PSY Final Exam

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All of the following are drawbacks of self-report measures of personality, except

All of the answer choices are drawbacks of self-report measures of personality

Will tells his psychologist he is planning to murder his father. What steps is Will's psychologist legally required to take in most states

All the answer choices are steps Will's psychologist is legally required to take in most states

Tartal is cognitive-behavioral therapist who often asks her clients to keep thought logs/automatic thought records. Which of the following is Dr. Tartal least likely to include in the thought logs/automatic thought records

All these are likely to be included by Dr. Tartal in a thought log/automatic thought record.

In Pavlov's studies of classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus was one that caused

An unlearned response or reflex

Daliah is a 22-year old adult who likes to share a lot of personal information with others. According to Freud, what psychosexual stage may she be fixated in


Jack has been arrested 3 times for starting physical fights. Jack often lies to the people in his life and acts without forethought. Jack is most likely to be diagnosed with

Antisocial personality disorder

The use of the acronym OCEAN to help remember the Big Five personality traits is an example of what type of memory-enhancing strategy

Mnemonic device

Nia was discussing the latest Netflix shows with her new friends. Her friends started talking about The Office, and called it the best TV show of all time. Although Nia had never seen the office, she agreed with her friends in an effort to be liked. What is this form of influence called

Normative influence

Bandura's experiment where children watched adults interact aggressively with a doll and then mimicked these interactions when they were allowed to play with the doll is an example of what time of learning


As discussed in lecture, which of the following traits is least likely to change with age


The process of learning in which the consequences of a behavior determine the probability that the behavior will be repeated is called

Operant Conditioning

Melanie likes her sandwich to be sliced into two pieces. She understands that this is still the same amount of food that her younger sister has, even though her sister's sandwich is not sliced. Melanie's younger sister, however, is angry because she now thinks Melanie has more food than she does. This is an example of


Dr. Patel is a personality psychologist who tests if Western ideas about personality generalize to and have cultural validity in South Asian cultures. Which approach to personality is she using

Cultural-comparative approach

Which of the following is an intrusive non-pharmacological treatment

Deep brain stimulation

Arturo's therapist teaches him a technique to distance himself from his thoughts. This technique is known as


Johnny is angry at his boss for making him come in on the weekends to work. He's so angry that he comes home and kicks his dog. What type of defense mechanism is this


What neuro transmitter is important if there is an injury and pain relief is necessary


Remembering the events of your first day of college would be an example of _______memory


If a researcher wants to understand if eating more bananas causes increased irritability, what type of study should they perform


Grecia has an intense fear of clowns and seeks help from a mental health professional to overcome this fear. What is the most effective form of therapy for Grecia

Exposure therapy

When a previously learned behavior disappears because the conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus, it is called


is the recall of false autobiographical memories

False memory syndrome

Exposure to alcohol when the mother drinks during her pregnancy, especially during days 19-20 of gestation, can produce a very serious condition that includes physical and mental deficits, as well as other developmental problems. What is this condition called

Fetal alcohol syndrome

In Charlie Sheen's rant, he displays the following symptom of mania

Flight of ideas

There is currently an effort to better understand prejudice in our society. What does research suggest is the best way to reduce stereotypes

For the majority group to practice perspective taking and for the minority group to practice perspective giving

During adolescence in to emerging adulthood, this part of the brain is still developing,which ultimately leads to better decision-making and less impulsivity throughout theremainder of the life span

Frontal lobe

Susie's mom wants to be "the fun mom" and allows Susie to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Susie's mom is demonstrating which type of parenting


Brenda recently got into a bad car accident. Since then, traumatic memories from thataccident keep getting stuck in her head and come up involuntarily. This is an example of


Over the past three years, Aaliyah has lost interest in her usual activities, lost 30 pounds, had difficulty falling asleep, difficulty concentrating, and had thoughts of suicide. Which of the following diagnoses would Aaliyah most likely receive from a mental health professional

Persistent depressive disorder

Every time her husband pays her a compliment, Sarah looks him in the eye and smiles at him. This is an example of:

Positive reinforcement

At what level of moral development would Kohlberg place someone who reasons that Heinz should steal the drug to save his wife because her life is more important than the pharmacist making money

Post-conventional morality

Food, water, and shelter have innate reinforcing qualities and represent types of

Primary reinforcers

Ezra got a new phone number but keeps giving out his old phone number on accident when people ask him. This is an example of _______ interference


Depending on the psychological condition, biomedical therapy often works best when combined with


Fill in the blank questions are to ___________, as multiple-choice questions are to_________

Recall; recognition

When new information hinders the recall of previously learned information, this is thought of as

