Praxis 7002
A teacher provides students with sentences to use to determine the meanings of words according to their contexts. Which of the following sentences best fulfills the teacher's purpose?
"Omnivorous" animals prefer eating both plants and meat.
The teacher provides students with a thesaurus to help them complete the assignment. Which of the following is a major limitation of using only a thesaurus for this activity?
A thesaurus does not distinguish between shades of meaning.
A teacher reviews the following student scores on a standardized reading test with the goal of determining the areas in which the student will require additional instruction. 75th percentile in vocabulary knowledge 85th percentile in decoding 40th percentile in comprehension 70th percentile in fluency Based on the data, which of the following activities best addresses the student's needs?
A. Reviewing high-frequency words B. Identifying context clues in sentences C. Listening to an audio version of the text D. Using a plot chart to track the events in a story D. Using a plot chart to track the events in a story
A kindergarten teacher plans a lesson designed to give students guided practice in learning a phonological awareness skill. Having students participate in which of the following activities best meets the teacher's goal?
A. Asking students to follow along as the teacher moves a finger from left to right while orally reading a line of text in a picture book B.Having students say the word "airplane" and then asking them to say it again without pronouncing "air" C.Distributing a set of plastic letters to students and having them use the manipulatives to form decodable words D.Cutting a student's name card into individual letters and modeling how to put the letters together to form the name Option (B) is correct. Phonological awareness refers to a student's ability to identify and manipulate units of oral language. The ability to delete a syllable in a spoken word, such as saying "plane" when "air" is deleted from the word "airplane," is an example of a phonological awareness skill.
A fourth-grade teacher works with a small group of students who decode well but demonstrate poor comprehension. Through various informal assessments, the teacher determines that the students do not effectively apply knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, roots, and bases when words change form, and therefore students often lack understanding of academic text. Which THREE of the following activities best help students improve morphological analysis for better reading comprehension?
A. Combining word parts written on cards to form new words C. Completing a cloze by using a bank of word parts to fill in blanks in sentences D. Examining word affixes and roots on semantic map posters Options (A), (C), and (D) are correct. The act of physically manipulating word parts to form longer words requires students to think about where the word part naturally occurs across multiple contexts (beginning, middle, or end) and to put it in places that create meaningful words. Completing a cloze activity using a bank of word parts requires students to think about what words are required to complete each sentence while also providing them support to construct the words. By mapping out unfamiliar words on poster-sized paper, students are breaking words into parts and analyzing their meanings. The poster remains behind as a visual reminder of what was discovered while deconstructing the word and can help in deconstructing future words with similar affixes/bases/roots.
A first-grade teacher is preparing a phonics lesson on high-frequency words to introduce to the students. To prepare for the lesson, the teacher identifies several activities that would aid the students in acquiring the high-frequency words. Which of the following demonstrates an understanding of how to approach instruction in word recognition?
A. Having the students tap out the regular sound correspondences in the word Option (A) is correct. High-frequency words can be regular and irregular or have a regular or irregular part. Having the student tap out the regular sound correspondences in the word helps develop their decoding skills.
Which of the following strategies best gives a teacher an opportunity to evaluate beginning readers' comprehension of a literary passage?
A. Posing clarifying questions during shared reading of the passage Option (A) is correct. The teacher can continually assess student understanding by asking clarifying questions while reading the passage together with the students.
Which of the following statements is correct about developing listening and speaking skills in students?
A. Receptive and expressive language skills can be codeveloped by focusing on the development of vocabulary, the comprehension of grammar structures, and the interpretation of intonation. Option (A) is correct. The three factors of vocabulary development, the comprehension of grammar structures, and the interpretation of intonation are essential to language acquisition and use.
Ms. Dorsey, a second-grade teacher, begins a lesson by reviewing the story grammar of conventional short fiction. She reminds students that most stories have a beginning that includes information about the setting and the main characters. Then an event introducing a goal or problem occurs, followed by a series of events in which the characters attempt to solve the problem. At the end of the story, the goal or problem is finally resolved. Which of the following best explains the teacher's rationale for instructing students in recognizing story grammar in fictional texts?
A. To provide a framework that helps students to comprehend and retain story information Option (A) is correct. When students are given direct instruction in recognizing the underlying structure or framework typically found in fictional genres, or story grammar, they are better able to comprehend and remember information from the text as a result of the repetition and predictability of the story.
