of the following best describes the role of the president pro tempore of the United States Senate?

To preside over the Senate in the absence of the vice president

Labor unions were formed for all of these reasons EXCEPT:

To protect factory owners from being sued

Why did Cecil Calvert approve the Act of Religious Toleration in Maryland ?

To protect the rights of the minority Catholics

The Old world 'received' _____ from the Columbian Exchange.

Tomatoes and habanero peppers

Average Variable Cost (AVC)

Total variable cost divided by the number of units of output

Oldest synagogue in America built in 1763.


Treaty between Bolsheviks and Germans to get Russia out of the WWI. 1) Russia lost 1/3 of her population and 2 million square miles of land. 2) height of German success in WWI. Signed by Lenin.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

1848 ends the Mexican American War. For $15 Million the US acquired Texas territory north of the Rio Grande, New Mexico, and California. US territory increased by 1/3 as a result of the treaty.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo

Which of the following is NOT a British government measure which angered colonists prior to the American Revolution?

Treaty of Paris The Treaty of Paris in 1763 ended fighting between France and Great Britain, but the treaty itself contained little that directly affected the American colonists.

Set the Line of Demarcation which was a boundary established in 1493 to define Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the Americas.

Treaty of Tordesillas

Jay's Treaty

Treaty with Britain negotiated in 1794 by Chief Justice John Jay; Britain agreed to vacate forts in the Northwest Territories, and festering disagreements (border with Canada, prewar debts, shipping claims) would be settled by commission.

Mound Builders

Tribes of North America who built extensive mounds of dirt, especially in the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys. They created distinctive earthen works that served as elaborate burial places

An alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WWI.

Triple Alliance

A loose alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI.

Triple Entente

Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey formed a powerful governmental coalition called

Triumvirate A triumvirate is a government by three people with equal power. Crassus, Pompey, and Julius Caesar emerged as victors of 50 years of Roman civil wars. They combined wealth and power to form a government.

The post-Second World War United States foreign policy that called for supporting European countries against communist invasions or communist revolutions was the

Truman Doctrine Set forth by President Harry S. Truman in 1947, the Truman Doctrine stated that the United States would provide economic and military support to Greece and Turkey to prevent them from falling into the Soviet sphere of influence. This policy marked one of the earliest attempts at containing communist expansion throughout Europe and the world.

Battle of Saratoga

Turning point of the American Revolution. It was very important because it convinced the French to give the U.S. military support. It lifted American spirits, ended the British threat in New England by taking control of the Hudson River, and, most importantly, showed the French that the Americans had the potential to beat their enemy, Great Britain.

German submarines used in World War I. Sank many Allied ships most famously the civilian ship, Lusitania in 1915. Sinking of civilian ships was not allowed but British were smuggling contraband weapons on civilian ships.


The document written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 that sets forth the institutional structure of the U.S. government and the tasks these institutions perform. It replaced the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution came about by a series of compromises between large and small states, free and slave states, and federalists and anti-federalists.

U.S. Constitution

The highest court in the land which has original jurisdiction in all cases involving ambassadors, consuls, other public ministers, and cases in which a state is a party. First organized in 1790 with 1 chief judge and 5 associate judges. Hears first case in 1792.

U.S. Supreme Court

Marshall Plan

U.S. program for the reconstruction of post-World War II Europe through massive aid to former enemy nations as well as allies.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Created by Lenin in 1922. Included 16 republics of which Russia was the largest.


An American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War.

Ulysses Grant

1860s-1870s Otto von Bismark unified Germany through or because a series of small strategic wars against Denmark, Austria, and France

Unified Germany

The 1974 case in which the Supreme Court unanimously held that the doctrine of exceutive privilege was implicit in the Constitution but could not be extended to protect documents relevant to criminal prosecutions. It limited the President's executive privilege.

United States vs. Nixon

This Spanish explorer started out as a stowaway and was the first European to see the eastern Pacific Ocean. Who was he?

Vasco de Balboa Balboa stowed away with his dog Leoncico. Before long, he was in command of the ship. He landed in Darien (now called Panama) and established a permanent colony.

An American civil rights activist. He became the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1910, becoming founder and editor of the NAACP's journal The Crisis. He rose to national attention in his opposition of Booker T. Washington's ideas of social integration between whites and blacks, campaigning instead for increased political representation for blacks in order to guarantee civil rights and the formation of a Black elite that would work for the progress of the African American race. He was willing to form alliances with progressive White Americans in pursuit of civil rights.

WEB Du Bois

Began when Germany invaded Poland in 1934; US became in WWII when Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan in 1941 and ended in 1945


The amount of money that a person makes from working is known as what?

Wage Every person who works is entitled to make a wage so that they are able to use the money for what they want. All wages are reported to the IRS for tax purposes.

All of the following are classifications of crimes EXCEPT:


Gibbons v. Ogden

Was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the power to regulate interstate commerce was granted to Congress by the Commerce Clause of the United States Consitution. Chief Justice John Marshall ruled against the State of New York's gathering of steamboat monopolies.

Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)

Was a conflict between the Second French Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia. The complete Prussian and German victory brought about the final unification of Germany under King Wihelm I of Prussia.

William Lloyd Garrison

Was a prominent American abolitionist, journalist, volunteerist, and social reformer. He is best known as the editor of the radical abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator, and as one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society, he promorted "immediate emancipation" of slaves in the United States.

The New Deal

Was a series of economic programs passed by Congress during the first term of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States, from 1933 to his reelection in 1937. The programs were responses to the Great Depression, and focused on what historians call the 3 R's: relief, recovery, and reform. It attempted to improve the economy through large-scale spending on relief and reform.

The Concept of Zero

Was developed in India and brought to Europe by Arab mathematicians. The place-value notation was much more efficient than the unwieldly numerical systems of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

Expansion of European colonial rule in Africa

Was greatest from 1850 - 1900

Mexican-American War

Was sparked by the factor of a continuing dispute over the southern boundary of Texas.

Yalta Conference (1945)

Was the February 4-11, 1945 wartime meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, for the purpose of discussing Europe's postwar reorganization. Mainly, it was intended to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe. Established new boundaries for Poland.

Capital of the US was moved here in 1800 during Washington's presidency. The secretary of treasury, Hamilton, nationalized the debt (80 million). The south was suspicious because the southern states didn't owe that much debt. Hamilton promised the new capital would be built in the south so the southerners could watch over affairs. This appeased them and ended in DC.

Washington D.C.

The Boxer Rebellion in China was most directly a response to which of the following developments?

Western colonial and religious expansion into China The Boxer Rebellion, a violent uprising that took place in China around 1900, primarily targeted Christian missionaries and Western imperialist expansion.

Susan B. Anthony, who was rasied as a Quaker, was a powerful organizer in the women's rights movement. A dedicated reformer, she joined the temperance movement and worked for the American Antislavery Society. Sojourner Truth, a former slave, spoke out against slavery and in defense of women's rights. Truth often attended women's rights conventions to remind women that their African American sisters had a place in the movement. Susan B. Anthony and Sojourner Truth both worked for which of the following reforms?

Women's rights and abolitionism

Was the February 4-11, 1945 wartime meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union, for the purpose of discussing Europe's postwar reorganization. Mainly, it was intended to discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe. Established new boundaries for Poland.

Yalta Conference

Was a court ambassador in Ming Dynasty. He made 7 voyages from 1405 - 1433 C.E. to southern Asia, India, Arabia, and Africa to display the wonders and power of China to these lesser powers as China would not remain apart from the world forever. He also collected gifts for China. The routes he traveled were based on the experience of Chinese merchants with the currents and weather of the Indian Ocean.

Zheng He


a period of slow economic growth and high unemployment (stagnation) while prices rise (inflation)

Caste System in India

a set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society


a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches. Hold up action on a bill by refusing to yield the floor, gives individual senators a degree of influence over legislation that is not available to the members of the House, whose debate is governed by a more restrictive set of rules.

In the late nineteenth century, economic development in the southern United States was largely characterized by

continued reliance on agriculture and related enterprises

Which of the following artists · Most characterized a "Renaissance man," embodying the qualities of artist, architect, and mathematician? · Studied human anatomy with the intent of drawing more realistic figures? · Painted a mural of The Last Supper? · painted the Mona Lisa?

da Vinci Although Michelangelo, Raphael, and Botticelli were all artists of the Renaissance, the description above is that of Leonardo da Vinci.

Prorupt states

have a political border that is generally compact but that has one or more corridors or panhandles that extend outward from the main body of the country.

Intolerable Acts

in response to Boston Tea Party, 4 acts passed in 1774, Port of Boston closed, reduced power of assemblies in colonies, permitted royal officers to be tried elsewhere, provided for quartering of troop's in barns and empty houses.


in the Christian era or "In the year of our Lord" (meaning Christ) many have moved to using C.E. or common era

Uncle Tom's Cabin

is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe. Published in 1852, the novel "helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War" and inspired people in the North to join antislavery campaigns.

Proclamation of 1763

law created by British officials that prohibited colonists from settling in areas west of the Appalachian Mountains

17th Amendment

was ratified in 1913. This amendment allowed the citizens to choose their Senators by holding elections and participating in a popular vote.


year of Columbus lands in Americas


year of Independence of India and Pakistan

Which of the following best describes the political organization of Maya civilization circa 300-700 C.E.?

A collection of independent city-states During the fourth through eighth centuries C.E., Maya civilization was composed of a series of independent city-states, under which the most

In the decade after the end of the Cold War, United States foreign policy was most strongly characterized by which of the following?

A focus on expanding economic prosperity through globalization and free trade After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States was able to shift some of the energy and focus that had been devoted to the Cold War standoff to more productive economic goals. United States leaders believed that globalization offered the clearest path to both national and international prosperity, and pursued policies to break down trade barriers and open new markets to American businesses.

Production Possibilities Curve

A graph that describes the maximum amount of one good that can be produced for every possible level of production of the other good.

Mixed System

An economic system that includes both private ownership of property and government control (or regulation) of some services and industries

Judicial Activism

An interpretation of the U.S. constitution holding that the spirit of the times and the needs of the nation can legitimately influence judicial decisions (particularly decisions of the Supreme Court)

Speaker of the House

An office mandated by the Constitution. The Speaker is chosen in practice by the majority party, has both formal and informal powers, and is second in line to succeed to the presidency should that office become vacant.

An election in which voters are not required to be members of a political party to vote for party candidates is known as

An open primary In an open primary, voters can choose on election day in which political party primary they want to participate. Closed primaries require voters to declare themselves in advance of election day (often 30 days) while in blanket primaries voters may choose a candidate for each office without regard to party. A top-two primary is a system whereby all candidates appear on the primary ballot, all registered voters can participate, and the top two advance to the general election.

In a laissez-faire economic system. the role of government is to

Avoid intefering except to ensure free competition in the marketplace

Style in art and architecture developed in Europe from about 1550 to 1700, emphasizing dramatic, curving forms, elaborate ornamentation, and overall balance of disparate parts. Associated with Catholicism.


Goods and services exchange directly for other goods and services.

Barter Economy

Only real naval battle of the WWI. May 1916. German Baltic fleet met Brits of coast of Denmark. Germans inflicted heavy British losses but failed to break British blockade. German fleet retreated to Baltic and stayed there. British naval supremacy confirmed but British were unable to defeat German fleet completely in order to service Russia through the Baltic.

Battle of Jutland

Last major battle of the Revolutionary War. Cornwallis and his troops were trapped in the Chesapeake Bay by the French fleet. He was sandwiched between the French navy and the American army. He surrendered October 19, 178

Battle of Yorktown

Women faced all of the follwoing kinds of discrimination in the 1960s EXCEPT:

Being denied the right to vote

Which of the following BEST explains why the Jim Crow laws were thought to be unfair?

Black American facilities were usually substantiated compared to those of White Americans.

The epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages 1347-1351 when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe. Was caused by fleas on ship rats departing Asia but at the time was considered to be caused by magic or as punishment from God. Led in increased wages and taxes for the decimated workforce causing many revolts.

Black Death

Demonstration (1773) by citizens of Boston who (disguised as Indians) raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumped hundreds of chests of tea into the harbor as a protest to taxes on tea

Boston Tea Party

At which of the following battles of the Civil War did civilians and soldiers alike first realize that the War would be a brutal and drawn-out conflict, and not a mere military lark?

Bull Run Taking place at a locale not far from Washington, D.C., the Battle of Bull Run drew picnicking spectators from the Union's capital. Confederate forces routed the Union soldiers, and the Union realized that it was up against a more determined, and cruel foe than it had projected.

The court ruled that manual recounts of presidential ballots in the Nov. 2000 election could not proceed because inconsistent evaluation standards in different counties violated the equal protection clause. In effect, the ruling meant Bush would win election.

Bush vs. Gore

The Black Death

By 1348, this disease ravaged from Italy, Spain, and France to the rest of Europe; transmitted by fleas on rats; considered an epidemic; one in three people died; spread from Asia to middle east; people turned to witchcraft for cures; some beat themselves because they considered the disease God's punishment; Christians blamed Jews; production declined; higher wages; inflation

American spy that was captured and hanged by British. "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."

Captain Nathan Hale

Swedish botanist who developed the first successful system for classifying living things into similar groups, a system that is still in use today: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Carolus Linnaeus

Marbury vs. Madison

Case in which the supreme court first asserted the power of Judicial review in finding that the congressional statue expanding the Court's original jurisdiction was unconstitutional

The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution are political events that took place in which country?


All of the cultures EXCEPT which one influenced Islamic art and architecture?


A monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior. Rose and spread through the Roman Empire then onto the most of the world.


Measuring changes in the atmosphere and the air is a more in-depth way of looking at what geographical feature?

Climate To the every day person, climate means expected or habitual weather at a particular place and time of year. To the specialist however, climate is the sum of atmospheric elements (and their variations): solar radiation, temperature, humidity, clouds and precipitation (type, frequency, and amount), atmospheric pressure, and wind (speed and direction).

Which of the following most likely led to the shift in human societies from hunting and gathering to agriculture beginning circa 8,000 B.C.E. ?

Climate change The end of the last ice age occurred around 10,000 B.C.E., and the increasing warmth spurred a shift from hunting and gathering to systematic agriculture over time.

Spear tips that were first found in _____ were offered as evidence for the Land Bridge theory because similar points have been discovered in the area around Beringia.

Clovis, New Mexico

Which of the following powers is being exercised by the different levels of government if a citizen is required to pay federal, state, and local taxes?

Concurrent powers (Powers that can be used at the same time) Concurrent powers are powers that the federal, state and local governments can exercise at the same time.

Chinese philosopher (circa 551-478 BC), administrator, and moralist. His social and moral teachings, collected in the Analects , tried to replace former religious observances


Which of the following religious groups did NOT emerge during the Second Great Awakening?


Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order and establish a plan for a new balance of power after the defeat of Napoleon in early 1800s.

Congress of Vienna

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Legislative Oversight

Congress' monitoring of the bureaucracy and its administration of policy, performed mainly through hearings, the power of Congress to oversee how laws are carried out.


Contributed to the knowledge of the ancient Greeks by proposing new methods for treating diseases.

Although the religion known as Buddhism started in India, it is not very common there. Instead, Buddhism is more popular in other parts of Asia, including China, Thailand, and Vietnam. The process that best accounts for this widespread distribution is known as:

Cultural diffusion

Which of the following contributed to the spread of Islam into East Africa before 1450 C.E.?

Cultural diffusion along Indian Ocean trade routes Islam was introduced to East Africa primarily by contacts facilitated by commerce between African and Middle Eastern trading cities.

Term for the roughly 200-year period in history that followed the final collapse of the Mycenaean civilization in the 12th century BC. to about 1400 B.C. Also, saw the decline of Roman Empire. Often included as the early years termed the Middle Ages.

Dark Ages

Brown v. Board of Education

Decision saying, segregation in SCHOOLS is a violating of the 14th amendment, 1954, stated that it was unconstitutional to maintain separate black and white schools, overturned Plessey v. Ferguson (1896). Ruled that segregated schools are not acceptable because of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

A member of Congress observes that 70% of her constituents support a law that requires stricter regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. Despite some concerns over how the law will be implemented, she votes in favor of it. The congresswoman's actions reflect which model of representation?


Checking accounts held in commercial banks. Funds are transferred by means of a check.

Demand Deposits

1813-1873 First white man to do humanitarian and religious work in South and Central Africa. He wanted to improve people's health and Christianize them. No one had heard from him and thought him to be dead. H. M. Stanley found him.

Dr. David Livingston

What law was passed that enabled Hitler to take control of the nation of Germany?

Enabling Act This was passed by the Nazi party barring anyone who chose to go against them from being able to vote. Soon after Hitler took power, World War II was set in place to begin.

The Inca were defeated by:

Francisco Pizarro

1870-71, war between France and Prussia; seen as German victory; seen as a struggle of Darwinism; led to Prussia being the most powerful European nation. Instigated by Bismarck; France seen as the aggressor eventually led to WWI due the changes in balance of power.

Franco Prussian War

The Maya and Aztec civilizations were similar in that both

Had sophisticated calendar systems Both the Maya and later the Aztec developed sophisticated calendar systems for use in religious rituals.

How did John Locke's ideas influence the American Enlightenment?

His rejection of divine right and the idea of government by the governed are foundations of American Revolutionary thought

A republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 after WWII


Which of the following supported the unequal treatment of African Americans in the United States throughout the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century?

Jim Crow Laws

There is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demand; people will be willing and able to buy more if the product gets cheaper.

Law of Demand

Nat Turner

Led the most important slave uprising in nineteenth-century America. The rebellion he led killed about sixty white people in Virginia in 1831.

He was very rich and noble when he arrived in America at the age of 19 years old. He believed in the liberty that the Americans were fighting for and asked to help. He became a general on Washington's staff and fought hard. He was known as "the soldier's friend," and is buried in France but his grave is covered with earth from Bunker Hill.

Marquis de Lafayette

Which of the following best characterizes the Supreme Court's ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut?

Married couples have certain privacy rights that legislatures may not violate. Griswold v. Connecticut, the Court ruled that married couples have privacy rights that legislatures may not violate. This case was a foundational case for the right to privacy.

German religious reformer who authored 95 Theses, posted in 1517 to church doors in Wittenburg, led to religious reform in Germany, denied papal power and absolutist rule. Claimed there were only 2 sacraments: baptism and communion.

Martin Luther

Sasha, a preschool child, is talking to her grandmother on the telephone. Although her grandmother cannot see her, Sasha points to a drawing taped to the refrigerator in front of her and says, "See what I did at school, Grandma?" According to Jean Piaget, in which stage of cognitive development is Sasha operating

Preoperational According to Piaget's stages of cognitive development, preoperational thought emerges between the ages of 2 and 7 years. During this time, children exhibit egocentric behaviors and are only able to see things from their own point of view. In this example, Sasha does not understand that her grandmother cannot see the picture on the refrigerator.

Which of the following US regions is most prone to tsunamis and earthquakes?

Puget Sound


Ruler of Inca society from 1438 to 1471; launched a series of military campaigns that gave Incas control of the region from Cuzco to the shores of Lake Titicaca

What is a unique function of political parties?

Running candidates for elected office


Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition.

Occurs as a result of harvest schedules or vacations, or when industries slow or shut down for a season.

Seasonal Unemployment

An English adventurer and writer, who was prominent at the court of Queen Elizabeth I, and became an explorer of the Americas. Claimed Virginia for Queen. In 1585, Raleigh sponsored the first English colony in America on Roanoke Island in present-day North Carolina. It failed and is known as " The Lost Colony."

Sir Walter Raleigh

Which of the following forms of agriculture would traditionally be practiced in a tropical climate?

Slash-and-burn agriculture The slash-and-burn farming technique is prevalent in tropical climates and is practiced in patches of forest that are cleared for agriculture by cutting and burning the undergrowth. The plots are used for a relatively short time before being abandoned in favor of freshly cleared areas.

The 2011 political uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, and Syria known as the Arab Spring were most notable for the prominent use of which of the following in encouraging opposition to the ruling governments?

Social media platforms on the Internet

Economics is defined as a social science that deals with the study of how

Society chooses to use its scarce resources to satisfy competing needs Economics deals with the allocation of scarce resources among competing ends to satisfy society's unlimited wants.

People of high socioeconomic status have more resources to help them cope with and mitigate the effects of the stress they experience. As a result, they have better physical and mental health than people of lower socioeconomic status. This example illustrates which of the following?

Socioeconomic status differences have multiple consequences in individuals' daily lives. Differences in socioeconomic status can have multiple effects on individuals' daily lives. In the example provided, lower socioeconomic status affects how well individuals are able to manage stress, which in turn affects their overall health outcomes.

Which of the following best characterizes the political structures of the Greek city-states of Sparta and Athens in the classical period (circa 510 B.C.E. to 323 B.C.E.) ?

Sparta was a military encampment that required citizens to serve as soldiers most of their lives; Athens was a limited democracy in which citizens participated in government, including the military, but performed other work too. In order to pacify the Helots (slaves) who performed most agricultural work, Sparta converted its citizenry into a standing army, for which service began in boyhood. Athens, by contrast, was a more open society with active participation of citizens — albeit only a small percentage of all inhabitants — in an assembly and a richer civic life.

The reciprocal of 1 minus the marginal propensity to consume. Or the reciprocal of the marginal propensity to save.

Spending Multiplier

Native American who helped the English Pilgrims in Massachusetts develop agricultural techniques and served as an interpreter between the colonists and the Wampanoag. In November of 1621 first Thanksgiving was celebrated by settlers and Indians with native foods grown.


Bantu combined with Arabic along the east African coast to form the Swahili language starting about 1000 A.D. because of migration of Muslims due to trade in gold, ivory, and slaves between Arabia and the many independent states along the east African coast. Coastal states were controlled by Portuguese from 1500s until Arabs took over in 1800s.


Judith's employer hired her to study the face-to-face convos that occur between parents/teachers in middle school conferences. Her goal is to analyze the norms observed and the roles fulfilled by conference participants. Which of the following theoretical paradigms is likely to inform Judith's research?

Symbolic interactionism (This relies on the symbolic meaning that individuals develop and rely on in the process of social interaction. In this case, interactionism would inform the study of roles fulfilled in face-to-face convos)

The sociologist who is credited with developing the action theory of society is:

Talcott Parsons

A fundamentalist Islamic militia; in 1995 the Taliban militia took over Afghanistan and in 1996 took Kabul and set up an Islamic government; "the Taliban enforced a strict Muslim code of behavior"


1st signs of life from about 3,000,000 years ago found here and possibly south China.

Tanzania, Africa

(Daoism) founded by Laozi The "Old Master" who encouraged people to give up worldly desires in favor of nature; Tao Te Ching is its main document supposedly written by Lao Tzu in three days; talks about the Tao itself and the power or fulfillment that results from living in harmony with it.


Taxes on imports, raise the price of imported goods, which increases the demand and price for the same goods produced by domestic suppliers. Revenues from these are collected by the domestic government.


Tommy has been a quiet, calm child from birth. He rarely cries and adapts to most situations easily. Tommy's behavior is most likely due to his


Lawrence came to the New World with his family and quickly discovered how rewarding living the 'American Dream' could be. They moved to one of the large cities. After only a short time, he began working for a local publisher, printing essays and local news. Based on the information above, Lawrence lived in _____.

