Psy. Ch 6-14

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While returning home from office, Luke was robbed by two men in his neighborhood. After the incident, Luke realized that many people had been watching the incident yet no one had tried to help him fight or catch the culprits. This unwillingness of the people to aid Luke is an example of the _____.

bystander effect

Females are more likely than males to behave aggressively because males empathize with the victim.


One reason for the fundamental attribution error is that people tend to infer traits from social roles and obligations.


People who develop illness anxiety disorder are not sensitive to bodily sensations and tend to disregard them.


The hypothalamus is involved in the formation of verbal memories.


Psychological disorders are:

sometimes associated with faulty perception or interpretation of reality.

Which of the following statements is true about a schema?

It is a way of mentally representing the world, which can influence perceptions.

Which of the following statements is true of acute stress disorder?

People with acute stress disorder can go on to experience posttraumatic stress disorder.

Which of the following factors decreases the tendency to conform?

Valuing being right over being liked

Identify a true statement about environmental influences on intelligence.

Studies support the view that children's early environment is linked to academic achievement.

Which of the following statements is true of changing attitudes through persuasion?

Agreement and praise are more effective ways to encourage others to embrace one's views

Some people with psychological disorders believe in ideas of persecution. They might fear that the FBI is after them. Which criteria of psychological disorders is reflected here?

Faulty perception or interpretation of reality

__________enables people to deal with other people, including difficult people, and to meet the demands of their environment.

Practical intelligence

__________is the quality of language in which words are used as symbols for objects, events, or ideas.


People with__________are generally unwilling to enter a relationship without some assurance of acceptance.

avoidant personality disorder

In the context of schizophrenia, people with the condition termed _____ show striking impairment in motor activity.


A man witnessed an explosion in which a coworker died, and soon after, he lost his vision. Despite many neurological tests, doctors could not find any organic basis for the man's loss of eyesight. The man is most likely suffering from:

conversion disorder

A landlord refuses to rent his vacant apartment to college students. He believes that students throw wild parties and disturb others. In the context of behavior, the landlord's refusal is an example of _____.


In memory theory, the term__________means to cause information to be lost from short-term memory by adding new information.


__________are mental representations of an auditory stimulus that are held briefly in sensory memory.


The _____ is an assumed electrical circuit that corresponds to a memory trace.


According to Robert Sternberg's triangular model of love, consummate love is romantic love plus infatuation


Christopher is skilled at problem solving and possesses broad reasoning abilities. According to Charles Spearman, Christopher's abilities are indicative of _____.

general intelligence

The flow of visual information seems smooth and continuous because of__________memory, which can hold visual stimuli for up to a second.


Anxiety is an appropriate response to a real threat, but it can be abnormal when it is excessive.


In the Milgram studies on obedience, lack of social comparison was a factor contributing to why people complied to perform immoral tasks.


In the elaboration likelihood model, _____ inspires thoughtful consideration of arguments and evidence.

central route

In the context of the theories of intelligence,__________can solve problems to which there are no preexisting solutions and no proven formulas.

creative people

People describe Sarah as peculiar. She mixes up random words from different languages and strings them together in rambling sentences. She plays out her fantasy of living in a world made of cotton candy all day. However, she does not suffer from hallucinations or delusions. Sarah is displaying symptoms of _____.

schizotypal personality disorder

The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of stages of memory intends to _____.

determine whether and for how long information is retained in memory

Amnesia is frequently associated with _____.

dissociative disorders

Adoptee studies show that adoptive parents with anxiety disorders place their children at greater risk for anxiety and related traits as compared to biological parents.


__________refer to erroneous beliefs that one is being victimized.

ideas of persecution

In the context of the nativist approach to language development, the _____ prepares the nervous system to learn grammar.

language acquisition device

Studies involving brain imaging reveal that _____ makes it possible for people to carry out mental tasks with less neural activity.


The difference between the number of repetitions originally required to learn a list and the number of repetitions required to relearn the list after a certain amount of time has elapsed is known as__________.


From the behavioral perspective, which of the following statements is true of aggression?

Strong, agile organisms are likely to be reinforced for aggressive behavior.

Harry is least interested in music. He tells his friends that playing a musical instrument is a waste of time. However, on several occasions, Harry's friends have noticed that he plays the guitar like a professional. When his friends question him on such occasions, Harry replies, "I am Joe and playing the guitar is my passion." In this scenario, Harry exhibits:

dissociative identity disorder

The feeling of__________encourages helping behavior and discourages aggression.


In the context of posttraumatic stress disorder, women, who are more likely than men to ruminate about stressors, were more likely than men to report difficulty falling asleep.


