Programming Test 3
What is the operator for not equal to?
Given x=9, which line of code will evaluate false
What is the output for the above line of code: year="2001" if year.isdigit(): print(year,"is all digit.") else: pass
"2001 is all digits"
What is the output for the above line of code: id=3556 if id>2999: print(id,"is a new student") else: print(id,"is an existing student")
"3556 is a new student"
What is the output for the following code: day = "Monday" is day.capitalize()=="Monday": print("Start the week!") else: pass
Start the week!
What is the output for the above line of code: hot_plate = true if hot_plate: print("Be careful, hotplate!") else: print("The plate is ready")
"Be careful, hot plate!"
What is the output of the following code? size_num = "8 9 10" size = "8" #user input if size.isdigit()==False print("Invalid: sie should only use digits") elif int(size)<8 print("size is too low") elif size in size_num: print("size is recorded") else: print("size is too high")
"size is recorded"
What is the output for the above line of code: vehicle_type = "Truck" if vehicle_type.upper().startswith("P"): print(vehicle_type, 'starts with "P"') else: print(vehicle_type, 'does not start with "P"')
'Truck does not start with "P"'
What is the best estimate for the output of the above code?
What is the best estimate for the output of the above code? x=3 y=4 calculation=x*y print(calculation)
What is the best estimate for the output fo the above line of code? calculation= 5+15/5+3*2-1 print(calculation)
What is the operator that compares the values of both the operands and checks for value equality?
What is the output for the above line of code: asignment=25 if assignment=25: print('use"=" to assign values') else: pass
Syntax Error
Like else, the elif can execute only when the previous if conditional evaluates False (shown in the below code sample): if response == 3: return "Correct" elif response <=0: return "Correct" else: return"Incorrect"
True and False are boolean keywords in python
In Python, string comparisons, lowercase "a" is less than uppercase "A"
What is the minimum code to mathematically add num_1 to num_2?
For the code: x=3+9*2, the value of x i 21 when applying order of operations.
The double equals sign (==) is used to compare values