The Middle Colonies

Is an extensive interconnected network of trade routes across the Asian continent connecting East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean world, as well as North and Northeast Africa and Europe. It spread Buddhism from India to China.

The Silk Road

If both the President and the Vice-President die, which of the following officials becomes President?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives If both the President and the Vice-President die, the Speaker of the House of Representatives becomes the President.

Written by Lady Murasaki about year 1000; first novel in any language; relates life history of prominent and amorous son of the Japanese emperor's son; evidence for mannered style of the Japanese society.

The Tale of the Genji

A political cartoon shows a large, bloated figure, which represents baby boomers, falling down a hill. The figure is being supported by Uncle Sam and is singing, "Will you still need me, will you still need me, when I'm sixty-four?" According to the political cartoonist, who will financially support retired baby boomers?

The U.S. Government

What statement best describes the Monroe Doctrine?

The US would intervene to prevent European powers from establishing more colonies in the Western Hemisphere.

Which of the following is an example of a trade-off that occurs when the United States government increases a subsidy for sugar?

The United States government cannot use the subsidy money elsewhere When the government uses scarce money to pay for a sugar subsidy, it cannot use the money to do something else.

Assume that a perfectly competitive firm uses labor as the only variable input. The firm's per hour input-output schedule is given in the table above. If the firm's labor cost is $20 per worker per hour and the firm sells its output for $5 per unit, how many workers should the firm hire to maximize profit?

The firm equates the value of the marginal product of labor with the wage rate. The profit-maximizing number of workers occurs when the value of the marginal product of the last worker hired is equal to the wage rate. ($5 x 4) = $20 holds with the third worker.


The first Mesoamerican civilization. Between ca. 1200 and 400 B.C.E., these people of central Mexico created a vibrant civilization that included intensive agriculture, wide-ranging trade, ceremonial centers, and monumental construction.

Many Europeans in the 16th and 17th century settled in America. They felt that they had a right to this because America was an "empty" land. What was their reasoning?

The people there were savages Europeans felt superior to the American cultures. They viewed them as savages, people who were uncivilized, and therefore, unimportant. The European countries tried to grab all the land they could.

St. Lawrence River (links Great Lakes and Atlantic ocean)

The river that connects Lake Superior with the Atlantic Ocean and is a major trade route for Canada

Keynesian Economics

Theory stating that government spending should increase during business slumps and be curbed during booms, economics argues that private sector decisions sometimes lead to inefficient macroeconomic outcomes and therefore, advocates active policy responses by the public sector, including monetary policy actions by the central bank and fiscal policy actions by the government to stabilize output over the business cycle.

What is true about both the electoral college and the House of Representatives?

They provide greater power to more populous states

Average Product

Total output divided by total units of the variable factor of production

A form of government in which power resides in a leader who may rule according to self-interest and without regard for individual rights and liberties


Restritions to free trade, put a legal limit on the amount that can be imported, creating shortages which cause prices to rise.

Trade Quotas

In general, the climate of the Caribbean can be described as which of the following?

Tropical Although the rainfall varies with elevation and water currents, the climate in the Caribbean is tropical.

The low point of business activity.


The period of warfare between the Confederate States of America (1861-1865) and the United States over the issues of states' rights and slavery.

U.S. Civil War

Gideon v. Wainwright

U.S. Supreme Court decision guaranteeing legal counsel for indigent felony defendants. (1963)

John Brown

Was an American abolitionist, who advocated and practiced armed insurrection as a means to end all slavery. He led the Pottawatomie Massacre in 1856 in Bleeding Kansas and made his name in the unsuccessful raid at Harpers Ferry in 1859.

Northern Securities Company

Was an important United States railroad trust formed in 1902 by E. H. Harriman, James J. Hill, J.P. Morgan, J. D. Rockefeller, and their associates. The company controlled the Northern Pacific Railway, Great Northern Railway, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, and other associated lines. The company was sued in 1902 under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 by President Theodore Roosevelt; one of the first anti-trust cases filed against corporate interests instead of labor.

English physician and scientist who described the circulation of the blood (1578-1657)

William Harvey


a market in which control over the supply of a commodity is in the hands of a small number of producers and each one can influence prices and affect competitors. A market structue in which a few large firms dominate a market.

Perfect Competition

a market structure in which a large number of firms all produce the same product. The market situation in which there are many sellers in a market and no seller is large enough to dictate the price of a product.


a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties, a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets.


a series of military expeditions in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries by Westrn European Christians to reclaim control of the Holy Lands from the Muslims. A result were new products and technologies brought back to Europe.

Less-developed countries withlower life expectancy andhigh fertility and population growth ratestend to have

lower rates of child and adult literacy due to the lack of funding for schools in general and limited access for women to educational institutions


philosophical system developed by of Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu advocating a simple honest life and noninterference with the course of natural events

The main goal of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to provide

public work relief to young men during the Great Depression

Judicial Branch

the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice, the division of the federal government that is made up of the national courts; interprets laws, punishes criminals, and settles disputes between states.

Russian Revolution

the coup d'etat by the Bolsheviks under Lenin in November 1917 that led to a period of civil war which ended in victory for the Bolsheviks in 1922


the political orientation of those who favor government by the people or by their elected representatives

In the decade after the end of the Cold War, United States foreign policy was most strongly characterized by

A focus on expanding economic prosperity through globalization and free trade


A foreign policy that encourages the involvement of several nation-states in coordinated action, usually in relation to a common adversary, with terms and conditions usually specified in a multicountry treaty, such as NATO


A form of government in which power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, military might, or religious hegemony.


A political and economic system where factors of production are collectively owned and directed by the state.

Parliamentary System

A system of government in which the legislature selects the prime minister or president, a system of government in which both executive and legislative functions reside in an elected assembly. The head of the government must be a current member of the legislature.

The role Russia played in World War I can best be described as

A weak role due to the Russian Revolution

Family, School, Peers, Media

Agents of Socialization


Anti-modernist Protest movement started in the early twentieth century that proclaimed the literal truth of the Bible, the name came from the Fundamentals, published by conservative leaders.

Extreme racial segregation was practiced by the white minority who controlled the government.


Federal Block Grants

Are given to state governments w/regulations that they be used for specific purposes, Block grants give the states more discretion in that they provide federal funds for general areas of use but allow the states to implement the specifics of the programs.

True compass direction, usually circular, distorts scale, area and shape; usually used to show areas

Azimuthal map

Price Ceilings

Are maximum prices set by the government for particular goods and services that they believe are being sold at too high of a price and thus consumers need some help purchasing them.

Why was it unusual that the first draft of the Declaration opposed slavery?

Because Jefferson, who wrote the first draft, owned hundreds of slaves

Which strategies did the Union attempt as it sought to defeat the South during the American Civil War?

Blockading all major Southern ports to disrupt commerce, especially in cotton, the proceeds of which could be used to fund the purchase of military supplies Capturing and controlling the Mississippi River in an effort to cut the South in half and damage Southern efforts to keep troops resupplied Campaigning to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond and destroy the secessionist government of the South

Investigative reporter for Washington Post helped uncover the Watergate scandal that led to U.S. President Richard Nixon's resignation. Worked with Carl Bernstein on Watergate.

Bob Woodward

What decision did the US Supreme Court rule that racial segregation of public schools was unconstitutional?

Brown v. BOE of Topeka

Selective incorporation is the process by which

Certain Bill of Rights protections have been applied at the state level Selective incorporation is the process by which certain protections of the Bill of Rights have been applied at the state level.

Which financial instruments is most likely to offer the lowest risk and highest return for a short-term investment?

Certificate of deposit - higher return than cash and is less risky than stocks and real estate

Opportunity Cost

Cost of the next best alternative use of money, time, or resources when one choice is made rather than another, the most desirable alternative given up as the result of a decision.

Fixed Costs

Costs that do not vary with the quantity of output produced

Cotton Production in U.S. 1811-1859

Cotton went from being a minor crop in Mid -Atlantic states to being the major crop of the south by 1859 largely due to the invention of Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin. This leads to a larger and more stable slave population in the south to work the plantations.

The reaction of the Roman Catholic Church to the Reformation reaffirming the veneration of saints and the authority of the Pope (to which Protestants objected) Most of southern Europe followed the counter reformation movement.

Counter Reformation

Coins and paper money


An investment fund that is managed by a commercial bank.

Deposit Accounts

The document written by Thomas Jefferson, recording the proclamation of the second Continental Congress (4 July 1776) asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain

Declaration of Independence

The president and Congress share powers. All of the following are shared powers EXCEPT:

Declaring war

Proceeds from general ideas, knowledge or understanding of the social worlds from which specific hypothesis are logically deduced and tested.

Deductive Theory

What group of Greek city-states was led by Athens and had a central base at Delos?

Delian League The city-states came together in order to remain stronger than If they were apart because of the Persian threat. The Battle of Chaeronea eventually crushed the league and caused it to be dissolved.

Relationship between the price of a product and the amount consumers are willing and able to buy at each price.


The Sahel region of Africa faces human pressures such as overgrazing and intensive cultivation of marginal land. Which of the following terms best describes the human-environmental problem in the Sahel?

Desertification Overgrazing and intensive farming in the Sahel are causing significant areas of land to turn to desert in this semiarid region.

Relaxation of tensions between the United States and its two major Communist rivals, the Soviet Union and China


An economic concept referring to a situation in which economies of scale no longer function for a firm. Rather than experiencing continued decreasing costs per increase in output, firms see an increase in marginal cost when output is increased.

Diseconomies Of Scale

Reasons which caused Spanish, British, and French forces to fight wars in North America prior to the American Revolution

Disputes about controlling territory in the colonies Religious and cultural differences among colonists of different nationalities International tensions caused by competing alliances among the three nations

Egyptian- complex polytheistic religion, irrigation systems, medicine, astronomy, rites and monuments for the dead ..... their discoveries influenced the Greeks.

Early African Civilizations

Shows correct size of land masses, but usually distorts their shapes.

Equal-area map

While on a trip to a foreign country, Roger expressed surprise and anger when he discovered that cattle were considered sacred and allowed to roam through city streets. Roger's reaction represents an example of

Ethnocentricism Ethnocentrism occurs when a person uses the norms and values of his or her own society to interpret and judge another group or culture.

Judging another person's culture based on the values and beliefs of one's own culture is known as

Ethnocentrism (belief in the superiority of one's ethnic group which can lead to negative evaluation of other cultures)

The removal of the wall that separated East and West Germany in 1989. Symbolized the end of the Cold War.

Fall of Berlin Wall

476 C.E.- Contributing factors to this event include: military interference in politics, civil war and unrest, moving the capital and division of the empire, low confidence, disloyalty, contrast between rich and poor, poor harvests, gold and silver drain, inflation, and threat of attack; immediate causes were pressure from Huns, invasion by Germanic tribes and by Huns, sack of Rome, and conquest by invaders

Fall of Rome

Portuguese navigator who led the Spanish expedition of 1519-1522 that was the first to sail around the world.

Ferdinand Magellan

Which of the following accusations did colonists make against King George III and the British Parliament in the Declaration of Independence?

Frustrating the working of representative government and the law in the colonies

Which of the following accusations did colonists make against King George III and the British Parliamentin the Declaration of Independence?

Frustrating the working of representative government and the law in the colonies Among the injustices named in the Declaration of Independence, the colonists accused King George III and the British Parliament of dissolving houses of representatives in the colonies and of failing to apply existing British law to the colonies.

After the collapse of the western half of the Roman Empire in the fifth century C.E., which of the following groups controlled the largest share of western Europe?

Germans After the collapse of the western half of the Roman Empire, Germanic groups such as the Goths, Lombards, and Visigoths occupied most of western Europe, establishing new successor kingdoms.

What term describes redrawing the judicial lines of a district in order to gain an advantage?

Gerrymander Gerrymander The term was named for the man who originally tried to create the lines. When running for political office, Gerry redrew the lines of a district in order to win the area. This was found to be unconstitutional and the lines were forced to be changed.

Also known as John Cabot, this Italian mariner was sent by the English to explore the northeastern coast of North America in 1497 & 1498

Giovanni Caboto

A period from 1848 to 1856 when thousands of people came to California in order to search for gold.

Gold Rush

What were the results of the 1783 Treaty of Paris between the US and Great Britain?

Great Britain relinquished all claims to the US The US gained access to lands east of the Mississippi River

What are campaign funds given directly to a candidate called?

Hard Money

Thomas Jefferson

He was a delegate from Virginia at the Second Continental Congress and wrote the Declaration of Independence. He later served as the third President of the United States.

Which of the following statements about Hernando Cortes is FALSE?

He was searching for El Dorado

Homo erectus (upright man)

Hominids who are believed to have walked completely upright like modern people do, called "Upright Man". First developed in Africa.

Dates from 75,000 to 115,000 years old and are the species modern man belongs to. AKA "wise men" because of the use of tools and thinking/ reasoning.

Homo Sapiens

Hominids who are believed to have walked completely upright like modern people do, called "Upright Man". First developed in Africa.

Homo erectus

Media coverage of elections that primarily focuses on which candidates are ahead and behind in the polls is referred to as

Horse race journalism During election campaigns, news media coverage tends to focus on how candidates are polling in a phenomenon referred to as horse race journalism.

A policy in which a strong nation seeks to control other countries politically, socially, and economically without direct colonization


The Great Leap Forward

In 1958 Zedong launched a program; he urged people to make a superhuman effort to increase farm and industrial output and created communes; Rural communes set up "backyard" industries to produce steel; this program failed b/c "backyards" produced low-quality, communes had slow food output, bad weather, and a famine.

The primary source of agricultural labor in the British colonies in North America during the early years of colonization until the 1660s

Indentured servants from Great Britain

One that influences another

Independent Variable

A Roman Catholic tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy - especially the one active in Spain during the 1400s. The Inquisition was an element of the counter reformation.


The adoption of the Bill of Rights following the ratification of the United States Constitution illustrates the

Insistence of many to protect individual rights The Bill of Rights was added to allay fears that individual rights would not be sufficiently protected in the original constitutional design.

After the American Revolution, the concept of republican motherhood emphasized that women should

Instill moral values and knowledge in their sons as future citizens


Involves the acceptance of the decisions of government officials by the public on the grounds that the leaders' acquisition and exercise of power has been in accordance with the society's generally accepted procedures and political values. Ex/ A citizen views the government as legitimate, a law may be unpopular, but it will still garner popular acceptance.

Two Treatises of Government

Is a refutation of the divine rights of kings and the absolutist theory of government. A book written by John Locke which stated details about natural rights and that people were born with and entitled to life, liberty, and property.

Temperance Movement

Is a social movement against the use of alcoholic beverages. Its movements may criticize excessive alcohol use, promote complete abstinence, or pressure the government to enact anti-alcohol legislation.

Trade Balance

Is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy over a certain period. It is the relationship between a nation's imports and exports.

Mt. Everest

Is the highest mountain in the world, its highest peak (29,035 feet)


Is the philosophical theory which maintains that the ultimate nature of reality is based on the mind or ideas.

Which of the following was a major consequence of the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648?

It reaffirmed the principle that rulers had the right to determine the religion of their respective states. The Peace of Westphalia reaffirmed the concept of "Whose realm, his religion" (cuius regio, eius religion), which effectively granted rulers the authority to choose the religion of their subjects.

French religious reformer who founded system of theology later known as Calvinism.

John Calvin

Sun Yat-sen

Led a movement to create a united, democratic China free from foreign control.

The Viking explorer believed to be the first European to reach the New World (in about 1000 AD). Landed in Newfoundland which was called Vinland.

Leif Ericson

Rows or chains of mountains. For example, the Himalayan mountain range, along India's northern border, is about 1,500 miles long and 5 miles high, and is the highest mountain range in the world.

Mountain ranges

A 17th-century Dutch colonial settlement that served as the capital of New Netherlands. City and colony was seized by the English in 1664. Dutch surrendered without a battle. Later became the city now known as New York City.

New Amsterdam

"Upon this, a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with." Question:

Niccolo' Machiavelli


No Child Left Behind - 2001 Pres. Bush designed to promote "standards-based education reform" via assessments that measure progress; results often affect funding and administration control

(1745-1797) African who was sold into slavery and bought his way out-kidnapped as a boy (age 11) from his home he was sold into slavery and sold amongst slave traders many times-he served in the Seven Years' War as a captain's boy and was then sold to a slave trader where he went to the Caribbean-from there a white colonist bought him and he eventually bought his way out of slavery-he went to England to live and published a book about slavery and his experiences-his message was widespread and helped to inspire the abolition of slavery

Olaudah Equiano

Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age)

Old Stone Age, during this period, humans grouped together in small societies such as bands, and subsisted by gathering plants and hunting or scavenging wild animals. this period is characterized by the use of knapped stone tools, although at the time humans also used wood and bone tools. Were nomadic and lived in small groups.

What is the essential message of Don Quixote by Cervantes?

One needs to balance visionary dreams with the reality of hard work in life.


One of the first river-valley civilizations, nestled on the banks of the Nile River.

War between Britain and the Qing Empire that was, in the British view, occasioned by the Qing government's refusal to permit the importation of opium into its territories. The victorious British imposed the one-sided Treaty of Nanking on China and took possession of Hong Kong.

Opium War

How far south did the revolutions of 1848 and 1849 extend?

Palermo in Sicily

Why did people abandon their nomadic lifestyle during the Neolithic Era?

People stopped being nomadic because they developed systematic agriculture. During the Neolithic era, people becagan farming and could settle down in one place rather than chase animals for food.

The Platt Amendment

Platt Amendment (1901) Amendment to Cuban constitution that reserved the United States' right to intervene in Cuban affairs and forced newly independent Cuba to host American naval bases on the island.

Judicial, legislative and executive branch

Separation of powers

The system whereby elected officials offer government jobs to the people who helped them get elected is known as which of the following?

Spoils system Although this patronage system of "spoils" was in use both before and after Andrew Jackson's Presidential terms of office, it became associated with Jacksonian democracy due to a phrase credited to New York Senator William L. Marcy, "To the victors belong the spoils".

Six week nation wide slaughter of Huguenots. Occurred when Huguenot nobles were in Paris attending the marriage of Catherine's daughter to a Huguenot prince, Henry of Navarre in 1572. Resulted in over 10,000 deaths.

St. Bartholomew Day Massacre

Cuneiform was developed by this empire.

Sumer They lived in what was the southern portion of Babylon, which is modern day Iraq. They were credited with not only cuneiform but also wheeled vehicles and codes of law.

2900 B.C.E.- First known civilization, who dominated Southern Mesopotamia, which lay in the river valley of the Tigris and Euphrates, through the end of the 3rd Millennium BCE. Responsible for the creation of irrigation technology, cunieform writing, mathematics, law, and religious conceptions.


969 AD - 1279 AD reunited the country, invented paper money,typography, gun powder, and compass; taken over by the mongols

Sung Dynasty

A schedule or graph showing the relationship between the price of a product and the amount producers are willing and able to supply.


Which of the following is TRUE when a price floor is above the equilibrium price?

Supply will exceed demand When a price floor is above the equilibrium price (an effective price floor), the quantity supplied will exceed the quantity demanded, or a surplus exists.

A company produces paper, which results in a bad-smelling effluent (liquid waste) that has a negative impact on the nearby community. The company does not consider the harm it imposes on the community. Which of the following government policies can help reduce or eliminate the harmful effects and ensure that the paper company considers the cost it is imposing on the community?

Tax at a rate higher than the cost to the paper company to eliminate the effluent If the government imposes a tax at a rate higher than the cost to eliminate the effluent, then the company will most likely choose to eliminate the effluent rather than pay the tax, thus solving the externality problem.

A key difference between operant conditioning and classical conditioning is:

That operant conditioning employs reinforcers Classical conditioning involves the replacement of one stimulus by another neutral stimulus to elicit the same innate response by way of association, while operant conditioning involves acquiring a specific voluntary response to a stimulus by co-administering a physiologically evocative reinforcer such as reward or punishment.

Which two financial institutions were created at the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944?

The International Monetary Fund The World Bank

The Compromise of 1850 sought to address, in part, which of the following issues?

The admission of California to the United States as a free state

The right of pour manifest destiny is to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federative self-government entrusted to us. It is a right such as that of the tree to the space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of its principle and destiny of growth. The ideas were used to justify which two of the following foreign policy actions by the US in the 1800s?

The annexation of Texas The invasion of Mexico


The approach to understanding human behavior is driven by the idea that a person has a need to reach self-actualization, which includes the proclivity to seek after the highest possible growth and development that is attainable. In this approach, each individual has his or her own distinctive needs, desires, talents, skills, etc. According to the humanistic approach, a person who is well adjusted must be free to express his or her own uniqueness.

When the Constitutional Congress asked the states to ratify the new Constitution they took a big risk. What was it?

The big states might not ratify because it might limit their rights. Before the states united, the states each made their own laws. Now they would have to agree to some laws limiting their powers.

The British government's response to colonists' call for no taxation without representation was to assert that

The colonists were represented by Parliament even if they did not elect their representatives In response to colonial protests in North America against direct taxation by Great Britain, leaders in Parliament argued that the legislative body provided virtual representation for the British colonists, much as it represented all people in Britain, regardless of whether they were or were not excluded from voting in elections.

Which of the following major economic transformations took place in the United States during the Gilded Age?

The economic gap between social classes widened.

Praetorian Guard

The elite bodyguard of a Roman Emperor

Hunting and Gathering

The killing of wild animals and fish as well as the gathering of fruits, roots, nuts, and other plants for sustenance. Prehistoric Cave People Moved in Search of Food.

Which of the following best describes life in the southern colonies?

The main economic activity was cash crops which were taken care of and looked after by indentured servants or slaves.

What was a result of rebellion against the Virgina colonial government in 1676 led by Nathanial Bacon?

The planters in Virginia sought to use the labor of enslaved Africans instead of White indentured servants.

Pre- Colonial Population of North America

The population of North America before colonization was entirely made up of Native Americans who were originally thought to be Indians from India. These people crossed the Bering Straits from north east Asia long ago and spread out across the Americas from the Bering Straits to the southern tip of South America. Lifestyles could be divided into hunter gatherers, urban, and non-urban agricultural.

Which constitutional precept is contained in the Bill of Rights?

The protetion of individual provacy from government intrusion

Money Supply

The quantity of money available in the economy.

Federal Funds rate

The rate at which banks borrow reserves from other banks

John Rolfe introduced sweet Spanish tobacco seeds to the Jamestown colony. What was the most important impact of these seeds to the survival of Jamestown?

The tobacco was shipped to London where it was sold for a profit.

Aggregate Demand

The total demand for goods and services over varying prices within the economy, including componenting such as household consumption, business investment, government spending & net exports., the amount of goods and services in the economy that will be purchased at all possible price levels.

Through which of the following means do children best learn to form lasting relationships?

Their peer group

Niagara River (famous for its falls)

This is a river that flows from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario and makes the western border of New York with Canada. It has an iconic waterfall on its course, and it forms the western end of the Erie Canal.

Communist Manifesto

This is the 1848 book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels which urges an uprising by workers to seize control of the factors of production from the upper and middle classes.

