Pseudolus Unit #2 Test

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Hodie nate, heus, hodie nate, tibi ego dico; heus hodie nate, Redi et respice ad nos; tametsi occupatam Moramur, mane; em, conloqui qui volunt te.

PS. Birthday boy, hey, birthday boy, I am talking to you; hey birthday boy, Return and look back at us; We delay you even though you're busy, wait; look, there are some who want to talk to you. • tametsi - "although," "even though"

Quid hoc est? Quis est qui moram mihi occupato Molestam optulit? Qui tibi sospitalis Fuit. Mortuust, qui fuit; qui sit usust.

BA. What is this? Who is it who has brought an annoying delay in the way of busy me? PS. He who was beneficial to you. BA. He who is dead; He who is of use. optulit = obtulit (offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatum) • sospitalis: beneficial • mortuust = mortuus est • usust = usui est; usui - dative of purpose

Non possum. Fac possis. Quonam pacto possim vincere animum? In rem quod sit preaeuortaris quam in re aduorsa animo auscultes.

CA. I am not able. Ps. Make it that you can. CA. For in what way might I be able to conquer my mind? Ps. Turn towards what would be advantageous rather than obey an unfavorable thing with your mind. Fac (ut) possis • quo pacto: "in what way"; quonam = quo nam • possim: potential subjunctive • in rem = "advantageous, beneficial" •praevortaris, auscultes: what use of subjunctive? • quod sit: relative clause of characteristic

Pseudole, non audis quae hic loquitur? Audio, ere, equidem atque animum aduorto. Quid mihi es auctor huic ut mittam, ne amicam hic meam prostituat?

CA. Pseudolus, don't you hear what he's saying? Ps. I hear, master, and indeed I'm turning my mind/paying attention to it. CA. What do you advise me to send him, lest he prostitute my girlfriend? • animum adverto: idiom, "I am paying attention" • esse auctor ut + subj: idiom, "to advise" • ne prostituat: purpose clause

Nugae istaec suntl non iucundum est, nisi amans facit stulte. Pergin? O Pseudole mi, sine sim nihili. Mitte me sis; sine modo, Ego abeam.

CA. Those things are nonsense; It is not pleasant, unless a lover does stupidly. Ps. Do you continue? CA. O my Pseudolus, allow me to be nothing. Ps. Send me if you wish; just let me go away.

Mane, iam ut voles me esse, ita ero. Nunc tu sapis. It dies; ego mihi cesso. I prae, puere. Heus! Abiit; quin revocas?

CA. Wait, thus I will be now just as you will want me to be. Ps. Now you are being wise. BA. The day is going; I get in the way of myself. Go forward, boy. CA. Hey! He has come out; why aren't you calling him back? ut + indic.: like or as • cesso, -are: to get in the way of (+ dat) • quin: why ... not?

Quid opus est? Potin aliam rem ut cures? At. Bat. Crucior. Cor dura.

CA. What is the need? Ps. Is it possible that you care for another thing? CA. But. Ps. Shh. CA. I am tortured. PS. Toughen your heart.

Occedamus hac ob viam. Iuppiter te Perdat, quisquis es. Te volo. At vos ego ambos. Vorte hac puere. Non licet conloqui te?

PS. Let's go to meet him this way. BA. May Jupiter destroy you whoever you are. PS. I (want that) for you. BA. But I (want that) for both of you. Turn yourself this way, boy. PS. Is it not permitted to speak with you? occedo ob viam - "go to meet" • hac (adv) - "this way, in this way" • occedamus: what use of the subjunctive mood? • perdat: what use of the subjunctive mood? • vorte = verte

Nimis superbe. Nimis molestu's. Reprehende hominem; adsequere. I, puere.

PS. You are too arrogant. BA. You are too annoying. CA. Grab the man; follow him. BA. Go, boy. • molestu's = molestus es adsequere: deponent; form: singular imperative

Quid properas? Placide. At prius quam abeat. Quid, malum, tam placide is, puere?

Ps. Why are you hurrying? Calm. CA. But before he leaves. BA. Why, damn it, are you going so slowly, boy? • prius quam = priusquam

Nihil curassis; liquido es animo; ego pro me et pro te curabo, Iam diu ego huic bene et hic mihi volumus; ea amicitia est antiqua; Mittam hodie huic suo natali die malam rem magnam et maturam.

Ps. You should care for nothing; Be with a calm mind; I will care for me and for you. Now for a long time, I wish well for him and he for me; this friendship is old; I will send today to him on his birthday a big ripe bad thing.

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