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one subtype of implicit memory involves ______ which is the automatic learning of associations between stimuli, so that one stimulus comes to evoke the same response as the other

classical conditioning

subsystems of implicit memory

classical conditioning procedural memory priming

theory that memory is stored throughout the brain in connections among neurons


schemas and _____ networks explain how information is organized in memory


explicit memory is the conscious recollection of information and is sometimes also referred to as:


in operant conditioning, responding appropriately to stimuli that signal a behavior will or will not be reinforced is called


when the red light is on, the pigeon does not peck on the disk because it has learned that food will only be presented when the green light is on. This demonstrates the concept of


attention involves concentrating on more than one task or activity at a time


concentrating on more than one activity at a time is called

divided attention

the initial recording of information into memory is called


When _______ is extensive, the person has attempted to make the to-be remembered information meaningful, and has engaged in detailed processing.


dr.marsh has her general psychology class go through an exercise in which they look at a group of objects and attempt to remember them. Then she has the class look at another group of objects and create a story involving them. The class finds the second group easier to remember because of:


according to connectionism memories are best characterized as

electrical impulses

flashbulb memories are memories of ____ events

emotionally important

according to the concept of levels of processing, the process of ____ involves 3 levles


ari is watching a movie. Which initial memory process is Ari using?


hazel vividly remembers her first week in college. This is an example of:


in the context of the subtypes of explicit memory, ____ memory is the retention of information about the where, when, and what of life's happenings


law of effect

every time second-grader Prisha raises her hand in class and gives the correct answer, her teacher gives her a sticker. Receiving a sticker increases the likelihood of Prisha's participation. This is an example of:


every time the family dog sits on command, she receives a treat. The treat would be considered

classical conditioning

everyday Ronnie comes home from work, he opens his garage door and pulls his car into the garage. His dog, sparky, hears the noise of the garage door opening and the car entering the garage before Ronnie comes through the garage door. Now, when Sparky hears the garage door open, Sparky runs to the garage door to greet Ronnie. This is an example of?

generalization occurs when learning that occurred in one setting is ___ in other similar settings


generalization occurs when learning that occurred in one setting is ____ in other similar settings


two main components of long term memory

explicit and implicit

the two main components of long-term memory are _____ memory, which consists of our semantic and episodic memories, and _____ memory, which consists of our procedural memories, classical conditioning, and priming

explicit memory and implicit memory

in operant conditioning, the reduced frequency of behavior when it is no longer reinforced is known as:


ling use to rush to her infant son and pick him up every time he cried. lately, she has stopped rushing him, and he had decreases his crying. according to the principles of operant conditioning, the decrease in crying is due to:


operant conditioning

form of associative learning in which the consequences of a behavior change the probability of the behavior's occurrence

in operant conditioning, ____ means performing a reinforced behavior in a different situation


implicit memory has to do with remembering:


When Don was an undergraduate many years ago, his physics professor shot a flaming arrow across the lecture hall to illustrate a physics theory. Because Don vividly remembers the theory today, this is an example of _____.


in order to remember the way to the library, Kareem created a mental picture of all the things he sees in his usual route. Kareem used mental ______ to remember the necessary route


You know how to tie your shoes, and when you do, the procedure can be carried out non-consciously. This is an example of _____ memory.


classical conditioning

involves a form of respondent behavior which is behavior that occurs in automatic response to a stimulus


is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience

definition of classical conditioning

is when a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an innately meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response

in _____ _____, the organism has learned that is has no control over negative outcomes

learned helplessness

in ____-, the organism that learned that it has no control over negative outcomes

learned, helplessness

continuum from shallow to intermediate to deep, with deeper producing better memory

levels of processing

a relatively permanent type of memory that stores huge amounts of information is:

long-term memory

negative reinforcement

luis cleans his room so that his parents will not scold him. This is en example of:

according to the connectionist network perspective, our _____ are organized sets of neurons that are activated together


the reinforcement is the presentation or addition of a stimulus after a behavior occurs that increases how often that behavior will occur


presented to that individual

positive reinforcement occurs when something that an individual wants is _____ in an effort to increase behavior.

type of implicit memory that involves the memory for skills is referred to as

procedural memory

steven has been fired twice for being late. In his new job, he has never been late. The consequences of being fired would be considered?


