PSY Module 9

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cycle of sleep stages occurs __?__ times during a night

confounding variable

A factor other than the one being studied that might produce an effect in a research study.


A graphic record of the electrical activity of a muscle as recorded by an electromyograph. tracks muscle activity


A recording of changes in electric potential detected by an electrode placed on the surface of the olfactory mucosa as the mucosa is subjected to an odorous stimulus. tracks eye movement

lower, higher

As a person drifts off to sleep, their brain activity slows and gets slower, waves get __?__ in frequency, __?__ in amplitude, during the first hour or so after the person fell asleep.

Sigmund Freud

Basically __?__ proposed that dreams provide a psychic safety valve that discharges otherwise unacceptable feelings (wishes)

limit, ability

Getting a full night of sleep does help the brain reorganize and consolidate information. When sleep deprived people try to learn and remember information, their groggy brains __?__ their __?__ to perform well


In the US and Canada, adults average __?__ hours per night (culture influences sleep)

"first sleep" and "second sleep", 15, hour

Some are awake between nighttime __?__ periods And some find that a __?__-minute midday nap equals another __?__ of nighttime sleep


Stage of sleep considered a transition from wakefulness to sleep. Easy to awaken a person, the EEG record shows the brains neurons are firing in irregular patterns


Stage of sleep marked by appearance of low freq. high amp. waves called delta waves. hard to waken person during this stage.


Stage of sleep marked by bursts of brain activity called sleep spindles in midst of overall slowing of EEG waves, the person in truly asleep at this point

Have participants learn nonsense syllables and then try to recall them

What is the best way to measure whether sleep deprivation affects learning and memory?

experimental design

What type of design should you use to test whether sleep deprivation affects academic performance?

1. Fluency in nonsense syllables 2. Attitudes toward getting a full night of sleep

What were the confounding variables in the sleep deprivation experiment?

night terrors

a sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified; unlike nightmares, night terrors occur during NREM-3 sleep, within two or three hours of falling asleep, and are seldom remembered

sleep apnea

a sleep disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and repeated momentary awakenings


a sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks. The sufferer may lapse directly into REM sleep, often at inopportune times

REM sleep

rapid eye movement sleep; a recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur. Also known as paradoxical sleep, because the muscles are relaxed (except for minor twitches) but other body systems are active.

activation-synthesis theory

theory saying dreams are the brain;s attempt to synthesize random neural activity

alpha waves

type of waves that signify when a person is awake but relaxed (with eyes closed), smooth and regular waves 8-12 Hz

beta waves

type of waves that signify when person has opened their eyes and focused attention on something and is alert/awake, shorter, faster waves 13-24 cycles per second or Hz


false sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus

decreases, increases

production of sleep inducing hormone melatonin __?__ in the morning and __?__ in the evening, thus the presence of light at night makes us stay awake longer

latent content

the underlying meaning of a dream (distinct from its manifest content)

cognition, coherent speech, stimulate reality

Dreams overlap with waking __?__ and feature __?__. They __?__ by drawing on our concepts and knowledge

sleep debt

After a succession of 5-hour nights, we accumulate a __?__ that need not be entirely repaid but cannot be satisfied by one long sleep. "The brain keeps an accurate count of sleep debt for at least two weeks,"


After about age __?__ (a little earlier for women) we shift from being owls to larks.

Freud's wish fulfillment

Dream theory: Dreams preserve sleep and provide a psychic safety valve - expressing otherwise unacceptable feelings (wishes)

neural activation

Dream theory: REM sleep triggers neural activity that evokes random visual memories, which our sleeping brain weaves into stories (like water spray or sounds)

cognitive development

Dream theory: dream content reflects dreamers' level of cognitive development - their knowledge and understanding. Dreams stimulate our lives, including worst-cast scenarios


Dream theory: dreams help us sort out the day's events and consolidate our memories

physiological function

Dream theory: regular brain stimulation from REM sleep may help develop and preserve neural pathways


Dreams of Absent Minded Transgressions (make you feel bad about your behavior when you didn't do anything wrong)