Wealth of Nations

This is the 18th century book written by Scottish economist Adam Smith in which he spells out the first modern account of free market economies.

Ronald Regan

This president's platform encouraged decreasing taxes and government regulation.

A black mathematical prodigy., By the time he was shipped to the Americas in 1724 as a slave he had already aquired the abiltiy to calculate numbers into the billions.

Thomas Fuller

Are laws or regulations establishing health and safety standards for imported goods, frequently much stricter than those applied to domestically produced goods.

Trade Standards

During the early nineteenth century, the Santa Fe Trail was established primarily to facilitate which of the following?

Trade in manufactured goods from the midwestern United States to New Mexico The Santa Fe Trail was opened in 1821 to facilitate trade between the United States and newly independent Mexico. The trail ran from Independence, Missouri, to Santa Fe and served as a route for the transportation of manufactured goods to Mexican settlers in modern-day New Mexico, returning hard currency to the United States.

The primary reason why certain areas experience more damage and loss of life from natural disasters is due to

Underfunded public services (underdeveloped public infrastructure and government programs which mitigate the potential effects of natural disasters - healthcare facilities, public works projects, enforcement of building codes, and funding for 1st responders)

Where is the area of greatest corn production?

United States

The massive depletion of the Aral Sea, which has shrunk significantly from the fourth largest lake in the world, is most likely due to which of the following?

Use of the water from the feeder rivers for irrigation The Aral Sea contains freshwater that flows in from its tributary rivers. The river water has been diverted in great quantity by farmers hoping to grow cotton in the regions surrounding the Aral Sea. As a result, the sea has shrunk, exposing the seabed at an increasing rate.

Russian explorer who crossed from Siberia to Arctic ocean. Never made it to America but saw Alaska.

Vitus Jonnasen Bering

Jefferson Davis

Was an American military officer, statesman and leader of the Confederacy during the American Civil War, serving as the president of the Confederate States of America for its entire history, 1861 to 1865.

The Neolithic Revolution

Was the first agricultural revolution—the transition from hunting and gathering communities and bands, to agriculture and settlement. Archaeological data indicate that various forms of domestication of plants and animals arose independently in at least seven or eight separate locales worldwide, with the earliest known developments taking place in the Middle East around 10,000 BC or earlier

Throughout history, when have empires been most vulnerable to invasion and decline?

When they were most spread out History seems to indicate that many empires, such as the ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek, and Roman Empires, have been at their most vulnerable when just past the peak of their prime—material wealth was greatest because so many goods were flowing in from trade and conquest alike; military power was greatest because so many soldiers were required to patrol the extensive borders of an expansive territory. Envious and resentful of these displays of wealth and power, the empire's enemies could take advantage of cracks in the territorial armor, of sparsely manned outposts, of fissures in the belligerent buffers along the frontier, in order to eat away at the empire gradually from outside, to infiltrate, invade, and eventually destroy it.

Invaded England from Normandy in 1066 defeating Harold King of the Saxons; extended tight feudal system to England; established administrative system based on sheriffs; established centralized monarchy. This brought a blending of Latin (French) and German (Anglo-Saxon) based cultures

William the Conquerer

The settlement house movement of the late nineteenth century involved

Women reformers providing educational and social services to impoverished neighborhoods Exemplified by Jane Addams' Hull House in Chicago, members of the settlement house movement, which developed in the United States in the 1880s, worked to provide language instruction, vocational and domestic training, and social services in the poorest urban areas.

1903 Orville Wright credited with the design and construction of the first practical airplane. They made the first controllable, powered heavier-than-air flight along with many other aviation milestones, also showing the beginning of the individual progressive spirit.

Wright Brothers

Han Dynasty

imperial dynasty that ruled China (most of the time) from 206 BC to 221 and expanded its boundaries and developed its bureaucracy; was an age of economic prosperity, and saw a significant growth of the money economy first established during the Zhou Dynasty (c.1050-256 B.C.E).

Compared to a firm in a perfectly competitive market, a firm in monopolistically competitive market is different in that it

produces differentiated product

Legislative Branch

the branch of the United States government that has the power to create the laws. There are two houses in it. One is the Senators. There are two senators per state. There is also a House of representatives. The amount of people per state depends on how big the population is.

Marginal Product

the increase in output that arises from an additional unit of input, the additional output that can be produced by adding one more unit of a specific input, ceteris paribus.


year of Height of the Atlantic slave trade

The Boston Massacre occurred in:


The Proclamation of 1763 stated that:

American colonists were not allowed to migrate west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Italian fascist dictator (1883-1945) allied Italy with Adolf Hitler's Germany in WWII

Benito Mussolini

What scripture is associated with Hinduism?

The Vedas

At the peak of the British Empire's power, it was often said that "the sun never sets on the British Empire" because its span across the globe ensured that the sun was always shining on at least one of its numerous colonies or subject nations.

"The sun never sets on the British Empire"

The formula for calculating average variable costs is VC/q with q being quantity. If one worker being paid $10.00 can produce 10 products a day, $10.00/10 =average variable cost of $1.00. Two workers working together can make 25 products. What would the average variable cost be?

$20.00/25=$0.80 Two workers would cost $20.00. Dividing the cost of labor ($20.00) by the units produced (25) equals the average variable costs. Costs fell because the workers together produced more.


(1200-1521) 1300, they settled in the valley of Mexico. Grew corn. Engaged in frequent warfare to conquer others of the region. Worshiped many gods (polytheistic). Believed the sun god needed human blood to continue his journeys across the sky. Practiced human sacrifices and those sacrificed were captured warriors from other tribes and those who volunteered for the honor.

Song Dynasty

(960 - 1279 AD); this dynasty was started by Tai Zu; by 1000, a million people were living there; started feet binding; had a magnetic compass; had a navy; traded with india and persia (brought pepper and cotton); first to have paper money, explosive gun powder; *landscape black and white paintings

Which TWO of the following are advantages of capitalism?

- There is an emphasis on consumer choice that leads to better products. - Goods and services are based on demand and create an efficiency of economics. In both socialist and communist political economies, the government owns the major means of production as a way to distribute equitable benefits for all citizens of the country.

U.S. Presidential Powers

-Appointment of: Ambassadors, public Ministers, Supreme Court Judges and other Officers of U.S. not otherwise provisioned for by Constitution -Make treaties between two or more independent nations -Veto -Commander and Chief of Armed ForcesIn short the President is the head of the executive branch of the government and is responsible for the execution of laws made by the legislature through Foreign and Domestic Policy.

Which TWO of the following objections were leveled against President Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal programs by conservative critics

-Roosevelt abused his power by attempting to appoint additional justices to the Supreme Court. -New Deal programs allowed federal encroachment on the freedom of private enterprise. During the 1930s, President Franklin Roosevelt proposed that when Supreme Court justices did not retire after reaching the age of seventy, he could add another justice to the Court. Conservative Democrats and Republicans opposed this proposition as an abuse of power and as an attempt to pack the court with justices who would support the constitutionality of early New Deal programs. In response to the NewDeal in the 1930s, many of the same critics cited the labor protections, economic regulations, and price controls instituted by many New Deal programs as violations of the tenets of free-market economics. Such critics asserted that these policies would not help address the underlying causes of the Great Depression and that the federal government has overstepped its appropriate role in United States society.

Rights of the accused

5th Amendment


A Native American people who built a notable civilization in western South America in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The center of their empire was in present-day Peru. Francisco Pizarro of Spain conquered the empire.

When the American colonies voted on independence from Britain in 1776, they needed to set up a government. What type of government did they agree upon?

A confederation The Articles of Confederation called for a weak central government with an almost powerless President and Congress. The individual states still held most of the power.

Fifth Amendment

A constitutional amendment designed to protect the rights of persons accused of crimes, including protection against double jeopardy, self-incrimination, and punishment without due process of law.

Fourteenth Amendment

A constitutional amendment giving full rights of citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States, except for American Indians.

Roman Senate

A council whose members were the heads of wealthy, landowning families. Originally an advisory body to the early kings, in the era of the Roman Republic the Senate effectively governed the Roman state and the growing empire. Formed by Romulus; served for lif; administered laws and decrees; controlled treasury and collected taxes; appointed military commanders; received foreign ambassadors and ratified treaties with foreign.

What most strongly motivated European imperialism in Africa and Asia in the 19th century?

A desire to obtain natural resources and export markets

How would a behavioral scientist define "race"?

A distinct group of people with common inherited biological characteristics. A group of people of a "race" may share distinguishing characteristics such as hair texture, facial characteristics, skin color, and height. The differences between racial groups can be very subtle.

Mutually Assured Destruction

A doctrine of military strategy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two opposing sides would effectively result in the destruction of both the attacker and the defender, if either US or the USSR was hit with a nuclear weapons they would respond with the same.

What is Theocracy?

A form of government in which GOD or a deity is THE supreme ruler.

How did the Pilgrims avoid death while living in Plymouth?

A friendly Indian, who had knowledge of the English language, taught the Pilgrims how to live off the land.

Which of the following best describes an oligarchy?

A government ruled by a few

Unitary System

A government that gives all key powers to the national or central government.

The Great Lakes region is most accurately characterized as:

A humid continental, cool summer climate zone.


A legislative body where power is shared by two separate chambers so that neither can act without the agreement of the other.

Ming Dynasty

A major dynasty that ruled China from the mid-fourteenth to the mid-seventeenth century. It was marked by a great expansion of Chinese commerce into East Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia


A medieval philosophical and theological system that tried to reconcile faith and reason


A member of a people inhabiting the Arctic (northern Canada or Greenland or Alaska or eastern Siberia)

Qin Dynasty

A people and state in the Wei Valley of eastern China that conquered rival states and created the first Chinese empire (221-206 B.C.E.). Their ruler, Shi Huangdi, standardized many features of Chinese society and enslaved subjects.


A people of this name is mentioned as early as the records of the Tang Empire, living as nomads in northern Eurasia. After 1206 they established an enormous empire under Genghis Khan, linking western and eastern Eurasia.

Pax Romana

A period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire, lasting from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180.

Protestant Reformation

A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches. The translation of the Bible into vernacular languages was part of its endeavor.

The Silk Roads trade networks

A series of interconnected trade networks across Eurasia, facilitating commercial, technological, and cultural exchanges


A system of government in which the power to rule is in the hands of a single individual


A term which designates a confederacy of 5 tribes originally inhabiting the northern part of New York state, consisting of the SENECA, CAYUGA, ONEIDA, ONONDAGA and MOHAWK. Were imperialist, expansionist culture whose use of the corn/beans/squash agricultural complex enabled them to support a large population that made war against other Algonquian peoples.

Athenian Democracy

A type of democratic government used in Athens which is sort of a combine of majority rule and democracy. It remains a unique and intriguing experiment in direct democracy where the people do not elect representatives to vote on their behalf but vote on legislation and executive bills in their own right. Greek democracy created at Athens wasa direct, not a representative democracy: any adult male citizen of age could take part, and it was a duty to do so.

Protectionist Policy

A way to "protect" or insulate a domestic industry from competition by foreign producers of the same good. import tariff allows domestic producers to both capture a larger share of the domestic market and charge a higher price than would otherwise be possible

Which of the following strategies did the Union attempt as it sought to defeat the South during the American Civil War?

A. Blockading all major Southern ports to disrupt commerce, especially in cotton, the proceeds of which could be used to fund the purchase of military supplies B. Capturing and controlling the Mississippi River in an effort to cut the South in half and damage Southern efforts to keep troops resupplied C. Campaigning to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond and destroy the secessionist government of the South

16th President of the United States saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865)

Abraham Lincoln

Said no Catholic could be King of England thus insuring the Protestant line of succession. Succession switched from Stuarts to Hanovers because of this passing.

Act of Settlement

A photograph of an area on earth taken from an aircraft flying overhead.

Aerial photograph

Republicanism in America _____

Allows for self-government because the people give leaders their authority.

Why were Americans unwilling to support the Anglican Church after the American Revolution?

Americans wanted something that reflected their own values.

Animal husbandry

An agricultural activity associated with the raising of domesticated animals, such as cattle, horses, sheep, and goats.


An ancient kingdom ruled by Alexander the Great that conquered most of Greece and the Persian Empire in the 300s B.C.


An eastern religion which evolved from an ancient Aryan religion in which followers strive to free their soul from reincarnation until the soul is finally freed. This religion is practiced primarily in India.

Diseconomies of Scale

An economic concept referring to a situation in which economies of scale no longer function for a firm. Rather than experiencing continued decreasing costs per increase in output, firms see an increase in marginal cost when output is increased.


An economic policy adopted in the former Soviet Union, a policy initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev that involved restructuring of the social and economic status quo in communist Russia towards a market based economy and society.


An economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, esp. as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

Alaska is a part of the United States. It is classified as which type of political state?

An exclave A perforated state completely surrounds another. An example would be Italy which surrounds San Marino or South Africa which surrounds Lesotho. An enclave is a state completely surrounded by another, like Vatican City in Italy. An island is land completely surrounded by water. An exclave is a piece of territory which is not an island which is separated from its state by another state, like Alaska. A fragmented state is one with parts separated from it. The U.S. is a fragmented state because of Hawaii and Alaska.

Name originally applied to the Semitic peoples of the Arabian Peninsula; now used also for populations of countries whose primary language is Arabic (algeria, egypt, iraq, jordan, lebananon, libya, morocco, syria and yemen). In the 20th century, Arab leaders have attempted to unite the Arab-speaking world into an Arab nation. Since 1945, most Arab countries have joined the Arab league. in 1982, member nations had a total population estimated at 43 million. Not all Arabs are Muslims. The culture of the Arab world consists of the Arab language, the Islamic religion, and the traditions of the Arabian peninsula

Arab world


Are a Native American people historically settled in the Southeastern United States (principally Georgia, the Carolinas and Eastern Tennessee). Linguistically, they are part of the Iroquoian-language family. In the 19th century, historians and ethnographers recorded their oral tradition that told of the tribe having migrated south in ancient times from the Great Lakes region, where other Iroquoian-speaking peoples were located.

Judicial Powers

Are placed in the Supreme Court and lower courts as deemed necessary by congress. Specific to Supreme Court: - Redress - Diversity Jurisdiction - Subject Matter Jurisdiction dealing with federal law - Precedent - Stasis Decisis

The Executive Branch

Article II

Which of the following best describes the Iroquois social structure?

At the time of marriage a man joins his wife's family.

Which of the following were important causes of the Russian defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905?

B. The inadequacy of the Trans-Siberian Railroad as a military supply line for Russia D. The more advanced industrialization of Japan compared to that of Russia The Trans-Siberian Railroad consisted of a single track that only allowed train travel in one direction. This, combined with the distance of the war front from Russian industries and most of the Russian army, made the railroad insufficient for resupplying Russian troops. The rapid industrialization of Japan during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries contributed to the advantage in military technology over Russia during the war.

A government agency created in the 1800s to oversee federal policy toward Native Americans

Bureau of Indians Affairs

The Compromise of 1850 admitted which of the following to the Union as a free State?

California All of the answer choices were involved in the Compromise of 1850; however, California was the only one that was admitted as a free state.

English navigator who claimed the east coast of Australia for Britain and discovered several Pacific islands (1728-1779)

Captain James Cook

Mexico beats France in the Battle of Puebla in 1862

Cinco De Mayo

A model of economic relationships in a capitalistic market economy.

Circular Flow

In which of the following ways did invasions from the north most often affect the development of Chinese civilization before the nineteenth century?

Conquering groups from the north most often adopted Chinese political and cultural institutions over several generations.

Slash-and-burn agriculture

Consists of cutting and burning of forests or woodlands to create fields for agriculture or pasture for livestock, or for a variety of other purposes. It is sometimes part of shifting cultivation agriculture, and of transhumance livestock herding.

People are entitled to a share of goods and services based on what they contribute to society.

Contributory Standard

The Internet assists citizen activists in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

Controlling coverage of certain issues

Occurs when businesses respond to rising production costs, by raising prices in order to maintain their profit margins.

Cost Push Inflation

Federal Courts

Deal with problems between states; they also handle cases that deal with the Constitution and the laws made by Congress, they lack enforcement powers.

After a college football team lost a key game against an arch rival, a crowd of fans ran onto the field, screaming and throwing things. The people in the crowd were otherwise law-abiding citizens. Their behavior can be explained by the principle of

Deindividuation Deindividuation occurs when people tend to lose some of their self-awareness and self-restraint when in groups.

Inflation resulting from an increase in aggregate demand. Increases in the following factors: money supply, government purchases, and price level in the rest of the world can impact this.

Demand Pull Inflation

New Freedom

Democrat Woodrow Wilson's political slogan in the presidential campaign of 1912; Wilson wanted to improve the banking system, lower tariffs, and, by breaking up monopolies, give small businesses freedom to compete.

Which of the following cities does the climograph shown most likely represent?

Douala, Cameroon Douala, Cameroon, has a monsoon climate with heavy summer rains and high temperatures throughout the year.

Exchange rate at which demand for a currency is equal to the supply of the currency in the econom

Equilbrium Exchange Rate

In the US, the federal bureaucracy functions as part of the

Executive Branch

Federal Reserve system actions to increase the money supply, lower interest rates, and expand real GDP; an easy money policy.

Expansionary Monetary Policy

Zambezi River

Famous for the Victoria Falls, one of the "Seven Natural Wonders of the World"

Sedentary Agriculture

Farming system in which the farmer remains settled in one place

Name of the book by Betty Friedan that discussed the frustration of many women in the 1950's and 1960's who felt they were restricted to their roles of mother and homemaker. Considered catalyst to feminist movement.

Feminine Mystique

Interest groups regularly engage in which of the following activities?

Filing amicus curiae briefs Donating to electoral campaigns

September 1774, delegates from twelve colonies sent representatives to Philadelphia to discuss a response to the Intolerable Acts

First Continental Congress

1777 Continental Congress adopted first 13 star union flag.

First U.S. flag

The federal government efforts to keep the economy stable by increasing or decreasing taxes or government spending.

Fiscal Policy

Which one of the following country's ideals was adopted as a model for the U.S. Constitution?


(1561-1626) English politician, writer. Formalized the empirical method. Novum Organum. Inductive reasoning.

Francis Bacon

"And while I am talking to you mothers and fathers, I give you one more assurance, I have said this before, and I shall say it again: Your boys are not going to be sent to any foreign wars." This was a promise made during a campaign speech of a US President. Who was he and what was he referring to?

Franklin Roosevelt and WWII Although it was not yet called WWII, the war in Europe was a real worry for Americans. They had been pulled into WWI. They were suffering a Great Depression. 94% of the people wanted to stay out of foreign wars. Roosevelt promised this in his campaign speech in Boston, MA, on October 30, 1940.

Archduke of Austria and Hungary who was assassinated at Sarajevo by a Serbian terrorist group called the Black Hand in 1914; his death was a main cause for World War I.

Franz Ferdinand

What distinguishes the colonization of New France in the eighteenth century from that of New England?

French colonists were more likely to pursue trade in furs with Native Americans and to intermarry with them.

"Mad" Anthony Wayne, Israel Putnamn, Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee, Philip Schuyler, Horatio Gates, Daniel Morgan, Benjamin Lincoln, and Nathanael Greene.

Generals in Revolution

Which were the most common motivators for European exploration in the time of Columbus? I. Gold II. Guns III. God IV. Glory

Gold, Glory, and God

Tangible ex. food, cars, and clothing


Who was a general of the Union forces during the Civil War?

Grant Grant later went on to become one of the presidents of the United States. He worked hard to make sure that the entire United States was able to come together as one.

Which TWO of the following were results of the 1783 Treaty of Paris between the United States and Great Britain?

Great Britain relinquished all claims to the United States. The United States gained access to lands east of the Mississippi River.

Which of the following was President John F. Kennedy's initial military response to the discovery of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962?

He ordered a naval quarantine to prevent the delivery of additional missiles to Cuba Kennedy instituted a naval blockade of Cuba instead of taking offensive military action, such as airstrikes or an invasion, that could start a war with the Soviet Union. Since blockades are considered acts of war, the action was legally defined as a quarantine.

Who was the first known person to reach the top of Mount Everest?

Hillary Sir Edmund Hillary was the first person known to make it to the top, assisted sherpas Tenzing Norgay. Later on, he was knighted and returned to Nepal to help the people in the region.

Judicial Restraint

Holds that the Court should avoid taking the initiative on social &political questions, operation strictly w/n the limits of the Constitution

Legendary dynasty, not enough information Possibly the first dynasty; King Yu founded this dynasty because he dredged channels of Yellow River to let floodwaters flow to sea and solve problem of recurring floods 2,000 BCE

Hsia Dynasty

Anthropology is the study of

Human culture and society

Raj, a junior in high school, has changed his style of dress, the music he listens to, and his group of friends twice this school year. According to Erik Erikson, Raj is most likely in which of the following stages of development?

Identity versus role confusion

In recent years which of the following mechanisms have states employed in greater numbers to bypass the normal machinery of government in the United States?

Initiatives and referenda

A ceremony in which a person formally receives the authority and symbols of an office.


The Silk Road

Is an extensive interconnected network of trade routes across the Asian continent connecting East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean world, as well as North and Northeast Africa and Europe. It spread Buddhism from India to China.

Hammurabi's Code

Is best summarized by the following expression, "An eye for and eye"

Was a great Indian nationalist leader who worked for independence and social reform. Supported and associated with Ghandi. He became first prime minister of independent India, a position he retained until his death. He initiated India's nonalignment policy in foreign affairs.

Jawaharal Nehru

In 1789 Congress passed this Act which created the federal-court system. The act managed to quiet popular apprehensions by establishing in each state a federal district court that operated according to local procedures.

Judiciary Act of 1789

An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit with minimal or no government interference

Laissez- faire capitalism

Lasted from 1975 to 1990. Was a religious conflict between Christians and the PLO, Sunni Muslims and Shi'a Muslims. After war equal seats were given in Parliament to Christians and Muslims

Lebanese Civil War

Roman Empire's use of slavery in their economy

Led to a lack of innovation in manufacturing and agriculture.

The framers of the Constitution argued that judicial independence would be best protected by

Life tenure with good behavior The framers believed that justices serving with life tenure would be insulated from undue political pressures.

The application of habeas corpus (government must explain the detention of a criminal) in criminal appeals is an example of what principle of American government?

Limited government Habeas corpus requires the government to explain the detention of an individual, which limits the power of the government.

The ease with which an asset can be transformed into spendable form.


What most accurately describes Maya civilization?

Maya kingdoms were never unified into a single empire

Emperor Mutsuhito "Enlightened Rule" became ruler of Japan after Tokugawa Shogunate toppled. Becan Meiji reformation in which new arm, government, and schools were created

Meiji Emperor

A person's contributions are irrelevant. Goods and services are distributed based on the needs of different households.

Needs Standard

An organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the production and sale of petroleum; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; international cartel that determines price of oil by regulating supply; Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and UAE are prominent members


Known as Yom Kippur War, 6-25 Oct, 1973. Suprise attack instigated by Egypt and Syria to push Israel out of Sinai. (Arab-Israeli conflict).

