Proj Management Exam 2

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10. Note: This question is based on the accompanying file that you downloaded from Blackboard. What is the critical path for the project a. A-F-H-K b. A-G-I-K c. B-E-G-I-K d. C-D-E-F-H-K e. C-D-E-G-I-K


10. The amount of work waiting to be completed but delayed due to unavailable resources is known as which of the following? a. Efficiency b. In-process inventory c. Resource utilization d. Resource underutilization


10. Which of the following is true of an AOA network? a. An AOA network cannot have consecutive merge and burst activities b. An AOA network cannot show a burst activity c. An AOA network cannot show a merge activity d. An AOA network can have all of the features described in a through c above


3. The following parameters have been computed for an activity: ES = 4, EF = 9, LS = 5, LF = 10. Which of the following statements is true concerning this activity? a. Activity slack = 5 b. The time required to complete the activity = 4 c. The activity is on a critical path d. The time required to complete the activity = 1 e. None of the above


6. Based on the assumption of a beta distribution, the estimated duration of an activity (TE) has been determined to be 10. If the optimistic time (a) = 5 and the most likely time (m) = 10, what is the pessimistic time (b) for this activity? If necessary, round your answer to the nearest integer. a. 12 b. 13 c. 14 d. 15 e. 16


6. Which of the following best describes the length of time expected to complete an activity assuming that its development proceeds normally? a. Pessimistic duration b. Most likely duration c. Normal duration d. Optimistic duration


8. Which of the following is most likely to happen when crashing a project? a. The length of the critical path(s) will decrease b. The slack values for crashed activities will increase c. The slack values for activities not crashed will increase d. The length of the critical path(s) will increase


9. Note: This question is based on the accompanying file that you downloaded from Blackboard. What is the late finish time (LF) of activity j? a. 41 b. 34 c. 23 d. 25


1. Which of the following is the best tool for establishing the existence of resource conflicts across project activities? a. Resource loading charts b. Network diagrams c. Pareto diagrams d. Gantt charts


1. Which of the following lag relationships is associated with the process of "fast-tracking"? a. Finish to start b. Finish to finish c. Start to start d. Start to finish


3. What information is usually provided on a resource-usage calendar? a. The tasks, the precedence requirements, and the money per unit time needed to reduce them b. The personnel, their hourly wage or salary, and the number of hours per week they are available c. The tasks, the people and equipment available, and the ownership and reporting relationships among them *d. The personnel, their responsibility for certain tasks, and the number of hours per week they are available


3. Which of the following best describes a schematic display of the logical relationships of project activities? a. Project network diagram b. Path c. Event d. Nod e. Float


3. Which of the following best describes the process of accelerating the completion time of a project? a. Crashing b. Streamlining c. Expediting d. Rushing e. Lagging


6. An activity performed by a subcontractor is scheduled for 20 weeks at an anticipated cost of $100,000. Due to slippage on the critical path you need to reduce the activity duration. If the subcontractor informs you that the activity can be completed in 16 weeks for $200,000, what is the crash cost per week for this activity? a. $12,500 per week b. $25,000 per week c. $5,000 per week d. $33,333 per week


6. Which of the following would NOT typically be displayed in a resource-loading table? a. The time the activities are expected to take b. The expenses allocated to the activities c. The project team members d. The tasks the project team members have been assigned


7. An activity has an optimistic time estimate of 25 days, a most likely estimate of 29 days, and a pessimistic estimate of 34 days. What is the expected duration of the activity? a. Less than 31 days but greater than 29 days b. Less than 27 days but greater than 25 days c. Less than 29 days but greater than 27 days d. Less than 25 days


5. The following times have been determined for an activity: Optimistic time (a) = 11, most likely time (m) = 13, pessimistic time (b) = 25. Assuming the times approximately follow a beta distribution, which of the following is the appropriate activity time to use when determining the critical path? If necessary, round your answer to the nearest integer. a. 11 b. 13 c. 15 d. 16 e. 25


5. Which of the following is the most common method for shortening activity durations? a. Assign more senior personnel to the activity b. Increase project resources c. Eliminate bureaucracy d. Alter the technology used in the activity


7. An activity is scheduled for 15 days at a cost of $5,500. You need to reduce the activity duration time, and you have determined that the time can be reduced to 10 days, but the cost for the activity would double. Given the project budget, you decide to reduce the activity time to 12 days. Based on the crash cost per day, What would be the revised cost of the activity? a. $3,300 b. $11,000 c. $5,500 d. $8,800


