PSY final

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A man has trouble hearing and is being tested for hearing aid. He is presented with tons of various intensities and is asked to indicate whether he did text a sound. The procedure is most similar to that used by researchers who are studying

Absolute thresholds

Suppose you wanted to test the hypothesis that viewing pornographic material increases aggressive behavior. The dependent variable would be

Aggressive behavior

As you leave class, you hear the professor mentioned that the next class will deal with the largest of the limbic system structures and one that is in place located in the acquisition of memories. The most likely topic for the next class will be the

Characteristics of the hippocampus

In loose terms, the decision as to whether a neuron will produce a response or not depends upon the

Excitatory and inhibitory input it receives

As an assignment for your experimental psychology class you have been asked to conduct a study that will yield a cause relationship between the independent and dependent variables. To complete this assignment, you must use the ________ method


The small adjustment that is necessary to help people synchronize the human internal "pacemaker" with a 24-hour cycle is brought about by

Exposure to sunlight

When caring out an experiment, the factor that the researcher manipulates is known as the _______ variable; the researcher measures the _________ variable

Independent; dependent

And acquaintance does not seem to have the capacity to make compliments to others. He never compromises, has no sense of responsibility, and seems to have a few close friends. According to Ericksons lifespan theory, he may not adequately resolve the crisis of

Intimacy versus isolation

Research on gender differences in depression has suggested that the relationship between rumination and depression

Is stronger in adolescent girls than adolescent boys

How does DSM deal with the concept of insanity?

It is not defined in the DSM

An executive's company requires her to engage in a lot of long-distance travel. At first, after a long trip she would experience fatigue, uncontrollable sleepiness, and a disruption of her sleep wake schedule that would continue for days. She probably was experiencing

Jet lag

Broca's Area in the brain is most closely associated with


A friend's grandmother is about to undergo electroconvulsive therapy. He is worried about what will happen to his grandmother, so he asks you what side effects can be expected. You should tell your friend that his grandmother will

Likely experience temporary disorientation and some memory problems

Traditional psychoanalysis is probably most appropriate for patients who have

Long-standing repressed memories

An older woman is celebrating her birthday. If she is like most people nearing the end of her life, she will

Look back at her life with satisfaction

The two major types of mood disorders are formally known as

Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder

Which of the following does not belong in the same group as the others


The primary function of _________ is to carry messages away from the central nervous system toward the muscles and glands

Motor neurons

unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathy for their clients characterize the approach of those who practice ________ therapy.


A therapist is helping a client to restructure the way she thinks and alter her distorted self-statements. It sounds as though this therapist is using the ________ approach.


The research of Harry Harlow supported his hypothesis that _____ is the basis for the development of attachment early in life

contact comfort

In the brain, the _______ serves as a relay station between the endocrine system and the central nervous system.


If a researcher defines variables or conditions in terms of the specific procedures used to determine their presence, he or she is using a(n) __________ definition


To eliminate her hallucinations, a woman's therapist has written her a prescription for antipsychotic medication. Her therapist is most likely to be a


electroconvulsive therapy has proven extremely successful at alleviating the symptoms associated with

serious depression

You see a story on television about a woman who stops breathing hundreds of times during the course of the night. Without being told, you realize that this woman suffers from a condition that is technically known as

sleep apnea

A six-year-old child suddenly awakens in a state of extreme arousal accompanied by panicky screams. He is experiencing

sleep terror

The fovea is on the retina of the eye. It is the place where _____.

vision is the sharpest

At the moment of conception, a male's sperm cell fertilizes a female's egg to form the single-cell


Which correlation coefficient must be a mistake?


In the vocabulary of evolutionary theory, you have inherited _________ From your parents.

A genotype

If you were a participant in Kohlberg's research on moral reasoning, the stage of moral development you were in would have been determined by your

Answers to hypothetical moral dilemmas

Phobias differ from fears in that phobias

Are excessive and unreasonable

A child has parents who require him to conform to appropriate rules of behavior that they have established, but they also are willing to talk with him about his concerns. This style of parenting is classified as


Which of the following is most likely to be an assumption of individuals conducting psychological research

Behavior follows discoverable, lawful patterns

A therapist concentrated on changing the behaviors that people have learned. He also deals with what his clients say are their thoughts and values, and their in their interpretations of events. Based on this description, this kind of therapy done NOT seem to contain elements that would characterize it as


Imagine that the size of the structure is the with the peoples brains grow as skills are developed if this were true, you can predict that the size of the_________in a ballerina or Jim this would be larger than normal because of their ability to coordinate bodily movements, control past year, and maintain equilibrium


Imagine that you have received a book about plants for your birthday. As you thumb through it, you come across a plant that apparently produces euphoria, a sense of well-being, and depending on the context, fear, anxiety, and confusion. It's active ingredient is THC and it has psychoactive effects. Because of a course you took at school, you recognize this plant as


All the neurons of the brain and spinal cord make up the _______ nervous system


The nervous system is subdivided into two major divisions. What are they?

