Psy exam

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35. ____ is the systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience.


29. On the cerebral cortex, the area critical for processing visual information is the _____ lobe.


37. In operant conditioning, organisms learn

The association between a behavior and a consequence

9. _____ is a type of psychological research that uses surveys, case studies, and interviews.

Descriptive research

60. Dissociation refers to a psychological state in which a person feels

Disconnected feom immediate experience

40. ___in classical conditioning is a process of learning to respond to some stimuli and not others


14. In an experimental study, a(n) _____ is a manipulated experimental factor

Independend variable

15. A(n) _____ is a person who is given a role to play in an experimental study


2. The process of reflecting deeply and actively, asking questions, and evaluating the evidence

Critical thinking

39. Which of the following statements is true of unconditioned stimuli?

They produce a response without prior learning

19. In the context of the pathways in the nervous system, afferent nerves carry information

To the brain and spinal cord via sensory receptors

58. With major depression a person experiences a depression, lethargy & hopelessness, for at least

Two weeks

23. In the context of the divisions of the nervous system, the central nervous system consists of

The brain and spinal cord

25. The brief wave of positive electrical charge that sweeps down the axon of a neuron

Action potential

26. The part of the neuron that carries information away from the cell body toward other cells.


31. One's awareness of external events and internal sensations under a condition of arousal is


3. Individuals who advocate _____ are most likely to consider the mind as flexible and fluid


33. The subconscious processing that leads to a solution after a break from conscious thought


6. Thoughts & feelings that each of us experiences privately but that cannot be observed directly

Mental processes

21. Li feels her heart racing while she waits for an interview. These symptoms are produced by her

Sympathetic nervous system

5. Which of the following is most likely to be the focus of study for a behavioral psychologist?

The effect of rewards snd punishments on a childs behavior

12. In psychological research, a correlational study is used to determine

The link between variables

38. Observational learning occurs

Through the process of watching and imitating others behavior

13. A psychological study indicates a strong positive correlation between 2 variables. This means

As one variable increases the other also increases

43. Ty tells her mom she failed the biology test b/c her professor made the test too hard. Ty is

Attributing her performance to externall causes

42. Process where one understands the causes of others' behavior & form an impression of them


22. Nico has the habit of eating non-food substances. Nico's behavior is considered abnormal ...

Because its deviant

50. Which of the following is a criteria that is used to distinguish normal from abnormal behavior?

Behavior that is deviant

4. The _____ to psychology focuses on the body, especially the brain and nervous system.

Biologocal approach

59. A person has extreme mood swings that include episodes of mania & overexcited, optimistic state

Bipolar disorder

57. An OCD-related disorder that involves a preoccupation with slight flaws in one's appearance.

Body dysmorphic disorder

11. A _____ is an in-depth look at a single individual.

Case study

62. Disorder where a person has 2 or more distinct personalities or selves

Disaociative identity disorder

55. Persistent anxiety for at least six months, the client is cannot specify reasons for anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder

16. In an experimental research study, the control group is the

Group is not subjected to manipulated independent variable

28. In the brain, body temperature, emotional states, and coping are functions controlled by the


51. Main criticism of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is that it

Mainly reflects the medical model

17. The body's electrochemical communication circuitry is known as the _____ system.


8. The first step of the scientific method in psychology involves

Observing some phenomenon in the world

52. A fear becomes a phobia when

Person will go to any length to avoid the feared situation

1. Psychology emerged as a science from the field of


63. Hallucinations are

Sensory experience occurring in the absence of real stimuli

18. Which of the following is an example of plasticity?

Changes in the brains structure in response to ecpetience

36. In which type of learning do organisms learn the association between two stimuli?

Classical conditioning

7. The most widely practiced specialization in psychology is _____ psychology

Clinical and counseling

56. In cases of OCD, ___ accompany obsessions & appear to reduce anxiety from disturbing thoughts.


61. A disorder characterized by extreme memory loss that is caused by extreme psychological stress

Dissociative amnesia

20. Nerves that carry information out of the CNS to other areas of the body are known as __ nerves.

Efferent nerves

46. The _____ identifies two pathways of persuasion—a central route and a peripheral route.

Elaboration likelihood model

53. Which is most likely emphasized by the psychological approach to psychological disorders?


48. In the context of conformity, _____ means individuals conform to be right.

Inflrmational social imfluence

47. _____ helps individuals to resist persuasion.


32. Controlled processes

Involves one actively focusing their efforts toward a goal

30. The process by which individuals think about thinking is referred to as


44. Don scores a goal in a soccer match. According to self-serving bias, Don is

Most likely attribute his success to his ability

64. Which of the following statements is true of schizophrenia?

People with schizophrenia lack the ability to read emotions

45. In the context of attitudes, _____ theory contends that behaviors can influence attitudes.

Self perception

49. Tendency of each person in a group to exert less effort in the group is known as

Social loafing

41. _____ is the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to other people.

Social psychology

10. This method uses a standard set of items to obtain people's self-reported beliefs about a topic


24. In the context of the divisions of the nervous system, the autonomic nervous system consists of

The parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system

27. Which of the following is a true statement about dendrites?

They are treelike fibers projecting from the neron

34. According to Sigmund Freud, _____ mental processes occur without a person being aware of them.


54. Anxiety disorders involve fears that are

Uncontrollable, disruptive of ordinary life, and disproportionate to the actual danger the person might be in

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