Punishment is a consequence that _____.

reduces the frequency of a behavior

earning a top grade in a course is an example of a secondary:


tiffany usually fastens her seat belt so that the buzzing sound will stop. This would be considered negative



reinforcement is the process in operant conditioning by which a stimulus or event following a particular behavior ________(increase or decrease) the probability that the behavior will be repeated. The consequences of the behavior can be either positive or negative

ratio schedule

replies on the number of behaviors that must be performed prior to the reward

memory is defined as the

retention of information or experience over time

which of the following memory process by which information held in memory is brought out of storage


specific patterns that determine when a behavior will be reinforced

schedules of reinforcement

a preexisting mental framework that helps people to organize and interpret information


which concepts explain how long-term memory is organized

schemas connectionist networks

the term reinforcer that gains its positive value through one's experience is:

secondary reinforcer

type of explicit memory that includes your area of expertise, general academic knowledge, and everyday knowledge about the meaning of words and common things


subtypes of explicit memory

semantic and episodic memory

sandeep has a lot of general knowledge, not tied to a particular time or place, about international affairs. this is an example of:

semantic memory

holds information from the womb in its original form for only an instant, not much longer than the brief time it is exposed to the visual, auditory, and other senses


which of the following holds information from the world in its original form for only a brief moment in time?

sensory memory

refers to the tendency to recall the items at the beginning and end of a list better than the items in the middle

serial position

you are driving down the highway and see a billboard with a phone number on it. You tell yourself to remember it, but after you drive a little farther, you fin you've forgotten it. This describes the limitations of _____________ memory.


saving information in memory for future use is called


information must be encoded and _____ in order to be retrieved later.


explicit memory is

the conscious recollection of specific facts about an event or situation

law of effect

the idea that consequences of a behavior can increase or decrease the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated is referred to as which of the following

fixed schedule

the number of behaviors or the amount of time must pass before the reward is always the same


the presentation or addition of a stimulus after a behavior occurs that increases how often that behavior will occur


the relationship between a conditioned stimulus and its conditioned response in changed

variable schedule

the required number of behaviors or the amount of time that must pass before the reward is unpredictable from the perspective of the learner

explicit memory has to do with remembering who, what, where, when, and why


you cringed the first time you saw a bright light; therefore, the light is likely a(n):

unconditioned stimulus

performing a behavior to receive food

what behavior do rats engage in while in a skinner box

a form of associative learning in which the consequences of a behavior change the probability of the behavior's occurrence

what is operant conditioning


what refers to rewarding successive approximations of a desired behavior?


when a rat enters a skinner box, it has to learn to press a lever to get food. At the very beginning of this process, it is rewarded with food when it is in the vicinity of the lever. Then it is rewarded when it touches the lever, and so on. This technique of rewarding successive approximations of a desired behavior is called?

all three subsystems of implicit memory involve memories that:

you are not aware of but that influence your behavior

angle hasn't ridden a bike in 5 year, when he hops on he can still ride, this is an example of:


definition of countercondition

a classical conditioning procedure for weakening a conditioned response by associating the fear-provoking stimulus with the fear.

operant conditioning process with laboratory animals

a skinner box is a chamber with a highly controlled environment that was used to study what?

definition of learning

a systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience


an _____ stimulus produces a response without prior learning

the rewards and punishers that exist in a particular setting are carefully analyzed and manipulated to change behavior

applied behavior analysis

to prevent a headache, Micah takes their medication as soon as they feel pressure near their eyes. This is an example of?

avoidance learning

interval schedule

based on the amount of time that must pass before a behavior is rewarded

applied behavior analysis, or ____ modification, is the use of operant conditioning principle to change human behavior


long-term memory is a ____ type of memory that stores huge amounts of information.


observational learning in learning that occurs when we:

model others

avoidance learning is a special kind of response to

negative reinforcement

luis cleans his room so that his parents will not scold him. This is an example of:

negative reinforcement

the removal of a stimulus in response to a behavior increases the frequency of that behavior, ____ is said to have occurred

negative reinforcement

from a connectionist network perspective, memories are organized sets of ___ that are routinely activated together


another term for implicit memory


in cases of learned helplessness, an organism has learned through experience that negative outcomes are what?

not controllable

associative learning

occurs when a connection or an association is made between two events

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