PSY 1001 Final

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situational; external : dispositional; internal

A __________ attribution looks at __________ factors, while a __________ attribution looks at __________ factors.

temporal lobe

The part of the cerebral cortex that plays a role in hearing, language comprehension, and object identification is


The portion of the human brain that mediates simple reflexes, such as sneezing, coughing, and salivating is the ________.

C. hindbrain

The portion of the human brain that mediates simple reflexes, such as sneezing, coughing, and salivating is the ________. A. cerebellum B. midbrain C. hindbrain D. thalamus

The representativeness heuristic

The reason we think that crime is on the rise when really crime rates are holding relatively steady is due to which of the following psychological concepts?

depression will later have a manic episode

10-15% of individuals diagnosed with ____________________?

the eye is sends correct information about the cube to the brain, but the brain is unable to make sense of the information.

A bistable figure like a Necker Cube illustrates the difference between sensation and perception because

D. conformity

A flawed scientist uses all of the following when thinking about the behavior of others EXCEPT _____? A. consistency B. distinctiveness C. consensus D. conformity

The child has not yet fully developed object permanence

A researcher hides the baby's toy under a cloth in location A as the baby watches. The baby finds it easily. The researcher again hides the toy as the baby watches, again in location A. The baby finds it easily. Then the researcher hides the toy under a cloth in location B. Although the baby saw the toy hidden in location B, the baby still looks in location A. This cognitive error is claimed to demonstrate

She called home to get reassurance.

According to Dr Gewirtz, Emotion responses have three aspects: Feelings, autonomic responses and somatic responses. Which of the following would describe Jada's somatic response when she realized that she had totally forgotten a Psy 1001 exam last week. A. She was sick to her stomach with fear. B. She started trembling. C. Her palms were sweaty. D. She called home to get reassurance.


According to Gardner there are as many as ________ types of intelligence.


According to our lecturer, a key thing to remember from lectures on Sensation & Perception is that perception is

A. not correlated with prejudice

According to our lecturer, the quickness with which someone can think of the characteristics associated with stereotypes (when prompted) is A. not correlated with prejudice B. a function of personality traits such as agreeableness and openness C. a function of age and level of education D. highly correlated with prejudice


According to our lecturer, what drives specialization of language to the left hemisphere of the brain?

parietal lobe

According to our lecturer, which area of the brain seems to be able to operate without conscious awareness?

finds that others are reluctant to get as close as they would like and often worry that their partner doesn't really love him or her.

According to research described in lecture by Dr. Simpson, an individual with an anxious/ambivalent attachment style...


According to the book, infants with what kind of attachment style are more likely to be disliked and mistreated by peers later in childhood?

essentially scenic

According to the lecture, what is the capacity of sensory memory?

D. the multidimensional model

Affective (or mood) disorders are the result of an interaction between genes, neurochemical levels and activity in different regions of the brain with different pathways leading to the same outcome, depression. This interactive relationship between the disorder and its sources is known as _______________________. A. the environmental-stressor model B. the person-situation debate C. the unidimensional model D. the multidimensional model

B. Repeatedly present the CS alone, without the UCS.

After classically conditioning some response, how might one produce extinction of the response? A. Punish any responses. B. Repeatedly present the CS alone, without the UCS. C. Repeatedly present the UCS alone, without the CS. D. Allow for the passage of time without any further training.

she learned to inhibit the state of fear

After receiving exposure therapy for her fear of flying, Claire no longer experiences anxiety when flying in airplanes. As discussed in lecture, therapy for her phobia was successful because through Pavlovian extinction

Rational Emotive Behavior

Albert Ellis is most associated with ______ therapy, which is perhaps best known for its assumption that how you feel about an event is the result of your beliefs about that event (remember to pick the best answer.)

Americans were more likely to obey the experimenter's commands than non-Americans

All of the following conclusions were reached based on the Milgram study EXCEPT... morally advanced subjects are more willing to defy the experimenter. people with high levels of authoritarianism are more likely to comply with the experimenter's demands. there were no differences between males and females. Americans were more likely to obey the experimenter's commands than non-Americans.


