progress test 3

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4 Read the text below. Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). There are (0) Persuasive argument s or rewarding winners 1n sport {36)....................... thereby allowing the more talented to take (37) ......................more from their sport than those of lesser lights. If someone is able to (38)...................... beat the rest of the best in the world at tennis or golf, few would begrudge him or her the biggest pot of gold. It is quite another thing, however, to pay (39) ......................weekly sums of money to a member of an 11-rnan team - far in (40)...................... of most people's annual salary. This team member may have a knack with the odd (41) .. . . .. .. free kick or (42)...................... header, but he will often be out of action for (43) periods with mysterious injuries, and after a few years will allow himself to be sold to the highest (44) ......................for the whole sordid process to be repeated elsewhere. It is little short of an (45) .......................

(0) PERSUADE (36) FINANCE (37) CORRESPOND (38) REPEAT (39) ASTRONOMY (40) EXCEED ( 41) SUCCEED {42) SPECTACLE (43) TERMINATE (44) BID (45) OBSCENE 36 financially 37 correspondingly 38 repeatedly 39 astronomical 40 excess 41 successful 42 spectacular 43 interminable 44 bidder 45 obscenity

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. Example: The final scene was so horrible I had to turn away. bear The final scene was 50 horrible I couldn't bear to watch. I suddenly realised that I didn't know his address. occurred It.............................................. sudden that I didn't know his address. 2 Why should anyone be proud of the fact that they got rid of 300 jobs? pride Why ............................................. having got rid of 300 jobs? 3 What alienated the workforce was that management never consulted them. lack It was........................................... against the management. 4 I simply fall to understand some of my colleagues' attitudes to work. beyond I have some colleagues ............................................. me. 5 You can only really master a language if you use it regularly. proficiency Only by....................... in a language. 6 We would have had to get up at 5.30 if we had followed the original plan. meant Following the original plan ............................................. . at 5.30. 7 I feel that to brand her ideas unworkable at this stage would be wrong. write I don't think we ............................................ at this stage. 8 We shouldn't overstate the importance of students' accuracy. emphasis We shouldn't........................................... accurate. 9 Would you believe she spent a full £50 on her new hair-do? less Would you believe . ...........................................£507 10 The thought of the possible consequences fills me with horror. dread I .. ...........................................might happen.

1 occurred to me all of a 2 should anyone take pride in I pride themselves on 3 the Jack of consultation that turned the workforce 4 whose attitude to work is beyond 5 using it regularly can you achieve I gain I attain proficiency 6 would have meant (us I our) getting I having to get up 7 should write off her ideas as unworkable 8 place too much emphasis on students being 9 her new hair-do cost her no less than 1 O dread to think what

Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. There is an example (0). 0 The less ..........................about this, the better. That's easier ..........................than done! He is be one of the ten richest men in the world. said 11 I don't think anyone else is in the ............. How was I to wanted it? I used to ..........................that poem by heart. 12 I expect we could.......................... this photo up a bit. If we're not careful, this whole thing could ..........................up in our faces. It wasn't so much a surprise; it was an absolute body ............................ 13 The judge took a previous of his into account. He spoke with confidence and . Their noisy protest carried little and few were impressed. 14 There was intense for places. There was a phone-in for which the first prize was a seat at the final. This government's policy is to encourage between businesses. 15 Do you really think that's ..........................centre? Ghosts traditionally appear at.......................... of night. I have the feeling this issue is not yet.......................... and buried. 16 I think I know the It's good to own your.......................... own flat for the first time. Just at that moment I had the.......................... same idea. 17 The result of the match was in ..........................until late into the fifth set. I.......................... if I'll ever come back here. His guilt was established beyond any reasonable ........................... 18 The odds are ..........................him winning more than the odd point. Personally I'm.......................... fox-hunting and other such blood-sports. We've come up.......................... yet another serious problem. 19 He survived eighteen years in prison.......................... to die of a heart attack the day after he was released. If we had ..........................planned more carefully, we wouldn't be in this mess. Please welcome the one and.......................... George B. Rafter! 20 It looks as if our rivals have .......................... us to it. They were soundly the second leg. When you've.......................... the eggs, add salt.

11 know 1 2 blow 1 3 conviction 1 4 competition 1 5 dead 1 6 very 17 doubt 18 against 19 only 20 beaten

3 Fill each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word. Around 290 BC, the most fashionable philosophical movement in Greece was Stoicism, (21) a businessman (22)......................... settled in Athens and (23) .........................about explaining his ideas in the market place. He offered to deliver men from fears and desires (24) . ........................... .... made them unhappy, by accepting the world as it was and seeking happiness within (25)......................... , not through others. So long as happiness (26) on others, or on anything over (27) had no control, they would be a prey to anxiety and disappointment. (Another Stoic, called Chysippus, is said (28)......................... have died (29)......................... laughing at his own joke!) Release from fear and worry was also (30) . Epicurus, a native Athenian, offered. He argued that while pleasure was good, some pleasures could be perceived (31) .........................potentially painful. (32) .........................was the pursuit of success and such entanglements as marriage that were to be avoided. Other views were being aired in the Lyceum, (33)......................... . . ..... Aristotle had once lectured, and in Plato's old Academy. This Academy had been taken over by a group (34) .........................themselves Sceptics, who claimed the wise man had no opinion about anything other than (35) .........................which he had seen and felt.

21 founded I created 22 who 23 set 24 that / which 25 themselves 26 depended I relied 27 which 28 to 29 while I from 30 what 31 as 32 It 33 where 34 calling 35 that I things I phenomena I events

5 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. How ironic it is to read that, a few years into the new millennium, the fastest-growing car company in Europe is ... wait for it! ... yes, Skoda ! Now a member of the powerful Volkswagen group. which incidentally has (46) .......... its grip on the market with a 19% (47) .......... , the Czech company goes from strength to strength and their bandwagon shows no signs of (48) .................... ...... Skoda has (49) ............... past MG Rover, (50) .................. ....... throughout Europe as the English Patient, which continues to experience regular major (51) ... . ...... . Following recent claims that recovery had been effected after BMW's involvement in the company ended, Rover's losses are (52) ................. ....... now to be as great if not greater than ever before. This suspected (53) . .................. . in their fortunes is (54) .................. ....... out by reports of sales 35% down from last year to this. Talk of the company going out of business is clearly premature, but it is feared several thousand more workers may be heading for the (55) ................. ...... In the meantime, increasingly loud voices are (56) ...................... ... for dead (57) ......................... to be removed from the boardroom and a substantial injection of 'new' money to be (58) ..................... ..... In what is an ever more (59) ................ ......... competitive market, the British company is most definitely ailing and falling a long way behind companies that were once smugly (60) ....................... .. here as little more than a joke. 46 A grasped B screwed C tightened D seized ! 47 A portion B proportion C share D extent 48 A speeding up B breaking up C slowing down D turning off 49 A driven B roared C floated D ridden ~ t 50 A dubbed B known C teased D mocked I 51 A backdrops B outbacks C outsets D setbacks 52 A reported B recorded C hinted D described l 53 A downturn B turnout C downfall D fallout 54 A carried B put C borne D ironed 55 A scrapheap B litter-bin C compost heap D redundancy file 56 A demanding B calling C sounding D insisting t 57 A leaves B weights C branches D wood; 58 A touted B sought C raised D profited 59 A stiffly B pointedly C strictly D fiercely 60 A held B meant C regarded D thought

46 C 47 C 48 C 49 B 50 A 51 D 52 A 53 A 54 C 55 A 56 B 57 D 58 B 59 D 60 C

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