The instructional strategy list-group-label is most effective for teaching which of the following?
A. Vocabulary Option (A) is correct. List-group-label is a vocabulary strategy that has students sort and categorize words, allowing them to connect words and make them more meaningful.
Which of the following best integrates and expands readers' thinking about terms and concepts encountered while constructing meaning from a text?
A. Vocabulary Mapping Option (A) is correct. Vocabulary mapping supports readers as they construct literal and inferential meaning including language and rhetoric.
A second-grade teacher is planning a lesson on derivational suffixes. Which of the following is considered a derivational suffix?
A."-ful" Option (A) is correct. The suffix "-ful" is a derivational suffix and alters the part of speech of the word.
A first-grade teacher notices during small-group instruction that a student has difficulty decoding words such as "ran," "pet," "him," and "hot." Which of the following is the most appropriate way for the teacher to confirm the student's difficulty?
A.Administering a phonemic awareness assessment in which the student breaks spoken words into individual phonemes Option (A) is correct. From the words given, the student has difficulty with short-vowel sounds. Administering a phonemic awareness assessment will yield information the teacher needs to address the student's difficulty with phonemic segmentation.
Before introducing a nonfiction text on volcanoes, a teacher asks students to record one fact that they already know about volcanoes on an adhesive tab. The teacher and students create a poster with the tabs, and the class then discusses the facts on the tabs. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the activity?
A.Building schema Option (A) is correct. This activity focuses on sharing ideas to build students' schema on volcanoes.
Which of the following phonemic manipulations is the most complex and is generally developed last by most students?
A.Changing the /m/ in the word "mouse" to /h/ Option (A) is correct. This is an example of phoneme substitution, which is the most advanced phonological awareness skill.
Mr. Krause's fourth-grade students are having difficulty answering text-dependent comprehension questions. He plans to use the question-answer relationship (QAR) strategy to help students comprehend the types of questions being asked. The QAR strategy supports students in
A.distinguishing between textually explicit and textually implicit questions Option (A) is correct. The QAR strategy helps students determine whether the answer to a question can be found directly in the text, or explicit, or whether the question is implied in the text, or implicit. This knowledge helps students distinguish when to search the text for the answer and when to make an inference about the text.
A first-grade teacher administered a universal screening assessment and identified several students with at-risk scores for reading difficulties. Which of the following is the most appropriate first step for the teacher to take for instructional decision making?
Administering a diagnostic assessment to determine areas of instructional need
Which of the following literacy activities best demonstrates a first-grade student applying the literacy principles of decoding and encoding as reciprocal skills?
After direct instruction, reading and sorting a set of words that contain the CVCV pattern, and then writing teacher-dictated sentences that include words in the CVCV pattern
A fourth-grade teacher intends to use student performance data to guide lesson planning for small-group reading and remediation of specific skills. Which THREE of the following actions are most appropriate for using the data to inform instruction?
Analyzing data prior to adjustment of instructional goals and delivery Analyzing data after the adjustment of instructional goals and delivery Analyzing data to determine formative descriptions of performance
Which of the following reading skills is the most important prerequisite to understanding an author's purpose?
Analyzing key ideas and details
While reading a short passage from a realistic fiction story aloud to the class, a student reads the following sentence. "I didn't think what I had done was so bad, but my mother sure knows how to make a mountain out of a molehill." The teacher focuses the students' attention on the author's use of the phrase "to make a mountain out of a molehill" as an example of figurative language. Which of the following teacher actions is the most appropriate next step in helping students understand the phrase?
B. Asking students to decide whether the literal meaning of the phrase is the author's intended message Option (B) is correct. It is good practice to first have students discuss the literal meaning of a figurative language structure and then ask students to consider whether they think the author actually intended to convey a message through a literal interpretation.
The beginning of the teacher's instructional sequence with students follows. Teacher: Listen and tell me what you hear that is the same in each of these words: " sudden," "velvet," "kitten," "napkin," "contest". Student: Each of these words has two syllables. Teacher: Correct. Do you hear anything else that is the same? Student: Each syllable in the words has a short vowel sound. Teacher: That's right. Now I'm going to show you the words on this chart. What do you notice? Student: Each syllable contains one vowel followed by a consonant. When continuing the discussion with students, the teacher should inform students that each of the words presented in the lesson contains which of the following syllable types?
