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Growth hormones have all of the following effects EXCEPT for increasing


Recent research suggests that negative memories may be erased by

interfering with memory reconsolidation

In an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that

is deliberately manipulated by the researcher

Lisa has a normal response to stress when she is worried about losing her job. Lisa's reaction may become an anxiety disorder if it

is excessive in the absence of a true threat.

Frank believes that he is more valuable and special than anyone else. As a result, he feels he is entitled to special treatment, focuses mainly on his own needs, and gets angry when anyone challenges him. Frank most likely

is narcissistic.

Recent psychological research suggests that the impact of parenting style on personality is

. less influential than previously assumed.

Which of the following is true of objective evidence?

Objective evidence refers to information that is not influenced by personal feelings

Which parts of the electromagnetic spectrum can humans see?

Only the part of the spectrum between 400nm and 700nm.

Which of the following is the main conclusion from Milgram's shock experiment?

Ordinary people will do terrible things if ordered to do so by an authority

An active and conscious effort to change an attitude by sending a message is referred to as


According to research, which of the following will be rated as most attractive?

a face that combined 32 faces together

The increased ability to retrieve memories that occurs when the encoding environment and the recall environment are the same is called

context-dependent memory

When explaining to his wife how positive reinforcement and positive punishment are similar, Jackson correctly says that both

add a stimulus.

Eugene is 88 years old. With which of the following tasks is he most likely to have difficulty?

driving while talking on a cell phone

Sound waves cause the ________ to vibrate


Which of the following is NOT associated with an altered state of consciousness?

talking on the phone while taking a walk

In Milgram's shock experiments, the maximum level of shock was administered by about ________ percent of the participants.


Which statement best captures historical trends in cognitive psychology?

Before the 1980s, cognitive psychology emphasized the mind; today, it focuses on both the mind and the brain.

Given what Naomi knows about physical development across the life span, which of the following people does she suspect will be the LEAST healthy at age 70?

Carson, who squints at his computer and listens to loud music on his iPod

After an earthquake in one city, people were caught up in an overwhelming situation and were not paying attention to their personal standards. As a result, mobs of people looted the damaged shops and homes. This behavior is most likely a result of


Michael is observing the people in his dorm and listing any behaviors that indicate learning. Which of the following should be included on Michael's list?

Greg, who often whines until someone goes to the dining hall with him

Which finding is the best evidence that genetics plays an important role in determining intelligence?

Identical twins raised apart have more similar IQs than siblings raised together.

Before psychologists can begin a research project, they must receive approval from the

Institutional Review Board.

Why do scientists avoid the term fact?

New evidence can change how claims are interpreted.

Your aunt, who has several bad habits, recently found out she is pregnant. What is the best advice you can give her?

Quit drinking and smoking immediately.

Psychoanalysis is a type of psychological treatment to resolve unconscious conflicts that cause mental disorders. This treatment was developed by

Sigmund Freud.

Marta has a successful job, a handsome husband, and three intelligent children. What would you predict about Marta's self-esteem based on this information?

There is only a weak relationship between life outcomes and her self-esteem.

Tommy has obsessions about cleanliness and is a compulsive handwasher. Which of the following pieces of evidence would support the view that his obsessive-compulsive disorder is related to operant conditioning?

Tommy experiences a large reduction in anxiety whenever he washes his hands, so he continues the behavior whenever he becomes anxious.

You are walking through the jungle and you see a huge snake. Which of the following explanations best represents the James-Lange theory of emotion?

You are afraid because you are shaking.

After you finish a big meal, the level of glucose in your bloodstream increases. What happens next in order for your body to process the glucose?

Your pancreas produces insulin to manage the glucose

An extensive study of a single person or a few people is characteristic of

a case study.

Which of the following is a specific, testable prediction?

a hypothesis

If a researcher wants to be able to generalize about a population using data pulled from a sample, it is best to use

a random sample

Behaving in a way that confirms your own or other people's expectations is referred to as

a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The SAT is a psychometric test, which means that it is

a standardized test that is administered the same way for all students and scored objectively.

Selena thinks that all computer programmers are antisocial and boring. Even before meeting Mark, a computer programmer, Selena decides that she will not like him. Selena's beliefs are ________, and not liking Mark is ________.

a stereotype; prejudice

The first cell of new life, which is created from the union of the sperm and the egg, is known as

a zygote.

You are recruiting part-time tutors for an elementary school. According to research findings about the insufficient justification effect, a successful strategy to increase the commitment of these tutors would be to pay them a

a. small amount of money.

Studies on identical twins have found that differences in genes explain ________ of the variability in personality traits.

about half

Inattention and the shallow encoding of events can often result in ________, which leads to forgetting.


A neurotransmitter that is important in muscle contraction is


According to the sociocognitive theory of hypnosis, people who are hypnotized are

acting out what they think is expected of them.

