Prep for Exam #4

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According to Dr. Jay Nunamaker, Regents Professor and Founding Chair, UofA MIS Dept., what do MIS/OSCM (Management Information Systems / Operations and Supply Chain Management) professionals really do?

"Solve Real Problems for Real People"

What is the typical maximum operating range of Near-Field Communication (NFC) wireless devices, which adds to the security of applicaitons such as point-of-sale payments?

10 centimeters

By helping institutional purchasers compare and select desktop computers, laptops and monitors based on their environmental attributes, the EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) program focused on which of the following aspects of environmental sustainability?

1st Order (Direct Result of its existence)

Travel substitution, transportation optimization, and environmental control systems are are aspects of what level of environmental sustainability?

2nd Order (from application)

IPv4, which is the most widely used Internet Protocol addressing scheme, uses _____ bits allowing it to uniquely identify (address) at most 4,294,967,295 computers and devices.


As retailers globally are undertaking renewed efforts to re-imagine the traditional retail experience, approximately how much has the newly emerging retail-oriented digital shopping increased above the pre-COVID-19 levels since March of 2020, based on changes in credit-card and debit-card spend?


According to the Preparing for the Future of Work video case, as individuals try to answer the question "What do you want to be when you grow up", approximately what percentage of jobs these individuals may ultimately hold do not yet exist?


Based on a cost analysis case study of a cloud deployment, using cloud computing resulted in a company reducing its annual operating cost of operation for power, labor, and hardware by approximately how much?


________ is an unauthorized access point into a wireless network.

A rogue access point

As the mayor of Fortaleza, Brazil, Roberto Claudio (UA PhD) partnered with the University of Arizona to use data analytics and visualizations to make significant reductions in the occurrence of what type of event in Fortaleza, Brazil?

Accidental road deaths

In a data communication architecture, transmitters (senders) and receivers of messages are described using what term?


Which of the following applications would be most commonly associated with short range systems (up to 1 meter) that are commonly in the vicinity of metals and liquids?

Animal identification Systems

Which of the following challenges for wireless communication relates to how the decreasing signal strength of radio signals as they propagate through matter?

Attenuation (path loss)

With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as LEED Certified Buildings, Smart Motors, and Industrial Robots?


As described by CapGemini, what aspect of smart products used an Industry 4.0 environment would focus on using sensor technology to give access to condition information regarding products and their environment?


According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Survey 2020, which of the following do most companies surveyed report as most likely to have the highest increasing demand for a job role by 2025?

Big Data Specialists

In a circuit switched network, which of the following terms describes when a telephone call cannot be made due to the needed resources (e.g. communication links) being unavailable while assigned to another subscriber's call?


What wireless technology's name is connected to Harald Blaatand, who was the King of Denmark from 940-981 and was famous for uniting Scandinavia (Denmark and Norway)?


________ is a short-range wireless network used for communication among computer devices (e.g., telephones, personal digital assistants, smartphones) located close to one person.


Originally developed by MIS Regents Professor Hsinchun Chen, what technology is used by law enforcement agencies worldwide for data analysis?


Which of the following outcomes from using RFID tracking would be most commonly considered as a benefit associated directly with generating value for a company's products?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Which of the following NFC (Near Field Communication) communication modes allows your phone to act like an "interactive card" for payment, transportation, identification, and physical access?

Card emulation mode

From a data network infrastructure perspective, what type of cabling (wired guided media) is commonly associated with residential subscribers with POTS (plain old telephone service) service?

Category 3 Twisted Pair Cables

According to the e-Waste in South Africa video case, what has resulted in a business opportunity for Bolunga Electronic Waste company to provide recycling e-Waste services?

Changes in technology has led to much quicker end-of-life for electronic products

What term is used to describe access to a shared pool of networks, servers, storage, applications and services that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction?