Central and peripheral

Tracing some of the structures that light energy encounters as it moves through the eye from the outside world, the sequence is

Cornea, pupil, lens, retina

Tricyclic drugs, SSRIs, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors are most frequently used in the treatment of


The operational definition of the absolute threshold is the stimulus level I which a sensory signal is

Detected half of the time

The operational definition of the absolute threshold is the stimulus level at which a sensory signal is

Detected half the time

If you were a clinician working in the field of psychological disorders in the United States, one of your primary reference tools would be the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

You try a new potato chip and it taste great, so you encourage a friend to try it. You taste a new chip, and then an old-style chip, and finally says that as far as he's concerned, all potato chips taste the same. The behavior of your friend is most similar to what might occur in a study of

Difference threshold

All of the following disorders belong together, except for which one?

Disassociative identity disorder

Popularly known as "split personality" and sometimes called "multiple personality disorder" ________ is a disorder in which two or more distinct personalities exist within the same individual

Dissociative identity disorder

Long-term use of antipsychotic drugs can cause traduce dyskinesia, a co diction in which the dominant symptom is

Disturbance of motor control

When neither research participants nor research assistance are aware of which participants perceive which treatment, researchers have employed a

Double-blind control technique

Nature is to nurture as heredity is to


The DSM contains ___________ axis or dimensions, one of which classifies information based on _________

Five; general medical conditions

A group of adults is asked to learn a new set of ZIP Codes for different areas of the country within a limited period of time. This type of learning requires_________ and is ____________ likely to show a decline with age then is the facet of intelligence that involves knowledge previously acquired and the ability to access it

Fluid intelligence; more

A patient has just received a prescription drug that will decrease her high level of anxiety. It is most likely that the drug she has received will increase the activity of the neurotransmitter


A member of cognitive abilities decline with age, except which of the following?

General knowledge

A women had been diagnosed as having a dissociative disorder. She is most likely to

Have a disturbance in her identity, memory, or consciousness

This drug, classified as an opiate, produces a rush of pleasure when injected and is likely to lead to serious addiction. What is it?


While a women does not consider herself seriously disturbed, she feels the need to resolve some interpersonal problems in order to live a healthier life. Her therapist encourages her to allow herself to become a better person and to use personal freedom to choose the path of her own life. It sounds as though this therapist believes in

Humanistic tradition

You would probably be most concerned if you were being driven somewhere by a person who has the sleep disorder called


Rods operate best in __________; cones operate best in ____________.

Near darkness; bright light

After you present your excuse for missing class, your instructor tells you that she has found that the more classes student miss, the lower their test grades tend to be. This relationship illustrates a

Negative correlation

The image of a key fitting into a keyhole is most useful in understanding how

Neurotransmitters bind to receptor molecules

The subject matter of psychology largely consist of

Observable behavior of humans and other species of animals

The _____ shows where different types of activity are occurring in the brain and involves the use of a safe radioactive substance that is given to participants

PET scan

Which of the following illustrates the use of a within subjects design?

Participants are given a spelling test, asked to meditate for 10 minutes, and then given another spelling test

The placebo effect occurs when

Participants change their behavior because of their belief that a treatment has an affect

A difference threshold is operationally defined as the

Point at which two stimuli are recognized as different half of the time

During acute or active phases of schizophrenia, _____ symptoms are prominent, such as _______.

Positive; hallucinations, delusions, incoherence, and disorganized behavior

a child is in the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development. If Piaget's model is correct, the child will move next to the ______ stage.