October War

Dutch pirate/ naval commander against the Spanish, steals silver from Spanish Silver Fleet in 1628

Piet Heyn

Rely on personal observations and descriptions of social life in order to explain behavior.

Qualitative Methods

North German Confederation

Result of end of Austria-Prussian War, Austria doens't get involved in German affairs, major step towards German unification. Came into existence in August 1866 as a military alliance of 22 states of northern Germany with the Kingdom of Prussia as the leading state.

Thomas Paine

Revolutionary leader who wrote the pamphlet Common Sense (1776) arguing for American independence from Britain. In England he published The Rights of Man

Which of the following statements was true of Rhode Island, based on what you have learned?

Rhode Island attracted exiles and dissenters from different areas who were in search of greater religious freedom.

Invented a machine gun, the Gatling Gun, during the Civil War. Important because of its widespread use in WWI.

Richard J. Gatling

Former slaves who could not afford to buy land during Reconstruction often turned to which of the following?


Which of the following most directly allowed early factories in the United States to appear outside the mill towns of New England?

Steam Power The innovation of the steam engine and the use of coal as a source of energy allowed for the expansion of manufacturing beyond the mill towns of New England and reduced the dependency on water-powered machinery.

Social reformer who campaigned for womens rights, the temperance, and was an abolitionist, helped form the National Woman Suffrage Assosiation

Susan B. Anthony

A society achieves this when it is producing the greatest quantity of goods and services possible

Technical Efficiency

British economic conditions during the early 1800s: - Canal miles tripled between 1760 and 1830. - Britain built more the 6,000 miles of railroad tracks by 1850. - Britain produced nearly 3 million tons of iron ore by 1852. - London's population grew by 236 percent between 1800 and 1850. Which of the following statements is based on the information provided?

The Industrial Revolution led to greater urbanization.

These "acts" were a reprisal for the Boston Tea Party. What were these acts called?

The Intolerable Acts The British had overextended themselves fighting many wars and needed money. They taxed the colonies to help defray this because the cost of protecting the colonies was part of this debt. The Townshend Act taxed tea, glass, paper and glass, among other things. The Proclamation of 1763 banned westward expansion. The Revenue Act raised taxes on linen, wine, sugar, and silk. The Stamp Act taxed almost every legal document as well as the above. In some cases it doubled their cost.

What Islamic state, which existed in the period 1500-1750 C.E. do historians frequently refer to as a "gunpowder empire"?

The Ottoman Empire

A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them

The Republic

Social Darwinism

The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

Why was Massachusetts founded?

The colonists were facing religious persecution in England.

Egyptian Afterlife

The dead were judged and if they had led a good life, they would live forever in the next world just as they had on Earth.

Which of the following was a consequence of British colonial rule in India?

The exploitation of resources

In which region of America was the Second Great Awakening most influential?

The frontier of western New York

The Federalist papers were written in support of

The ratification of the Constitution They were written in support of efforts to get the new Constitution ratified by the states.

What was the most immediate consequence of the Great Depression in Europe?

The rise of right-wing nationlist governments

How did colonists who were still loyal to the British crown react to the creation of the new country?

They moved to Canada

The Pennsylvania constitution was drafted to eliminate the governor and formed a unicameral government for all of the following reasons EXCEPT?

They preferred having one person as a legislator instead of a governor

Which of the following is true about both the electoral college and the House of Representatives?

They provide greater power to more populous states.

What is the most significant way that the early European explorers affected the Native Americans?

They spread smallpox through the coastal tribes.

A prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the non-communist armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States

Vietnam War

1939-1945, Hitler, invading Poland, was the beginning of the war. U.S. was neutral but became involved when Japan, bombed Pearl Harbor. We then dropped the atomic bombs, Little Boy, & Fat Man on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, using the Enola Gay B-29 bomber.


Struggle for the English throne (1455-1485) between the house of York (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose) ending with the accession of the monarch Henry VII first of the Tudor dynasty

War of the Roses

Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty in his 1964 State of the Union address. A new Office of Economic Opportunity oversaw a variety of programs to help the poor, including the Job Corps and Head Start.

War on Poverty

Kingdom of Maili

Was a West African empire of the Mandinka from c. 1230 to c. 1600. The empire was founded by Sundiata Keita and became renowned for the wealth of its rulers, especially Mansa Musa I. This Empire had many profound cultural influences on West Africa, allowing the spread of its language, laws and customs along the Niger River. This empire extended over a large area and consisted of numerous vassal kingdoms and provinces.

Nicola Machiavelli

Was an Italian philosopher/writer, and is considered one of the main founders of modern political science. Wrote,The Prince, which examines the acquisition, perpetuation, and use of political power in the western world. He justified rule by force.

Law of Diminishing Return

When additonal units of a variable input are added to fixed inputs after a certain point, the marginal product of the variable input declines.


Written by English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, maintained that sovereignty is ultimately derived from the people, who transfer it to the monarchy by implicit contract.

Quakers, who settled in PA and what is now NJ during the mid 1600s, promoted ideas such as

equal rights for women religious tolerance abolition of slavery

Donte has completed his master's degree and is looking into several job offers.This is an example of

frictional unemployment - when an individual is unemployed because of changing jobs or looking for the occupation that best suits his experience

Economic Profit

total revenue minus total cost, including both explicit and implicit costs

The Coptic Church in Egypt can best be described as a

type of Orthodox Christianity


year of The French Revolution


year of The fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans


year of the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Frederick Douglass

American abolitionist, women's suffragist, editor, orator, author, statesman, minister, and reformer. Escaping from slavery, he made strong constributions to the abolitionist movement, and achieved a public career that led to his being called "The Sage of Anacostia" and "The Lion of Anacostia." Is one of the most prominent figures in African American and United States history.

What major feat was accomplished during the Old Kingdom?

Both the great pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx were constructed during the Old Kingdom.


Broad-based reform movement, 1900-1917, that sought governmental action in solving problems in many areas of American life, including education, public health, the economy, the environment, labor, transportation, and politics.


Dominant agricultural model in the post-Civil War South. Is a system of agriculture in which a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on the land (e.g., 50% of the crop).

What was the form of government in ancient Eqypt?

Eqypt was ruled by a pharoah with absolute power, which meant that whatever the pharaoh decided was law.

Articles of Confederation

Goal that was clearly expressed was a limit on the power of the national government. This document, the nation's first constitution, was adopted by the second continental congress in 1781 during the revolution. The document was limited because states held most of the power, and congress lacked the power to tax, regulate trade, or control coinage.

What were some of the accomplishments of Babylonians?

The Babylonians built roads to encourage travel and trade goods from India and Egypt. Merchants and traders ran their own business.

What is the name of the first civilization in Mesopotamia?

The first civilization in Mesopotamia was Sumeria.

The Last of the Mohicans by James Fennimore Cooper,

The story takes place in 1757, during the French and Indian War (the Seven Years' War). when France and Great Britain battled for control of the North American colonies. During this war, the French called on Allied Native American tribes to fight with the more numerous British colonists.

A Century of Dishonor by Helen Hunt Jackson,

This book Chronicles the experiences of Native Americans in the United States, focusing on examples of injustices.

Malcolm X

Was an African-American Muslim minister, public speaker, and human rights activist. To his admirers, he was a courageous advocate for the rights of African Americans, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans

Huey Newton

Was co-founder and leader of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, an African-American organization established to promote Black Power, civil rights and self-defense.

Marcus Garvey

Inspired by what he heard he returned to Jamaica and established the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and published the pamphlet, The Negro Race and Its Problems. He was influenced by the ideas of Booker T. Washington and made plans to develop a trade school for the poor similar to the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.

What new farming techniques did the Neolithic people use?

People began picking and choosing the seeds from the biggest, best plants and planting only those in order to grow even bigger crops (this is called the domestication of plants). Farmers also used an irrigation system to control the flow of water to different areas of land by using canals.

How did the Nile River help the Egyptians?

The Nile River flooded every year and depositied rich soil on its banks, which helped with farming and led to a surplus of food. The annual flooding also helped the Eqyptians create a calendar, travel, and communicate.

John Mercer Langston

Was an American abolitionist, attorney, educator, and political activist. Together with his older brothers Gideon and Charles, he became active in the Abolitionist movement. He helped runaway slaves to escape to the North along the Ohio part of the Underground Railroad. In 1858 he and Charles partnered in leading the Ohio Anti-Slavery Society.


Policy of Great Britain and other imperial powers of regulating the economies of colonies to benefit the mother country.

Monroe Doctrine

President James Monroe's declaration to Congress on December 2, 1823, that the American continents would be thenceforth closed to European colonization, and that the United States would not interfere in European affairs.

Migration to the trans-Mississippi southwest

Increased scale of cotton production during the 1830s and 1840s in the United States.

Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547)

Hernando Cortes

Economic policy by Roosevelt that favored fair relationships between companies and workers

Square Deal

United Nations

International organization founded in 1945 to promote world peace and cooperation. It replaced the League of Nations.

African American soldier who fought for America's freedom. Fought at Lexington,Concord - became a hero at Bunker Hill.

Peter Salem

When the economy is in a recession, the Federal Reserve might implement an expansionary monetary policy in an effort to increase aggregate demand, which will cause

Real gross domestic product and the price level to increase

Which of the following refers to a series of events in production in which production inputs of different quality and quantity are combined into products of different quality and quantity?

Real process Based on the relationship between the main processes of a company, real process generates the production output, and it can be described by means of the production function.

The Gilded Age

Refers to the era of rapid economic and population growth in the United States during the post-Civil War and post-Reconstruction era of the late 19th century (1865-1901). Is most famous for the creation of a modern industrial economy. Characterized by robber barons, panics, and political corruption.

With respect to income, a sales tax is

Regressive, because it taxes low-income families a higher percentage of their income than it does high-income families Low-income families might spend all their income on consumption whereas high-income families generally save some fraction of their income. The sales tax is thus regressive because the taxes paid by low-income families constitute a large percentage of their incomes than the taxes paid by high-income families.

Which of the following is crucial to children becoming socialized?

Regular social interaction with adults For children to become socialized, contact with adults who teach them the norms, values, and cultural expectations of their respective communities is critical.

The historic period (1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed

Reign of Terror

Long Run Phillips Curve

Relationship between the inflation rate and the unemployment rate in the long run, looks at long-term natural rate of unemployment.

The price of a specific good or service in comparison to the prices of other goods and services.

Relative price

Which of the following paradigms is MOST likely to employ ethnographic research techniques?

Relativism Ethnographic research methods are descriptive and often open-ended. Relativism, the idea that experience and culture are relative to and dependent upon frame of reference, is the only paradigm that would benefit from this type of research. The other paradigms are much more structured.


Soviet statesman whose foreign policy brought an end to the Cold War and whose domestic policy introduced major reforms (born in 1931)

In 1588 the Spanish fleet attempted to invade England, ending in defeat, due to the raging storm in the English Channel as well as the smaller and better English navy led by Francis Drake. This is viewed as the decline of Spains Golden Age, and the rise of England as a world naval power.

Spanish Armada

A conflict form 1936 to 1939 that resulted in the installation of fascist dictator Francisco Franco as ruler of Spain; Franco's forces were backed by Germany and Italy, whereas the Soviet Union supported the opposing republican forces

Spanish Civil War

Which was NOT a factor that led the south toward slavery?

Spanish Florida outlawed slavery and sold all their workers inexpensively to Georgia.

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Sparked by Rosa Parks's arrest on December 1, 1955, for refusing to surrender her seat to a white passenger, a successful year-long boycott protesting segregation on city buses; led by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

The concentration of the productive efforts of individuals and firms on a limited number of activities usually based on financial advantage.


Producers become quite apt at those aspects of production they concentrate on.

Specialization of Labor


The monotheistic religion of Muslims founded in Arabia in the 7th century and based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran.

A mental map would most likely be used to determine

The most interesting route to school from home A mental map consists of memory constructs intervening between geographic settings and human action. Mental maps incorporate not only physical location, but also social and economic understanding of the geography in question. Since a mental map reflects a person's perception, residents of a neighborhood, for example, would have a different mental map of the dense network of streets than those who pass through the neighborhood but live elsewhere.

Capital Account

The net result of public and private international investments flowing in and out of a country. The net results includes foreign direct investment, plus changes in holdings of stocks, bonds, loans, bank accounts, and currencies.

Why did the British King approve James Oglethorpe's charter to found the colony of Georgia?

The new colony would be a buffer preventing Spanish attacks from Florida.

220 and 476

years Fall of Han dynasty and fall of the western Roman Empire

Set up a unified government for the towns of the Connecticut area (Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield). First constitution written in America.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

A measurement, in degrees, of a location's distance east or west of the prime meridian.


How may the principle of "equal justice under law," applied in federal court cases, benefit minorities, poor people, or young people?

"Equal justice under law" means that all people are equal before the court, even if they have little money or little political power.

Causes of U.S. Civil War

1. Social and economic differences - social hierarchy and slave based agriculture vs. industry and abolition 2. States vs. Federal Rights

States can not be sued in federal court

11th Amendment

Separate ballots for president and vice-president

12th Amendment

The beginning of the Columbian Exchange was marked after the year _____.

1492 CE

Direct election of Senators

17th Amendment


A person who believes government power, particularly in the economy, should be limited in order to maximize individual freedom.

Significant campaign finance reform is difficult to achieve because the Supreme Court views campaign donations as being protected by the

1st Amendment

Repeal of prohibition

21st Amendment

Limit on number of President's terms

22nd Amendment

Presidential electors for the District of Columbia

23rd Amendment

Presidential succession and disability

25th Amendment

Congressional pay increases

27th Amendment

Right to bear arms

2nd Amendment

Assume Country X can produce either 100 computers or 20 cars. The opportunity cost of producing a car in Country X is

5 computers

Right to a speedy trial by jury

6th Amendment

How many primary tectonic plates is the Earth made of?

7 Most geologists agree that there are 7 primary/major tectonic plates that comprise the bulk of the continents and the Pacific Ocean. These plates constantly shift against one another which causes seismic activity. In addition, secondary and tertiary plates have been identified.

1. Africa 2. Antarctica 3. Asia 4. Australia 5. Europe 6. North America 7. South America The largest is Asia.

7 continents

Jury trial in civil cases

7th Amendment

The sheet of paper that Martin Luther put on a church door stating what he believed to be the abuses of the Catholic Church, which included the sale of indulgences. This act is regarded as the start or catalyst to the reformation.

95 Theses

Powers reserved to the people

9th Amendment

Which of the following caused Spanish, British, and French forces to fight wars in North America prior to the American Revolution? Select all that apply.

A - Disputes about controlling territory in the colonies, B - Religious and cultural differences among colonists of different nationalities D - International tensions caused by competing alliances among the three nations Disputes about territory were a common source of minor skirmishes as well as wars, such as the French and Indian War of 1754-1763. Underlying such disputes were often religious and cultural differences and international tensions in Europe.


A Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as its spectacular art, monumental architecture, and sophisticated mathematical and astronomical systems. Initially established during the Preclassic period,(c. 250 CE to 900 CE), and continued until the arrival of the Spanish.

Which of the following is the best example of growth in the quality of physical capital?

A company expands its factory size and buys state-of-the-art equipment.

If a bill passes both houses of Congress but in different forms, which of the following is most likely to happen next?

A conference committee will create a final version of the bill for both chambers.

The Nazis' Final Solution to eliminate Jews and Gypsies is considered:

A crime of genocide This question tests your knowledge of an important term pertaining to national and international conflicts. Fratricide is the killing of a brother, homicide is one human being killing another human being, and germicide is the killing of disease-causing microorganisms. Genocide, however, is the killing of an entire people or cultural group. Since the Nazis wished to destroy the Jewish and Gypsy ethnic groups in their entirety, they committed the crime of genocide.

Which of the following best characterizes the feudal systems that developed in Europe and Japan?

A decentralized political structure ruled by a warrior elite

Amendment VI of the U.S. Constitution states that a person has the right "to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense." What does this mean?

A defendant has the right to a lawyer. A defendant can ask for or be assigned legal counsel. Witnesses are not necessary if other evidence is used to decide guilt. A person can be tried without his consent.

In contrast to developed countries, developing countries are generally characterized by

A higher proportion of their population working in agriculture Developing countries, which have real per capita income that is low relative to that in developed countries, tend to have a higher proportion of their workforce employed in agriculture. Populations in developing countries are less educated, on average, than those in developed countries, so (A) is not a correct answer. Population growth rates of developing countries tend to be higher than those of developed countries, so (B) is not a correct answer. More people tend to emigrate from developing countries than from developed countries, so (D) is not a correct answer.

Mississippi River

A major North American river and the chief river of the United States, the longest river in the U.S. (2nd longest in the US)


A philosophy that most emphasizes proper relationships as the basis for social and political order. It shows the way to ensure a stable government and an orderly society in the present world and stresses a moral code of conduct.


A political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.


A political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes, a belief that limited government ensures order, competitive governments, and personal opportunity.

Vote of no Confidence

A process in a parliamentary system where a majority of parliament members vote to remove the Prime Minister from office.

Cultural Revolution

A radical sociopolitical movement in China c1966-71, led by Mao Zedong and characterized by military rule, terrorism, purges, restructuring of the educational system, etc.

Money Demand

A relationship between the interest rate and the quantity of money that people are willing to hold at any given interest rate.


A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches.

Which of the following examples best shows the spatial economic practice of agglomeration?

A rubber tire factory and windshield producer locate near an automobile assembly plant. Agglomeration occurs when similar firms or businesses within the same industry locate in close proximity to each other. Agglomerating businesses tend to benefit from this clustering pattern by sharing a skilled workforce, utilizing local resources, and/or engaging in a manufacturing supply chain.

Exclusionary Rule

A rule that provides that otherwise admissible evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial if it was the result of illegal police conduct

With 56 countries, the second-largest continent (after Asia), located south of Europe and bordered to the west by the Atlantic ocean and to the east by the Indian ocean. It is widely believed that the human race began here.


Time period during the 15th and early 17th centuries when Europeans searched for new sources of wealth and for easier trade routes to China and India. Resulted in the discovery of North and South America by the Europeans.Africa and Asia became better known as well.

Age of Exploration

Recently, 18-month-old Diego has been trying to repeat words that he hears his mother, father, and sister say. He is learning and developing language. For Diego, his family members are

Agents of socialization Agents of socialization are defined as "groups most influential in the process of teaching children the norms and values of a particular culture" (Rohall, Milkie, and Lucas 2007: 151). One of the things that a child learns through the socialization process is language (Johnson 2000).

A move made by any animal or human which is done to either injure an opponent or force them to retreat is known as what?

Aggressive Behavior Aggressive behavior This is found throughout the animal kingdom in which humans are a part of. This is usually done in an attempt to show dominance over another person who threatens to encroach upon the territory the other person has.

Treaty of Paris

Agreement signed by British and American leaders that stated the United States of America was a free and independent contry

Which of the following was most significant in allowing river valley civilizations to flourish?

Agricultural production from relatively enriched soils

Hunting and gathering led to agriculture which appeared about 7,000 years ago and allowed for permanent settlements usually along rivers.

Agricultural settlements vs. hunting and gathering

Condition in which there is a lack of government either purposeful or by weakness and ineffectiveness of existing government. Also, a political theory favoring the abolition of governments.

Anarchism/ Anarchy

332 BCE:

Alexander the Great from Macedonia conquers Eqypt and establishes a dynasty that rules for 300 years.

Total Product

All the goods and services produced by a business during a given period of time with a given amount of input

Which of the following statements regarding the circumstances of Canada, Australia, and South Africa within the British Empire during the nineteenth century is most true?

All three regions contained a large proportion of European settlers and had considerable autonomy. These regions were largely settled by people of European descent. Although they were territories under the British Empire, Canada, Australia, and South Africa all operated under relative sovereignty with representative governments and locally elected parliaments in the nineteenth century. This was partially due to their long distance from Great Britain and their inhabitants' preference for representative government.

Occurs when society produces the types and quantities of goods and services that most satisfies its people.

Allocative (Economic) Efficiency

The British East India Company gradually took over more and more land in India. Foreign trading forts in India were

Always along the coast, usually near a river or bay.

John Adams

America's first Vice-President and second President. Sponsor of the American Revolution in Massachusetts, and wrote the Massachusetts guarantee that freedom of press "ought not to be restrained." Lawyer who defended British soldiers in the Boston Massacre trial.

The war between Great Britain and its American colonies, 1775-83, by which the colonies won their independence. Colonists rebelled against the Intolerable Acts

American Revolution

Which of the following changes indicates long-run economic growth?

An increase in long-run aggregate supplyAn increase in the long-run aggregate supply represents an increase in capacity, which indicates economic growth.

All of the following will cause an increase in the demand for labor, EXCEPT

An increase in product price Marginal productivity measures the amount of extra output that correlates with adding extra workers. As long as output continues to increase with the addition of more workers, marginal productivity increases, and so will labor demand. Likewise, increased skill levels of workers have the effect of increasing marginal productivity, since each worker can produce higher quantities, and thus higher skills have the effect of increasing labor demand as well. Increasing product demand has the effect of increasing output, which increases labor demand. An increase in product price, however, although having the effect of increasing the marginal revenue product, may also have the effect of decreasing product demand, which will decrease labor demand.

What will decrease the quantity demanded of gasoline?

An increase in the price of gas

Which of the following increases labor productivity?

An increase in the skills of workersAn increase in skills will increase production per worker, which is an increase in productivity.

Price Index

An index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time


An intellectual movement at the heart of the Renaissance that focused on education and the classics. A system of thought based on the study of human ideas and actions.

International Monetary Fund

An international organization of 183 countries, established in 1947 with the goal of promoting cooperation and exchange between nations, and to aid the growth of international trade.

European Union

An international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members.

South America Mountains


A walking tour that went from Cali to Quito, thence from Quito to Cuenca, Cuenca to Cajamarca, Cajamarca to Ayacucho, Ayacucho to Cuzco, Cuzco to La Paz, La Paz to Sucre, Sucre to Salta, Salta to San Juan, San Juan to Santiago, and, finally, Santiago to Temuco would be traveling the length of which of the following mountain ranges?

Andes Mountains The Andes extend from Colombia in the north to Chile in the South, traveling along the western edge of South America. Cali is a city in Colombia; Quito is the capital of Ecuador. To go from Cuenca to Cajamarca requires crossing the border into Peru, where Ayacucho and Cuzco are also found. La Paz and Sucre are the two capitals of Bolivia, while Salta and San Juan are both in Argentina. The final leg of the trip goes from Santiago, the capital of Chile, and ends in Temuco in the foothills of the southern Andes.

The seventh President of the United States (1829-1837), who as a general in the War of 1812 defeated the British at New Orleans (1815). As president he opposed the Bank of America, objected to the right of individual states to nullify disagreeable federal laws, and increased the presidential powers.

Andrew Jackson

Congressional Powers

Article 2 Section 8 of constitution gives the legislature or congress 27 expressed powers. A few are: - Declare War - Raise and fund army - Regulate trade and commerce - Levy taxes - Borrow Money - Investigate activities - Impeach President - Make laws for execution of expressed powers - Many implied powers as well

What article of the Constitution creates Congress?

