PSYC 201 Final Exam Study Guide

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George and Janet have been married for 60 years. When asked to share their secret to a long marriage, George MOST likely replied:

"we have learned how to disagree"

Maximum strength potential typically peaks at about age:


Which statement is an example of a gender role?

A man should be the primary wage earner

Which statement about unemployment is FALSE?

Adults who are unemployed experience less stress than those employed.

Which culture holds families fully responsible for elder care?


Which statement about cellular aging is TRUE?

Aging may be caused by the inevitable loss of the ability of cells to duplicate perfectly.

Who is MOST likely to be the healthiest and happiest at age 70?

Annette, who lives with her husband of 40 years

Which individual is MOST at risk for significant brain loss by age 65?

Bill, who drinks five beers per day

The youngest of Dawid and Tuila's three children has just started kindergarten. Dawid and Tuila have had to change their morning and bedtime routines, child-care arrangements, and discipline practices, and the family's income has suffered as a result of this shift, yet they are happy to make these changes for their children. These changes reflect the fact that:

Dawid and Tuila are demonstrating generativity.

One reason that the teenage pregnancy rate in most European nations is less than half of that in the United States may be because:

European schools have an extensive sex-education curriculum

Which statement about age and expertise is TRUE?

Expertise can overcome some of the detrimental effects of age, but not all.

Largely due to the sexual activities of young adults, _____ has become a worldwide epidemic.


Based on demographic trends, which of these middle-aged adults is MOST likely to be obese?

Jon Taye, who is African American

Following Erikson's lead, _____ distinguished four specific ways young people cope with the identity crisis.


Which parent is likely to experience the MOST stress?

Margo, whose child has special needs

Which statement is characteristic of the memory of older adults?

Older adults benefit from using memory aids.

Which brain change in adulthood surprised scientists when it was discovered?

Older people use more parts of their brain.

Which individual will likely find multitasking to be especially challenging?

Rita, who is 55 years old

The number of adults living with their parents has reached a peak, similar to that of:

The Great Depression

White matter lesions start to appear on MRIs after age 50 or so. Which statement about these lesions is FALSE?

They encourage the processing of novel stimuli.

With age, which change occurs in the brain?

Using both hemispheres simultaneously becomes more likely.

Claudia has begun keeping a detailed journal that includes stories of her childhood and early adulthood. She plans to pass her journal down to her grandchildren as a family history so that they can know her in a more intimate way. Her journal is known as:

a life review

Parasuicide refers to:

a suicide attempt that does not end in death

Delilah is currently a 22-year-old college student. Like most of her peers, she believes that premarital sex is:


According to Erikson, the ultimate adolescent psychosocial goal is identity


The view that elderly people need to remain energetic in a variety of social spheres is called:

activity theory

An individual who commits crimes during adolescence but stops by the age of 21 is considered a(n):

adolescence-limited offender

A dynamic longer-term body adjustment that affects overall physiology is referred to as:


_____ refers to the stresses of basic body systems that burden overall functioning, eventually causing hypertension, obesity, and diabetes.

allostatic load

Tracey is pregnant with her first child. She is 19-years-old and is unemployed. She believes that someone else might make a better parent for her child and has decided to place her baby up for adoption. However, she wants to maintain contact with her child after the adoption. Tracey is interested in:

an open adoption

According to Robert Sternberg, a college student who does well on multiple-choice and essay exams likely is high in _____ intelligence.


Fifteen-year-old Gabby has a 10 P.M. curfew. She asks her parents to extend her curfew to 11 P.M. on weekends. When her parents ask her why, Gabby replies, "I've never been late for my 10 P.M. curfew. You can trust me. Can we at least give it a try?" This is an example of _____ thought.


Which type of intelligence is usually MOST valued during high school and college?


Formal, logical, hypothetical-deductive thinking described by Piaget is referred to as:

analytic thought

Secondary sex characteristics are traits that:

are not directly related to fertility

A couple has been trying to conceive a child for 12 months. They decide to consult a doctor about their inability to conceive. After several tests, the doctor suggests that perhaps they will need to use _____ because of a low sperm count.

assisted reproductive technology

The medication that reduces hypertension in middle-aged adults can _____ for the oldest-old.

be harmful

The term imaginary audience refers to adolescent's:

belief that everyone is watching their behavior and appearance

At least initially, remarriage brings which condition?

better health

What is the MOST common form of generativity?

caring for a child

Nate is 23 years old and works in an entry-level sales position at a local company. If he is a typical American adult, in the next few years, he will:

change jobs, perhaps several times.

Personality is plastic, but research suggests that a person's personality will be MOST affected lifelong by:

childhood experiences

The social support networks that prevent physical deterioration also prevent

cognitive decline

A long-term partnership correlates with health and happiness throughout adulthood and late adulthood. For MOST people, then, _____ is the crucial aspect of love in a partnership.


Life satisfaction for the elderly correlates with:


Which strategy is crucial when older people have sensory loss?


When compared with earlier cognition, thinking in adulthood is all the following EXCEPT more:


Which personality trait tends to increase with age?


