PROJECT MANAGEMENT - setting goals and objectives
goals vs objective
Goals- qualitative and more general Objective- quantitative and more specific
style of meeting minutes
abbreviated summary, task oriented with columns and status, verbatim / transcript of exactly what was said
describe means and actions to achieve the general goal. these can be more specific by being translated into design strategies
when should stakeholders be established / consulted
early on in sd, entitlements, or planning review
visioning (public outreach meeting)
early outreach to develop a shared community vision for the future + define steps to make it a reality usually this is activity based public workshops to think about project in open ended way the result is sd graphic and or written statement providing guidance for future work
good public participation program should have
good public information for effective public participation
outcome facilitation
helping groups with differing controversial opinions come to a consensus with a neutral facilitator
when you see something and goals and objectives on the test make sure to clarify
if it is talking about planning context
informational meeting (public outreach meeting)
meeting presenting facts, or an update on project status
meeting structured to collect input and organize it into a final preferred plan. You will have phases going from vision, incorporating public input and review into a final plan. the two most important things as you go through the process are refinement and keeping things transparent
more general statement of value to describe desired final outcome
sample public outreach order
promotion, visioning, alternative concepts, master plan
advisory meeting (public outreach meeting)
public is given opportunity to interact with decision makers and record their input
they will use, maintain, or fund the project in order to make sure expectations for the project and realistic and in line with the users, this group will be established