Article I This sets up the bicameral legislative bodies for the government. It helps to create both bodies of Congress such as the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Explains relationship of states to one another and the national government; each state gives citizens of other states the same rights

Article IV

Settled Agriculture

As opposed to slash-and-burn varieties, usually implied some forms of property so that land could be identified as belonging to a family, a village, or a landlord. Only with property was there incentive to introduce improvements, such as wells or irrigation measures, that could be monopolized by those who created them or left to their heirs.

The grandson of Chandragupta who also was a leader of the Mauryan Empire. He converted to Buddhism from Hinduism and tolerated other religions other then Buddhism when he was the leader. He is the most honored leader of the Mauryan Empire and controlled a very successful civilization (India).


All of the following represent true characteristics of the average variable costs of a firm EXCEPT:

At any given output level, the average variable costs will increase over time The average variable costs of a firm are equivalent to total variable costs divided by the total quantity of units produced, which is equivalent to the variable cost per unit (AVC = VC/q). Statement D is simply another, more complicated way of saying the same thing. Since variable costs are linked to production, statements B and C are both true, and reflect effects arising from the laws of increasing or diminishing returns. The only false statement, and thus the correct answer, is expressed by A, since the formula for average variable costs does not take into account any changes along the time dimension.

U.S. Election Process

At least 35 years old, A natural born citizen of the United States, A resident of the United States for 14 years. 1) Primaries and Caucuses 2) National Conventions 3) The General (or Popular) Election 4) Electoral College The vote of the electoral college determines the President but most electors vote the popular vote of their state.

The last ruler of the Inca before the Spanish was:


A primary goal of President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs of the mid-1960s nineteen sixties was to

Attempt to eliminate poverty The Great Society was a set of domestic programs set forth by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964 to, among other things, address issues of poverty in the United States. Major federal spending programs were created to address education, medical care, transportation, and rural poverty issues.

The immense sandstone rock formation known as Uluru, or Ayers Rock, is sacred to the native peoples of which of the following continents?

Australia Ayers Rock, called Uluru in the local Pitjantjatjara language, is located in central Australia, and rises to 1142 feet while the path around its base is almost six miles long. The Aboriginal peoples of Australia have been using sites on the rock for ceremonial and artistic purposes for at least 10,000 years. Uluru is an important landmark in the great socially-distributed mental map known as Dreamtime that spans the entire continent of Australia.

He was an American General during the Revolutionary War (1776). He prevented the British from reaching Ticonderoga. Later, in 1778, he tried to help the British take West Point and the Hudson River but he was found out and declared a traitor.

Benedict Arnold

December, 1944-January, 1945 - After recapturing France, the Allied advance became stalled along the German border. In the winter of 1944, Germany staged a massive counterattack in Belgium and Luxembourg which pushed a 30 mile "bulge" into the Allied lines. The Allies stopped the German advance and threw them back across the Rhine with heavy losses.

Battle of the Bulge

Why did the European merchants and monarchs work so hard to find the Northwest Passage?

Because they wanted to find a way to Asia while completely avoiding Spanish territory.

Which of the following psychological paradigms do not allow interpretation of the internal mind?

Behaviorism Behaviorism suggests that scientific psychology should only be concerned with the study of observable behavior.

In 1961, the Soviet Union built a high barrier to seal off their sector of Berlin in order to stop the flow of refugees out of the Soviet zone of Germany. The wall was torn down in 1989.

Berlin Wall

African peoples who originally lived in the area of present-day Nigeria; around 500 BCE they began a centuries-long migration that took them to most of sub-Saharan Africa; the Bantu were very influential, especially linguistically as their language became the basis for several others as did their culture.


The World War II battle known as "The Turning Point of the Pacific," took place at:

Battle of Midway In early June, 1942, U.S. forces sunk four Japanese aircraft carriers and one battle cruiser at the Battle of Midway, losing one aircraft carrier in return, but seriously impairing the Japanese Navy's firepower and momentum. Only two aircraft carriers were still left in Japan's fleet, and while America had the industrial power to keep building new warships, Japan did not. As a result of this battle, Japanese expansion throughout the islands of the Pacific was momentarily halted, and the American victory gave soldiers who had been demoralized six months earlier at Pearl Harbor a new sense of confidence that the U.S. could win the War.

European armies defeat Muslim armies and stop the spread of Islam in Europe, battle in 732 in which the Christian Franks led by Charles Martel defeated Muslim armies and stopped the Muslim advance into Europe

Battle of Tours

The demographic transition model shows that as a less developed country industrializes, over time the country's

Birth rate declines first, and then the death rate declines

Lasting from 1899 to 1902, Dutch colonists and the British competed for control of territory in South Africa.

Boer War

A certificate issued by a government or private company which promises to pay back with interest the money borrowed from the buyer of the certificate.


Which of the following is a similarity between Thomas Hobbes and John Locke?

Both believed that a social contract existed between people and government.

How did improved literacy in Europe and Franklin's circulation of Enlightenment ideals impact the world view of the eighteenth century?

Both phenomena allowed more people access to new ideals

Which of the following did Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia have in common as monarchs?

Both rulers distrusted the people of the noble class and forced them to live in close proximity to their royal courts. At the height of his power, Louis XIV moved the location of his royal court to Versailles, France, a location relatively remote from the city of Paris. Here, the king was able to keep close watch on the nobility and aristocracy by rewarding those who attended his court and waited on him constantly. Peter the Great introduced sweeping reforms in Russia with the intent of modernizing and westernizing the country. The czar prohibited his courtiers from wearing long beards (a tradition in Russia for centuries) and forced them to wear western-style clothing. His Table of Ranks, a method by which nobles worked their way up from the landlord class to the military class, was set in place to encourage aristocrats to serve him as administrators or military professionals.

The initial spread of Buddhism in China and the spread of Christanity in the Mediterranean before 600 C.E. shared which of the following similaritites?

Both were heavily influenced by local religions and philosophies

Which of the following is a similarity between Christianity in western Europe and Islam in the Middle East before 1000 C.E.?

Both were strongly influenced by Judaism. Christianity was founded by members of the Jewish community in the Roman province of Judea, while Muslims recognized the founder of Islam as the last prophet in a line going back to the Jewish patriarch, Abraham.

1898-1900 A group of Chinese formed a secret society called The Righteous Harmonious Fists, their goal was to drive out foreign devils who were polluting the land with non traditional [Chinese] ways.

Boxer Uprising

Which of the following terms best describes what happens when professional and other highly skilled workers from less developed countries migrate to more developed countries?

Brain drain Brain drain occurs when countries lose part of their highly educated workforce to employment opportunities and higher pay in other countries.

The Connecticut Compromise

Legislative branch would have two parts: 1. a House of Representatives with state representation based on population and 2. a Senate, with two members from each state.

The theological system of John Calvin and his followers emphasizing omnipotence of God and salvation by grace alone


He was an Indian prince who conquered a large area in the Ganges River valley soon after Alexander the Great invaded western India.; founded Maurya dynasty; established first empire in Indian subcontinent; first centralized government since Harappan civilization

Chandragupta Maurya

How did having leisure time advance civilizations?

Leisure time advanced civilizations because people had time to explore ideas and be creative.

Which of the following most accurately represents the position of the Supreme Court's Buckley v. Valeo decision of 1976?

Campaign contributions are limited, but campaign spending is unlimited. In Buckley v. Valeo, the Supreme Court held that putting limits on political campaign spending is a violation of the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech: "A restriction on the amount of money a person or group can spend on political communication during a campaign necessarily reduces the quantity of expression by restricting the number of issues discussed, the depth of their exploration, and the size of the audience reached. [Footnote: Being free to engage in unlimited political expression subject to a ceiling on expenditures is like being free to drive an automobile as far and as often as one desires on a single tank of gasoline.] This is because virtually every means of communicating ideas in today's mass society requires the expenditure of money. The distribution of the humblest handbill or leaflet entails printing, paper, and circulation costs. Speeches and rallies generally necessitate hiring a hall and publicizing the event. The electorate's increasing dependence on television, radio, and other mass media for news and information has made these expensive modes of communication indispensable instruments of effective political speech." Placing limits on campaign contributions, however, does not go against the Constitution: "By contrast with a limitation upon expenditures for political expression, a limitation upon the amount that any one person or group may contribute to a candidate or political committee entails only a marginal restriction upon the contributor's ability to engage in free communication."

According to Karl Marx, the modern social structure is a product of

Capitalism Marx believed that class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie was the main feature of modern social structure and that capitalism was the source of the struggle.

Capitalistic Economy is productive resources are owned by private individuals

Capitalistic Economy

1790s Sent to explore the Pacific coast from Alaska to California and to make a report on the Sandwich Islands. Friendly to natives; gave them seeds and plants; Made 2 later trips and brought from California the first cattle to the islands. Thought of highly by Kamehameha such that they wished to be protect by his country, Great Britain. The British flag was raised on the island if Hawaii.

Captain George Vancouver

The Silk Road was a

Caravan route between China and the Roman Empire used for transporting goods and spreading religion.

Journalist for the Washington Post that helped uncover the Watergate scandal with Bob Woodward earning the Post the Pulitzer Prize for public service, wrote All the Presidents Men

Carl Bernstein

Ottoman Empire

Centered in Constantinople, the Turkish imperial state that conquered large amounts of land in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Balkans, and fell after World War I.

On the size and spacing of human settlements: The larger the size of the settlements, the fewer in number they will be. The larger the growth of the settlements, the greater the distance between them. As a settlement increases in size, the range and number of its functions will increase. As a settlement increases in size, the number of higher-order services will also increase. The four points above detail the main ideas behind which of the following?

Central Place Theory Central Place Theory suggests that centralization is a natural principle of order, and that human settlements follow it. It also argues that there are laws determining the number, size and distribution of towns.

Within the country's society and politics, Hinduism serves as a strong

Centripetal force in India

(221 - 206 BC) a legalist dynasty created by Qin Shi; all the city states were combined; the Great Wall was built during this dynasty, but not completed

Ch'in Dynasty

How did King James II's approach to the colonies differ from King Charles II's?

Charles II tried to assert dominion through treaties and acts, while James II made much stronger structural changes to how the colonies were governed in order to reassert control.

A five point policy issued by Japan's Meiji emperor, which described Japan's plan for modernization calling for democracy, equality of class, rejection of outdated customs, and acceptance of foreign knowledge.

Charter Oath

"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." James Madison, The Federalist paper No. 47 Which of the following constitutional principles best reflects the concerns expressed in this quotation?

Checks and balances

Which of the following was NOT an outcome of the Second Great Awakening?

Church attendance decreased.


City located in present-day Tunisia, founded by Phoenicians ca. 800 B.C.E. It became a major commercial center and naval power in the western Mediterranean until defeated by the expanding Roman Republic in the third century B.C.E.

A manner of existence of an individual concerned with the affairs of communities and the common good rather than solely in pursuit of private and personal interests.

Civic Life

The guarantees of the safety of persons, opinions, and property from the arbitrary acts of government, including freedom of speech and freedom of religion

Civil Liberties

Policies and laws given by a nation within its boundaries designed to protect people its citizens.In U.S., right or rights belonging to a person by reason of citizenship including especially the fundamental freedoms and privileges guaranteed by the 13th and 14th amendments and subsequent acts of Congress including the right to legal and social and economic equality.

Civil Rights

A stratified society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations). Usually indicates a population of 10,000 or more historically.


Launched the American Red Cross in 1881. An "angel" in the Civil War, she treated the wounded in the field.

Clara Barton

The four general view points about the workings of markets is?

Classical Keynesian Monetary Neoclassical

Which of the following are most common in states that use proportional representation electoral systems?

Coalition governments In a proportional representation voting system, each party gets the percentage of seats equal to the percentage of votes it receives in the election. This makes it more likely for smaller parties to win seats partly because people will be more likely to vote for smaller parties, which would not have much of a chance of winning in a majoritarian voting system, such as single-member district plurality. Proportional representation may or may not be found in the other three system

A set of laws made in 18th century that guaranteed certain freedoms for the males of France, French law is still based on this code. One of the main ways Napoleon was said to be the heir to the French Revolution.

Code Napolean

This period of time following World War II is where the United States and the Soviet Union emerged as superpowers and faced off in an arms race that lasted nearly 50 years. No actual battles fought.

Cold War

Which of the following was an effect of Bacon's Rebellion (1676) in colonial Virginia?

Colonial leaders encouraged racial solidarity between upper- and lower-class White colonists. In 1676, disgruntled colonist Nathaniel Bacon led landless White and black colonists seeking greater access to land in a revolt against the colonial government of Virginia. In the years that followed the revolt, colonial leaders sought to better control the colony by drawing more plantation labor from enslaved Africans and providing more rights and privileges to poorer White settlers.

The expansion of countries into other countries where they establish settlements and exert rule over the people.


The Commodore of the U.S. Navy who compelled the opening of Japan to the West with the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854. Japan also agreed to help shipwrecked soldiers as a result. Matthew Perry brought many steam ships with him to show America's strength, and to intimidate and persuade the Japanese.

Commodore Matthew Perry

Which of the following lists documents and events in chronological order?

Common Sense, Virginia Convention, Committee of Five, Declaration of Independence Thomas Paine's pamphlet (Common Sense) created much support for independence after its publication in early 1776. In May of that same year, the Virginia Convention met to create the Lee Resolution of Independence. This resulted in the creation of a Committee of Five to prepare a formal declaration which later became the Declaration of Independence.

Crimean War

Conflict between the Russian and Ottoman Empires. To prevent Russian expansion, Britain and France sent troops to support the Ottomans. The war arose from the conflict of Russian demands to exercise protection over the Othodox subjects of the Ottoman sultan.

Maintaining appropriate table manners while eating a meal at home alone is an example of which of the following?

Conformity Conformity is the process by which an individual's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are influenced by other people. Frequently, conformity takes place even unconsciously, such as when in solitude.

"Let young people show filial piety at home, respectfulness towards their elders when away from home; let them be circumspect, be truthful; their love going out freely toward all, cultivating goodwill to men. And if, in such a walk, there be time or energy left for other things, let them employ it in the acquisition of literary or artistic accomplishments." The sentiment expressed in the preceding passage is central to which of the following religions?

Confucianism The central focus of Confucianism is on behavior proper to each main type of human relationship. In the passage quoted, the behavior of sons towards fathers is highlighted. In addition to this stress on filial piety, the emphasis on benevolent humanism—"love going out freely towards all, cultivating goodwill to men"—clearly sets the passage off as being among the teachings of Confucius. Furthermore, though neither Islam nor Christianity specifically forbid "literary or artistic accomplishments", they do not so literally encourage practitioners to acquire them in their spare time as this quote from the Analects does.

A group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization.


A system of government in which the functions of government are defined by a constitution. It effectively restrains the powers of the government and guarantees certain rights to the people.

Constitutional Government

A system of government in which the monarch has shared governmental powers with elected legislatures or serves mainly as a ceremonial leader of a government

Constitutional Monarch

"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been a short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths." What best characterizes Madison's preferred form of government?

Constitutional republic

General U.S. strategy in the Cold War that called for containing Soviet expansion; originally devised by U.S. diplomat George Kennan.


Describes the contents of the materials.

Content Analysis

Are great divisions of land on the globe; the large part of the surface of the earth that rises above sea level. There are 7 coninents


Which of the following was a characteristic that the early-nineteenth-century revolts against colonial authority in Latin America shared with the American Revolution?

Continuation of the dominance of existing local elites After both the American and Latin American revolutions, local elites in the new independent nations continued to maintain most political power.

Period of declining business activity.


Political Map

Coutries are represented in different colors, and countries that share a border are not given the same color. This is so that the borders between countries will be distinct. Political maps are used to illustrate those aspects of a country that haeve been determined by people: the capital, the provincial and national borders, and the large cities. Political maps sometimes include major physical features like rivers and mountains, but they are not intended to display all such information.

The Tenth Amendment reserves to the states the power to

Create public schools The Tenth Amendment reserves all powers not exclusively given to the federal government to the states, which includes the power to create public schools.

The "Boston Massacre" helped galvanize liberty fighters. Eleven men were wounded or killed. One of the dead was a black man called the "First Martyr" of the Revolution. Who was he?

Crispus Attucks When the crowd began throwing rocks and snowballs at the sentry, another 20 soldiers appeared. Someone fired into the crowd and 11 members of the mob were wounded or dead, including Crispus Attucks, a black man, the first man to die in the Revolution. The soldiers were put on trial and defended by John Adams who took the case even though no one thought it was prudent. Radicals in Boston called this "The Boston Massacre." The soldiers were mostly acquitted with a few being branded as a punishment.

Several events in the 1850s caused anger in both the North and South, making war more likely. Which of the following was NOT a cause of increasing tensions?

Crittenden's Compromise

In 1590, John White finally returned to Roanoke. No settlers were found, this word was found carved into a tree.


The Platt Amendment specified all of the following conditions EXCEPT:

Cuba would be guaranteed its independence by 1915

Describes the movement of a concept, innovation, or discovery from its area of origin to new areas.

Cultural diffusion

Government engages in deficit spending during recessionary periods primarily to counteract

Cyclical unemployment

A member of the group of Texas "patriot" fighters during the Alamo, he was a renowned frontiersman and former Tennessee congressman, argued that he was America's first celebrity

Davey Crockett

1887, dismantled American Indian tribes, set up individuals as family heads with 160 acres, tried to make rugged individualists out of the Indians, attempt to assimilate the Indian population into that of the American

Dawes Act

The patent for a popular blood-thinning drug expires this year, and a number of pharmaceutical companies have decided to produce generic versions of the drug. As a result, the price of the drug will

Decrease due to an increase in the supplyAn increase in the number of producers increases the supply of the drug and, therefore, the price will fall.

Every person is entitled to an equal share of goods and services.

Equality Standards

The goal of Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs of the mid 1960s was to

Fight poverty and racial inequality

Organizations such as commercial banks, savings and loan institutions, credit unions, and insurance companies.

Financial Intermediaries

How did the reform agenda of Charles Finney differ from Lyman Beecher's during the Second Great Awakening?

Finney supported the abolition movement, whereas Beecher's cause was the temperance movement.

The relationship between the price of a product and the amount consumers are willing and able to buy.


Shows the relationship between the price and the quantity demanded.

Demand Schedule

The factory system

Each worker created a separate part of the total assembly of a product, thus increasing the efficiency of factories. Factories spread wildly as well in the 1820s. Many of these factories were also built alongside water to take advantage of water power. Many also had massive smokestacks. Factories polluted both water and air.

Phoenicians - glass and alphabet Hittites- ironwork Hyksos - first used horse Hebrews- first permanent monotheistic religion of Judaism (10 commandments) Persians- conquered most of the Middle East.

Early Middle Eastern Civilizations

A day in which we celebrate the earth on. Held first on April 22, 1970.

Earth Day

Irish demand for independence in 1916, hoping to get it while British were occupied by the WW1.

Easter Rebellion

1598 - Henry of Navarre's policy of religious tolerance to keep peace in France. Edict was revoked in 1685 by Louis XIV.

Edict of Nantes

The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in 1961 and the invasion of Panama in 1989 are examples of attempts by the United States to

Eliminate unfriendly governments in the Western Hemisphere The 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba and the 1989 invasion of Panama are two examples of United States military action in Latin America intended to topple totalitarian regimes. The United States sought to end the revolutionary leftist government of Fidel Castro in Cuba, and depose General Manuel Noriega, who had declared a state of war between the United States and Panama.

A grant of authority over a population of Amerindians in the Spanish colonies. It provided the grant holder with a supply of cheap labor and periodic payments of goods by the Amerindians. It obliged the grant holder to Christianize the Amerindians.


Despite the fact that the final objective of the Revolutionary War was absolute freedom from the British, the writers of the Constitution based the legislative branch of the United States government on which of the following?

English Parliament Ironically, after liberation from the British, the writers of the United States Constitution based the legislative branch of government on the English Parliament.

18th century European movement in which thinkers attempted to apply the principles of reason and the scientific method to all aspects of life. Also known as Age of Reason.

Enlightenment Period

In terms of the amount of biomass produced, what are the most productive land ecosystems?

Equatorial rain forests - high temperatures and wet tropical climates in these areas generate the most plant life, which is able to support a larger volume of animal species and populations in comparison to other regions. (biomass = total plant and animal matter)

A society wants distribution of goods and services to conform with its options of "fairness"


Society wants distribution of goods and services to conform with the notion of "fairness".


Conflict between groups of people with different language and culture often a result of ethnic nationalism. Much of Africa, the Middle East, and southern Asia are affected by ethnic strife. Egypt is one of the few exceptions. Much of the ethnic strife is between Hindus, Muslims, and animists.

Ethnic Strife

Which of the following was an effect of the collapse of centralized communist governments on Eastern Europe in 1989?

Ethnic conflict as a result of deep historical tensions 1989, Eastern Europe transitioned out of Soviet domination. This process led to a violent civil war in Yugoslavia, which had been constructed as a multiethnic state after the First World War. Conflicts also broke out as people that were not ethnically Russian attempted to establish independent states, such as in Chechnya.

Beginning in the 700s BCE,first rulers of Roman Republic and Empire; Laid the foundation for Rome and Roman civilization. Etruscans intermingled with other civilizations to become the Romans.


An international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members

European Union

The period of growing business activity.


An increase in government purchases of goods and services, a decrease in net taxes, or some combination of the two for the purpose of increasing aggregate demand and expanding real output

Expansionary Fiscal Policy

A popular expression for the countries of eastern Asia (usually including China and Mongolia and Taiwan and Japan and Korea and Indochina and eastern Siberia)

Far East

Interstate Commerce Commission

Former independent agency of the U.S. government, established in 1887; it was charged with regulating the economics and services of specified carriers engaged in transportation between states. Surface transportation under the it's jurisdiction included railroads, trucking companies, bus lines, freight forwarders, water carriers, oil pipelines, transportation brokers, and express agencies. After his election in 1904, Theodore Roosevelt demonstrated support of progressive reforms by strengthening this.

Democrat elected President in 1932. Responsible for New Deal and fireside chats. First president to use media (radio) as a regular/ common connection to people.

Franklin Delanor Roosevelt

1754 - 1763 This struggle between the British and the French in the colonies of the North America was part of a worldwide war known as the Seven Years' War, Was a war fought by French and English on American soil over control of the Ohio River Valley-- English defeated French in 1763. Historical Significance: established England as number one world power and began to gradually change attitudes of the colonists toward England for the worse.

French Indian War

Which of the following distinguishes the colonization of New France in the eighteenth century from that of New England?

French colonists were more likely to pursue trade in furs with Native Americans and to intermarry with them. The French fur trade was a larger component of economic activity inNew France than in New England, and the French, especially fur traders, were more likely to intermarry with Native Americans than colonists in New England

GNP is a measure of the dollar value of final goods and services produced by the economy over a given period of time. usually one year. Most comprehensive indicator of the economies health available, although it does not measure societies overall well-being.

GNP Gross National Product

Which of the following states that making successful choices depends upon the choices of others?

Game theory Game theory attempts to mathematically capture behavior in strategic situations in which an individual firm's success in making choices depends on the choices of others.

Federal Categorical Grants

Grants that earmark the funds for specific uses and often require that the states meet a number of other requirements to receive and used these funds.

