Professional Etiquette Quiz

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In what year was the law passed to be able to bring your phone to school in New York City?

Handy documents to read before asking questions.

What are FAQs?

United States , Europe, Canada.

What countries prohibit cellphone use in the classroom?

They offer another range of "tone" and feeling through texting that portrays specific emotions through facial gestures.

What do emoticons offer?

By the way

What does BTW stand for?

Laugh out loud

What does LOL mean?

A pictorial representation of a facial expression using punctuation marks, numbers and letters, usually written to express a person's feelings or mood.

What is an emoticon?

Use common abbreviations.

What is an example of a netiquette skill?

Sometimes you might offend someone unintentionally. Be prepared to read some angry responses or be treated rudely in a public discussion. This is called being flamed.

What is flaming?

Lack of emotional cues.

What is the biggest obstacle to communicate in online settings?

Conduct that is socially acceptable in online or digital situation.

What is the definition of Netiquette?

Tiny screens

What make reading emails challenging to read?

Using all capital letters.

What should you avoid when sending e-mails or posting messages in blogs, newsgroups, forums, chat rooms and other online venues?

When someone is alone and when he/she is in a group.

When in public at what times should you use your cellphone?

Subject Line.

When sending an email , what must you make sure it contains?

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