Healthy communication and support from parents make _____ peer relationships more likely.


Many emerging adults want to engage in sexual activity but know that they are not emotionally ready to be parents. Their solution is:


In older adults, a positive worldview _____ according to the socio-emotional selectivity theory.

correlates with believing that life is meaningful

Over the long run, _____ intelligence is prized whenever life circumstances change or new challenges arise.


In parent and adult child relationships, _____ feel stronger affection toward their parents.


Which vision change is NOT associated with aging in adulthood?

decreasing farsightedness

Which term refers to reasoning from a general statement, premise, or principle, through logical steps, to figure out specifics?

deductive reasoning

When referencing sexual activity, popular media commonly:

depict casual sex as alluring and exciting

The MOST common reversible condition that is mistaken for major neurocognitive disorder is:


According to the text, the fact that many older people begin to demonstrate an interest in painting, music, or woodworking supports the idea that older people:

develop an appreciation for the aesthetic

The identity status characterized by a lack of commitment to any goals or values is:


A man who is almost 65 years old withdraws from his connections with younger people and his coworkers stop asking him for help. Which theory says this behavior is a natural part of aging?


The most controversial version of social stratification theory is _____ theory, in part because it can be used to justify ageism and social isolation.


When generative needs are NOT met, which of the following is a possible negative consequence, as stated in text?

domestic abuse

Now that Fred is 75, he uses selective optimization with compensation while driving. For example, he:

drives more slowly

The idea that cognition should be measured in terms of everyday tasks and circumstances is known as:

ecological validity

Garry thinks he is more unique and admired than other adolescents his age, and is certain that everyone is paying attention to his every action. It appears that he has started to experience adolescent:


Regular exercise helps adults in all these ways EXCEPT:

eliminating the impact of tobacco use

Friendships reach their peak of functional significance during:

emerging adulthood

Michael is an adolescent who experiences sleep deprivation, which makes him more likely to experience all of the following EXCEPT:


Research indicates that middle-aged men and women in committed, monogamous relationships are MOST likely to be _____ with their sex lives.

extremely satisfied

Several of Jake's friends agree to gather Thursday evening and study for their physics exam, and they invite him to come along. Jake's friends are:

facilitating constructive behaviors

For all eating disorders, _____________ is crucial.

family function

_____ adolescents totally reject the religions in which they've grown up.


Individuals who are accepted into families that are not their legal or biological families are called:

fictive kin

Brandon has added a room to his house in anticipation of his elderly parents moving in with him. As their oldest son, he feels obligated to provide care for them out of a sense of:

filial responsibility

Jean Piaget called the reasoning that characterizes adolescence:

formal operational thought

Which neurocognitive disorder is MOST likely to occur prior to age 70?

frontotemporal lobar degeneration

According to Erik Erikson, when individuals are productive in a caring way, they are demonstrating:


Ross is a retired stockbroker who enjoys tutoring children at the local YMCA after school. He is demonstrating the psychosocial stage of:

generativity versus stagnation

Changes in primary sex characteristics include:

growth of the uterus or the testes

Most studies of marriages of long duration find that compared to younger adults, the elderly are:

happier in their marriages

Autopsies show that the brains of Alzheimer's disease victims:

have a proliferation of plaques and tangles.

What is perhaps the MOST stressful experience in a family's life?

having a child

Young adults whose parents were immigrants must reconcile their _____ with their new social context in order to achieve ethnic identity.


Which parts of the brain shrink the MOST in later life?

hippocampus and prefrontal cortex

James and Will are a gay couple who recently married. They wonder what their relationship will be like in 5 to 10 years. If they are like MOST married couples, their happiness will:

hold steady

The first hormones to begin the process of puberty are triggered in the child's:


Elders' relationships with members of younger generations:

include both positive and negative feelings.

Research has found that taking estrogen and progesterone _____ the risk of heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer.


Using ___________ thinking, a person might think, "If it barks like a dog and wags its tail like a dog, it must be a dog."


Which phenomenon has contributed to the worldwide spread of sexually transmitted infections?

international travel

According to Erik Erikson, once an emerging adult has established a sense of identity, he or she needs to resolve which crisis?

intimacy versus isolation

After nearly 20 years with his company, John's job was outsourced. He wants his new job to offer not only a good wage but also job satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. He is focused on the _____ of work.

intrinsic rewards

Although Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development are sequential, the search for identity that begins in the stage of identity versus role confusion:

is ongoing throughout adulthood

Which example relies MOST heavily on crystallized intelligence?

knowing the chemical symbols for various elements

Identity diffusion is typically characterized by:

lack of focus on or concern about the future

According to Erik Erikson, the dichotomy of integrity versus despair is the focus of:

late adulthood

Which hormone is high at the onset of puberty and affects appetite?


Wayne started to behave aggressively at age 5 and by age 8 was caught shoplifting several times. Wayne is now age 25 and has committed armed robbery. Wayne would be considered a(n) _____ offender.


