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A 70kg man jumps off a raft whose area is 4 square meters floating in a freshwater lake. By how much does the raft rise?


A line that meets plane but is not perpendicular to it, in relation to the plane:


A, B, and C are points on a circle. AC bisects circle and AB=BC. The area of triangle ABC is mostly clearly what percent of the circle are?

Perfect Number

An integer number that is equal to the sum of all its possible divisors except the number itself is called:


Velocity of sound in an ideal gas is only a function of:

The coefficient A and C preceeding the x 2 and y 2 terms in general form the equation are equal.

Which of the following statement is FALSE for all noncircular ellipse?


Zero divided by zero is:

2/3 H from vertex

The center of gravity of an isosceles triangle whose heigh is on the median line:


Find the area bounded by the curves y=x3 and y=x at the first quadrant:


Find the constant term in the expansion of (2x2+1/x)^9.

21.81 minutes

How many minutes after 10:00 o'clock will the hands of the clock be opposite each other?


If ln x=3 and ln y=5, find ln(x2/y1/2):


If the 18th term of an arithmetic progression is 3 and 52nd term is 139, what is the 25th term?

104 N

A 40kg mass is dragged along the surface of the table by means of a cord which passes over a frictionless pulley at the edge of the table and is attached to a 12 kg mass. If the coefficient of friction between 40kg mass and the surface of the table is 0.15, determine the tension in the cord:

5.57 years

A fixture cost ₱ 700.00 will save ₱0.06 per item produce. Maintenance will be ₱ 40.00 annually, 3500 units are produced annually. What is the payback period at 10%?

92 cm^2

A horizontal pipe with a 20 cm inner diameter is filled to a depth equal to one-third of its diameter (6.67cm). What is the approximate area in flow?


A man sold half an egg more than half his eggs. He then sold half an egg more than his remaining eggs. He did the same for the third time. If he had 7 eggs left, how many eggs does he originally have?

sinking fund method

A method of depreciation where a fixed sum of money is regularly deposited at compound interest in a real or imaginary fund in order to accumulate an amount equal to the total depreciation of an asses at the end of the asse's estimated life:


An SI unit of area equal to 100 sq. meter:


An accounting book where the original record of all transaction is ordinarily recorded:


An asset is purchased for ₱9,000.00. Its estimated life is 10 years, after which it will be sold for ₱10,000. Find the book value during the third year if the sum of the year's digit (SOYD) depreciation is used:

Conditional Equation

An equation whose solution is not the entire set of real number is called a:

Conditional Equation

An equation whose solution set is not the entire set of real numbers is called a/an:


An evil wrong committed by a person damaged another person's property or reputation is:

900 kg/m^3

An object floats in water such that nine-tenths of the object is submerged. What is the density?

Complex Fraction

Any fraction which contains one or more fractions in either numerator or denominator, or both is called:


Any line segment a vertex of a triangle to a point a point on the opposite is called as:

Liquid Assets

Assests which can be easily converted into cash are called:


Find the Radius of the circle circumscribing a regular pentagon with area 560 square units:

B= 120.5°

Find the angle B if a=132, b=224, and C=28.7°


Find the equation of the family of lines in which the slope and the y-intercept are equal:

x= -5/2

Find the value of x for which f(x) is minimum given f(x)=x2+5x+2=0:


Find the value of z will satisfy the following equations: xy=8, yz=-2, and zx=4:


For the right triangle shown, x=18cm and y=13cm. Most nearly, what is cscϴ?


Force required to accelerate a mass of one gram at a rate of one centimeter per second per second:


How many permutations can be made out of the letters of the word ENGINEERING?


How many regular polyhedral known to man?

1494.52 peso

How much money must be invested on Jan. 1, 1998 in order to accumulate ₱ 2,000 on Jan. 1, 2003. Money is worth 6%:


If equals are divided by equals, the quotient are equal. This is an:


If the eccentricity is less than one, then curve is known as:


If the second derivative of the equation of a curve is equal to the negative of the equation of the same curve, the curve is:


If the second derivative of the equation of a curve is proportional to the negative of the equation of the equation of the same curve, what is that curve?


In one of the parlor games, 21 tickets from 1 to 21 are in the boys. If one ticket is drawn at random, what is probability that it is a multiple of 3 and 7?

16 and 12

In the following illustration, angles ABD and CBD are 90°, AD=15, DC=20, and AC=25. What are the lengths BC and BD, respectively?

Current assets

Liquid assets such as cash and other assets that can be converted quickly into cash, such accounts receivable and merchandise are called:


Locus of point on a side which rolls along a fixed line:


Mary is 24 years old. Mary was twice as old as Ann was when Mary was as old as Ann is now. How old is Ann?

escalatory clause

The provisions in the contract that indicates the possible adjustment if material cost and labor cost:


The radius of circle inscribed of a triangle with side 5, 7, and 10 is:

Prandlt number

The ratio of the actual velocity at a given location and the velocity of sound at the same location:

Poisson's Ration

The ratio of the unit deformation or strains in a transverse direction is constant for stresses within the proportional limit. This is known as:


The residual value of a company's assets after all outside liabilities (shareholders excluded) has been allowed for:


The square root of a whole number produces an irrational number:


The upper and lower base of a trapezoid measures 12in and 16in respectively. If the base angle are 55° and 65°. What is the length of the shorter leg?

