Protecting Yourself on the Internet

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A free app that allows you to pay, send money, and accept payments online without revealing your financial details No fee for making purchases using PayPal An intermediary between your financial institution and the seller PayPal also provides buyer protection.

Monitoring software-best practices

Be honest with the people in your organization about the presence of monitoring software Use Internet filters Check reports regularly to keep misuse from becoming widespread


Electronic commerce - selling products and services via the Web 3 E-commerce categories: ---B2C - between businesses and consumers ---C2C - between consumers and consumers ---B2B - between businesses

Proper email composition

4 components: Salutation: ---Dear (formal) ---Hello or Hi (informal) Body - clear and concise Complimentary close: ---Sincerely ---All the best ---Cordially ---Thank you Signature line


A popular protocol, or procedure for sharing movies, TV shows, music and software Has no central servers - uses a peer-to-peer structure Each downloading user becomes a source for another user who wants the same file Breaks large files into smaller fragments called torrents Movie streaming and torrent sites account for more than half of all Internet traffic

Internet acronyms

Abbreviations used specifically in email, chat, and text messages as a form of informal correspondence Don't use in formal messages. Common Internet acronyms: ---BTW - By the way ---FWIW - For what it's worth ---LOL - Laughing out loud ---TBH - To be honest

How RFID works

An RFID systems consists of three components: ---Antenna - transmits the signal via radio waves ---Transceiver - both sends and receives information ---Transponder - comes in the form of an RFID tag (chip) Transponder can be programmed to contain a variety of information


An online "pinboard" that uses images to post content Popular for recipes, crafts and DIY All posts include images The image is known as a "Pin"- a visual bookmark. Clicking a Pin brings you to the site/source that posted RePin - sharing someone else's pin Pinboard - Pins grouped together by topic

Social media

Apps designed to allow individuals, businesses, and other entities to interact with one another Integrates a variety of multimedia including images, videos, and messages Made possible by Web 2.0

Electronic etiquette

Code of respectful behavior governing the use of electronic communications software and hardware Electronic etiquette covers the use of text messages, email, social media, and digital communications software and hardware. Known as netiquette

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Communication standards for business transactions Allows for the exchange of data for making purchase orders and invoices 2 Nearly all businesses that participate in e-commerce use EDI Used internationally as well as in the U.S.

Internet downloading risks

Consider the following when downloading from the Internet: You may unknowingly give outsiders access to your computer Files downloaded from unknown sites and file sharing sites often contain malware Downloading pirated software is a crime

Your digital identity

Created and stored in many locations Should be considered permanent Main concerns are privacy and security Attributes include: -Username and password -Browsing history -Online accounts /activity -Personal data -Purchasing behavior

Employee monitoring software

Designed to track and record the use of computer resources in the workplace by employees Tracks email Monitors network and Internet usage Set Web filters Use of employee-monitoring software should be stated in the AUP of the organization

Facebook - things to consider

Don't consider anything posted on Facebook private Any shared items can easily be sent to others Photo tagging creates links to your Facebook Timeline and Profile Cyberstalking and online predators are real problems

Emoticons and Emojis

Emoticon - blending the words emotion and icon Represent facial expressions <:o) Convey feelings without the use of words Emoji - computer generated emoticons Many keyboard characters are used as shortcuts that insert an emoji

BSA - The Software Alliance

Formerly the Business Software Alliance - leading advocate against software piracy Members include Apple, Adobe, Microsoft, etc. Headquartered in Washington, DC - operates in more than 60 countries If you suspect you have received pirated software, report the incident to the BSA,

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Free openly licensed learning resources - available online OER resources include textbooks, assignments, educational games, and digital media. Creative Commons - a global nonprofit organization ---Promotes OER ---Facilitates OER development


Free social network site for business professionals Exchange contact information, knowledge, and ideas for employment opportunities An integrated component of creating your professional brand identity Posts should be kept professional

Risks of using a debit card online

If there's fraudulent use of your card: --No guarantee that your money will ever be replaced ---Loss of access to money in your account for up to 10 days ---Financial responsibility of $50-$500, depending on your bank and time of reporting the loss


Largest social networking site for sharing web content, images, videos, and commentary Profile - collection of the photos, stories and experiences about you and your experiences Friend Request - connects you with other FB accounts Page - FB site for business or organization Like - Makes you a "fan" of a page


Photo sharing app - links easily to other social networking sites Share photos on Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter Includes filters that let you easily edit your photos You can specify photo locations If you specify a location with your photo, you can opt to have Instagram check you in on Foursquare


Picture and video sharing application Snaps - pictures or video messages Snaps can be viewed for up to 10 seconds, depending on what the user chooses, and then disappear Be aware that Snaps are not temporary and can be saved and forwarded to others!

Internet Privacy

Privacy concerning the storing, distributing and displaying of information concerning oneself via the Internet A variety of considerations including: -How data is used -Who has access to data -Techniques and technologies used to protect sensitive and private data and communications

Con of online dating

Profiles/photos can be faked or enhanced Are they really who they say they are? Sites put an emphasis on physical attractiveness

Computer games

Referred to as PC games Some games are designed to be played only on a computer, some are also played on game consoles Most are online, multiplayer games

Software theft

Stealing software programs Illegally copying a program (piracy) Intentionally erasing a program not belonging to you Illegally activating/registering a program


Socialmedia/information network using 140-character messages, called Tweets Tweets can be made up of text, images, and video Hashtags (#) categorize Tweets. Use no more than two hashtags per Tweet To read Tweets - find and follow friends, celebrities, and other Twitter accounts Trending -Hashtags with the most followers