Retroactive interference

Johnnie was in a car accident that caused trauma to her brain. After the accident, Johnnie could no longer recognize her husband of 15 years; she did not know who he is. Johnnie is likely suffering from

Retrograde amnesia

Students register for a study in which they will be quizzed on various topics, the students disregard the impact of the situation and incorrectly determine that the questioner's knowledge is greater than their own. This is an example of which of the following

Fundamental attribution error

A group of individuals are currently robbing a bank. One of the robbers shoots a bank employee to gain access to the money vault. What kind of aggression is this

Instrumental aggression

Charlotte is aloof and has no interest in creating friends. Charlotte is most likely to be diagnosed with

Schizoid personality disorder

All of the following disorders have an underlying feature of anxiety, except


Which of the following senses is best described as a chemical sense


Which part is not considered part of the brain stem?


Martin, age 66, is an avid reader and can easily quote some of his favorite books and describe impressive details from his life. He might, however, not perform as well as his younger self on

a test of information-processing speed.

The study of "nature" in the nature-nurture debate is really the study of the _______ bases of behavior


Each of our 46 _______ have a sequence of DNA, made up of _______, which determine traits and physical characteristics

chromosomes; genes

Cillian can remember a great deal of numbers because he groups them all in sets of 3 and thinks of them as batting averages. He is using the technique of


Jonathan has a diagnoses of generalized anxiety disorder and depression. Jonathan has 2 _________ conditions


Looking for evidence to back up the way you already feel about something is an example of

confirmation bias

Mateo's parents were caring and provided him with unconditional love. According to Carl Rogers, Mateo is more likely to achieve


At the ________ level, people focus on laws and the importance of obeying authority, whereas at the ________ level, the focus is on ethics and univesal moral behavior

conventional; postconventional

Sophia firmly believes she is the queen of England despite contradictory evidence. Sophia is experiencing _________, which are a _________ symptom of schizophrenia

delusions; positive

The branchlike fibers extending in clusters from the neuron's cell body are called


Sugi is a pessimist who always manages to focus on negative perspectives. One day, Sugi's boyfriend breaks up with her. According to the _________ model, Sugi is more likely to develop symptoms of major depressive disorder


Madison needs to wrap a present but doesn't have any wrapping paper. She quickly searches the apartment and finds a brown grocery bag to use instead. This is an example of

divergent thinking

Humanism which developed as a reaction to the behaviorism and psychodynamic schools of psychology, emphasized that

each person is inherently good and motivated to be a healthy functioning individual

When Laila was younger, she used to fight over a toy with her sister but could only recognize her own "need" to have the toy. She couldn't understand that her sister was frustrated because she wanted it too. Laila has moved past thinking based on ________ to thinking based on ______

egocentrism; theory of mind

Stereotype is to thoughts as prejudice is to


Using algorithms to solve problems can be compared to

following the instruction manual

The biggest part of the brain, called the _______, contains the cerebral cortex, which is _______ in humans that other animals

forebrain; larger

Matthias watched his older brother get arrested for selling drugs. He followed the steps of the modeling process to know that he doesn't want to get involved with selling drugs himself. These steps are

attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation

Hwan is extremely afraid of flying but is looking forward to a Spring Break trip to the coast with his friends. He decides that driving would be safer, so he convinces his roommate to cancel his flight to join him in the car. He is making this decision based on a/an

availability heuristic

When April learned she is suffering from leukemia, she met with her doctor and said, "I'll do anything to get rid of my disease. I'll improve my diet, quit smoking, lose weight, anything; just make me better." April appears to be in the ________ stage of Kübler-Ross's stages of grief


In order for an experiment to be considered verifiable

it must be replicable by another researcher

Which sense pertains to body movement and awareness


Kyle from Mississippi asks Brandon from Boston if he wants a "coke," and Brandon says, "No thanks, I'll have a Sprite instead," even though Sprite cans were the only drinks Kyle had to offer. Brandon didn't understand that Kyle refers to all sodas and soft drinks as cokes. This is due to differences in


Kai is a Japanese international student who recently started his education at Mississippi State University. Kai is likely to rate himself _________ on extraversion than an American student


If you need to remember the names of all 50 states, the most recommended technique would be for you to

memorize five states at a time—group the information into a more manageable size

Which section of a research article includes an explanation of the procedures used to conduct the experiment


Confusing the source of information is called


Wendy's belief that rabbits are cute, fun, and intelligent animals is an example of a

natural concept

The sensory system that detects smells is


Contralateral control describes _______

one hemisphere's ability to receive sensations and control movement of the opposite side of the body