Machine + graph that reads signals the brain gives off, allows one to get a record of brain activity across a night of sleep

evening-energized "owls", improving

Most 20 year olds are __?__ with performance __?__ across the day

larks, declining

Most older adults are morning lover "__?__", with performance __?__ as the day wears on

2/3, 1/3

Newborns sleep __?__ of their day, most adults no more than __?__

smart and creative

Night owls tend to be...?

sleep paralysis

Occurs in the REM sleep, the brainstem blocks messages from the motor cortex so the muscles do not move


Person goes back and forth through stages in __?__ order. Starting with NREM-1, NREM-2, NREM-3, NREM-2, REM, NREM-2, NREM-3, etc. till gets back to NREM-1

think creatively

Sleep helps people __?__ and solve problems


Sleep helps us __?__ by restoring immune system and repairing brain tissue. Also gives neurons time to repair and sleep sweeps away toxic metabolic waste products in the brain


Sleep protects people from dying off and promotes __?__ and protects us from danger

muscle development

Sleep supports growth by activating the pituitary grand to release a hormone that is necessary for __?__


Sleep walking - another __?__ sleep disorder - and sleep talking are childhood disorders and run in families

selective sleep deprivation

Studies of __?__ have confirmed the attribution of need for both stage 3 NREM and REM sleep, because an increasing number of experimental arousals are required each night to suppress both stage 3 and REM sleep on successive nights of deprivation and because both show a clear rebound effect following deprivation.


Thanks to modern lighting, shift work, and social media diversions, many people are up __?__ (light makes people stay up longer)


The __?__ perspective proposes that dreams may help sift, sort, and fix the day's experiences in our memory.

REM rebound

The lengthening and increasing frequency and depth of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep which occurs after periods of sleep deprivation.

- depression - sleep deprived students function at their lowest peak - weight gain - slows reaction time increases errors -weakens immune system

What are some effects of sleep deprivation?

Theta waves

Type of wave - This particular frequency range is involved in daydreaming and sleep. These waves are connected to us experiencing and feeling deep and raw emotions 4-7 Hz


What are often mundane, self-centered, focus on events in personal life or sometimes sexual stuff, and affected by external stimuli (like water being sprayed or music playing that gets incorporated into it?)

people who have healthy sleep patterns, random assignment

Who should you study in this sleep deprivation experiment? And what type of assignment should you use to divide them into two groups (well rested group and sleep deprived group?)

morning oriented

Women become more __?__ as they have children and also as they transition to menopause


__?__ (such as sleeping pills and alcohol) can aggravate the problem (insomnia), reducing REM sleep and leaving the person feeling blah the next day


__?__ regulate sleep patterns in humans and animals

morning types

__?__ tend to do better in school, take more initiative, and are less vulnerable to depression

Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)

a pair of cell clusters in the hypothalamus that controls circadian rhythm. In response to light, the SCN causes the pineal gland to adjust melatonin production, thus modifying our feelings of sleepiness.

hallucinations, movements or actions

a person awakened during REM sleep reports a true dream was in progress, with vivid sensory __?__ and imaginative __?__

sleep spindles

bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain wave activity

periodic stimulation

dreams serve a physiological function, providing the sleeping brain with __?__, allowing the brains neural pathways to be preserved and expanded


persistent problems in falling or staying alseep

partial sleep deprivation

refers to the reduction in the total sleep time relative to one's usual baseline during a 24-hour period. This is probably the most common form of sleep deprivation encountered in everyday life.


sleep aids lead to this state - a state in which increasing doses are needed to produce an effect


sleep helps __?__ memories and reactivates recent experiences stored in the hippocampus and shifts the for permanent storage elsewhere in the cortex

brain, cognitive

some see dreams as part of __?__ maturation and __?__ development

REM Sleep

stage of sleep marked by complete muscle relaxation except eye muscles (which are active) Stage where person dreams

manifest content

the apparent/remembered storyline of a dream

circadian rhythm

the biological clock; regular bodily rythyms (for ex. of temp. and wakefulness) that occur on a 24 hour cycle

top-down control

the cognitive perspective emphasizes our mind's __?__ control of our dream content

delta waves

the large, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep. <4 Hz

alpha waves

the relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed, awake state. 8-12 Hz

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