An absolutist, black/white thinking style is associated with


Any behavior that does not allow a person to function within or adapt to the stresses and everyday demands of life is considered abnormal because it creates _

Nomothetic approach Idiographic approach

Approach to personality that focuses on identifying general laws that govern the behavior of all individuals Approach to personality that focuses on identifying the unique configuration of characteristics and life history experiences within an individual

occurs in the presence of a conditioned stimulus

As described in lecture, a fear-potentiated startle response in animals...

A. .5 to 3 seconds

As described in lecture, the duration of sensory memory is________________. A. .5 to 3 seconds B. seven plus or minus two chunks of information C. scenic D. less than 20 seconds

conduct electrical signals.

As discussed in lecture, when neurons are compared to other cells in the body, neurons are found to...

C. Aversion therapies

As these therapies may involve unpleasant techniques, the decision to implement____should be made only after carefully weighing the costs and benefits relative to alternative approaches. A. Token therapies B. Assertion therapies C. Aversion therapies D. Modeling therapies

C. diffusion of responsibility

At a crowded park, Kayla sees an old man clutching his heart and stumbling. If Kayla assumes that someone else will help the old man, she is experiencing the phenomenon known as A. evaluation apprehension B. social loafing C. diffusion of responsibility D. pluralistic ignorance

pluralistic ignorance

At the end of lecture one day, you are completely confused by what your professor has been trying to teach you. When the professor asks whether anyone has questions about the material, you notice that no one else raises their hands. You assume everyone else has understood the lecture perfectly, and you dont want to appear dumb by asking some simple questions. But, when talking to your friends after class, you realize that they had been just as confused. This situation is likely the result of

parietal lobe

Attention to WHERE one is in space is processed in which area of the brain?

D. depression

Attributions that are internal, stable and global are associated with A. bipolar disorder B. schizophrenia C. obsessive-compulsive disorder D. depression

dimensional classification

Average blood pressure is 120/80, but blood pressure readings can range much higher or lower. Typically someone is diagnosed with hypertension--high blood pressure--only when the blood pressure values are 140/90 or higher. However, any value greater than 120/80 increases the patient's risk of heart attack or stroke. Finding that people have blood pressure values across the full range of the normal curve is consistent with

B. crystallized intelligence.

Because Ken's history professor was a college student during the 1970s, he has extraordinary insight and knowledge of facts concerning the Vietnam War era. This knowledge is associated with the term _______________. A. fluid intelligence. B. crystallized intelligence. C. general intelligence. D. multiple intelligence.

central route

Before Dan went looking for a new car, he carefully considered the features that he wanted on his vehicle--good gas mileage, sporty handling, responsive handling and acceleration--and narrowed his choice down to three manufacturers. Then Dan went to the dealerships to test drive the three cars that seemed to fit his criteria. Dan's careful, slow decision making process illustrates _______________ to persuasion.

informed consent

Before you participate in a REP study, you should be told the purpose of the research, expected duration and any potential risks. This step of a research study falls under the ethical principle of _____________________.

the most heritable of all mental disorders

Bipolar disorder is ______________________. Not genetically influenced Less heritable than most mental disorders The most heritable of all mental disorders Similarly heritable compared to most mental disorders

B. exposure therapy

Both phobias and PTSD can be effectively treated with ____________. A. the use of fear-potentiated startle therapy B. exposure therapy C. psychoanalysis D. dopamine antagonists

elicited, emitted

Classical conditioning responses are _________ and in operant conditioning responses are ___________,

Borderline personality disorder Psychopathic personality Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)

Condition marked by extreme instability in mood, identity, and impulse control Condition marked by superficial charm, dishonest, manipulativeness, self-centeredness, and risk taking Condition marked by a lengthy history of irresponsible or illegal actions

Thalamus Hypothalamus Amygdala Hippocampus Cerebellum Medulla

Conveys sensory information to cortex Oversees endocrine and autonomic nervous system Regulates arousal and fear Processes memory for spatial locations Controls balance and coordinated movement Regulates breathing and heartbeats