You tell your friend Betty about a dream in which you were a giant cupcake. Betty tells you the dream was meaningless and was only caused by random neural firings during sleep. Based on this you know that Betty most likely believes in the ________ theory of dreaming.


When Larry forgets to buy milk at the grocery store, he says, "I forgot milk because I was thinking about picking my daughter up from school." When Larry's wife forgets to buy milk, Larry says, "She forgot milk at the store because she's an airhead." This is an example of

actor/observer bias.

Your nervous system allows you to do all of the following EXCEPT

alter genetic codes.

To be considered a hallucinogenic, a drug must

alter sensation and perception

To be considered a hallucinogenic, a drug must

alter sensation and perception.

Baby George's mother leaves him sitting in the grocery cart as she goes around the corner searching for cake mix. George screams as she leaves, reaches for her when she returns, but then pushes her away. George's behavior is most consistent with a(n) ________ attachment style.


Mario is highly afraid of spiders. Which part of the brain would be activated if he were to enter a room that had a lot of spiders?


A person who is unable to process memories with strong emotional content may have poor functioning in the


Which of the following is NOT a psychoactive drug that alters consciousness?

an antibiotic

A picture of a computer is an example of a(n) ________ representation. The word computer is an example of a(n) ________ representation.

analogical; symbolic

Monica is very good at algebra and chemistry. However, she is not very good at writing short stories. According to the triarchic theory of intelligence, Monica most likely has high ________ intelligence and low ________ intelligence.

analytical; creative

Ted has brain damage after an accident. Although he can clearly remember everything from before the accident, he forgets what people are saying to him within a few minutes. Ted is most likely experiencing

anterograde amnesia.

When Billy meets with his therapist, he makes statements showing that he likes to manipulate other people, is a good liar, and always needs immediate gratification. Billy's disregard for social norms and the feelings of others means that his therapist is most likely to diagnose him with ________ personality disorder.


Hearing is also called


Raya has been knitting for many years and can knit without much attention or effort. Jade just started learning how to knit yesterday and it takes a lot of attention and effort for her to not make a mistake. For Raya, knitting is most likely a(n) ________ process, and for Jade, knitting is most likely a(n) ________ process.

automatic; controlled

ecause there are several factors in addition to vulnerability and stress that can lead to psychological disorders, many psychologists today rely on

biopsychosocial approach.

The area where the optic nerve leaves the retina is referred to as the

blind spot

The area where the optic nerve leaves the retina is referred to as the

blind spot.

A string of 16 digits (1776149217872014) is difficult to remember. If a person breaks them up into four groups of four digits (1776, 1492, 1787, and 2014), these numbers are easier to remember, due to the effect of


Mario has always tended to have "love-hate" relationships with people who are close to him and constantly worries about people leaving him. Thus, he smothers them with affection only to feel rejected and disappointed when they back away from this behavior. Mario has threatened to commit suicide several times and most people view him as emotionally unstable. Based on this, Mario might be diagnosed with ________ personality disorder.


Trait theories, like the five-factor theory, are important because they

can predict a wide variety of behaviors.

When people group several concepts together, such as baseball, basketball, and football, based on the shared property of being so-called ball sports, they are creating a ________ of the concepts.


The brain and the spinal cord make up the ________ nervous system.


According to the elaboration likelihood model, persuasion occurs through the ________ routes.

central and peripheral

Implicit procedural memories are stored in the part of the brain called the


Nicole frequently has panic attacks. She knows that she is having an attack when she experiences all of the following EXCEPT

chest pain lasting for hours

Jenn is daydreaming during class about what she will eat for dessert tonight. She decides she will make chocolate cake, and her mouth begins to water just thinking about how delicious it will taste. Her mouth-watering response is due to

classical conditioning.

People see the figure ( ) as an oval rather than two separate curving lines. Which Gestalt principle explains this outcome?


The ________ domain relates to how we think, reason, and communicate.


Casey eats a lot of junk food. She knows the negative consequences of her diet, but she rationalizes her behavior by saying the junk food helps her deal with her anxiety. Casey is using this explanation because she is uncomfortable with the inconsistency between her behavior and her beliefs. Which of the following principles explains Casey's explanation the best?

cognitive dissonance

Children raised to have connections with their family and follow societal norms are more likely to be from a(n) ________ culture.


Kara explains to her roommate why Harry Harlow's experiments were so important to explaining an infant's socio-emotional development. Kara correctly says that Harlow's results demonstrate that

comforting touch is more important than food, particularly when an infant is stressed.

When a person experiences two or more disorders at the same time it is called


Professor Kraig is known for his difficult quizzes, which automatically make the students anxious. Immediately before each quiz, he always turns off the projector. Students soon notice that they start to feel anxious when Professor Kraig turns off the projector. In terms of classical conditioning, Professor Kraig turning off the projector is a(n)

conditioned stimulus.

Which of the following is most sensitive to different colors?