1787 Compromise made by Constitutional Convention in which states would have equal representation in one house of the legislature and representation based on population in the other house

Great Compromise

The separation of most of the Eastern churches from the Western Church in A.D. 1054 causing the establishment of Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox.

Great Schism

President Johnson called his version of the Democratic reform program the Great Society. In 1965, Congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education.

Great Society

When Europeans came to the New World they brought guns. The people living here had bows and arrows. The Europeans overcame the Natives. Why was this possible?

Guns were frightening. They made a big noise. Psychologically, the fear of the guns was more important than the accuracy of the weapons. Perception is very important.. Bows and arrows were very accurate. Muskets were not. The natives heard the big noise and were frightened and ran. Because of this, they thought that the guns were superior. When they got guns, they were dependent on the white men for ammunition. The white men controlled which sides got ammunition.


Having to do with or pertaining to the Vedas-the oldest scriptures in India and the world, passed through oral tradition.


He attempted to unitfy his lands in Western Europe after his death in 814 C.E. because regional loyalties that outweighed allegience to his son.

Julius Andrassy

He became Austria-Hungary's last imperial Foreign Minister, serving for just nine days before resigning on 1 November 1918. With war underway He came out in opposition to Foreign Minister Burian's initiatives in Italy and Poland.

President Jefferson wanted to limint the power of the federal government. Which of the following wa an action he took to achieve this goal?

He cut the federal budget

"Self-actualization" is a term associated with the ________ approach to understanding human behavior.


The series of wars between England and France, 1337-1453, in which England lost all its possessions in France except Calais. Was discovered that foot soldiers with long bows were superior to armored knights thus ending medieval form of warfare.

Hundred Years War

Which of the following regulations apply to volunteers who drive to rural communities in order to knock on people's doors and tell them why they should vote for a particular candidate? I: Travel expenses cannot be more than $1,000 per volunteer; II: Reimbursed travel expenses are considered to be campaign contributions by the reimburser and are limited by FEC regulations; III: No matter what their expenses are, Federal Election Commission regulations do not apply since they are not paid for their time.

I and II only If volunteers are traveling specifically to help a candidate during a campaign, their travel expenses are regulated by the FEC. Each volunteer cannot spend more than $1,000 for any campaign) when they are promoting a specific candidate. Also, if someone is reimbursing their travel expenses, that money will count as a campaign contribution for the person who reimburses, but not for the volunteers, and their contribution will be regulated accordingly depending on whether they are an individual or a group.

At the Constitutional Convention, the States wanted to retain as much power as possible. What rights did the Constitution give to the Congress? I. The power to regulate commerce between states II. The power to regulate trade with foreign countries III. The power to pass laws with a simple majority IV. The power to appoint a president

I, II, and III The Constitution gave the Congress the right to regulate trade between states and with foreign countries. It could also pass laws with a simple majority. The president is elected by the people through an electoral college.

Firms that function in perfect competition have no control over the prices they charge. Assuming perfect competition, which of the following are true? I. There are many firms. II. Each firm has a small share of the market. III. They sell identical or nearly identical products. IV. They produce a unique product.

I, II, and III only In perfect competition, there are many firms producing very similar products each providing for a part of the total market. An example of this is corn farmers who all produce corn for the same food market.

The first President of the United States was elected by members of which of the following institutions? I: House of Representatives; II: Electoral College; III: Senate.

II only George Washington was elected by the Electoral College, an institution established by Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."

A militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and guerilla warfare in an effort to drive British forces from Northern Ireland and achieve a united independent Ireland


A region which is covered by perennial ice and snow; a large glacier forming on an extensive area of relatively level land, flowing outward from its center

Ice cap

Which of the following correctly states the optimal hiring practice of a profit-maximizing firm?

If the marginal revenue product of a firm is greater than the marginal resource cost, then the firm can increase profits by hiring more workers. Firms optimize their profits at the point where their marginal revenue product (MRP) equals the marginal resource cost (MRC). If MRP is greater than MRC, they will want to hire more workers in order to make MRP equal to MRC. This is because MRP equals the change in total revenue divided by the change in the number of workers. Thus by increasing the number of workers, MRP will decrease. Likewise, if MRP is less than MRC, the number of workers needs to be decreased in order to bring MRP up to the same level as MRC.

Protected and enforced the laws of naturalization, the process by which a foreign-born person becomes a citizen. It also tackled illegal entrance into the United States, preventing receipt of benefits such as social security or unemployment by those ineligible to receive them, and investigated, detained, and deported those illegally living in the United States.

Immigration and Naturalization Service

What can best account for the fact that opportunity costs in production are typically increasing?

Imperfect substitutability of resources (Increasing opportunity costs are caused by resources that are not perfectly substitutable for producing alternative products)

In 1947, India became an independent dominion of the British Commonwealth, while in 1950 it became a democratic republic with its own Constitution. Which of the following foreign policy approaches best describes that from which India gained independence?

Imperialism This question tests your ability to relate real-world events to different foreign policy approaches. Isolationism espouses a policy of avoiding wars with other countries except in cases of self-defense and erecting economic barriers controlling trade with, and cultural influences from, other countries. Internationalism views nations as potentially equal players in the realm of foreign policy and urges them to cooperate economically and politically for the benefit of all and cost to none. Interventionism is the policy by which one country manipulates another through either economic means such as trade sanctions, embargoes, export limitations, military means such as overt or clandestine operations, assassinations, terrorism, etc. Imperialism is a form of large-scale intervention by which one country controls another politically, militarily, culturally, and economically by formally claiming it as a dependent protectorate or colony. Since India had been such a dependent colony of Britain, the foreign policy from which it gained independence most closely approaches imperialism.

Which expansion of presidential power has been limited by the courts?

Impoundment of funds from Congress

When were The Great Pyramids of ancient Egypt built?

In the Old Kingdom This question tests your knowledge of ancient Egypt. The Great Pyramids were built as royal tombs in the Giza Necropolis outside the capital city of Memphis (the outskirts of present-day Cairo) during the time of the Old Kingdom (2686-2134 B.C.E.). The Valleys of the Kings and Queens are sites of royal necropoli containing tombs built further south along the Nile outside the city of Thebes--capital during the time of the New Kingdom (1570-1070 B.C.E.).

A Native American people who built a notable civilization (600,000,000 population) in western South America in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The center of their empire was in present-day Peru. Practiced slavery and human sacrifice. Francisco Pizarro of Spain conquered the empire.


The following passage is from The Gospel of Wealth (1889) by Andrew Carnegie. "The price which society pays for the law of competition, like the price it pays for cheap comforts and luxuries, is also great; but the advantages of this law are also greater still, for it is to this law that we owe our wonderful material development. . . . But, whether the law is benign or not, we must say of it, as we say of the change in the conditions of men to which we have referred: It is here; we cannot evade it; no substitutes for it have been found; and while the law may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department. "The excerpt above best reflects which of the following attitudes in the United States during the Gilded Age?

Income inequality between industrialists and workers benefits the nation as a whole. Andrew Carnegie's concept of the Gospel of Wealth asserted that the wealthiest people were justified in amassing great fortunes because of their hard work and an inherent inclination toward good business practices, though he believed that they should give away their fortunes during their lifetime to projects such as public library construction that benefitted all members of society.

Which of the following was an important effect of the Protestant Reformation in Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

Increased literacy in predominately Protestant states The centrality of reading the Bible to Protestant theology, the translation of the Bible into the vernacular language, and the use of the printing press for mass production of books all contributed to an increase in literacy rates in Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

How were indentured servants different from slaves in the 1600s colonial society?

Indentured servants could leave after seven years while slaves could not.

Which of the following was the primary source of agricultural labor in the British colonies in North America during the early years of colonization until the 1660s?

Indentured servants from Great Britain During the seventeenth century, the vast majority (as much as 80% in Virginia) of immigrants to the colonies came as indentured servants, and they continued to be an important source of labor in New England and the Middle Atlantic states long after.

Which of the following countries has had a woman president or prime minister?

India, Israel, and Great Britain have all had women in the top leadership position in government. They were, respectively, Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, and Margaret Thatcher.

Passed in 1830, authorized Andrew Jackson to negotiate land-exchange treaties with tribes living east of the Mississippi. The treaties enacted under this act's provisions paved the way for the reluctant—and often forcible—emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the West.

Indian Removal Act


Indian from the Iroquois tribe who was one of two men who persuaded five nations to unite and work together as a group.

Political polarization is best described as a process in which

Individuals' political preferences increasingly resemble those of the political parties they are affiliated with Popular political polarization occurs when voters are more starkly and clearly divided along partisan lines.

League of Nations

International organization founded in 1919 to promote world peace and cooperation but greatly weakened by the refusal of the United States to join. It proved ineffectual in stopping aggression by Italy, Japan, and Germany in the 1930s.

Which of the following led to Islam becoming the dominant religion in Indonesia from circa 1600 C.E. to the present?

Indonesians' trade with Arab and Persian merchants across the Indian Ocean Muslim traders encountered Indonesia via the Indian Ocean maritime system as early as the eleventh century C.E., but significant evidence of the presence of Muslims does not appear until the thirteenth century. As trade expanded and more Muslim merchants came to Indonesia, local rulers began to adopt Islam, so that by the end of the sixteenth century, Islam was the religion of the majority.

Proceeds from concrete observations from which general conclusions are inferred through a process of reasoning.

Inductive Theory

The change from an agricultural to an industrial society and from home manufacturing to factory production, beginning in England from about 1750 to about 1850. Inventions such as steam engine, steam ships, locomotives, cotton gin, flying shuttle, spinning jenny, and power loom fueled the revolution as well as advances in steel production and the use of electricity. Later the internal combustion engine led to cars. At first there were no regulations regarding working and living conditions but later in the century there were many reforms.

Industrial Revolution

Tenement housing in the United States was a response to what developments in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

Industrialization and urbanization

Tenement housing in the United States was a response to which of the following developments in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

Industrialization and urbanization

Developing industries that require protection to get started.

Infant Industries

According to pluralist theories of democracy, what is a benefit provided by the activities of interest groups?

Interest aggregation

Clear and Present Danger Test

Interpretation of the First Amendment that holds that the government cannot interfere with speech unless the speech presents a clear and present danger that it will lead to evil or illegal acts.

Includes symbolic interaction, dramaturgy, and ethnomethodology.

Interpretive Sociology

An uprising by Palestinian Arabs (in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank) against Israel in the late 1980s and again in 2000; "the first Intifada ended when Israel granted limited autonomy to the Palestine National Authority in 1993"


Which of the following tribes was NOT considered one of the Five Civilized Tribes by White settlers?

Inuit The Cherokee, Seminole and the Chickasaw were all considered part of the Five Civilized Tribes. The Inuit were located much further north than the five tribes.

Cotton Gin

Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793, the machine separated cotton seed from cotton fiber, speeding cotton processing and making profitable the cultivation of the more hardy, but difficult to clean, short-staple cotton; led directly to the dramatic nineteenth-century expansion of slavery in the South.

Capital Flows

Investment flows per period of time, into and out of a country. EX: Portfolio/FDI

A political scandal in the United States which came to light in November 1986, during the Reagan administration, in which senior US figures agreed to facilitate the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo, to secure the release of hostages and to fund Nicaraguan contras.

Iran Contra

In November 1979, revolutionaries stormed the American embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage. The Carter administration tried unsuccessfully to negotiate for the hostages release. On January 20, 1981, the day Carter left office, Iran released the Americans, ending their 444 days in captivity.

Iran Hostage Crisis

Nomadic Herding

Is a way of life where families move along with their herds according to the seasons and rely on their animals for food, shelter and clothing. They can tend to cattle, camels, goats, horses, reindeer, or sheep.

English mathematician and scientist who invented differential calculus and formulated the theory of universal gravitation, a theory about the nature of light, and three laws of motion. His treatise on gravitation, presented in Principia Mathematica (1687), was supposedly inspired by the sight of a falling apple.

Isaac Newton

Which of the following is an Abrahamic religion?


An ancient kingdom of the Hebrew tribes at the southeastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, In antiquity, the land between the eastern shore of the Mediterranean and the Jordan River, occupied by the Israelites from the early second millennium B.C.E. The modern state of Israel was founded in 1948 by the United Nations as a result of the Holocaust. Conflict between the Jews and Arabs persists over the land which had been part of Palestine.


Abigale receives a 5 percent increase in her salary at the end of the year. If the price level also increases by 7 percent during the same year, then what happens to Abigale's real income?

It decreases by 2% The increase in the price level is greater than the increase in Abigail's Nominal wage, so her real income has decreased.

What is the effect of the electoral college on the US presidential elections?

It encouraes candidates to focus their campaigns on a handful of competitve states

What is true of the US Constitution?

It enumerates the powers of federal and state governments

Which of the following is correct regarding the Declaration of Independence?

It identified the purpose of American government

Which of the following best describes the occurrence and duration of the business cycle in the United States?

It occurs irregularly over time with varied length.

The United States responded to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 with which of the following policies?

It provided weapons and resources to groups of resistance fighters Between 1979 and 1989 the United States provided arms and monetary funding to guerrilla groups who fought the Soviet military and Soviet-supported Afghan government.

Why was the colony of New Jersey founded?

It was a part of New York given by the Duke of York to important colonists to gain favor with them

How did the principle of the consent of the governed impact the Declaration of Independence?

It was an integral part of the Declaration and it meant common people have to allow their rulers to have any authority over them.

1800s American Intellectualism Authors

James Fenimore Cooper Nathaniel Hawthorne Herman Melville Walt Whitman Mark Twain Emily Dickinson Ralph Waldo Emerson Margaret Fuller Henry David Thoreau

Strict constructionist, 4th president, Father of the Constitution, leads nation through War of 1812

James Madison

1817 - He was the fifth President of the United States. He is the author of the Monroe Doctrine. Served two terms.

James Monroe

Which of the following is the best example of a nation-state?

Japan A nation-state is a country of citizens who share a common culture and ethnic origin and who together compose a state. The nation-state does not exist fully in reality because most national populations are diverse, to a degree. In western Europe Iceland is closest to this ideal type. Japan, because it has set limits on immigration, is the closest to the type in Asia.

During the Middle Ages, feudalism was an economic and social system binding rulers, landowners, farmers, and warriors into codified relationships of vassalage, patronage, and labor in which of the following regions of the world?

Japan and Europe

On February 19, 1942, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order which stated that "by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, I hereby authorize and direct the Secretary of War, and the Military Commanders whom he may from time to time designate, whenever he or any designated Commander deems such action necessary or desirable, to prescribe military areas in such places and of such extent as he or the appropriate Military Commander may determine, from which any or all persons may be excluded, and with respect to which, the right of any person to enter, remain in, or leave shall be subject to whatever restrictions the Secretary of War or the appropriate Military Commander may impose in his discretion." Which of the following was one of the outcomes of Roosevelt's authorization of "exclusion zones"

Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps for the rest of the War. Roosevelt's executive order had the effect of removing Japanese-American citizens from their homes, most of which were in California, and relocating them to internment camps scattered in isolated regions throughout western states such as Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, and Arizona. The reason given for the removal was to prevent the risk of espionage. The Supreme Court's ruling in the 1944 appeal of Korematsu v. United States, upheld this line of reasoning to rule that internment was not unconstitutional.

Is a Japanese cultural activity involving the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha, powdered green tea. the art of its performance, is called otemae. Zen Buddhism was a primary influence in the development of the tea ceremony.

Japanese Tea Ceremony

What causes weather patterns to move from west to east across the United States?

Jet stream The jet stream is a high-velocity wind in the lower levels of the atmosphere that attains speeds of more than 250 miles per hour as it moves in a westerly direction, carrying weather patterns with it.

French heroine and military leader inspired by religious visions to organize French resistance to the English in the 100 Years War and to have Charles VII crowned king,

Joan of Arc

"But I take higher ground. I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slave-holding states between the two is, instead of an evil, a good—a positive good." The preceding sentiments were held by which of the following American politicians?

John Caldwell Calhoun John C. Calhoun of South Carolina served as Vice-President under first, John Quincy Adams, then Andrew Jackson. He resigned from the office of Vice-President during the Nullification Crisis, and ran for the Senate. He was elected to the Senate on December 28, 1832, and five years later he delivered a speech in the Senate justifying his views on slavery, going well beyond the position even a slave-owning politician such as Jackson would have stated in public.

"3 millions of peopel, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invinvible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of Nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us." This quote demonstrates what belief held by colonists?

Justice was on the side of the colonists' rebellion

British Monarch from the House of Windsor; Abdicated the throne to be able to marry "the women I love" Wallace Warfield-Simpson

King Edward VIII

Founder of the church in England and ruled England from 1509-1547. He broke with the Catholic church because he couldn't get a divorce for wife not bearing male child.

King Henry VIII

Before 2700 BCE:

King Menes unites the Upper and Lower Eqyptian Kingdoms.

Rio Grande River (between US and Mexico)

Large river that forms a border between the US and Mexico

An economic concept that states that the price of a good rises and falls depending on how many people want it and depending on how much of the good is available. Prices rise with lack of availability and fall when there is a surplus.

Law of Supply and Demand

An effect of the First World War on civil liberties in the United States before 1920

Laws on espionage and sedition were expanded to target anti-American language and behavior

Which of the following describes an effect of the First World War on civil liberties in the United States before 1920?

Laws on espionage and sedition were expanded to target anti-American language and behavior. The Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 both affected civil liberties in the United States during the First World War. The Sedition Act of 1918 criminalized language viewed as disloyal or overly critical of the United States government. As a result, many citizens were arrested for their behavior, including members of communist and socialist groups.


Leader of the Huns who put pressure on the Roman Empire's borders during the 5th century.

Sent on an expedition by Jefferson in 1804 to gather information on the United States' new land and map a route to the Pacific. They kept very careful maps and records of this new land acquired from the Louisiana Purchase. They were guided in part by Sacajewia

Lewis and Clark

May be required of importers of foreign goods so that imports can be restricted.

Licenses (Trade)

What term describes how much money a company has on hand?

Liquid Resource Liquid resource This usually refers to the money which a company has on hand. This does not include any other items which a company may have such as property or goods.

Which of the following best identifies a problem associated with supranationalism that affects local governments?

Loss of sovereignty Many governments within countries that are part of supranational organizations complain that they lose sovereignty over local legal and administrative issues that are regulated by international law.

According to the marginal decision rule, a musician should stop practicing a new song when the

Marginal cost outweighs the marginal benefit The marginal decision rule dictates that a choice is acceptable only when the additional benefits outweigh the additional costs of that unit.

Italian explorer from Venice; spent many years in China or near it until his return to Europe in 1295 . He was an associate of Kublai Khan who asked Pope Clement IV to send 100 wise men to teach Christianity and Western Science to his people through Marco's father and uncle. At 17 Marco accompanied his father, uncle, and two friars to China with gifts and letters from Pope Tedaldo. The journey took 3 1/2 years to travel 5600 miles while avoiding the route previously taken by his father and uncle. Marco served in several court posts before returning to Venice 17 years later. His travels sparked interest in higher learning resulting in the establishment of universities.

Marco Polo

What US ship sank off the coast of Cuba which prompted the US to get involved in the Spanish American War?

Maine Maine This ship mysteriously blew up off of the coast of Cuba and caused people in America to demand retribution for the act. The US entered into the Cuban civil war and helped Cuba earn its independence.

1. Asia: Himalaya - largest mountain range on earth 2. Mt. Everest is its highest peak (29,035 feet) 3. the Karakoram and Pamir 4. Europe: Alps, Caucasus, Carpathians, Pyrenees, Urals 5. Africa: Abyssinian, Atlas, Ruwenzori, Kilimanjaro (inactive volcano) 6. North America: the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians 7. South America: Andes 8. Australia: Kosciusko

Major Mountain ranges

1. the Mediterranean Sea 2. the Sea of Japan 3. Arabian 4. Black 5. Red 6. East China 7. South China 8. the Caribbean 9. Bering 10. Gulf of Mexico 11. Arabian 12. the Sea of Okhotsk 13. Andaman 14. Hudson Bay

Major Seas

Which of the following is FALSE regarding immigration to America in the late 17th and early 18th centuries?

Many French migrated there, fleeing the long conflict with the United Kingdom.

Which of the following best describes a development in the Republican Party voting base since the 1960s?

Many White voters who had previously supported the Democratic Party began to vote for Republican candidates.

From the ninety-five theses (1517): Ignorant and wicked are the doing of those priests who, in the case of the dying, reserve canonical penances for purgatory. Martin Luther's famous document attacked the Catholic Church for which practice?

Many religious leaders sold indulgences

This best describes a development in the Republican Party voting base since the 1960s

Many white voters who had previously supported the Democratic Party began to vote for Republican candidates

The Long March

Mao Zedong and 100,000 followers marched away from the Guomundang (national party)... this was a great victory for communists in China

The name commonly given to the Savannah Campaign conducted in late 1864 by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army during the American Civil War. The campaign began with Sherman's troops leaving the captured city of Atlanta, Georgia, on November 15 and ended with the capture of the port of Savannah on December 22.

March to the Sea

Assume that people make choices by weighing the cost and benefits of particular actions.

Marginal Analysis

The triumvirate which brought about the definitive end of the Roman Republic consisted of:

Mark Anthony, Augustus, and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus The Second Triumvirate was a legally codified executive that ruled starting in 43 B.C.E., putting the lid on the coffin of the Roman Republic. Under the triple power of Augustus, Lepidus, and Mark Antony, the Senate, the magistates, and the representative assemblies all dwindled in the weight they bore in governmental affairs--most likely as a direct result of the expanding Roman territory. The institution of the triumvirate soon fractured, with Antony forming an Egyptian alliance with Cleopatra that was defeated by the central Roman forces upon which Augustus became sole Emperor in 27 B.C.E. Lepidus had been dealt with a decade earlier when, accused of instigating revolt in Sicily, he was forcibly exiled into the politically slack backwaters of the Empire.

1819 The state of Maryland taxed banknotes produced by the Bank of the United States, claiming that the Bank was unconstitutional. Using implied powers, Marshall countered that the Bank was constitutional and ruled that Maryland was forbidden from taxing the Bank.

McCulloch Vs. Maryland

The state of Maryland taxed banknotes produced by the Bank of the United States, claiming that the Bank was unconstitutional. Using implied powers, Marshall countered that the Bank was constitutional and ruled that Maryland was forbidden from taxing the Bank.

McCulloch vs. Maryland

Laissez-faire economics

Means allowing industry to be free from state intervention, especially restrictions in the form of tariffs and government monopolies. The phrase is French and literally means "let do", but it broadly implies "let it be", or "leave it alone."

Unemployment Rate

Measures the number of people who are able to work, but do not have a job during a period of time.

Joint capital (with Riyadh) of Saudi Arabia


Which of the following concepts is NOT associated with both Social Darwinism and the Gospel of Wealth?


A megacity is defined as a metropolitan area with a population in excess of 10 million. Which of the following lists contains only megacities?

Mexico City, Shanghai, Mumbai Mexico City (population over 21 million), Shanghai (population over 24 million), and Mumbai (population over 21 million) are three of the world's largest cities.