In classical conditioning, it is generally easier to establish a new association if the stimulus which is used as the conditioned stimulus is _________________________.

an availability heuristic

Dan recently watched a television program about rabies, and those animals that are typically vectors for the disease. Last night, when he stepped outside to call his cat, he saw a raccoon waddling across his yard. The animal acted strangely and came straight toward him. Dan immediately decided it must have rabies. He made his decision based on

Cardinal traits Central traits Secondary traits

Dominate and shape an individual's behavior Refers to general characteristics that form the foundation, or most descriptive trait of an individual's personality. These are the characteristics by which you might describe a person such as honest, hard-working, intelligent, out-going, etc. These are characteristics seen only in certain circumstances

agrees with an approach to the diagnosis of mental disorders that uses categorical classification.

Dr. Forest is "old school." He believes that there is no such thing as "sort of" having schizophrenia. In his opinion, either someone has schizoyphrenia or does not have it. Period. Evidently Dr Forest


During a break in one of her favorite TV shows, Kamala sees an ad for a shampoo that she hasn't tried before. She admires the luxurious, glossy locks of the beautiful models and decides, effortlessly and unconsciously, to buy that shampoo. In this case Kamala is using what type of processing?

aversive racism

Edward would be the first to say that people of all races should be treated equally, but he unconsciously acts differently around people of a different race than his own. Edwards behaviors are best explained by ____________.

more diverse than

In terms of social cognition, members of an In-group tend to view themselves as ________________ Out-group members.

B. situational attribution.

Gianna was coming home from work and could not help but notice the young woman who seemed to be driving in a reckless manner. She immediately wondered if the girl was in an emergency or if something important was going on to make her drive like that. Gianna just made a(n): A. dispositional attribution. B. situational attribution. C. impression attribution. D. internal attribution

A. To speed up the extinction of anxiety during exposure therapy.

How might a doctor use DCS (D-cycloserine) in the treatment of PTSD? A. To speed up the extinction of anxiety during exposure therapy. B. Within 24 hours of the traumatic event, to increase the release of dopamine and sense of well-being. C. During exposure therapy, to block the recall of emotional memories. D. Within 24 hours of the traumatic event, to prevent the formation of emotional memories.

C. is theoretical. Formal tests to measure it have not been developed

Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences: A. Predicts that people who score high on one mental ability test will score high on other mental ability tests. B. Proposes a hierarchy of mental abilities with a general factor, "g" at the top, shared by all. C. Is theoretical. Formal tests to measure it have not been developed. D. Is a valid, reliable model that expands the construct of intelligence.

that the labels systematically distorted participant's memory of the O-O stimulus compared to the control group.

In a classic study done in 1932, researchers Charmichael, Hogan and Walter looked at the question of whether language affects memory. They showed an image, O-O, to three groups of participants. Groups 1 and 2 also saw a label (either "eyeglasses" or "dumbbells") and group 3, the control group, saw the image with no label. Later, all participants were asked to draw the O-O stimulus from memory. The researchers found


In the neuron, the branchlike extensions for receiving information from other neurons are the

aversive racism

In the news report of the flooding that followed Hurricane Katrina, a black man walking through chest-deep water was described as "looting" a grocery store whereas a white couple was described as "finding" food. This use of language to perpetuate negative stereotypes is an example of the subtle form of prejudice known as

When the "teacher/participant" directs someone else to administer the shock.

In which of the following scenarios would you predict to see the greatest obedience?

parietal lobe

In which of the lobes of the cerebrum is the somatosensory cortex located?

Retroactive interference Proactive interference

Interference with retention of old information due to acquisition of new information Interference with acquisition of new information due to previous learning of information

Representativeness heuristic Availability heuristic

Involves judging the probability of an event by its superficial similarity to a prototype Involves estimating the likelihood of an occurrence based on the ease with which it comes to our minds

B. As depression lifts, the risk of suicide may increase rather than decrease.

Jess is giving a class presentation on suicide. Which of the following is a point you are likely to hear her make? A. People who talk about committing suicide are just looking for attention. B. As depression lifts, the risk of suicide may increase rather than decrease. C. One must be careful when talking with a depressed person about suicide because you might make her more likely to take her own life. D. There is seldom any warning given by those who commit suicide.