B. Closed syllable Option (B) is correct. All the words in the list contain two syllables, each of which follows a CVC pattern. Words in the CVC pattern are known as closed syllables, and the vowel in each is a short vowel sound.
Which of the following is most beneficial in developing students' writing abilities?
B. Modeling explicit writing instruction on how an author communicates ideas through elements such as word choice, text structure, and point of view Option (B) is correct. Providing explicit writing instruction on how an author communicates ideas through elements such as word choice, text structure, and point of view is the most beneficial strategy for improving students' writing abilities.
During a small-group literacy workshop, a teacher reads a classic fairy tale aloud to students. While reading, the teacher stops to discuss how good readers adjust the pitch and volume of their voice, use punctuation cues to attend to proper phrasing, and read with natural expression. The teacher's instruction primarily emphasizes which of the following components of reading fluency?
B. Prosody Option (B) is correct. The teacher uses a read-aloud activity to model for students the elements of prosodic oral reading fluency which includes adjusting pitch and volume, reading with appropriate phrasing, and reading with natural expression.
Students in a sixth-grade English language arts class are struggling with distinguishing between tone and mood. Which of the following questions should the teacher ask to begin to help students understand the interrelationship between tone and mood?
B. Which words does the author use to establish that the characters are full of resentment toward each other? Option (B) is correct. The words that an author uses establish tone. Mood is the overall feeling a reader gets when reading the passage. These words establish the tone and set the mood, which is resentment.
While explicitly and systematically teaching phonics to students, a teacher wants to ensure proper phonics maintenance. Which of the following strategies will best meet the teacher's goal?
B.Using interactive practice opportunities to review previously taught sound-letter relationships Option (B) is correct. For the teacher to ensure proper phonics maintenance, students must overlearn the relationships between sounds and letters. Reviewing these relationships repeatedly using interactive practice opportunities will help ensure the students remember.
In order to develop students' spelling skills, a teacher presents the following words to the class. Bite Hope Kite Tape Which of the following is the best strategy for teaching students how to spell these words?
B.Using letter tiles to build previously learned CVC words along with the new words Option (B) is correct. Having the students build words with letter tiles allows them to review previously taught spelling patterns for CVC words. The next skill in the scope and sequence would be CVCe.
A teacher focuses on the following skills while working with a group of students. Clarifying a purpose for reading Previewing a text before reading Monitoring understanding by adjusting reading speed Checking for understanding after reading a text The teacher is primarily developing students' ability to
B.use metacognitive strategies to think about and have control over their reading
A group of fifth-grade students apply metacognitive strategies while reading an assigned novel. When discussing the novel during small-group instruction time, the students mention that there are many unfamiliar vocabulary words in the text. Which of the following metacognitive strategies is best for the teacher to suggest when helping the students decipher unknown vocabulary?
Building a semantic map and using knowledge of affixes
A teacher selects words from a decodable text and places them in a pocket attached to the back cover of the book. The student removes all the words that they can decode effortlessly and attempts to blend and decode the remaining words. Which of the following is the instructional purpose of the activity?
C. .Teaching sound-letter mapping Option (C) is correct. With the sound-letter mapping strategy, students use the oral language processing part of their brain to map, or connect, the sounds, or phonemes, of the word to the letters or letter combinations, or graphemes, in a word.
When planning instruction to support students' reading development, a third-grade teacher includes the following activities. Engaging students in reader's theater Requiring students to participate in repeated readings Modeling fluent reading of various genres Providing opportunities for reading narrative and informational texts By engaging students in the activities listed, the teacher best demonstrates an understanding of which of the following principles related to growth in literacy?
C. A reader who can fluently and automatically decode words can give full attention to comprehending a written text. Option (C) is correct. Research has shown that a reader's fluency level is highly correlated with the reader's ability to comprehend text. To become a proficient reader, a student needs to be able to decode automatically and use mental energy to think about the meaning of a text.
A student who is engaged in an argumentative writing activity is most likely doing which of the following?
C. Articulating a personal position after learning that the school board recommends that students spend more time on homework Option (C) is correct. Argumentative writing is identified as writing in which the author investigates an issue, takes a position on the issue, and incorporates evidence in a logical way to support the position.
Which of the following instructional strategies is best for a first-grade teacher to use with emergent readers?