Cloud Computing

According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Survey 2020, which of the following is most likely to be adopted by over 80% of the companies surveyed by 2025? Question 3 options:

Cloud computing

In the IT still doesn't matter video case, Nicholas Carr makes the case that IT (Information Technology) should be view in what way?

Commodity input

In the IT/IOT Converged Security Model, which of the following dimensions is a task whose security-relating issues are performed and managed only in the automation & control level?

Configuration Management

Which of the following business applications would typically NOT be something that commonly associated with NFC (Near Field Communication) technology?

Connected vehicles, such as Qualcomm's V2X (Vehicle to Everything)

As described in our class discussion, OSCM (Operations and Supply Chain Management) professionals improve the operational quality of business processes by managing their quality, and improving their efficiency, effectiveness and _____________.


In CapGemini's Industry 4.0 Smart Factory discussion, what term is used to describe a multi-agent system that acts like a market place of production service allowing machines to configure themselves automatically?

Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS)

For network infrastructures that transmit information using analog signals through a communication channel, what term is used measure the bandwidth?

Cycles per second (Hertz)

According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Survey 2020, which of the following emerging roles can professionals "job pivot", or be able to transition to a wholly new occupation, with a low similarity to their original (source) occupation?

Data and AI

All of the following are factors contributing to the rapid growth of the cloud computing industry, except:

Declining costs of power, space, and maintenance needed to operate a data computer

Which of the following metrics, related to the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, are companies using to help them assess their progress on meeting more aggressive environmental sustainability goals?

Decreased carbon footprint

When connecting to the U-System ( server for the first time, WinSCP displays the warning message "the server's host key was not found in the cache," as shown below. This warning is related to what aspect of creating a channel for secure data transmission?

Defining the the U-System server as a trusted endpoint for tunneling

________ occurs when one physical device, such as a smartphone, provides the functions that previously required many physical devices, such as GPS navigators, flashlights, medical devices, credit cards, texting, and cellular phones.


Which of the following dimensions was NOT identified as an one of the elements that helps us answer the question: So what is MIS?


What is the name of the computer software system that translates Uniform Resource Locator (URL's) into IP addresses?

Domain Name System

What MIS Professor developed a tool for detecting fraud using real-time score of the authenticity of based on an applicant's behaviors?

Dr. Joe Valacich

The EC Hosting process of downloading a file from D2L to your local computer, modifying the file as required by the assignment, and then uploading the file to the U-System ( website hosting server is similar to what other process that we discussed earlier in the semester?

ETL (Extract-Transform-Load)

Which of the following issues was NOT mentioned as one of the likely risk factors for emerging Greentech technologies?

Economic Losses from Product Obsolescence

According to the "Cloud Computing Trends for 2020" video case, what term is used to describe a distributed computing model where information is processed closer to its source?

Edge Computing

Which of the following carriers is NOT commonly associated with transmission of information using unguided (wireless) media?

Electric voltage (direct or alternating current)

Which of the following was not discussed as a way that data networking can create a strategic advantage for a businesss?

Eliminates the productivity paradox

In the Key Skills To Help You Succeed In The Future video case, what skill was discussed that incorporated the perspective of diversity and inclusion?


What property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?


When considering the ethical dimension of green computing, which of the following is generally NOT considered one of the guiding principles of social responsibility?

Ensuring a positive return on investment (RIO)

With respect to network infrastructures, what type of cabling generally has the fastest transmission rate and highest immunity to electrical noise?

Fiber Optic Cables

According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Survey 2020, both cloud computing and encryption & cyber security are likely to be adoption by the most (highest %) of companies in what industry sector?

Financial Services (FS)

In the area or Healthtech and Medtech, what specific technology has consistently seen the largest increase in venture funding for products and services related to well-being and care delivery innovators?

IOT (Internet of Things)

A(n) ________ is a company that provides Internet connections for a fee.

ISP (Internet Service Provider)

Which of the following business opportunities was enabled by the evolution of cellular communication technologies (i.e., 3G, 4G, and 5G networks) allowing cellular network providers to have higher density networks?