Jose suffers from bipolar disorder. His psychiatrist may prescribe:

Broca's area Wernicke's area

Language production Language comprehension

peripheral route central route

Leads us to respond to persuasive arguments on the basis of snap judgments based on the surface aspects of the argument Careful, slow decision making process and persuaded by the content of the message.

homogeneous, practically like clones of each other

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a brave group of rebels fought against the evil empire. Based on what you have learned about in-group/out-group cognition, you can predict that the rebel fighters are likely to view the defenders of the empire as

Retrograde amnesia Anterograde amnesia

Loss of memories from our past Inability to encode new memories from our experiences

May look as if they are under chronic high stress

The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis (HPA) response of Individuals who have been diagnosed with unipolar depression

A. base rate

Many people avoid swimming in the ocean because they are frightened by the prospect of shark attacks, but in fact, shark attacks in the USA are rare; zero attacks were recorded in 2011, and since 1996, more people (16) have been killed by collapsing sand castles than by sharks (12). This kind of statistic--which records how frequent a behavior or event is in the general population--is known as: A. a base rate B. the availability heuristic C. the representativeness heuristic D. confirmation bias


Marcus is color-blind because he lacks cone receptors for wavelengths of light in the red spectrum. Marcus's inability to see the color red illustrates a deficit in the process of

a psychoanalytic approach in therapy

Mario recently started seeing a therapist. At the start of each session, Mario lies down and starts talking about anything that comes to mind. He often rambles, and he sometimes thinks that the things he describes seem trivial or silly, but his therapist encourages him to say whatever comes into his mind. This therapeutic technique is common among therapists who use


Marty is convinced that there are more ice cream cones sold in August than December, yet statistics tell us something different. Which heuristic may explain Marty's error?

cardinal trait

Mikhail Baryshnikov, a Soviet-born and trained dancer and choreographer, is often described as the greatest dancer of the 20th century. His entire life has been dedicated to dance, and his work has been characterized by remarkable creativity and innovation. As discussed in lecture, according to Gordon Allport's approach to personality, Baryshnikov's pervasive interest in dance is best described as

sensory memory

The memory system which maintains information in a relatively pure, unanalyzed form is called:

A. agree with the linguistic relativity hypothesis

Mrs. X, a world traveler and scholar of Scandinavian art, comments that Finnish is a demanding language, not just because it has so many verb forms but because, in order to speak Finnish, you first need to think differently about the world. It seems that Mrs. X may... A. agree with the linguistic relativity hypothesis B. be in the post-conventional level of reasoning C. be in the conventional level of reasoning D. disagree with the linguistic relativity hypothesis

A. fail to consider how probable an outcome is within the general population.

One reason that we are susceptible to the representativeness heuristic is that we... A. fail to consider how probable an outcome is within the general population. B. mistake confidence for certainty. C. are fooled by information that comes to our mind most easily. D. overestimate our cognitive abilities and processes.

D. the phi phenomenon.

Our ability to see action in movies, rather than a series of static pictures, is the result of A. closure. B. good continuation. C. symmetry. D. the phi phenomenon.

group polarization

Over the past decade, the United States has grown increasing divided politically. The internet permits individuals to communicate only with those who support their views, a process that tends to strengthen the dominant positions held by group members. This process is known as ___________.

The parietal lobe seems to be able to operate without conscious awareness.

Patient DF suffers from a severe form of visual agnosia after carbon monoxide poisoning. She is unable to consciously judge the orientation of a slot when asked to align a card and a slot, but she is still able to perform an action related task ("post the letter") which is consistent with which of the following statements?