When all participants in her class said they liked to dance, Jill reported liking to dance, too, even though she dislikes dancing. The way Jill reported an opinion that differed from her private preferences about dancing so that her opinion matched that of her classmates is an example of


If you study in the same room in which you take an exam, you will probably do better on the exam than if you had studied elsewhere. This outcome occurs because of ________ memory.


Dolores has severe epilepsy and must undergo a procedure to disconnect the left hemisphere of her brain from the right to prevent the epilepsy from spreading. During this procedure, doctors will surgically cut the fibers that connect the two hemispheres of the brain, which are called the

corpus callosum.

The more time Annie devoted to studying, the better her scores on exams. This fact illustrates a(n)


Jacob has to write an essay for his writing course and decides to write about a boy who is actually a wizard. When his teacher reads the essay, she realizes that Jacob got the idea from a popular book. Jacob denies this, honestly believing that he thought of the idea himself. Jacob is experiencing


Marilyn is very skilled at crossword puzzles, in part because she has a lot of knowledge about crosswords that she acquired through experience. Her knowledge of crossword puzzle words reflects ________ intelligence.


When Ellen learns that her roommate will be an international student from Britain, she is worried that her roommate will be stiff and reserved. Ellen is surprised when Diana turns out to be upbeat and friendly. Diana's behavior goes against Ellen's beliefs about how people from Britain express emotions and has violated her

cultural display rules.

When Milgram modified his shock experiment so that the experimenter gave the teacher orders over the telephone, the level of obedience


After a riot, several people were arrested. One asked, "How can you single me out of the crowd?" Another said, "Wow, I didn't think I would get caught!" These comments reveal that the rioters had most likely been experiencing


Binocular disparity is about

different views from each eye

Binocular disparity is about

different views from each eye.

Which of the following has been shown to help people manage pain?


Raul has no motivation to read the chapters from his biology textbook that were assigned for homework. According to the Premack principle, Raul could reinforce his textbook reading by doing which of the following?

doing something enjoyable after he reads

Kat wants a new laptop. She asks her parents to buy a $2,500 laptop. When they refuse, she suggests that they buy her a used laptop for $500, which they do. By starting out with a higher-priced item, knowing her parents will think the lower-priced item is a more reasonable request, Kat is using the ________ strategy to get her parents to buy her a laptop.


Which of the following is an aspect of temperament?


When you are reading your textbook, your brain changes the words you are reading into a meaningful neural code that it can use. In memory, this process is called


This past week, Nick has had to wake up early for work and stay at work late, so he has been deprived of a good night's sleep. During the weekend, Nick can finally sleep in late. He will most likely

enter REM sleep quickly and have more REM dreams.

According to structuralism, the goal of psychology is to

explore the basic elements of the conscious experience.

Sam does not try hard at work, because he believes that promotions are completely random and that he has no control over whether he will get promoted. According to expectancy theory, Sam most likely has a(n) ________ locus of control.


If Pavlov repeatedly presented the conditioned stimulus, the metronome, without the unconditioned stimulus, the food, the dogs would stop salivating to the sound of the metronome. In classical conditioning, this process is called


Sarah wants to do well in class because she is earning credit toward graduation. Joe wants to do well in class because he gets pleasure from learning new material. Sarah is influenced by ________ motivation. Joe is influenced by ________ motivation.

extrinsic; intrinsic

On the weekends, Sarah prefers to hang out in noisy, crowded bars, whereas her friend Justin prefers cozy, calm coffee shops. Sarah finds the coffee shop boring. According to biological explanations of personality, Sarah is most likely an ________ with an underaroused ________.

extrovert; reticular activating system

Ouch! You just got a small cut from a piece of paper. The sharp sting travels along ________ pain fibers, which are ________.

fast; myelinated

Which of the following best describes problem solving?

finding a way around an obstacle to reach a goal

When a neuron is stimulated enough, it

fires an action potential.

Reinforcement that comes after a predetermined amount of time is called a

fixed interval.

Cory performs well at the word game Scrabble because he is good at solving problems and rearranging letters quickly to form many words. These skills reveal his ________ intelligence.


When his sister becomes pregnant, Tyrone learns the effect of teratogens, which include all of the following EXCEPT

folic acid.

Professor Leeds asked his students to sign a petition for a community center. Later, he asked the students who signed the petition if they would come to the center and tutor a child. Professor Leeds has just used what technique to get the students to help?


Patient H. M. had part of his medial temporal lobes, including the hippocampus, removed to eliminate seizures. After his surgery, H. M. could no longer

form new explicit memories.