Oliva was a sophomore thriving in college when her father was laid off from his job. Even with financial aid, the family could no longer afford to send her to college, so she left to get a full-time job at a restaurant near the family home. This situation illustrates the _____ of families.

linked lives

Committed partners who maintain separate homes but function as a committed couple are said to be:

living apart together

According to the most recent DSM (DSM-5), dementia is now referred to as:

major neurocognitive disorder

According to research, which statement about the "sandwich generation" is TRUE?

many adults do not feel burdened by their responsibilities

A drop in sex hormones in a woman's bloodstream along with cessation of ovulation and menstruation signal:


A study of adults ages 34 to 83 found that people high in fluid intelligence were exposed to _____ stress and were _____ likely to suffer from it.


In middle adulthood, a person is MOST likely to lose:

nearly an inch in height

Assisted living can be thought of as a combination of:

nursing home care and independent living.

Research suggests that about _____ of the time, divorce ends an abusive, destructive relationship.


The capacity of structures to allow the body to cope with stress via extra, unused functioning ability is referred to as:

organ reserve

Brenda is aware of where her son is whenever he goes out, and she requires him to call if there is any change in plans. This is an example of:

parental monitoring

Common ways to be generative include caregiving, employment, and:


Which is the MOST important nongenetic factor in preventing the onset of cognitive impairment?

physical exercise

Which gland(s) receive(s) signals directly from the hypothalamus during the emergence of puberty?


According to Erikson, _____ identity is an arena of identity formation.


The tendency for elderly people to perceive, prefer, and remember optimistic images and experiences more than negative ones is referred to as:

positivity effect

In the United States, which activity is one of the IADLs?

preparing income tax returns

A significant loss of hearing associated with senescence is referred to as:


Personality traits present at age 18 _____ by age 25.

rarely disappear

According to Erik Erikson, the stage of "intimacy versus isolation":

reflects the desire to share one's life with someone else.

Muscles weaken with age, a condition called:


At age 17, Zack aspired to become a serious musician. His group of friends began to change as he grew closer to students with deep musical interests, and he drifted away from other friends who were more engaged in sports. This illustrates peer:


Paul and Margret Baltes have found that adults use their intellectual strengths to offset their age-related declining abilities through the process of:

selective optimization with compensation

Charles, who is 55 years old, did not realize how much his physical appearance had changed until he saw a picture of himself taken 20 years ago. Charles's gradual change in physical appearance was due to:


Which term would be ageist?


Overall brain slowdown is evident in which way?

slower reaction time

Bill moved across the country to advance his career. Although he moved alone, he soon developed a group of coworkers and friends who became like a family to him. They served as his: kinkeeper.

social convoy

The group of people who move through life with an individual while providing both protection and encouragement is called a:

social convoy

According to Erik Erikson, an adult's failure to achieve generativity results in:

stagnation and personal impoverishment

The idea that opportunities and roles are determined based on age is referred to as:

stratification by age

Theories that describe the ways in which societies place people on a particular life path are called:

stratification theories

Research indicates that female children who experienced a great deal of _____ while very young also experienced early puberty.


Practical intelligence is sometimes called "_____ intelligence," because it is not obvious on tests.


Which is the BEST example of fluid intelligence?

the ability to quickly recognize relationships between words

Gender refers to:

the cultural or social attributes of being male or female

The fact that many elderly people take many different medications means that:

the drugs can interact and produce adverse reactions.

Some teenagers seem able to skate, play basketball, or dance for hours without rest. This increased endurance is BEST explained by

the growth of the heart and lungs

Nadiene says, "There is no way I am going to school today with this pimple on my cheek. Everybody is going to laugh at me." Nadiene is demonstrating:

the imaginary audience

Which physical change does NOT typically occur in middle adulthood?

the spaces between the spinal disks widen

Fluid intelligence includes:

the speed of processing mathematical information.

The primary reason older people receive less input into their brains is that:

their senses decline, reducing the sensory input

The main reason people may not notice the "young-old" is that:

they do not fit society's stereotypes of the elderly.

One of the MOST prominent aspects of formal operational thought is the ability to:

think in terms of possibilities.

Suicidal ideation refers to:

thinking about suicide

Disengagement is more likely among:

those low in SES

Each stereotype adds to stratification and thus adds to the risk of problems, perhaps putting those who are female, non-White, and poor in:

triple jeopardy

Practical intelligence, one form of Robert Sternberg's intelligences, would be needed to

understand the needs of family members

All these workers are quite likely to remain in the paid labor force after age 60 EXCEPT a(n):

unionized mechanic at a local factory

The changes of primary aging are:


The connection between the ___________ and the limbic system changes during puberty, and that increases risk-taking behavior.

ventral striatum

When elderly individuals live near each other and pool resources to promote aging in place, this is called:

village care

Which experience is LEAST likely to be associated with hearing loss?

watching television

Which theory of aging proposes that the body breaks down, part by part, after years of use?


Organ reserve power decreases each _____, but it usually does not matter, because people rarely need to draw on it.


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