A. cardinal trait

Paula is a powerful, gifted athlete, and she plays sports in all seasons, every day, for as many hours as she can. Her enthusiasm for sports is an extremely pervasive part of her personality and makes her different from most people. According to Allport's organization of traits, discussed during lecture, Paula's enthusiasm is a A. cardinal trait B. characteristic of the Big Five trait of Extraversion C. central trait D. secondary disposition

dispositional situational

People infer that an event or a person's behavior is due to personal factors such as traits, abilities, or feelings. People infer that a person's behavior is due to outside forces

Frontal Lobe Partial Lobe Temporal Lobe Occipital Lobe

Performs executive functions that coordinate other brain areas, motor planning, language, and memory Processes touch information; integrates vision and touch Processes auditory information, language, and autobiographic memory Processes visual information

Dendrite Axon

Portion of neuron that receives signals Portion of neuron that sends signals


Priscilla, the very cute dog, has learned to jump the fence that encloses her human's garden. She has been doing it more and more often. She finds the fenced yard aversive, and when she escapes, she enjoys her freedom to explore the neighborhood, greet other dogs and chase squirrels. Evidently, Priscilla has learned to escape from her fenced yard through

Bottom-up processing Top-down processing

Processing in which a whole is constructed from parts Conceptually driven processing influenced by beliefs and expectancies


Professor Smith conceptualizes personality as a limited number of traits that everyone has to some degree. People can be compared on these traits—that is, some people may be high on one trait, some average, some low. As described in lecture, Professor Smith is using a ____________ approach to personality

cancels out preexisting differences between groups

Random assignment is an important component of an experiment because it

B. shown support for the linguistic relativity hypothesis.

Recent research on the relationship between language and thought has A. shown support for the language acquisition device. B. shown support for the linguistic relativity hypothesis. C. supported linguistic determinism. D. found strong cross-cultural differences.

some aspects of thinking are more vulnerable to language influence than others.

Research on the relationship between cognition and language suggests that...

the assumptions we make about the world.

The Ames room, in which people are seen to get small or enlarge as they move about, demonstrates that our perception of the world depends strongly on

Participants who got the verbal labels recalled the pictures much better.

Researchers (Bower, Karlin, Dueck, 1975) showed participants an abstract drawing with or without a vivid label (such as "worm crossing razor blade.") What did they find?

C. holds analyzed information for brief periods of time

Short-term memory: A. is the system used to maintain information for extended periods of time B. has an unlimited storage capacity C. holds analyzed information for brief periods of time D. maintains information in a relatively pure, unanalyzed form


The neurotransmitter that is believed to be associated with schizophrenia is

Crystallized intelligence

The accumulated knowledge of the world we acquire over time.


The approach to psychology that sought to identify the fundamental components of conscious experience was ______________________.

A. Experience...bilingual children concentrate the language functions of their dominant language in the left side of the brain but continue to process their secondary language in both sides of the brain.

The evidence that language specialization is driven by ___________________ is provided by _________________________________________. A. Experience...bilingual children concentrate the language functions of their dominant language in the left side of the brain but continue to process their secondary language in both sides of the brain. B. Experience...English-speaking children retain the ability to distinguish among Mandarin phonemes after training. C. Maturation...deaf children or children with Down's syndrome show similar sequences of language acquisition. D. Maturation...An eight-month old baby can distinguish among phonemes in all languages but by twelve month old baby can distinguish just the phonemes in the language he or she has heard most often.

Case Study

The idiographic approach to studying personality is most likely to use what kind of method to gather information?

A. people should have difficulty thinking about things they cannot describe in words

The linguistic relativity hypothesis predicts that... A. people should have difficulty thinking about things they cannot describe in words B. language development should consistently lag behind cognitive development C. people in all cultures will think in similar ways, despite language differences D. language and thought should develop differently

parietal lobe

The lobe of the brain with primary responsibility for processing bodily sensations is the

A. emotions are produced by both autonomic arousal and cognition.

The two-factor theory of emotion suggests that... A. emotions are produced by both autonomic arousal and cognition. B. emotions are from our interpretations of bodily reactions to stimuli. C. emotions and bodily reactions are simultaneously produced by stimuli. D. emotions are based upon our gut feelings.