Peggy's parents are amazed at how much their daughter has changed. Over the past year, she became interested in doing chemistry experiments. Peggy predicts what will happen when she combines two chemicals together and then observes the results to see whether her hypothesis was correct. Peggy is most likely in the ________ stage of cognitive development.

formal operational

Melody is looking at the dosage instructions written in tiny print on a medicine bottle. She will most likely be able to read the instructions if she looks at the words with her ________ because it has the largest number of ________.

fovea; cones

A higher-pitched sound is one that is higher in ________, which is measured in ________.

frequency; hertz

Karl was posting signs on campus and he ran out of tape to put up the last sign. He could not figure out another way to put up the sign even though he was chewing gum and could have used the gum to put up the sign. Karl most likely did not come up with this solution because of

functional fixedness.

When explaining other people's behavior, the tendency to overemphasize personality traits and underestimate situation factors is referred to as the

fundamental attribution error

Troy finds it very hard to lose weight. No matter how often he exercises, he keeps gaining weight instead of losing it. He thinks that he has a genetic predisposition to be overweight, which has most likely made him sensitive to the hunger-promoting effects of


The sense of taste is also called


Robert becomes anxious during exams. He has found that chewing on the eraser on his pencil while he thinks helps him to calm down. Over time, Robert's pencil chewing is likely to become a(n)


When Sarita first moved into her dorm room, she would get distracted by other students chatting in the hall outside her room. After two months of repeated exposure to conversations in the hallway, Sarita does not get distracted anymore. Sarita has learned through


Phoenix hears voices in his head that tell him to punch holes in the walls of his room. Because Phoenix perceives the voices without an external auditory stimulus, he is experiencing


Rachel has a disorder that is characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication. She has trouble understanding other people's mental states and often performs strange hand movements. Rachel most likely

has an autism spectrum disorder.

To treat his epilepsy, doctors sever Liam's corpus callosum. As a result, Liam will

have a split brain.

Donato and Quincy are identical twins who were separated at birth. Donato tends to be fearful of many things. According to the research on genetics and negative emotions, you would expect Quincy to have ________ levels of fear.


Every morning, Jeannine's bathroom scale tells her that she weighs 120 pounds. However, when she go to the doctor's office, the very accurate professional scale says she weighs 130 pounds. Jeannine's bathroom scale has ________ reliability and ________ validity.

high; low

Endocrine glands release


Endocrine glands release


According to Erikson's psychosocial development theory, individuals experience the crisis of ________ during the adolescent years, where they face the challenge of addressing questions about who they are.

identity versus role confusion

In Sherif and his colleagues' study on ingroup and outgroup social behavior, they found that by simply dividing boys into two groups and having the groups compete against each other, they could

increase hostility and prejudice between groups.

Carla just took an amphetamine, which means that her heart rate and blood pressure will


The action of neurotransmitters is ________ by agonists and is ________ by antagonists.

increased; decreased

As you sleep through the night, REM sleep

increases relative to the other stages.

Stimulant drugs have all of the following effects EXCEPT

increasing sleep.

The variable that a researcher manipulates in an experiment is called the

independent variable.

Camden is explaining all the different stages of development he has learned in his introductory psychology class. Which of the following is the correct order for all the periods of human development?

infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood

A myelin sheath is a fatty layer that protects the axon, so it is most like the

insulation around a wire.

Joe is nearing the end of his life. He reflects on his past, focusing on how he spent his whole life working long hours at his job. As a result, he is struggling with whether his life has been well lived. Joe is most likely experiencing the ________ stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development.

integrity versus despair

Though it appears to be negative, guilt can actually serve to protect and strengthen our interpersonal relationships. All of the following are examples of this protective concept EXCEPT when guilt

is used to manipulate others.

Sampson is a physician who sees many elderly patients. He is likely to notice decreases in their cognitive functioning in all of the following ways EXCEPT

knowledge of basic facts.

John and Danielle want to get a stimulating mobile for their newborn son's crib. If they want him to see the objects, what should they attach to the strings?

large black-and-white shapes

Simone's desk at her new job is right next to an air conditioner. After a week of being chilly, she brings a sweater to work. Simone's change in behavior, which is based on her prior experience, is an example of


A split-brain client is shown a frog in her right visual field. The information is processed by the ________ side of her ________ lobe.

left; occipital

Which of the following models of memory best illustrates the idea that our memory enhances by encoding the information with a deeper understanding?

levels of processing model

Short-term storage has a(n)

limited capacity.

Roberto's grandmother has Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, you would expect to see too ________ of the neurotransmitter ________ in her brain.

little; acetylcholine

During the famous experiment with "Little Albert," Albert learned to fear rats when researchers used classical conditioning and presented a

loud sound as the unconditioned stimulus

During the famous experiment with "Little Albert," Albert learned to fear rats when researchers used classical conditioning and presented a

loud sound as the unconditioned stimulus.

Sheldon and Amy met on an online dating site. In his profile, Sheldon describes himself as stubborn, competitive, and argumentative. According to the Big Five trait theory, Sheldon is most likely

low in agreeableness.

Reveille just got a new bank account password: 979tamu. She repeats the code over and over, keeping the information maintained in long-term storage by using

maintenance rehearsal.