Bronze Age civilization, centering on the island of Crete. Built huge palaces, writing, artisans, traded w/Egypt, Phoenicia, and Mesopotamia

Minoan Age

The issue was that Missouri wanted to join the Union as a slave state, therefore unbalancing the Union so there would be more slave states then free states. The compromise set it up so that Maine joined as a free state and Missouri joined as a slave state. Congress also made a line across the southern border of Missouri saying except for the state of Missouri, all states north of that line must be free states or states without slavery.

Missouri Compromise

Why do presidential candidates who represent moderate views usually win elections?

Most voters have moderate views

Which of the following reform groups used journalism to draw public attention to social problems such as child labor and poor working conditions during the Progressive Era?


A doctrine of military strategy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two opposing sides would effectively result in the destruction of both the attacker and the defender, if either US or the USSR was hit with a nuclear weapons they would respond with the same

Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)

National Organization of Women, 1966, Betty Friedan, author of Feminine Mystique,was first president. NOW wanted Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforce its legal mandate to end sex discrimination.


Boundary lines are depicted on maps. What is a boundary line created by a physical feature like a mountain range or river called?

Natural A natural boundary is formed by a land form or body of water. Rivers, mountains, lakes or valleys might be natural boundaries. An artificial boundary is a surveyed boundary using lines of latitude and longitude.

Starting in 1890s, conflict between major countries such as Great Britain, France, Germany, U.S., Japan. They were trying to come up with better technologies and more military power than the rest, created tension and fear, led national leaders to the conclusion that if war should break out, the best protection would be to take the military offense.

Naval Arms Race

The region between the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

Near East

Spanish colony in North America including Mexico, Central America, the southwest United States, and many of the Carribean islands from the 1500s to the 1800s. Capital was Mexico City

New Spain


Nomadic people from Asia who attacked Europe in the 4th Century and then invaded the northwest part of India in the 5th Century.

Reported without a correction for the effects of inflation.

Nominal Interest Rate

Hunter gatherers dominated most of what is now northwest Canada , the west coast of U.S., and Argentina. Among the hunter gathers there were nomadic, semi-nomadic, and settled tribes. For those who settled, settlements were even smaller than those of the non- urban tribes.

North America: Pre - colonial Hunter Gatherers

What is the most accurate description of an autocratic government?

One person holds power to rule and may use military or police power to maintain authority.

Why did the British begin taxing the colonies in the 1760s and 1770s?

Parliament wanted the colonies to pay the cost of the French and Indian War.

Which of the following is a widely shared belief in political culture in the United States?

Participating in elections is an important civic duty. Voting is considered one of the most important forms of political participation in the United States.

The Dawes Act

Passed by Congress in 1887. Its purpose was to Americanize the Native Americans. The act broke up the reservations, gave some of the land to Native Americans. The government was to sell the remainder to white settlers and use the income from that sale for Native Americans to buy farm equipment. But by 1932 white settlers had taken 2/3 of reservation territory, and Native Americans received no money from the sale of the reservations.

"The gentleman cry 'peace, peace' but there is no peace! The war has actually begun!... Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" Who gave this speech in the Virginia legislature, March 23, 1775?

Patrick Henry Patrick Henry was a representative to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1774. That Congress drew the colonies together. He also declared "I am not a Virginian, but an American" to emphasize this new unity.

Athenian statesman whose leadership contributed to Athens political and cultural supremacy in Greece. Was a prominent and influential statesman, orator, and general of Athens during the city's Golden Age—specifically, the time between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. Also, he led Athens in the war against Sparta.


The area from which the Inca originated is what country today?


(1753-1784); a slave girl brought to Boston at age eight and never formally educated; she was taken to England when, at twenty years of age, she published a book of verse and later wrote other polished poems that revealed the influence of Alexander Pope

Phyllis Wheatley

A genetic comparison of modern human DNA and ancient Neanderthal DNA showing that the two human species did interbreed falls into which of the following fields of study?

Physical anthropology Physical anthropology studies the anatomical and physiological structures of humans, often in an evolutionary context. Physical anthropology is also sometimes referred to as biological anthropology.

Is the term given to the five duties incumbent on every Muslim. These duties are Shahadah (profession of faith), Salat (ritual prayer), Zakat (almsgiving), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)

Pillars of Islam

Colony formed by the Pilgrims when they arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620. The colonies government was based on Mayflower Compact which was a contract signed by the 41 male colonists from the Mayflower.

Plymouth Colony

A native Indian of America, daughter of Chief Powahatan, who was one of the first to marry an Englishman, John Rolfe, and return to England with him; about 1595-1617; Pocahontas brave actions in saved an Englishman, John Smith, and paved the way for many positive English and Native relations.


Technology used in trench warfare (WWI) first by Germans, then British and French that caused burning in the eyes and throat and a slow death

Poison Gas

As mandated by the League of Nations, Britain administered or influenced the governance of: Iraq, Palestine, Egypt, and Arabia while France administered: Syria and LebanonTurkey became the first secular state in Middle East under "Ataturk" Mustafa Kemal. Iran (aka Persia until 1935) and Iraq became independent nations as did Egypt and all the others except Palestine eventually.

Post WWI Middle East

Aleuts lived in the now Alaskan arctic. Eskimos lived in the now Canadian, Alaskan, and eastern Siberian arctic. The Inuit lived in Greenland and the now Canadian Arctic while the Yupik lived in Alaska and eastern Siberia arctic. The arctic region was predominantly located in now NE Canada, upper NW Canada, and part of now Alaska.

Pre- colonial North America Arctic Cultures

Woodlands covered the now northeast U.S. "Deerskin clothing, birch bark canoes, wigwams, and longhouses are characteristic of this region. The Iroquois, Ojibwe, and Algonquin are all indigenous to the Northeast Woodlands."

Pre-colonial NE Woodland Cultures

Anticipatory socialization is best described as the process of

Preparing oneself for a new group or social setting by learning new norms, values, and behaviors

Which of the following best reflects the core principles of the ancient Chinese philosophy known as Confucianism?

Preserving social relations and maintaining order

Voter turnout is typically highest in which of the following elections?

Presidential general electionsVoter turnout is highest in general presidential elections.

Which of the following most likely accounts for acid precipitation occurring far from its point of origin, as indicated by the map?

Prevailing wind Acid precipitation contains pollutants released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels. As these contaminants become airborne, prevailing winds can carry them hundreds of miles, thus depositing them great distances from where they originated.

Peanuts are an input in the production of peanut butter. If a decrease in the supply of peanuts increases the price of peanuts, what will happen to the equilibrium price and quantity in the peanut butter market?

Price- Increase Quantity- Decrease

0 Longitude

Prime Meridian Zero degrees of longitude is the line known as the Prime Meridian. The line runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through the borough of Greenwich in London, United Kingdom, where its point of origin, the Royal Naval Observatory is located.

What territorial protection measure for Native Americans did the success of the American Revolution destroy?

Proclamation of 1763

What situation is played out in game theory, in which two prisoners are either to confess or say it was the other who did the task?

Prisoner's dilemma This shows that human egos can often cause people to be in worse situations than if they relied on other people. In the scenario, the best situation is for neither to confess although one of the options presented to them is that if the other person does confess, they will spend more time in prison.

Gross private domestic investment as a component of gross domestic product (GDP) includes which of the following?

Private firms' purchases of capital goods, construction of new houses, and changes in inventories The gross private domestic investment consists of purchases of capital goods by private firms, all construction, and changes in inventories.

Privately owned armed ships specifically authorized by different governments to prey on enemy shipping. There were over a thousand American privateers who responded to the call of patriotism and profit. The privateers brought in urgently needed gold, harassed the enemy, and raised American morale. (American Revolution,


Between circa 1820 and 1840, the growing economy of the United States relied primarily on which of the following for transportation of goods between regions?

Privately built roads and railroads as well as water transport, including canals

Between circa 1820 and 1840, the growing economy of the United States relied primarily on what for transportation of goods between regions?

Privately built roads and railroads as well as water transport, including canals.

Which correctly defines the principle of supply and demand?

Producers determine supply. Consumers determine demand. The interaction of producers' supply and consumers' demand balances or unbalances a market. Price is determined by the interaction of these forces; too much supply, prices may fall, too much demand, prices may rise. Supply and demand determine prices. Matching supply with demand balances a market.

Which of the following is a reward to entrepreneurs for assuming risk?

Profits While an entrepreneur could earn any of these, profit is the correct answer because it is the reward to entrepreneurs for assuming the risk.

Period of reform from 1890s -1920s. Opposed waste and corruption while focusing on the general rights of the individual. Pushed for social justice, general equality, and public safety. Significants in this movement included trust-busting, Sherman Anti-trust Act, President Theodore Roosevelt, Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle", Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act of 1906.`

Progressive Era

Which of the following trends of the 1920s did NOT contribute to a renewed nativist movement?


James is very angry at Lena. He is not aware of his anger but instead feels that Lena is angry at him. This is an example of

Projection - A Freudian concept that occurs when people have feelings that make them anxious. They project the feelings onto someone else.

Government spending on research and development, education, and infrastructure is most likely designed to

Promote economic growth Growth theory identifies factors such as education as being integral to a country's economic growth. (B) and (D) would explicitly require expansionary fiscal and/or monetary policies, while (C) would be achieved with contractionary fiscal policy.

An election system in which each party running receives the proportion of legislative seats corresponding to its proportion of the vote.

Proportional Representation

The local park plans a concert with a live orchestra. They sell tickets. The neighbors gather outside the park to enjoy the music. What is this concert an example of?

Public Goods Public goods are goods or services that are impossible to provide for just one person or group. The music cannot be contained inside an outdoor park.

One historical lesson from the McCarthy era is the realization that

Public fear of traitors can lead to intolerance and discrimination

A command economy is best characterized by which of the following?

Public ownership of resources and reliance on central planning to allocate resources

What action by the Federal Reserve Bank will decrease the federal funds rate and increase the supply of reserves?

Purchasing bonds on the open market

A firm produces a homogeneous product and is a small part o the total supply such that it cannot influence market price and total output.

Pure Competition

Which of the following is FALSE about both Puritanism and the Awakening?

Puritanism focused on inward changes in the heart, while the Awakening emphasized outward actions as proof of salvation.

The amount of reserves a bank must hold. Is a number from 0 to 1.00 that determines the level of reserve holdings in relation the the bank's deposits

Required Reserves Ratio

4000 B.C. Yellow River Valley Civilization 3500 to 2340B.C.- Sumerian 3100 to 30 B.C.- Egyptian 2500 to 1500 B.C. - Indus Valley (Harrapan Civilization) 1900 to 1100 B.C. - Babylonian1500 to 300 B.C. - Olmec 100 to 50 B.C.- Ancient Greece1070 to 350 B.C. - Kush 800 to 400 B.C. - Etruscan and Ancient Rome 500 B.C. to 200 A.D. Adena (Chilicothe, Ohio area)

Rise of Ancient Civilizations

1. Define the problem 2. Identify and review 3. Formulate a Hypothesis 4. Selecting and implementing research 5. Drawing a conclusion

Stages of Research

Consumer Price Index

an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer

Two neighboring towns of Skyville and Grandview hire basic manufacturing workers in a perfectly competitive labor market. If the demand for basic manufacturing labor in the town of Grandview increased, the wages in Grandview would

Rise, and the supply of labor in Skyville would decrease states that the increase in demand causes an increase in wages in Grandview, as well as a decrease in the supply of workers in Skyville as workers in Skyville will respond to the higher wages in Grandview.

Colorado River

River in south west US which starts in the Rocky mountains and ends in the gulf (famous for the grand canyon)

The term used to describe the Gilded Age monopolist for their Social Darwinist practices who referred to themselves as "Captains of Industry." Examples: John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and William Vanderbilt

Robber Barons

Which of the following projections, commonly found on classroom maps of the world and in the image above, accurately depicts the size of the continents but is not true to direction?

Robinson The Robinson projection is designed to minimize distortion of the continents on world maps in terms of their relative size, especially near the polar regions.

"Crossover" musical style that rose to dominance in the 1950s, merging black rhythm and blues with white bluegrass and country. Featuring a heavy beat and driving rhythm, rock 'n' roll music became a defining feature of the 1950s youth culture. (947)

Rock N Roll

Franciscan monk, English philosopher, and scientist in the 1200s who advocated for a system of scientific experimentation in seeking truth rather than accepting without question traditional Church and ancient beliefs. This led to the development of the scientific method.

Roger Bacon

A dissenter who clashed with the Massachusetts Puritans over separation of church and state and was banished in 1636, after which he founded the colony of Rhode Island to the south

Roger Williams

Existed from 27 B.C.E. to about 400 C.E. Conquered entire Mediterranean coast and most of Europe. Ruled by an emperor. Eventually oversaw the rise and spread of Christianity even though Roman soldiers killed Christ in about 30 A.D.

Roman Empire


Roman emperor who was faced with military problems, when that happend he decided to divide the empire between himself in the east and maximian in the west. he did the last persecution of the Christians. Separated and enlarged the empire's civil and militry services and re-organzied the empire's provincial divisions, establishing the largest and most bureaucratic government in the history of the empire.

Russian dynasty, started with Michael Romanov after the Time of Troubles and lasted until 1917 when executed in secret. Some say Romanov children escaped.


40th US president.First elected president in 1980 and elected again in 1984. He ran on a campaign based on the common man and "populist" ideas. He served as governor of California from 1966-1974, and he participated in the McCarthy Communist scare. Iran released hostages on his Inauguration Day in 1980.

Ronald Reagan

United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement (born in 1913)

Rosa Parks

West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mail, Songhai between 1000 to 1500

Rose in power and wealth because they controlled the cross-Sahara trade of salt from northern Africa for the gold of tropical Africa.

Which of the following terms describes the process by which bureaucrats interpret the meaning of laws and decide how they should be implemented?

Rulemaking Bureaucrats in federal agencies interpret and implement laws through the rulemaking process.

What was the most immediate cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917?

Russian involvement in the FIrst World War

Russia and Japan were fighting over Korea, Manchuria, etc. Began in 1904, but neither side could gain a clear advantage and win. Both sent reps to Portsmouth, NH where Theodore Roosevelt mediated Treaty of New Hampshire in 1905. TR won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts, the 1st pres. to do so.

Russo- Japanese War

(1877-1878) Had its origins in a rise in nationalism in the Balkans as well as in the Russian goal of recovering territorial losses it had suffered during the Crimean War. As a result of the war, the principalities of Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, formally proclaimed independence from the Ottoman Empire.

Russo-Turkish War

About 1629 several accusations of witchcraft led to sensational trials in Salem, Massachusetts at which Cotton Mather presided as the chief judge. 19 people were hanged as witches and many others accused. Afterwards, most of the people involved admitted that the trials and executions had been a terrible mistake.

Salem Witch Trials

The idea that societal trade-offs are made to meet human wants and needs in the face of limited resources is known as which of the following?

Scarcity Scarcity addresses the issue of infinite human needs and wants in a world with finite resources.

Are large bodies of salt water; smaller than oceans.


Analysis of existing sources of information.

Secondary Analysis

Federalist Papers

Series of newspaper articles written by John Hay, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton which enumerated arguments in favor of the Constitution and refuted the arguments of the anti-federalists

The Federalist Papers

Series of newspaper articles written by John Hay, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton which enumerated arguments in favor of the Constitution and refuted the arguments of the anti-federalists

Farming system where farmers move on from one place to another when the land becomes exhausted. The most common form is slash-and-burn agriculture: land is cleared by burning, so that crops can be grown. Slash-and-burn is practiced in many tropical forest areas, such as the Amazon region, where yams, cassava, and sweet potatoes can be grown

Shifting cultivation

Label Nixon gave to middle-class Americans who supported him, obeyed the laws, and wanted "peace with honor" in Vietnam. He contrasted this group with students and civil rights activists who disrupted the country with protests in the late 1960s and early 1970s who were termed the "active minority".

Silent Majority

(1894-95) War fought between China and Japan. After Korea was opened to Japanese trade in 1876, it rapidly became an arena for rivalry between the expanding Japanese state and neighboring China,

Sino Japanese War

English explorer/privateer who circumnavigated the globe from 1577 to 1580 and was sent by Queen Elizabeth I to raid Spanish ships/ settlements for gold. Help defeat Spanish Armada

Sir Francis Drake

In the 16th century, Queen Elizabeth I was trying to establish a stronghold in America. She commissioned a privateer to help her. Who was this privateer

Sir Francis Drake Sir Francis Drake was commissioned as a privateer by Queen Elizabeth. He raided and sank many Spanish galleons. He sent much gold to England. Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Humphrey Gilbert held English charters.

Great friend of the US for two and a half decades but Iranians want to nationalize their oil and improve economy, sparks Iranian Revolution and Shah is overthrown (1979) and exiled.

Shah of Iran

Second Chinese dynasty (about 1750-1122 B.C.) which was mostly a farming society ruled by an aristocracy mostly concerned with war. They're best remembered for their art of bronze casting.

Shang Dynasty

In a federal system, the power to govern is

Shared by the national government and the states

This conflict in Massachusetts caused many to criticize the Articles of Confederation and admit the weak central government was not working; uprising led by Daniel Shays in an effort to prevent courts from foreclosing on the farms of those who could not pay the taxes

Shay's Rebellion

During Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, those who protested against the leadership of the colony were chiefly

Small farmers who wanted to settle on Native American lands Small farmers, as the population of the colony grew, sought cheaper land westward, away from the Atlantic Coast, that Native Americans still occupied. The leaders of the colony, chiefly elite planters, were less interested in cheaper land than in preventing war with the Native Americans, and so the two groups fought. The rebellion by the poorer colonists was crushed, but the leadership of the colony in the end decided that it was safer to unify all British settlers against the Native Americans than to split the settlers in an attempt to purchase peace with Indians, which was likely to fail anyway.

The implicit or explicit rules a group has for the acceptable behaviors, values, and beliefs of its members

Social Norms

The productive resources are owned collectively by society and are under control of the government.


Productive resources are owned collectively by society. Alternatively, productive resources are under government control.

Socialist Economy

Process through which we learn or are trained to be members of society. Primary Socialization: initial social interactions a child receives. Secondary Socialization: experience into new sectors of society by someone who has already been socialized.


A West African people that conquered Mali and controlled trade from the 1400s to 1591. Defeated by Moroccans armed with guns in 1590.


African people which traded with Arabs/Burburs, became wealthy because of taxes, traded gold for salt. Developed into the modern state of Ghana. Developed "silent barter" for gold and salt.


"I have found a continent more densely peopled.. than our Europe or Asia or Africa." Amerigo VespucciWhat continent was Vespucci referring to?

South America Vespucci explored South America and was the first European to see the Amazon River. The continents of North and South America are named for him.

Why did Carolina split into the two colonies of North and South Carolina ?

South Carolina favored slavery while North Carolina favored indentured servitude.

Cotton grows best in areas with a high amount of rainfall, but not too much, because cotton also needs a lot of direct sunlight. Also, from the time the cottonseeds are planted to when the bolls are plucked, there should not be any periods of frost or freezing temperatures. Which of the following regions of the United States meets these requirements?


When an economy neither grows or shrinks, it is said to be in what state?

Stagnation Many economies are either rising or falling. If an economy stays at the same for a long period of time, it can show the perfect balance between goods and consumers. This generally does not happen.

Primarily intended on paying for the military defense of the colonies. Parliament required that all revenue stamps be affixed to all colonial printed matter.

Stamp Act

Loical starting point. a living organism where each part contributes to the overall stability of the whole. All components of society work together and sustain one another.

Structural Functionalism


Student of Socrates, wrote The Republic about the perfectly governed society

In 1519, Hernando Cortes came to the Americas. What is he credited with doing?

Subjugating the Aztecs When Hernando Cortes arrived in Mexico, he was greeted as a god. He found King Moctezuma living in the great city of Tenochtitlan. He captures Moctezuma and holds him hostage. He enslaves the people and eventually destroys the city. Most of the population is killed by Cortes or the diseases which travel with him. Cortes wanted the gold and riches he found with the Aztecs. A great civilization was destroyed.

Government loans, grants, and tax deferments given to domestic companies to protect them from foreign competition.


Margarine and butter are examples of which of the following?

Substitute goods One type of good is said to be a substitute good for another kind insofar as the two types of goods can be consumed or used in place of one another, such as butter and margarine. Veblen goods (goods made more fashionable by a higher price) and Giffen goods (an inferior, but staple good) are not good answers because the question asks about both products. Margarine is a Giffen good, but butter is not.

In 2006, David Eggers published a book based on the personal narrative of a "Lost Boy" named Valentino Achak Deng. Deng and other Lost Boys were orphaned refugees fleeing the civil war that was raging in which of the following African nations?

Sudan The most recent civil war in Sudan lasted from 1983 to 2005 and involved fighting between the Arab-dominated northern part of the country and the non-Arab southern part of the country. The northern government troops often employed the strategy of wiping out entire villages in the south. The only survivors of these massacres were typically young boys who were either away from the village herding cattle during the attack, or who managed to flee into the surrounding countryside. These "Lost Boys" then spent years hiding and trying to survive in the bush, making their way to refugee camps in other African countries.

Also referred to as the Tripartite Aggression, was a military attack on Egypt by Britain, France, and Israel beginning on 29 October 1956. A consequence from this crisis was, that president Nasser of Egypt gained prestige as the leader of Arab opposition to Western Colonialism. 1956

Suez Crisis

Also referred to as the Tripartite Aggression, was a military attack on Egypt by Britain, France, and Israel beginning on 29 October 1956. A consequence from this crisis was, that president Nasser of Egypt gained prestige as the leader of Arab opposition to Western Colonialism.

Suez Crisis, 1956

(589-618 CE)The short dynasty between the Han and the Tang; built the Grand Canal, rebuilt Great Wall, strengthened the government, and introduced Buddhism to China

Sui Dynasty

Relationship between the price of a product, and the amount producers are willing and able to supply.


The Dynasty under which Buddhism gained most of its popularity. (7th-10th century CE) distinctly Chinese Buddhist schools arose, often based on a particular text. China took over Korea and had its only female empress Wu Hou in this dynasty. Also known for its great poets.

T'ang Dynasty

Passed over President Harry Truman's veto, the law contained a number of provisions to weaken labor unions, including the banning of closed shops. It imposed a federally mandated "cooling-off period" on strikes judged to endanger national security.

Taft Hartley Act

A beautiful mausoleum at Agra built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jahan (completed in 1649) in memory of his favorite wife.

Taj Mahal

Automatic Stabilizers

Taxes and transfer payments, Federal government expenditures or receipts that automatically increase or decrease without requiring action by Congress or the President. Examples are unemployment compensation and corporate and individual income tax.

When society is producing the greatest quantity of goods and services possible from its resources.

Technical Efficiency

Capital of the Aztec Empire, located on an island in Lake Texcoco. Its population was about 150,000 on the eve of Spanish conquest. Mexico City was constructed on its ruins.


The Supreme Court decision of Helvering v. Northwest Steel Rolling Mills, Inc. (1940) ruled that the Revenue Act of 1936 did not violate the Constitution because it did not infringe "the reserved powers of the States over corporations—to prescribe their powers and condition the exercise thereof." The phrase "reserved powers of the States" refers to which of the following constitutional amendments?