Government Decree

The value of fiat money is established by:

Fair value

The value which has a disinterested third party, different from the buyer and the seller, will determine in order to establish a price acceptable for both parties:


There are 10 defectives per 1000 items of product produced. What is the probability that there is one and only one defective in a random lot of 100?


There are 10 differently colored beads. How many different necklaces can be made?


What is the effective rate equivalent of 12% compounded quarterly?


What is the length of the arc of the curve y=2/3 x3/2 from x=1 to x=3:


What is the length of the line segment with slope 4/3 that extends from the point (6,4) to the y-axis?


What is the maximum area of a rectangle inscribed in an ellipse having an equation of 4x2+16y2=16?

240 N

What is the minimum value of force P acting on the center, which may be inclined at any angle with the horizontal is necessary to pull the 400N, 10 cm radius roller over a 2cm obstruction, assuming the roller is smooth?

y= Ce^-5x

What is the solution to the following differential equation y'+5y=0?

57.3°=1 rad

What is the value of 1 radian in degrees?

Automorphic Numbers

Which of the following are the numbers whose last digits are unchanged after the number has bee squared?


Which of the following cannot be base for a logarithm?


Which of the following expressions is equivalent to sin 2ϴ?

Nonagonal (9 sides)

Which of the following regular polygons has 27 diagonals?

The quotient of even number is even

Which of the following statement is NOT true?

2.303 log x

ln x =


The angle formed by the two chords connecting the end of the diameter:


The commercial banking system can create money through:

an ellipse

The equation -3x2-4y2=1 defines:


The equation for a circle is x2+4x+y2+8y=0. What are the coordinates of the circle's center?

Write off period

The length of time at which the original cost of capital used to purchase a unit has already been recovered:

RA 8495

The new Mechanical Engineering Law which was signed last February 12, 1998 is known as:


The only integer with an infinite number of divisors:


The operation of raising to the integral power known as:

Interest Rate

The opportunity cost holding money is the:


The population in a certain city is 50,000 and is increasing at a rate numerically equal to the square root of the population. What will be the population 20 years hence?

14 m/s

The position of a particle moving on the x-axis is given by x=3t3-2t2+6 in meters. Its acceleration when t=1 is:


A perfect gas is expanded polytropically with an initial volume and temperature of 0.06m3 and 147°C respectively. Compute the index of expansion, if the final volume and temperature are 0.21m3 and 21°C respectively:

92 cm^2

A pipe with a 20cm inner diameter is filled to a depth equal to one-third of its diameter. What is the approximate area in flow?


A prime number has exactly how many divisors?

840 ft

A river is 580ft wide. The bridge constructed across the river is banked 1/7 of its length in the east and 1/6 length in the west. What is the length of the bridge?

Extraneous solution

A solution of an equation which does not by definition, satisfy its original equation, and must therefore not be listed as an actual solution

3 ft^2/min

A spherical balloon is being inflated at a rate of 30ft3/min. At the instant when the radius is 15ft, what is the rate surface are increasing?

409.44 m^2

A swimming pool is constructed in the shape of two overlapping identical circles. Each of the circle has radius of 9m and each circle passes through center of each other. Find the area of the swimming pool:

Infinitely many solution

A system of m linear equation in n unknowns where n > m, usually has:

48° F

A thermometer reading 18°F is brought into a room where the temperature is 70°F; 1 minute later the thermometer reading is 31°F. Find the thermometer reading 3 minutes after the thermometer is brought into the room:

27 cm

A wooden block with thickness of 40cm and base area of 2 sqare meters floats in plain water. A 60kg man stands at the center of the block. If the density of the block is 600 kg/m3, how many cm will it be submerged?

10 hours

Pedro can paint a fence 50% faster than Juan and 20% faster than Pilar and together they can paint a given fence in 4 hours. How long will it take Pedro to paint the same fence if he had to work alone?


Determine B such that 3x+2y-7=0 is perpendicular to 2xBy+2-0:

1.8 Million pesos

Determine the capitalized costs of an equipment costing ₱1,000,000 with an annual maintenance of ₱120,000 if money is worth 15 percent per annum

Solve it!

Determine the number of triangles possible with given parts: A=126°, a=20, and b=25.


Roll a pair of dice one time. What is the probability that the sum of the two numbers is at least 9?


Simplify (2+3i)4:


Simplify the expression (AxB) · C given: A=3i+2j, B=2i+3j+k, and C=5i+2k:

Salvage value

Sometimes called second-hand value

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