Increased customers

Which of the following issues would not be considered as a disadvantage of packet switched network operation?

Inefficient line utilization

What term is used to describe technology that is shared broadly by all firms in an industry or region (e.g., rail, telegraph, telephone, electricity, IT)?


According to IOT Innovation Lab video case, one of The Hartford's two main strategic objectives for IOT devices is to help it predict, prevent, detect and mitigate what?

Insurance losses

According to Forrester, what emerging technology is likely to improve service and create efficiencies by replacing many tasks that depend upon humans, such as customer service representatives, truck drivers, and taxi drivers?

Intelligent agents

What organization coordinates and manages the assignment of unique internet (IP) addresses throughout the world, working on behalf of an international "multistakeholder community" composed primarily of technology companies?

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Survey 2020, the Health and Heathcare (HE) sector is most (highest %) likely to adopt what technology?

Internet Of Things (IOT) and connected devices

As Medtech and Healthtech incorporate Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning into patient care systems, what risk posed by health apps and wearables must be considered and managed?

Litigation Risks Related to Using Algorithms Ability to Provide Medical 'Advice'

Also known as a subscriber line, in the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), what is the connection between the local telephone company exchange office and a subscriber's house called?

Local Loop

Since ________ satellites move relative to a point on the Earth, a moderate number is needed for global coverage.

MEO (mid-earth orbit)

The global positioning system (GPS), whcih enables users to determine their position anywhere on Earth, is based on ___________ satellite technology.

MEO (mid-earth orbit)

Using the Caesar Cipher shown below (with a shift key of 19), the "cipher text" messages of "fbl" would decode to what PLAIN TEXT message?


"HTTP" (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) defines what?

Method used to send (transmit) the website from the server to the client browser

Which of the following frequency ranges is most commonly associated with long range applications requiring large data transfers?

Micro-wave (2.45GHz)

What communication code was developed in 1835 to send messages digitally over a new communications infrastructure?

Morse Code

In a smart city environment, which of the following was NOT described as a benefit from using IOT to connect traffic signals?

New revenue opportunities

Circuit swtiching requires what type of channel, which means it is assigned exclusively to one call for the duration of the connection and cannot be used by another phone call?


Tracking, traceability, authentication, and control are all associated with what type of benefit provided by RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tracking?


In the 1990's, companies such as Limewire, Bittorrent, and Napster were based on what type of computing model?

Peer-to-peer (P2P)

Which of the following dimensions of the Open Cloud cloud taxonomy would offer services related to business intelligence, database management, and application development and testing?

Platform Services

Which of the following dimensions of emerging technologies in healthtech and medtech will have a potential impact relating to improved patient care and reduced healthcare spending through value-based care?


As discussed in the the video case "Vint Cerf Explains TCP Networking," what example does he use to explain how messages are sent?

Post Cards

According to Intel Canada's video "Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds," what type of cloud architecture offers a high level of control of the resources but the *least* (lowest ability for) scalability?


Which of the following MIS/OSCM career paths would primarily focus on operational business issues?

Production Planning and Forecasting

What type of cryptography was launched in 1976 by Bailey Whitfield, Diffie, Martin Hellman and Ralph Merkle that facilitated encrypted communications without the need for advance delivery of keys?

Public-key cryptography

Which of the following wireless technologies only supports one-way directional communication?


When selecting the physical route for the long-haul fiber-optic network, the fiber-optic cables were installed adjacent to what other type of infrastructure previously discussed as emerging during the second phase (2.0) of globalization?


As market forces push IT toward rapid commoditization, Nicholas Carr recommends companies shift their priorities in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

Recognize higher levels of risk are required to innovate IT (Information Technology)

Which of the following options is the least common approach used to manage the thousands of PCs discarded each day?