Nora and Miles are studying for an exam. Nora makes flash cards to memorize new terms and repeatedly reads them to herself. Miles links new terms to the ones he already knows based on their meanings. Nora is using ________ and Miles is using ________ to learn the terms.

maintenance rehearsal; elaborative rehearsal

In order to meet the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5, people with bipolar I disorder must experience

mania only.

Basic survival functions such as heart rate are controlled by the hindbrain structure called the


When Dave started driving, he had to use a navigation system to get around his city. Over time, Dave could drive through his city without the navigation system because he knew the names of all the roads and had a visual image in his mind of where they are. Dave has most likely developed a ________ of his city.

mental map

Your history professor wants to help students learn how to write a high-quality research paper, so he posts an example of an "A" paper on the course website. You use this example as a template when writing your own paper. You have used ________ to write a good research paper.


Mr. Griffin has a class full of students with high achievement motivation. To help these students do well on his calculus exam, Mr. Griffin should write questions that are

moderately difficult.

In contrast to dreams occurring during non-REM sleep, dreams that happen during REM sleep are

more emotional and more illogical.

The somatic nervous system allows

movement of the muscles and joints.

After finishing elementary school, Mia moved to a new school district for middle school. Almost none of her friends from elementary school came with her to the new school. She feels anxious and quickly joins an after-school club. What motive may be driving Mia's behavior?

need to belong

Dwight is very apathetic toward others. He does not show much outward emotion, his speech is slow, and he speaks in a monotone. If Dwight has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, then what he is displaying are ________ symptoms.


In operant conditioning, removing a stimulus to increase a behavior in the future is called

negative reinforcement.

Tripp is serving a 10-year prison sentence when he is informed by his parole board that he is getting out of jail early for good behavior. If the early release has the effect of increasing Tripp's good behavior in the future, then decrease of time in prison is an example of

negative reinforcement.

The basic building blocks of the nervous system are the


Chemical substances that carry messages from one neuron to the next are called


While he was heading home from work one day, Ibrahim was pulled over by a police officer. During the interaction, he was extremely stressed, causing his pulse to accelerate and his pulse and blood pressure to increase. Which neurotransmitter caused these physiological changes?


When we conform or go along with what the group does because we want to be liked, it is often due to ________ influence.


Stanley Milgram's shock experiment illustrates the phenomenon of


Research has found that the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder may be linked to all of the following EXCEPT

observational learning.

Jane Goodall systematically watched and recorded the behavior of chimpanzees in their natural environment. She was conducting

observational studies.

Fernando cannot stop worrying that a thief is going to break into his apartment, so he keeps checking the doors to make sure they are locked. Fernando's worrisome thoughts about a break-in are a(n) ________. The fact that Fernando checks the locks over and over is a(n) ________.

obsession; compulsion

Lulu has a hard time sitting still and concentrating when doing her homework. Lulu's father says to her, "If you can sit still and focus for 10 minutes and get these three math problems right then we can play soccer together for a while." Lulu's father is trying to motivate a change in her behavior by

offering Lulu an incentive to finish the math homework.

The sense of smell is also called


Consciousness is best defined as

one's subjective experiences of the external world and one's mental activity.

Antoinette is a real risk taker. She loves to skydive, and she can party all night. Benita dislikes risk taking and prefers quieter activities, such as reading and yoga. These contrasting preferences in the rate of physiological activation they experience suggest that Antoinette and Benita differ in their

optimal levels of arousal.

While moving into a new apartment, Cole needed to hold the door open but he did not have a doorstop. Instead, he used his heavy potted plant to prop open the door. Cole solved this problem by

overcoming functional fixedness.

Structures on the tongue that contain groupings of taste buds are called


Sherry is distrusting of the government and is suspicious that it has had her apartment bugged to hear what she is doing when she is at home. Sherry's odd behavior is consistent with personality disorders in the eccentric cluster, specifically ________ personality disorder.


Alyssa and Amara's first year together was intense and arousing. Three years later, their relationship involves deep caring and intimacy. Alyssa and Amara's relationship has moved from ________ love to ________ love.

passionate; companionate

A mood disorder characterized by mildly or moderately depressed moods that persists for two years or more is called

persistent depressive disorder.

According to the psychodynamic approach, children feel unconscious impulses toward their parents of the opposite sex during the ________ stage of psychosexual development.


The brain area that releases melatonin is the

pineal gland.

If a key is pressed on a piano, the frequency of the resulting sound will determine the ________, and the amplitude will determine the ________ of the perceived musical note.

pitch; loudness

In Thorndike's puzzle box, a trapped cat had to perform a specific action in order to escape. Thorndike ________ the box in order to encourage the cat to try to escape.

placed food outside

Dion keeps having nightmares and flashbacks about his time in the military. His chronic anxiety is most likely due to which disorder?