7. Which of the following tells us the expected completion time of a project? a. The largest number in the early start column b. The largest number in the late start column c. The largest number in the early finish column d. The sum of the slack times of all activities on the critical path(s) e. None of the above


8. An activity has an optimistic time estimate of 17 days, a most likely estimate of 23 days, and a pessimistic estimate of 37 days. What is the variance of the activity? a. 6.67 b. 9.99 c. 3.33 d. 11.11


9. What is required of a AOA network that is not required of a AON network? a. Nodes b. A "backward" pass c. Dummy activities d. Calculation of early start and late start times


9. Which of the following would be necessary to shorten the duration of a project? a. Add shorter routes around the critical path b. Completing the backward pass first c. Adding tasks to the critical path d. Shortening the duration of tasks on the critical path


Review 7-9 on word doc

Waterfall method is a concept based on predictable experience and predictable tools; projects follow a lifecycle, which includes five stages: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring & controlling, and closing VS Agile PM reflects a new era in project planning that places a premium on flexibility and revolving customer requirements throughout the development process

What is the "waterfall" model, and how does it differ from the "agile" approach?


Which of the following best describes the critical path(s)? a. The path(s) that takes the most time to complete b. The path(s) with the fewest activities c. The path(s) with the most activities d. The path(s) that takes the least time to complete e. None of the above


Which of the following terms best describes a sequence of activities defined by the project network logic? a. Node b. Route c. Path d. Event e. Float

the development strategy agreed to by all key members of the project.

What is "scrum" and how does it relate to the sport of rugby?


1. Which of the following statements is true concerning the term "slack"? a. Activity slack is the difference between the early finish time and the early start time b. Activity slack is the difference between the late finish time and the late start time c. Total slack is the difference between the largest number in the early finish column and the sum of the activity times d. Slack is the amount of time an activity may be delayed from its early start without delaying the finish of the project e. None of the above


10.Network calculations to determine late start and late finish times for tasks through working backward through each activity in the network are best described by which of the following? a. Forward pass b. Backward pass c. Resource-limited scheduling d. Predecessor-successor identification


2. After completing the "forward pass", but prior to beginning the "backward pass", what do we know? a. The slack time of each activity b. The late start time of each activity c. The late finish time of each activity d. The critical path e. None of the above


2. Placing resources on a detailed schedule of tasks is referred to as which of the following? a. Dragging b. Loading c. Placing d. Rectifying


2. Which of the following is typical of a finish to finish relationship? a. A successor's finish is dependent upon a predecessor's start b. Two linked activities share a similar completion point c. Two or more activities start simultaneously or a lag occurs between the start of one activity after an earlier activity has started d. An activity cannot begin until a preceding activity has been completed, plus some extra amount of time


2. Which of the following terms best describes the defining points of a network that is, junction points that are joined to some or all of the others by dependency lines? a. Path b. Burst c. Event d. Node e. Float


4. A resource loading form can be generated once you have developed which of the following? a. The work breakdown structure and the project budget b. The activity network and productivity profile c. The project budget and the productivity profile d. The activity network and the work breakdown structure


4. An activity with two or more immediate predecessors is best described as which of the following? a. Work package b. Burst activity c. Merge activity d. Critical activity e. None of the above


4. The following parameters have been computed for an activity: ES = 19, EF = 27, LS = 19, LF = 27. Which of the following statements is true concerning this activity? a. Activity slack = 8 b. The activity is on a critical path c. The time required to complete the activity = 19 d. The time required to complete the activity = 0 e. None of the above


4. Which of the following is the most typical reason for accelerating the completion time of a project? a. There are no repercussions for delivering the project late. b. That the initial schedule may be too pessimistic. c. Market needs change and the project is not in demand any more. *d. The project has slipped behind schedule.


5. Splitting activities refers to which of the following? a. Breaking each non-critical activity into two or more components and subdividing the resources they use by a similar divisor b. Assigning the work to two or more workers c. Starting an activity, interrupting it to use a resource elsewhere, and then returning to work on the activity d. Assigning the work to two or more days

-For delivering value to the customer -delivering what is needed at the end -For teams that stay together -For mature teams -When customer is highly involved -for volatile industries -for innovation

What are the characteristics of projects for which "agile PM" is best suited?

-when following a plan and set processes -delivering what is requested at the start -for new teams/teams with high turnover -predictable/repeatable situations -customer is not available -slow moving industries -stable tchnologies

What are the characteristics of projects that "agile" would be less well suited to?

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