Identify a true statement about the heritability of intelligence.

Being reared together is related with similarities in intelligence quotient.

__________is the inability to recall events that occur prior to the age of three or so.

infantile amnesia

In the context of memory and forgetting, one of the cognitive explanations for infantile amnesia states that:

infants do not make reliable use of language to symbolize or classify events.

Brown and McNeill's experiment on the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon revealed that:

memory storage systems of humans are indexed according to both visual and audio cues.

The influence of wording, or the context in which information is presented, on decision making is known as _____.

the framing effect

Identify a true statement about problem solving.

Heuristics are often based on strategies that worked in the past.

When Brenda takes the elevator, she always faces the front. She does this even when there are no written rules or laws that require this behavior. This is an example of _____.

an implicit social norm

A(n)__________is a partial similarity among things that are different in other ways.


Behavior inconsistent with an attitude that may have the effect of modifying an attitude is known as__________.

attitude-discrepant behavior

Dana has the ability to easily cope with unexpected and challenging situations. She generates solutions to problems by relating unexpected situations to familiar situations. In this scenario, Dana is exhibiting _____.

creative intelligence

According to psycholinguistic theory, _____.

environmental influences affect language acquisition

According to research, intelligence quotient (IQ) scores tend to increase during the summer vacation


Altruism is a form of discrimination.


An anagram is a partial similarity among things that are different in other ways.


Attitude formation is a fully mechanical process.


Fraternal twins are much more likely to both have anxiety disorder than identical twins.


Dana always hears stories about how extravagantly her first birthday was celebrated, but she is unable to recall the events of that day. Dana's inability to recall the events of her first birthday is known as _____.

infantile amnesia

_____ is the type or stage of memory that can hold information for up to a minute or so after the trace of the stimulus decays.

short-term memory

In short-term memory, an image tends to fade after _____ if it is not repeated or rehearsed.

10-12 seconds

__________is characterized by excessive worrying, fear of losing control, nervousness, and inability to relax.

anxiety disorder

In the context of organization in long-term memory, a(n)__________is an arrangement of items into groups or classes according to common or distinct features.


Graham likes to collect car parts. His house is full of car parts and there is hardly any free space. It has become difficult for him to navigate around the house. He justifies his actions by saying, "You never know when you might need these." Graham is suffering from__________.

hoarding disorder

Talya, a girl from a wealthy family, is seen constantly mocking students who are impoverished. Her class teacher believes that Talya derives her condescending tone from her parents, who display similar behavior toward the poor. In this scenario, the class teacher is:

making a situational attribution.

The sole purpose of Solomon Asch's study in the early 1950s was to examine the effects of social facilitation.


Stacey, a kindergarten teacher, is teaching her students about mammals. She tells the students that fishes and birds are not mammals. In this scenario, Stacey is using _____ of the mammal concept.

negative instances

Which of the following statements is true about retroactive interference?

It is the interference of new learning with the ability to retrieve material learned previously.

Which of the following statements is true of social facilitation?

It is the process by which a person's performance is increased when other members of a group engage in similar behavior.

__________holds that innate factors, which make up children's nature, cause children to attend to and acquire language in certain ways.

The nativist theory of language development

__________is characterized by feelings of anxiety and helplessness that are caused by a traumatic event.

acute stress disorder

The hippocampus is an area of the brain where memories are stored.


The levels-of-processing model of memory holds that memories tend to wane when information is processed deeply.


People with__________insist that they are suffering from a serious physical malady, even though no medical evidence of it can be found.

illness anxiety disorder

A(n) _____ is a system of symbols along with rules that are used to manipulate the symbols.


If an image of Abraham Lincoln's face was flashed on a screen, the viewer could hold the visual impression in their sensory register as a(n) _____.

memory trace

Daniel, a six-year-old boy, takes an intelligence test. The results of the test show that he is functioning intellectually like the average eight-year-old. In this scenario, Daniel has a(n) _____ of eight.

mental age

A(n) _____ is a concept of a category of objects or events that serves as a good example of the category.


Louis Thurstone's primary mental abilities contain the types of items measured on the most widely used intelligence tests today.


People with borderline personality disorder show instability in their relationships, self-image, and mood and a lack of control over impulses.


Alex wants to be physically fit. As he cannot workout effectively at his home, he goes to a gym with this friends. At the gym, he works out better when his friends work out along with him. In the context of group behavior, this is the result of _____.

social facilitation

The group effect called__________is likely to lead the group to make more risky shifts in decision making.

social facilitation

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