All of the following factors have resulted in the vanishing advantage of the competitive barriers for distinctive systems, except:


According to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Survey 2020, the roles which are being displaced by new technologies counter-balanced by job creation in new fields, the 'jobs of tomorrow' in new occupations. All of the following job roles was identified as being one of the top 20 jobs with increasing demand across all industries EXCEPT:

Relationship Managers

What type of wireless transmission systems have a large coverage area (footprint) and high bandwidth, but must also are relatively expensive to install and operate and require unobstructed line-of-sight installations?


As envisioned by the US Department of Transportation's roadmap for connected vehicles, DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) wireless communication technology will be used to link all of the following sources to a connected vehicle EXCEPT:

Satellite Radio

With respect to HealthTech and MedTech, which of the healthcare value pools identified by Perkins-Coie as "ripe for technological innovation" focused on digital at-home diagnostics and imaging diagnostics based on artificial intelligence and machine learning?

Screening and Diagnosis

Originally used in the Greek city-state of Sparta around the sixth century BCE, what cipher used messages written on a strip of parchment that has been wrapped around a thick baton?

Scytale cipher

During which industrial revolution were industries able to expand their use of mass production by using electricity and internal combustion engines to power large factories and assembly lines?

Second Industrial Revolution

Signal and Telegram are what type of security applications?

Secure Messaging Applications

Cherokee leader Wilma Pearl Mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, Iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?

Seven generations in the past and also into the future

Which of the following "big" trends for the Fourth Industrial Revolution relates to how cyber-physical systems use the IOT (Internet of Things) to communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in synchrotic time both internally and across organizational services?

Smart Factory

As emerging technologies in retails and e-commerce have accelerated the pace of change in the way consumers interact with retailers and related businesses, which of the following areas have had impacts related to the use of shared delivery services and click-and-collect models?


Which of the following dimensions of emerging technologies in retail and e-commerce will have the likely impact refocusing consumers priorities on delivery and discount brands?


In which of the following cloud models is the customer responsible for managing the fewest of the computing resources?


Which of the following ciphers have a known weakness that allows messages to be decrypted using a frequency analysis to guess pre-encrypted letters based on how often they appear in the language?

Substitution ciphers

According to the Mainstream Green report written by Ogilvy and Mather, the attitude of which of the following groups is most likely to recognize the importance of sustainability and dedicate themselves to living a green or sustainable lifestyle?

Super Greens

Which of the following was not discussed as one of the three factors that should be considerd when a company considers developing a new telecom service?


In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into what product?

Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Sustainability is the process of balancing today's needs with future by addressing and valuing the inter-connectedness of all of the following systems EXCEPT:


As discussed in the AlohaNet - Norm Abramson video case, the AlohaNet's was intended to be alternative to what other communication network for computer communication?

Telephone System

During which industrial revolution did electronics and information and communication (ICT) technology create a "digital revolution" that further advanced automation?

Third Industrial Revolution

According to A Cloudy History of Time, Honeywell, IBM, and Xerox the dominant companies in what industry in 1975?

Timesharing Industry

What network infrastructure term describes the physical layout of nodes on a network, such as bus, star or ring?


According to the UofA Professional Development Center, the average starting salary of Eller graduates with a degree in MIS/OSCM in 2021 was approximately what?

US$ 65,000

Introduced in the 1990's, which of the following industry trends leading to cloud computing was described as using a business model of offering computing resources as a metered (based on actual usage rates)?

Utility Computing

In The Founder video case, what term would be used to describe how customers would perceive the "lower cost" and "faster service" aspects of the McDonald's business operation?

Value Proposition

In the URL "", which of the following defines the "top level domain"?


If your personal UArizona email address is "[email protected]", which of the following would be the exact URL that you should used when accessing your personal U-System URL website address for the EC Hosting project?

As shown below, what "Host name" should be used with WinSCP (or equivalent field for CyberDuck) to connect to the UArizona personal web hosting server?

In the URL "", what part of the URL defines the hosting server?

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