The idea the color coded in pairs of black-white, yellow-blue, and green-red is the basic premise of the

opponent-process theory

While asleep, Jesse's heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion are functioning without any conscious effort on his part. This is because a subdivision of the ___________ nervous system called the ____________ regulates these involuntary functions.

peripheral; autonomic nervous system

Which correctly describes the process of hearing

pinna - auditory canal - tympanic membrane - ossicles - cochlea - auditory nerve

Before entering 9th grade, Brooks had to have most of his clothes replaced because he had grown almost 3 inches since the previous year. The gland responsible for his growth is the

pituitary gland

Based on changes in the weather, bears typically hibernate for half the year. This is an example of an innate behavior, known as a


If an experiment can be easily replicated by another researcher and provide similar results, it is considered


Chelsea wants to know if the room temperature in the testing center affects participants test scores. In this experiment, the independent variable is

room temperature

Personality psychologists are most likely to use _________ to measure personality. This is because these tends to be the simplest, easiest, and most cost-effective approach


The first day Kim is in Nairobi she notices the honking, engine sounds, yelling, and other street noises. By the second day, however, she no longer notices these. Which of the following is the best explanation

sensory adaptation

Amy lines up 5 pennies in a row from left to right. Below each penny, she places a quarter. You are likely to perceive this as two rows of coins, rather than 10 separate objects because of the principle of


Congenital deafness is

something someone is born with

If a sound wave has a high amplitude, it will

sound loud

Sierra and her family are on vacation at the beach. They eat lasagna for dinner and then head out to the waves. Sierra tries boogie boarding and ends up swallowing a mouthful of salt water, which makes her sick to her stomach. The next time someone offers her lasagna, the thought of it makes Sierra feel sick. This is an example of a/an

taste aversion

Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs are all examples of ________ that cause damage to a developing baby


Most psychologists agree that intelligence is

the ability to use knowledge, learn from experience, and solve problems to adapt to new situations

Physiological changes such as those activated when Sarah hears spooky sounds while she's out for a run (her pupils dilate, her heart rate and blood pressure increases, etc.) are known as

the fight-or-flight response

If co-witnesses of a crime are permitted to talk to each other, they are prone to contaminate each other's memories. This is an example of

the misinformation effect

Adolph Hitler, who developed perhaps the most horrific of propaganda machines, observed that "the message must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands." Hitler most likely used ____________ to persuade

the peripheral route

A(n) _________ is a well-developed set of ideas that proposes an explanation for observed phenomena


In Solomon Asch's experiment, participants were less likely to conform when

they believed the confederates could not hear their responses

In the bridge study, men who crossed the suspension bridge were more likely to call the female on the bridge because

they misattributed the physiological response from crossing the bridge to romantic arousal

A synapse is a


A light and a shock are associated so the light now produces a fear response without presentation of the shock. If a new light that is similar to, but not identical to the original light produces the fear response, we have an example of


Amelia is generally impulsive and hostile. According to Eysenck, she would most likely be described as

high on psychoticism

Joe failed his first chemistry exam, but he perceives this failure as a challenge and has confidence in his abilities to ace the next chemistry exam. He studies resolutely and earns a 90 on his next exam. Joe has

high self-efficacy

The chemical substances that are secreted into the bloodstream by the endocrine system are known as


According to Erikson, individuals tend to focus on developing _________ inadolescence and then ________ during young adulthood

identity; intimacy

LaToya's friends drop by her house and insist she join them while they go prank some of the kids at their rival school. She knows she shouldn't go, but she hops in the car anyway. Her ________ behavior is better understood if you know about the developing adolescent brain


Alfred Adler proposed individuals completed 3 social tasks to overcome feelings of


Discovery of the Flynn effect resulted in our understanding that

intelligence as measured on IQ tests does not remain stable throughout time

Oprah is known for her ability to understand others and help them feel comfortable. What type of intelligence does she have a lot of


Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love proposes that love is composed of three distinct but interrelated components: intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment. The _________ and the _________ components are typically rather constant in close relationships; once they are established in a relationship they are apt to endure. However, ________ is considered to be less stable and much less predictable

intimacy; decision/commitment; passion

The _________ is a muscle that regulates the size of the pupil


In a normal distribution, _____% of the distribution is above the mean, and _____% of the distribution is below the mean

50; 50

Aisha is seeking psychotherapy services. You would recommend all the following to Aisha, except

A school counselor

Arya thinks of his friends as lazy when they are late to class. Whenever Arya is late to class, he passes his attributes his tardiness to bad weather, or traffic. Arya is demonstrating

Actor-observer bias

Who was the behaviorist that developed the Operant Conditioning Chamber (box)