Tenth The Tenth Amendment reads in full: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

First major Olmec metropolis in Mesoamerica, collapsed around 800 CE. It is most remembered for the gigantic "pyramid of the sun".



Term describing decline of manufacturing in old industrial areas in the late twentieth century as companies shifted production to low wage centers in the South and West or in other countries.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, Spain was focused on claiming Central and South America and Mexico. What were the French explorers claiming during this same period?

Territories along and west of the Mississippi River Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet were great explorers. Marquette, a Jesuit priest, and Joliet traveled farther west than anyone had previously from New France. Rene Robert Cavelier was the name of Lord La Salle who later mapped the entire Mississippi. He claimed the Mississippi and everything west of it for the king of France. This he called La Louisiane.

In 1934 in China lead by Mao with 100,000 followers. Jiang wanted to stop communists and even went after them. 6,000 miles and only about 20,000 lived.

Th Long March

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney." What are the direct origins of the Miranda Rights quoted above?

The 5th and 6th Amendments to the US Constitution

Thomas Paine's Common Sense contributed most to which of the following developments?

The American colonists declaring independence from Great Britain

Was one of the regions of the South that had the strongest pro-Union sentiments at the outbreak of the Civil War.

The Appalachian Plateau

During WWII, the U.S. worked with the Soviet Union to overcome Italy, Germany, and Japan. Collectively, Italy, Germany, and Japan were known as which of the following?

The Axis Powers Japan, Italy and Germany were the Axis Powers. The allies of the U.S. were known as the Allied Powers.

What is the most accepted theory of how early people found their way to the Americas?

The Bering Land Bridge Theory

In the 1760s, the British raised taxes for the American colonists which caused much discontent. What was the reason for this tax increase?

The British needed money to pay for the many wars they had fought. The British had overextended themselves fighting many wars and needed money. The national debt was equivalent to $120 million dollars. They taxed the colonies to help defray this because the cost of protecting the colonies was part of this debt.

Which of the following was an argument made by the Anti-Federalists against the ratification of the Constitution?

The Constitution failed to protect individual rights. The Anti-Federalists believed that the original Constitution should not be ratified because its text did not include specific individual political rights.

This apportionment map is based on the 2000 census. It will be adjusted after the census of 2010. What is the general trend in reapportionment because of population shifts?

The Southeast and Southwest gained seats while the Midwest lost seats.

Why is control of Suez Canal so important?

The Suez Canal provides a shorter route from Europe to Asia

Comparative Advantage

The ability of an individual, firm, or country to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other producers.

Which of the following developments best accounts for the first appearance of villages in southwestern North America circa 300 B.C.E.?

The ability to adapt and grow crops such as maize

The lowdown on baguettes in Philadelphia is this: There are not many bakeries that make them, they vary in price from $1.50 to $4.00, and the bakeries that do sell them, sell out pretty quickly. Paris, by contrast, is a baguette lover's heaven. There is no end to baguettes in Paris. There are bakeries on every street corner, and they only cost from $1.00 to $1.50; and best of all, there is also no end to baguette lovers. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the economics of the baguette market in Philadelphia in comparison to Paris?

The baquette market in Philadelphia seems to be in a state of monopolistic competition, while the market in Paris is in a state of mature perfect competition.

The Arab conquests of the 7th century introduced which of the following forms of government to Afro-Eurasia?

The caliphate

How does the winner-take-all system of the Electoral College operate?

The candidate who wins the most popular votes in a state wins all of that states' electoral votes.

One weakness of the electoral college exposed by the 2000 and 2016 presidential elections is that

The candidate who wins the national popular vote does not always win the majority of the electoral college vote

The Assembly

The central events of the Athenian democracy. It had four main functions; it made executive pronouncements (decrees, such as deciding to go to war or granting citizenship to a foreigner); it elected some officials; it legislated; and it tried political crimes.

Which of the following factors most significantly contributed to the status of the Mali city of Timbuktu as the center for Islamic learning in West Africa between the thirteenth and seventeenth centuries?

The city's prime location along the Saharan trade routes encouraged a regular influx of scholars from north Africa and other parts of the Muslim world.

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. . . . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.—Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. "Based on the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence (1776) above, which of the following was an argument used in favor of the separation of British North American colonies from Great Britain?

The colonists could withdraw their consent from their existing government if it engaged in misrule. While the Declaration of Independence included a catalog of specific grievances against the British monarch, this excerpt highlights the philosophical underpinnings of the colonial independence movement in British North America. Drawing on the contract theory of political philosophers such as John Locke, colonial leaders argued that they had natural rights that superseded the existing government and laws of the colonies and which permitted them to overthrow their government if it did not respect these rights.

Rhonda owns her own business setting up Web sites for individuals and businesses. Working from home office, she uses computer to design sites. She earns $50/hr for her efforts. What is an example of capital as a factor of production for Rhonda?

The computer she uses is the tool to set up the Web sites, so it is capital.

Thirteenth Amendment

The constitutional amendment ratified after the Civil War that forbade slavery and involuntary servitude, abolished slavery everywhere in the United States.

The Four Noble Truths

The core of the Buddhist teaching. There is suffering. There is a cause to suffering. There is an end to suffering. The is a path out of suffering (the Noble 8-fold path).

Von Thunen's model relies on

The cost-to-distance ration of each crop, where the most labor-intensive and perishable crops such as milk and vegetables need to be located closest to farmers, markets, and consumers

Federal Reserve System

The country's central banking system, which is responsible for the nation's monetary policy by regulating the supply of money and interest rates

Bush v. Gore

The court ruled that manual recounts of presidential ballots in the Nov. 2000 election could not proceed because inconsistent evaluation standards in different counties violated the equal protection clause. In effect, the ruling meant Bush would win the election.

What was a significant factor in thedevelopment of agriculture in both Mesopotamia and the Harappan Civilization during the Neolithic Revolution?

The creation of extensive irrigation networks

Which of the following was a significant factor in the development of agriculture in both Mesopotamia and the Harappan Civilization during the Neolithic Revolution?

The creation of extensive irrigation networks

Which of the following initiatives was a Progressive Era response to the threat of environmental degradation?

The creation of the national park system

What was a long-term consequence of the bubonic plague that struck Afro-Eurasia in the 14th century?

The decline of serfdom in Europe

What was a significant factor in the Great Migration of African Americans from the South to the North during the 20th Century?

The decline of southern agriculture

Which of the following was a significant factor in the Great Migration of African Americans from the South to the North during the twentieth century?

The decline of southern agriculture

Which of the following is an example of pork-barrel politics?

The definition of pork barrel is directing federal funds to a representative's district through legislation.

Which of the following was an important factor in the Spanish conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires?

The demographic effect of disease pathogens introduced from the Eastern Hemisphere on Native American populations

Which of the following is true when the economy is operating at full employment?

The economy has zero cyclical unemployment.

Which of the following contributed to the election of Andrew Jackson as president in 1828?

The elimination of property restrictions on White male suffrage in most states

Which of the following represents a government response to the onset of the Great Depression that was adopted by President Herbert Hoover?

The encouragement of voluntary action by industry In reacting to the beginning of the Great Depression in 1929, President Herbert Hoover rejected earlier economic ideas about avoiding government interference in the economy. Hoover sought to encourage business leaders to take active, voluntary steps with the federal government to maintain the wages of workers and to reduce unemployment.

In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court relied on which of the following constitutional provisions to find that public school segregation is unconstitutional?

The equal protection clause In Brown, a unanimous Court held that state laws establishing schools segregated by race were in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Which of the following most contributed to the start of the Korean War in 1950

The establishment of competing governments in northern and southern Korea fostered hostility between the regions and their allies.

Which of the following issues caused both the Whig and Democratic Parties to split internally in the 1850s along sectional lines?

The extension of slavery to newly acquired territories

Imagine that you are the first Aztec warrior to see the perched eagle in Lake Texcoco. What would you say about what the eagle means and why its important to you and your culture?

The gods told us that when we saw an eagle perched on a cactus growing out of a rock, our journey would end; we saw the eagle, and we built our city.

Third Amendment

The government may not house soldiers in private homes without consent of the owner


The great period of rebirth in art, literature, and learning in the 14th-16th centuries, which marked the transition into the modern periods of European history

How does the content of the preamble of the Declaration of Independence differ from that of the grievances?

The grievances list examples of the king's tyranny, while the preamble states the functions of government as the Founding Fathers saw them.

Electoral College

The group of persons chosen in each state and the District of Columbia every four years who make a formal selection of the President and Vice President.

Which of the following was a direct result of the Neolithic Revolution?

The growth of agricultural communities The Neolithic Revolution was characterized by the development of settled agriculture and animal domestication.

Which of the following indicates an increase in Brazil's tertiary sector (service based) economy?

The growth of wealth in Brazil's urban population

Tang Dynasty (618-907)

The imperial dynasty of China from 618 to 907, with its capital at Chang'an (present-day Xi'an), the most populous city in the world at the time, is generally regarded as a high point in Chinese civilization-equal to, or surpassing that of, the earlier Han Dynasty - a golden age of cosmopolitan culture. Its territory, acquired through the military campaigns of its early rulers, was greater than that of the Han period.

Marginal Cost

The increase in total cost that arises from an extra unit of production, the increase or decrease in costs as a result of one more or one less unit of output.

Confucianism developed as a system of thought in China primarily in response to

The instability and political crises brought about by frequent regional conflict during the Warring States period Although Confucius died just before the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.E.), his followers Mencius and Xunzi spread his philosophy as a way to understand how a ruler could govern wisely and benevolently. The period was known not only for its conflict, but also for the fertility of its cultural advances. Thus, Confucianism helped establish the governmental institutions and cultural assumptions about leadership that were to guide China for the next two millennia.

In the Westminster system of parliamentary government, which of the following is true?

The legislative and executive powers are combined.


The limited quanitities of resources to meet unlimited wants, the condition that results from limited resources combined with unlimited wants.

What is true of the market basket of goods and services used to calculate the consumer price index?

The market basket remains fixed to measure the change in the prices of the same goods.

Foreign Exchange Market

The market in which the currencies of different countries are bought and sold.

Price Elasticity

The measure of how responsive both consumers and producers are to price changes, a measure of consumers price sensitivity e = (percent change in quantity demanded)/(percent change inprice)

The global industrial division of labor has impacted East Asia in what way?

The middle-class population of East Asia has grown substantially. (East Asian countries converted from agricultural to manufacturing and service-based urban economies, which resulted in increased wages and improved social status)

Zhou Dynasty

The people and dynasty that took over the dominant position in north China from the Shang and created the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to justify their rule. Remembered as prosperous era in Chinese History.

What is a result of the system of checks and balances outline in the US Constitution?

The political system often require compromise for changes to be made

Which of the following is a geographic characteristic shared by Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan?

The populations are over 75 percent urban. Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are highly urbanized countries in which the vast majority of people live in cities.

The establishment clause of the United States Constitution concerns which of the following?

The powers of Congress with regard to religion

All of the following are reasons or concerns that cause people to join interest groups EXCEPT:

The pressure of mass media

Market Price

The price at which buyers and sellers agree to trade. The price determined by supply and demand.

Price Equlilbrium

The price at which demand and supply are equal.

The distribution of personal income in a pure market economy is based on

The productivity and ownership of resources

Labor Demand

The relationship between the quantity of labor demanded by firms and the wage.

Nineteenth Amendment

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex, granted women the right to vote in 1920.

Which of the following positions would an American liberal most likely agree with?

The rights of the accused in criminal cases should be safeguarded.

The construction of the Suez Canal in the 19th century was most directly a result of

The rise of European imperialism in Africa and Asia

In the country formerly known as the Soviet Union, it was possible to approach a shanzhistka on the street and purchase, at the cost of just one green American dollar, 20 red roubles (as the local currency was quaintly called); if one went to the bank, on the other hand, one could only get 5 roubles per dollar. This situation was a result of which of the following?

The rouble was pegged to a fixed exhcange rate The fixed exchange rate of the rouble against the dollar set by the Soviet government did not take into account the greater demand for U.S. dollars (and concomitantly lower real value of the rouble), thus creating a black market for roubles as described.


The secret army/police created by Ivan IV or Ivan the Terrible that he used to kill anyone who got in his way (i.e. the Boyars)

Why was the Mayflower Compact originally drawn up?

The settlers knew they would perish if they did not stick together, so they agreed to a democratic form of government.

Which of the following resulted from the Bantu migrations in sub-Saharan Africa from circa 500 B.C.E. to 1000 C.E.?

The southward spread of nomadic settlement patterns and hunting and gathering The Bantu migrations spread new techniques of farming, and probably iron smelting, and contributed to the development of denser settlements in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as to a distinctive regional culture.


The state of the economy declines, A period of an economic contraction, sometimes limited in scope or duration.

Average Fixed Cost

The total fixed costs (TFC) divided by the number of units produced. It is the only cost that decreases production.

26th president, known for: conservationism, trust-busting, Hepburn Act, safe food regulations, "Square Deal," Panama Canal, Great White Fleet, Nobel Peace Prize for negotiation of peace in Russo-Japanese War

Theodore Roosevelt

Intermediate Directions

There are four intermediate directions. Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and Southeast. The intermediate directions are midway between each set of adjacent cardinal directions. The cardinal directins are north, south, east, and west. On a compass rose, the cardinal directions are typically indicated by large points, while the intermediate directions are represented by smaller points.

Which of the following is a function of standing committees?

They allow members of Congress to gain expertise in specific policy areas. Standing committees are permanent committees that focus on a specific policy area, thus allowing members to gain expertise.

Why did many of the Puritans come to be in New England?

They were being persecuted as a result of political change in England.

What did New Netherland have in common with Jamestown?

They were both funded by joint-stock companies.

Each of the following is true of the bills passed during the first Hundred Days of FDR's presidency EXCEPT:

They were the subject of divisive and protracted debate in Congress

Mexican Revolution

This revolution was characterized by several socialist, liberal, anarchist and agrarianist movements, led by Fransico Madero, 1810 to 1823. They fought for independence from Spain and for social justice; they wanted equal rights for Indians, mestizos,

This scientist received more than 1,300 patents for a range of items including the automatic telegraph machine, the phonograph, improvements to the light bulb, a modernized telephone and motion picture equipment.

Thomas Edison

English materialist and political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings (1588-1679), He wrote "Leviathan" and believed people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish; he also believed only a powerful governemnt could keep an orderly society

Thomas Hobbes

What President also wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson Jefferson was both a statesman and an accomplished writer when he set out to write the Declaration of Independence. Many of the ideas set forth in it are from prominent British thinkers.

How did the Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota people acquire the name, Sioux?

Through their enemies

What was a main goal of the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention?

To declare that women should be granted more civil rights

Why were the Slave Codes passed?

To regulate slaves and slavery to benefit the whites.

Jamestown was founded in 1607 for which of the following reasons?

To search for gold

Jamestown was founded in 1607 for which reason

To search for gold

What represents the main idea of anthropology (study of human societies and cultures and their development)?

To understand culture and a way of life by studying artifacts, structure, rules, and language

Which economic activity was most common among the early English settlers in Virginia?

Tobacco Farming

The shape of the earth's surface is shown by contour lines; contour lines are imaginary lines that join points of equal elevation above sea level on the land's surface.

Topographical map

1803 - Led a slave rebellion which took control of Haiti, the most important island of France's Caribbean possessions. The rebellion led Napoleon to feel that New World colonies were more trouble than they were worth, and encouraged him to sell Louisiana to the U.S.

Toussaint L'overture

Haitian Revolution

Toussaint l'Ouverture led this uprising, which in 1790 resulted in the successful overthrow of French colonial rule on this Caribbean island. This revolution set up the first black government in the Western Hemisphere and the world's second democratic republic (after the US). The US was reluctant to give full support to this republic led by former slaves.

Slow to change, not well equipped to put society into sustained growth. Found mainly in poorer Third World countries

Tradition Economic System

Rely on custom to determine production and distribution questions. They are slow to change and found in poor Third World countries.

Traditional Systems

Money or in-kind items given to individuals or businesses for which the government receives no equivalent good or service in return.

Transfer Payments

Which of the following ended the American Revolution and recognized American independence?

Treaty of Paris

This treaty ended the Revolutionary War, recognized the independence of the American colonies, and granted the colonies the territory from the southern border of Canada to the northern border of Florida, and from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi River.

Treaty of Paris 1783

A level and rolling treeless plain in artic and sub-artic regions with black mucky soil with permanently frozen subsoil, called permafrost


What fraction of the Senate must approve something for it to become an amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

Two-thirds In order for an amendment to be added to the U.S. Constitution, it must first be proposed through a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representative and the Senate. (It may also be proposed if two-thirds of the State legislatures call a constitutional convention, but so far, none of the Constitution's amendments was proposed in this way.) The proposed amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of U.S. States.

A Constitution-based Federal Republic with a strong democratic tradition.

United States

Observation from a distance.

Unobtrusive Observation

All of the following are factors that helped spread Enlightenment ideas throughout Europe EXCEPT:

Use of the scientific method

Portuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route. Da Gama took advantage of the prevailing winds when sailing south around Africa by not hugging its coastline. Da Gama had been commissioned and provisioned by the Portuguese government under King Manuel I to find a maritime route to the East. Established trade ports at Mozambique and Calicut.

Vasco Da Gama

The Orinoco River flows through which of the following countries?

Venezuela and Colombia The Orinoco River is 1,330 miles long and crosses the entire country of Venezuela east to west. About a quarter of the river's length is in Colombia.

Kingdom of Songhai

Was an African state of west Africa. From the early 15th to the late 16th century, It was one of the largest African empires in history. This empire bore the same name as its leading ethnic group. Its capital was the city of Gao, where a small state had existed since the 11th century. Its base of power was on the bend of the Niger River in present day Niger and Burkina Faso.


Was invented, documented, and used in the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) in China where the Jurchen military forces used gunpowder-based weapons technology (i.e. rockets, guns, cannons), and explosives (i.e. grenades and different types of bombs) against the Mongols. The Mongols, Muslims, Western Europe, and Japan adopted gunpowder in chronological sequene.

The Printing Press

Was most responsible for the rapid spread of new ideas in Renaissance Europe.


Was the primitive religion of Japan before the coming of Buddhism, which is currently the main religion of Japan. It is a very simple religion. It gives only one command, the necessity of being loyal to one's ancestors.


Was unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution, which completely focused on military training and excellence.

A political scandal involving abuse of power and bribery and obstruction of justice led to resignation of President Nixon


They were predominantly taken to the Americas.

West African Slaves

Democratic governments: Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, luxembourg, Netherlands and Italy

Western Europe

A Pilgrim, the second governor of the Plymouth colony, 1621-1657. He developed private land ownership and helped colonists get out of debt. He helped the colony survive droughts, crop failures, and Indian attacks.

William Bradford

The political upheaval in Great Britain immediately following the American Revolution led to the institution of a reform-minded Parliament in 1783 led by _____.

William Pitt the Younger

(1564 - 1616) English poet and playwright considered one of the greatest writers of the English language; works include Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet.

William Shakespeare

King of England and Scotland and Ireland, he married the daughter of James II; was invited by opponents of James II to invade England; when James fled, William III and Mary II were declared joint monarchs (1650-1702) conditioned on signing the English Bill of Rights which limited the power of the monarchy.

William of Orange

The 19th Amendement extended voting rights to which group?


AFRICA Nile River

World's longest

South America: Amazon River

Worlds 2nd longest river


Wrote Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind, The Social Contract, & Emile. He identified the human nature was originally happy but was corrupted when man claimed that they owned land. Said the government must rule at the general will of the people so that the most people are benefited. Hated Parlaiment because the delegates made laws not the people.


Wrote Two Treatises of Government. Said human nature lived free and had the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. He said government was created in order to protect these rights and if the government failed to do so it was the duty of the people to rebel.

John Locke

Wrote Two Treatises on Government as justification of Glorious Revolution and end of absolutism in England. He argued that man is born good and has rights to life, liberty, and property. To protect these rights, people enter social contract to create government with limited powers. If a government did not protect these rights or exceeded its authority, Locke believed the people have the right to revolt. The ideas of consent of the governed, social contract, and right of revolution influenced the United States Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. He also laid the foundations for criticism of absolute monarchy in France.

625 - 705 First Chinese empress who ruled during the Tang dynasty and unified the empire

Wu Hou

Densely Populated River Valleys

Yangtze Indus Ganges Nile Tigris - Euphrates.......

Byzantine Empire

a continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 395, rose out of the split of East and Western Roman Empire; lasted another 1000 years; kept Hellenism alive; fell in 1453 by the Ottomans.


Years of World War I


Years of World War II

In 1781 during the American Revolution the British under Cornwallis surrendered after a siege of three weeks by American and French troops


Who was the first human to travel through space?

Yuri Gagarin This Russian cosmonaut orbited the Earth once in about an hour and a half. He never went into space again but continued to train other cosmonauts until his death at 34.

Plurality System

an electoral system in which the winner is the person who gets the most votes, even if he or she does not receive a majority; used in almost all American elections

The graph shown best illustrates an economy operating at a short-run equilibrium with

an inflationary gap An inflationary gap results from a short-run macroeconomic equilibrium beyond full employment where the SRAS curve intersects the AD curve.

Variable Costs

costs that do vary with the quantity of output produced

In psychological research, the independent variable is the variable that

is manipulated by the researcher in order to see what impact it has on behavior

Industrial Revolution

the change from an agricultural to an industrial society and from home manufacturing to factory production, especially the one that took place in England from about 1750 to about 1850.


the economic and political theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that hold that human actions and institutions are economically determined and that class struggle is needed to create historical change and that capitalism will untimately be superseded


the teaching that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

the total market value of all final goods and services produced annually in an economy.


the view that (a) knowledge comes from experience via the senses, and (b) science flourishes through observation and experiment.

Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were all advocates for the claim that

women should be granted the same voting rights as men

What is a city-state?

A city-state is a city that is politically independent with its own government, army, and king.

Fertile Crescent/Mesopotamia

A geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates

What is a surplus, and why was it so important for the development of civilzations?

A surplus is an excess of food, and it is important because that is what created leisure time. It also meant that populations could expand and that people did not have to follow a herd for food anymore.

W.E.B. DuBois

An American civil rights activist. He became the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1910, becoming founder and editor of the NAACP's journal The Crisis. He rose national attention in his opposition of Booker T. Washington's ideas of social integration between whites and blacks, campaigning instead for increased political representation for blacks in order to guarantee civil rights, and the formation of a Black elite that would work for the progress of the African American race. He was willing to form alliances with progressive White Americans in pursuit of civil rights.


European scholars, writers, and teachers associated with the study of the humanities (grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, languages, and moral philosophy), influential in the fifteenth century and later. Explored human endeavors in their art, literature, and poetry.


Is a large farm or estate, usually in a tropical or subtropical country, where crops are grown for sale in distant markets, rather than for local consumption. Dominated southern agriculture from the mid-eighteenth century to the Civil War. These large farms, employing twenty or more slaves, produced staple crops (cotton, rice, tobacco) for domestic and foreign markets.

How did geopgraphy help civilizations develop in the area?

The first civilizations started in the Fertile Crescent, where the rich soil produced abundant crops for peopel to grow food and thrive.

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