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Kaya is crying because her teddy bear fell off the kitchen table and bumped its nose. She pretends to be "Mommy" and goes to the cupboard for a Band-Aid to put on the bear's hurt nose. Because Kaya's thinking is intuitive and not logical, she is most likely in the ________ stage of cognitive development.


Ali's previous boyfriend was named Sam and her new boyfriend is named Stan. When she accidentally calls her new boyfriend by the name Sam, she explains to him that her mistake was due to

proactive interference.

Your rent is due, but you are short $100. You find a way around this obstacle to meet the goal of paying the rent by offering to clean your friend's house for $100. You now have enough money to pay your rent. To reach your goal, you have just used the thinking strategy of

problem solving

Becca is trying to teach her three-year-old son Cole how to ride a bicycle. Although she knows how to ride a bike, Becca is having a hard time verbalizing the steps to her son. Becca is struggling with trying to explain her ________ memory of riding a bike.


Which of the following is a type of implicit memory?

procedural memory

Jim and Phil are changing the oil in Jim's car. Jim is trying to remember all the actions involved in changing the oil. Phil is trying to remember the first time he ever changed the oil in his car. Jim is trying to recall a ________ memory and Phil is trying to recall a(n) ________ memory

procedural; episodic

The Rorschach inkblot test is an example of a(n) ________ measure of personality.


The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is an example of a(n) ________ measure of personality.


On her way to work, Julia's wife reminds her that she needs to pick up milk on her way home from work. To remember to pick up milk on her way home, Julia should use her ________ memory.


Lina finds Shad, who is in her book club that meets twice a week, very attractive. Lina might have developed interests in Shad because of ________, which is based on the principle of ________.

proximity; the mere exposure effect

Noreen believes that our behavior often reflects unconscious motives and conflicts. This viewpoint is most consistent with the ________ approach in psychology.


Which of the following sampling techniques gives each member of the population an equal chance of being selected to participate?

random sampling

Gwen has always experienced extreme anxiety regarding tests. After seeing a counselor, she learned how to regulate her emotions during exam week. Instead of thinking about the exams as a threat, she thinks of the exams as an opportunity to show how thoroughly she studied and how much she knows. Which strategy is Gwen using to regulate her emotions?


Some types of depressant drugs are specifically used for

relieving worry.

If Carl's episodic long-term memory was impaired, he would be unable to

remember details of his own personal life.

Samantha tells her roommate that negative reinforcement and negative punishment are similar because they

remove a stimulus.

The ________ is a thin inner surface behind the eyeball and it contains sensory receptors.


You study Spanish during high school but then take Portuguese when you are in college. Now, whenever you try to recall a word in Spanish, Portuguese keeps coming to your mind. This result is most likely due to

retroactive interference.

A person who has experienced the loss of past memories may be experiencing

retrograde amnesia.

When determining whether a research project is ethical, researchers and the institutional review board consider the ________ as part of the mandate to protect participants from harm.

risk/benefit ratio

Some people experience significant depressive symptoms only during the winter months, a disorder informally called

seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Which style of attachment shown by 60-65 percent of infants indicates that they are readily comforted by the caregiver during times of distress and are comfortable playing in an unfamiliar environment as long as the caregiver is present?


Our memories, beliefs, and generalizations about the self are integrated to make up our


Hogan remembers the general information about a movie he saw a long time ago. He cannot remember the actors or the details from the movie but knows that it was a romantic comedy. Hogan's memory of this movie is a(n) ________ memory.


The sense organs' detection of external physical stimuli is called ________, whereas further processing, organizing, and interpreting of those stimuli in the brain is called ________.

sensation; perception

Darryl thinks that playing peek-a-boo is hilarious! He does not know where his mom goes during the game, but it excites him when he sees her face again. Darryl is most likely in Piaget's ________ stage of development.


Which of the following is the memory storage that very briefly maintains the physical characteristics of a stimulus?

sensory memory

Chris is looking for his friend in a crowd of people at a concert. As he scans the crowd, he often blinks but still retains a brief visual image of many of the faces in the crowd for a very brief time. Chris is able to maintain this visual information due to the function of his

sensory storage.

Makenna is starting her first job as a teacher. She is considering how to use goals to effectively encourage persistence and concentration, and to increase student motivation. Makenna should

set challenging and specific goals that are not too difficult or too easy

Ruth has weighed 130 pounds all her adult life. During her pregnancy, she gained 25 pounds. After having her baby, Ruth's weight returned naturally to 130 pounds. For Ruth, 130 pounds is a(n) ________, and her body went back to it through the process of ________.

set point; homeostasis

George Miller discovered that short-term memory is limited to ________ plus or minus ________ items, or chunks of information.

seven; two

Meredith has been experiencing bad moods and impaired mental abilities. Her symptoms are most likely related to

sleep deprivation.