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Technical term for electronic or online banking EFT uses computers and various technologies in place of checks and other paper transactions to transfer funds Governed by the federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFT Act)

Risks of online computer gaming

Technological risks: ---Viruses, worms, and malware ---Insecure or compromised game servers ---Insecure game coding Social Risks: ---Identity theft ---Virtual mugging and protection schemes ---Computer/game addiction

Instagram - things to consider

The Profile section on Instagram lists your name, birthday, gender, and phone number All information begins as viewable by the public unless you change the settings to private Instagram can track your location If you don't want to be tracked turn off geo-tagging in the settings under Location Services


The study of human interaction with the objects they use In the computer world refers to the interaction humans have with computer hardware devices and computers Focuses on fitting the task to the user rather than fitting the user to the task

Best practices when using social media

To create a personal brand: ---Respond quickly to mentions of your name on social media sites ---Pay attention to detail ---Use consistent imagery and names across all social media platforms. ---Post regularly to your social media sites ---Join Internet groups that reflect your interests ---A general guideline is to have 4 consistent shares of each type of activity

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Uses radio transmissions, electrostatic coupling, to locate and identify objects Uses programmable RFID tags Relatively inexpensive technology Unlike barcodes or UPCs, RFIDs don't require line of sight scanning. Low-frequency - 6' range High-frequency - 90' range

Social networking

Using social media to expand the number of business and social contacts Based on the six degrees of separation - anyone in the world is just 6 introductions away! The first social media site to allow users to create profiles, organize groups, and invite friends was called (1997)

Ethical concerns with social media

Whenever you search the Web, post on social media, or make an online purchase your actions are recorded Your online activities leave "footprints" Data is collected by nearly all online companies including Google, Apple, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter The data that is collected is beneficial to marketers and retailers who study your online behavior

Email etiquette

Write your messages carefully Use proper spelling and grammar Don't use all uppercase letters Brevity is important Avoid ambiguity State the purpose of the message in the subject line Don't use emoticons in professional correspondence

Acceptable use policy (AUP)

Written statement of rules for users of company computers, networks, websites, and computer resources Should clearly state: ---What a user is allowed to do with these resources ---General etiquette to follow when using shared resources

Personal websites

Created by students, professionals, athletes, and anyone wanting to enhance their digital brand image A critical element in building an awesome personal brand Created to showcase your skills and differentiate yourself from the competition Include information about schools attended, jobs, and extracurricular activities


Creating a name, symbol/design (logo) that differentiates one product/service/person from others Allows consumers to identify and distinguish Derived from: ---What they are ---What they want to be ---What people perceive them to

Intellectual property

Human knowledge and ideas that the law protects against unauthorized use 4 categories: -Patents -Trademarks -Copyrights -Trade secrets

Software piracy

Illegally copying, distributing, modifying or selling software Studies show consumers spend $25 billion and waste 1.2 billion hours per year as a result of downloading pirated software Companies spend nearly $500 billion on issues relating to pirated software

Protecting against RFID theft

Many important items such as passports and credit cards have RFID chips RFID protection sleeves keep tags from being scanned If your credit/debit card has a RFID chip but the seller doesn't have a scanner, the seller is liable in the case of fraud

Internet privacy laws

Many laws attempt to protect against Internet privacy attacks U.S. Internet privacy laws/rules include: -The Red Flags Rule -The Children's Online Privacy --Protection Act (COPPA) -The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - agency mainly responsible for Internet privacy protection

LinkedIn - Best practices

Many techniques can maximize LinkedIn benefits Edit or remove inaccurate endorsements Use LinkedIn to apply for jobs. Respond quickly to job postings Use the resume building tool to create a professional resume Use keywords in your profile


Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games Players create online identities and use them to participate in virtual games Capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously in the same virtual world Some games are free, others require a monthly subscription fee


Messaging app Allows you to send and receive messages without having to pay for SMS (text messaging) Uses the Internet to exchange calls & messages Users can create groups, and send unlimited images, video and audio messages as long as they're online


Messaging app - similar to WhatsApp, but focuses on Internet phone calls Allows you to send and receive calls & messages without having to pay cell phone fees Uses the Internet to exchange calls & messages Users can create groups, and send unlimited images, video and audio messages as long as they're online

Pros of online dating

Online dating allows for access to a wide variety of people Can be great for shy people You can initiate contact without actually having to meet in person


Protection provided for original works of authorship Copyright - exclusive rights granted by law to copyright owners for protection of published works Does not extend to any idea, procedure, or process - only the manner in which it's expressed

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Protects authorship of digital material Four parts impact digital copyright: --Title 1 - WIPO Copyright and Phonograms Treaties and Implementation Act --Title 2 - Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation --Title 3 - Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance --Title 4 - Digital copyrights

Online dating services

Provide matchmaking services for free or for a fee Members provide personal information such as age, gender, and location before they can search for prospective dates Many sites integrate VoIP, IM, chat, and a variety of multimedia Popular sites include Match, Zoosk, and eHarmony


Transferring a file from the Internet to your digital device Commonly downloaded files include: software programs/apps, updates, music, images, documents, and video files Also refers to copying files from one digital device to another, such as putting images from your phone onto a tablet computer

Twitter - things to consider

Twitter accounts contain personal information You can protect Tweets so that manual approval is required to view them Block ---Keeps another account from following your Tweets Mute ---Removes an account's Tweets from your timeline

International Internet privacy laws

Vary greatly- nations don't agree on standardized Internet privacy laws Use discretion on the Internet when traveling or living abroad Some protections exist. The European Union (EU) -Data Protection Directive states: -Personal data can only be gathered legally under strict conditions.

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