C. Designing a series of lessons with one reading objective and providing modeling, explicit instruction, and guided practice of the objective Option (C) is correct. Students who are emergent readers in first grade are still struggling with concepts of print, phonemic awareness, and decoding. The teacher should provide modeling and explicit instruction to these students as well as extensive practice with these skills and targeted instruction in the areas in which students are struggling.
Which of the following is the most effective method for teachers to use to increase students' comfort with self-reflection and self-critiquing their writing?
C. Modeling the reviewing and revising process using a sample of their own work Option (C) is correct. By critiquing their own work for the students, the teachers create a safe, supportive environment and demonstrate the benefit of reflecting on one's own work.
A group of students have an accuracy rate of 94% on a recent oral reading assessment. Which of the following activities will best help students to develop their reading skills?
C. Participating in lessons focused on specific problematic phonics patterns Option (C) is correct. Rather than overwhelming the students or causing their development to stagnate, the teacher wants them to progress to the next reading level. Toward this end, the teacher should provide explicit instruction focusing on specific problematic phonics patterns.
A teacher selects both fiction and nonfiction texts that all students in a reading group can read independently with 95 percent accuracy. The teacher instructs the students to read the texts chorally three times over a period of time. Which of the following changes to the activity best facilitates reading fluency?
C. Setting a goal for a certain number of words to be read correctly during each reading session Option (C) is correct. Setting a goal for a certain number of words to be read correctly during each reading session is the best way to motivate students and help improve students' fluency skills. Fluency develops as a result of many opportunities to practice reading with a high degree of success. Therefore, students should practice rereading aloud texts that contain mostly words that students know or can decode easily.
According to Ehri's phases of word reading development, which of the following characteristics is most closely associated with the full alphabetic phase?
C. Use of phonetic spellings of unfamiliar words using phoneme-grapheme correspondence Option (C) is correct. In the full alphabetic phase of decoding, the major sound-symbol relationships for each letter are used systematically. A student early in this phase is apt to decode many words letter by letter. The student will likely use initial and final letters as decoding cues.
A kindergarten teacher works with a small group of students in a center and asks them to walk around the room to find and name groups of five objects or pictures that begin with the same sound. Students first find a bat, a ball, a box, a boat, and a bug. Then they identify a chair, a chart, a chain, a chick, and a cherry. Which of the following early literacy concepts is best supported by the instructional activity?
C.Developing phonological awareness by recognizing alliteration Option (C) is correct. Students naming familiar objects that start with the same sound are engaged in an alliteration activity that is preliminary to understanding that sounds are assigned to specific letters of the alphabet.
A kindergarten teacher assesses students' understanding of concepts of print at the beginning of the year. The results of one student's assessment are shown in the following table.Based on the data, which of the following instructional methods will best promote the student's understanding of print conventions?
C.Drawing attention to letters and words in the text by tracking with a finger during a shared reading Option (C) is correct. Using a finger draws the student's attention to letters, words, and punctuation and promotes student understanding of directionality.
A teacher has students read the following passage during a science lesson. The teacher then refers to the same passage during the reading block to demonstrate the structure of certain forms of informational text. Not all stars are the same, and it is important to understand their properties. There are five parameters of stars that we can measure. Luminosity is the measure of how much energy is emitted by the star. Stars also have their own size and temperature. The mass of stars can be measured, and we can also determine their composition. The passage best demonstrates which of the following text structures?
C.Enumeration Option (C) is correct. The passage lists or enumerates five details that constitute the measures of stars. The details are facts that can be put in an unordered list numbered one to five.
While assessing students' reading ability, a teacher notices that many students struggle with words like "enough," "sign," "night," "through," and "was." Which of the following instructional strategies has the greatest impact on building students' automatic recognition of such words?
C.Having the students read each word aloud, build each word with plastic letters, and write each word in a journal Option (C) is correct. Of the options listed, repeated review of the listed words will have the greatest impact on students' automatic recognition.
A second-grade teacher selects a picture book that retells the well-known fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears to read aloud to the class. Following the first oral reading of the text, the teacher distributes a graphic organizer with a set of questions for students to answer as the text is read again. During the second reading, the teacher pauses at different parts of the story and asks students to independently answer one of the questions related to that part of the story on the work sheet. A portion of the graphic organizer the teacher uses is represented by the following table. QuestionThe Story SaysI SayAnd So I Believe...Why did Goldilocks break Baby Bear's chair? The teacher's instructional method best engages students in which of the following thinking processes related to successful reading comprehension?
