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140. Conception of the dynamics of scientific knowledge, that implies both "a period of normal science" and "period of paradigm shift" belongs to

T. Kuhn

42. The revolutionary model of reconstruction and development of scientific knowledge, is presented by

T. Kuhn

150. Hermeneutics is understood by this thinker not only as a method of the humanities,but also as a kind of ontology

H.-G.. Hadamer

141. According to T. Kuhn, paradigm is

a model of formulation of the problem and solving research tasks

147. Position, which is based on an idea of the limited possibilities of science, interpreted as a force alien to the true nature of man


36. The method of investigation of the historical phenomenon when a "live" image is restored, i.e. its content is reproduced in all the specific historical details


143. The method of deductive construction of a scientific theory, at which some initial statements that cannot be provable in this theory, are placed in its foundation


10. Totality of procedures and methods of acquiring knowledge about the phenomena and the laws of the objective world


11. Mental activity, the result of which is the awareness about the real world, as well as the ideas and imaginations that reflect the real world


101. Division into basic and applied sciences depends on the ... goals of knowledg

cognitive and applied

126. Scientific rationality means

correlation of knowledge with logical and methodological norms

4. The idea is called true if it

corresponds to its object

37. Epistemological model of growth of scientific knowledge, according to which the evolution of science is reduced to a gradual continuous gathering of absolutely reliable, unproblematic (or highly probable) theories


22. Elementary empirical laws are set by

deductive method

134. The essence of the ideographic method is

description of the individual characteristics and facts

19. There are two levels of scientific knowledge depending on the depth of penetration into the essence of investigated phenomena and processes

empirical and theoretical

21. The sensible objects of reality, an important elements of scientific knowledge

empirical objects

106. Natural science of XVII-XVIII centuries was based on the idea that the mind is

endowed with the status of sovereignty

149. M. Foucault's one of the key concepts in the book "The Order of Things An Archaeology of the Human Sciences"


18. The philosophical-methodological discipline that concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge and is also referred to as "theory of knowledge"


14. Section of philosophy that studies the nature of human knowledge, its sources and conditions, the relation of knowledge to the subject of knowledge, conditions of reliability and truthfulness of knowledge

epistemology/ gnoseology

102. According to the substantial conception of space and time, they are

exist irrespective of material objects

15. The method of cognition, by which the phenomena of reality explore in a controlled and managed conditions


8. Sensual-empirical knowledge of reality, based on practice; in a broader sense - the unity of skills and knowledge


129. Methodological position that recognizes the outer social factors as a source of the science's development


17. The direction in XX century's historiography and philosophy of science, explaining the origin and development of scientific ideas and theories as a result of the decisive influence of socio-economic, that is non-scientific factors


104. Random deviations of the system from some middle position


133. The essence of the nomothetic method is

generalization and establishment of laws

131. The science that studies the laws and conditions of creative activity


112. Form of knowledge, which requires of further justification


130. One of the methods of scientific knowledge, involving the advancement and subsequent experimental verification of assumptions, as well as a structural element of the scientific theory


119. Mental designing concepts about objects that do not exist and is not feasible in reality, but for which there are prototypes in the real world


29. A set of rules, patterns of scientific and cognitive activity that provide the verity of cognition's outcome

ideals and norms of research

26. The bases of scientific cognition include

ideals, norms and principles of research

135. Proliferation of theories means

impetuous quantitative growth of competing theories

138. According to this principle, various theories cannot be compared with each other in terms of their truthfulness, because the creation of precise universal standards of separation the true knowledge from the false is artificial


121. Epistemological concept according to which the intelligence is only a mean of adaptation to changing environmental conditions


2. The trend in XX century's historiography and philosophy of science that explains the origin and development of scientific ideas and theories by intrascientific factors


142. The fundamental operation of thinking, imparting a meaning to any manifestations of human activity, the basis of any communication process


136. The ability to comprehension of the truth through its direct discretion without justification by proving


128. Externalism is the view that the history of science is due to

its social context

1. The result of the process of cognition, usually expressed in language or in any symbolic form


25. Theoretical laws, unlike empirical regularities, are

laws of unobservable objects

146. According to neopositivism, a truly scientific philosophy is possible only as

logical analysis of the science's language

139. Cognitive procedure aimed at determining the quantitative relationship


105. The ideals, norms and ontological principles of natural science of XVII-XVIII centuries were based on

mechanistic ideas

127. The set of receptions and modes of practical and theoretical mastering of the surrounding reality


33. The ideals and norms of scientific cognition include the principle of

minimum of assumptions in constructing a theory

45. The work of Francis Bacon, in which he regarded induction as the shortest path leading to the truth

New Organon

132. The principle of proliferation of theories has been put forward by

P. Feyerabend

137. The methodological conception which is called "epistemological anarchism" was proposed by

P. Feyerabend

109. Scientist and thinker who proposed the concept, in which evolutionary and religious-christian approach to the problem of human origin have been combined