B.F. Skinner

Mania is more severe in

Bipolar-1 than Bipolar-2

Which of the following is NOT one of the five stages of grief


The sense of touch includes four basic sensations. How do we experience other types of sensations, such as wetness

Complex sensations arise from the combined stimulation of several basic senses

Katie hates cats. She gets put in a group for a class project, and she finds out that her classmates also hate cats. After discussion about their hatred for cats, all members of the group hate cats even more than they did before being put in a group. What is this an example of

Group polarization

Which modality of treatment may be most accessible to Cai who is from a low-income family

Group therapy

In the movie Split, James McAvoy plays a character with the following personality disorder

He does not play a character with a personality disorder

Who of the following is least likely to face barriers to treatment

Jennifer, a 20-year-old Caucasian female from a middle-class family

learning is a form of learning that is not immediately expressed in an overt response. What is learned may not be demonstrated until there is a reason to use it


Who proposed a theory of moral development with three distinct levels, with each level representing a different degree of moral reasoning

Lawrence Kohlberg

Kelly got caught skipping class; Kelly's mother saw her at the mall having lunch with her friends in the middle of a school day. Kelly's license is then taken away from her to stop her from doing this in the future. This is an example of

Negative punishment

Nelly got caught skipping class; Nelly's mother saw her at the mall having lunch with her friends in the middle of a school day. Nelly's license is then taken away from her because of this behavior. This is an example of

Negative punishment

One-year old Madison's mother leaves the playroom so that Madison can explore her new environment. Madison shows clingy behavior when her mother attempts to leave and does not explore her new environment because she is too fearful. When her mother returns to the room, Madison is angry at her mother and difficult to comfort. Madison is likely showing what type of attachment to her mother

Secure attachment

Joseph is a high school freshmen trying out for the football team. To his surprise, he makes varsity as a freshman and attributes this accomplishment to all of his hard work during the summer. What is this an example of

Self-serving bias

Memory of extremely brief events, like the smell of French fries as you pass a McDonald's on the way to the corner store, are stored in _________ memory


_____ lasts less than a minute, whereas ________ holds information for extended periods of time, if not permanently

Short-term memory; long-term memory

Operant conditioning is to ________ as classical conditioning is to

Skinner; Pavlov

Dr. Rose has an Indian client who is reporting significant distress due to tension and strain. This client is most likely referring to issues with


Eyewitness testimony is vulnerable to _________ or effects of misinformation from external sources that leads to the creation of false memories


Father George Zervos has been called in to exorcise a young man who is hearing voices. What perspective is being used to understand what is happening with this young man


How does someone who has never been to a Starbucks before know to order and pay at the counter and then wait for their food to be ready

The individual already has a concept for casual dining restaurants and can apply this concept to Starbucks

Sai is seeing a clinician due to his strained relationship with his mother, who he feels is overly judgmental. During a session, Sai feels criticized by his clinician and lashes out with anger. According to Freud, what is this called


As discussed in lecture, which of the following is a risk factor for autism

Valproate (bipolar medication)

Observational learning is also referred to as

Vicarious learning or modeling

What differentiates light energy we can perceive visually from light energy we cannot perceive visually


After a sever car accident, Tristan struggles to comprehend what people are saying when they speak to him. He probably has damage to

Wernicke's area

Teratogens are

environmental agents that cause damage to thee developing fetus.

The study of how the same genotype may lead to different phenotypes is known as


If the experimenter knows who is in the experimental and control groups and treats them accordingly, she runs the risk of

experimenter bias

Two-thirds of typical conversations are about


If you put your finger inside of a newborn's hand, they will probably hold on tight because of the

grasping reflex

John is more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than his sister because boys

have a higher frequency of hyperactivity and more classroom disturbances

The term "latent learning" refers to learning that

learning that does not reveal itself until it is needed

Caleb uses the words "sofa" "soda" and "dinner" instead of "couch" "soft drink" and "supper." When the others in the conversations use the same words, the people talking have adopted the same


Martha needs 3 eggs from the store, so she thinks of a shoe filled with 3 eggs. This is an example the ________ technique

mnemonic word

The smallest unit of meaning in language is a


Dr. Nguyen is a family therapist who works to quickly resolve each family member's issues. Dr. Nguyen most likely uses

strategic family therapy

A stimulus presented below the absolute threshold is called


Bethanie has symptoms of major depressive disorder that cause significant problems in her life, but she does not meet criteria for the diagnosis. Bethanie could seek treatment for

subsyndromal disorder

As John is reading, he sees the words, but the letters in all the words evoke the experience of colors. This condition is called


Karen Horney disagreed with Freud's idea of penis envy, and suggested _________ envy in opposition to Freud's idea


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