James-Lange theory of emotion Cannon-Bard theory Two-factor theory

Theory proposing that emotions result from our interpretations of our bodily reactions to stimuli Theory proposing that an emotion-provoking event leads simultaneously to an emotion and to bodily reactions Theory proposing that emotions are produced by an undifferentiated state of arousal along with an attribution (explanation) of that arousal

peripheral route.

There are two alternative pathways to persuading others. One leads us to respond to persuasive arguments on the basis of snap judgments based on the surface aspects of the arguments. This is known as the ____________ of persuasion.


Thomas, an excellent, practical minded student, would like to diagnose and do therapy with clinical patients, and he wants his education and training to focus on clinical practice, not research. Given Thomas's interests, his career advisor is likely to suggest that he look into which of the following degree programs?

Iconic memory Echoic memory Flashbulb memory Semantic memory Episodic memory Explicit memory Implicit memory Procedural memory

Visual sensory memory Auditory sensory memory Emotional memory that is extraordinarily vivid and detailed Our knowledge of facts about the world Recollection of events in our lives Memories we recall intentionally and of which we have conscious awareness Memories we don't deliberately remember or reflect on consciously Memory for how to do things, including motor skills and habits

A. dispositional

Wendy is walking down the street when she suddenly falls down and lands squarely on her backside. A group of girls standing about 50 feet away start laughing hysterically, telling each other what a klutz that Wendy is. The unsympathetic girls in this group are making a/an __________ attribution to explain why Wendy fell down. A. dispositional B. negative C. positive D. situational

Just like height--everyone is more or less tall--autism is a trait that we all have more or less. Someone who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is just at an extreme.

What does it mean to hypothesize that "autism is a quantitative trait normally distributed in the population?"

C. Phobic disorder is linked to specific triggers while generalized anxiety disorder is not linked to a specific trigger.

What is the main difference between generalized anxiety disorder and a phobic disorder? A. Generalized anxiety disorder is more common in men and phobic disorder is more common in women. B. Generalized anxiety disorder is more common in women and phobic disorder is more common in men. C. Phobic disorder is linked to specific triggers while generalized anxiety disorder is not linked to a specific trigger. D. Generalized anxiety disorder is linked to a specific trigger while phobic disorder is not linked to a specific trigger.


What is the motivation of the cognitive miser?

B. 19%

What percentage of people diagnosed with major depressive disorder will die from suicide? A. 50% B. 19% C. 6% D. 23%

C. Individuals from a Collectivist culture such as India are less likely to make the Fundamental Attribution Error.

When comparing the effect of culture on the likelihood of making the Fundamental Attribution Error, which of the following is true? A. Members of Collectivist and Individualistic cultures make the Fundamental Attribution Error at the same rate, about 40%. B. Individuals from a Collectivist culture such as India are significantly more likely to make the Fundamental Attribution Error. C. Individuals from a Collectivist culture such as India are less likely to make the Fundamental Attribution Error. D. Individuals from a Individualistic culture such as the United States are significantly less likely to make the Fundamental Attribution Error.

dispositional attribution

When driving down the highway, Caesar could not help but notice the young-looking teenager who seemed to be driving in a reckless manner. He immediately assumed that he was one of those defiant, careless, and irresponsible teens who really did not deserve a license. Caesar just made a/an

controlled processing

When reasoning about other people, the flawed scientist uses ______________, the kind of conscious, voluntary, and effortful reasoning that processes all the information available.

correlational methods

When researchers are interested in studying the relationship between variables that cannot be manipulated they are likely to use which of the following methods?

Researchers found that sometimes labels helped memory and sometimes labels distorted memory.

When researchers looked at the question of whether labels help or hurt memory for pictures, what did they find?

the adrenal gland

When the hypothalamus receives signals of fear, the sympathetic nervous system activates ____________________ which secretes the stress hormones epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine.