P.T. de Chardin

122. The principles of deductive research method developed by

R. Descartes

44. The author of intuitive-deductive model of substantiation of scientific knowledge

R. Descartes

9. The philosophical doctrine and direction in the methodology of science, which recognizes empirical studies as the only source of true, real knowledge and denies the cognitive value of philosophical inquiry


12. The general name used in the philosophy of science to denote the set of methodological concepts, which replaced the methodology of logical positivism


13. Phase in the development of the philosophy of science, which began around the end of the 1950s and is characterized by a variety of methodological concepts and their mutual criticism


118. The philosophy that recognizes the utility function as a main result of cognition


34. The method of research and understanding of the historical and scientific phenomena in terms of the current state of science and culture


35. The position according to which the history of science should be expound by language of modernity is


115. The conception of scientific development, proposed by I. Lakatos

research program

41. The model of science's development, opposite to the cumulative one

revolutionary or discrete

20. Empirical knowledge in science starts from an analysis of data obtained through

scientific observation and experiment

113. Synthesis of the most fundamental knowledge in natural science, the highest form of integration of knowledge for a certain period

scientific picture of the world

27. The bases of scientific cognition include

scientific picture of the world

114. In the dynamics of science Kuhn distinguishes two phases normal science and

scientific revolution

123. Position, which is based on an idea of scientific knowledge as a high cultural value and sufficient condition for human orientation in the world


31. The principle of ... of knowledge belongs to the ideals and norms of scientific cognition

simplicity and precision

103. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, during the transition from one reference system to another

spatial and temporal intervals change

108. Until the end of the XIX century the orig of life was understood as

spontaneous generation

32. The principle of ... of knowledge belongs to the ideals and norms of scientific cognition


111. Interdisciplinary science, that attaches major importance to the factor of randomness in the development


30. The most important norm of rationality of scientific knowledge is its

systematic and organized character

117. Internalism is the view in the history and philosophy of science, which recognizes

the interior, intelligent factors as the driving force of the science's development

125. The criterion of falsifiability in science, that proposed by Karl Popper, means

the opportunity to refute any scientific proposition

5. One of the fundamental concepts in natural sciences, a specific form of systematization of knowledge, qualitative generalization and philosophical synthesis of various scientific theories

the scientific picture of the world

6. Holistic system of representations about the general properties and laws of nature, resulting from generalization and synthesis of basic natural scientific concepts and principles

the scientific picture of the world

47. Hegel's statement that "a quality implicitly contains a quantity and, on the contrary, a quantity implicitly contains a quality" complies with the law of

the transition of quantity into quality

145. In his law of "three stages" A.Comte identifies the following stages of development

theological, metaphysical, positive

23. The process of cognition, that starts from separate concepts and judgments, and completed by construction of the theory and theory-based assumptions (hypotheses)


24. The level of research, which is linked with extensive use of abstraction and idealization, the formulation of the laws of a higher degree of generality than empirical regularities


50. An important aspect of the Marxist philosophical system is a methodological principle of unity

theory and practice

3. Epistemological characteristic of thinking in its attitude to own subject


16. In science an experiment serves for testing a hypothesis for


48. The phenomena of magnetic attraction and repulsion demonstrate the effect of the law of

unity and struggle of opposites

107. The basic mechanism of biological evolution

variability, heredity, natural selection

124. The methodological procedure for establishing the truth of scientific statements in the process of empirical testing is reflected in principle of


116. The concept is used in methodology of science to describe the process of establishing the truth of scientific statements as a result of their inspection


43. The author of empirical-inductive model of substantiation of scientific knowledge

F. Bacon

46. According to this scientist, organized and structured experience is the only reliable foundation of scientific knowledge

F. Bacon

110. The conception of the "end of history" has put forward by

F. Fukuyama

38. The first scientist who has put forward cumulative model of growth of scientific knowledge


39. Scientist who believed that human knowledge is equal to divine knowledge of their authenticity of content, conceding him only in relation to a set of cognizable objects

Galileo Galilei

144. These thinkers adhered the idea of a cumulative and progressive development of science

A. Comte and H.Spencer

120. Who formulated a detailed concept of instrumentalism

J. Dewey

49. The expression "there is nothing in nature that is stiffened, constant" characterizes operation of the law of

negation of the negation

148. The dilemma of "sciences of nature" and "human sciences" has been put forward in philosophy of


7. One of the main philosophical trends of the XX century, connecting the basic positions of positivist philosophy with extensive use of the technical apparatus of mathematical logic


28. The bases of scientific cognition include

philosophical ideas and principles

40. The cumulative model of scientific development was designed and developed by


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