The thalamus receives nearly all sensory information before relaying it to the cortex. What is the one sensation that is the exception to this rule?


Elena is working on a team project for her computer science class. Although the entire team is responsible for the project, some people do not feel personally responsible for contributing to it. Because of this, some team members do not complete their assigned tasks. This is most likely due to

social loafing

When you paint with a paintbrush, your brain sends messages to your finger muscles so that your fingers move in specific ways. This example illustrates the functions of the ________ system.

somatic nervous

A conditioned stimulus is

something that causes a response after learning takes place.

Your child wakes up during the first hour or two after going to bed and walks around his room with a glassy-eyed look. Based on this information, your child most likely has a sleep disorder called


Last year, Martina was in love with Robert, but they broke up a few months ago. Today in the mall, Martina smells someone wearing the same cologne that Robert always wore. She is immediately filled with positive feelings, which is most likely due to

spontaneous recovery

Last year, Martina was in love with Robert, but they broke up a few months ago. Today in the mall, Martina smells someone wearing the same cologne that Robert always wore. She is immediately filled with positive feelings, which is most likely due to

spontaneous recovery.

When re-creating Mischel's famous marshmallow delay-of-gratification study, Art finds that children who successfully wait to eat the marshmallow are LEAST likely to

stare at the marshmallow.

The increased ability to retrieve memories that occurs when one's internal states during encoding and his or her internal states during recall match is called

state-dependent memory.

Because she heard that her blind date was an accounting major, Cynthia imagined that he would be conservative, humorless, and dull. Cynthia's generalization of what an accounting student is like is an example of a(n)


Larry wants to see whether he can influence his students' test scores. When he gives his students their English test, he says, "Tall students tend to perform worse than short students on this test." Indeed, the tall students do get lower scores on the test. These results provide support for the existence of

stereotype threat.

Jack uses classical conditioning to teach his dog Luna to sit whenever Jack says "Sit." But now, anything that Jack says that is similar to "Sit" causes Luna to show the conditioned response of sitting. This is most likely the result of

stimulus generalization

Your friend Phia is one month pregnant. You tell her to eliminate any exposure to teratogens right now, because they could harm the embryo. When she asks what they could do to the embryo, you say that, right now, the teratogens could cause problems with

structural development of the baby's spine or brain.

Fred wants to be a lawyer. To achieve this goal, Fred realizes he will have to graduate from law school. He also knows that to go to law school, he will have to graduate from college. So, he decides that his first step toward his goal of being a lawyer is to apply to college. To solve his problem, Fred is using


Andy is an angry child whose aggressive behavior has gotten him into trouble. His parents decide to get him involved in sports to channel some of this anger into a healthier and more productive outlet. According to the psychodynamic theory of personality, his parents are trying to use the defense mechanism of


In an experiment, researchers found that when given the word pair ocean-moon, followed by the word detergent, participants typically said the word tide. When asked to explain their word choice, participants were unaware that the word pair had influenced their responses. This supports the concept of

subliminal perception.

When you encounter a person who does not fit into a stereotype, you may create a special category for that person instead of revising your stereotype. This practice is called


When you brainstorm a list of words and concepts that are related to your personality traits, you are writing words that are related to an abstract mental concept. Because of this you are using a(n) ________ representation.


Your body is prepared for defensive action by the ________ system.

sympathetic nervous

Nasim is driving on a snow-covered road, and her car begins to slide. The quick behavioral response and the increased heart rate and respiration she experiences are most likely due to the ________ nervous system. The feeling of relief and decrease in heart rate and respiration once she has the car under control again are most likely due to the ________ nervous system

sympathetic; parasympathetic

Water splashed on your skin provides ________ stimulation.


Auditory information is processed in the ________ lobes of the cerebral cortex


The primary auditory cortex is located in which brain lobe?


Julia is pregnant and she wants to keep healthy throughout her pregnancy. Since her house is old, she has it checked for lead paint because she is afraid of the effect of ________ on the fetus.


After transduction, the neural signals of vision, hearing, taste, and touch all pass through the


The minimum intensity of sensory stimulation required before a sensation is detected 50 percent of the time is called

the absolute threshold

The minimum intensity of sensory stimulation required before a sensation is detected 50 percent of the time is called

the absolute threshold.

Some mental shortcuts can cause errors in thinking. For example, simply because you can remember an example of something very quickly and easily does not mean that you should rely on that information in making accurate probability judgments. This error in thinking reflects

the availability heuristic.

When running through the airport, Collin trips and spills all of his stuff out of his backpack. Lots of people see Collin trip and fall, but no one helps Collin pick up any of his stuff or checks to see if he is okay. The fact that others do not help in this case is best explained by

the bystander intervention effect.

Family relationships, personality, and genetic factors that might contribute to psychological disorders would be elements that psychologists who follow ________ would consider.

the diathesis-stress model

The minimum amount of change required for a person to detect a difference between two stimuli is referred to as

the difference threshold.