A. Hostility

Which Type A personality characteristic is the key trait that is linked to heart disease? A. Hostility B. Compulsiveness C. Chronic irritability D. Competitiveness

A. schizophrenia

Which disorder is NOT commonly seen in families with high rates of depression? A. schizophrenia B. alcoholism C. anxiety disorders D. bulimia

D. acetylcholine

Which neurotransmitter has NOT been linked to depression? A. serotonin B. norepinephrine C. dopamine D. acetylcholine

D. Autism is a heterogenous disorder with a biological basis.

Which of the following best summarizes the current conceptualization of autism? A. Autism is a heterogeneous disorder caused by social deprivation. B. Autism is a homogeneous disorder with a biological basis. C. Autism is a homogeneous disorder caused by social deprivation. D. Autism is a heterogenous disorder with a biological basis.

Absolutist thinking

Which of the following cognitive styles is most associated with depression?

Gestalt Psychology --> lab studies --> Action Research

Which of the following describes the history of Social Psychology?

B. Kris is spending more and more time on the internet searching for photos and news items about Robert Pattinson. She finds new ones almost every day, hooray!

Which of the following illustrates learning through the principles of operant conditioning? A. Kris's friends have heard so much about Robert Pattinson that they have totally lost interest. B. Kris is spending more and more time on the internet searching for photos and news items about Robert Pattinson. She finds new ones almost every day, hooray! C. A recent photo shows Pattinson wearing Foster Grant sunglasses. Now Kris wants to buy those same glasses. D. After seeing the Twilight films, Kris has a huge crush on actor Robert Pattinson.

A. Primary

Which of the following is NOT a level of organization in Allports approach to describing personality? A. Primary B. Cardinal C. Central D. Secondary

Solomon Asch

Which of the following researchers work was the most influential in shaping our understanding of conformity?

C. Maintaining equity in a relationship is crucial for a relationship to move to deeper levels. Correct. Equity, or give and take, is the essential feature of reciprocity and it is very important in order for a relationship to grow.

Which of the following statements about reciprocity is true? A. Reciprocity is not a learned practice. B. Absolute reciprocity is necessary for deeper relationships. C. Maintaining equity in a relationship is crucial for a relationship to move to deeper levels. D. Significantly different reciprocities are evident across cultures.

Mary is distressed because she just can't stop thinking about all the germs in her environment that might make her dirty.

Which of the following would be an example of an obsession?

C. Personality disorders

Which psychological condition is historically among the least reliably diagnosed? A. Autism spectrum disorders B. Mood disorders C. Personality disorders D. Schizophrenia

C. 15 seconds

While driving her children, Adriana's car broke down. She called her husband on the cell phone for the number of a towing company. If the children's behavior prevents her from repeating the number to herself, most likely Adriana will need to dial the phone number within the next ________ or she will forget the number. A. minute B. 45 seconds C. 15 seconds D. 2 seconds

inductive reasoning

While taking the SAT, Jack puzzled over verbal analogies such as "cow:barn as chicken:____________." To correctly solve these analogies, Jack must infer a relationship between a set of words and then apply his conclusion to another set of words. As described in lecture, this kind of reasoning, from specific examples to general rules, is known as:

He defined questions that have dominated psychology ever since.

William James is considered a founding father of psychology because....?

.35 for both identical and fraternal twins

You are a researcher on a behavior genetics study studying identical and fraternal twins; based on what has been discussed in lectures, you would propose that the environment was responsible for a given behavior when you find which of the following patterns of correlations?

C. Weber's Law

You may notice that the number of words in this item is just slightly different from that of the previous item. However, you won't detect a difference between the second and third edition of your heavy psychology textbook until the difference is proportional to the size of the textbook--thousands and thousands of words and many, many pages. You need fewer words to detect a change in a short text and many more words to detect a change in a fat textbook. This proportional relationship between the size of the original text and your ability to detect a change in it is an example of _____________. A. a false alarm B. an absolute threshold C. Weber's Law D. a miss


________ nondirective, person-centered therapy centers on the patient's goals and ways of solving problems.

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