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Some say that the journey is more important than the destination. They argue that people find more joy and satisfaction in working toward a goal than in achieving it. Other say that it is the destination meaningless without its achievements without its achievements. Take a position on this this issue. Use reasons and specific examples to support your ideas.

Destination Journey *Finish Line *Explore *Happiness *Working toward a goal *Long term goal *Working to reach the destination I agree journey is more important than the destination because a person can explore, work hard to achieve a goal and work hard to reach the destination. While others argue say that destination is more important than the journey because a person is reaching the finish line, being happy with destination and having a long term goal.

Some people say that with dedication, persistence and time, people can accomplish any goal. Others say that people are limited in what they can accomplish and need to be realistic when setting goals. Take a position on this issue. Use specific reason and examples to support your idea.

For Against *Don't give up *Getting a job *Challenging yourself *College *Step by step *Graduating *Prove people wrong Dedication, persistence and time are more beneficial to accomplish any goal because a person can continue to say to themselves never give umm step by step activities and challenging themselves Others argue and say there is more evaluations to achieve a goal, other than dedication, persistence and time.

Because of safety concerns, many states have increased the age at which teens can begin to drive. Your state legislature is considering raising the minimum driving age from 16 to 18. Do you think the minimum driving age should be raised? Take a position on the issue. Support your responses with reasons and specific examples.

For Against *More time to mature *Responsibility *Parking lots for high school and roads *Teens are less likely to keep jobs *Less pollution *More time to improve driving Teens drivers should be allowed to drive at 16 because it allows them to get a job, a better high school experience and get a feel for the road. Some people may say teens driving is not a good idea. They say teens are more likely to get into crashes and this will cause insurance rates to go up. These points are out weighed by the the pros of allowing teen to drive.

Imagine your school cafeteria plans to change to a new, healthier school lunch menu, which would eliminate some of the students' favorites cafeteria foods. Take a position on this issue and write to convince your principals whether this change to the school menu is a good idea or bad idea. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Good Bad *Kids won't be obsessed *Food won't be nasty *Healthy diet *Expensive *Smaller chance of getting diabetes *Lost of waste As a student changing the lunch menu healthier is a bad idea because the food would be nasty, more expensive and lots of waste. While others parents argue and say change the menu to more healthy because of a healthy diet, smaller chance of diabetes and the children won't be obsessed.

Civil rights leader Mahatma Gandhi wrote, "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Do you agree or disagree with Gandhi's statement about the importances of helping others as a way of discovering more about yourself? Take a position on this issue. Support your responses with reasons and specific example.

Agree Disagree *Clean up *Being mean *Don't liter *Disrespectful *Carry others groceries *Listening to other The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the self of others to clean up the neighbor hood, don't liter and carry others groceries. While others may argue that people don't have to find their self through other people. Some people don not find it pleasing to be around others. People are a do it yourself when it comes to doing certain things.

Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Determine never to be idle... it is wonderful how much may be done if we always doing." Do we accomplish more if we are always doing something, or does inactivity also serves a purpose? Take a position on this question. Support your responses and specific examples.

Agree Disagree *Stress relief *Less sleep *Planning *Overwhelming *Resting of body and mind *Rushing life Thomas Jefferson is true because a person can be stress relief, can have a plan and resting of the body and mind. While others argue and say the statement is false because a person can have a less sleep, be overwhelmed and be rushing life.

Some schools use cell phones in the classroom for educational purposes. Think about the effects of allowing students to have and use cell phones in classroom. Take a position on this issue. Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

Allow Not to allow *Online textbooks *Texting in class *Researching *Grades will become low *Learning games *Bullying *Show respect *Cheating Student should be allowed to use cell phones throughout the school day because of learning purpose, online textbooks and the amount of technology schools need to buy. Even though cell phone use is helpful, students can still use them inappropriately. Students can use cell phones to text or distract others. Students using their technology in school to text can also lead to cheating.

Some schools offer distance leaning as an option for students to attend classes from home by way of online video conferencing. Do you think students would benefit from being able to attend classes from home? Take position on this issue. Support your responses with reasons and examples.

Benefits Non benefits *Work at own pace *Create distracted *Control what they learn *Might not have internet connection *Take vacation when ever *Lack of social interaction Online schooling isn't very beneficial because some students doesn't have Internet at home, get frustrated easily and will not get distracted as easily. While others argue and say its more beneficial to have classes because of working at own pace, controlling what is being learned and taking vacations whenever.

The British naturalist and politician John Lubbock wrote, "Your character will be what yourself choose to make it." Do we choose our own character traits, or is our character formed by influences beyond our control? Take a position on this issue. Support your responses with reasons and examples.

Our choices Not *Own deacons *Parent force *Who you want to be *Religion *Change you *Be like someone else This quote is true because people can make their own decision, people can be whoever they make themselves and they can chance whatever they don't like. Many people that changing their character traits is impossible. This is not true because everybody can make decisions. If people don't like their character traits, they can change. Life is meant to be the fullest and if people spend their time with traits that don't make them happy they need to change it.

Author Ralph Waldo Emerson, "To be yourself in a world that constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Do you agree or disagree with Emerson's statement about individuality? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and specific examples.