The "talking cure," in which people are helped to develop insightful connections between symptoms and unresolved hidden conflicts, is most closely associated with the approach to psychotherapy


Involvement of the brain is not necessary for a person to

Pull his or her hand from a hot stove

The psychologist as generated a hypothesis. Now,

Research is needed to verify if-then link

A student who missed a class because he was sick has a photocopied some class notes, but the top page of one is missing.l, so he can not find the name of the disorder. The notes concern a severe form of psychopathology in which personality seems to be disintegrate, thought and perception are disordered, and emotions are blunted. The class notes must be related to _________ disorder


A psychologist with a cognitive orientation is Counseling a person who is afraid of speaking in front of others. The psychologist is most likely to focus on the

Self-defeating attitudes and perceptions that feed the anxiety

A babysitter works for a couple who has a two-year-old boy. Whenever she arrives at work, she notices that the parents and child always seem to be involved in a confrontation, but with the child demanding to do something and the parents typically restrictive or critical of the child's efforts. Based on Ericksons theory, the child may at risk for developing


Eve had forgotten that she had put on earrings until Adam said that he liked them. East lack of awareness was probably due to

Sensory adaptation

Hey mom takes her young child Alan to the park to play for the first time. When some children give come to speak to Alan, he hides and looks towards his mother as if asking what to do next. Given this information, what type of temperament does Alan most likely have


Which cell part and description is match correctly

Soma; contains the nuclear us and cytoplasm that sustains its life

One of the most widely-used research producers for assessing infant attachment is the

Strange situation test

In the middle of the night, you were here too loud thump outside your bedroom door. Your _________ nervous system increases your heart rate and sends blood away from the internal organs to your muscles, preparing you for the fight or flight. When you learn it is just your roommate coming in late, your _________ nervous system slows down your heart rate and calms you down

Sympathetic; parasympathetic

A boy is afraid of spiders of all size. His therapist asks him to develop a list of the situation last in which spiders create anxiety for him, from the least to the most threatening. Next, he is taught how to relax and let go of tension. Finally, while relaxed, he is asked to imagine the least threatening situation on the list. The procedure used by the boy's therapist is called

Systematic desensitization

The basic emotional pattern an infant displays early and development is known as


An elementary school student is putting together facts for a brochure on alcohol use. The student should check his facts, however, because it is NOT true that

The body can break down alcohol at a very fast rate

Historically speaking, the case of Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who was injured in 1848, is important because it provides evidence for a link between

The brain and complex psychological processes

"Comorbidity" refers to

The existence of more than one disorder in a person at the same time

Which area of the brain undergoes the greatest movement toward maturity from adolescence into young adulthood?

The frontal lobes

Marcia decides to cheat on an online test that she didn't study for. She knows she can't possibly get caught, and is motivated to get an a because her dad promised that he would buy her an expensive gift if she makes a good grade on a test. Which stage of moral development is Marsia most likely in

The preconventional level

And psychological researchers are ready to put their hypotheses to the test, they rely on

The scientific method

Which of the following examples is most like the sensory process of transduction

The use of solar panels to run washing machines

Obsessiveness involve ________; Compulsions involve _______

Thoughts; actions

When she first started taking drugs, a person suffering from an addiction found that they markedly affected her perceptions. Now, however, she finds that greater dosages are required to achieve the same effects. The addict is experiencing


Research shows that depressed people tend to __________ positive feedback and __________ negative feedback

Underestimate; overestimate

A therapist believes that his clients depression is caused by her inability to express anger and her tendency to bottle up feelings. With respect to the goal of classification of psychological disorders, the therapist observations are the most beneficial in

Understanding the etiology

The primary assumption of cognitive therapy is that a major factor underlying abnormal behavior patterns and emotional stress is

What people think and how people think

According to Piaget, ________ modifies new environmental information to fit into what is already known, and _______ restructures existing schemes so that new information is accounted for more completely.

assimilation; accommodation

With respect to parenting styles, parents who apply discipline with little concerned for their child autonomy are classified as ________, Where as parents whose style fails to help children learn about the structure of social rules under which they must live or referred to as ________

authoritarian; indulgent

Your analyst tells you that the reason you cannot remember your early childhood is because you have repressed it. According to Sigmund Freud, unconscious, repressed experiences

can still influence your behavior

The cerebrum is divided into two almost symmetrical halves, called the _______, which are connected by a mass of fibers called the ________.

cerebral hemispheres; corpus callosum

In the brain, the ________ and its surface layer, the ______, integrates sensory information, coordinates your movements, and facilitates abstract thinking and reasoning.

cerebrum; cerebral cortex

The children in a classroom are playing the role of different parts of a neuron and arranging themselves in the order that information follows as it passes along the neuron. Beginning with incoming signals, the correct order is

dendrites, soma, axon, terminal buttons

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