C.Locating the author's text clues and using prior knowledge to construct meaning that goes beyond what is literally stated C. Locating the author's text clues and using prior knowledge to construct meaning that goes beyond what is literally stated
Which of the following should a teacher do to best help students who are revising their own writing?
C.Recommend that students elaborate and use words to make images more specific. Option (C) is correct. Revision is the ongoing process of improving the content of a piece of writing. Writing can be improved through the elaboration of ideas with the addition of details to paint a specific image in the reader's mind.
Which of the following is the primary benefit of implementing well-planned peer editing in the classroom?
C.Students will improve their writing skills and learn to collaborate effectively.
A kindergarten teacher uses bright-colored chalk to write individual letters on sheets of black construction paper. Students take turns pointing a flashlight at and naming the letter on each sheet. Which of the following instructional objectives does the activity target?
C.Supporting learning of the alphabetic principle
Which of the following is the primary purpose of the model-practice-reflect instructional cycle in writing?
D. Allowing students to observe the thinking process and actions of a strong writer Option (D) is correct. The model-practice-reflect instructional cycle is intended to allow students an opportunity to observe the thinking and actions of a strong writer, attempt to emulate the features of effective writing, and then evaluate their writing according to those features.
A teacher who is working with students on decoding multisyllabic words in text writes the following words on an anchor chart after students encounter them in their readings for the week. Multisyllabic words common butter swimming Which of the following activities will best help the students divide the words into syllables?
D. Breaking up closed-syllable words based on consonant splitting Option (D) is correct. The words in the list are words with closed syllables and the rule for splitting words with closed syllables is to split them between the double consonants.
As part of a social studies unit on the American Revolution, a sixth-grade teacher plans to prepare students to read a short historical nonfiction novel about the Boston Tea Party. Which of the following prereading strategies will best assist the teacher in building students' background knowledge and improving their general understanding of the topic?
D. Having students visit approved Web sites before reading the text to view video clips and primary documents related to the topic Option (D) is correct. By having the students use approved Web sites to engage in virtual experiences related to the Boston Tea Party before they read the novel, the teacher is helping the students to build background knowledge about the subject. The information on carefully chosen Web sites can deepen students' comprehension of any subject.
A first-grade teacher works with small groups of students to teach them how to develop their writing skills. Which of the following methods best fosters the students' ability to use correct mechanics, such as punctuation and capitalization, in their own writing?
D.Modeling how and when to use punctuation and capitalization during writing instruction D.Modeling how and when to use punctuation and capitalization during writing instruction
A third-grade student struggles with reading because of poor decoding skills. Which of the following is the student most likely having difficulty with?
D.Sounding out new words and interpreting the text Option (D) is correct because the inability to blend sounds exemplifies poor decoding skills.
While conducting a think-aloud to demonstrate a word-learning skill for use in decoding multisyllabic words, the teacher states, "I look for parts of the word I know." By using this technique, the teacher provides instruction that focuses primarily on
D.structural analysis Option (D) is correct. The use of structural analysis as a decoding skill involves looking for graphic features such as prefixes, suffixes, and root words.
Which of the following statements about the relationship between reading and writing development is best supported by research?
Decoding involves translating printed words to sounds, and encoding involves using individual sounds to build and write words.
When using a newspaper article for a shared reading activity, no students in the class can explain the meaning of the word "absence" in the last sentence of the following passage. Sam was chosen because he is considered the best investigator of mechanical failures. The bridge collapsed overnight, yet the video shows no people, animals, or warnings of a problem. Sam read the report twice, yet he still could not overcome the absence of cause and gain a clear understanding about the factors that explained the disaster. Based on the passage, which of the following teacher-directed questions is most appropriate for students learning to identify the meaning of unknown words?
Do the surrounding words offer a clue about the meaning of the word "absence"?
A third-grade teacher notices that many students in class exhibit poor reading fluency when asked to read sentences or longer passages aloud and plans to incorporate activities to support fluent reading behaviors. Which THREE of the following activities best accomplish the teacher's objective?
Engaging in choral reading as a class for a page of text Modeling one sentence at a time aloud for students to imitate Providing students with a script to practice and read orally in front of their peers
Criteria such as timeliness of information, professional affiliation, bias, and domain suffixes all relate to which of the following factors?