Pros Cons *Being yourself *Why be yourself, just try to fit in *Who else could be you, but you *Be yourself and don't care what others think Being yourself in this world is the greatest accomplishment because being yourself is important, who else could be you, but you and be yourself no matter what others think. People should not be their selfs because it is easier just to try to fit it in with everyone else. Don't step outside the box because I will get judged for being myself.

Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." Based on your experiences, do you agree or disagree with Emerson's statement? Take a position on this issue. Support your responses with reasons and specific examples.

Pros Cons *Do the unthinkable *Do simple things *Have faith *Accomplishing goals Do something beyond what you have already done because someone could go do the unthinkable, have faith that people will master the impossible and help others grow by accomplishing your goals. Never try to do something beyond someones skills that a person has mastered because it is easier just to do something more simpler like a goal someone has all ready mastered in their lifetime.

The greatest artist Michelangelo once said, "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim to high and failing short; but in setting our aim to low, and achieving our mark," Do you agree or disagree with Michelangelo's statement? Take a position on this issue. Support your response with details and specific examples.

Pros Cons *Dream big *Being basic *Higher achievement *Measurable good *Great opp *Being average A person can say his statement is true because a person can dream big, have higher achievements and greater opinion. While others say that the statement is false because of being basic, measurable goods and being average.

In some societies, students are expected to identify a career by the time they enter high school. Their courses of study in high school are selected to guide them toward a specific career. Do you think it is a good idea for students to commit to a career a young age? Take a position on this issue. Support your responses with reasons and examples.

Pros Cons *Have s career you like *Wait until last year of high school *.Practice for your career *Don't think about it *Be prepared commit to the career *Don't care Students should identify a career by the time they enter high school because a person should be prepared to commit to their career, have their career picked out and practice for there career. However, some students may not have any idea of what they want to become. Then they will have the next the next four years of high school.

It has been said that first impressions are almost impossible to change. Based on your experience, do you agree or disagree with this statement? Take position on this issue. Support your response with reasons and specific examples.

Pros Cons *Interesting *Always will remember bad *Communication *Push away *Meet again *First memory *Influence *Hard to get a job *Gets to know them better I agree first impressions are almost impossible to change because it's hard to get a job, a person will always remember the wrong that the other did and first memory. While others may argue and say first impressions can be easily changed because getting to know someone better, influencing them and meeting them again.

Technology allows people to complete many tasks without having contact with others. People can check out books, shop, and play games without speaking to another person. Has the limitation of human contact due to the use of technology had positive or negative effects on people's lives? Take a position on this question. Support your responses with reasons and specific examples.

Pros Cons *Life skills *Relationships *Tech. skills *No exercise *Worldwide information *Interact with others *Easy access day to day *Don't know if its right *Ignoring your surroundings Technology is beneficial to complete many tasks because a person can access worldwide information, easy access and can improve technology skills. While others may argue and say it is non-beneficial because of relationships, no exercises and interacting with others.

Some people believe that students should be required take a music, a drama, or an art class. Should students be required to take a class in the arts, or should such classes be electives. Take a position on this issue. use specific examples to support your opinion.

Pros Cons *Not taking it, allowing more choices *Learn more *Class better *Interacting *Complicated schedule *Missing out Music, drama and art shouldn't have to be taken in High school because of a complicated schedule, better classes and allowing more choices to be chosen. While other students argue and say agree because a student could learn more, be more interested and missing out on other options.

Think about the benefits of working with a group or working alone. Which do you feel is more beneficial? Write to convince your teacher of the preferences, either to work with a group or to work alone. Support you position with reasons and specific examples.

Pros Cons *Socialism *Knowing what is going *Collaborating *Final say so *View points *Being off task It is more beneficial to work alone because a student knows is going on, has the last say so and always be on task. People will not want to work in a group because people want to knows happening at all times. But if people stay involved then they won't get left out. People do not want to rely on anyone, but then people don't have to be stressed to complete all the work. Also, one person will get al credit, but if product is good, everyone will all credit.

It has been said, "Failure is not the worst thing in the world. The very worst is not to try." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Take a position o this issue. Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

Pros Cons *Try your best *Go with the flow *Never give up *Work hard for what you want Failure is not the worst thing in the world because if you try your best, never give up and work hard for what you want. Most people think that if a person fail in lie that they should just give up. Then some people say aa person should just go with the flow.

To conserve energy and resource, some businesses have adopted a four daywork week, with each day consisting of ten hours. Should your school follow this model by extending the school day two hours? After considering benefits and disadvantages to a four day week, take a position on this issue. Support your responses with reasons and examples.

Pros Cons *Learn more *Less time with family *3 day weekend *Take away school activities *More summer break *Getting home late School days should not be extended because people will have less time with family, everyone would be getting home later from activities and less homework time. We should have an adapted four day school week, with each day consistent of ten hours because some people will have less time with their families, everyone would be getting home later from concentration and less time for homework to get done.

Many schools require students participate in volunteer programs in their communities asa requirement for graduation. However, some people feel that requiring students to volunteer defects the purposes of volunteering. Do you think students should be required to volunteer in their communities to receive their high school diplomas? Take a position on this issue. Support your responses with reasons and specific examples.

Requirement Non-Requirements *Future benefits *Pressure *College applications *Emotional *Social benefits *Frustrations Volunteer programs are not very beneficial for a requirement for graduation because a person will be frustrated, get emotional and be pressured. While others may argue and say that it should be a requirements because of future benefits college applications and social benefits.

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