Fred wants to clean his room. Just as he starts, his roommate asks him to fix his computer. Then his boyfriend asks him to fix his car. Finally, Fred starts to clean his room, but his best friend asks him to help move a couch. Fred angrily throws the cleaning supplies and curses. Fred's aggressive behavior is best explained by

the frustration-aggression hypothesis

Freud thought that anxiety resulted from conflict between ________ and ________.

the id; the superego

Dualism is the classic idea in psychology that

the mind and the brain are separate entities

Dualism is the classic idea in psychology that

the mind and the brain are separate entities.

A prototype includes ________ in a category. An exemplar includes ________ in the category.

the most typical concept; all examples of concepts

One part of the neuron covers and protects it much like insulation protects water pipes so that they do not freeze in winter. In a neuron this protective covering is called

the myelin sheath.

Bob has a negative attitude toward healthy eating. Bob's doctor describes research showing that healthy eating can help him live longer. Bob does not pay attention to what the doctor is saying, but he is impressed by his doctor's confidence and intelligence, so he changes his attitude toward healthy eating. Bob has changed his attitude based on

the peripheral route to persuasion

To remember her nine-digit Social Security number, Alyssa uses her working memory to place the numbers into three groups. In addition, each group of three or four digits is easy to remember because it is meaningful. Alyssa's strategy in remembering her Social Security number illustrates

the power of chunking.

Circadian rhythms can best be described as

the regulation of biological cycles into regular, daily patterns

Circadian rhythms can best be described as

the regulation of biological cycles into regular, daily patterns.

Which of the following is the best definition of psychology?

the study of mental activity and behavior based on brain processes

In correlational studies, it is always possible that an unmeasured factor is responsible for the relationship observed. This complication is known as

the third variable problem.

Research on interpersonal attraction has shown that people will be more attracted to each other if

their backgrounds, interests, and values are very similar.

According to the learned helplessness model of depression, some people with depression

think they have no control over the outcomes of events they experience.

Whenever two-year-old Abby uses the toilet, her mom puts a sticker on a chart. When the sticker chart is full, Abby is allowed to pick out a toy from the store. Using the sticker as a secondary reinforcer means that this is a type of

token economy.

Daniel is learning how to read, and because the box just delivered to his door contains a pizza, he realizes that the unfamiliar word he sees on the box must be pizza. Daniel is using

top-down processing.

Dara is always on the move! She has a hard time sitting still in her desk at school and often has difficulty finding classmates to play with because she misses social cues and is impulsive. Based on this, Dara is most likely to be diagnosed with

ttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

In Pavlov's research, dogs learned that the sound of a metronome predicted the arrival of food, so the dogs salivated at the sound of the metronome. In this research, classical conditioning occurred in part because the ________ elicited a(n) ________ response (salivation).

unconditioned stimulus (food); unconditioned

Eleanor wants to use classical conditioning to teach her students to run to the closet when the "intruder alert" sounds at their school. To be successful, Eleanor must begin the learning process with a(n)

unconditioned stimulus.

Joseph uses classical conditioning to teach his sister to be afraid of squirrels. To be successful, he must pair the neutral stimulus, the squirrel, with a(n) ________, such as ________.

unconditioned stimulus; a loud noise

Eysenck proposed that the extraversion/introversion dimension of personality is related to activation in the brain. Relative to their optimal level of arousal, extraverts tend to be chronically ________, which is related to activity in the ________.

under-aroused; reticular activating system

A genotype is ________, whereas a phenotype is ________.

underlying; observed

The purpose of psychology is to

understand and predict human behavior.

Josh is having trouble deciding which of two pairs of shoes to buy. Donna tells him that when she could not decide which of two sweaters to buy, she decided to buy both sweaters. Josh realizes that buying both pairs of shoes will solve his problem as well. Josh ________ to solve his problem.

used an analogy

Which of the following best describes reasoning?

using information to determine if a conclusion is valid or reasonable

Parvati is a competitive gymnast at the Olympic trials. She is highly motivated to perform her absolute best, which results in a highly aroused state. Given your knowledge of the effects of arousal on performance, the best advice you can give Parvati is that she should calm down because

very high arousal can hurt her performance.

Yang watched her brother pray before eating and heard their mother praise him for praying. Thus, Yang has learned to pray before eating a meal. Yang's praying is most likely a result of

vicarious conditioning

Yang watched her brother pray before eating and heard their mother praise him for praying. Thus, Yang has learned to pray before eating a meal. Yang's praying is most likely a result of

vicarious conditioning.

If you want to see differences in people's personalities, you should observe their behaviors in ________ situations.


Self-esteem is ________ related to objective life outcomes, such as being successful in one's work.


You get to your car and realize you have lost your keys. So you think of the last time you saw your keys and retrace your steps from that point. You are using the problem-solving technique of ________ to help find your keys.

working backward

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