Evaluating and selecting reference materials for student use in classroom research
Which of the following are transcription skills used in the simple view of writing?
Handwriting and spelling
A first-grade teacher introduces phonics concepts to students early in the school year and explicitly teaches short vowel sounds. Which of the following activities will best help students work on the described phonics concept?
Identifying word families that follow the CVC pattern
A teacher introduces a class of kindergarten students to concepts of print and assesses their understanding informally every day. Some students are struggling with directionality and return sweep. Which of the following teacher actions will best help support the students who are struggling with the concepts?
Modeling how text is read by using a finger to point to words as they are read aloud
To address the fluency difficulties faced by students in a reading group, the teacher decides to implement readers' theater lessons using a text each student is able to decode proficiently. Which of the following instructional steps will best support the students' improvement of reading fluency?
Modeling reading of the script and asking students to read the text independently and orally before choosing character parts
Which of the following is the most effective way for a teacher to model using onset and rime?
Option (A) is correct. Teaching children about onset and rime helps them recognize common chunks within words. This can help students decode new words when reading and spelling words when writing. A. Showing students how to recognize common chunks within word families
A third-grade teacher's reading instruction includes sources from multiple content areas. During a science lesson, students are reading a book about plants that contains many new and difficult vocabulary words, such as "chlorophyll," "germinate," and "photosynthesis." Which of the following teaching activities will best help the students develop an understanding of the new words?
Option (B) is correct. Direct instruction is the best and most highly recommended method for helping students learn totally new Tier 3 words from specific content areas. The meanings of such words are well determined and consistent and can be illustrated by using robust contexts and multimedia methods. B.Planning direct instruction that uses multimedia to introduce words in rich contexts
Using informational texts, fourth-grade students are researching animals. The students complete the following inquiry chart, or I-chart, to record what they find in various texts.
Option (B) is correct. I-charts help students take what they already know about a topic and add to it as they examine multiple sources of information. B. It encourages students to build on their prior knowledge of a topic.
A teacher scores student writing samples using criteria that define expectations for different levels of proficiency. Which of the following tools is the teacher most likely using?
Option (D) is correct. A rubric gives specific descriptions on a scale to demonstrate what is expected for the task. D. Rubric
A teacher prepares two visuals to model the components of a particular type of writing. A video clip of an advertisement featuring a well-known athlete as the spokesperson for a popular brand of shoe A pamphlet for mobile phone insurance that features images of damaged and cracked mobile devices The visuals best facilitate instruction about which of the following types of writing?
Which of the following is the ability to recognize that words in oral language are made up of a variety of sound units?
Phonological awareness
A first-grade teacher wants to instruct students in phoneme-grapheme correspondence. Which of the following instructional scenarios is best for the teacher to use?
Presenting students with explicit instruction in specific letter-sound correspondences and having them think, say, and blend words containing such patterns
Which of the following instructional techniques is most effective in teaching students the phonemic awareness skill of segmentation?
Pronouncing a word and having students position plastic counters in a row to represent each sound
Which of the following instructional practices is most effective to use in a first-grade classroom to support the students' reading comprehension before they begin reading a text?
Recording students' predictions of what they think the text will be about
Which of the following is the most effective strategy for building and extending students' vocabulary knowledge?
Showing students how to use roots and affixes to determine meanings
Which of the following factors should a second-grade teacher use to determine whether a student will benefit from a fluency-based intervention?
The student uses awkward word groupings while reading aloud from a short passage.
The reinforcement method resulting from direct instruction is best illustrated through which of the following vocabulary-building activities?
The teacher builds in activities that provide students opportunities to use new words.
Which of the following TWO strategies are most appropriate for fluency instruction in the classroom with beginning readers?
The teacher provides explicit instruction on new or difficult words and has students practice these words in isolation before reading the text. The teacher models reading with expression repeatedly through read-aloud opportunities.
A kindergarten teacher prepares to use an interactive read-aloud to enhance students' vocabulary knowledge. Which of the following best describes a guideline the teacher should adhere to when selecting the vocabulary words the students will learn?
Words that are used over multiple contexts should be chosen, because they provide students with repeated exposure that can be transferred to a variety of texts.
A kindergarten teacher recognizes that a small group of students are struggling to segment words that have three phonemes. Which of the following is the most appropriate instructional practice for supporting the students' phonemic awareness skills?
Working with foam squares to demonstrate each sound that is present in each word